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this monday morning for congress and the entire federal government. now that's great news for hundreds of thousands of federal workers. >> a shutdown was averted but now lawmakers have to hammer out the deal that keeps the government going. fox 5's stacy cohan is live on capitol hill with more on the budget battle. stacy? >> reporter: well good morning again. now the shutdown has been shut off. but what happens when the nation runs out of money? yes, once again, the debt limit has been reached, about $14 trillion. and the question is, how will lawmakers feel about raising the debt ceiling yet again? the washington monument open thanks to a last-minute budget deal for this year. but as the president's motorcade passed by yesterday on the way to the golf course, his next big challenge is a budget plan for next year. and obama advisor and former campaign manager offers a preview. >> well we approach this week in terms of the scale of debt reduction he thinks the country needs to grow economically and win the future, a balanced approach. >> reporter: on wednesday the president will unveil his plan which includes reforms for entitlements like medicare and medicaid. that would mirror republicans tackling debt. their plan came out last week. almost $6 trillion cuts in the administration spending plan and the g.o.p. is skeptical about the president's resolve. >> well i sit here and i listen to david plouffe talk about their commitment to cut spending and knowing full well for the last two months we've had to bring this president kicking and screaming to the table to cut spending. >> reporter: but on even larger fight may be coming. the nation is about to run out of money. maxing out the credit limit of $14 trillion, a limit that congress has increased time and time again. the president will push for more, but some conservatives in congress are in no mood for racking up an even larger debt. and we are expecting to hear much more about president obama's plans sooner rather than later. the president will announce his long-term deficit reduction plan this week. i'm stacy cohan, fox 5 news, back to you. now in the wake of the budget battle, supporters of more rights for the district are heading to capitol hill. d.c. vote is spearheading a rally today. friday's new budget deal included the reinstatement of a bab on the d.c. government using -- a ban on the d.c. government using abortion services. eleanor holmes norton and vince gray are accused of using the city as a pawn during negotiations. >> when you hear that the president of the united states tells speaker boehner, john, you can have d.c. during these negotiations, you know something is wrong in this country. >> we are the only state or city in the nation that faces those kind of circumstances. the mayor submits a budget, the council approves it, but unlike anywhere else, ours has to go to the congress to be approved, completely inappropriate. >> now the rally starts at 5:00 p.m. outside of the heart senate office building located at 2nd and constitution northeast. busy day ahead for maryland lawmakers. there will be several unresolved issues as the 2011 legislative session comes to a close at midnight. lawmakers will debate an increase in the sales tax on alcoholic beverages from 6% to 9%. and also discuss how to subsidize troubled horse racing tracks. also some fine tuning of measures that have passed, including a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to pay in state tuition at colleges if they meet certain requirements like paying income taxes. maryland may soon become the 16th state in the country to have a medical marijuana law. the house of delegate as proved it on saturday and the senate has a final vote today. the bill that's now under consideration is scaled down from an earlier version. it only allows for medical temperature to be used as a criminal defense. the measure will not stop you from being arrested or prosecuted if you are caught buying or possessing pot. the bill's cosponsor said that puts the burden of proof on the user. >> the law specifies you have to be a bonafide relationship with a doctor that recommended it. the doctor cannot be punished or lose his or her license for having recommended it. and then you put on testimony to demonstrate that it's real. >> the original bill would have set up a comprehensive treatment program with a state monitored system to grow and distribute medical marijuana but that version failed. and to a follow-up this morning. baltimore police are still looking for clues in the disappearance of a north carolina teenager. felicia barns is her name. she hasn't been seen since christmas. detectives and hundreds of volunteers searched a state park in maryland on saturday but there were no signs of the missing now 18-year-old. barnes was reported missing on december 28th, weeks before her 17th birthday. the case against a uva student accused of beating his girlfriend to death goes back to court today. george haguely will have a preliminary hearing in charlottesville on murder charges and sever other doctor several other counts. yeardley love died last may. students at georgetown university are warned to be on the lookout. police say two students were awakeened by a male intruder in dorm rooms. one student said she woke up around 4:30 on saturday morning with a stranger lying next to her. she screamed and he took off. another student said a man woke her up about an hour earlier shaking her shoulders. a northern virginia man accused of plotting to bomb metro will be back in federal court in alexandria today. faroque ahmad is expected to enter a guilty plea but it's still not clear on which charges. the ashburn native was charged with conspiring to provide material support to a group he thought was al-qaeda. he is also being charged for collecting information for a tore orist attack on a -- a forkerrist attack on a transit authority. and we'll talk to a member of a relief organization helping the japanese people recover from one of their worst disasters in history. a peace deal may be on the horizon in libya. i'm craig bosswell and i'll have more on that story coming up. surprise! [ screams ] darn joneses. ahoy neighbor! hi! darn joneses. hey, are you ready for your fios? oh yeah! darn bronkowskys. [ male announcer ] make your neighbors wish they were you. upgrade to fios, america's most advanced fiber-optic network, for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and we'll add a special bonus: $100 back. get the ultimate hd experience, plus access to the fastest internet in the u.s., with no term contract required. start saving now. upgrade to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month and get $100 back. call 1.866.569.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.569.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. in the developing conflict in libya, after rick and leaders are -- rv ache and leaders are negotiating a possible deal. they met with gadhafi in his tent yesterday, including the south african president. and this morning they are now in benghazi offering the cease fire deal to rebels. craig boswell has more now on the road map, possibly, to peace. >> reporter: a rare public appearance sunday for libian leader moammar gadhafi as there is word that he is agreed in principal to stop all hostilities. african leaders traveled to tripoli on sunday to negotiate with him who has ruled libya for 42 years. so far the plans do not address whether or not gadhafi will step down and it is nonbinding. south african's president said he's optimistic that a final deal can be reached at something he calls a road map for peace. >> it is sufficient for me to say that there is negotiation and they have accepted the road map of the [ inaudible ] >> reporter: they say the future of libya should be left up to the people, not to outside forces. the members of the african union have plans to meet with the rebels in the strong hold of benghazi to discuss the negotiation. >> it those be acceptable. >> reporter: news of the potential break-through came as coalition air strikes had taken out more than two dozen regime tanks near mez rata. it calls for talks between the rebels and the government. no timetable has been spelled out. in new york, craig boswell, fox news. coming up, a family trip to a restaurant goes horribly wrong. what was served to a toddler in his kid's meal that left him needing an ambulance and his parents outraged. also holly is out doing creative shopping this morning. she's at an event that you don't want to miss. we'll have that for you later. but first, here is a look at today's trivia question. which hdle eastern capital was one known as philadelphia. the answer is coming up in just a bit but you can take a guess now on our facebook page. don't go anywhere. we'll be right back.  [ grunting ] [ lawnmower running ] darn joneses. surprise! [ screams ] darn joneses. ahoy neighbor! hi! darn joneses. hey, are you ready for your fios? oh yeah! darn bronkowskys. [ male announcer ] make your neighbors wish they were you. upgrade to fios, america's most advanced fiber-optic network, for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and we'll add a special bonus: $100 back. get the ultimate hd experience, plus access to the fastest internet in the u.s., with no term contract required. start saving now. upgrade to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month and get $100 back. call 1.866.569.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.569.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. in japan this morning, one month to the day after the massive earthquake, another powerful aftershock rocked the country. this morning's quake was measured at 7.1. it triggered a tsunami warning that was quickly canceled. it was centered about 100 miles north of tokyo. meanwhile, the nation paused for a moment of silence overnight at the exact time when the march 11th earthquake hit. one month later, more than 150,000 people are still living in shelters and nearly 160,000 are still without electricity. for more on the relief efforts, i'm joined by ken issacs with the samaritan's purse humanitarian organization. he's in japan where it is about 10:00 at night. he is joining us by phone, it is supposed to be a skype interview but this morning's aftershock knocked out telephone towers and we were not able to do that. and can you tell us what the aftershock has done and have you seen it and have you been outside to see additional damage? >> there is some damage. i don't know how much. we all felt it. it and three or four others today, including one an hour ago. and when the one this morning came, i was sitting in a car at the red light and it felt like the car was being buffeted by like an 80 or 100 mile-per-hour wind and it was 20 or 30 seconds before we picked up there was an earthquake going on. >> there have been so many aftershocks, some of them 6.0 and higher this last month. give me a sense of your mental state is and of the others there? this has got to be psychologically hard to deal with it? >> it is hard to deal with. the people that suffered from the 9.0 quake are the ones spooked by all of this. four nights ago we had one that was initially called a 7.4, i think this may have been downgraded to a 7.1. but that happened at 11:32 at night. and it went on for probably close to two minutes. and all of us ran out of the house. it was a surreal event where we were -- it was like running through a trouble with everything on the outside at high speed but your space in the tunnel was in slow motion. we saw the lights in the whole city go down. we saw sparks on the poles go off. and then the next morning, there were long lines immediately at the gas stations, like at 6:30 and 7:00 in the morning, everybody had come out to buy supplies. they got the electricity back on throughout the day. but just the fact that people would go out and start buying supplies so quick is really a reflection of how nervous they are. >> speaking of supplies, bring us up to date on your efforts there and your group's efforts and what the status is on humanitarian aid? >> well, we brought in a 747 load of emergency supplies, about 90-93 tons. but since that time, we have bought off the local markets in japan many times that much more and distributed them. the self-defense forces, the japanese military, are doing a tremendous job in moving supplies out. but there are still pockets of people that are found on a daily base that are -- there is gaps in meeting the needs. but the japanese people are veryin dust rous and very -- very industrious. and you look at japan and it's a country with a gross national product of about one-fourth of the united states. it has about 127 million people. it has this nuclear issue going on. maybe 30,000 people dead. and as you just said 150,000 still living in shelters. electricity is off. and so it's having a huge impact on the whole nation. >> is your group or are you aware of any groups that have been able to get more aid to the folks near the nuclear plant? i understand that early on it was hard or some people were fearful of going there, it was hard to get volunteers to go into that region? >> well it is. people don't want to go down there. there is radiation down there. i was down there a couple of days ago with a couple of other guys and we went to a place and we took radiation readings and visited with a church and delivered supplies to the pastor and his congregation but there is radiation all through the air. is isn't like a ghost town, but most of the building and the streets are empty. there are people and cars moving around but it's not nearly to the capacity that you can tell the city that's been built up to. and so we were about 12 miles from the nuclear plant. we were just right outside of the evacuation zone. and i think people are pretty nervous down there, would be what i could say about that. we've noticed that our staff, we wear these little dose imetter for radiation and our staff down in tokyo has significantly higher readings than we have had up here in sendai. our readings here are low level. our doctor told me i would have to be here for 18 years before i got a minimum dosage for one year. so we're not in any danger where we are. but there is radiation in the area. >> so i know we have to wrap up, but i want to ask very quickly. you mentioned your staff in another location has had higher readings. so do they take the necessary precautions? are they in any danger? >> no, they are not in danger. we monitor the radiation levels carefully and we don't stay in those areas. we only go through to make a delivery and then we'll come back out or do an assessment. most of what we're doing right now is up on that northeastern coast where the wave was just so devastating, up in places like casa newmonth and we are putting camps for japanese workers to come in and work and give direction to that effort. there is japanese through the church that's want to come up and be involved and we're trying to channel that work in helping the communities. but it is an overwhelming task. so many areas are not destroyed, they are just gone. and i can't imagine that some of those towns can ever be rebuilt in our lifetimes. >> mr. issacs, we thank you for your time this morning. we wish you continued good luck that your group samaritan's purse is doing over there and stay safe. thank you very much for being with us. >> well, thank you for talking with me today. >> okay. well we want to let you know, if you want to show your support for victims in japan, there is an interfaith prayer service tonight at the national cathedral. buddhist, hint shinto -- shinto, muslim and other leaders will be there tonight. and we have more information about samaritan's purse on our website at a fox 5 follow-up for you this morning. delaware police say a tip line hasn't given them any leads in the death investigation of former pentagon official john wheeler. authorities still have not identified any suspects in hid killing. he was last seen wandering around downtown wilmingtonton in a confused state two days before his body was found in a new arc trash bin. the search for a suspected sealar killer in new york is being expanded today. they have found the remains of eight victims since december in a swampy march near a beach in long island. four has been identified as prostitutes. one theory is now the killer might be in law enforcement. that neary is being dismissed by several form -- that theory is being dismissed by several law enforcement. a 15-month-old was supposed to get apple juice at an appleby's over the weekend. his blood level was .10 which is deemed drunk under dui laws. now his mother said that he was animated for a while and then just put his head down on the table there and they just thought that he was sleepy. the boy is okay after getting a check-up at a local hospital. so far no word on whether any charges will be filed. their stories are sad but we're hoping turn things around for them. we're talking about some puppy mill pooches looking for forever homes. anne yu is up next with help. the mercury is rising. we're getting warm today. but that's not all that is in our forecast. tucker is up next with the changes that you're going to want to hear about coming up. mr. perdue! mr. perdue! what does it mean that perdue is the first chicken company to have a usda process verified program? it means the usda verifies that my fresh, fit & easy chicken is raised cage-free and fed an all-veggie diet with no animal by-products. is it true your chickens are never given any hormones or steroids? yes, it's true. [ camera shutters clicking ] so, what's next? is there a movie deal? thank you... [ chickens clucking ] now ladies, don't get any ideas. [ male announcer ] perdue. the first chicken company to have usda process verified programs. fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal! that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no, delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes. it was a weekend of weather extremes across the nation. including an outbreak of tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and even flooding. and we're just getting video into the news room this morning from north texas. check that out. that same line of storms ripped through the state last night, ripping roofs from buildings and damaging homes. fortunately to deaths have been reported from this line of storms but the damage is substantial as you can see and it stretches for thousands of miles across the country. maureen umeh takes a look. >> reporter: it was a weekend where tornadoes dotted the state. several caught on camera. the hardest hit is the small town of mapleton. the storm destroyed homes and barns and brought down trees and power lines. >> they deserve credit for getting the warning out and making it possible for people to know the tornado was coming. as much as 15 minutes in advance, that was really important. so people were able to get to their basements and avoid being in a dangerous situation. >> reporter: iowa not the only state to be hit by twisters. this is a look at damage left after reported tornadoes in washington county, tennessee. in remember mask -- nebraska, it was hail that did the damage to cars and busted windshields. >> i saw the hail and a lady came in and said half of the windshields in the parking lot are gone. >> reporter: the red river is nearing a flooding peak. the national weather service is saying that the river crested in fargo at a level of more than 38 feet, one of the highest in the state history. the national guard is prepping for a possible evacuation. >> here we are just expecting sunshine but again down in north carolina and burke county, a lightning strike at a fairground left numerous people injured. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening. and in missouri a marathon course was shut down this weekend due to temperatures reaching nearly 80 degrees. back to texas. dozens of wildfires are burning in several different counties. nearly 400 square miles have burned. dozens of homes have been destroyed as hot and windy conditions fueled the fire. this fire is 175 miles west of fort worth and been burning since last wednesday. firefighters say it was started by a welder's torch. >> very dry in north texas. >> and these are -- and this is the worst outbreak of wildfires they've ever had in texas. >> what can i say? the calm before the storm around here, allison. >> you expect too much from him sometimes. >> any way, what is happening. >> he's a climatologists. >> he wants me to explain why they are having a dry season. the weather does it thing. >> i hate it when it's an extreme spike. >> i know you do. >> because we have the thunder. >> allison has not been excited about today's heat because she has a bad feeling. >> i would like to have a moderate day, like a 70s day. >> we've seesawed and been in between. and i'll get right to it and we'll do the headlines. and temperatures on the rise. rising, rising, into the 80s today. as mentioned, we'll be well into the 80s. we're going to be looking at sunshine. something we didn't do a lot of this weekend. i know we still have clouds across the area. they'll be breaking up shortly and into the sunshine we go this afternoon. record-breaking temperatures. it's a possibility. i don't think at reagan national. because the record is 91. but mid-80s at dulles and bwi and it's possible we could do record temperatures later this afternoon. and then possible strong storms. that's why allison is not sure about the weather. possible strong storms overnight. in fact we're under a slight risk for severe weather. the is not great for the severe weather. but pretty vigorous storms out to the west. 62 now at reagan national. 64 at quantico. we didn't cool off overnight. 63 in leonardtown. 67 in fredericksberg. 60 in hagerstown. and 65 in winchester. so the entire region well into the 60s and the temperatures will jump a good 10-12 degrees by lunchtime. satellite radar and cloud cover moving through. this is the actual warm front and that's why it feels sticky out there. and the humidity is way up, along with the warmer air. starting to surge to the north. and here we go, so our winds out of the south today, really pumping in the warmer air. see the clear sky as head of the cold front in eastern kentucky and west virginia. those will slide in here later so we should see sunshine later today. and then this is a frontal system that's been causing all of the problems out to our west. including the problems with severe thunderstorms and tornadoes and all of that marching east. so later tonight we'll going to cloud up. a good chance of showers and thunderstorms overnight tonight and into the first part of tomorrow. and then tomorrow will be cooler and cloudy and possibility of showers around here. unfortunately for most of tomorrow. and so enjoy today. afternoon sun and very warm 83 degrees your daytime high. and manufacture us well into the mid-80s. winds out of the south at 15- 20. cloudy overnight and 60 overnight low and winds out of the south and west at 10. 63 the daytime high tomorrow and falling into the 50s in the afternoon and then there is weather that is just right. not too hod or not too cold, maybe 70 for thursday and friday. so just about perfect around here toward the end of the week. that's a look at weather. allison and tony, back to you at the desk. have you gained a few pounds -- this is supposed to be directed at the audience. have you gained a few pounds and aren't sure why? maybe your kids are to blame. >> i don't think any mother out there would say that the kids are to blame. but that's okay. we'll be right back.  [ alarm blares ] [ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. [ female announcer ] but in two weeks, you could feel ready. introducing yoplait light's two week tune up diet plan. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up. this week yoplait light yogurt is only 20 for $10 at giant. a university of minnesota study found that women with young kids were heavier and ate more calories than women without children. and they ate more fatty foods and sugary drinks. and dads and moms with small kids were less active the the study was published today on the journal of the pediatrics. no reason why? >> do we need a study for that. we know that. >> what your kids are eating, you're eating what they eat. >> and in those early years you're not as active because you're dealing with them. so we know this. >> we're going to write something for the journal of pediatrics. sadly some dogs are forced to live their lives in small wire cages and no hope of becoming a loving family. >> this is a life of puppy mill breeding dogs. this cruel act contributes to pet overpopulation. we are going to do something about this and it's spearheaded by anne yu with a local animal rescue that is helping puppy mill dogs find good homes. good morning, everybody. >> thank you, tony and allison. look at these cute little guys. they are so cute. you might be wondering what these are. but these are belly bands. they are still in the midst of being potty trained so these will protect our laps. joining me two wonderful women, volunteers at forever homes. thank you for joining us today. now when we think of puppy mills it's sad because we're talking about dogs that spend of their lives either outdoors or crammed somewhere inside with very little access to water, food, sunlight, fresh air all of that stuff. so i'm happy that you guys are here to talk about that. so can you tell us what you're doing and who these little stud muffins are today. >> absolutely. well these are studs. which is hilarious. they are like 9-pound dogs. they were the baby daddies and yes, they lived in cages and they don't know how to get upstairs and they don't have depth perception and to be held, you can see they are nervous. and last year we got in about 100 dogs from missouri and they are one of the worst puppy mill states in the country and the breeders, when they have dogs that can't produce any more, they get rid of them. and that can be any number of things which i won't go into. and the nice ones will call the mill rescues and say we have 20 dogs we have to dump and you have three hours to get here or we're putting them by the side of the road or disposing of them some other way. and so we're going to get 100 more dogs in the next month or so. they cost us tens of thousands of dollars. they have to be fixed and have never been groomed and we're trying to raise that money in advance this time. so if anyone wants to donate, that is great. >> and this is binky and raven. >> these are toy poodles. we have ten of the dogs that need home and for people looking for designer dogs, we'll have a whole bunch soon. >> now in order to get these guys into tip top shape, you mentioned fees and so forth. so how can people help? >> there is a donation link on our website. but we are also hosting our first annual casino night and silent auction. and this is our first real large-scale fundraising, held may 7th at chantilly country club in centreville and the response of our donors has been overwhelming. we have redskin items that were issued to staff and players. we have electronics, we have trips, we have spa treatments for you and your dog. we have golfing, tennis, whitewater crafting, skydiving, jewelry, just a myriad of donations. we're still open if any vendors would like to make a donation and i'm hoping and waiting that one of our local car dealerships will come through with a lease on a car as a donation. but it's going to be a fun night and there will be food, drinks and of course you'll be surrounded by approximately 300 other animal lovers. so our tickets are selling fairly fast. so if anyone is interested in coming, i want to recommend that they pick up the tickets by the end of the week. and again, all of the information is on our website for purchasing tickets or for donating to our puppy mill fund. >> well maybe those who can't adopt can come out and support the cause. >> absolutely. and it's age appropriate. there are things there for children, some of the prizes and things. and it's a very nice facility over there, very classy. and we hope to see a lot of people out there to help us. >> thank you so much, ladies. you'll have to keep us updated on binky and raven. >> thank you also. >> back to you guys. >> love it, thank you. >> cute doggies. well the color purple is coming back to d.c. and lil mo will be a guest star and she'll join us live in studio next and she'll sing for us today. >> wonderful. and holly is up next with more on what is called a pop-up artist event showcasing very talented local artists. details on where to catch this event coming up next. we'll be right back. it's 9:42. to say it was a shock is just a complete understatement. i mean, i don't think there are words. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime. you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh jewelry and pottery and art some of the things to buy at adams morgan pop-up shop. >> holly is there to check it out. >> reporter: this has such a wonderful vibe because you can feel the creativity of the artisans and the stuff they are putting out and the shop is only open for a limited time. so come and shop now and you will meet and see the products of the wonderful people like this. and let's talk about your pottery. >> i make it just a few blocks away here. it's clay of course. we have all kinds of different glazes and textures. you can see everything is microwave and dishwasher safe. >> reporter: that's good. >> you can cook in it. >> reporter: how long have you been doing pottery? >> for 20 years. >> reporter: you don't look old enough to doing it for 20 years. did you start when you were 2? how far is adams morgan for sustaining this? >> you feel like the community is coming out to help you. which frankly, i think, artists need. so i think it's helpful and you go to different events and see the same faces around and start to know people and recognize people. it's nice. >> reporter: do you get feedback from the public that i love that and can i get another piece of that? >> or hey, i don't like this. you can change it. >> reporter: there is always those. i try to ignore those. i try to focus on the ones that are positive toward me. >> but people are great. >> reporter: and there is only a week left. so you're suggesting for people -- >> come now. >> reporter: and when we first came in, we were talking to someone and she's like i hope he still has pottery to sell so you must have had a good run so far. >> so far so good. >> reporter: we'll keep our fingers crossed. and we'll move to another group and this is perry's. and that is devon sparks and danny is working behind the table. and you provided the drinks for opening night so you thought this was great. >> it's a very face thing for adams morgan. we're in the neighborhood and we work with main street. >> reporter: and what do you have going on? it's the cherry theme. >> we have our cherry blossom drink and the cherry cola and the cherry flip and the cherry blossom margarita. >> reporter: and when people come in, do they buy into the cherry blossom theme thing and try the things you come up with. >> they love to try the things and they are really good. >> reporter: and they taste good. that is a good plus as well. and you have been a staple of adams morgan for sometime. >> since 1984. >> reporter: have you seen it change in the last 15-20 years? >> it changes all of the time but we have our steady fan base and we've been here and we love adams morgan. >> reporter: well it's places like you that keep adams morgue on in place. and you continue to support everything. and there only one thing i like better than shopping and it's shopping with a drink in hand. thank you very much. come on back here. i'm going to head to the back of the store and check in with my very last creative person and this is haley devil and she's with sky designs. you are the director. and tell me what you have going on? >> so we are just up the street from the pop-up shop and we're hosting as an extension of it, hosting the larger art work like andner operand we have their pieces in environments. we have a sample of our firnishings. a chair features in home and design magazine in fall of 2010. >> reporter: that's very regal. >> and these are designs by cara hunt who is from new zealand but now taking flight in d.c. and she handicrafts, hand screens everything. so she's exclusive too. >> reporter: and now is what you're wearing part of your deal too? >> yeah. our owners are fabulous, the most interesting couple i know and they travel all over the globe. so they find these vintage pieces, vintage jewelry, hats, everything. so we're fashions and furnishings. it's that unique blend from around the globe. and we have kind of local color, but also kind of international design too, which is a nice, nice blend so it's fabulous. >> reporter: thank you, you are fabulous. is our website and we have a link to the ad-mo pop- up shop. and allison, i may have found a birthday gift for the one pwere talking about. >> oh, i love it. we can share it because we are both april babies. >> reporter: we can timeshare our birthday gift. well local personality and idol panelist lil month will be performing at the national theater and this morning she joins us in studio to talk about being on the show and is going to perform for us. >> i'm here, get me a room in the back. >> and we have a parking space out back when you make the commitment. and who doesn't love this movie and this play and now part of it. were you excited about being a part of it? >> i feel like break dancing as we speak. but when i got the call, i was like, wow, me? no audition? that's the favor of god. >> but it's that voice that you have. and it's right in concert, pardon the pun, with the power house, to come out of the stage production. i think it's perfect. >> i've been off the scene for a while so the way they contacted me, it was like, wow, this is a dream come true. so everything is falling in line from the play, the color purple, which i'll be in from april 12th through the 24th so get your tickets now. don't wait until the last minute because there are certain things that don't happen twice. my album and everything that i have going on is in alignment and so i'm like, thank god. >> and not to mention the lil mo show. >> 2:00 to 6:00p.m. and they told us don't call us, we will call you. and the government workers we thought were laid off and i just got the word that i will be on this afternoon. and so thank you. >> and the stage production again is here in d.c. and when we come and see, it it will be the same thing we're familiar with. the beautiful sets, the big voices and your tissues, bring your tissues. >> yes, please bring your tissues or a nice, long sleeve. a tissue or a hankie or prayer cloth. for me to be on that stage and the energy, i was like, wow, i hope i don't faint and pass out just from being overwhelmed. i always say there are a lot of women who have this time of thing that went on in their life. and there is a piece of all of us. >> so lil mo at the national theater. what are you doing for us right now? >> i'm going to sing a throwback from my second album entitled forever. >> lil mo. >> singing it live. [ music ] ♪ i'm at the point in my life, when i'm tired of playing games. ♪ i'm ready to settle down. ♪ ready to buy a house. ♪ and i'm ready to live. ♪ ready to have one more kid. ♪ ready for the life to live. ♪ and all i've had to give. ♪ i've been your superwoman for so long. ♪ come on, drop by in the morning. it ain't too early to do the two step with me. ♪ come on d.c. now when i sing little you sing mo. ♪ now when i sing little you sing month. ♪ because now the love is taking over. ♪ i'm 100% sure that it's here today. i ain't got no issues standing in my way. ♪ i abe going nowhere. ♪ and you ain't going nowhere. ♪ yeah, let's make it. ♪ because if you like it, you better put a ring on it. ♪ baby, always. ♪ come on, get up, get up. ♪ tell me, baby. ♪ loving me for life, yeah. ♪ baby, la dah. ♪ are you ready to be happy, babe. ♪ for the rest of your life. ♪ because i want to be your future. ♪ and let's start a family. ♪ because i ain't going nowhere. ♪ and you ain't going nowhere. ♪ let's make it. ♪ because we ain't getting no younger, baby. ♪ oh, baby, always. ♪ i want to hold you baby. ♪ i want to rock with you. let's answer the trivia question. which middle eastern capitol was one known as philadelphia. the answer is aman jordan,

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