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we'll tell you what we do know. >> and then tomorrow we'll find out who tries to get in. let's check in with tony perkins. that shot at the top of the hour, more ominous. >> reagan national reporting partly cloudy skies after we saw sunshine around sunrise but more clouds are building in as we speak. so it's a mixed bag. let's take a look at the satellite radar. you can see it right here on the satellite as the cloud cover makes its way in once again. and there is some precipitation down there across the central and southeastern portions of virginia. tas primarily tracking off to the east. but we'll keep our eyes on it. remember we've been mentioning that we can't rule out a stray shower here or there during the course of the day today. current temperatures, right now 52 degrees here in the nation's capital. 54 in baltimore. 51 at dulles airport. 53 in ocean city. and 53 in winchester. here is your forecast for today. a lot of clouds around and isolated showers. certainly it's possible. high today about 67 degrees. we'll have more on the forecast coming up in just a little bit. right now let's go to julie wright for an update on traffic. on the outer loop, delays from the springfield and the wilson bridge. earlier accident at eisenhower on the right side and that contributed to the delay toward the bridge and once you get past eisenhower the pace improved but right now a two mile backup. and 95 slows dale city to lorton and delays toward king street on 395. eastbound 66 slowing at manassas, fair oaks to 123, nutley street to the beltway. southbound 270 at mva, delays toward 370 and traffic slows again falls road. southbound bw crash at 197 clears. in the district, 295 at navy yard, accident there causing a rubbernecking delays. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. today's top story, washington may be getting a clear message from the results of the primary election. >> one powerful incumbent losing his seat and that's not the only shakeup. and sarah simmons live with the aftermath of this mini tuesday morning. >> reporter: good morning, steve. both parties took a hit last night and in many ways this is a race against the incumbent and the message with voters is they are not happy with wash. republican rand paul takes the stage in kentucky. the tea party candidate ended with a big win. >> i have a message. a message from the tea party. a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words. we have come to take our government back. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: the son of congressman and former presidential candidate ron paul beat trey grayson for the republican senate nomination. grayson was hand picked by party leaders and still lost. and he wasn't the only one to fall. >> it's been a great privilege to serve the people of pennsylvania. [ applause ] >> reporter: after five terms in the senate and a rebranding as a democrat, arlen specter lost his bid to joe sestak. even white house support did little to help him and when it became clear specter might lose the president simply ignored him. in arkansas blanche lincoln scored enough votes to head to a runoff but she may still be in real trouble as an incumbent. if there is good news for democrat it's came in western pennsylvania. mark critz handily defeated tim burns in a special house election. it was the only real matchup between a republican and a democrat. now even then mark critz was known to run a more conservative campaign and was very critical of the president. at this point a lot of people are wondering if this is going to be a prediction of what is to come in november as well. live on capitol hill, sarah simmons, fox 5 news. back to you. >> and we'll talk more about the results of these races later this hour as we hear from political analysts from both sides of the aisle coming up after 7:30. another big story this morning, police searching for a suspect after a hit-and-run. the driver hit and injured a child. he was hospitalized. no word on his condition this morning. anyone with any information is asked to call police. there is emotional testimony yesterday in the murder of robert wone. he was killed in adieu important rowhouse in 2006. the men that lived there are being charged with obstruction of justice. his widow said one of the man sounded like he was in shock when he called to help us. we have someone stabbed on the second floor. [ crying ] >> the man who placed that call cried as the call was played in court yesterday. it was the first time there was any emotion from the defendants. police believe a witness saw a gunman getting away after a murder in this mansion in centreville, virginia. he ended up killing the handyman. a driver spotted an older model white toyota pickup truck after a man jumped in the back and covered himself with a tarp. a beating caught on camera in montgomery county on aspen hill. three teens have been arrested. police are still trying to identify two people on the tape. wisdom martin has more details now. >> reporter: police believe 18- year-old kirkland hall, jr., initiated the attack. he's wearing a green hat and a white tank top shirt. police say he engaged in the victim in conversation about his cell phone. moments later hall and four others surround him. two suspects began taunting the victim and hall throws a hard bunch. the victim tries to escape up the stairs and is hit from the rear. he goes down and is dragged back down the stairs by the group, held and beaten. at one point the victim is back on the ground and the video shows him being kicked hard six times. police say when they finished at tack, the suspects left with the victim's cell phone. then ten days later another pack robbery at georgia and connecticut avenues. >> they ended up taking his hat and ultimately a small amount of money from him. he fled and hailed a passing motorist and this action caused the subjects to flee. >> people get jumped and robbed for money. >> people have gotten used to it. they live around here and know the people who do it. sometimes they do it together. >> reporter: a couple of years ago this man went through the same kind of attack in a shopper center parking lot near the apartment complex and said he was jumped by three guys and a girl. >> and the girl came to me first. and she asked me for -- she pretended like she was getting the money. because it was a girl it's kind of like -- and then this other guy came behind me and around and i was suspicious, looking around and then one guy hit me in the back of my head and i fell on the floor and they just held me down. >> reporter: he said he was robbed again before he stopped delivering pizzas in the area. and this crime captured on tape, police have arrested three of the teens involved but are still searching for the others. >> i don't know who should do something or how it should happen but something needs to be done. >> wisdom martin reporting. three montgomery county teens are being held on $200,000 bond f. convicted they could face up to 25 years in prison. more questions about a t.b. square at a high school. a feudent has been diagnosed with an active case of tb. >> there was never an attempt to hide this or keep it secret. but naturally we wanted the parents to be notified first to know what was going on. that didn't happen. tb is a very slow-growing thing. there is no danger from waiting this short length of time. >> students and staff members who had close contact with the infected student will be tested as a precaution. it's 7:10 on a wednesday morning and it's almost beach weather out there. if you are a fan of delaware beaches and don't like the drive, there is a new substitute for you. and we continue to follow the big oil spill in the gulf. >> reporter: the investigation is widening into the bp oil spill. i'm ainsley earhart and have i details coming up. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. the gas prices are going down, they go back up again. we know saving money is important. this summer, shop with your giant card and save on shell fuel. earn one point for every dollar you spend. every 100 points earned gets you another 10 cents off per gallon. the more you spend, the more you save. i'm saving money at the store, i'm saving money at the pump, and that works for me. more savin every time you shop, only with your giant card. vice president joe biden's son beau has left the hospital. he spent a week at thomas jefferson university hospital in philadelphia following a stroke. it's unclear when he will return to his job as attorney general of delaware. the wizards beat the odds last night. they got the number one pick in the nba draft and that means they are in line to grab the top choice. grunfeld has come out and said they will not trade the number one draft pick away. we'll find out who they select on june 24th. so good news for the wizards. >> that's great. new ownership and a new winning season. it's true. >> good. let me tell what you is happening right now. >> it's the last day, right? >> of what. >> kind of the -- you know. >> i think the bulk of the rain is done. maybe a shower or two here and there. 52 degrees is the current temperature. relative humidity at 80%. winds are calm. barometric pressure 29.94 and rising. temperatures across the country. mild everywhere. 70 in new orleans, 81 in miami. 70 in dallas. las vegas is 64 degrees at this hour. sat-rad for the nation. stormy conditions in the nation's mid section where once again kansas and oklahoma, there are some severe thunderstorm watches out there. and they are going to be looking out for some flooding and the like. so heavy weather conditions in the nation's mid section. your five-day forecast looks like this, today 67 for your high. that's warmer than yesterday. still not where we should be. and maybe a stray shower or a little bit of drizzle. so don't be shocked. a stray shower or it here. drizzle. most of us will be dry but we can't rule out a little bit of precipitation. tomorrow night and 77 degrees. saturday and sunday not bad with a chance of showers here and there. about a 30% chance at this point. so there you go. not a bad looking -- >> if we do have a pop-up shower, about what time? >> that i can't say. >> well syndey has a field trip today. and it would be nice if they didn't have to get rained on. >> is it outdoors. >> yeah. >> well they'll be okay. >> come on tony, with today's technology. we can see a quarter on the curb from the moon but you can't tell us what time a shower will be. >> i predict that your daughter will not encounter any rain. >> all right. >> if syndey comes home looking like a wet dog, somebody is in trouble. [ laughter ] good luck, syndey. lanes open northbound on 95 but i have to tell you it is a slow go from the prince william's parkway and newington toward duke street on 395. also make note on route 1 not only do i have delays, but slow traffic at fort belvoir. outer loop congested from springfield. accident activity now cleared. outer loop delays leaving 95 toward university boulevard. southbound 95 at 195, reports of debris and some people now sitting on the shoulder with flat tires. bw parkway is congested 32 to 197 with a wreck on the shoulder. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. we are following some breaking news from over sea this is morning. this is a look at downtown bangkok, thailand. grenades have been fired. apparently the army started firing live ammunition to disburse some folks protesting and that results in reports from the associated press of at least four dead including an italian news photographer. and after the leaders of the red shirt gave themselves up to police, some of the followers and supporters apparently set a number of fires in response, including fires to the stock exchange, several banks, the headquarters of the electrical authority, the central world shopping mall, which is a high- end shopping mall, a cinema that has collapsed. so major problems happening in downtown bangkok right now as a result of these protests which have been going on for weeks, reaching a head overnight and you can see a good part of downtown bangkok on fire this morning. we'll have more on this situation and continue to follow it throughout the morning. after the massive oil leak in the gulf of mexico, scientists are checking tar balls from the keys. if it is, then the current can bring the oil up the east coast. >> and the investigation into the leak is expanding. while the ceo of bp said the environmental impact will be very modest, ainsley earhart brings us the latest. >> reporter: fears are expanding. so far bp puts the leak at 210,000 gallons since the april 20th explosion. however the tar balls found in key west could be from a passing ship. >> we had 20 yesterday. 40 confirmed today. >> reporter: scientists won't figure out the source for a few more days. >> i think it's the worst disaster in the united states since the exxon valdez. >> reporter: bp has another perspective from their office in houston. >> everything we can see at the moment suggests that the overall environmental impact of this will be very, very modest. >> reporter: but oil is still leaking along the gulf coast and the spill is churning. >> we've lost 36 [ inaudible ] >> reporter: there is fury for someone to claim responsibility in congress. >> the american people aren't just furious at bp, but furious that the government allowed this to happen with no real plan in police. >> reporter: interior secretary ken salazar in the hot seat tuesday said the blame falls on everyone involved. >> there is also a collective responsibility here that has to be put at the feet of bp. and it's not only bp, it is transocean, it is halliburton, it is cam ran and a whole host of other companies that have association to the incident. >> reporter: salazar acknowledged his department had been lax in holding the industry accountable. >> the administration here wishes to demonstrate that they are on top of it. >> reporter: right now there is no criminal investigation of bp or the other companies involved. the u.s. attorney said the government's focus is stopping the leak and getting bp to clean it all up. ainsley earhart, fox news. >> the government's plan to explore for oil off the coast of virginia has hit another major snag. a new department of defense report seeks to place the vast majority of the area off limits to drilling. the pentagon said those waters are crucial to the norfolk naval base. governor mcdonnell said he is still confident they can coexist. and the popular d.c. to new york bus line is adding a new service and they will start service between washington and rehoboth beaches they will run friday, saturday and sunday. tickets will be $39 one way or $70 round trip. nice to not have to sit behind the wheel for that trip. almost beach traffic season. it is now 7:21 right now on a wednesday morning and it's been a hot topic of conversation. your privacy on facebook. now a new program will keep your information safe. we'll tell you about that. an air brushed magazine cover certainly nothing new but this one is different. wait until you here what changes editors made to this cover. and holly continues with her off-beat experts. this morning she's at the national zoo and she will join us with her latest little known expert. back in a moment. paou there has been a lot of talk about privacy on facebook. you can click through 50 settings with more than 170 options to make sure your information is safe or use a new tool to scan all of them in seconds. reclaim will show you where you need more protection. if you would like a link go to and click on web links. another air brushed model but this one has a twist to it. healthy magazine editors admit they air brushed the model on the latest edition. why? she looked unhealthy. they digitally added about 7 pounds. this is a picture of model camilla without any air brushing. the editors claimed that she showed up to the shoot looking much thinner so they added some weight to make her look healthier. a little different than what you normally see with the air brush photos. normally they take away. it's the primary that's already changed the lay of the land on capitol hill. coming up next we'll talk with our political duo, half of the regulars are here, peter fenn and jordan seco will talk about reaction on both sides of the aisle. and we know more about the man found dead on a metro train. we'll have details for you next. fox 5 morning news will be back. 54 degrees for you this morning. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. we continue to follow the breaking news happening in thailand this morning. this is a live look over downtown bangkok and you can see the smoke continuing to pour out of a number of buildings in downtown bangkok that have been set on fire. apparently in retaliation by protestors who were forced by force to vacate downtown bangkok. a gun battle ensued last night. leading to four deaths and 60 people injured. apparently the army opened fire on some protesters and apparently in response protesters set fire to a number of downtown buildings. now we're talking about major buildings like major banks, up scale shopping malls, movie theaters, one movie theater apparently collapsed. it is a modern part of bangkok in flames this morning. we'll keep an eye on what is happening there. fires burning for a time overseas. >> we'll stay on that story for you this morn. meantime folks want to know about the weather. >> i think some improvement to what we've been seeing. we'll see a few more rays of sun. but still plenty of clouds out there today. we've had more clouds build in during this part of the morning. more clouds than we had earlier this morning. a little bit warmer today. we'll add a few degree on top of what we had yesterday. sunshine is on the way. tomorrow we'll see a good amount of sunshine. i feel it will probably be the sunniest day of the week. and then as we head toward the weekend i have to say right now the weekend looks so-so. some sun, some clouds, a little bit of precipitation here and there. current temperatures around the area, no big changes here, we continue to see temperatures ranging from the upper 40s to mid-50s. it looks like we have lost the 40s on this map. 53 degrees at dulles. 55 in baltimore. 54 here in washington. win chest certify -- winchester is at 53. 54 in eastern maryland. satellite radar composite, but first a broader picture. cooler to the north. 49 in binghamton. raleigh, north carolina coming in at 58 at this hour. and now the satellite radar composite, no precipitation for us this morning. some clouds out there. you can see some sunshine off to the east. more clouds off to the west. down to the south and east more clouds have filled in down there. you can see it was clear skies and then, bang, more clouds moving in. so that's the way it will be during the course of the day today. we have no precipitation now. but we cannot rule out a sprinkle or a little bit of drizzle here and there during the course of the day. most of us won't get it but you might see a little bit here and there. a lot of clouds around today but a little more sunshine than what we've seen. an isolated shower possible. 67 degrees for the high. then for tonight, look for an overnight low of about 55 degrees. tomorrow 77 with a good amount of sunshine i think again thursday, the nicest day of the week. friday sun but clouds build in late. warm and 81 degrees. saturday and sunday a good amount of sunshine but featuring some clouds each day. and right now a 30% chance of showers each day as well. that's what is happening with the weather. here is julie wright with more on our rush hour traffic. >> again, the tie is matching the sun. i like it. >> thank you. i did that on purpose. >> wouldn't it be nice if we could all set our wardrobe to the forecast. >> that could be good. >> but then we'll walk around like junie d during the month of june. northbound 395 from the beltway, heavy and slow past duke street toward king street. and again all of the lanes are open, no accidents to report. simply dealing with volume. pentagon across the 14th street bridge. 295 traffic slow from the suitland parkway to the 11th street bridge. in montgomery county, not so bad out of germantown leaving middle brook. traffic will slow at montgomery villagmontrose road to the spli that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. our big story this morning, results are in for what some are calling a mini super tuesday. arlen specter defeated. and rand paul won the republican nod in kentucky's senate primary. in arkansas blank lincoln will go to a runoff. joining us this morning peter fenn. peter, good morning. and we'll welcome back jordan secula. worked on campaigns and radio host. republican political consultant is what we're saying. good morning to both of you. let's start with this mini super tuesday. peter i'll have you weigh in first. headlines as you see them. >> unbelievable. not a good time with incumbents. this has happened all year. i think the surprise was after alex benings opponent, arlen specter went down. i think sestak will be better. he annialated this guy. and this is mitch mcconnell's hand-picked candidate. people don't care who is picking these folks. the other race which i think was unbelievable was the murtha seat in western pennsylvania. the democrats now have won seven special elections. this was a must-win for the republicans. tom davis, our local congressman, said if we don't win this, we better take a look at what we're doing. and this was the only district where john kerry won it in 2004 and barack obama lost it. so that was an interesting race. but i think the point is that if you are an incumbent, you better be looking over your shoulder. republican or democrat. >> but there is good news for the republicans. because when you look at the actual polls, and when you look at the match up against former congressman pat toomey, who is the republican nominee, he's beating sestak in the polls in pennsylvania. arlen specter did switch parties but he was much more moderate as a republican. in kentucky, conway will be taking on rand paul. he's blowing him out in the polls. so another good news for republicans down the road. and i would point out in that special election in pennsylvania in congressional district 12, the democrat candidate there, critz, he ran really right. he ran as pro life, progun, anti-health care, anti cap and trade. so very much against the obama administration policies. so it's in the -- it's not a surprise he did better than expected. it was blown out of proportion how well a republican could have done. but he was not a liberal. >> but it was said this is a referendum on the obama administration. >> i think there is a referendum on the establishment of washington, d.c. that is in ternal politics. that's why year not seeing president barack obama hanging around blanche lincoln or arlen specter. so i think there is an attitude in the country pushing back. we can't shy away from our own party because we had vice president cheney and mcconnell endorsing a candidate in kentucky that got blown out of the water. >> i think if you looked upon this as an anti-obama message, that is not what is going on. what i think we're going to see is a situation if you are an incumbent and association -- associated with washington, you will be in trouble. and this guy who worked for john murtha who won, he was solid. but if you're bob bennett and you're a conservative republican and you get knocked out of your party, mish -- mcconnell may get knocked out next year. there is so much going on in terms of the anti-washington feeling. and how it reverberates in november is another question. but president barack obama's numbers is coming up, his like ability is still high. and if this economy gets turned around he'll get the credit for it. but those are big ifs. but we have a lot of ground to cover between now and november. >> but i'm excited about what is happening in my party, which is the rise of senators, the tea party movement. rand paul is the focus of a tea party candidate and he thanked the tea party candidates and this is a good thing for our party. we're getting more grassroots. >> but think about this. he is pretty out there. my buddy pat buchanan who i debate every sunday morning, he will not be a predictable republican vote. this is the thing that i think is happening out there. you cannot put these people in boxes any more. >> but i don't think that's a bad thing. i think that it show that's the republican party -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> mitch mcconnell is the guy. >> and people have been questioning that leadership role for a long time. >> that's true. >> and we wanted to show we can take on people like rand paul and think the party will get behind him. >> here is my last question as we're running out of time. jordan, so if you have such a -- so people are saying well we don't want liberal washington, we're sick of this big spending but then you go to the complete other side with some of the tea party ideals, is that a negative thing, do you see that as coming back to bite the party in the end. such a wild swing? >> i don't think so. because it won't happen everywhere. for instance pennsylvania, pat toomey is not a rand paul. he is very conservative and he has a great chance of beating joe sestak. but -- in kentucky someone like rand paul can do well. and kentucky is a perfect example and i think the pennsylvania 12th district is an example of probably the tea party going up against the moderate democrat not doing as well. >> i think the real question is can they get things done, allison. that's the real question. we'll see what the congress looks like in january. can they actually come together in passing? that is really what the american people want. they want action. >> state dinner tonight. no crashing. we don't want to report on you tomorrow. thank you very much. steve over to you. break a traffic law in d.c. get ready to pay. we'll tell you how much fines for traffic violations may be going up in may your fenty has his way. and she's your favorite southern cook. we're talking lots of butter. we're talking paula dean in the next hour. she's helping us get ready for summer. keep it here. it's 7:41. new details about a man found dead on a metro train. investigators say he was on board that train for almost five hours before he was discovered. we are told that he got on the train at the twin brooks station on the red line on monday morning and was not found until the train had finished its run five hours later at the shady grove station. metro said the pan likely died of natural causes. a bitter battle is brewing in d.c. mayor fenty wants to increase traffic fines and fees for licenses and permits for businesses. to close a $535 million budget deficit. and we'll be talking with the mayor tomorrow about that. >> we sure will. right now let's talk to tony perkins about the forecast today. not bad out there. >> not too bad. clouds out there and cool temperatures but things are pretty decent. and i think today will be a day of transition. an okay day, better than the last couple but not as good as tomorrow. >> on the other side of this, better news. >> absolutely right. let's tack a look -- take a look at regional temperatures. 54 degrees right now in washington. in roanoke, 57. new york city is at 54 degrees. temperatures where you would expect them to be this morning. 57 in norfolk, 51 up in boston. here is a look at the surface map for today. the rain that we've had during the last couple of days has pushed off shore. there are some rain showers in portions of new england that they'll be seeing during the course of the day today. for us, high pressure begins to makes it way in here. we'll feel the effects of that tomorrow when we see some clouds but a fairly good amount of sunshine and warmer temperatures. today will be warmer than yesterday but just by a few degrees. looking for a high of 67 degrees today. plenty of clouds hanging around. cannot rule out a stray shower or a little bit of drizzle here or there. tomorrow 77. and some sunshine. friday some early morning sun and then that will give way to late-day clouds. saturday and sunday, highs in the 70s. more details are coming up in just a little bit. let's check in with julie wright for a look at traffic and see if that looks good. >> did i hear right, are you talking to paula dean in just a little bit? >> yes. >> and you need to ask her, because you were making greens yesterday and nowhere did somebody say add a ham hock. you cannot do that without ham hock. >> it probably got lost in with the cup and a half of butter in there. >> julie, i'm with you. >> who ever heard of making greens with no ham hock. my grandmother is like, what? southbound 270 delays out of germantown headed south of middle brook but closer to montgomery village avenue. pace improving at 370 and then back on brakes through rockville leaving shady grove headed south. authorities were checking for a crash near falls road on the right side in the main line. outer loop is low 95 to georgia. inbound new york avenue, heavy volume from the times building to bladensberg road. through the traffic lights it is sluggish. more delays for the entrance of the third street tunnel. wreck at stanton road has cleared. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. well it is the end of an era in comedy. after 52 years of performing together, the smother's brothers calling it quits. dick and thom smothers are taking a long needed break. they made the announcement to a group that thought they were joking. they have been performing in vegas. >> they have been doing it for a long time. they know what works. 7:48 right now. holly is still looking for off- beat experts this morning and i think she might have found somebody. >> yes. holly, who have you found this morning? >> reporter: well, if you think you deal with a lot of -- whatever in your job, wait until you meet this person i'm going to introduce you to today. we are live at the national zoo with an off-beat expert indeed. a very important one. this is a very, very important job. and i'm going to help with it -- maybe. live next on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. duct system as the lungs of the house. expulsion of air. dust and dirt that helping the house to breathe. say i'm a doctor. not a doctor either. suction. ♪ call 1-800-steemer  it just might be' lovely day today. it is may 19th, 2010. coming up on the 8 hour. 7:52 right now. and we are up to day number three of holly's off-beat expert week. >> today holly is visiting the smithsonian park. >> we call it the zoo. >> and she's specialists have unique jobs but then you figure somebody has to do it. >> that sums it up. when you get into the jobs of somebody has to do -- >> and this is one of them. and we're vamping a little bit because we're waiting for holly. but for those of us who have pets we know that sometimes -- >> you're going to give it away. we'll talk about some of the other things she'll be doing, including meeting the newer members of the zoo population. >> here is holly. if you have pets, especially dogs, you have to do it. everything has to be tested to maybe sure everything is right. >> reporter: it does. and let me go on record saying this is not breakfast conversation so if you have an uneasy stomach keep that in mind. and second of all, it took us some time because welcome to the lyon's area. i'm not seeing any lions right now and that's a good thing. but it look us a little bit to get here. and three, i've been thinking about the best way to say this. in october they have this event called boo at the zoo. we're going to call this who at the zoo. that is what our off-beat expert deals with. so let me introduce you. this is craig staffo and he is the biologist and the acting lyon and bear curator and sarah is the lab technician. and sarah and i are going on a lyon hunt, but we're not hunting for the lyon itself, are we? >> no. >> reporter: so kind of tell us what our task at hand is today craig? >> well for a huge part of the management of the species we need multiple disciplines to come together. my discipline is taking care of the animals and breed them and do our best to keep them happy and healthy. we rely on sarah and her team to come through and give us information about what is going on inside the animal's body. this morning we're going to be going through and finding that critical piece of information or critical piece that -- >> reporter: we got it. that critical piece. we got it. >> so we're going to look for some and then sarah is going to take it over from there. >> reporter: well let's look. and we'll walk around. and as we do that, craig, i wanted to ask, because in order to get obviously stuff that is on the inside of the body and then it comes to the outside of the body, you want to do this in a way that is noninvasive for the animal. so what are some of the ways that you guys kind of do that? if you have multiple animals in the cage, or in anen close -- an enclosure, who belongs to who. >> we just put together a pride. so the poo all looks the same. so if we're looking for one specific animals poo we do something called -- we mark it with specific markers. sometimes we use lentils so lions don't digest those. so when the lyon eats it, it goes in and out. so it's the best task we can think of more the most appropriate people and we can use things like glitter. it will sometimes show up on the outside of the poo. >> reporter: when i find the poo with the blink, that's the one i want to pick up. but that's pretty simple. so i guess it doesn't take a lot. you don't need a big sample because there is a big sample there. >> that is a huge sample. and the technicians will let us know if we've collected too much. >> reporter: wait a second. i'm going to do a little bit just because i'm not going to be weak here. i get involved in everything i do. so i'm going to put a little bit more in there because i'm game for anything. do you have nose plugs? let's get a little bit there and put it in. and there we go. seal it all up. now i really have done everything in my job. it's taken 12 years but i've finally done it. here is the deal. now that we've collected this wonderful specimen, we'll analyze it and talk about it and see what we can find. and talk about the important information in there. so we're heading back out. we have our poo lab set up and sarah will take us through that. this is job is a bunch of -- >> you make it sound sweet, holly. >> we will see holly again later this hour. and coming up after 8:00, paula dean joins us live with some of her favorite recipes for grilling and tailgating and she'll share them with us and we'll see how much butter she puts into that. >> can't wait for that. and then pick casey, as the worst singer on american idol last night. we'll be right back with idol chatter.  i stand before you today... to apologize. the system has failed you. i have failed you. i have failed to help you share your talent with the world when the world needs talent more than ever. yet, it's being wasted every day... by an educational system steeped in tradition and old ideas. well, it's time for a new tradition. it's time to realize talent isn't just in schools like this one, it's everywhere. it's time to use technology to rewrite the rules of education, to learn how you learn so we can teach you better. it's time the university adapted to you, rather than you adapting to it. it's time--time--time for a different--different kind of university. it's your time. ahead at 8:00, the drama is over now and the fallout begins. yesterday's primary results have some lawmakers on the nervous side this morning. we are live on the hill with more details. then environmentals fear that it would happen. tar balls are now washing up on florida beaches. the latest on the gulf oil spill still ahead this hour. then the queen of country cooking here in d.c. and with us this morning. there she is. paula dean will join us live in a little bit. she'll be grilling up some ballpark favorites and dish out some tail guilty -- tailgating tips and she and gurvir are going to share tips. good morning. i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. we're all going to be a little southern for that segment. tony perkins joins us now. >> hello. >> how is the day going to be? >> okay. better than yesterday. not quite as good as tomorrow. >> isn't that how life always is? >> absolutely right. here is what is going on as we look at the satellite radar composite. more clouds have built in during the last several minutes, during the last hour i will say. so we have cloudier skies than we did a couple of hours ago and we'll have a lot of clouds around today. and current temperatures around the region. 54 degrees in washington. 53 in baltimore. 54 in ocean city. harrisonburg is at 54 and winchester is at 53. your forecast for today. plenty of clouds. i do think there will be some rays of sun here and there so that is some improvement. there will be a few isolated showers, not an all-day rain and a high temperature of 67 degrees. that's warmer than yesterday so is that's the weather. more coming up shortly. >> a long time ago i made up a statement and i said always look on the bright side of life. >> is that where it came from? >> that's what tony is sayle. julie wright, how are the roads looking? >> we always look on the bright side of life. what else do we have to look forward to when the alarm goes off at 2:00 a.m.? all right. right now we're checking out the commute downtown inbound along the suitland parkway at naylor, receiving word of another accident on the right side of the highway. top stretch of the beltway leaving college park, on the brakes to georgia avenue. southbound 95 slowing out of laurel. bw parkway, stacking up between 32 and powder mill. across the 14th street bridge, heavy and steady, volume delays into southeast washington. and at the wilson bridge the pace has improved leaving virginia into maryland. let's take a live look at the capitol. lawmakers may be nervous after yesterday's mini supertuesday. the voters in the primary seemed to say out with the old and in with the new. arlen specter lost his bid for a 6th term after switching from the republican to the democratic party. the loss not just a big blow to spector but also to the white house. president obama supports specter. ty chandler joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning, steve. it was a risky move when arlen specter voted in favor of the stimulus package last year, ruining his chances of running as a sixth term. so crossing the aisle was his chance to hold on. and he made a career out of winning the tight ones but this time he did not have the votes. >> it's been a great privilege to serve the people of pennsylvania. [ applause ] >> reporter: but now senator arlen specter's days of service are numbered. the president, vice president and governor backing him and switching parties looked like a gamble that would pay off but instead it's the end of an era. >> he didn't do it just to get himself re-elected but he believed he could do good for the people. and so i think it was unfair. >> it should come as no surprise to anyone that people want a change. >> reporter: congressman joe sestak promises voters he is that change. his victory serving up a notice to incumbents that their jobs could be in jeopardy come november. >> too many career politicians are a bit too concerned about keeping their jobs rather than serving the public. >> reporter: but sestak doesn't have spector's job yet. he faces pat toomey in november. the former congressman wasted no time going after his opponent. >> but joe is -- adopts positions so far to the left that they are well beyond the consensus even of the democratic party. >> reporter: senator arlen specter could not hide the emotion last night, the disappointment clear and visible on his face. he's 80 years old. the longest serving here in pennsylvania and now his senate career is coming to an end. he did back joe sestak and did put his support behind him and this will be a race to watch come november because the democrats want to hold on to this seat while the g.o.p. hope to chip away at the democratic majority in the senate. steve. >> we'll be watching closely. thank you for the update from philadelphia this morning into no clear morning. blanche lincoln got to keep her seat. bill halter got 43%. so the race is headed to a june 8th runoffelection. > in kentucky rand paul won the republican nomination for senator with 59% of the vote. he's the son of the former presidential candidate. his point trey grayson got 35% of the vote. president barack obama and the first lady will host theton they will welcome mexican president felipe calderon and his wife. the first lady is keep the menu a -- keeping the menu a surprise. but celebrity chef richard bayless is saying there is a black molay sauce from scratch and herbs and lettuce from the white house garden and strawberries from a local farm. the white house continues to deal with disaster in the gulf of mexico. now under water video shows the oil gusting up, an estimated 5,000 barrels of oil is leaking per day. sarah simmons is live on capitol hill with new details. sarah, good morning. >> reporter: well, allison, there are now traces of oil showing up near florida. so there are big concerns that this ocean current is starting to pull the oil further out. in the meantime, hearings continue on the hill today into this spill as lawmakers continue to grow frustrated over a lack of answers. nearly two dozen tar balls have washed ashore on a stretch of key west, florida. it's unclear if they are linkinged to the bp leak in the gulf or if they could be from a passing ship. but still there is plenty of concern at this popular tourist destination. >> i think it's a potential worst disaster that we've had in the united states since the exxon valdez. >> reporter: once fear that warm waters from the current are grabbing oil and dragging it beyond the gulf. >> some trajectories are showing that the oil will make a move southeast ward within the gulf stream. >> reporter: in washington interior secretary ken salazar is in the hot seat as lawmakers lob criticism on the government's handling of off shore drilling but he said the blame falls on everyone. >> there is also a collective responsibility here that has to be put right at the feet of bp. and it's not only bp, it is transocean, it is halliburton, it is cameron and a whole host of other companies that have some association with the incident related to the deepwater horizon. >> reporter: bp said it's making progress in the slowing of the leak, capturing 40% of the 5,000 barrels a day now threatening water and wildlife. now even though secretary salazar mentioned to that senate panel on tuesday that the blame rests with everyone, he did admit that his office had been lax in overseeing off shore activities, something he said is going to have to be dealt with here in the coming days. sarah simmons, fox 5 news. back to you. >> sarah, thank you for that. now to local headlines. one crime scene, three victims. somebody shot three people in capital hights near the d.c. line. this happened yesterday on bening road and marlboro pike. one victim was able to get to the d.c. border and flag down a police officer for help. all three are expected to be okay. three teen-agers have been arrested, being held on $200,000 bonds in a beating and robbery caught on tape here in montgomery county. watch the guy in the white tank top. the video shows five young men beating and kicking a 30-year- old man in the stairway of his as pin hill apartment two weeks ago. after they beat him, they took his cell phone. victim suffered broken ribs. police arrested 18-year-old kirkland hall, jr., and two 17- year-olds. if convicted they could face up to 25 years in prison. police are still trying to identify the two others on the tape. emotional testimony in the case of a murdered lawyer in d.c. robert wone was killed back in 2006. the three men who lived in the home are being tried on obstruction of justice charges. when wone's widow took the stand yesterday she testified that one of the men who was involved was shocked when he called to tell her her husband had been stabbed. and one broke down as his 911 call was played in court. >> help us. we have someone that was stabbed. we're on the second floor. oh, god. [ crying ] >> during the call he told the 911 operator that his partner joseph price was holing a towel to wone chest to stop the bleeding. a paramedic testified there was no blood on his hands. coming up on fox 5 morning news we'll check out other stories making headlines. >> plus the season is over but wizard fans have something to celebrate today. then celebrating tonight on american idol but someone will go home. predictions from our idol chatter panel, including a special guest today. >> really? >> stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. 8:15 as we look at stories making headlines this morning. a knife attack at a school in china has left nine students wounded. authorities say five men burst into a dorm and slashed the studentsm one student had his hand cut off. there have been a string of attacks across china recently. a federal investigation claims that officials at virginia tech broke campus laws during the shooting rampage that left 33 people dead. the school waited too long to notify students of possible danger. the school could be fined up to $55,000. virginia tech officials say the standard in 2007 allowed university officials to use their best judgment on when to notify its students. big win for the wizards after a forgetful season. mrs. pollin had the lucky draw for the number one pick for the up coming draft and that means their in line to got the top player john wall of kentucky. >> is that literally how they do it with the lottery bowl? >> for the eight teams that had the worst records, they get to pick. >> great distinction. >> it's like hitting the powerball, for the player that gets that kind of money. >> hopefully we'll all win with the wizards. and now i'm talking about the forecast. and it's looking better today. >> yes, it is. we're going to see a little more sunshine today. and slightly warmer temperatures. now though we'll see something else. it is the my first 5 photo of the day. let's us take a look. what a nice picture. >> how pretty. >> we had a lot of baby's lately. this is savannah and she's 4 years old. >> she's adorable. >> she is on the farm. and we are told that she loves being outside. >> and she should. >> that's a cute picture. >> and savannah in honor of our guest, there is a fine restaurant in savannah. >> stick around, paula dean is coming up, the fine southern cook. >> if you want to send us your child's picture go to and click on mornings. here is a look at what is happening out there. temperatures jumped, 57 degrees at reagan national. humidity has dropped off. 72%. let me tell you, that's a good combination. 57 degrees and 72% humidity. winds out of the north at 8 miles per hour. barometric pressure continues to be on the rise. these are good signs. this map a little bit old but 58 degrees right now in wichita, for those of you who were wondering. 43 in denver. 81 in miami. san francisco is at 52 degrees. as we take a look at the fashional satellite radar composite, you will notice right away the area of interest right in the middle of the continental united states, in kansas right now stormy conditions. also in northern oklahoma seeing areas of heavy rain and thunderstorm activity. they have severe thunderstorm watches and warning and flood watches in effect out there as well. here is your five-day forecast. today high about 67 degrees. plenty of clouds around. maybe a drizzle or two here or there. tomorrow 77 degrees. a mix of clouds and sun but i think mostly sunny. friday more clouds build in again. but 81 degrees for your high. saturday and sunday it's a mixed bag. some sunshine, some clouds and the threat of some showers both days. that's a look at what is happening with the weather. now let's get more on the rush hour traffic from julie wright. >> so just a quick question. is paula dean actually cooking this morning? >> is she actually cooking? yes, she is. >> i'll be over in just a few minutes. >> no. she's at nationals park. >> i'll be down there in a few minutes. >> you'll be where ever she is. >> that's right. on the outer loop of the beltway, delays leaving college park headed toward 29, colesville road. the lanes are open. 95 still bunched up approaching 195. bw congested leaving laurel toward powder mill. and inside of the beltway, 50 slow approaching the new york avenue split. on and off the brakes, south dakota to bladensberg and from florida toward the third street tunnel. traveling south capital street across the douglas bridge, lanes are open. inbound suitland parkway crash at naylor road was cleared a few moments ago. outer loop still congested leaving 95 toward the wilson bridge. earlier incident at eisenhower has cleared and so you're dealing with a sun glare peaking through the clouds. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. all right, american idol now down to the top three. we asked our facebook fans who they thought should -- they thought should go home and they said casey. somebody has to go. and jeanne, don't say what you are going to do. >> i'm not going to tell you what i will do, but it will be dramatic and you will understand how i feel. i'm going to leave it at that. >> jeanne jones, kitty of the city. good morning. now we said there would be a special guest. and you know joiner is stuck in traffic. but juneau is in for marcus today but we're going along with the segment because it's a lot to talk about. >> now let's start with casey. >> how many weeks have we said he's going. he wasn't even in the bottom two last week. i wouldn't be so certain. >> what are you saying? >> i'm telling you that the voting blocks for this kid and -- by the way i have nothing against casey at all. i think he's a good looking guy. i think he's a nice guy and i do think this is part popularity contest. i think it's an okay performer and i think he will have a career after american idol in either rock or country and he'll fiend a great meantor and -- mentor or vocal. but he's just not a great singer. >> jeanne, what do you think? >> absolutely not. >> taking into account the voting block. >> i don't understand what is going on. we're so good with talent and being an if agent and understanding what works, i loved his look from day one. i was on him early in the season but he never delivered for me. he's going to need the vocal coach, the song writer and the producer and everything else. he doesn't believe who he can be. so what do you have? i'm looking for an artist even if you are not the best vocalist and in the industry, you know it's not about having the best vocals. i don't see anything in him but a great perm. >> it's naturally curly. >> but he has a smile and there is something to be said for that. now let's just make the transition to lee who i think is the least well defined in terms of his presentation. he's shy about looking in the camera. he's clothing choice is not ideal. the -- is he alternative or rock or pop. casey and crystal have that together. they are going to leave the stage and look similar. i don't have that feeling about the others. >> and they chose their own songs and he didn't choose it, it was chosen for him. >> and his performance wasn't great or inspired or passionate, but it was okay. but he didn't breathe any life into the song. and if there is one thing that lee did last night, and you're right and i'll give you credit where credit is due, he was very passionate in his performance and that's the difference. but the problem is defining him as an artist who his fan base is. and jeanne, are you going to pay $100 to go see someone? adam lambert, either you love him or hate him. so for lee to win american idol which is possible, what does he do next and where does he go? >> are you going to roll tape? >> go ahead. >> simon gave lee a finale pass last night. the setup was incredible. and let's take a look and i'll tell you what i think. >> do you want to do crystal? >> let's do crystal. but crystal, the song from ellen was maybe i'm amazed. this is crystal last night. [ singing ] >> all right, jeanne, what did you think? >> crystal has been consistent all season. she knows who she is. whether you like her or not, she's like this is who i am. crystal has a core fan base already. she's going to be fine. i love when she sets up the fashionista game like last night. i see her selling in her jen ray, -- genre and in her lane. >> and she's been cruising and here comes lee. to me she was just okay last night. >> and allison, you're right. and i picked crystal bowersox in the auditions to win american idol. and when she was on cruise control, she did cruise last night. but having maybe i'm amazed picked as your song is not easy. you're going to be compared to mccartney. and she did hit the high notes and she did own enough of it. what amazed me, and i thought her wheel house was certainly melissa ethridge, maybe janis joplin and she wasn't great on melissa ethridge, which really surprised me. >> well crystal, like she said, i have my man, i have my baby boy, i'm done. >> she said that last night. >> as long as they're fine, i'm okay. >> good thing. because that's what is going to happen. and simon loves this song. let's listen to to lee. [ singing ] >> and when you say who is his audience. i wish i knew these names. it's not what i lisp to in the -- listen to in the car. it seems like the groups of bands out there right now. he seems marketable to me. >> that's exactly the issue and the problem. how do you differentiate this guy from john mayer when he does it better than lee does john mayer. and in the last few weeks he's really come on and proven to me and america. i want to remind you who was in the bottom two last week because i never in my wildest dreams i would see crystal in the bottom two. >> has lee ever been in the bottom? >> no. and by the way, to do this pick, halleluiah, is so difficult to do. he drew the toughest star of the night and this is where he stepped up and where last night i sat back and said this guy, allison is right. >> this guy was absolutely amazing. only thing that disappointed me, i wanted him to take the last note and cut it off. i was like darn it, lee. but the setup was amazing, the camera, surround, they know what they were doing. >> a lot of production on everybody but casey. i noticed that too, and when crystal came walking down the stairs, she didn't have -- i love the way they set the backing things up behind lee. and lee breathes passion into the song. and i thought casey did not breathe passion into the song. >> has he ever? >> i think we all agree -- >> that was the night -- my hopeful night. >> let's say goodbye to casey. i will miss him. >> wait until you watch -- next wednesday be here at 8:00 a.m. watch the kitty of the city transformation. >> steve, back to you. >> steve, watch me. >> i always watch. 8:27 on this wednesday morning. coming up, we top that. we can do it with southern cooking. queen of country cooking is in d.c. paula dean is dishing out tailgating tips in the next half an hour. and we're checking back in with holly and she is expecting the week with off-beat experts and today the adventure takes her into the lyon cage. she's down at the zoo. i guess regal is the term for the king of the jungle. it's 8:28 on this wednesday morning. i would get up in the morning and i would feel this lower ache in my back. i found my sleep number and i don't have the pain in the morning anymore. this memorial day, the revolutionary sleep number bed is on sale. i found my sleep number two years ago. now i wake up pain free. it means not just a better price on a bed, but a better bed. it feels like my lower back like there's no pressure on it at all. a bed so ingenious, in clinical studies it relieved back pain in 9 out of 10 people. this is probably the longest i've been on my back. i usually can't stay in this position. this memorial day, thousands of people will lose their back pain because they'll find a revolution in sleep called the sleep number bed. it calibrates to the precise zone of comfort your body needs. at the sleep number memorial day sale, save $800 on our special edition sleep number bed, while supplies last. queen mattresses start at just $699. it just makes sense to me. that you're really calibrating the bed to fit your body. only through june 6th, only at a select comfort sleep number store. call or click for the store near you. welcome back. it is 8:30 right now on this wednesday morning. 57 degrees as we continue to get the day started right now. and you can see the capitol there in the -- in the left third of the screen maybe. >> look carefully. >> but it's a little bit -- is that haze out there, tucker? >> a little haze, fog. fog is moving back in. we did have two peeks of sunshine if you were up early. there will be more sunshine today and gradual improvement. temperatures on the warmer side compared to yesterday and the day before. but we're going to take a day before we can call for all-out sunshine and warmer temperatures. >> bring it on. >> we will. tomorrow. 57 right now at reagan national. still cloudy out there. temperatures are actually -- have jumped a couple of degrees in the past hours so we are seeing gradual improvement. good morning for you in leonardtown, 54 in quantico. and hagerstown has a temperature of 55 and winchester is 54. let's see what we find across the bay. so mid-50s here. our high temperatures later today, warmer than yesterday. how about mid to upper 60s. so it should feel better and gradually we'll see more sunshine as the day progresses. not so much in the way of bright sunshine but at least a few peeks of sunshine during the course of the day. there is your satellite radar. a couple of systems to talk about. one off to the north and east and still dealing with an upper level low so it will be rather cloudy as the upper level low moves through. could be a few sprinkles or light showers but you can see breaks in the cloudiness. we'll be better than yesterday. isolated showers, a sprinkle possible. 57 for the high. and winds out of the north and west. and tonight we keep the clouds around. 55. much better tomorrow, 77. how about 81 for the day on friday. and so-so weekend with a chance of showers both saturday and sunday. but it will not be a rain-out. back to you at the desk, steve. and as the weather does get nicer it's the perfect excuse to get the grill fired up. >> and we're in for a treat because paula dean is showing gurvir dhindsa great recipes that you and your friends can enjoy and they join us live from nats park. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: halla dean, can i do this? hey. >> hey. >> reporter: when you are from the south you have to hug somebody and give them a welcome. >> we do. >> reporter: i am amazed at you. with everything you have going on. the shows and cook books and you industry -- and your industry, you never stop. >> thank goodness. i did everything backwards. i didn't go to work until i was like 42 years old so hopefully i'll work a long, long time. >> reporter: and i love that, your story everybody knows and that is you were a single mom with two boys. >> it's never too late, girls. it's never too late. >> reporter: and i love that about you. and you brought the good weather with you. >> yes. we're at the ballpark, y all. >> reporter: and you're going to throw out the ball? >> i'm going to try. >> reporter: and are you good at sports? >> i used to be. i used to run in high school and in the relay races. i was always that last man to bring that stick home. it's hard to believe but ... >> reporter: well today we're talking about barbecuing and grilling and all of the other stuff that goes along with it. do you have a favorite? >> i do have a favorite. today it's all about pork and smithfield has given me all of this beautiful food to share with you y 'all today. but for a grilling party i love pork tenderloin because it's so versatile. i like the plain. although we do offer marinaded flavors. i like the plain because i can take it where ever i want to. but there are so many things you can do. look at these beautiful kabobs. you can slice it and make sliders. look at these beautiful sliders. now y' all this has a blue cheese butter on it. >> reporter: wait. blue choose and b -- blue cheese and butter. and i am a southern girl at heart and you have to have butter and you have to have everything else with it. so you've never claimed that your recipes are low fat. >> never. never. i have claimed though that that is my roots. that my grandmother taught me. and i do, i love butter. and it's a natural product. it's natural. but, yes, that has blue cheese butter with blackberry preserves. and you can go to to get the recipes and all of the beautiful tips for the grill. >> reporter: now i know you have your cook books to get the recipes. is your generation that you learned from, your grandmother, are we passing that along to our children and grandchildren? >> i'm working very, very hard to do that. i don't want, like i said, my southern roots to get lost. >> well you have the restaurant down in savannah. >> we have the restaurant. and folks thank goodness just pile in every day. and my brother and i have uncle bubba's oyster house so we have a wonderful seafood restaurant there in savannah. so we covered all of the bases. >> reporter: and what is neat about you, which is i love, just working moms like me can relate to you and your recipes are not difficult to follow. they are easy to follow. you just have to do what you say. but then you've got michelle obama that has cooked with you. >> i have cooked with michelle. and let me tell you. i loved having her on so much because she even ate during the breaks, you all. this is a real woman. and i taught her how to fry shrimp and she did like them. >> reporter: and you said way back when that you were going to cook up something for her when she got to the white house. >> and she hasn't called me yet. where are you, michelle? and i asked her what would you like? we'll have a ho down on the lawn and they said they like hot wings. they're just real people and real family. >> reporter: and so are you. >> gurvir. >> reporter: gurvir. you all come back now, you hear. >> >> thank you paula. >> i'm so glad she was on the show but i wanted to meet her. gurvir, tell her i said hi. >> have her grab a tub of butter for you. this summer you have a new way to get to the beaches if you're heading to delaware. how to get there without having to sit behind the wheel coming up next. blowing through a stop sign and other traffic violations could soon cost you a lot more. stay tuned. we'll be back with that story and a lot more. it's 8:38 right now. former maryland governor bob ehrlich said the state can't afford two light rail projects. he said he supports bus rapid transit over light rail for the purple line project. that is intended to connect montgomery and prince george's counties. well need a weekend getaway but hate the drive? now you can take the bus to the beach. starting memorial day weekend the bus line d.c. to ny will start operating bus lines between washington and rehoboth and dewey beaches the tickets are $39 one way or $70 round trip. mayor fenty wants to increase the traffic signs in the city and the fees for businesses to close a $535 million budget gap. plan includes more than 70 moving violations infractions, including turning right, that could double to $100. failure to wear a motorcycle helmet would go from $20 to $100 and passing a stopped school bus would increase from $50 to $500. the d.c. council said the fines are outrageously enormous and unfair to taxpayers. the mayor could put them through any way. we'll talk about them coming up. right now it is 8:43 on this wednesday morning. all this week holly is introducing us to off-beat experts. holly, good morning. >> reporter: i am knee deep in it. you might as well be with the king of jungle. that is luke out here this morning, sitting on his own pride rock. everything about the lyon is beautiful right? i mean everything. at least that's what an endocrinologist thinks. it is our off beat expert of the day and, yes, we're going to test the waste of luke and see what story it has to tell live next on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. - ( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. 8:46 now. so all this week holly has been hanging out with off beat experts. today she's at the national zoo. >> and today she's hanging out with the endocrinology expert. >> reporter: poo expert can be on the business card. that would work. and this morning we're all about lions and tigers and bears, oh, my. there is luke came out just for us here this morning. we're going to see the tiger in just a second. and the oh, my is about what we're going to do. but sarah putnam is a endocrinologist lab technician and dealing in a official scientistic job so i'm putting my lab coat on and my second pair of rubber gloves for the day. and my first question for you, sarah, is how do you get into something like this? did you just grow up and say, i really want to work in a bunch of -- you know? >> i went to college for animal science and i knew that i didn't really want to be a veterinarian but i wanted to work with animals in some way and i knew i wanted to make a difference so i didn't want to work with cows or horses, i wanted to work with endangered animals so i took an internship at the national zoo in the endocrinology lab and while i was there an opportunity came up for me to get a job with them and i've been here for four years now. >> reporter: and she loves her job. and what are we doing here? and let's talk about the importance of what we're doing as well. >> well it's important to monitor a man al's -- an animals hormones. we know if they are cycling and if they have hit puberty and so many things they can't tell us. >> reporter: the whole not talking thing. >> and so we use their poo. >> reporter: and it naturally comes out, it's available. >> so we started with the poo we collected today. and this is wet poo. and we want to get all of the water out of there. because every poo has different amounts of water in them. so what we do is we freeze dry the poo and so ends up looking kind of like this. >> reporter: get out of town. okay. >> and then we get at the hormones is we crush the poo first. so if you want to help me. >> absolutely. poo crusher, i'm adding that to my resume as well. >> and lightly pound it so it becomes a nice splatter. >> reporter: i'm going to call this poo tenderizer. >> and then after we do this, the poo ends up in tubes and then we weigh that poo out out into glass tubes, so we end up with just a little bit of poo. that's all we need. that's why we only picked up a little bit of poo. and we add an alcohol solution to it and we vortex the samples and that causes the hormones that are in the poo, like testosterone or progesterone, to go into the alcohol solution. then we separate the poo from the alcohol and get this nice yellow liquid, it's liquid gold. and this tells us -- this has all of the hormones in it. then we run an analyst, called an enzyme immunoessay and it looks like this. and it tells the computer how much hormones are in each sample and we can run 26 samples on one asays. >> reporter: so here is my deep question of the day. does all poo smell differently? >> definitely. i love the panda poo because it smells like tea. cheetah poo is the worst. it is awful, you can smell it throughout the whole lab when somebody is crushing the cheetah poo. >> reporter: and now you know why sarah is our off-beat expert of the day. is our website. by the way, speaking of lions, there are the new lyon cubs. you can see it online vieh you the webcam. check it out. but speaking of cubs, they have new cub -- bear cubs. you get to see them in about an hour. we'll have more on fox 5 morning news when we come back. stay with us. here's to the believers. the risk-takers. the visionaries. the entrepreneurs... who put it all on the line to build and run their own businesses. at at&t, we know something about that. our company started out in a small lab, with not much more than a dream. and today, we know it's small businesses that can create the jobs america needs. that's why at&t is investing billions to upgrade and build out our wired and wireless networks. making them faster, smarter, and more secure. connecting small businesses to markets across the country, and around the world. we invest now, because we know it will pay off... with new jobs, new growth, from a new generation, putting their belief in the future on the line. now is the time for investment and innovation. the future is waiting. and the future has always the future is waiting. and the future has always been our business. at&t. earlier this week we told you about 4-year-old devon taf low who immediates a bone marrow transplant. friends and family launched a worldwide search to find a donor and we have some good news. duke university doctors they they might have a match. they will know for sure in the next couple of weeks. parents know you can never turn your back on your kids. even if you do so just for a second. >> well some parents in minnesota got a reminder when their 3 and 1-year-old wandedered -- wantered out of the house. they walked into a nearby convenience store and they headed straight for the candy aisle and started chowing down and that's when a clerk noticed these little two. >> where is your daddy and mom and they don't answer me. they don't know. >> well police quickly solved this mystery. the kids parents had already called to say they had wondered out of the house. no charges will be filed. >> that's going to do it for this hour of fox 5 morning news. tony will be in after the break to take us up to the next hour. and we'll look at the guest list and the menu for tonight's white house state dinner. and plus grammy nominated r&b musician jonathan butler will perform for us too. stay with us. it's 5 minutes before the hour. we'll be right back. , ayseh  ♪ home is where i want to be. ♪ the only place that feels like me. ♪ ♪ the world outside just melts away ♪ ♪ relax, unwind, wrap up the day. ♪ ♪ where i spend the night and start the day. ♪ olympic premium paint, environmentally preferred. zero vocs. all this at a great price, starting at $17 per gallon. home begins with an olympic finish. welcome back. we have a look at some stories we're following during the next hour of fox 5 morning news. coming up on 9:00, we'll talk about the fallout of the primary elections from yesterday. as you know by now, arlen specter defeated in pennsylvania. rand paul moves on in kentucky. there are changes coming to capitol hill and we have a live report coming up just ahead. also we're talking about the oil spill of course. still one of our top stories. now these tar balls have been showing up in the florida keys. could it reach the east coast? that's what people are talking about. it's in florida. but bp maintains that the impact, i believe the quote is, very, very modest. so we'll talk about that some more. and also the wizards get the number one pick in the nba draft. they are expected to pick college star john wall from kentucky. it will be a much better pick than their last number one pick, kwame brown. we'll talk about that and the luck of the wizards. good luck this time around. >> it's like a beginning. a new beginning. >> it is. >> i would think that's redundant, new beginning. >> it is. but they cleaned house and now they can build around a really good guy. >> good luck to the home team. and also the state dinner is tonight. the second one for the obama administration. they are honoring mexican

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