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fog, plenty of clear skies this morning and we will see mostly sunny skies for the day today as well. not bad. let's take a look at the current temperatures around the region. told you it is cold. 44degrees at reagan national. 33 at dulles. bwi marshall is at 37 degrees. your forecast for today, a simple one. we'll see mostly sunny skies, a mild afternoon, warmer than yesterday. 64degrees for your high today. do enjoy it. we'll have more on the weather coming up in just a little bit. >> let's check in with julie wright now. she has a bumpy ride starting off our morning. >> i know. it is a monday morning and already some serious problems out here on the road. it is an overturned box truck. it is not a tractor-trailer which we initially thought. it is a box truck but it is overturned on its side. eastbound 50 closed after 704. heads up there. coming inbound, lanes are open. outer loop of the beltway, still checking for the crash reported near route 1 in college park. a little bit of fog coming in from the west. live shot of 66. in spite of the fog, lanes are open leaving manassas towards centreville. a female student at frostburg state university is murdered, reportedly during an argument in a house off campus. >> the accused killer is another female frostburg student. stacy cohan has more on this story. >> reporter: 19-year-old courtney mccoy was a fixes major, a resident advisor at frostburg and sang in a gospel choir. she grew up in baltimore and police say she died trying to break up a fight. it happened sunday morning at an off-campus house. police have identified shanai liggins. police say she stabbed mccoy in the head. >> this was not a random act and we still consider this to be a safe community. >> i know like violence happens a lot but you don't expect it to be like so close to you. >> it's just scary especially when you know the person. >> reporter: ho homicides on college campuses are considered rare, this is the second murder at forecastburg state in as many years. 20-year-old brandon carroll was shot to death at an off-campus party. earlier this year, alexis simpson was stabbed to death. jerry sandusky was taken into custody over the weekend twosm other penn state officials, gary schultz and tim can you curley have agreed to step down. a pennsylvania jump has arraigned jerry sandusky on 40 criminal counts. then demitra says from 1994 to 2009, sandusky abused at least eight boys. the incidents aralled to have happened in sandusky's home and on the penn state campus. >> he is facing mandatory sentences in the felony counts. >> reporter: his attorney says the charges are a severe blow to the former coach. >> jerry is very, very depressed. he is very upset. he is very distraught about the charges, the allegations and the knowledge that, regardless of whether he is eventually proves his guilt or innocence, people are going to think he did this. >> reporter: those who know sandusky are taken aback by the allegations. >> until i hear it from his mouth, i won't believe it. >> reporter: he is a -- >> he is a great guy. >> it makes me question a lot of other things. >> two other officials are expected to turn themselves in on monday in charges of a cover- up. talking politics now in the race for the white house. herman cain still neck and neck with mitt romney. cain says he is done talking about it. we'll have more coming up. a warning from police after four attempted abducts in one part of virginia. we've got what you need to know on that on the other side of the break.  [ mom ] haddy, come on. wewe got a new book! yay! [ female announcer ] storytime is not for reading. this is a story about jingle the husky pup. and jingle was a good dog. [ jingle ] ruff! ruff! jingle loved to bark hello. ruff! ruff! ruff! ruff! [ mom ] jingle even loved to sing. ruff! ruff! ruff! ruff! jingle! [ female announcer ] it's for bringing stories to life in a whole new way. jingle, stay. and jingle did. [ female announcer ] hallmark interactive story buddies. when you read key words, jingle responds. you don't decide when vegetabless reach the peak o of perfectio. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. making headlines this morning, an alert to residents in spotsylvania, virginia after four separate attempts at abductions in the past month. an 8-year-old said she was approached by a stranger in a van on saturday but when the man tried to get the girl to come into the van, she ran inside the home. the sheriff's demeanor is searching for possible suspects -- the sheriff's department is searching for possible suspects. the hunt is on for two thieves that ripped off bowie girl scouts selling cookies outside a wal-mart. this happened last weekend at the store on crane highway. police say a man asked how much cookies cost and grabbed the cash box and took off running into nearby woods actually witness chased after him but backed off when another man told her he would catch the thief. it turns out that man was actually working with the thief. the two suspects made off two $200. after a week of beating back sexual harassment allegations, herman cain decided he was done talking about it. fox caught up with the presidential hopeful to try to get more answers. >> i knew that there was nothing to these baseless claims. i knew that. even though i may not have responded on monday morning as crisply and precise as i did later in the day, i would do it all over again if i had to. wanted to send a message. >> he did not cancel a single engagement or interview but he did change a press conference here in d.c. into a brief statement and took no questions leaving through a back door. occupy d.c. protesters still fired up about three of their own getting hit by a car. they claim to have new evidence against the driver who was not charged. we haven't seen celebrated thanksgiving yet but the cap toll christmas tree is on its way to the white house. we'll have details on the other side of the break. also coming up, we have the latest on your forecast for today. it is not a bad one. we'll take a look at the week ahead. julie wright has word on some traffic problems that we've got already this morning. stay with us. fox 5 morning will be right back.  [ screaming ] [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. the capital christmas tree on the way to the district right now. crews chopped down the 65-foot white fir out of hits home in the sierra nevadas in california hand picked for its color, fullness and shape. the capital christmas tree lighting ceremony is set for december 6th at 5:00 p.m. a few days after the national tree lighting on the ellipse. >> that is quite a haul all the way from california. >> wonder if the other trees next to it were going way to go, represent. >> or were they like should have been me. >> my branches are fuller. >> although i'm still alive. >> that is a good way to look at it. >> fine weekend, very, very nice. another nice day today, even nicer. get ready, everybody, because your sunrise will be earlier this morning than it has been. we'll show you the temperatures from yesterday. yesterday's highs, reagan national, 59 degrees. we've got cold temperatures across the region. we are at 43 degrees here in the district. 36 in gaithersburg. plenty of 30s out there. manassas is at 30. quantico is at 40. so a cold start to the day. we have fog in some areas and it is dense fog in some areas. so you want to allow a little extra time buff head out the door. high pressure continues to dominate for today. we've got a nice warm-up for today in advance of this cold front that. won't be impacting us for a while. it will be later on in the week when that gets here. for today, another quiet day with temperatures in the low to mid-60s for your highs. therefore, the forecast looks like this. sunny skies, a mild afternoon. 64degrees for your high temperature today. very, very pleasant. it is actually a couple of degrees above normal. mostly clear tonight and cool, height wind. 44degrees for your overnight low. five-day forecast, not a bad one. once again, tomorrow, up into the mid- and upper 60s the way things look right now. a very nice day. i think wednesday is nice through the day. clouds build in. maybe some showers overnight wednesday into thursday. look like on thursday, we'll get some showers. not a rainout but some shower activity and then temperatures cool off at the end of the week. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. now, let's get more on the morning's rush hour traffic from julie wright. >> busy start to our monday drive. here we are live. this is going to be outbound route 50 well east of 704. that is where we had the accident activity. hard to see in the dark but i am told it is an overturned box truck, overturned on its side. some traffic is able to skate by single file to the right using the right shoulder only. so again, this is coming outbound on route 50 away from the capital beltway here. the right shoulder is all that is able to get by at this point. a lot of fire and rescue units on the scene so expect a backup there. coming inbound towards the capital beltway, your lanes are open. more problems to report on the beltway as you continue to work younecessarily here in manassas. this is looking pretty good coming in eastbound on 66 towards centreville. but the accident activity will be on the inner loop of the beltway leaving i-95 headed around towards route one college park. we have the right lane of two blocked off with activity. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. day two of jury deliberation in the michael jackson death case. jurors left without come tying verdict on friday. dr.conrad murray has pleaded not guilty of manslaughter. prosecutors say murray administered a fatal dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol back in june of twine. the defense maintains jackson gave himself the dose that killed him. the occupy d.c. protesters say they plan to release evidence today proving that a driver intentionally hit four demonstrators in two separate incidents on friday night. it is a far different story than what police and some witnesses are telling. roz plater has the latest on this still-developing story. >> we'll be unavailabling two police reports showing there were two incidents, not one. >> reporter: protestors at occupy d.c. claim they have video evidence and police reports that support hair claim that on friday night, the same driver hit a total of four protesters in two separate incidents when protesters had firmed ring around the d.c. convention center. the first police report they showed us says about 10:00 that night, a woman was injured in a hit and run at 800 l street in northwest. protesters say the victim is this woman, georgia pierce who was taken to the medstar trauma unit. the second report says a driver struck tea people at seventh and mowptd vernon place. the protester claim the driver hit the first protester under the walkway at the d.c. convention center, turned the corn are and struck a second group. >> are you aware of another woman struck. >> involving this driver, i'm not. >> reporter: a rather contentious news conference on saturday night attended by a group of occupy d.c. protesters, the assistant police chief said he had no knowledge of a second incident involving the same driver. protest everys are angry that the ohio family he struck was cited in the hospital but there are no charges for the driver. police say they based the decision not to charge the driver on the accounts of two noninvolved witnesses who said the driver hay green light. >> i don't think that gives the driver the right to strike anybody. but if somebody drunk dives in front of the car, that does weigh a lot on how the accident occurred and what the outcome of the accident was. >> we were in the street. the police were blocking behind us and i don't know -- i'm not going to pretend to know what color the light was at that moment in time but a green light i don't think gives anybody the right to just mow down a group of people who are standing there peacefully. >> reporter: we asked to take a look at the video the protesters say will support their side of the story but we are told they plan to release it on monday when the woman who was struck is well enough to give her account of what happened. in the global economic crisis, much of the focus has been on greece. >> many of the americans have been asking the question, why should we care? we have what you need to know coming up after the break. stay with us. for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. in nigeria, more than 100 people killed when religious violence broke out. the state department is telling americans to avoid western luxury hotels. now to the financial woes in europe. the big questions is why should you care? >> if greece plummets into bankruptcy, the rest of europe would be fragile and wall street would likely suffer. we have a report. >> reporter: wall street is bracing for impact because of the turmoil in the euro zone. after a week of uncertainty, the greek prime minister is now being called the, quote, outgoing pm. he he attended an emergency cabinet meeting sunday. he has been facing calls from all sides to step down. country's president has assured its citizen and financial minds within the eu that an initial agreement has been reached, creating an interim government in order it push a european debt agreement through parliament. ments a coalition designed to assure safe passage for austerity measures and trying to steady the country and steer it out of the path of default. opinion polls published in greek newspapers on sunday show mixed perspectives. >> i think that both parties operate on their own individual interests. >> reporter: there is a lot at stake here. with the possibility of the country's default and what that could do to the euro zone's financials. a greek bankruptcy would weaken the entire system. why should americans care? europe is a bigger market than china for u.s. product. there are no big economic numbers coming out this week and investors will be watching european more than they did last week when we saw huge volatility based on what has already happened on the greek stage. in new york, brenda butner, fox news. some arm lagging news about the wealth gap in the united states. a new report finds a disparity between the young and old is the widest on record. the typical u.s. household headed by a person aged 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a house old headed by someone under 35. according to an analysis of census data. we'll check with tony after the break. we'll get an update on the forecast. also a check on traffic from julie wright. that is coming up next. plus, today's top story, a maryland college student brutally murdered. the latest from police plus a look at the big picture of campus crime. we'll be back after this. and melty cheese served toasted on freshly baked italian bread. get it pronto, cuz this november only, it joins our everyday $5 footlongs! subway. eat fresh. ♪ when life gets busy... there are days where you want to give your immune system some support. try airborne. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. try airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets! easy-off oven cleaner cuts through five times more grease than the leading all-purpose cleaner. cook with passion. clean with easy-off. welcome back. taking a live look over the win. better crank up that heater, turn on the bun warmers because it is a little chilly out there. that is what i call them, the bun warmers. >> the bun warmers? >> the seat warmer. a little bun warmer. >> whatever it takes. >> you do what gout to do it is chilly out there. -- you do what you got to do. it is chilly out there. we have some fog out there. we have some fog in the western suburbs, dense fog in some locations. visibility down to a half mile or less in some regions. you want to be aware of that. let's take a look at what is going. on we'll start with vipir. we'll show you a radar image. not much to see here. well out to the west is a frontal boundary that won't be impacting us any time soon. there are rain showers associated with it and more cool air. we won't deal with that until the middle and end part of the week. we are dry now and things are quiet. temperatures across the region, 43 degrees now in washington, d.c. baltimore is at 36. ocean city, 34. dulles airport, 32. winchester is also at the freezing mark. your day planner for today, a mild day, lots of sunshine. highs today into the low and mid-60s. not bad at all. do enjoy the day. the week gets to have another nice start. >> beautiful. thank you, tony. >> let's check with julie on the roads. >> we've got some major tie-ups out there. we have a live shot from the scene of this accident eastbound on 50 just past 704. this is where we have the overturned box truck on its side and that is what you can get a clear picture of right here. this thing flipped over about an hour ago and it is still on its side. not sure what the contents were of this vehicle if any. traffic coming from the capital beltway headed outbound towards bowie squeezes by using the right shoulder only. if you are coming inbound, your lanes are open. it is eastbound single file to the right using the shoulder. westbound towards the beltway, your lanes are open. we'll take it back inside. on the inner loop traveling between 59 college park and route 1, accident activity here in the service road. that is what is blocking the left lane two of eastbound on 66 approaching nutley street. stalled car in the left lane. 66 out here in the west towards manassas. no problems reported. volume increasing headed towards centreville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story, a brutal murder at frostburg state university. the school in mourning after a 19-year-old student was stabbed and killed over the weekend. >> let's get the latest from stacy cohan. she is live in the news rome with more. >> reporter: 19-year-old kortneigh mccoy was apparently trying to break up a fight when she was killed. it happened at a house just across from the campus. a senior, shanee liggins is charged in the crime. mccoy grew up in baltimore. she was a physic major and call herself a flower child on her facebook page. her family is devastated. >> very helpful, very caring and very, very sincere. i know that whatever happened, she went in with just the idea of trying to create peace because that is all she was about. >> frostburg is at a sapped still because my daughter has been murdered. not because you did it. >> reporter: friends say mccoy had eventually planned on a career in medicine. liggins is being held without bond in this case. she is originally from waldorf, maryland. back to you. >> thank you. violence on college campuses, a growing concern. >> will thomas spoke with an advocate for victims, angela rose, who was inspired to peek out -- -- to speak out for victims after she was attacked. >> reporter: are you surprised that the accuse is a female. >> this day and age, it is bothenders perpetrating crime. >> a nephew of representative elijah cummings was found murdered. in september, a bowie state student was killed. her roommate is accused. are violent crimes on and near college campuses becoming more common in your opinion? >> i think we are seeing an increase in crime. bats st because of the normalization of violence. you see on tv so many violent crime that are occurring in mainstream media on prime time sitcoms so i think we need to have a conversation with our kids about these things. >> you think there is a correlation between what kids are watching and listening to and their actions. >> absolutely. we do. and we've partnered with security on campus to launch the safe campus strong royces campaign that is i way for college campuses to work together and to also focus on bistander intervention that we have to work together to create a sieve community and if you see something that you have to say something. >> reporter: and pave is a nonproffer its. it also stands for promoting awareness victim empowerment. you travel all over the country promoting this? >> i absolutely do. we see how wide spread these crimes are. so many parents have a false sense of security that their students, their children are going to be safe when unfortunately, statistics show even one in four girls will be sexually assaulted during their time on campus. >> you lead me into my last question here as my time is running out. what do you tell parents who are planning to send their kids off to college or who have them there now. >> we have to engage parents to be a part of the solution to take time to talk to your children about campus crime, anything from what to say, what to do if something like this happens. we have to engage parents to have a conversation with their kids. >> open the lines of communication. we hear that from experts all the time. ang larks you are no exception. thank you for joining us again. -- angela, you are no exception. tens of thousands of vehicles on the recall list. we'll have details coming up. occupy d.c. not the only group protesting in the look at what prompted thousands of people to gather in lafayette square coming up next on fox 5 morning news.  could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin's new smokehouse sausage breakfast sandwich with sausage from hillshire farm. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. two protests at the white house merge into one. thousands gathered at lafayette square sunday exactly one year ahead of the 2012 elections. the group is opposed to plans for a trans-national oil pipeline. another group also in lafayette square calling on about. p to make good on payments to victims of the gulf oil disaster that. group also promise ising to demonstrate this morning at the office of the bp fund czar. a local puppy is looking for a good home this morning. this # week old chow somehow became strandnated five foot deep well at an empty house. a neighbor heard the puppy's cries and called for help. another puppies and the mom were not found. the hue many society of washington says the chow will soon be available for adoption. volunteers by the way named him sunny. >> a cute puppy. how many homeless are living on local streets. one group is looking into that this week. bethesda cares will today begin to make a name by name registry of the homeless in parts of montgomery county. they want to find out who has been on the streets the longest and who is in most need of medical care. the nonprofit says the number of homeless in montgomery county has increased 77% in the last three years. halloween comes late for some towns up north. coming up next on fox 5rbg the latest on the power outages continuing to plague parts of cop con. bieber fighting back now. how he plans to respond to one woman's allegations that he fathered her child. hild. and we're taking a live look outside as we head to break near the pentagon. julie will have the latest on your traffic. kind of a bumpy ride so far. we'll check in with her after the break.  nine days after the october snowstorm, steps of thousands in connecticut still have no power. the main utility there did not reach its goal to restore power to 99% of its customers. >> some may not get lights back on until wednesday. that includes heat as well. rob are the moses reports from bridgefield, connecticut. >> reporter: march nature made another appearance here but this time she arrived in a much kinder gentler form as nine- year-old lane murder object's halloween costume. lane was one of hundreds of trick or treater who worked door to door on sunday. the town postponed halloween because of last weekend's storm. you still don't have power? >> no. >> what has that been like this week? >> annoying and cold. >> reporter: so just how cold has it been? >> when we visited the murdochs dark home, the thermostat read 45 degrees. >> this is unbelievable. i've never seen anything like it. in florida, we had category four and five hurricanes. i never went this long without power. >> reporter: crews are spread out trying to get the power back o we a these workers from baltimore gas and electric as well as some from con edison. >> we are approaching 60 line crews and 30 tree crews and a multitude of electrician crews that are responsible no doing the individual home hook-ups. but this is day eight and something has to change. >> reporter: those without power could come to ridgefield town hall to recharge electronics and access the internet. stanley kai, a high school junior, got some good introduce while he was there. >> i just got my power back. >> that is as sweet as the candy these trick or treaters got, although a week late. >> it is not natural at all. it is too cold. snow on the ground t doesn't feel right. >> we're like halloween is coming. it was really annoying but we get to have it. >> the damage repairs after an earthquake in oklahoma too. it was centered about 45 miles northeast of oklahoma city. a tower suffered significant damage and parts of a local highway buckled from the quake. fortunately, nobody was hurt. >> we know how that feels, i guess. >> strange things going on. >> that, the snowstorm. but today, not so strange. >> today, it will be fine. it will be a very nice day. we are getting off to a chilly start and we've got some fog out there this morning. aside from that, it will be a good day today. let's take a look at your weather headlines. they are not bad. high pressure still dominates. that means quiet, calm conditions and lots of sunshine for us today and for tomorrow as well, i think. we'll finally get some clouds in here on wednesday. temperatures are going to be rising. we were in the upper 50 l s yesterday. we'll make it into the 60s today. and then showers return we think on thursday, possibly as early as wednesday night but it looked like right now for thursday, we'll have some shower activity across the area. let's check out those temperatures. we'll show you where we stand. we are at 43 degrees here in washington. 40 at quantico. annapolis at 44-degree some. cold spots, frederick, maryland, 28 degrees there. 32 at dulles airport. 32 in manassas. 41 in stevensville, maryland. -- annapolis at 44 degrees. lots of 30s and 40s here. cape hatteras, 56 degrees. milder air will be working its way in here. 55 in detroit right now. here is a look at the sentinel satellite-radar. what this does not depict for you is the fog. we do have dense fog to the west of the washington area. so, for example, around the beltway, the american legion bridge, you will encounter some fog, some of the low-lying areas out towards leesburg, places like that. meanwhile, the rest of the area is quiet and, as you can see, we've got plenty of sunshine in store for us for today. the forecast for today is this one. sunny skies, a mild afternoon, 64 degrees for your high. that is a couple of degrees above normal. for tonight, we'll see cool conditions. it will be a quiet night. mostly clear. your overnight low in town, 44 degrees. we'll see lots of folks in the 30s overnight tonight. five-day forecast,ments a pretty decent one. tomorrow, even milder. 67degrees for your high. a few clouds but a good amount of sunshine. a good amount of sunshine for the early part of wednesday. clouds build in. 65, rain showers during the day on thursday and then we cool off as we head towards the end of the week. 52 for your high on friday. that is the latest on the weather. now, here is julie wright with a look at this morning's rush hour traffic. >> i know. monday morning, you're supposed to be stretching, wiping the sleep out of your eyes, still snuggling down in bed and hitting the snooze button. none of that is going to work for you. you need to go. we have accident activity eastbound on route 50 that occurred after 704 involve an overturned box truck. you will find this activity east of 704. the cab of the vehicle has been uprighted but again, it is the body of this box struck that is still overturned on its side. they are hoping to get it upright shortly but traffic coming eastbound on 50 from the beltway headed in towards bowie squeezing by using the right leap only. westbound traffic, all lanes are open. traffic is rub are nexting past the scene but no incidents to report leaving 50 headed outbound towards bowie. single file to the right is all that will squeeze you by. we'll take you back inside. for those traveling 395 north leaving duke street, no problems to report continuing past duke street headed up towards seminary road. eastbound along 66, the lanes are open. no problems to report leaving manassas headed in towards centreville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. on the recall list this morning, more than 38,000 pontiac g-8 vehicles. the national highway traffic safety administering says the air bag modules for the 2008 and 2009 models might not comply with federal standards for head injury protection. general motors says no complaints, crashes or injuries have been reported related to the issue. it is all part of an effort to go green. howard county executive will unveil the county's first plug- in charging station for hybrid and electric vehicles today. the station is location to the left of the main entrance of the thomas dorsey building in columbia. it is equipped with five 240- volt charge outlets for residents and county employees to use. in the buzz bin, teen sensation justin bieber taking claims that he fathered a child head-on now. he says he will tax a dna test to prove he is not father of the 3-month-old baby and his team of lawyers are going to file a huge lawsuit against the 20-year-old woman making those claims. she says bieber impregnated her back taken after one of his concerts last year. reality star kim arrest dashian few flue -- kim kardashian flew to minnesota to meet up with kris humphries. >> still talking about this. >> yeah, apparently. a tough might for the burgundy and gold. what can the washington redskins do to try to prevent their season from going from bad to ugly. dave ross joins us next. as we head to break right now, this keptian runner shattered the record at the new york city marathon clocking in at two hours, six minutes and three seconds. more than two and a half minutes faster than the previous record set 10 years ago. he won the boston marathon back in april when the world's mastest marathon time ever two hours, three minute and five seconds. i would still be running this morning.  [ man ] i got this citi thank you card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. 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