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now illegals can safely call police without worrying about being deported. maryland house of delegates gives martin o'malley's congressional redistricting map a green light they will need to approve some type of changes to the bill before it officially goes to o'malley's desk. in the race for the white house the latest associated press poll they have not found who they would prefer over president obama. romney is first, cain is next, and perry. president obama is about even or slightly ahead of all three men in hypothetical match ups. governor perry is hoping his tax plan will gain him some ground. he is calling for a flat tax plan he says flatter and fairer would be a better policy than herman cain's 999 plan. back to the president now, back at the white house after wrapping up his bus tour. while the debate does rage on as to whether it is the right prescription for our economy, president obama says some workers are harder hit than others. >> reporter: senate majority leader, hairy reed making an eyebrow raising claim suggesting government jobs should take priority over private sector jobs. president obama returns to washington following three days on the road trying to rescue his jobs bill that failed in senate last week pushing congress to separately pass a $35 billion provision of that bill to help first responders and teachers get back to work. >> it is paid for asking the wealthiest of us, people like me to put in a little bit more. >> specifically those who make more than $1 million would pay more, something senate republicans say they won't vote for. >> it is very frustrating to be here and see the president talking about a jobs plan which is a tax and spend plan. >> let's drop the talking points about millionairebillionaires and work together on bipartisan jobs legislation designed to pass not designed to fail. >> mcconnell claims democrats included the tax increaseintentionally so republicans will oppose it giving democrats something to run on in 2012. it is very clear private sector jobs are doing just fine it is private sector jobs we have lost huge numbers. since president obama's inauguration, january 2009 number of private sector employees dropped by 1.6 million the number of government workers fell by 607,000. a vote on the teacher first responder provision could come by the end of the week in washington nicole collins, fox news. dc mayor vince grey will be at the national cathedral for an up close look at damage left behind by the august quake. repairs are under way now as the landmark prepares to reopen november 12th, this week damaged pieces of the pinnacle were removed. 10 minutes past 7, occupy new york protestors are tracking another group of people. >> trouble for the first phase of dulles metro rail could bring the project to a screeching halt. we will explain. >> reality tv star snooki not necessarily feeling the love in new york why local lawmakers want her to stay at the jersey shore. pgh >> and as we head to the break the latest weather and traffic from tony and julie. we will be right back drinkin'? u i'm drinkin' dunkin'. coffee -- black, straight up. extra cream, three sugars. iced coffee french vanilla. for me. iced coffee with a turbo shot. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. drinkin' dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. making headlines the last of the remaining escaped animals in ohio have been found and that animal had been consumed by another one of the animals. police were looking for -- >> that is disturbing. >> for a monkey those are tigers. the last remaining animal was a monkey turns out one of the larger cats police shot and killed got to the monkey before anyone else did. why deputies had to shoot and kill the animals, because they were hungry. humane society criticized the state's governor allowing a statewide ban on buying and selling of exotic pets to expire in april. they have enacted emergency rules until they come up with a permanent solution. in athens greece a demonstration outside parliament where a plan to instill new austerity measures comes into effect today. greece says measures are needed to secure a bailout. >> meantime closer to home anti wall street protests continue demonstration in new york and lower manhattan has become so well known it is a tourist attraction. double decker tour buses are passing by. one woman dropped by to see the spectacle another challenge a protestor to explain their purpose. >> they are definitely getting attention. >> definitely are you cannot deny that. >> tony perkens i was saying how much better today than yesterday. >> absolutely. >> the whole day yesterday was like i am so tired. >> now what we are left with is windy conditions, so it will be a windy day it is already a windy day and winds will pick up but a pretty day i think take a look bus stop forecast for those of you getting the kids ready for school, well, we are going to see partly sunny skies we have been showing you live shots with clouds out there, makes for a pretty sky breezy already winds blowing around 10, 15 miles per hour, generally speaking gusting higher than that temperatures ranging from 55 to 60 degrees sunrise officially in 6 minutes. currently 56 degrees now in dc, 46 down in raleigh, look how much cooler it is in eastern u.s. with that -- well, talk about cooler check out the nations mid-section. all right. this is the first time i have said these words, it is 22 degrees in south dakota, 23 bismark there is your first blast of 20s what is today, october 20th northern plains, 33 omaha, minneapolis, 36 degrees, 35 changes occurring folks, change is occurring. here is a look at national satellite radar there is your big weather maker a low pressure system, spin in the atmosphere all around it rain continues to fall across the midwest and the great lakes region. this will push a few more clouds in on us later on today and the cause of the winds we will see through the day. five day forecast high today, 64 degrees windy winds could gust up to 40 miles an hour this afternoon sunny and 63, weekend looks fine. mid-60s good amount of sunshine beginning of the next workweek looks good as well more coming up in a little bit stick with us for that. >> thank you. let's check in with miss julie. what is going on. >> all right a lot right now especially travelling out of waldorf live to the crew in sky fox, northbound 301, hack on the road and substation road where we had the accident involving a pedestrian some traffic is able to get by single file as you work your way northbound passing the scene expect a half mile back up along 301. we cleared debris off southbound 95 as you approach 216 now we are checking for another accident, reported southbound, delays stacking up route 100 working your way south, bw parkway that too is grid locked, 175 laurel, 197 a 20 minute commute travelling inbound, across the whitney young bridge accident tieing up the right side of the highway, southbound 270, delays, headed into german town right now a 40 minute commute then speed delays as you travel between 118, doing anything from 16 to 20 miles an hour. the accident activity crowding the left side of the roadway and right headed towards montrose road headed toward the lane divide. we are monitoring cost other runs to metro, the new line to dulles could cost more than expected the first face of the project could end up running as much as $150 n over budget. the first phase is the 11 miles of new rail running from falls church through tyson's corner to reston it has been projected to cost 2 .8 billion dollars looking now closer to $3 billion. traffic alert for the belt way tonight, if you are heading through alexandria, towards the wilson bridge it will effect you the outer loop will be down to one lane near telegraph road for construction lane closures begin p.m. authorities suggest finding an alternate route overnight everything should reopen for rush hour tomorrow morning. consumer alert as thousands of bags of salad blends have been recalled potentially contaminated with salmonella, it involves, 3200 cases involving those sent to virginia. the best buy date on the bags ranges from october 18th to 21st so far no illnesses reported. >> controversy growing over a public appearance by snooki she is scheduled to be in a mall this weekend. the event could draw hundreds if not thousands of fans local lawmaker want mall officials the cancel the appearance. this is someone who is famous for being on a reality show that promotes things like teenage promiscuity, binge drinking, profanity, bullying, use of diet pills we think she is an unacceptable role model for our youth. she tweeted her response to her 3.5 million followers saying politicians opposing my mall appearance give me a break i am selling my sunglasses and can't wait to meet my fans. i hope you get your snooki shades. >> lyndsey lohan back in handcuffs, after the judge revoked her probation she was terminated from community service at a women's shelter she posted the $100,000 bail and later released but will be back in court november 2nd when the judge will decide if she should serve more time behind bars she is scheduled to complete at least 1400 hours of community service -- 14 hours of community service at the morgue. awoman dreamed of chatting with president obama she played his birthday numbers on a lottery and won, she is now $200,000 richer. 7:21 a.m. on a thursday morning coming up next maryland making a name for itself when it comes to energy efficiency. >> working to prevent childhood obesity with a unique new campaign. >> disney daring you to dream, do it on ice from the princess and the frog to cinderella, the show features all your favorite princesses and that is goofy too. right? our holly morris is checking things out. prince goofy we will check with holly a little later. looking good he has got to be what 70?  keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is. california is about to begin a practice it hopes other statewashington will follow the nations most comprehensive cap and trade system designed to provide incentive for polluters. starting in 2013 it will target power plants and other pollutant facilities,. maryland is among the top 10 states nationwide when it comes to energy efficiency according to a new score card from american council for energy efficient economy. they plan to release the score card later today at the national press club. it ranks all 50 states and district on various energy policies, we will find out where virginia and the district stands when it is released 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. a new campaign to promote healthy choices during the holidays will be unvailed in maryland today. folks are being asked to commit to not drinking soda for 30 days, the official announcement will be made in columbia this morning. 26 minutes past the hour the debt super committee has just over a month to come up with a trillion dollars many budget cuts. congressman chris van holland will join us next. another live lookout side the latest weather and traffic tony and julie will have that for you coming up next, 7:26 a.m. on a thursday morning stay with us  [ female announcer ] for over 30 y years, we've been dedicated to helelping our students succd in america's most in demand careers. we provide you with instructors who are professionals working in the fields they teach. it's an education designed for today, from a university that holds the same level of institutional accreditation as america's top schools. experience the university of phoenix difference at experience the university of phoenix difference we should reach our normal high by this afternoon. hey, ellen! what are you doing? not much -- just brewing up some dunkin' donuts coffee. want some? [ whoosh! ] i'd love some. one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. mm! good! pick some up where you buy groceries. hey, did you ever think about getting curtains? america runs on dunkin'. new scientific techniques are helping astronomers get a new look at an amaizing scene a direct planet -- amazing screen a direct look at a planet being born. the planet is 450 light years away from earth being built by dust and gas the youngest planet ever discovered, scientists have not been able to see such young planets before because they are too close to stars a new technique using mirrors cancels out the starlight. that blows my mind they can -- if it is that far out there still figure out what is going on. >> we have found out building of this new planet is $80 billion over budget. >> unfortunately 6 months behind. really good. >> worst case scenario i don't know how you see something that far away and it is just -- it boggles the mind. also with mirrors. >> some say that. all right. >> those people are not looked upon too favourably. >> no, they are they sayers. weather conditions around the region your weather headline today, breezy out there, in fact, down right blustery and cooler today, it will feel cooler than it actually is because of the wind blowing around. so, you want to be aware of that here is a look at what is happening with temperatures currently 56 degrees here in washington, 52 manassas, 52 martins burg out to the east we have 57 cambridge, am i a giant. 57 stevensville, annapolis, 58 don't change it leave it let's have some fun. take a look at wind gusts across the region, 24-mile per hour wind gusts here in the district 23 in baltimore, 16 gaithersburg, 20-mile an hour wind gusts fredericks burg these will pick up as the day progresses i fully expect to see winds blowing 35, 40 miles an hour later on today. we will show you clouds we have moving out of the region it made for pretty skies, precipitation is gone that is out of here across the northeast and portions of new england as well. more rain out to the west around chicago area and elsewhere, this area of low pressure will push more clouds in, more significantly, it is what is bringing winds into our region out of the southwest. the forecast today, speaking of winds let me mention this, there is a gale warning in effect for sections of the chesapeake bay and coastal flood advisory for tidal areas as well. partly sunny skies, quite breezy, 64 degrees for your high partly cloudy tonight and cool, 47 for your overnight low 5 day forecast does not look bad after today, and the winds things calm down and generally speaking, highs will be in the mid-60s for the next several days with at least partial sunshine each of those days. that is what is happening with the weather, now julie wright and find out what is happening in traffic. not much changed along northbound 301 sky fox live over the scene continuing northbound, up towards substation road we have traffic getting by to the right, northbound 301, out of waldorf single file to the right is all that is able to get by ongoing investigation from an early morning crash involving a pedestrian, not much of a back up making your way past the scene. we will take you back inside update your ride elsewhere. those travelling southbound 95, accident activity, 175 reported, leaving route 100 down towards 216 earlier problem cleared southbound baltimore parkway, 20 minute commute and now receiving word of a crash near 198 pulled to the shoulder, coming in bound, accident activity reported along the right side of the highway. out bound, sousa bridge, south of the belt way, this is where we have the accident, expect delays leaving 495, inbound, 466 heavy and steady leaving vienna to the belt way. thank you julie. we are followling breaking news, -- following breaking news, routers and several other news agencies are reporting gadhafi has been captured following recent developments in sert breaking news reports libyan leader gadhafi has been captured we will keep you updated as we get more information. find out what is happening up on the hill a few weeks from the deadline for the super committee to find ways to cut more than a trillion dollars from the federal deficit let's check in with congressman chris van holland. always a pleasure congressman. been a little busy lately. >> i have indeed we have been working very hard to try to piece together an agreement the clock is ticking we've got until november 23rd to put together a package >> what is just the process been like so far? >> well, we have been meeting regularly to try to find a formula, that everybody can agree to, we've covered a lot of territory we need a lot of issues, and the key is to try to put a puzzle together, that works for all sides. it is going to require compromise, require everybody to make some really tough decisions that is the nature of the best and i hope we can do it. >> those of you -- beast. and i hope we can do it. >> those of you picked to be a part of this group the hope was with a smaller group of people there would be a better chance of finding that compromise. has it been civil so far. i will, there has been good communication honest and forthright discussion the key is whether we can overcome traditional obstacles, after all we are being asked to do in a short period of time what congress has been unable to do in a very long time we are working hard to accomplish that goal. >> one thing that is a blessing is hearing from people what they like. no shortage of submissions here, putting this well over 100,000 submissions received so far how do you sort through that many and try to get a plan together. >> that is a very good question we are getting submission ideas from all over the country i get a lot from constituents we have other members of congress getting suggestions and passing that along. we have a whole team of people looking through different ideas coming in because we want to put good ideas to good use. >> i know a lot of this is being done behind closed doors anything you can't talk about, about which ideas have been discussed or discarded? >> we have had a number of hearings we will have another bunch of hearings, we are hoping to have bowls, we have covered a lot of territory we have covered issues, the previous bipartisan commission tackled, we have had the gang of six, simpson bowls. we are trying to get the economy moving again help put people back to work, number two, balanced fair plan toward ten year deficit reduction. >> if my understanding is correct, you are not a fan of putting a lot of this on the backs of federal workers, already facing pay freezes et cetera. >> that's right i mean we have already seen pay freezes for federal workers, i think federal workers are often scapegoated in the process, and i don't think we should be balancing the budget on the backs of federal workers we shouldn't be singling them out in my experience they are willing to be a part of a solution, they are willing to have some sacrifice as part of a solution with they don't want is to be -- what they don't want is to be singled out it is important we don't single out any group during this process the whole idea is that we are in this as a country together we need shared responsibility. >> looking at a deadline of thanksgiving, this time of year time flies by even when you are not part of a super committee you have a month to go can you get something done? >> we could do it again, the key is, making sure that we put all the inner locking pieces together, then we have to get what is called scored by the congressional budget office meaning they have to make sure that the numbers that we have been working with, actually bear out and that takes a little time and that is why, the next three weeks will be so important because you really need something they can begin to look at, and more fully analyze. >> don't get me wrong as we develop pieces, at least as individuals we ask the congressional budget office to take a look at them but a lot of them interact with one another and so you really have to give it time to get that done it is going to be quite a process for them. >> all right a lot of work still to be done we appreciate your time. >> thank you. it is 7:39 a.m. still ahead how you can score tickets to this year's national christmas tree lighting. the fda reveals a source of the listeria outbreak. my fox half off deal, wine anyone today's deal comes from the vineyard in mcclean, virginia, that is a $60 value, just go to click the my fox half off link. >> i go with red or white and leave it at that. >> we will be right back. 7:40 a.m. >> 7:43 a.m., back to breaking news looking at live pictures from libya, gunfire in the streets, shots of celebration perhaps, as the guns are being fired into the air. reports that libyan leader, gadhafi has been captured again, these are photos coming out of his hometown of sert which fell to rebel forces overnight. what you are seeing here, celebrations continuing to go on we are showing you some of that live this morning. all in spite of reuters and other news sources that have confirmed gadhafi has been captured. >> you might not want to fly over that city right now >> i would think not. >> so funny the guy had his phone out. >> capture the moment. >> our world is changing. i just stepped outside now, is it a little breezy, yeah, a little brisk but feels like a fall morning,. humidity out of here. >> for the most part. very pretty just a few moments ago and this changes minute by minute with the sun the way the sun was hitting the clouds it is turning the clouds yellow as they go by. very very pretty. and it is not going to be a bad day. wind, that is the issue let's look at the wind gusts they have been gusting up to between 20 and 25 miles an hour 24-mile an hour wind gusts recorded, regan national airport, 17 miles an hour annapolis, 21 dulles, 25-mile per hour wind gusts in leonard town so there you go they will gust as high as 45 miles an hour later on today here is a look at what is happening the cold front has come through as the front pulls away already take on the rain with it now pulling the clouds away pulling the wind in so it will be a blustery day, temperatures will be fine mid- 60s but you factor in wind it will feel cooler than that you may need a jacket, some of you a sweater later on. forecast high, 64 degrees under breezy conditions things quiet down we have a very nice period of days not in the 80s, 70s but 60s where we should be this time of year not a bad weekend on tap enjoy. >> thanks tony. all right let's check with julie wright, find out what is happening in the world of traffic. all right a lot going on at this time, especially if you are travelling downtown. out bound across the douglas bridge leaving dc, headed southbound, south capitol street, accident activity, incident out bound sousa bridge already cleared, bw parkway trouble spots, accident activity occurred near 198, i- 195 to 197 a 45 minute commute, expect northbound rubber necking delays, inbound route 4, wood yard the accident could be tieing up the right side of the highway northbound 301, acton road, not much of a back up at this time. heavy volume out of manassas. the speed travelling between fair lakes and fair oaks, you are crawling along headed back into the capitol belt way. thanks julie. we now know what may have caused the listeria outbreak at a colorado cantaloupe packing facility fda says pools of water on the floor and old hard to clean equipment were probably the culprit the report revealed jenson farms purchased used equipment the same time the deadly outbreak started. well, almost time to get your free tickets for lighting of the national christmas trees they are offer the tickets in a lottery starting two weeks from today the president traditionally lights the tree along with his family in front of the white house, like last year what you are seeing this year's lighting, report, december 1st, registration starts 10:00 a.m., november 3rd. let's lighten it up with your favorite disney characterses. >> holly good morning. >> reporter: and spectacular is indeed the word because everything disney does is just that. we are having a magical morning as we are live at patriot center where the latest disney on ice skated into town called dare to dream and yes, all you little princesses out there watching, it features all your favorite princesses including cinderella, out here with us and the fairy god mother. what i can get and get you is information on how to get tickets to come out and see the more we will tell you all that and more and a live performance later. it is time to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day, michelle she is a caps fan and says being 5 and 0 makes up for skins so out of sorts. if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day find us on facebook searching fox 5 morning news and post a comment under michelle's adorable photo have a good day. we will be right back  man: my employer had been putting together a program for executive education, grooming the leadership abilities of their top 5%. a requirement to be accepted in the program was an undergraduate degree, which i did not have. that was the wake-up call i needed. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university has afforded me the opportunity to progress to the level that i am now, which is chief information officer at the largest teaching hospital in southern new jersey. i'm michael sinno, and i earned my bachelor of science degree from strayer university. disney on ice presents dare the dream coming to the patriots center. >> holly morris is there to check out this fun show holly disney never dispoints. >> you know what that is exactly what i was going to say disney never dispoints, great minds think alike alison everything disney does is special and of course this show is no exception to their rule it is called dare to dream and if you dare to come out and see it i think you will have a special family memory in the making. matt is a performance director, anna moss is an ensemble performer. thank you for the early wake up time as a performance director you have a lot of pressure on you there is an expectation that comes with disney you have to help produce that magic. >> you are putting pressure on me already. yeah, you know what but i am so fortunate to be a part of dare to dream it is such a beautiful, lavish show, so colorful with all the costumes you have such three great strong leading ladies, rapunzel from tangled, princess tiana from princess and the frog and cinderella. >> you have the two new princesses or relatively new, with the classic princess how do you go about waving all that together. >> -- weaving all that together. >> a little disney magic. >> what was i thinking. now you are a veteran how many shows have you been a part of? >> this is year four. >> wow so what attracts you to doing a show like this? obviously you skated your whole life and you are a professional skater what attracts you to this. >> like you said the disney magic just such a new amazing experience to be able to bring characterses and just bring the story to life. >> are you amazed that because you have done so many shows, how they are able to reinvent each year and come up with a new way to present the magic. >> definite he getting to be a part of a new -- definitely, getting to be a part of a new show production. cinderella has been out for how many years. >> she looks good for her age. i put pressure on matt as far as producing the magic but you have to bring it to life and translate it to the audience how do you go about doing that. >> a lot of it is energy you get back from the audience you can be tired and get on the ice and get the energy off the audience it brings it to life. adrenaline rush you are good to go. >> let's get a little adrenaline rush this morning bring the energy live let's look at a live performance of bibbity, bobbity, boo >> ♪ [ music ] >> ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: disney on ice presents dare to dream, coming up, or actually playing right now at patriots center where we are live this morning running through sunday, on weekends performance times go to our website we have a link to theirs and find out about the specific show times and about the ticket prices as well now coming up in our next hour, before i go i did want to find out about this your brother is in the show. >> yes, ma'am. >> who is the better skater you or him? >> probably him i fall down a lot. >> on purpose? part of your characters? >> some times yes and no. >> that is a good characters to have no one ever really knows. i love it no, i have been working my disney connections this morning and word has it a little birdie told me it might have been tinkerbell who told me i am going to have prince charming coming up next hour we might get another performance as well back to you in studio. >> thank you so much >> can't go wrong with disney. 8:00 a.m. this morning we are going inside the mind of president obama. new york times best selling author dr. justin frank is here with more insight into the president's decision making process, he will discuss his new book called obama on the couch. >> continuing to follow breaking news out of libya, reports that leader moammar gadhafi has been captured these are live pictures out of his hometown of sert you can hear the horns blowing, earlier gunshots fired off in celebration, rebel forces took control of the city overnight there are gain celebrations going on this morning we will have much more after the break. 3 minutes before 8:00 a.m. stay with us [ female announcer ] this is steve and lynn, and they have a good queststi. can the aetna app make you healthier? well, that all depends on what you do with it. and there's an awful lot you can do with it. access your medical history, view claims, get reminders for 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[ female announcer ] see for yourself, aetna. know more. get better. i will present your world, at a glance. i will remain untangled and uncomplicated. and let nothing or no one go unnoticed. all from one. all for you. i am the new rhyme by htc. only from verizon. breaking news from overseas within the last 30 minutes reports started coming in libya's gadhafi has been captured, perhaps injured as well. metro bus passenger, shot, killed overnight live with more on what lead up to this violence. >> dc mayor grey, signs a controversial executive order he things will improve public city one leader in virginia calls it disturbing and reprehensible good morning thanks for being with us, i am steve chenevey. >> i am alison seymour. in the meantime we need to know what it will be like weather wise. >> we will get to this and get through it so you can get to the other news of the day we will start with viper we can show you what is going on as far as radar image goes nothing happening here, we are precipitation free presip moved out of the region well off to the north we do have some clouds those are mostly pulling out of the region as well we will get more clouds building in later on today, good amount of sunshine for today the main thing is windy conditions that have developed and will continue to develop through the day right now regan national airport reporting temperature of 56 degrees relative humidity 80%, our winds out of the southwest at 17 miles per hour. forecast for today, partly sunny, breezy at times, winds could gust up to 35, 40 miles an hour this afternoon we are looking for a high of 64 degrees more details on all of this coming up in a little bit. >> thank you. let's check with julie wright. all right you guys very much a busy drive out here in southeast washington, southbound douglas bridge that is where we had accident activity tieing up the right side of the highway expect a slow go there as well. we have had major tie ups, bw parkway and 95, now incident free i-195 to 197 a 45 minute commute, northbound traffic, 197 headed out towards the accident scene, outer loop of the belt way, georgia avenue, 25 minute commute average speed 10 miles per hour travelling inbound, route 4, wood yard road we have the accident activity tieing up the right side of the highway, compton road anticipate a slow go, 66 average speed leaving fair oaks to the belt way 10 miles per hour that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. all right julie thank you we begin with breaking news from overseas several news agencies confirming gadhafi, in hiding for weeks, since rebel forces took control of the country has been captured. >> this happened in his hometown of certificate which fell to rebels overnight, lauren demarco is following all the developments and joins us live in studio. >> this is actually being reported by reuters, bbc and many others, moammar gadhafi captured fox news has nod independently -- not independently confirmed the news he is possibly reportedly injured this happened in sert his hometown which fell to rebel fighters today in libya. let's look at pictures, live pictures coming in from sert rebels celebrating in the streets revolutionaries over ran remaining loyalists in an assault ending the last major resistance by former regime supporters this comes two months after the fall of the capitol, triply according to the associated press, just before the assault, five car loads of loyal lists tried to flee down a coastal highway they were met with gunfire from rebel fighters at least 20 were killed a member of libya's interim national council tells associated press from tripoli after serts fall the city has been liberated, forces control the last neighbourhood in sert. it is unclear whether gadhafi loyal lists who have escaped might attempt to organize an insurgency using the vast amount of weapons he was believed to have stored in the desert. we will bring you the updates on air and online head to for that steve alison. >> thank you lauren. we are continuing to get more and more information coming down from various sources reuters we are just getting a report claiming gadhafi was shot and killed during that incident this morning. still unconfirmed by other media outlets that is what reuters is reporting they were one of the first to report he was captured the u.s. state department not confirming in their words, any report on the capture or killing of moammar gadhafi this morning. we will wait to get more information. all right closer to home. a disturbing discovery prince georges county overnight emergency responders were called out to the scene of a burning car when they put the fire out they found a body inside, 2900 block, cowichan road. stacy what is the latest on the bus shooting. >> reporter: they have had the scene up here since midnight they wanted to wait until daylight to get a better look at the evidence. now we have full sun, detectives just arrived on the scene they are walking around near the bus stop, combing the ground area for evidence as they continue to search for exactly what happened here around midnight was when the shooting occurred on the metro bus a suspect fired a gun multiple times hitting one adult male that male was killed, pronounced dead on the way to the hospital. metro bus driver was not injured norwere other passengers the bus was equipped with cameras inside and outside of the bus they are reviewing that if you look live on the scene you can see that this will take some time as they comb through the streets looking for evidence as part of their investigation that is why this area southeast alabama avenue and 21st street remains shut down until this investigation is completed reporting live stacy cohen back to you. >> thank you dc police done asking for immigration status now mayor grey signed an executive order he believes will improve public safety for all residents. inside a packed city hall room mayor grey was cheered as he signed an executive order that basically instructs local authorities to look away from immigration status. >> we are not going to be instruments of enforcing federal law when it comes to immigration status. >> members of the immigrant community say for years they have worried about reporting a crime or offering police assistance in their investigation all because of their illegal status. >> they should be calling the police but they are not. she says a member of her own family was a victim of sexual assault, but never reported it. >> i was still afraid of the police because that is you know, that is what you have as a kid you got to be afraid of the police you have that in your mind that police, if you tell them you will probably be deported. >> when it comes to a more serious crime police are allowed to ask immigration status, if it is a minor offence officers won't ask. >> there is no interest for the metropolitan police department to check open embrace status that is what is being said here today through the mayors orders now we have drawn a pretty bright line between who is going to enforce civil immigration orders and who is going to investigate crime in the city. >> how will this order stand up against federal law? that is unclear for now members of the immigrant community say this will help bridge a better relationship with authorities. >> now, we can call if you see something, call the police. fox 5 news. >> prince william county says since officers began checking immigration status of everyone arrested the county has seen a 35% drop in violent crime the county board of supervisors chairman says they have been disturbing and reprehensible he says quote this order is a slap in the face to law enforcement officials that work every day to protect millions of people who lives work and visit washington dc continuing to say quote i find it incredibly ironic immigration laws are not enforced within the boundaries of our nations capitol. he has never met him but a george washington university professor is going inside the mind of president barack obama he has a new book out this week called obama on the couch. find out what he discovered about the psychology of the commander and chief. and if you see a story you thing we should look into give us a call send your news tips to fox 5 tips at or call ... if you have a news tip reach out to us we will see what we can do about it we will be right back 9 minutes after the hour now ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. [ jerry ] attention shoppers. your groceries are the size of idaho but the interest rate on your checking is small potatoes. earn more at capital one bank. get new high yield free checking. your interest rate will be 5 times the national average. that's huge. and free atms at any bank. free is good. sign up at capital one bank. what's in your wallet? what is he, a clydesdale. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. we want to keep you up-to- date on breaking news out of libya, word that gadhafi has been captured possibly killed in the taking of his hometown by rebel forces, reuters is reporting senior rebel officials say he died of wounds he suffered during the capture in libya overnight fox news is working to get this independently confirmed as well we will share more on this as we get it. >> live pictures there you can see that is celebration from the rebel forces that have taken over gadhafi's hometown of sert captured the city overnight firing a lot of gunshots in the air to celebrate what we are hearing is the capture and possible killing of former libyan leader, moammar gadhafi. we will keep checking on the story but let's look at other headlines the last escaped animal in ohio has been found one of the other animals got to him first. the animal was a monkey, it appears one of the big cats had already gotten to that monkey, it was discovered inside one of the cats shot and killed. after those stories we couldme up. >> oh, my goodness, i agree. >> shall with turn to mr. perkens. >> yep, i've got the my first 5 photo of the day an 8.5 month old aww, braden sitting up. >> looks good. >> he is also in the pumpkin patch looks like we are told he loved the out doors. very cute. not much bigger than that pumpkin. >> that is a little pumpkin. >> thank you for sending that in if you want to send your child's picture go to and click on mornings. >> all right a look at winds blowing around outside sustained winds blowing 18 miles per hour in the district 18 miles per hour in baltimore, 12 miles per hour at dulles airport, i can tell you the winds are gusting now up to 24 miles per hour. temperatures across the region dropped down to 54 degrees in the city 52 dulles, 56 baltimore fredericks burg 52 degrees, satellite radar for the eastern united states, still rainfall out there, to our west, across ohio indiana illinois wisconsin portions of michigan as well that rain we don't expect to impact us, but some of the clouds associated will move in winds are blowing around that area of low pressure. we have gusty areas. winds this afternoon will gust up to 40 miles an hour then things will gradually calm down through the evening, fine day, sunny and 63, weekend looks good, highs mid-60s that is a look at what is happening with weather tucker barnes will have your next report coming up in a bit now to julie wright. quick question people are hitting me up on twitter, wanting to know if you tweet. >> i do not. >> okay that is what i told them. >> sorry about that. >> i am sorry. >> how could they miss me i was never there. >> they want to talk to you. >> okay. >> not just your family i mean real people. >> we will figure something out. >> all right. it has been really busy this morning travelling out of baltimore headed into dc problem after problem the latest occurred, 193, conky road heads up if there is your way into work southbound, 95 at 32, they were checking for a wreck. outer loop about 10 miles per hour leaving route 1 headed around to georgia avenue southbound 270 for you guys trying to work your way southbound german town any where from 22 to 10 miles per hour leaving 118 headed south of nba more traffic waiting for you through gaithersburg. heavy and slow heading towards king street, as you work your way up towards the belt way that is a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. thanks so much julie president barack obama has been busy this week pushing his job's bill in north carolina and virginia while most of us won't get the chance to meet the president a george washington university professor and psycho analysts is trying to go inside his mind. the book is called obama on the couch and hit bookstores this week dr. frank joins us this morning good to meet you. >> good to meet you. >> fascinating, you are nothing -- you are no stranger to psycho analyzing our commanders and chief you had a book, bush on the couch as well. >> right. >> you are a bipartisan psycho analysts. >> it is no a weapon it is aimed towards helping people understand other people and leading towards change it is not a weapon. >> funny you should say change. the question is this is a president who got out there and inspired us with a message of hope and change a lot of people are disappointed in the man, barack obama why are we at this cross roads? >> that is why i wrote the book there is no way to understand it without understanding his mind why there is such a ditch rent between -- difference between candidate obama and president obama there is always a different between a candidate and when they are elected in his case the change he wanted was not the change we thought he wanted the people inspired thought he meant change from bush change from wall street, change from wars but actually what he meant was change into civility, change into listening, change into respect for differences of opinion and a follow up on his red states and blue states which were one country. i think that stems from his earliest childhood experiences which is that he is both buy racial a black face raced by a sea of white faces had a broken home twice, both when his natural father left and then when he was 10 his step father was taken away from his step father so he really never had a father figure until he was already an adult. his goal has -- and he stated it in his auto biography, in his book dreams of my father is to be in a family he has arranged that well in his private life however, his goal the make america into a family, is sadly mistaken so much, that he suffers from what i call obsess sieve bipartisan -- obsessive bipartisan disorder he wants us to be one nation and doesn't realize fully that there are people who are more interested in defeating him and destroying his presidency than they are in being one nation he has been fighting against that, and therefore he negotiates against himself first dispoints everybody and he always had a problem with change because he had so many changes as a child. >> we have seen lately though a change in the rhetoric that sounds like a negative word i don't mean it in a negative way it is change in his approach tougher, i will not get the cooperation from the opposing party then i am just going to go for it and put on the record what i want to do is that better does that work against his own make up? >> it works in favour in the long run of his own make up because until he recognizes not everybody is only good or only interests -- if you can just reason with them they will work with you that is what his father the myth he was fed as a child by his grandfather his father could go into a bar where he was the only black person in a bar in hawaii some body make as racial slur the father would go up to that guy instead of punching him out he would talk him down from his racist stance and the guy ended up buying the whole bar a round of drinks he believes in reasoning the problem is there are some people who you can't reason with. he has always thought that. this is a change for the better if he can recognize who people are he can then bring people together afterwards if you are the father of a family with six kids one of them is always throwing dishes and making it impossible to have a family dinner you have to deal with this that is what he is trying to deal with now. but as a candidate he didn't see that, the first time around i don't -- i am hoping he sees that this times the not clear whether it is rhetoric as you say or whether he is changing. he is tougher but we will wait and see when legislation happens. >> so many good things in this book. >> very interesting. >> very interesting. one could make sweeping assumptions about what we are talking about here about america maybe not being ready for this president. >> yes, well, we are talking about -- last thing we are talking about this is an either/or country we all as children grew up with cops and robbers, bad guys and good guys, division part of our psyche how we run but there is a both and part of our psyche we love and hate the same person we feel close and we are scared i think that he is very much both and person as a human being and he wants to be a both and president but he is in charge of an either/or nation. >> the book is obama on the couch dr. justin frank is the author we are so happy to have you in our backyard hopefully we will see you again. >> thank you. >> he was psycho analyzing you during that segment. >> i was asking if we could get a seymour on the couch book. >> there you go. >> next year. >> let's move on to the thursday morning up next a sad but sweet love story then a little later on we are live with a preview of the newest disney on ice show who is that guy? in our area this weekend we will check with holly morris up next  so what's the language here in aruba ? papiamento. papiamento. yeah. so how would i say, uh, one happy island ? un isla feliz. un isla feliz. yeah... what about work related stress ? pssssh... there must be a word for it. i don't know that one. >> it is being called an incredible love story until death do us part is a vow many say on their wedding day. >> that includes, gordon and norma, after 72 years of marriage the couple died within an hour of each other holding hands last week they were hospitalized after a car accident nurses put them in a single room so their beds could be next to each other gordon died exactly one hour before norma at their viewing this week they shared a single casket, they were holding hands. their family says the couple will be cremated their ashes mixed together then buried now while their family is grieving one daughter said neither one of them would have wanted to be without the other so they are feeling blessed it did work out this way. no doubt. >> beautiful. the way it was supposed to be. >> beautiful. >> coming up an update on breaking news from overseas, reports moammar gadhafi has been caught and killed. everything is costing more these days including the price tag of bringing metro to dulles airport. >> save money with my fox half off today's deal comes from a vineyard in mcclean, $29 buys you a $60 value go to click on my fox half off the link on the page we will be right back with more fox 5 morning news. >> how come you didn't have to say the types of wine? >> that is why 8:30 a.m. let's get you up-to-date on the big breaking news out of libya, word long time leader, moammar gadhafi has been captured possibly killed in the taking of his hometown by rebel forces, they are reporting senior rebel officials are reporting he died overnight. fox news is working to get this independently confirmed we will share more on this breaking story as we get it. >> continuing to follow that situation. winds gusting to 30 miles an hour a blustery day, very fall like around there, around here. >> around there and here. >> leaves will be flying. >> that's right it will get the leaves out >> yeah. >> mother nature knows what she is doing. >> problem is they go into your neighbors yard but then yours too. >> there is no winning on that one. >> current gusts and we are already gusting, last look, 24 miles per hour in washington, these wind gusts, sustained to 15 to 20, 22 quantico, 22 cambridge, salisbury, 28 for you you get the idea winds will be blustery, out of the west and southwest, phone tall system come through during the overnight hours, but in addition we have clear skies, should have a nice looking afternoon, across the region, plenty of sunshine dry later today much cooler than yesterday, 54 degrees now regan national, 56 annapolis, 54 gaithersburg let's see, 52 fredericks burg, high temperatures, low to mid-60s. good, 5, 6, 8 degrees cooler than yesterday. you will notice two of those winds bring along a jacket don't need umbrella or raincoat. here is your sentinel sat rad, frontal system bringing rain showers look at the premen douse spin in the atmosphere -- tremendous spin in the atmosphere, winds will continue to gust from the west and southwest during the afternoon and evening but the forecast next couple days calling for a general cool down. >> here is your 5 day, 64 this afternoon, 47 tonight right now weekend looks nice and sunny but dry high temperatures in the mid-60s just a few degrees below normal and we will warm up early next week highs approaching 70 i think by next tuesday and wednesday, all right alison and steve before i toss it back to you want a wish a very happy birthday to danica blocker happy 28th to you. hope you have a fantastic day. >> oh, steve. >> he said tucker didn't remember his 28th. >> tucker said oh, steve. >> traffic alert for the belt way. >> well, i don't think anybody heard that. >> heading to alexandria, near wilson bridge, outer loop will be effected, near telegraph road for construction lane closures begin 9:00 p.m. authorities suggest finding a different route overnight everything should reopen for rush hour commute tomorrow morning. >> now for months metro officials promised if dulles metro rail project was on time and on budget after a closed door meeting last night head of the construction project admitted it could be as much as $150 million over budget the project director told metro's board the $150 million estimate is the worst case scenario. time now 8:34 a.m. on thursday morning local food pantry closed its doors because of too much demand and not enough supply details coming up next. >> sad details there. first another of that's my take the topic ethics in dc city council. >> recently the dc city council voted 12-1 against creation of an emergency ethics reform task force, several of the member who is voted against the measure sponsored by vincente orange, said a more deliberate and comprehensive approach to ethics reform that includes input from the public is needed. okay that's nine here is some -- fine here is some input some body better do something about ethics reform and do it fast, february 2011 study of city councils in major cities by a few charitable trusts found dc city councilmembers are second highst paid in the nation only los angeles pays more on a per resident basis, washington dc spends the most on its city council so one would think we could find and elect a council that would serve our needs in a competent and honest manner, citizens of district of columbia have been inundated with revelation after revelation of improper possibly illegal actions several lapses include kwame brown's request for a tax payer financed suv and allegation that his 2008 campaign funneled $239,000 to a firm operated by his brother. on top of these revelations councilman harry thomas' misuse of city funds ear marked for development of youth sports for car purchase and golf outings with all revelations that have come to light it should come as no surprise to here councilman david katannia say we have lost our morality to govern. it would appear we just don't care on april 26th this year in a special election for several offices, including an at large seat only 10% of registered voters turned out to put vincente orange in office in the important primary election last september only 37% of registered voters showed up to cast their vote. the next time dc voters get a chance to improve on this shameful record is primary day, april 3rd, 2012. 6 council seats will be on the ballot, two at large seats, seats in wards 2, 4, 7, 8. washington dc is a great city, and the citizens deserve elected officials that can be trusted to act above the law and in the city's best interest we have to get involved we at fox 5 news intend to keep a spotlight on this council and its activities so you will be informed voters when you hopefully go to the polls next april 3rd that is my take what is yours go to click on that is my take or send me an e-mail at [ female announcer ] if you're considering going back to school, you have options. you can attend our online program or if you prefer a classroom experience... look no further than your own neighborhood. we have over 200 campuses and learning centers around the country. where you can attend classes, career fairs and meet with students and faculty. today, you can go to school online, on-campus, or both. explore your options at ♪ quickly jobless claims just coming in, the number of people applying for unemployment benefits declined last week leaving applications above levels consistent with a healthy economy. labor department says weekly applications dropped 6,000 to seasonally adjusted 403,000. >> if you are looking for work today's job of the day with metropolitan airports authority looking for an air conditioning mechanic dulles airport the pay, between 24 and $32 an hour. if you would like more on this job and many others go to click on the job shop tab top of the home page. alarming news for prince william county residents 2,000 people will be without a weekly food supply, the dumfries food pantry is temporarily shutting down due to lack of donations and overwhelming need they take donations on their website food items can be donated in person at their location along act lane, on main street we have information available at 8:41 a.m. on thursday morning, president obama will hand out one of the highest honors that a civilian can receive. >> one of the recipient joins us live in studio holly. >> reporter: good morning alison how do i look? good? >> good. >> reporter: because i have a big interview coming up, not just with one but two handsome leading men one of which is a prince, prince charming, that is because i am live this morning at patriots center disney on ice has skated into town with a brand new show called dare to dream and yes, you recognize the lovely care rack fehrs from the princess and the -- characterses from the princess and the frog. coming up  [ fefemale announcer ] having grands! biscuits in the morning is easy. just pop 'em in... then go about your business... and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. grands! warm ideas made easy. ♪ start your morning a whole new way! ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches. today president obama will welcome to the white house 13 recipients of a presidential citizen's medal. the nations second highest honor. glad you stopped by to see us before you head to the white house. >> thank you for having me. >> your work you have done is already earned the organization a white house medal just a couple years ago tell us about the program. >> our program is called harmony project and we keep at risk kids safe in school and out of trouble by connecting them to professional musician mentors, five or more hours a week and by building saturday youth orchestras with these kids in los angeles gang zones where we build our programs. >> reporter: it is a fascinating program had a wonderful success rate i will let you brag on the success rate in just a second i want to hear from you how you got the idea to start this you witnessed an encounter that got you to thinking some of these kids in the worst gang territories of los angeles may be able to use mu psych to keep themselves -- music to keep themselves in school. >> exactly i was at a farmers market, on a sunday morning in hollywood and watched a group of hard core l.a. gang bangers walk through the market and stop in front of a tiny kid playing brahms on a tiny violin after 5 or 6 minutes i watched these gang members pull out their own money and lay it gently in the little kid's case i was at ucla earning a doctorate and those gang members lead me to research early sustained music in cognitive development. they would rather be doing what that little kid was doing than what they were doing but never had the chance. >> you were able to put music and instruments into some of these areas but there is requirements these kids have to abide by. >> yes, they have to sign contracts they will practice every day parents have to sign contracts they will provide a quiet, uninterrupted space for them to practice, and what is unique about harmony project we commit to our kids, from early elementary, school or middle school, through high school graduation and our own scholarship program, helps them go on to college. over the last four years, 100% of our high school seniors have graduated on time, in four years and gone to college most of them first in their family to do so. >> unbelievable you cannot argue with a statistic like that. >> now the question becomes you have a waiting list. >> hundreds of kids on waiting lists. >> you are trying to continue to grow might we some daisy this taken out of los angeles -- some day, see this taken out of los angeles and put into cities like washington. >> we have already helped our first affiliate organization to grow i took meetings all over washington dc what i need in washington are fire starter musicians who would be interested in doing this. get in touch with me, and i will -- we've got the whole thing we've got the secret sauce we know how to do this we are having a lot of fun. >> you have a website we will put a link to that at if anyone wants more information in the meantime congratulations organization got a presidential medal a couple years ago now you have a chance to get one yourself today. >> harmony project dr. margaret martin get in touch with me. >> congratulations enjoy your stay at the white house today. >> thank you sir. >> 8:48 a.m. disney on ice is skating back to our area holly joins us live from patriot center where you can see dare to dream good morning princess. >> reporter: good morning i am having a hard time staying focused for this interview i have not one but two handsome princesses, this is joe jacobson he plays flynn and james black is prince charming. >> hi. >> i don't know this is your cue to kiss my hand. >> right. >> this we go. >> okay. just like we practiced it. no, so any way, thank you all for coming out this morning. >> thank you. >> it is a pleasure to have you here is this the first disney on ice show for you all? >> you can go first >> chef i have been with disney on ice for about one year now so this is my second tour and i joined last year's tour a little bit late but not like this guy here. >> for me this is year seven. >> does it ever get old? >> no look at what we do it is fantastic. >> it is amazing the smiles you bring to people's faces with you, you have seen lots of show what is differentiates this show. >> this show is incredible the energy from start to is unbelievable an amazing cast effects we can create on the ice skating ability is incredible. >> and for you, since this is probably your first full season as you were saying, right what did you learn from the last one you were kind of adding to, this time. >> well just adapting to life on the road was a big thing. >> is it a challenge? >> not that big of a challenge but a change of pace but i enjoy it and i love it. >> now that you are getting into your groove you have been in it for awhile now how hard is it to keep up with athleticism and practice it requires? >> hard work and a tough schedule the thing that makes it so much different from competing and going through that training is the fact we get to perform on a daily basis as much as it is hard work and growing we get to see people's faces. >> a different pressure you don't have the pressure of competing but making sure you make a memory for the audience. >> right. >> so who is more charming? >> well,. >> you are right it is in your name. >> yeah. >> it is in my name but he is a pretty tough counter part. >> any tips for him? >> well, i don't know i think he is doing a pretty good job. >> oh, look, they are quick learners they were quicker the second time around thank you all both without further adoe let's get the skaters on the ice because mama odie is here she will get us to dig a little deeper eper ♪[ music ] if you want to come out and dig deeper, disney on ice presents, dare to dream the shows run through sunday october 23rd on the weekend they have multiple show times go to we have a link to theirs so you can find out specifically when the show times are and on what days coming up in our next hour, since this is a show that features quite a few princesses, we have princess tiana herself she will be joining us and then of course another final performance from the show dare to dream live patriots center this morning,. >> thank you so much that is such fun this morning. >> love that song from princess and the frog. >> we will check back with holly later continuing to follow a fluid situation in libya, as we continue to get conflicting reports about the fate of long time dictator, moammar gadhafi. >> reports say he was captured some go so far as to say he was killed in this capture we are sorting out details the very latest at the top of the hour stay with us it is 8:53 a.m.  woman: working in public relations is not for the faint of heart. i love what i do, i enjoy the work, but it's a very hectic pace. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university met my needs in terms of my family, my work/life balance. the fact that leading companies are hiring strayer graduates is impressive, but it's not surprising. these companies want us so badly. 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[ male announcer ] the space-saving, eco-friendly, totally unique smart. unbig. uncar. ♪ we want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day, today it is michelle polk and her little one she is a caps fan and says, being 5 and 0 makes up for red skins so out of sorts, michelle we hope red skins get it back together for this weekend we are celebrating the fact caps are off to an undefeated start if you would like to be tomorrow's fan of the day search us on facebook and post a comment under michelle 's photo. >> it is a done deal red skins coach mike shanahan announcing john beck will start sunday when skins take on the.ers in carolina ubc replaced grossman last week -- carolina ubc replaced grossman last week. on that note we will turn things over to tony and alison. thanks very much, here is a look at stories we are following, fox 5 morning news continue to follow breaking news from over sees, reuters reporting, gadhafi has been killed by rebels as they attempted to capture him pushing into his hometown hold out. jj green joins us next to talk about what this news means for libya and the rest of the world. >> plus it was yesterday's big story today we are following up on the wild animals, exotic ones roaming around one ohio town their keeper committed suicide now the hunt for those animals is over. the latest coming up in just a bit. tough economy has most of us looking to save a little bit of money but did you ever thing of the government as a place to get -- think of the government as a place to get things like computers and father-in-law which you are how to get a deal -- furniture how to get a deal on items from uncle sam. >> weather is free if you are watching fox 5 morning news. >> a lot of sunshine, winds accompanying that sunshine across the region it will be a blustery day, bring along a jacket don't be fooled by the sunshine. very fall like next few days. >> show you the satellite picture there you go, big spin in the atmosphere rain showers from last night out of here replaced by cooler and windy air i mentioned and you can see that spin

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