faculty at damatha catholic high school are gathering to remember a football player who died over the weekend 17-year- old rico webb was taken to hospital saturday night for chest pains he died early sunday morning cause of death has not yet been determined. we continue to follow developing news concerning an overnight carjacking it turned into two stories about two stolen white escalades, around 12:30 a.m. a group of armed men in a silver van carjacked an escalade on martin luther king junior avenue southwest those people are still on the loose around 3:30 a.m. this morning an officer spots a white escalade he thinks is the one from the earlier carjacking turns out it is a different stolen escalade suspect in that vehicle got out and with gun in hand ran across 295, bowling airforce base he was eventually caught. >> police are searching for a suspect in a sex assault near georgetown campus this happened around 2:15 a.m. yesterday morning georgetown student was sexually assaulted 36th street north of n street, they are asking anyone in the area at that time who may have noticed something suspicious, to please give them a call. and a scare on university of maryland campus, female resident of cumberland hall says she woke up early sunday morning to find a stranger in her room touching her leg, another residents heard someone trying to unlock their doors during the night police are looking for the intruder. two prince georges county firefighters remain in critical but stable condition this morning ethan sorell and kevin tool are two of seven firefighters injured during a fire friday. no definitive ruling what caused that fire but high winds fueled those flames. big story now, hearing into how former dc councilmember harry thomas junior embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars of city money. council leader will grill leaders of a youth organization slated to get some of the money. good morning melanie. >> good morning tony. why weren't safeguards in place it would have presented councilman harry thomas junior from embezzling those funds that is what jim graham wants to know in this hearing today 51-year-old harry thomas junior pleaded guilty in january today verting money meant for kids into his own pockets, federal officials said thomas used his influence to funnel money away from the children and youth investment trust corporation into two entities that he created dcs attorney general says thomas spent the money on luxury golf vacations, clothing $60,000 suv among other personal expenses jim graham is chairman of the council human services committee that committee over sea it is trust corporation and he says basically simple rules of grant making with written proposals, reports and auditing should have been in place some called for this investment trust corporation to be dissolved councilman graham wants to hear from officials at the corporation before going down that road the hearing begins 1:30 p.m. this afternoon council chambers wilson building, harry thomas junior is scheduled to be sentenced in may. all right melanie thank you. to the campaign trail michigan and arizona, now, republican presidential candidates are bracing for big contests, doug luzader has more. >> reporter: polls show mitt romney may be building on his lead heading into these primaries but the race will not end tomorrow. >> well, good evening everybody welcome to the white house. >> reporter: president obama last night playing host to nations governor's at the white house, happy to be a world away from the all out war playing out in the republican primary. >> we have a lot of work to do tonight guys sign up you can make phone calls from home. >> reporter: rick santorum will need all those calls real clear politics average poll shows his surge in michigan may be subside being romney out in front barely. >> let's take the next step to a better future tuesday. >> reporter: next week is super tuesday all candidates are already slugging it out in some of those states, especially ohio, where santorum now leads. >> it is a fight that may not end any time soon because of the party's own rules and calendar. >> described to make it more of a race now it may make it a marathon. before it is all over. >> even though romney santorum match up is getting so much attention there is still talk of a late entrance someone like mitch daniels or chris christy someone who could unite the party a gallup poll shows, 55% of republicans want someone else. while arizona is a winner take all contest tomorrow michigan is not, we may see something of a split decision this week in washington doug luzader fox news. new signs that former senator rick santorum is a serious contender, santorum will reportedly begin sleeving secret service protection starting tomorrow -- receiving secret service protection starting tomorrow. mitt romney has had protection since earlier this month. one of our nations oldest federal monuments is about to under go extensive renovation. >> you may have seen boundary stones around the dc area they mark the original boundaries of the district of columbia, sarah simmons joins us live to explain the project good morning sarah. >> tony and allison, i know you are both pretty much history buffs you will find this interesting i did as well here eastern avenue, that intersection this is the location of where one of those boundary stones is located we could take a look real quick many people this makes it look like any other random stone these are important pieces of our history the oldest federal monuments are what these are with me to explain this today, a state regent with the district of columbia, daughters of the american revolution you are joined by some other members as well. >> thanks for talking with us. >> thank you. >> first off give us an idea what these boundary stones how important are these these date back to our 1700s. >> these are the oldest national landmarks we have in the united states, in 1790, president george washington, was directed to establish a nations capital, and after enlisting the services of andrew elicott a surveyor and a freed slave and astronomer they did an extensive survey of the area and a laid out a 10-mile square area, which is diamond shaped and that was the district of columbia, at each mile marker theys tab established one of these boundary stones they are very significant because they lay out our nations capital which is the seat of government. on this one you can see writing on the side that says maryland which we are at the boundary of maryland and dc at this specific location. tell me a little bit about what you are going to do at this location these are some of the original stones and they are original spots but they need to be taken care of. >> exactly 1915 the district of columbia daughters of the american revolution adopted the care taking of these boundary stones because many had fallen into a state of disrepair remember these were laid in 1791 and 1792 this stone was laid 1792 you can see engraving on the side there. what we are going to do is we are going to clean up the stone, removing the tree stumps that surround the area impeding the protective cages around the done and we have a wonderful capital tree service is providing services to remove all the trees and the stumps here and then expert home welding is going to be providing the repair to the cages and the cage will be replaced not replaced restored to its original grandeur and reinstalled there. >> do you find a lot of people don't realize these exist do you have to explain to a lot of folks this is a significant piece of history. >> absolutely we had a handful of people walking by this morning that said what are you doing? what is that we explained this was a national landmark and they were very impressed it is right in their backyard. >> there are i believe you said 37 original stones two substituted others that have been damaged is this a project going on throughout the area for the additional stones as well. >> yes, it is the stones that need to be preserved we are going to provide up keep for those, the cages that are damaged beyond repair. we are going to try to get those replaced now the var, historic preservation we don't like to replace we like to restore we will take this and bend it back into shape same with other cages that have problems. >> the whole project is fascinating of course people can learn more about the boundary stones also what you are doing at dcdar.org. we will link that to myfoxdc.com and also boundary stones.org. tony and allison it is very interesting to see this kind of history, you could be walking by every day and not know about it it is a fascinating endeavor. >> love it. >> we learn new stuff fascinating thanks sarah. >> appreciate it. >> coming up, last night was hollywood's big night. we are heading out to hollywood for a live wrap of the awards find out who took home the big win when we come back [ female announcer ] ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so delicious...so fun. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. >> well, it was a big night for the movie the artist the silent film was the first to take home the highest honors at the oscars, since the original ceremony, 83 years ago. among the other top winners meryl streep and octavia spencer. live from los angeles s with a look at last night's winners good morning courtney. >> reporter: good morning nice to see you yeah, it was the first time silent film has won best picture since the 20s and artist took home best director as well and best actor the first french man to win and can't forget about hugo that won five awards but that was more for the technical side of things, and you mention meryl streep winning over viola taste a lot of people thought she would win for the help but the academy seems to love when people portray mistore call figures. >> -- historical figures. >> supporting actor and actress were pretty not surprising. >> eddie murphy was going to be the host, what is the buzz about the job billy crystal did. >> reporter: that it was safe and predictable and traditional i always enjoy when he does those like spoofs in the beginning puts himself into the movies so, that was funny, you know what else is buzzing today, angelina jolies leg she was sticking her right leg out and the academy said 3400 tweets per minute were generated about her leg and it has its own twitter account angie's bright leg. >> was there a big tattoo or just her leg. >> no, and i was surprised she wasn't spray tanned like everyone else was how they were all orange but you know the one theme of the night, that i noticed i mean of course hollywood loves to pat itself on the back all the time but they really did more tributes to the love of the movies, they had the cirque du soleil, it is fitting that hugo and the artist won because those were movies, because the love for the cinema. >> what was the consensus about you know were people talking about the sasha baron cohan incident with ryan is ryan seaiest. >> yeah, sasha baron cohan we weren't sure he was going to show up because there were rumors he was banned then they said no, no, he had two tickets from being in hugo but they encouraged him to not show up as the dictator, his new movie coming out in summer fair enough he did and ryan seacrest was about to interview him on the red carpet and he poured this urn he said were kim jong il's ashes all on ryan he didn't seem too happy about it he sent out a tweet my mom always told me i needed to bring two jackets to the red carpet now i know why. and we were talking about how composed he still was kept that smile on his face when inside you knew he was thinking something else. >> yeah, he is such a pro but again i mean, i am sure he was like i can't believe this is happening to me everyone is going to talk about this how do you react in that moment. >> right. >> all right. courtney well, you look fabulous yourself. >> reporter: oh, thank you. i am just trying to stay awake. >> thanks for joining us i know it has been a long night. >> courtney. >> have a good day. >> courtney from los angeles. >> wikileaks making headlines this morning what documents could soon be released. >> plus why the trial for the bp oil spill has been pushed back first we want to check with annie yu. >> good morning tony, so both teams here were selected for world championship that is a big deal in this world, and they beat out 14 other teamcoming up one of the teams will perform their winning routine. stay with us h us >> today's trivia question, who is known as the father of the blues? was it robert johnson, muddy waters, william christopher handy or bb king the answer coming up later take a guess now head to our facebook page fox 5 morning news will be right back after this break ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. we are following breaking news the morning a shooting at a hschool in chardon ohio 30 miles from cleveland. this happened 7:30 a.m. this morning, investigators don't know how many victims there are just yet, there are reports that police just caught the shooter. other schools in this area have been on lock down if we get more information we will bring it to you. violence in afghanistan claim it is life of a virginia man, 22-year-old sergeant timothy conrad junior of roanoke was one of two soldiers shot to death by an afghan soldier in kabul he is one of two soldiers shot since tuesday when it was revealed that korans and other religious items were burned at bagram. nine people killed in a suicide bombing at the gates of the airport in afghanistan this is for the fallout from the burning of korans we just told you about 7 u.s. military trainers with injured in a protest in kandu provinces u.s. officials have issued a series of apologies and karzai has appeared on tv calling for calm. osama bin laden's house was torn down this morning. 10 months ago, u.s. navy seals flew into the compound and killed osama bin laden. >> wikileaks is making waves again they started publishing more than 5 million confidential e-mails stolen from the u.s. based intelligence firm strike that ford the messages reveal their informers and show how the think tank targets envied julys for their corporate and government -- individuals for their corporate and government clients. federal trial over the nations worst offshore oil disaster has been delayed for a week to allow more time for settlement talks the bp gulf oil spill trial was supposed to begin today among other things it will determine penalties that need to be paid by bp and other companies involved in the oil spill. >> just ahead an ice fishing tournament turns into a car fishing tournament. i chatted with the star from the series wall coo treads. find out if the is he -- alcatraz. find out if the secret of the missing inmates will be revealed this season ♪ ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. [ jim ] you know, that's our business. so we want to be the experts in chicken. we're not the status quo. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. [ jim ] this is an all-vegetarian diet. no animal byproducts, no animal fat. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. it's not gonna happen. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free, and we set our goals higher than anyone. we're trying to make a better chicken. [ jim ] my dad did, my grandfather did, and it's what we do today. can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today. a popular ice fishing tournament in wisconsin had more than fish pulled from the waterer biggest catch of the day was cars several broke through the 12-inch ice and fell into the water tournament organizers tried to discourage parking on the ice but with the large turn out many opted for a spot on the ice any way. >> 150, 200 cars out there, all in the same little square area, obviously something bad was going to happen >> they were driving out front tire would go in and they would just keep going and park any ways. >> all right well, that is what you get some of the vehicles that fell into the water are total loss. imagine so. >> mm-hmm. >> officials are telling you don't come out here don't drive on the ice people do it any way. >> people like the thrill of it. >> in a typical winter it might be cold enough they could do that. >> what is the question tony. >> if you are going to this thing officials say don't drive out here we don't think it is thick enough your cargoes in will insurance cover it? >> no way i wouldn't think so. >> yeah. >> you have been warned against it. >> how does it get in the whole thing. >> well, out there i guess it is fairly normal under other circumstances. >> to drive across >> it bets cold enough in wisconsin and -- gets cold enough in wisconsin and northern climbs. i like when climatologists say climbs. >> climbs. >> i have heard it before. >> from you. >> i have been using that for years. forecast is an easy one lots of sunshine starting sunny should be sunny 20 morrow breezy at -- tomorrow breezy at times winds out of the south, yesterday our daytime high was 50, closer to 60, great looking start to your week. mid-week rain, returns wednesday, counting on that as we have the system passing north and west temperatures after today will return to the low 50s that is where we should be our average time, 60 degrees today a little on the upside a lot on the upside upper 50s to 60 for daytime highs warming up after a very chilly overnight much of the area, 44 washington 37 degrees out in manassas. 39 at dulles, north and west, still hanging out 30s. 40s returned to places that are favourably warmer like annapolis, 47 degrees, 45 southern maryland, leonard town, sentinel radar we are fine. clouds off to the north and west weak cold front will drag most of this energy into pennsylvania and new york a few clouds around here later this afternoon and tonight cooler temperatures behind that front main weather feature along the eastern sea board is this rain and you can see it becoming more enhanced here, progressing and as we have been talking the rate, down in they daytona supposed -- down indaytona, supposed to be showers more thunderstorms later today. they may have to postpone that one for another day, 60 our daytime high lots of sunshine beautiful afternoon winds out of the south, 5 and 10 gusting, mentioned to 20, seasonably cool, overnight lows mid- to upper 30s. low 30s. cool temperatures tomorrow cooler lots of sunshine in the forecast high temperatures will be in the low to mid-50s, wednesday we've got rain showers in the forecast, with high temperatures only about 50 so our best chance for rain will be on wednesday, thursday and friday, there you go back into the low 50s with seasonal temperatures, i will give you an update end of the show. we are so thrilled to be talking with sarah jones this morning of course she plays rebecca, on the hit show for fox wall coo treads good morning to you. >> good morning how are you. >> doing well >> i am glued to the tv monday night watching alcatraz how much fun is it shooting this jj abrahams series. >> the cast is amazing the crew is amazing we have a wonderful time putting this show together hopefully people see that when they watch. >> it is fantastic you know, already alcatraz has this sort of notorious, mysterious thing surrounding in prison you just added another layer it is science fictiony. >> it is kind of that procedural hybrid where you get a little bit of your mysteries every week regarding having to catch the criminals and then you get the bigger mystery the the sci fi mystery, of having to find out why these criminals are coming back so it is kind of the best of both worlds. >> i am so excited to talk to you as a fan i should back it up and ask the premise for the show for those not on the alcatraz train already tell us about it. >> well, the premise of the show, is the fact that all the prisoners of alcatraz in 1963, disappeared everyone on alcatraz not just the prisoners but everyone disappeared 1963, and the government covered it up by saying that the prison was closed down and now they are coming back and haven't aged and they are committing the same crimes they did before, and we have to catch them, houser, dock and rebecca all have to. and again you play detective madson brought into it when your own partner got killed by anescapee 50 years ago >> my grandfather. >> so there is that layer as well but let me ask you this are we ever going to find out? will we find out this season what the mystery is? or is this an ongoing thing? just let me know right now. >> well, we can't give it all away but there is definitely going to be a very revealing clue as to -- we are going to get one step closer in finding out who is bringing these people back and why they are doing it. so there is most definitely a pay off in episode 12 and 13. >> yes, we do indeed want it to continue going so we can't tell everything but i need a little closure i am sure you understand. >> right >> absolutely, no, there is a huge -- there is a huge pay off in 12 and 13 that really answers some questions. >> not all of them. >> all right. >> but a good chunk of them. >> sarah jones, detective rebecca madson thank you so much. >> thank you thanks for watching. really are a fan >> i am it is a great show. >> taylor swift declined a boys invitation to his prom but don't worry she invited him to something even better find out next. >> plus, a new artist competing to be judge on x factor. when we come back. >> first today's trivia q who is known as the father of -- trivia question who is the father of the blues, ... the answer coming up later if you want to take a guess head to our facebook page fox 5 morning news is back after the break 9:36 a.m. we spend a lot of time on the feed because a chicken is what it eats. [ jim ] this seal verifies we feed my fresh all-natural chickens an all-vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans, and marigolds. no animal by-products. no meat and bone meal. when you put my chicken on the table, you know where it came from. ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free. we're trying to make a better chicken. avril lavigne wants to join the x factor. there have been talks between the two sides, judge l.a. reid is one of her mentors she grew up at a young age and feels she can help mentor kids. >> she was a guest last year. >> was she? >> yep. >> hollywood awarded its finest now some stars are in the running for some not so coveted awards the as sieves, adam sander will picked up 11 nominations the nominations were released saturday, winners will be announced april fool's day. >> i liked that jack and jill movie. >> it looked stupid. >> funny for the kids. >> okay. >> any way. >> high school senior in new jersey scored his perfect date. >> kevin maguire invited taylor swift to his prom he has been fighting leukemia several years his sister says he never feels sorry for himself still he takes part in and has always wanted to meet taylor swift she started a facebook campaign for her brother, taylor replied she couldn't make the prom but asked if he would attend academy of country music awards with her he said yes he eagerly accepted and the awards take place april 1st. >> cool. >> would you be my date? love taylor. still ahead a singing duet you don't want to miss plus this week's pet project meet three wonderful dogs in studio today looking for their forever home. and our annie yu is getting a lesson in acro gymnastics this morning we will check with her and check out these teams here just phenomenal when we come back 9:41 a.m. the droid razr by motorola, now with amazing tools like the hd station. share your pictures, stream hd videos and movies. all on your tv. or connect your 4g lte droid razr to the lapdock and unleash its massive computing power. even seamlessly video chat. all powered by the 4g lte droid razr. droid razr by motorola, just $199.99. and back for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so delicious...so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. you going to sing? [ dog howling ] >> yay. >> precious moment caught on camera, this little girl rehearsing a song with her very special singing partner her dog harvey the toddler's mother recorded the pair as they practiced their duet in the families living room we have dogs here reacting to harvey the little girl then shows harvey the love bending down to give the dog a big hug and kiss no word if the two have paired up for another song allison you have some excited dogs. >> we have a duet going on over here there are so many homeless animals looking for a loving home hopefully you will be inspired to adopt an animal through our weekly pet project we have had great success we hope it keeps going joining us this week, kathy, senior volunteer at prince georges county animal shelter. >> you wouldn't believe all these dogs are senior dogs. >> they are. >> full of life this is axle, we will talk about axle first he wants to roam around our studio. >> axle. >> axle is 9 years old owner surrender, his owners could no longer take care of him. >> okay. >> by the way he acts you would inner know he is 9 years old he is heart worm -- would never know he is 9 years old he is heart worm positive needs treatment. we hope you get -- maybe he can stay i was going to let him roam but maybe he can stay. >> tell me who else you have. >> the loud mouth here is mugs is a field spaniel mix, and he is also owner surrender he is about 8 years old. and he is just playful and loving and just wants to give kisses and all of that fun stuff. >> you are very vocal. >> all right and you have little ginger. >> little ginger is 7 years old, she is a cocker spaniel mix seems to be a little hearing impaired she was a stray, so, be she does seem to be very sweet and loving and looking for a good home. >> i can see and we mentioned at the beginning these are all senior puppies let me also say there is nothing like a good older dog you don't have to worry about house breaking. >> good dogs. >> a lot are well trained especially axle. of course a lot of dogs are motivated by food he likes to perform for treats. >> okay. >> and there is another ensign teff if the dog -- incentive if the dog is a certain age, the fee is waived. >> ages 7 and older, for dogs and cats as well. 0 for them, again they are just looking for good homes and people to take care of them for the rest of their lives. >> there are events coming up tell us about them. >> currently at the shelter, february is have a heart for animals month all dogs are $100 half price of the regular adoption fee. >> good. >> and cats $45 more than half price off. >> all right. >> even though they are worth it, just $45. >> just $45. >> 13 you know, operation like this is run by help of good people like yourself, volunteers can you talk about the dutyare you looking for anybody? >> we are always looking for more volunteers the volunteers are the ones that spend the most time with the dogs, the care takers that are there you know, they have their daily duties cleaning the cases they take the dogs out as often as they can but between cleaning and feeding they don't get to spend as much time hugging and stroking the dogs and the volunteers we go out and walk them a couple times a day work on their manners, right mugs? and try to get them used to being on leashes and teaching them commands sit and stay and lay down so it is a lot of fun. >> you get them ready for us and hopefully the forever homes they will go to. >> we do. >> love that. >> we mentioned okay axle is itching up here and we mentioned he is being treated right now? >> yes. >> so he will be treated. >> it will need to be continued, by the new owner the new owner will have to take him to the vet get additional treatment. >> oh, axle. >> he will need to -- >> axle is getting friendly. >> there you go. >> now he wants to stay. >> all right great dogs today and you are mentioning treatment just needs to go on. that is what -- just this whole doggy domination thing you just get used to it if you are a parent it is all love here thank you for coming in. >> get in on basically the lower prices for adopting your forever friend because the last day is wednesday. >> yes, it is. >> kathy with prince georges county animal shelter and mugs and little ginger you guys, getting friendly on the show, tony over to you. >> we get the pg 13 rating up please thank you. all right thank you very much they are cute and active dogs. all right, they are going the try gain today to run the daytona 500 the great american race was postponed yesterday because of rain. it is the first time in the 54 year history of the event that it has been delayed. today's forecast calls for more rain. officials are preparing to wait all day into the night to avoid another postponement if it goes off catch it here starting at noon. >> annie yu has been learning more about a sport called acrobatic gymnastics she joins us from extremeacro and cheer in rockville maryland. >> good morning these girls are so impressive we have been having a lot of fun watching them warm up and do their thing if you have been watching also and think this might be something for your child to get involved with they have summer camp coming up that is a good way the get em involved or introduce them to the sport joining me now is julie one of the head coaches here extreme accro and cheer. talk about the summer camp coming up and classes offered throughout the year >> right we have a whole bunch of classes, and not only acrobatics but also classes in cheerleading and tumbling, and basic dance even, so, all the way from beginner up to higher levels of classes and then we have summer camps that will begin probably mid-june and again, we have different types of camps and cheerleading acrobatics, gymnastics, tumbling we offer camps for ages 3 to 5 for half day and then. >> that is a combination of acrobatics and cheer. >> it includes arts and crafts time as well. >> and then for the older kids for ages 5 and up we have that from 9 to 3 every day during the week. >> is this a good way to introduce kids who might be introduced to it? >> it is a great way to introduce them especially into acrobatics as well. we learn how fun it is and exciting it is. >> acrobatics gymnastics is unique the cheer camp what makes yours unique there is a lot in the area. >> what is unique is we offer hack crow battic gymnastics there is not -- hack crow battic gymnastics programs there is not a lot around this area it is similar to what you might see in circus especially cirque du soleil. >> that is what is amazing you go to to cirque du soleil they are older adults these girls are doing similar moves we are talking about 4 to 19 years old. >> yes >> amazing. >> so we are in for a special treat this morning daphne, jordan and many ken z will perform -- mackenzie the trio group that fall 12 to 19-year- old category ry ♪[ music ] >> log on to our website myfoxdc.com they offer summer camps coming up and classes throughout the year. impressive. >> thanks annie. >> coming up tucker has another check of the five day >> plus we will answer today's trivia question stay with us oh will you grab us some yoplait? sure. what flavor? mm, one of each. lemon burst, hm, cherry orchard, blackberry harvest... my daughter's grabbing some yoplait. pina colada, orange creme. i can't imagine where she is... strawberry cheesecake. [ grocery store pa ] clean up in aisle eight. found her! [ female announcer ] yoplait original. 25 flavors for you to love. it is so good. all right we want to update you on breaking news a school shooting in chardon ohio four students shot, no word on the extent of their injuries at a high school in chardon ohio authorities say they have at least one suspect in custody this is 30 miles east of cleveland one student told her mother the shootings took place in the cafeteria. all local schools have been put on lock down medical helicopters sent there, we will continue to follow the story and bring you updates as they become vailable monitor it on myfoxdc.com. let's answer the trivia question now, the morning we asked who was known as father of the blues well, it is william christopher handy you might know him as wc handy. >> excellent question. >> yeah. >> excellent question. >> tucker barnes with us now for an update on the 5 day. >> beautiful day, 60 there afternoon a little cooler as we get into the daytime hours tomorrow, so overnight tonight a little weak cold front that will come through dry but will cool us down tuesday as we get into the day wednesday, we've got our best chance for r showers, most of the week seasonal our average daytime high, 50 degrees you can see, in our live shot we have a nice quiet start to the day cool overnight temperatures 20s. low 30s cool start to the day beautiful afternoon get out enjoy the day, because we have a slightly cooler temperatures on the way. you said 50 is the new norm. >> the new norm get into late february. >> so cool. >> one additional update to the story we were telling you about the fbi is confirming, that four students at that school in ohio have been wounded we still don't have any information about the extent of injuries but the fbi confirming four wounded one suspect in custody >> again we il