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temperatures. 72degrees in baltimore. 70 out at dulles airport. patuxent naval air station, 70 degrees. winchester is at 64 degrees. we do have partly cloudy skies this morning but as the day progresses, we'll see plenty of sunshine, we feel. maybe a few more clouds moving through during the afternoon hours and some of those clouds could produce some scattered showers and thunderstorms. not everyone will get it but there could be a few that pop up here and there. so we'll keep our eyes open for that. that would be late in the afternoon, maybe during the evening rush hour. forecast for today then, sunny, very warm, humid, scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. high today about 83 degrees. if we have a thunderstorm, could see some gusty winds during that storm. more details coming up in just a little bit. >> thank you, tony. >> let's check in with lauren demarco and get a look at traffic this morning. >> good morning. things looking pretty good out there. we have light volume on our area roadways as you head southbound out of 95 from maryland to baltimore. all the way down and not much in your way. let's take a live look from luray el as you head past 198. southbound traffic moving without a problem. things look good as you head on to the beltway in college park as well. now, traveling in virginia, here we are at the beltway near 66. we had some overnight construction there. that wraps up. your lanes reopen and you can see not much of a problem. 66 itself heading inbound, no problems out of manassas all way in past route 50 fair oaks and then continuing from nutley street in toward the beltway. nothing in your way. 95, 395 also running well. do you want to watch for the work zone between new york avenue between fourth or penn street down to just two lanes. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. back to you. >> thank you. our big story this morning, stager behind bars in connection with yesterday's stabbing at the national zoo. d.c. police have charged a 16- year-old with assault with intent to kill. this happened during a massive fight at the zoo. police say a group of young people jumped and stabbed a teenager. police also say the attack continued after the victim left the zoo. zoo visitors described what they saw. >> the first thing we saw, there was a rush on a 7-eleven. we saw a whole bunch of of people running through the zoo. >> police i the teen was stabbed in the arm and side. he was taken to the hospital. -- police say the teen was stabbed in the arm and side. he is still at the hospital in stable condition. d.c. voters will head to the polls today for a special election. they are choosing a new at- large councilmember. nine candidates are vying for the seat. officials say it is unusual to have so many names in a special election like this one. many. the candidates are unknown but let's start with a handful of familiar ones. vincent orange, former wards 5 councilmember who ran unsuccessfully for mayor. su cu. bittle has been endorsed by mayor vincent gray. patrick mara is endorsed by the washington examiner, the "washington post" and the fraternal order of police. next you see long time activist brian weaver. he is the choice of georgetown voice, the city paper. joshua lopez who is 27 has strong links to mayor adrian fenty. the other candidates are lesser known like tom brown, dorothy douglas. we were unable to get a picture of her. polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. developing story. as violence increases in syria, at least 11 pro-democracy demonstrators were killed yesterday when tanks fired at random at he protester. officials are urging americans to leave the country and while the white house says it is discussing possible sanctions with the u.n., it could also involve asset freezes and travel bans on the syrian president. the nfl players scored a victory. a federal judge ordered an immediate end to the lockout by nfl owners. a group of plays filed the injunction request and an antitrust lawsuit against the league. owners are expected to file an appeal. the labor dispute largely centers on how $9 billion in revenue will be divided. redskins owner dan snyder is refiling a lawsuit against the washington city paper, this time here in the d.c. region. this all started with an article and a photograph showing him with horns, bushy eyebrows and dollar signs. sarah simmons is live with the reasons why he decided to refile. >> reporter: the op-ed piece in the "washington post," it went online last night but this is where he announces it, why he says -- the title it is why i am suing washington city paper. he says he is refiling a lawsuit against the paper but only for legal reasons. he says he does expect to be criticized again over this. what started it all was an article that was written in the city paperback in november called the cranky redskins fans guide to dan snyder. it pointed out several things that snyder says are not true. now, the main factual error that he quoted about and talked about in this article seems to be this. this is a portion of that article. it says this is the same dan snyder who got caught forging names as a telemarketer for snyder communications. now, snyder says this is false. it is a factual assertion and accuses him of a serious crime which he say is not true. here is a portion of the op-ed piece in which he says: the city paper has responded to this in a statement to fox 5 saying that the lawsuit that was filed in new york had no merit and says, when it is refiled again here in washington, d.c., it will have no merit as well. back to you. >> thank you. looks like another big name eyeing a run for the white house. up next, we'll tell you who is set to make an announcement today. nfl quarterback michael vick is going to battle against dog wars. we'll explain that one. mary! hey! wow, you look great! thanks! it's this new wish yourself thin program. i just wish it and it happens. it's probably those fiber one bars you're eating. i know they help me stick to my diet. the bars are 90 calories and the fiber helps you feel full. 90 calories and high fiber. so that's why this diet thing is working. but it's weird because my wish for lorenzo came true. [ male announcer ] fiber one 90 calorie bars. hungry no. results yes. from air wick, a choice of elegant fragrances, like white lily and orchid, to brighten up your world. add a touch of sophistication to your home, with the white collection from air wick. looking for fragrance that lasts ? try new air wick double fresh. it warms two refills simultaneously, filling any room with long-lasting fragrance. a somber ceremony in the u carolina marks 25 years sin the worst nuclear accident in history. hundreds gathered in the small city about 5 miles from the chernobyl disaster site, the service beginning at the exact home the plant's number fewer nuclear reactor exploded. since the explosion, thousands of children have developed thyroid cancer but the exact number of deaths blamed on the disaster remains in dispute. ron paul is expected to announce today that he is forming a 2012 presidential exploratory committee. the texas congressman's 2008 iowa caucus campaign manager says he will speak about his plans this noon at an event in iowa. he has a strong backing by many tea supporters. mississippi governor haley barbour has claimed he will not be running. he visited several states with early presidential contests. nfl quarterback michael vick and the humane society are asking google to drop a dogfighting application build to run on the android software. the app called dog wars has sparked outrage online. players raise and train a digital dog to fight against another player's dog. vick says it is important not to glorify animal cruelty. the game's developer say the intention was satire. an emotional farewell for william donald schaefer. >> up next, a tribute in baltimore. we'll show you how one organization fulfilled one of schaefer's wishes. also coming up in just a few moments, we'll give you the latest on today's forecast. it will be another hot one. we'll tell that you much. lauren demarco is in for julie wright. she will tell us what is happening with traffic. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back. [ asst mgr ] what are you doing? fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal! that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no, delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes. sy veer last night in arkansas has claimed several lives. this is youtube video of a tornado forming about 25 miles north of little rock. the twister killed two people in that town. the national weather service says it believes there were 12 tornadoes in arkansas yesterday. flood waters have killed three people. it has been a very rough spring, it seems. >> last year, it was very rough and doing it again with deadly consequences across portions of the plains states and the midwest. could be more severe weather in portions of that area again today. for us, it will be a warm, summery humid day maybe with some thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening. current tells across the region in the 60s and 70s. yes, it is 5:16 in the morning. -- current temperatures across the region in the 60s and 70s. 07 in gaithersburg. frederick, maryland, 67. fredericksburg is 70 degrees. 70 in annapolis. so a warm start to the day. satellite-radar composite for the region, there are a few clouds out there this morning. nice sliver of moon out there this morning as well. there is your severe weather. it is out moving across portions of indiana, kentucky, tennessee, places like that. there are some thunderstorms. i don't think there is much in the way of severe weather early this morning but this is the system that has produced the severe weather. we will continue to see this track to the east. it won't be impacting us today. but by the latter part of tomorrow and into thursday, it will. take a look at the futurecast. talking about precipitation. for us, it is humid out there. that is about it. we don't have the fog that we had yesterday. during the course of the day today, during the afternoon and evening, we could see a couple of showers pop up here and there and there is a possibility of a thunderstorm or two popping up as well here or there. most of the really heavy weather remains well off to the west. then, by the latter part of wednesday, you see that frontal boundary beginning to make its presence known in the general area. that is when we'll have a better chance of some showers and thunderstorms passing through, straight through into thursday morning, some heavy rain and thunderstorm activity. forecast for today though looks like this. sunny, warm, humid, scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. not everyone will get them. officially, about a 0% chance of that. 83 for your high today. then for tonight, another warm night with overnight lows in the upper 60s. partly cloudy skies and again, a few early thunderstorms here and there. five-day forecast, we stick with the summery forecast for tomorrow as well. warm, humid, a better chance of afternoon thunderstorms popping up into the evening and then lasting into the early morning thursday. than we'll get those out of here. we'll have a cooler day, 73. friday and saturday look nice right now and we could use it. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. now, let's get an update on traffic. for that, we go to lauren demarco. >> we are looking pretty good. so far, so good as you head inbound on new york avenue. we are down to just the two lanes because of that new work zone between fourth or penn street and florida avenue but no problem as of yet. we will keep a close eye on that for you as we head into the morning. let's take a live look at where we are seeing the volume start to build. northbound 95 as you leave lorton heading up through newington and off and on through springfield. # 95 looks -- 359 looks good right now. no problems to report on the beltway in maryland or in virginia. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. an emotional farewell for maryland residents for a beloved friend and leader. >> the doors to city hall in baltimore will open again today for those wishing to pay respects to the former maryland governor and mayor of baltimore, william donald schaefer. a final tribute began yesterday and we get a look at that from matt ackland. >> reporter: the black hearse carrying the former governor pass under a giant american flag before stopping in front of baltimore city hall. the music from the baltimore ravens band was chosen by the governor long before he died. >> he said when his casket comes to city hall, he wants the ballet colts fight song which is now the baltimore ravens fight song to be played and we'll play the solo trumpet and the whole band will join in. >> reporter: as the band played and the honor guard stood at attention, those whose lives were touched personally by the governor wipe ed away tears and even saluted an old friend. >> we go back about 40, 45 years. >> the three days of mourning began in annapolis. governor martin o'malley led the procession into the state house. for several hours, the public passed by schaefer's casket before a motorcade carried him back to city he loved. the prosecond-degree stopped by his childhood home, the inner harbor -- the procession stopped by his childhood home's, the inner harbor and several other areas he loved. >> encouragement and i'm pricing to pass it on to my younger ones. he is a really good man. >> reporter: andrew york was i personal friend and constant supporter. >> we know all his little ups and downs and all of his little problems and triumphs. but, as i said before, there is no other words to say that he just is honored. >> reporter: the long line outside city hall was not surprising to those who knew schaefer. the people of the city and state were family. >> i would say mayor forever. >> matt ackland reporting. could a simple bowl of soup prevent cancer? one doctor thinks he has the recipe. he will share the top five foods to keep cancer away. a what you eat every day could dramatically reduce your chances of developing cancer. one doctor believes the answer is five simple food items. we have a report. >> we can get dramatic reductions in cancer. >> reporter: dr. joel ferman l adles up heaping bowls of his soup. we all know that a low-fat diet that is high in vegetables is part of the recipe for good overall health. the author of the popular diet book eat to live says his top five foods help keep cancer away. >> g for greens. green vegetables have the most powerful anticancer effects against all foods. >> specifically broccoli and spinach contain compounds that kill cancer cells. >> the o stands for onions. onions are a very powerful food against cancer. almost all major cancers, breast, colon, prostate, ovarian cancer show between 50 and 70% in the risk of cancer with the people with the highest consumption of onions. >> the m stands for mushrooms. all types of mushrooms have powerful ways to fight cancer. >> they stop blood vessels from forming. >> it prevents red blood cells from fueling the growth of tumors. >> reporter: b is for berries. >> and the s stands for seeds and nuts. when i make a salad dressing and i put seeds in the dress organize saled, now, i can absorb 10 times of the anti- cancer compound. >> the doctor says has cancer fighting research is based on scientific research but most studies have found that foods have no impact on cancer risk. so is saying broccoli kills cancer and mushrooms battle tumors oversimplifying thicks. >> it is very difficult to say one particular vegetable or fruit fights cancer or even prevents cancer. >> reporter: da. david maness is the chief oncologist at new york presbyterian wild cornell medical center. he says a healthy diet can reduce cannes are risk but cancer is much more complicated than just what you eat. >> i don't think anything can prevent us from getting cancer because it is multifactorial. it is your environmental exposures. it is whether you use tobacco. >> patients of dr. ferman like pam swallow say they believe. pam follows hi plan. >> for women, you have a one in three chance of getting cancer so i'm back in that general pool again and one in three is not so great. >> reporter: we have yet to see if a sip of pam's anti-cancer shake or a slice of the anti- cancer pie will keep the cancer from coming back. the good news, eating a healthy diet filled with more veggies and berries may at the very least help you lose weight. charlie sheen's special police escort in d.c. is still ahead and it sparked some controversy. now another top official wants answer. sarah is following another big story us for. >> reporter: the redskins owner is refiling a lawsuit against the city paper. coming up, why dan snyder thinks he has a pretty strong case when fox 5 morning news returns.  a shot of the washington monument there. washington starting to wake up here. still early in the week but you'll get through it. >> no doubt. always do. let's check in with tony and see what is happening outside. >> another hot, steamy day across the washington area. more summer-like than spring- like with temperatures again in the 80s. i think it will be a tad warmer today. >> i couldn't believe it when i talked outside at 2:30 in the morning. >> most of the areas are right around 70 degrees already. let's take a look at what is going on. we'll start with radar. nothing much in the -- no precipitation across the area. things are dry. ments a little humid out there morning and again, we'll see a good deal of humidity today. again, not like in the middle of summer, late july or august. still, warm and humid. precipitation well out to the west. we could see a couple of showers and thunderstorms pop up here and there later in the afternoon and during the evening. i don't expect everyone to see that activity. there will be pop-up showers and thunderstorms here and there. that frontal boundary that you are seeing on the map doesn't make its way in here until tomorrow. 67degrees at reagan national. 69 at dulles. an at bwi marshall, it is 70 degrees at this hour. forecast for today, good amount of sunshine today. warm, humid, highs into the 80s. we'll go for 82 in hagerstown. 8 # in washington and fredericksburg, look if a high of about 86 degrees -- look for a high of about 86 degrees. >> thank you, tony. let's check in with law enand get a look at traffic. >> steve, everything looking pretty good as you travel 95 southbound in maryland. we had reports of construction near 198 but not seeing any delays. making the trip around montgomery county, here we are inner loop. there are reports of something going on on the ramp but it doesn't appear to be affecting the through lanes at all. no problems crossing american legion bridge or the woodrow wilson bridge. here we are headed across the 14th street bridge. no problems for you. 95 northbound, you may found a little bit of slow traffic heading into springfield. wrapping things up along new york avenue, so far, so good. smooth trip here as you head unbound approaching florida avenue. we are down to two lanes with the new work zone. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story, a teenager is behind bars in connection with yesterday's stabbing at the national zoo. d.c. police have charged a 16- year-old boy with assault with intent to kill during a massive fight at the zoo. police say a group of young people jumped and stabbed a teenager. police also say the tax continued after the victim left the zoo. zoo visitors described how it all went down. >> they jumped out with the little kids, the boys, one behind the other one and stabbed him. >> police cf-18 was stabbed in the arm and side. he was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition. -- police say he was stabbed in the arm and side. d.c. voters will head to the polls today for a special election. they are choosing a new at- large councilmember to fill the seat vacated by kwame brown. nine candidates are vying for the seat. polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. the white house says it is discussing possible sanctions against syria with the u.n. and officials are urging americans to leave the country amid deadly violence a least 11 pro- democracy demonstrators were killed yesterday. a federal judge in minnesota granted a preliminary injunction and ordered an end to the lockout by nfl owners. a group of players maintain the lockout is causing irreparable harm it their crees. owners are expected to file an appeal. the league locked out players six week ago when collective bargaining talks broke down. dan snyder has announced he is refiling a lawsuit against the washington city paper. he is not happy that editors did not offer an apology and retraction for an article in november. sarah simmons this morning live at fedex field in landover, maryland with all the details for us. good morning. >> good morning. that's right. dan snyder made this announcement in an op-ed in the "washington post" that was posted actually last night. but getting a lot of attention this morning. the title of it is why i am suing the city paper. he is refiling in here in washington, d.c. after filing in new york. he does expect to be criticized over this once again. now, he has said nothing has changed from his original complaint, that again, he was just refiling for legal reasons. but what started it all was an article that was written by the city paper called the cranky redskins fans guide to dan snyder from last november. it pointed out several things that snyder says are completely not true. main factual error that he seems to have an issue with is this part of the article that says this is the same dan snyder who got caught forging names as a telemarketer for snyder communication. snyder says that is completely false and this accuses him of a serious crime. so that is why he is taking issue here. he says he does understand the anger that people have towards him about the skins and their losing season. but he goes on to say this in his op-ed. here a portion of it. here is a portion of it -- here is a portion of it. he says: the city paper has issued a statement telling fox 5 that it believes that the lawsuit that was originally filed in new york had no merit and they all believe the one filed here in washington, d.c. has no merit as well. that is the latest here in landover. back to you. looks like that one will go on if a while. >> i think so. former president jimmy carter on a long distance journey and more on charlie sheen's controversial police escort in d.c. up next, we are checking more headlines. let's take a look at the markets from yesterday. down day for the dow. slight i up for the nasdaq. overseas, a different story though. japan's market lost more than 113 points overnight.  a nateor air strike damaged moammar ghadafi's home in tripoli. libyan lead are was not hurt. he even and to state television and called the bombing an assassination attempt. the u.s. and nato say the ghadafi compound is a military command center and a legitimate target. former president jimmy cart national weather service north creigh a he and several other past world leader are there in hopes of meeting with the country's leader as well as his son. during the three-day visit, carter plans to assess the severe food shortages and discuss the revival of nuclear disarmament talks. a third air traffic control are out of a job after being caught napping. this one worked at boeing kneeled in seattle. five incidents of sleeping on the job have surfaced since last month. the air traffic controllers union wants members to have the option of taking a quick nap if they need t a fatigue expert would works for the national transportation safety board says it should be discussed. the faa has long forbidden any sheeping even touring regular breaks and ray lahood says he won't allow it either. the d.c. commander of special operations amirntly didn't know that charlie sheen got an escort to his concert. sheep posted on twitter last week that he got the escort and also posted a photo of his vehicle doing 80 miles per hour. the chief says it appears several police policies were violated. more changes on the local hard court. another basketball team looking for a new coach. we'll check in with tony and lauren demarco for the weather and traffic. n we have spring rolling with the easter egg roll if he white house. brought in a record 30,000 visitors yesterday. president obama blew the whistle to get the easter egg roll going and called the winner of the race. once his first role was finished and then he and the philadelphia read a book to the young sisters. a told b and b told c, ill ameet thank you at the top of the coconut tree. >> later on. the president joined the harlem globetrotters on the basketball court showing off some skills. all part of an effort to get the kids and their parents moving. most kids got eggs but one got to perform for the first family. pop star willow smith took her show to the white house lawn. michelle obama and malia enjoyed the set. the first did did stop by for a quick hello before heading back to the office. >> did the first lady whip her hair back and forth, tony. >> that, i don't know. >> i don't think the stylists would allow that. >> i suspect that. >> quite an event yesterday. always one of the highlights. great weather for it yesterday too. >> finally, because many of the years that i covered it and was out there, you would be out in a winter coat, cold and rainy. yesterday, not a bad day. warm and humid but they'll take that. we'll have more of the same today frankly so be prepared for that. another summery day all across the region. it is warm already this morning. let's take a look at your temperatures across the area. many of you are at 70 degrees at this hour. it is 70 in annapolis. it is also 70 up in gaithersburg. baltimore is at 70 degrees. frederick, 70 degrees. manassas is at 68. wash is at 6 -- washington is at 67 at this hour. temperature trend, we are on the warm side again. our average high for today is 70 degrees. we'll be way above that. look if a high around 83 degrees. still in the 80s tomorrow. thursday, 73, still above normal.t around normal at 70 degrees. satellite-radar for the area, there are a few clouds out there this morning but not a whole lot. we will see plenty of sunshine as the day progresses mixed in with some clouds here and there. next weather system, this frontal boundary doesn't work its way in here until tomorrow. when it does, it could bring with it some thunderstorm activity tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. that is when we have the best chance of some thunderstorms. i can't rule them out for today. take a look at the forecast for today. they will be the pop-up variety, not really associated with a frontal boundary. sunny, warm and humid today. scattered afternoon thunderstorms. i think most of you remain dry. 83degrees for your high today. then for tonight, we'll see another warm night. highs again in the upper 60s to around 70 degrees under partly cloudy skies. might be a few storms during the evening hours up until about 9:00 or so. five-day forecast, tomorrow, better chance of some afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. that activity could linger into the early part of thursday. so we could have rain and some thunderstorm activity as you are getting ready for work thursday morning. then cooler temperatures, 73 degrees. friday and saturday look to be very nice days and we need a nice saturday after a couple of rainouts for our saturdays. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. now, we have lauren demarco standing by with an update on traffic. >> tony, 67 degrees this morning and i am not complaining about that. >> i wouldn't either. >> before a new wreck reported at prince george's county, lanham severn road at seabrook road just south of greenbelt road so do watch for that. things looking pretty good on the major arteries as you head southbound on 95. we had reports of some equipment out there near 198 for a construction zone. you can see the volume building to the right of your screen as you head toward the capital beltway but everybody is moving. things look pretty good in virginia. you have the volume building and the typical stretches as you head inbound 66 past 123 toward nutley street and off and on toward the beltway. 195 northbound, you will find things slowing. it is slow up towards ving field. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. we'll check sports now. coach hones out at george washington. the caps getting ready for the second rang round of the playoffs. jim larranaga talking about leaving george mass onto head to miami. let's head to the sports junkies now. >> good morning, steve. >> what were some of the talks you had yesterday. >> i think he realizes it is a great chance to go back to the acc. he gets to go back, make more money. he is 61 years old. a great opportunity to test himself against coach k and gary williams. we are sad to see him go but i'm happy for him. >> he mentioned this a lot during our interview yesterday. his wife likes it down there and that was a factor and the money is always a factor. >> the money is huge. it is almost double. let's be honest here. let's call a spade a spade. when you are offered $1.1 million. >> he also acknowledged if the president of the university, when he announced he was leaving, is he is a close friend and ally of larranaga, suddenly that made his future a little bit in doubt. because his number one ally was leaving and it has become clear here over the last few days that tom o'connor, the ad and larranaga didn't necessarily see eye to eye. that made him a little more willing to look at other opportunities. >> you hate to focus on the money but when you see another coach getting so much money thrown at him, what does that do? >> he gets $1.2 million a long- term security deal. >> it raises the bar. >> jim larranaga is the guy that broke the door down for the mid-majors to get to the final four. i think another reason is that he left is he going to go further than the final four here at george mason. i think he may have felt like he had achieved all he could at this level. >> he also has family members down in florida. he has a place down there. his wife likes to golf. she was tired of the weather up here. there are a lot of factors. >> it is tough to argue against going to florida whether you have the opportunity to make a lot of money and go live in florida. real wick, let's talk about what is happening at gw. carl hobbs has been there for at least forever. what do they look for now? >> patrick near owe is the new ad just hired. and he was the former commissioner of america east which is -- verdict rear is in that conference. mike lonigan is our choice. >> is he a good fit to that program? >> absolutely. d.c. guy. went to archbishop carroll high school. he is plugged in on all the. aau guys. >> his wing beersagings over 700 in 18 years as a head coach. if he doesn't get the mason or the g. with that job, something is wrong. >> if he is coaching in d.c., then his terrible bowie accident won't be such a detriment. >> the most important thing is whoever takes over both gw and george mason, they have to send us free gear. >> there you go. we're getting you ready for the royal wedding as well. up next, can you take a virtual walk down the highly. we'll tell you about a new app for the royal wedding. stay with us. that is coming up next. what -- laugh --  crowds are already flooding to buckingham palace in anticipation of the big day. morn a million visit irs are expected to flock to the city on april 29th. official have confirmed that giant tv screens will be set up for viewers to enjoy the ceremony. >> there is talk it will take kate middleton four minutes to walk town the aisle of westminster abbey. ments a pretty long trek which you can now take yourself virtually. the abbey has release the a new app for apple product users which gives people a 3-d during of the massive church. it cost $4.99 but the app developers say the preetdz will go to charity. our coverage of the wedding kicks off extra early. sky news will be on at 1:00 a.m. this friday. stay with us as will and kate say i do live during fox 5 morning news and remember the news is always on. we'll be streaming the royal wedding on >> all right. before we get there, lets he get through today first. more higher prices. two consumer giants raising their prices. >> we are checking your morning commute and weather. fox 5 morning news will be right back

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