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the car this morning and the clock wasn't changed. i thought if i get to work an hour early, i will be upset. >> and i had to go to work in the morning and i was tired and i just laid there. and more on thatm cog up. we have cold temperatures to start your morning. in fact in the 20s in many spots and bring along a jacket. yesterday upper 50s, today upper 40s and low 50s to a good 8-10 degrees colder today. and you can see we have 20 in places like dulles, harrisonburg 29. baltimore is 32. fredericksberg is 35. so a cool start to the di. a little bit of cloudiness moving on through and that's the team around here. not a perfectly sunny day but it should be dry and when it all is said and done it should be a decent day as we have partial to mostly sunny skies. not much happening in the immediate washington area. out to the west, the next area of storminess in eastern kentucky and that will bring rain tomorrow and tomorrow night. but up ahead of that we should be fine. justin creasing clouds around here tonight as the storm system gets closer. and here is your forecast. partly sunny skies and highs in the upper 40s and low 50s. 52 in washington, hot spot with fredericksberg of 54 degrees today. and wait until you see the five- day forecast and i'll have that in a few minutes. and let's get to on time traffic with julie. the big story this morning is the balt washington parkway. and wall to wall traffic here. approaching kennel worth split, sky fox is showing up the back up which is starting to stack up out of laurel. so those southbound on the bw park way south of powder mill road as you can see, it is bumper-to-bumper slow headed south of the about the and continuing down toward kennel worth split and not a good drive toward prince george's hospital and beyond. inbound on 50 could save you but it is slow from 410. we'll take it back inside and update the ride. 66 out of mass, slow going leaving business 234 toward mass and the virginia visitor's center. finding delays 50 to 123 and again at the about the. the about the slow at bradock toward 236. accident at someone caster and shady grove cleared. traffic westbound on shady grove still heavy toward the icc. that's a check of your trav trav. check out my fox for interactive maps and live cameras and plus radar and forecast on the weather page and find out how to down load our app for your iphone, droid and blackberry so you are always connected to fox 5 news. the latest now on the japan disaster. nuclear meltdown fears are renewed after a second explosion at a power plant. the blast was enough to force uss ronald reagan to move further off shore after it detected high radiation levels. the death toll now stands at 2800 but that number is expected to climb dramatically. a police chief fears 10,000 dead in his province alone. now the sheer scope of the destruction made clear of the images like this. before and after satellite pictures show vibrant and commercial fishing villages swamped. the force enough to shift the island of japan by 8 feet. and take this man found on top of his roof floating ten miles out at sea. his wife was swept away but he was saved. one group of elderly people survived two days in a car tossed around by the tsunami. onlookers spotted movement in a back window and summoned rescuers. japan is facing a growing crisis and we get more from -- doug luzader on capitol hill. >> reporter: the death toll is quickly rising and there are fears of a nuclear meltdown. the new images of the tsunami show just how devastating the surge was. coastal cities inundated, ships tossed over sea walls. but one disaster may touch off another. an explosion at a nuclear power plant, the second one now to breach an outer containment shell as japanese engineers struggle to keep reactors from melting down. >> the worst case is the fuel rods melt together into a radio active molten mass that burst through the containment mechanisms and it is exposed to the outside. some of that could carry in the atmosphere to the west coast of the united states. >> reporter: already the u.s. aircraft carrier ronald regan predicted radiation off shore. and this adds to the growing crisis. the death toll here is already in the thousands. but the devastation is so widespread it's impossible to say yet how many may have simply been swept away in all of this water. the search and rescue teams from the united states have arrived to help search for victims and back in washington the first call now for a halt on u.s. nuclear plant construction. >> not just stop building nuclear power plants but to put on the brakes now until we understand the ramifications of what is happening in japan. >> and the crisis is having an impact on the worldwide economy. the price of oil fell because japanese demand is expected to plummet. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. >> and we see minimal amount of radiation in our lives. in average we receive a radiation dose of 260 milli mem. half of that comes from the natural radiation in the air and smaller amounts from cosmic rays and the earth itself. the other half comes from commercial and medical forces but nearly all of this happen comes from x-rays, cat scans and mammograms which account for all exposure to man made radiation. to put this into context, a full body dose is a full milli recommend. and japan's financial markets rattled. the nikkei down 634 points overnight. this is happening despite the japan central bank pumping $184 billion into money markets as aid makes it's way into japan. there are reports that food and supplies are scarce. they are in dire need of donations. >> sarah is back with how you can help out. >> every time there is a disaster, people want to know how to help out. so there are food organizations accepting donations for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in japan and one of the most recognizable of the organizations is the american red cross. now here is the information on your screen in order for you to make donations. you can do that on the phone by calling 800-red cross or send them to po box 27343 in washington, d.c., the zip code is 20013. now you can also go to their website, which is red many people are making a $10 donation by texting to 90999. the red cross has mobilized many teams to the hardest hit areas in japan and there are loads of other outlets to make donations to in the d.c. region, that includes maryland and virginia as well as all across the u.s. so we have posted some of them on our website, and the pictures rip your heart out and the information is there and we'll put it on our website. >> thank you, sarah. a civilian rescue team from fairfax county is part of the help coming in from across the country. coming up we'll look at what goes into the rescue efforts after 7:30. and our coverage of the tsunami and earthquake continues on our website. you'll find the latest developments as well as pictures of the aftermath on our website and we're posting information on how you can make a much-needed donation. a local story, a woman murdered and another sexually assaulted inside a popular bethesda athletic apparel store. >> and two suspects still on the loose. sherry is live with the information on the big investigation. >> reporter: the store here is closed up this morning. there is paper on the windows shielding people from the horror of what happened inside. jana marie of arlington was killed and her 27-year-old coworker who was attacked did survive. people continue to come by this morning to leave flowers and over the weekend police canvassed the area looking for surveillance tape for any nearby businesses that may have captured the suspect. police say two pasked men wearing gloves got into the athletic apparel store through an unlocked door. the two women went black to retrieve something and a coworker found them the next morning in police believed a robbery gone bad. murray was dead and the second woman tied up and sexually assaulted. murray is described as vibrant, fun and athletic and she was engaged to be married. >> she liked to travel and she liked to hike and very athletic person and full of spirit. >> i don't know what it is, it's -- it's horrific beyond words. >> federal realty is offering a $10,000 reward on top of crime solvers. some merchants are meeting with their employees to discuss safety such as not taking the trash out at night. other businesses are also considering getting surveillance cameras themselves. police say because these suspects were masked and wearing gloves they only have a vague description. the ceo of the store said they are devastated. that's the latest here in bethesda. back to you, allison. >> understandably so. thank you so much. time now is 7:11 on a monday morning. and despite a hiring freeze, the son of a county executive gets a new job. a new controversy aimed at jackson son. and later this morning, dave ross will break down what teams made the tournament as we celebrate bracket monday. >> and hampton did. >> good luck. >> well miracles do happen. as we head to break, a live look outside. the latest weather and traffic from tucker and julie. a little hater up here on the set. we'll cool that down. we'll be right back. dr d [ music ] i feel optimistic now. a nice shot. it's monday, making me feel good about the week. >> make the most of it. several minutes away from sunrise this morning. this time last monday we would have had sun blazing in the sky by now, but changed clocks over the weekend to things getting lighter out there. >> nice looking. how is it going to be today, tuck? >> cooler than yesterday. well that's not bad. >> there goes the sunshine. >> there will be some sunshine. i don't want to let allison down. i don't care about steve, but i have to make allison happy. let's go to the bus stop forecast. and the sun doesn't rise for another five minutes so two more minutes, 7:21. mostly sunny and some clouds out there. not perfectly sunny. and cold. our temperatures now vary from the upper 20s to the mid 30s here in the city. but colder than it's been in the last couple of mornings and again with the sun not coming up until 7:21, it will take a few more hours to warm up the atmosphere. so bring along a jacket heading out the door. our highs today will be cooler than yesterday. upper 40s and low 50s. right now 39 at reagan national. that's a couple of degrees better than an hour ago but a lot -- much of the area at or below freezing. 38 in quantico, 28 in manassas and 31 at dulles. and looking at the satellite radar, not a lot to talk about. cloudiness across northern sections of the viewing area and that's the theme around here today. not perfectly sunny, kind of partly sunny as we watch our next storm system approach from the west. but the rain showers you see into west virginia and tennessee will hold off today and be in here tomorrow and our next chance of rain is late in the day tomorrow and early on wednesday. so five-day forecast, 52 today, today is a cold one. 60 tomorrow. 60 on wednesday. allison get ready for thursday and friday. awesome. >> you hate to be living for the weekend. >> but 75 helps me live for the weekend. >> there you go. >> thanks, tuck. let's check in with julie wright and look at traffic. >> and i have to piggy back on something allison said about before the break. don't forget about my monarchs, baby. go big blue. i'm trying to sweet talk steve into hooking me up with tickets for thursday night's game. so we'll see what happens. >> is it here? >> at the v. on thursday night. >> wow. >> you must go, julie. >> somebody let me in. >> you must go. on the roads now, no accidents to report, just volume on the outer loop as you travel from 95 college park headed toward 270. southbound 95 looks good. to problems reporting out of laurel. it's the bw parkway that is beating. early morning crash before the kenilworth split cleared but delays at powder mill. inbound slow at riverdale into northeast. lanes open out of rockville leaving shady grove heading for the split. no problems across the american legion bridge. inbound new york avenue past bladensberg through the lights leaving northeast to northwest, you'll find lanes are open but it is very much a slow go toward the tunnel. that is a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. 7:18 as we monitor metro this morning. looking at the tranity agency escalator outages. right now 519 of the 588 are working that means that 69 are being repairs. about 12% of the transit agency's escalators not working. if you spot a safety concern or trouble on the tracks or problems with a bus, e-mail your photos to making headlines this morning, controversy in prince george county. despite a hiring freeze jack johnson's son was given a job. according to the washington post, 31-year-old jack johnson, jr., was hired as a budget analyst for the health department. his annual salary more than $71,000. neither father nor son have commented on this matter. in the meantime jack and leslie johnson are being investigated. jack is set to appear in court tomorrow and his wife leslie has asked for a delay for her scheduled court appearance this week. and the washington post is reporting that kwame brown may have disclosed -- may have not disclosed more than $250,000 in campaign contributions and expenses during his 2008 bid for re-election. brown's fundraising and spending during the campaign for the at-large state has been under audit since the fall. investigation is winding down and a final report should be issued soon. a u.s. state department spokesperson has resigned after making comments about the way the army treated a suspect in the wiki leaks controversy. dj crowley called the tactics against manning ridiculous and stupid. manning is accused of giving weeky leaks documents. he is in solitary confinement 24 hours a day and must wear a smock to bed. the army said it is to prevent suicide attempts. 7:20 on a monday morning. and coming up next, the latest on the situation in libya where the rebels have regained control of a key oil town overnight. how the nation's last world war i veteran is being honored. and holly has important health and safety tips for your kids. she has more on sids safe 2011 coming up.  ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ a steady stream of people paying respects to the last veteran of world war 11. frank buckles lied about his age to enlist at 16 years old. from noon until 9:00 p.m. his body will lie in repose at the arlington national cemetery tomorrow and then buried from full military honors at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. to the latest in libya now. the rebels have reportedly regained control of a key oil town. this happened overnight. they were pushed out of the town of begga over the weekend but said they beat back gadhafi forced overnight. the forces bombed the rebels from the air, land and sea. the rebels have lost most of the cities they captured in the early days on the uprising against gadhafi. and more violence in the middle east. police in yemen shot at protestors over the weekend killing 7 and injured more than 100. this morning the president fired a key minister who is in charge of negotiating with the protestors. they have been camped outside of the main university for weeks and a month-long protest in bahrain exploded yesterday as thousands clashed with police. the white house is strongly condemning the violence. coming up next, we'll update the latest headlines out of japan. the death toll continuing to rise. there is a frantic search for thousands of people still missing. we'll take a closer look at effort to help coming up. and as we take you to break, a live look outside on this monday morning, we'll get the latest weather. tucker has that and julie has your traffic on the other side of the break. in the meantime, our facebook fan of the day is ms. pearlie barnes. she's celebrating her 33rd birthday today. she's a mere child. happy birthday. she said she wakes up and goes to sleep with the fox 5 crew. to find us go to facebook and search fox 5 and post a comment under the lovely pearlie's photo. we'll be right back.  pulling out all of the monday stops this morning on march 14th. getting the week started with sunshine and unfortunately some cold temperatures right now. but we'll see if we can switch that around. >> i hope the next song is manic monday. >> you can put your request in now. >> we'll see what happens. >> you might get it. you have an in. >> a little bit. >> it's cloudy out there and gray and cold so a step back from our nice weekend. yesterday was butyl. highs in the upper 50s. but it won't be a bad day but a little cooler than yesterday and with the clouds moving through this morning, i think it feels more like early march. >> okay. still kind of mid-march so we'll take it. >> not a terrible day. let's get to the numbers and talk about the weekend. nice yesterday and sunshine temperatures and in the upper 50s. reagan national hit 59 degrees yesterday. and out at dulles and bwi marshall, 58. cooled off overnight. we had a cold front come through and temperatures really fallen off overnight. so waking up with 20s and generally low 30s, exception here in washington of 39 degrees. and off to the west now, winchester warming up. winchester is 40. hagerstown is 38. baltimore 33. fredericksberg 34. and patuxent naval air station 36. so again, sunrise a few minutes ago and we'll see highs later today in the upper 40s and low 50s. i know that's not where we want to be but not a bad day. and should be a dry one too. the light gray is your cloud cover that will break up. i think we'll be in for a partly sunny day. not perfectly sunny out there but we should get a decent amount of sunshine during the course of the afternoon and we should remain dry. just off to the south and west, not too far away, the leading edge of the next area of storminess but that won't get in here until late in the day tomorrow. so dry today and tonight and then our next chance for rain is tuesday night and wednesday. and that won't be a wash-out, but light to moderate rain across the area. mostly sunny skies and cooler temperatures, 52 degrees your daytime high. winds out of the north at 5-10 and winds lighter than yesterday as well. partly cloudy and light winds and cool overnight. 36 degrees the overnight low with winds out of the north and east at 5-10 miles per hour. all right, i've been burying the lead here. check out the five-day forecast, because it gets better and better. tomorrow 60 degrees and rain late in the day. wednesday too. by thursday, mid-60s and believe it or not we'll get a one-day warm-up, mid-70s around here by friday with sunshine. so just hang in there, by the end of the week it will feel spring-like. and julie has the latest in traffic. and her team is going all the way. >> i have my fingers crossed for big blue. we'll see. on the road, lanes are open and no accidents reported on 66. traffic volumes busy approaching 234 leaving 50 at wafle street. braddock road up to 66, at rolling road, checking for a crash at that location. 395 across the 14th street bridge, traffic volume is heavy right now as you work from the beltway headed up toward duke street and then pentagon across the 14th street bridge. but no incidents to report. still a quiet trip out of southern maryland. no accidents to report. northbound traffic slow toward brandywine. southbound 270 on the brakes out of gaithersburg south of 124 and again at falls road to the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. we have an update on the disaster in japan. fears are growing after a second blast at a nuclear plant which was damaged in friday's quake. now last night's hydrogen explosion injured 11 workers and now officials are saying the reactor fuel rods were briefly exposed, raising the risk of over heating. the uss ronald reagan aircraft carrier was miles away and shifted away from the area and continues to help in the relief and rescue operations. former fema administrator carlos castillo joins us to talk about the relief efforts happening in japan. carlos, good morning. thanks for being here. with the disaster of this magnitude, where do organizations such as your former organization fema, where do you even start? >> well this isn't under fema's jurisdiction, it's under the office of foreign disasters and my experience comes from helping develop the processes for the urban search and rescue team. and number one is determining the extent of the damage and what the needs are from a life- saving perspective. >> saving lives and finding people, you hate to talk about these sort of grim realities here but it's monday, this happened on friday, what sort of mission -- is this a recovery search type of mission now? >> it is a search and recovery mission. there has been a lot of cases where people have survived for several days that are trapped in rubble. there is a higher likelihood of finding live victims following the damage from the earthquake itself more so than from the tsunami. earthquake would collapse buildings and partial collapse, there is a chance of a void where people can be trapped and i've seen them survive for several days. >> we often do see those stories coming out and we hope to see many more in this instance. besides the saving lives aspect, how far does an organization go or a nation go as far as trying to shore up uncertain areas? is that a priority, the infrastructure or is it too early to do that? >> the infrastructure is effected early on. the communication and power, phone lines, gas, water, that's all clearly, although not the highest priority, except clearing roads to allow rescue teams with heavy equipment to be able to get in there to search and pull people out and hopefully save lives. >> can we even talk about going forward and making sure that buildings are secure? i think we saw a different sort of story out of haiti with the type of buildings there. but how do you start to move forward? >> well if you look at the magnitude of this quake, which is one of the worst in history, it would have been much worse had there not -- had japan not taken the steps to design buildings that are seismic resistant following the earthquake in 1995, more buildings would have toppled and collapsed because of this. i think that's definitely something to look at. it's difficult to build for an 8.9 or possibly 9.0 earthquake, but they've done a lot in that direction. there is a lot of early warning. i think that could still be looked at. but it's not too early to start looking at that. >> can we compare or how does this earthquake compare in the response and the education before the earthquakes like in haiti and chile? >> and haiti and japan are worlds away in more ways than one. most of the buildings is -- buildings collapsed in haiti were older and not built to earthquake standards, the poverty level was much higher for the most part there, more people in a smaller area, believe it or not. whereas japan is part of the design of the buildings where they are more resistant and the education of the people. in all areas where you have frequent tremors, people are more attune to that and it's not so much a surprise. but chile also very strong, but not in an as populated area. so in addition to the design and the preparation for the local population contributed to a number of lives lost that you saw following the haiti earthquake. >> carlos castillo, thank you for the perspective on that. it's hard to look at the pictures and think that one day the rebuilding will begin. thank you for that perspective. we appreciate it. and our coverage continues on you'll find the latest developments and pictures of the aftermath and links to charities so you can learn more about how you can possibly help. it's all right there on the home page. steve? >> allison, thank you very much. it's 7:38 right now. refinancing your home can be stressful enough but for one washington post writer it became a comedy of errors that made it worse and it revealed problems you can avoid now. we'll look at that at 8:00. also the george mason men's basketball team going to the big dance. dave ross joins us to break down which teams made the tourney and which are staying home this year as we celebrate bracket monday.  march madness has arrived and today brackets will be filled out as fans dream of taking it all. >> so far i have waste nod work time yet on filling out my bracket. so far. 68 teams this year. we added four to the tournament. it's weird how it works with the play-in games. on thursday we'll have 64 teams, eventually. and we'll take a couple of days to get there. >> and allison, you mentioned hanson playing duke and they had nolan smith, the big stud guard for duke and they said do you know the nickname of the team your playing and he thought about it and he went pirates, as a question? he was right, but he just didn't seem like he knew who hampton was. >> i better know. >> because they'll find out on thursday or friday or whenever they play. but let's talk about the local teams that are in. we have one that i think has a decent shot to make a little bit of headway. first we'll show you georgetown, they got in as a 6th seed which i think is impressive considering they had some down stretches at the end of the year. >> is chris wright back? >> they say he's going to play. that does make a difference. i think the committee took that into account and therefore gave them a higher seed than i thought they were going to get. the team i think could make headway is again america's favorite cinderella, george mason. they are back. >> you think so? >> they have a tough draw because of ohio state. and it's a tough draw in villanova. they struggled down the stretch. but mason is very good and they deserve this 8th seed as an at- large out of the caa. congratulations for just making the tournament. we'll see if they can get by villanova and they ohio state. and we debuted in the 6:00 hour our d.c. bracket madness. we showed you one. we'll show you again in case for you at home that didn't see it at the 5:00 hour, what we're talking about here, from the first bracket, the northwest region, all of this is a popularity contest. if allison seymour was in she would be a one seed this is for sports figures. we are now going to show you the southwest division for the first time -- here it is, allison. >> this is great. >> it's the coaching. gary williams comes in. maryland didn't make the nit. could that hurt? >> a 4 seed advancing. >> and then a 6 seed and a 2 seed in our bracket against bruce boudreau and the washington caps, the votes are coming in at >> can we vote. >> absolutely, you can vote. >> we encourage you to vote. >> and we'll tell you who moves on to the he'll -- the elite 8. >> and redskins are on the way later. >> that's a lot of fun. >> and david said nothing about my pitt panthers playing in washington this weekend. >> we have all week. >> how can maryland not make the nit? the wizards can make the nit. >> i think not. >> all of that stuff and our sports bracket madness is online at, click on the hot topics bar to find the link there so play along. we encourage you. we'll follow that through the week. >> and all through next week until we get a d.c. champion. >> that's right. >> excellent. >> your starting for the wizards next game. >> i don't know how much i can hurt what is going on there right now. >> that's a powerful statement. >> i'm a guard. >> a power guard. >> i'm not a center. 39 degrees at reagan national. 34 in gaithersburg. 32 in cambridge. 30 in salisbury. let me tell you about the wizards, i still watch every game. >> and i'm going to start going to. >> and i try to support them and i think they'll turn it around. and our weather forecast has been turned around. it's cool out there to start the day. and high pressure is going to build in later today. it should be a decent day. we have clouds moving through but cooler with temperatures only in the 50s but hang in there, by the end of the week get ready for springtime, mid- 70s around here by friday. a lot of sunshine. a little rain tomorrow night and wednesday but other than that, relatively kwi -- quiet week. should be beautiful. >> 75 and sunny on friday. can you make it until then? >> i don't know if i'll make it into work on that day, but can i make it until then. on the roads, lanes are open with no incidents to report. southbound 270 on the brakes leaving gaithersburg headed south of 124 and toward 370 with more slow traffic at falls road toward the split. the outer loop congested 95 to georgia, southbound 95 slow. bw parkway still recovering from the mess at the new york- kenilworth split. expect delays out of laurel. inbound on 66, slow traffic in manassas, 50 to 123 and nutley street to the beltway. inbound stretch of the dulles toll road, the crash at the toll plaza tieing up the second lane from the left and accident activity at old mill road. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. well parents, we try to give our kids every opportunity to reach for the stars, right? but an event this weekend will give kids a safety net. >> holly is in warrenton, virginia with more. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, all. we are live at highlands school this morning where they are gearing up for what they call kid safe 2011. this really is a fun festival with an important message. we have a one-man band out here this morning giving us a preview as well as the fire department sharing some important safety lessons. we'll talk about why you and your family might want to come out this weekend. stay with us.  75:10:00. saturday the kids safe event will be happening this weekend. >> and holly has important messages kids need to know to stay safe. >> reporter: i love when we plan for the weekend on monday. this is the 11th time that fauquier hospital has had this kids safe event. and if you're like okay, a whole day talking about safety, i don't think that is fun for my kids. peter, you show them how fun it can be. >> i'll try. >> i'll try. [ music ] >> reporter: i don't know anywhere else you can go and experience a one-man band but i know you can experience it here at highland school because it is a part of the safety event that is going on called kids safe. christie connelly is the vice president of the hospital and she joins me. and it's not the only fun thing going on. >> absolutely. there is bike safety and dietary talks, fun for the safety and activities for the children. we love having this event. it's been 11 plus years and we're looking forward to having everybody here on saturday from 9-12. >> reporter: and for the first 400 people that register. >> we have 400 backpacks to hand out today and we look forward to handing those out to those in the community. >> reporter: this is the 11th time you've done it and you believe in it. >> we wanted to share with kids about safety and with peter doing the music, have something for them to be entertained as well. >> reporter: and this is geared to help parents keep their kids safe and you can learn a lot in the process. thank you so much. it's for kids ages 4-11 and we want to give you an idea of some of the information they are sharing. gina dodge is joining me. what are you talking about today? >> healthy snacks for the kids. and we have kids putting together peanut butter with raisins and if you have allergies you can do cream cheese. >> reporter: is it hard to get kids to eat healthy or they don't know what to eat? >> if they help prepare the foods, they are more likely to eat it. >> reporter: and what is on the right end? >> this is showing kids how much sugar is in different foods. here we have how many teaspoons of sugar in different items. >> reporter: this is how much is in sunny d. you would think it's healthy. >> it's only 5% juice and over here we are aiming for 100%. and over here are skittles and cupcakes. >> reporter: are you surprised at how much sugar is in there? >> yes. >> reporter: how much sugar did you think would be in there? >> a little bit. >> reporter: so now how many packs of skittles are you going to eat now? >> i'm not sure. >> reporter: she's going to have ants on a log. and do you want to see some dogs? we have some people from the spca here with us. caroline, how are you? what are you talking about on saturday? >> we're talking about dogs and behavior with children and how to keep children safe around dogs and animals. >> reporter: so what are some of the lessons you're teaching the kids? >> specifically how to approach a dog you don't know, how to ask for permission before you touch a dog. to never approach a stray dog. and what to look for when you pet for your family, how appropriate that pet is for your family, the ages of your children and the behavior of the dogs and the children together. >> reporter: do you find that a lot of people aren't well- informed in those areas? >> i think a lot of people do the research needed when they come to look for an animal. most pets at the shelter, all dogs are temperment tested first so it's good to ask the advice of an expert. >> reporter: how many people think these dogs would work in their home? everybody. and all of the parents are going no, not taking home another dog. you guys are great. too much fun. kids safe 2011 is going on this saturday from 9:00 until noon, march 19th at highlands school in warrenton. it is for kids ages 4-11. in the next hour we'll talk about fitness and fingerprinting. are you up for that? >> yeah. >> reporter: fingerprinting. do you think your finger can handle it? we'll work into it. back to you all in the studio. >> how fun. thank you, miss holly. and straight to the buzz bin. charlie sheen planning his upcoming mini tour called charlie sheen live, my violent torpedo of truth. popular? sold out in 18 minutes for shows in detroit and chicago. he's looking to add more shows. no word on any d.c. dates. he said $1 from every ticket sold will go to the red cross to help with the disaster in japan. refinancing a mortgage might seem easy but one washington post columnist args -- columnist said its anything about that. and now the ipad 2 has been on the market for three days and find out how it compares to the other nall and -- and other tablets on the market. that's coming up in the next hour. stay with us. new video of the tsunami in japan. take a look at this wave crashing across a street. shows how devastating the surge was. now growing fears this disaster may touch off another in the form of nuclear meltdown. then bethesda residents on alert after a woman is found murdered inside a popular star and her coworker attacked. we have new information from an investigator in about five minutes. then a maryland man sentenced to 15 years in jail in cuba. why? and more on the fight to get him released when we talk with chris van hollen coming up this hour. good morning, thanks for being with us this monday morning, i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. and tucker in for tony. what is going on today? >> it's chilly out there. temperatures in the 20s and 30s across the area. kind of a mix of sun and clouds. but it's going to be a nice day. it's not as nice as this weekend when we had highs near 60 yesterday. 39 right now in the city. 31 degrees out at dulles. harrisonburg is still in the chilly spot, 29 degrees. and mid 30s to the south. fredericksberg is 34 and in ocean city, 36. so again you can see chillier that we've been the last couple of mornings and with the sun not getting up until 7:20 it will take a few more hours to warm up the atmosphere. a few clouds moving through from the north and west. not going to be entirely cloudy today, not perfectly sunny either. so kind of partly sunny this afternoon. we have rain just off to the south and west in eastern kentucky and tennessee, but the thinking is that will hold off today. high pressure will keep that to our west for one more day and we should be dry out there this afternoon. but eventually we'll see some rain move in here as we get into tomorrow. we have a bonus. here is your five-day forecast. and again, mid-60s -- around 60 tomorrow and wednesday and then mid-60s by thursday and friday's daytime high of 70s. i got so excited i had to put it into the forecast. >> keep doing that, tucker. let's check with julie wright for a look at traffic this morning at 8:00. >> we're looking good now with no incidents to report around the beltway as you travel to and from the wilson bridge. leaving landover toward college park, lanes are open and that's where the good news ends because now we have delays on 66 and manassas headed toward the virginia visitor center and nutley street. crash at the dull toll road at the main toll plaza and delays on the beltway at tysons area as you work through the hot lane work. 395 across the 14th street bridge. lanes are open here with no incidents to report. traffic with spotty delays from the beltway to duke street and again crossing over the 14th street bridge. and check this out, this is the ride southbound along 270 out of gage where the pace is improving quickly leaving 127 and passed 370. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. we start this hour with the latest headlines out of japan. friday's earthquake now considered a magnitude 9.0. about 2800 deaths have been confirmed following the earthquake and tsunami. the death toll rose after 1,000 bodies washed up along the coastline. the estimated death toll is still more than 10,000. in the meantime, those near a nuclear power plant who have not evacuated are told to stay inside after a column of smoke was sent into the air after a explosion. the uss ronald reagan moved ships and aircraft after discovering low-level radiation. they were exposed to one month's worth of radiation in one hour. and the fairfax search and you are ban rescue team was sent to the region. >> and yesterday a man was found ten miles off shore, floating on the roof of his home that was washed out to sea. he spent two days trying to get the attention of helicopters and ships that passed but no one saw him. finally yesterday a vessel spotting him, waving a red cloth, he was rescued. also over the weekend, three elderly people were rescued from a car that got wash add way. all three appear to be in good condition. well many americans are still trying to get ahold of their friends and family in japan and this morning at&t announced a way to make it easier to do that. >> customers can call or send texts to japan for free through the end of the month. now even if you don't know anybody in japan and would like to help, we have posted a list of more than 20 organizations accepting donations and you can find the list online at on the home page quick on japan quake and you'll see a headline that says how you can help japan. and also add to the growing memorial outside of the embassy in northwest d.c. flags there flying at half staff. a collection of flowers and cards growing by the hour there. now to a story making headlines locally. a woman murdered and north sexually assaulted inside a popular bethesda athletic apparel store and the two suspects are still on the loose. sherry ly is live in bethesda with the latest on the investigation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, allison. down the street at the coffee shop this is what people are talking about. they are stunned that such a violent crime like this could happen here. the two women worked at the store and closed on friday night and went back after hours to get something. that's when they were attacked by two suspects, 30-year-old jana murray ended up dead and another one was sexually assaulted and tied up. joining me now is captain paul sars with montgomery county police with the latest on the investigation. and your investigators were out here and canvassed looking for surveillance video and what do you hope to get from that and how long will it take to go through the video? >> it may take some time. we hope to get any glimpse of passers byes or those matching the description given to us in this investigation. >> reporter: what about a weapon? does it appear the women were overpowered or was there a weapon? >> that is something investigators aren't releasing at this time. >> reporter: and the m.e. is doing an autopsy and will that tell you more? >> we are hoping tell us more and we're hoping to get the results within today or tomorrow. >> reporter: the women had gone back to the store so they weren't supposed to be here. does this appear to be a crime of opportunity or does it appear that the suspects had cased the place? >> we can't rule that it is random, but we do know that these two suspects came here with gloves and with masks. they were prepared to do some sort of crime. >> reporter: now as always, you have to know that somebody out there knows something. we have $11,000 in reward money that is crime solvers plus what federal realty has put up and i understand there may be more reward money being offered? >> yeah, there is other businesses and individuals in the community who are discussing what they want to do and how much they want to give. >> reporter: this is not a high- crime area. these women seem to do what police say, safety in numbers and they were together. how do you explain something like this? was this a brazen crime? >> it's hard to know. we're not sure about all of the circumstances, about what was their intent and what they -- what they really wanted for the outcome of this event. and we also don't know every single step that the victims participated in. that will take a little bit more investigation. >> reporter: and one of the victims did survive. you'll be talking to her to see what else you can get. thank you very much captain paul with montgomery county police. with the latest on the investigation into the murder and sexual assault here at lu lu lemon. a small community in virginia mourning the loss of two sheriff's duties killed in line of duty. this was about a call at a salvage property, near the west virginia and kentucky border. four deputies were shot from a long range by a man hiding in the woods nearby. two deputies died at the scene and two others are hospitalized. police did track down the suspect two hours later. he was shot and killed during a shootout. fox 5 continues to monitor metro. another violent attack on a train. this time a guardian angel wound up being a victim. a fight broke out on saturday night as the train was pulling into the anacostia station. man who tried to break it up was punched, kicked, knocked to the floor and the other guardian angel on boardmannageed to stop the fight. >> at that time, when the fight broke out, i had another guardian angel on that car with me so he was able to call out the code red so the other angels knew we had a fight going on and needed assistance. >> reporter: the angels detained five young men. three minor and two adults were arrested. and we want you to help us monitor metro. if you see a problem to look into, send us your tips and photos or videos to time now is coming up on 9 minutes past the hour on this monday morning. for the second time in a week the president visiting a virginia school. find out where he will be today. and then refinancing your mortgage may seem easy. not really. but one washington post columnist would argue that it is anything but. he is still trying to sort out all of his accounts months after the process started. his warning for homeowners when we come back. g 8:12 as we check headlines this morning. public invited to pay final respects to the last american veteran of world war 11. frank buckles died at the age of 110. more visitation today from noon until 9:00. and his body will lie in roe -- in repose tomorrow. pj crowley has resigned after making comments related to the wiki leaks controversy. he called the army tactics against the suspected of handing over secret documents ridiculous and stupid. manning is in solitary confinement 23 hours a day and must wear a special smock for safety to bed. president barack obama continuing his press for education reform at kenmore school in arlington this morning. the president has called for increased funding for education to make sure the u.s. remains economically competitive. it is 8:13 now and little things at the -- that the weather department does to remain competitive, show adorable pictures of children. >> especially on a cool morning like today. tucker has that warm up, brightness factor, whatever you like to call it. >> the warm-up factor as we're back in the 30s. time now for the my first 5 photo of the day. >> little blue eyes. i think it's aubrey. >> well it is aubreigh. >> oh, you need help with the prompter. >> but i need help with that too. this is 10-month-old aubreigh. eating an ice cream sandwich for the first time. >> who can forget that chocolately goodness. and i've done calculating. if she has 1 sandwich every day she'll enjoy forever 365,000 in the next year. >> i think i would get tired of them. >> she's adorable. >> and thanks for sending us the picture. and ice cream today, i might hold off. but later this week we'll be in the 60s and 70s. currently 41 degrees at reagan national. humidity 60%. winds, out of the north at 0 miles per hour. that's good news. less wind than we had around here yesterday when it was breezy at times with the frontal system moving on through. cloudiness to start your morning. we'll see some sunshine too so it won't be an entirely cloudy day and we have rain off to the south and west in eastern kentucky. but with high pressure off to the north, that will actually put the kibosh on the rain for today. and the rain will get in here tomorrow night and during the day on wednesday. here is your forecast for today, cooler than yesterday when we were in the upper 50s and low 60s. today 52 at reagan national with partial sunshine. 49 in frederick. and 54 in fredericksberg. more details on the forecast in just a minute. let's get some on-time traffic with julie wright who herself has had over 32,000 ice cream sandwiches in her lifetime. >> in a good way. >> i've cut back, thank you very much. >> i meant that only in a good way, julie. >> it's the ho ho's and the dingdongs i'm still stuck on. >> i don't know about those. lanes are open and no accidents open on the top side of the beltway. delays leaving 95 toward georgia avenue. 95 clearing out nicely coming in from laurel. bw parkway still tied up as you work south of 197 to the beltway. and then both 50 and the parkway slow as you continue inside of the beltway headed into northeast washington. southeast you'll find lanes are open across the anacostia bridges. here is the mess on 66, the remains of the accident still squeezing the left lane with most of the activity on the shoulder. delays eastbound from fair oaks toward the capital beltway. the traffic slows toward 66. off of canal road headed toward the key bridge and now toward roslyn, lanes are open. looking good here. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. well millions -- i'm shaking my head because of the next segment. millions of homes are refinancing to take advantage of low interest rates. but one washington post columnist recently went through provides lessons for everyone to learn from. dana millbank joins us now. and we're so happy you're here. let me say the name of the article. behind the foreclosure crisis, big binks reign of error. can you give us some of the low lights. >> and i didn't write the column to whine about my circumstances which aren't as bad as millions of people out there but because i talked to consumer advocates who said this sort of thing is typical. so i refinanced my mortgage. i live a few blocks from your studio and thought it would be a routine sort of thing. the next thing i know, the mortgage company which insists on taking an escrow account to pay off your insurance, it turns out they weren't paying my insurance. that was about to be canceled and then they paid my property taxes twice. and then they made the account out getting my wife's name wrong. then it turned out they changed the interest rate and increased my monthly payment by $300. so i got my revenge on these guys by writing a column in the washington post. >> did they know who you were? >> well, no. who knows. >> you have to put it on there. reporter. >> but it's worth noting within minutes of the column appearing, all of the problems were remedied. the problems were mysteriously in the bank's favor, all of the mistakes and errors made and they said this was completely atypical. now i'm delighted that my headache is gone but the problem is these mistakes are driving hundreds of thousands, if not more, people into foreclosure who wouldn't otherwise be there and this is awful if you are in that position but it's awful for all of us in the economy because it's drag the real estate and market down because of the mistakes. >> and i want to get this point out. what is your big lesson learned for the people watching who might be thinking of refinancing or jumping into the housing mess or game, what have you? what is the headline from you? >> i don't think there is one way to prevent this sort of thing, but you definitely need to keep on your toes. don't go into thinking i'll just sign whatever papers they stick in front of me and everything will be fine. and so if you are making a decision that's at the margins to refinance, you might want to think about it. it could be hundreds of hours of paperwork. >> right. and not to mention tens of hundreds on the telephone trying to figure it out. >> oh, my goodness. and i tried the e-mails and sometimes they go to michigan and st. louis and all around the country. >> ultimately, whose problem is this? you say the subpar lenders is where you think it is. >> the first crisis was with the people issuing the mortgage, people that shouldn't have had them under terms that were confusing to them. that's beginning to work it's way out through the system now. but what we have now is the problem of who is everybody is servicing the loans. banks make the loan and dump them off, securitize them so they are protected. but the same large banks are now servicing all of the loans. well guess what, they don't care if the loan goes into foreclosure or what happens to it because they don't have, as the president likes to say, skin in the game. all they want to do is get their fees so they are finding mysterious ways to increase fees. so for example, if they don't pay your homeowner's insurance or you don't pay your homeowner's insurance and you lose your insurance, they can force place you into their own in-house insurance company and it will cost you a fortune but they're allowed to do that. so their incentive is to squeeze the management mum amount of fees out of the people, not to make sure the loans perform well. >> and like i said, i urge you to read the column. go to washington to read it. but i have to end with what happens when they cut you the check and they're like here is your check out of all of this refinancing. what happened in. >> not only did i get my refinance, they handed me a check that i didn't ask for for a home equity line of credit for tens of thousands of dollars. i said we don't want this. well there is no account to put the money back into it and we deposited it into another account and the check bounced and we're getting charged on an account that doesn't exist. >> and i was both amused and scared to death after reading it. so i'm glad that you have it sorted out and thank you for writing about your trials and tribulations. >> if you could just write more about those effected by it. and kwame brown's finances in question as well. and the son of prince george's county executive jack johnson hired by the county during a hiring freeze. we'll talk about those stories when we come back. then later, live with a look at lessons your kids could learn at kids safe event with the help of firefighters this morning. stay with us. it's 8:21.  so what's the language here in aruba ? papiamento. papiamento. yeah. so how would i say, uh, one happy island ? un isla feliz. un isla feliz. yeah... what about work related stress ? pssssh... there must be a word for it. i don't know that one. the d.c. council chair could be under fire for not disclosed campaign contributions from three years ago. kwame brown may have failed to report more than $250,000 in expenses and contributions. allegations relate to his 2008 re-election campaign for his at- large council seat but someone posted the information on the internet. that post got the information from a posting to the district's office of campaign finance. in prince george's county, despite a hiring freeze, former county executive jack johnson's son was given a job. according to the washington post, 31-year-old jack johnson, jr., was hired as a budget analyst. his annual salary more than $71,000. neither father nor son have commented. both jack and his wife are being investigated for bribery and have denied any wrongdoing. jack johnson set to appear in court tomorrow and leslie has asked for a reday of her court appearance later in week. and there is a protest expected outside of the governor's mansion tonight. thousands are expected to protest against governor o'malley's pension reform. he's tried to increase bargaining rights but some call his efforts collective bargaining light because there is no right to strike. they are debating pension reform today. and in maryland, a man sentenced to 15 years behind bars in cuba. >> why? and more on the fight to get him released when we talk with chris van hollen. stay with us. [ alarm blares ] you stay here hon'. i'm gonna go cook breakfast. give me half an hour. ahhh. ♪ ohh! ♪ [ male announcer ] so simple you could make em yourself. breakfast!! [ male announcer ] so delicious you don't have to. golden crispy outside, warm and fluffy inside. did you make coffee too? yes... i will. [ male announcer ] eggo® waffles. simply delicious. 8:29 now on a monday morning. let's take a look at stories making headlines this morning. there are conflicting stories surrounding the deadly bus crash in new york. the driver said the bus got clipped by a tractor-trailer but passengers and witnesses say the bus swerved for no apparent reason just before sliding off the road and into a pole. now 14 people died in the crash. police say they have located the tractor-trailer and its driver. the driver is now being questioned. members of d.c.'s music community came together for an emergency town hall meeting following a big fight that broke out at the dmv entertainment music awards. this is video of the brawl which left six people hurt. organizers want to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. a floating restaurant in ohio is back on solid ground again after friday's unexpected cruise. the popular seafood restaurant broke free from the pier and floating down the swollen ohio river with more than 80 customers inside. they were all rescued. fortunately to one was hurt. how frightening that must have been. >> a dinner cruise. >> this wasn't part of the meal. >> it didn't get too far away. >> they are all right. >> hopefully they comped them their food. good morning, allison. i have something that looks as beautiful after your sweater this morning. >> thank you. >> this is a live shot. >> very nice. >> daffodils blooming in northwest washington, that's a live shot so that's happening as we speak. >> so promising. >> yes. and we have more signs of spring later this week as our temperatures will get warmer and warmer. not so much right now. in fact bring along a jacket this morning. our temperatures until the 30s and low 40s and later today only about 50 or so. so it will be a little bit on the cool side today, particularly after a d.c. weekend. but there you go, signs of spring abound across washington as we have a lot of daffodils about to come up. 41 right now at rea national. 30s here off to the north and west. it was 20s not long ago in places like manassas and culpeper. and you're still below freezing. 30 degrees for you. 32 in quantico. frederick is 41, good morning. out to the west, martinsberg and winchester both 40. and closer to the day, leonardtown is 34 degrees. cool today and bring along a jacket. not getting a chance to warm up as we have cloud cover and the winds shifting out of the north. there is the light cloud cover. see the gray. it will break up and we'll be in for a partly sunny to mostly sunny afternoon but cooler, as mentioned. rain holds off, off to the south and west. it won't get a chance to get in here it will tomorrow. it will dry up as we approach the atmosphere. and by tomorrow night and wednesday we'll have a period of rain. and then behind that much warmer air for the end of the week. it will be beautiful around here by thursday and friday. 52 today and partial sunshine out there. winds lighter than yesterday and then later tonight, partly cloudy and cool with light winds, 36 the overnight low. so unfortunately, your heater will have to run again later tonight. there is your forecast. getting some rain tuesday night and wednesday. thursday 66 and friday sunshine. that's right, awesome 75 degrees by friday afternoon. that's a look at the weather forecast. steve, over to you. over the weekend a potomac, maryland, man was sentenced in cuba to 15 years in prison for crimes again the state. allen gross was arrested back in december of 2009 while on a democracy building project. gross was setting up secret internet networks for cuban dissidents they say. he was working to improve internet access for the jewish community. and the white house calling for his immediate release and so is chris val holen who joins us in studio. this is one of your constituents getting attention and what have you heard about what is happening there and the most recent news of the sentencing? >> this is a terrible mischaracter of misjustice and we've been working with secretary clinton and the family to try to secure his release. they refused to do so. we are now going to work hard to get his release after the sentencing. there are strong humanitarian grounds for doing this but this is a terrible miscarriage of justice and will make the u.s.- cuban relationship even more difficult than it already is. >> that was the question, how much difference can one case or one american make when it comes to relations between two countries like this? >> well it can make a difference because the obama administration has been trying to slowly improve relations, especially with the cuban people. in other words, allowing more travel, allowing cuban american families to send more money back to families there. a generally opening up. but this has -- this will make it much more difficult to proceed along those lines. >> how much more difficult is it now to try to secure a release, now that the sentence has been handed down, which was a hefty sentence. the cuban government was seeking 20 years and the sentence was 15. who works together to try to get this done and what can you do at this point? >> we'll continue to work with the cuban government. there are some that believe that now that they've sort of proved their point, which we strongly disagree with, but that they've gone forward with the sentencing, that now it may open the possibility of discussions to get his release. he is lost -- he has lost a huge amount of weight. he has diabetes. family members here at home are being treated for cancer. there are very compelling grounds to say to the cuban government, even though we strongly disagree with the action you've taken, that you should release him on humanitarian grounds. so nobody knows exactly how we'll go from here. we'll be working with state department and we'll reach out again to the cuban authorities to see if we can't make the case to release him immediately. >> cuba, one of the last countries holding off against a democracy. it's tricky, isn't it, when you deal with a country so firm in its beliefs as far as how it believes it should governor. >> they are cutting across the grain. we're seeing democratic revolutions in tunisia, cuba continued to hunker down. there was some hope when castro began to handle the reins over to his brother raul there was hope but this case seems to prove the cubans do not want to move forward. but again we have not given up hope we can secure his release. we are working hard. we're entering the next phase of the case and hopefully it will be more successful than the first one. >> and he was working for a company out of bethesda. was anybody else taken into custody or was he the only person? >> he was the only person. and he was working as a subcontractor for a bethesda based development company dai under contract with the agency for international development and were promoting democracy in cuba but this was an effort to provide greater internet access for the cuban community -- excuse me the jewish community that lives in cuba. >> best wishes with that. i know you have a battle on your hand but working with the state department and the white house you can secure that. but let's talk about japan while you're here. is there any plans for congress to take any steps to secure any more aid for the japanese people. >> in president obama said they need additional support from congress to provide for some of the needs of the japanese people, i'm sure congress will be forthcoming with that. we have our uss aircraft carrier the ronald reagan there. we're providing lift support. we have some nuclear specialists there. but the congress, i'm confident, would be willing to provide resources to our strong ally and friend japan in its hour of need. >> as we learn the scope of the damage there which i'm sure will continue to change. congressman chris van hollen. thank you very much and good luck in your efforts as well. >> thank you very much. and coming up next we'll reveal our job of the day plus we have a preview of the budget talks taking place in prince george's county today. stay with us. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ we're facing another government shutdown at the end of the week. right now the government is being funded on a two-week extension. democrats and republicans are at odds over how to trim a federal deficit of more than $1.6 trillion. lawmakers and staffers are working on yet another continuing resolution known as a c.r. to avoid a government shutdown. >> with regard to the short- term c.r., i don't think we ought to let the government shut down. >> every day that we punt and don't act, we add $4 billion to our national debt. at some point we'll have to pay that back. >> the current budget battle applies to the fiscal year that we are in right now which runs up through september. lawmakers haven't been able or haven't begun to debate next year's proposed budget. prince george's county executive rash urn baker will lay out the fiscal year 2012 proposed budget later this morning and present it to the county council at 10:00 a.m. in upper marlboro. bakers' $2.7 billion budget is expected to include a development fund and modest increases for schools and police also anticipated. later this afternoon baker plans to hold a press conference detailing the budget. if you're working for work, today's job of the day is at the franciso day company with gps field experience. for more on this job and many others go to and click on the job shop tab at the top of the home page. 8:42 on this monday morning. did you get your ipad 2. it's been on sale for two days but you had three hours to pick one up before they sold out. >> i was not one of hundreds of thousands. and the reviews are coming in and find out how it compares to the original and other tablets on the market. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we are fascinated as we learn lots of good lessons. we are live in warrenton at highlands school where they are gearing up for kids' safe 2011 and it includes news you can use with you and your family, including self-defense. we'll talk about that and more live on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. these guys are good, aren't they?  friday was the big day for apple lovers, tablet lovers. the ipad 2 unveiled friday noon and the device already selling out in many places. this morning mark kelner our technology columnist for the washington times joins us to review the new gadget. mark, thanks for joining us. you brought in the old and the new. just physically looking at it, it looks smaller but i guess the size is the same, it's just thinner, right? >> exactly. they are thinner. don't know if we can get in on that. but it's thinner and a little bit lighter than the original model. and that's a big plus. >> it is. especially if you are carrying it around. >> and something i rarely said about a technology product, it's helpful in bed because it's lighter and easier to hold when reading. >> and that's how the whole thing came about this time last year when we first introduced the ipad, people said this might be a replacement for the kindle or used as a reader. do you still look at it that way, especially when you review something like this or is it much more than that? >> it's far more than just a reader. it's a great e-book reader in my personal opinion. but the more important thing is that you can do -- i would say between 80-90% of your business tasks, depending on your line of work, with the ipad which makes traveling a whole lot easier. >> certainly a hot seller as we saw. everything selling out on friday. >> 600,000 sold over the weekend i'm told. >> and i know the apple store online went from a 3-5 day wait period to a 3-4 week wait period if you are trying to get on board this morning and order one. you had a chance to play around with it. what do you think as far as how it compares to the original ipad? >> the good news is all of the good features of the original are still there. but now with the cameras that are built in, such as this one right here, i can get you sitting right here and i can flip the camera around if i so desire. and there i am. so i can use this for photography, for what they call face time chats, which are live video conferences. it's great for traveling parents who want to stay in touch with their children. >> how would you compare this to other reader that's are out there or the tablets out there? >> well in terms of other readers, they are great for reading books, but generally, as i found with the kindle, the internet browsing experience isn't very good. the e-mail experience isn't very good. the other tab led -- tablets, there is no interest. there is not a lot of applications and people aren't lining up, as i did, at the columbia mall for 3 hours and longer to buy an android tablet but on friday there were hundreds of people lined up at the mall to buy the i pad. >> how long did you wait in line? >> three hours. >> and i'm sure you have plenty of company. >> without question. >> and the question when it comes to this, is it worth it to get the new one now at the price the old one came out at and we've seen such discounted pricesond old i pads. is it better to do that or worth it to pay the price and get the new one? >> it depends on your needs. if you don't need the camera or the face time, then, no, you don't need to buy the new one. but given that the price of the new models is exactly the as the price of the original models, why not? >> well we'll let you play with it longer and then we'll check back in a couple of weeks and see if that love is still there. >> my pleasure. >> and i'm assuming since you waited three hours for it, it will be. thank you very much for joining us and bringing this in. some apple iphone users are complaining their high-tech device bungled the time change. some phones fell one hour back instead of springing forward. making the time displayed on iphone two hours off. this isn't the first time it happened. a clock glitch prevented from alarms sounding on new year's day and they struggle to adjust to the end of daylight saving time back in november. so far no comment from apple. talking about things like fire safety, first aid and self- defense, a few lessons caught to the kids at the kids safe event this weekend. >> and holly is there this morning at the highland school in warrenton, virginia, to talk about the safety day coming up. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. i know you've probably experienced this. you try to tell your kids something and they don't listen. but then somebody else tells them the exact same thing and they're like the best thing i ever learned. >> i'm familiar with that phenomenon. it's terrible. >> reporter: well you should bring your kids out to this kids safe event because they have brought together all kinds of experts that will help teach your kids some safety information and lessons they need to know and you'll probably learn something in the process as well. we're getting a preview and we'll start with dr. diana chalmetta. and tell me your name? >> brad. >> ashley. >> reporter: and what are you talking about this saturday? >> i'm talking about first aid in the home. and so i will have a station where the kids will come learn about first aid. and one of the things will be discussing poisonings. >> reporter: and this is interesting because you may not realize how similar some things look until you put them next to each other, right? so let's come over here. what do you think this is right here? what does it look like? >> chocolate. >> reporter: what do you think it is? >> chocolate. >> reporter: would you be surprised if i told you it wasn't chocolate. doctor, tell us what this is? >> it is a laxative and it will help you use the bathroom. it can give you some pretty loose stools. and deer rea and -- and diarrhea and tummy cramps. it looks like chocolate because people don't like medication and they want it easy to swallow and take and we often make medicine look like candy which is unfortunate because young children will often mistake it for candy and then take it, thinking it is something yummy to eat and it will make them very sick. >> which is why you need to know the poison control number and talk your kids through this. thank you so much. that is one of the things going on. another thing that will be going on is fingerprinting. and james hartman joins me to tell me what you guys are offering up on saturday. >> we're offering child id packages and parents can provide information about their child to deputy ellis and that is down loaded into the computer and the fingerprints are taken and the photograph and it points out an id package that can be given to law enforcement. >> reporter: who is this? >> me. >> reporter: you look good there. that's a good photo. why is it important for parents to do this? >> in the event the child becomes loss or missing, this can be given to law enforcement aid in a search. this package includes two wallet cards, one for mom and one for dad and information kept in a safe place at home. >> reporter: that is great. such a wonderful idea. you guys are doing good there. and anybody in for exercising? >> me. >> reporter: that's going on here as well. and this is sherry with fauquier hospital. send them on their way. tell them what they are doing? i guess they are well versed in hopscotch. and you are talking about kids being active? >> right. so what we're going to do is recommend 60 minutes of daily exercise for all children -- children of all ages. >> reporter: and do you find it's hard these days, because there are so many options for kids in terms of video games and watching tv that just to get them outside and getting their bones active is easier said than done sometimes? >> right. so it's important that families recommend and promote exercise for their children by getting them into a routine. it could be after school that they're getting them in a routine of walking or riding bikes. >> reporter: or jumping jacks. let me see if you can do jumping jacks. i think you can do it. here is what you need to know. is our website. we have a link to kids safe 2011 going on this saturday at highlands school here in warrenton from 9:00 until noon for kids 4-11, absolutely free. we'll talk more about the lessons they're learning in the next hour. goo is are good -- you guys are g. you have to do jumping jacks for the next hour. >> a whole hour? holly, thank you. straight ahead at 9:00, live to japan and the latest on the earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. >> we'll set to talk about the japanese red cross and what you can do to help from right here in the district.  we want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. today it is pearlie barnes. good morning, pearlie. celebrating her 33rd birthday. happy birthday. she said she wakes up and goes to bed with the fox 5 crew. glad to have you on board. to be tomorrow's fan of the day find us on facebook by searching for fox 5 morning news and then post a comment under pearlie's photo. again, happy birthday and good morning pearlie, barns. that will do it for this hour of fox 5 morning news. it is time to turn things over to sarah joining allison to take us up until 10:00. good morning. >> good morning, steve. thank you. here is a look at stories that we are following for the 9:00 hour of fox 5 morning news. we continue to follow the tragedy in japan. that powerful quake and tsunami that followed has killed thousands and thousands more are missing. we will talk with someone from the japanese red cross about the rescue efforts there and the conditions many japanese are now facing. plus bethesda residents are on alert this morning, after a woman was found murdered inside a popular store and her coworker was also attacked. we'll have the latest on the investigation in a bit. and a former white house chef and steward are in the studio dishing about healthy eating. we'll talk about their initiative later. and let's say hello to tucker barnes who has the latest on this beautiful forecast for us. nice weekend and nice today. we'll take it. >> yes, thank you very much, sarah. cool out there to start the morning as we had temperatures overnight falling below the freezing mark. but later this afternoon, plenty of sunshine. not a perfectly sunny day but

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