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sunshine across the area beautiful start to the day. cool out there. much like yesterday, temperatures in the 30s at at the 9:00. 35 winchester. fredericksburg 39 degrees. cool start to the day. probably need a jacket. bright sunshine, lots of blue sky and our high temperatures looks like yesterday are going to soar in to the upper 60s and low 70s by middle to late afternoon. what a nice looking day, weatherwise, you can see the clear skies spread across the mid atlantic from new hampshire, down to sessions of nrth carolina, nothing but clear skies and that will be the theme around here today, tomorrow and much of sunday in for a great looking weekend. the nicest weekend so far this year. most people would agree. sunny skies, unseasonably warm. winds knot and west at 5 miles per hour. i will be back in a couple of minutes to look at the forecast for the weekend and we got cooler temperature on the way. . ur top story this morning all eyes on northern virginia it's the latest backdrop for the health care reform fight. president obama himself holds a rally in a few hours at the patriot center on george mason university. rally begins at 11:30. public can get in starting now. the president needs support for the house version of reform which is finally or was finally unveiled yesterday. the budget office estimates the bill would cost $940 billion over ten years. and cut the defendant deficit by 138 billion. >> numbers are wayed on the information given to cbo, which is if you raise taxes forten years, and payout benefits for only six, there is going to be a difference in the cost to the taxpayers as you net it out. >> republican opponents can say all they what happened about cbo, but the fact is that both sides agreed that when cbo says the number, that is the number. >> the house is expected to vote sunday. the bill man dates health insurance for most americans and lays out penalties for those that don't get it. tom fitzgerald is at george mason for the rally. we will check in with him later this hour. hopes were dashed for folks in gi car da, obama was supposed to head to indonesia this weekend but forced to postpone for a second time so he can be around if a vote on health care happens. the president lived in indonesia for four years as a child. he will visit australia also. immigration rally planned for the district this weekend. immigrants will make their way to the dc area to rally on immigration reform. the rally could coincide with thlandmark health care vote. now to a developing story where police are searching for two gunmen who rushed in to a medical building and made off with cash. student barricaded themselves inside. >> it was at a medical training school in oxin hill. >> reporter: this was a tense situation last night. wasn't until 1:30 this morning that all the people who were inside locked down in this medical building finally emerged safely. it turns out the suspects got away. it was a long night waiting for the danger to clear. no one knew for five hours whether the two armed robbers were still inside the gateway medical building. >> i was like oh god. my mind just went totally blank. i said hide, hide. >> reporter: 15 people barricaded inside the 5th floor medical training class. the two gunmen came in around 8:30 demanding purses and wallets. >> they came in the receptionist area and put guns to the receptionist head and said give up the money. they took our purse, dumped it out. >> reporter: the women ran in to the class room using file cabinets to block the door and called police, officers surrounded the building while friends and relatives stood outside waiting with worry. >> just standing here waiting for my friend to come out so she can go home. >> reporter: police made contact with the people inside and told them to stay in place. s.w.a.t. teams searched the building top to bottom. >> meticulously went through each floor checking closets, stairwells, elevators to make sure no suspects were inside. >> reporter: the gunmen were gone. students say there is only one reason behind the hold up, the robbers believe knew that a 440- dollar tuition payment was due that night. >> i think basically it was inside. thehad to know what day mone and to know it was money there. when he came in the door he immediately said give tus money. >> reporter: students scribed it as confused and chaotic as they were held up in the class room. they were in touch with police by phone. they were told the gunman were still in the building even though they were not. they said it felt like forever as they were waiting there. this morning the building is back open, people have been coming and going. we saw police drive by doing what appears to be a routine check as for those gunmen and the robbers, they are still out there. sherri ly, fox 5 news. in other news alarm k accusations against the former inned garden teacher, he taught at north frederick elementary school. he sexually abused a student and fear he may have abused other children. a grand jury indicted him for crieps against a student on crimes against a student on school grounds. accusations dating back two decades caught up with a former pastor of a fair fax county church. shelton turned himself. in 20 years ago he molested two members of the community church of god. the members came forward with their stories two years ago. shelton faces charges including sexual battery. a long awaited home coming the navy hospital ship, is almost back to baltimore after two month deployment to haiti they saved countless lives. john henrehan is live in baltimore where familys and friends are anxiously awaiting its return. >> reporter: i was here the day the comfort ft, january 16th, a much colder day. the folks aboard the comfort had nice weather for a long time but not a lot of time to enjoy it. it was overwhelmed when it was in haiti. all ten operating rooms were working at full capacity for a ong time. the crew from the comfort many of them have come back they made a stop in norfolk a couple of days ago. many of the members based in the baltimore washington area were bussed to bethesda naval medical center. we greeted them when they came back a couple of days ago. there are two hundred members of the crew aboard that are coming here to the port of baltimore in the next couple of hours, i want to step out of the shot to let nelson jones show you the harbor. we expect the u.s. naval ship comfort to be coming through the key bidge in the background, around 9:30 this morning and hopefully pulling up to the pier in the inner harbor around 10:30, first person should be off the ship around 11:30 there are a couple of families here and families ringing the edge of the harbor. the family of korman adam talked to us a couple of minutes ago. his mom, s dad, one of his siblings is here, his grandma is here. a kid from northeast ohio, he was set to go to college and then he said i think i want to go to the navy and become a, sh was his first deployment on the comfort. the biggest need this ship ever faced in its 30 year history with the navy and so he got a real bath op this ship and they can't wait to sit and see if he wants to stay in the medical field after being overwhelmed. they have ten operating rooms on the comfort and the rooms were going at full capacity i think in the first four days -- 530 critical patients. they will have an update. when they do, back to you. we are committed to bring you the update on haiti relief. we will talk to head of u.s. unicef. how you can spend $1 and give the gift of clean water to children around the world. here are our other top stories this morning top tamm diplomats calling on israel and palestinians to assume peace negotiations and create a independent palestinian state in the next two years. the quartet of peacemakers met in moscow today. they condemned israel's decision to construct housing units in jerusalem. changes to dc emergency response go in to affect today. fire and ems announced medics must contact a supervisor if a appreciate refuses to be taken to the hospital before leaving the scene. the same must happen if they deermine medical care is not needed. a 2 year-old girl died hours after medics were called to her southeast home but didn't transport her right away. virginia death row inmate has been executed. paul powell died in the electric chair after 9:00 at state prison south of rich richmond last night. he was convicted for killing stacey reed and raping and slashing the throat of her younger sister in 1999. the surviving sister and mother witnessed the execution. disturbing find in a memphis hotel room. sunny mill brook disappeared in january. her body turred up monday under a mattress there. the front desk boxed up items and locked the doors for nonpayment and rented out the room five times before someone reported a bad smell. it was coming from under the bed and her body was stuffed in the frame. her boyfriend is a person of interest in this case. the boy scouts of america kept archive of secret documents that chronicled sexual abuse of young boys by scout leaders over years. a lawyer is suing. the lawyer says he has a one thousand page document that the scouts dubbed the perversion files. more small businesses taking legal action against this web site let's people post opinions about restaurants, shops and local services a dozen companies filed a lawsuit accusing yelp of manipulating the reviews based on whether they advertise on the site. yelp denies the claim and says it relies automated program and filler out the questionable reviews. if. some popular products supposed to keep your pets healthy are now being called potentially deadly. we will talk with a veterinarian about the considers over flea and ti -- concerns over flea and tick products and what you can do to keep your pet safe. text from tiger, one of the women who claims she had an affair with tiger woods releases racy text messages which she says the golf pro sent. we'll be right back.  products supposed to be used to keep your pets healthy and pest free. the environmental protection agency says topical fray flea and ticket products injury dogs and cats. epa is woing on requirements and examine which products need clearer labeling and instructions. dr. hughes joins us with more information. when i heard the story yesterday, first had like the same remorse that a parent would have if you gave your child something that was harmful to them. because that's how much we love our pets. >> exactly. >> what the bottom line on the products and the what you are giving your pets now. >> it came out as a sharp spike in adverse sense. iyou look at it, about 97% of those adverse events will be mild irritation, the majority of them are not killing pets. >> epa has to report when they get the claims they put that down. >> anything from a little local irritation to the skin to death are counted the same. so it sounds worse than it is. >> still the numbers are there though as far as they said 600 pets they believe would be linked to the products and thousands more had more serious affects like drooling and the shaking and neurological symptoms. >> the majority of those events were caused by nonveterinarian products. those are products that are sold over-the-counter, hearts and sergeants they use pesticides, animals are susceptible to. i wouldn't use those products on my own animals but use products that you get from your veterinarian, front line, revolution, those are all very safe products. >> we were talking before and you said now because i guess so many people use these and they are expensive from the vets office that they are selling at other outlets. how do you know like fromline came from veterinarians use only if you are just getting in to the market and bought a dog or cat. >> the drug companies that make frontline is a veterinarian, they make all sorts of drugs. it's a reputable company. even though they are selling at other outlets i feel comfortable in the product. a lot of the places especially the on line stores they don't get their product directly from if manufacturer because they won't sell to it them. veterinarians are the best and safest way. we sell the products on line, our prices are the same as pet meds.comment buy them through our web site and know you are getting a good product. >> the pet is huge now too. we want to take care of our pets but don't want to go broke. there has been no confirmation that the products have had a direct affect. the deadlier incidents of these products. >> when they report the adverse effects it means the product had been used when the animal had an incident. it doesn't say that the product specifically caused that reaction. i have seen reactions in animals. i'm not saying it doesn't happen but it's very very rare, in most cases it's mild. and the downside to not using the products is you open our pet up to being susceptible to diseases, flea infestations. >> there is no question about it. >> the benefit to using the products by far outweighs any sort of risk. >> bottom line to call your vet. >> if you have any concerns call your vet we are always happy to talk to people. >> thank you sparkle as well. >> dr. hughes giving us the good information from friendship hospital. tony over to you. we are about our four legged friends today. holly is life at the super pet expo. >> reporter: we moved on to something that crawls instead. no four legs here. five guinea pig as week, that's what this snake eats. you know it's a big snake when it takes 4 people to hold it. 200 pounds. it's extreme reptiles you will see this at the super pet expo going on this weekend. you will see this and more, the complete rundown live later. that girl is impressive. very call? the snake around her neck. as we go to break, here is a look at today's trivia question. what does dvsop stand for on a cognac bottle? [ male announcer ] it's our hoest offer of the season, but it's melting fast. so hurry, act now to get fios tv, internet and phone at the super low price of $99.99 a month -- guaranteed for 2 years! call now and you'll also get a multi-room dvr and set top box -- free for six months. with 100% fiber optics straight to your home you'll get an amazing hd picture, america's top rated internet and phone. all for just $99.99 a month. enjoy tons of your favorite shows and channels. fios brings facebook and twitter right to your tv. also, check sports, weather and traffic without interrupting your show. you'll get tv with four times more very satisfied customers than comcast. get it all for just $99.99 a month -- guaranteed for 2 years! plus a multi-room dvr and set top box -- free for six months. don't wait. this incredible offer ends soon. call 1-866-932-fios. that's 1-866-932-fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v. this is beyond cable. this is fios. more news like this, form porn actress, tiger woods alleged mistresses is threatening to reveal damaging information about their affair. josslin james hoping to prove her honesty proving she had a sexual relationship. she saved more than a thousand texts from woods. they have been released. they are on line. >> they are on line. rs >> she released what he wrote to her but not what she wrote to him. up next on fox 5, heading to george mason university where president obama is set to speak today. it's a beautiful day today. how does the rest of the weekend look. we will get an update. as we head to break tomorrow, is the first day of spring. rita's water ice is celebrating with a tasty treat, giving away free regular sized water ices in any flavor tomorrow, saturday from noon to 10:00 p.m., at all of their locations. they do it every year it's great. we thank them. fairfax virginia that is ground zero in the health car battle. >> president barack obama will lead a rally at george mason university in two hours. members of the public are filing in through the patriot center. that's where tom fitzgerald is. >> reporter: good morning, good morning tony. the good news for democrats is now after a year and three months, president obama pushing th plan for comprehensive health reform for the united states, this administration and democratic party mayb hours of this becoming a reality. the reason is this, house leaders struck a deal amongst themselves to proceed with the so called deem and pass move, which would allow the house of representatives to move forward on passing the senate's version of health care without having members vote op the bill directly. there are new numbers to report on how much this is going to cost, the latest cost estimate for the budget office puts the price tag of the reform legislation at $940 billion, now democrats are trying to offset criticism of the cost pointing out the same analysis points to a $1.3 trillion savings in the federal deficit over the next 20 years. the plan if enact second written now would ensure 32 million uninsured americans but also calls penalties for anyone who does not buy insurance. up to $700 for come individuals. the president touted the cost savings after a week of republicans have been hammering democrats calling the passage this weekend expected from a shell gain to unconstitutional. arguments aside though it appears likely that sunday at some point that afternoon the legislation will pass and eventually become the law of the law. president expected to tout benefits of the health care reform which have been overshadowed shadowed in arguments over process. large numbers of people lining up in the predawn hours to get in to the patriot center to get in to this event. there was a small number of dej demonstrators protesting. many are saying that they are pinning hopes on not what is going to happen this weekend but looking forward to weekend. antihealth care reform protesters are saying if they cannot stop the bill, they will look to the polls in november, hope to replace the democratic majority in the house and then start to unraffle the legislation if republicans are able to gain control of the congress next year. we are awaiting remarks, tom fitzgerald, live in fairfax, back to you. we want to mention now we have been pr moting appearance by doug gy fresh, he was not able to make it down from new york. there was a family issue. hi tucker. >> beautiful weather. last day of winter. any time predicting temperatures in the 70s, no one is complaining right? >> what a way to end the week. >> cool out there. going right to temperatures. i will bring you the good news. 51 now reagan national. we jumped in the past couple of hours, to the 30s north and west at the 7:00 hour. 55 frederick k that's a nice start to the day. manassas 39. 46 quantityco. if you liked yesterday you will love today. warmer than yesterday. we were just no come plaining about the forecast as it's coming about, just perfect. mid atlantic there. cloud cover, up to canada to find it. down to the carolinas we got storminess off the coast. sliding to the south and east. out to the west nothing but clear skies, next cold front west and north of chicago bringing us cloud cover, second half of sup and give us a chance for showers sunday night in to monday and cooler air arrives next week. this warm air won't last for f. next couple of days will be nice for this weekend. 72, win knot and west at 5 miles per hour. 73 tomorrow. little warmer, most of sunday should be nice and dry. 70. showers sunday lingering in to mon. cooler for tuesday. that's what we should be, 55 by tuesday. . it won't be too long before the hospital ship pulls in to port in baltimore. >> it's been deployed to haiti for the past two months. john henrehan has been talking with families waiting for crew members to dock at canton. this is always an exciting time when the ships return. >> reporter: these are kids from st. ambrose in the city of baltimore. soon to be joined by another 60- 70 kids. they are welcoming home the naval personnel and civilians. this was a two-month tough deemployment in haiti. families are gathering. this is he family of adam buzzio, turning 21 years old in a couple of weeks. this was his first deployment. i'm very proud. the whole crew on the comfort they said it was very overwhelming for them one of the hardest missis they ever had. quick deployment, usually it takes five days, they were gone in 2-3 days. imagine a lot of stress. especially our son's first deployment. he said he learned a lot. happy to come home. >> reporter: so i don't know whether to quote his ending because i'm having audio difficulties. the family says they are going to race back to ohio, six hour drive after their son, the two year member of the navy his first deployment and going to be 21 in the next couple of weeks they are going to buy him his first legal beer. they will show you a shot of the harbor. this a large cargo ship, not the u.s. naval ship comfort. should be coming through underneath the bridge if the next hour or two. -- sometime in next couple of hours the 200 personnel above bored the comfort coming -- aboard the comfort coming home. thank you very much. someone needs to get the other ship out of there. our haiti coverage continues with a simple way to help the children in need. we will talk with the ceo for the fund of unicef and her trip to the region. that's still ahead. coming up after the break time to ask alison the answer to this week's viewer question. about those work from home ads, how do you know if they are a scam. there are good ones. we'll be right back. this is a strawberry pop-tart. and this is the warm fresh baked taste... of a strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. it's friday, it's time to answer this week's ask allison question. this one comes from katheryn dun bar, do you know of any reputable work from home projects that ill not rip us off. i received calls by the dozens and turned them down because i don't know if it's a scam or not. thank you so much for writing in. a lot of oh folks are looking for extra income or primary job working from home. we broken it down in areas, three different areas. let's talk about the red flags. you are rig to be cautious. be care officialive a company that asks for money up front. they are not legitimate. employers pay you. not the other way around. companies that ask for too much information up front that could be a sign of identity theft scams. companies that promise a big salary with little experience, legitimate work is going to require some experience in the field that they are in. for example, if they are a web based site that asks you to design web sites you are going to need field work in that area. be careful of that. finally, companys that say you are going to need a little investment of your time but you are going to make so much money, that's a red flag. that is not going to be legitimate in any case. you have to put in the time to get the money out. it's not going be thousands of dollars a month. if you are not sure about the companies, there are web sites out there that you can visit to double check before you turn it down. number one, like any other business, or venture you are going in to, check with the better business burreau. list he company's nameto see if there are other complaints that have come in. also doing this on line, check with the federal trade commission. z if there were reports there, a lot of these are deemed pyramid schemes, they are show up with the federal trade commission. on line there is also a web site called essentially this is a bulletin board with information those work at home scams. that's a good one. now, don't be discouraged. there are legitimate work from home web sites. a site that pays you for articles, photos and videos, cha cha pays you to give apeses to questions from web surf. allows people to get this on mobile devices, vip turns you in to a virtual con seer arraign concierge. folks can do from face book apps to bios. thank you for the question. if you want to send in a question, do it by email, our new video upload option is available. click on morning the ask allison tab is at the top right of the page. we will be doing this if you want to upload your video instead of me reading that. we can show that and answer the question. >> we are going to do that with ask the weather guy next week. we will be right back. up next simple way to help children in need. stay with us. there is a perfect event for pet lovers this weekend. holly morris is previewing the expo going on this afternoon througsunday. scooby is talking. what do you like about theet expo. >> i get to see my great friends. >> thank you for taking your time out to be with us on fox 5 monning news. he is fun and loveliable and friendly. this is rescue inc. these are guys on a mission and really they are big teddy bears at heart. i am always suspect of people that don't love animals. these are respect just suspect they are doing something about it and at the front of the line is joe and big ann, two of the founding members, good morning to all of you. are you guys morning ople? >> yeah. for . >> reporter: i'm going to agree withey say. tell me about rescue inc. >> it's a in your face approach, we do what've is necessary within the meanings of the law. that's what our lawyers tells us to say. >> reporter: that's a good statement, stick with it. how did this get started? >> we were neighborhood guys, people knew tocome to us, rescue groups came to us and needed our help and next thing you know we started helping them out and everybody started calling us, everybody started calling us, every rescue group, here we are today. >> reporter: your show on nationallal gee geographic is super popular. did you expect that? >> we are here to make the world a better place and make a difference. if everybody loves us, they love us, you know what i mean? >> reporter: u know you have good pow is of persuasion. can you tell me a quick few stories about how you made a difference. >> there was a fighting fling kentucky that the humane society called us in on, they broke up a fighting ring. we flew up with the help of animal rescue authorities and it was they take a less aggressive dog and let the more aggressive dogs rip them apart. we took the dog in and got him medical treatment and kept him as a mascotment his name was ribbons but we call the dog rebel. he is our mascot. >> reporter: i what happened you to napped how committed to the mission they are. tell me about the guy. >> there was a guy came in and he was throwing cats off his roof,. >> you went and threw him off the roof? >> no. >> we went to his house and -- we are not on the clock, so we weapon to his house, he up with home. we waited and waited. we ordered a pizza on his steps. finally the guy came home and the only way to summit up, he doesn't throw cats off the roof anymore. >> reporter: thank you for the work you are doing. rescue we got a link to their web site. if you want to go to their web site. listen to what he says. also this is suzanne and chuck fishers they listen to animals. you are pet communicators. explain what that means. >> well, we talk to dogs, cats, stipg bugs and whatever. >> i know you talk to them but you chairman they talk back. >> that's right. communicators pet psychics and sometimes crazy people they call us. >> reporter: i understand that. this is andrew, has andrew been talking with you. >> he is telling me how much he likes -- and squeaky toy and taking care of his mama. >> you said he talks better when you give him a treat. >> oh yes. >> reporter: do you have tips on what being able to hear. >> sure. this is not something only chuck and i can do. everyone can do it. you can do it also. we have capacity for it. it's like a muscle that hasn't been exercised in some people. once they exercise the muscle, it happens. plus i'm doing basics of animal communication. >> reporter: i'm out of time, i heard andrew tell me that loved sweater. it works. we have a link to the expo, opening today at 4:00. i really told you they are big teddy bears at heart. taking scooby on a ride. >> just like going out to dinner next week, help a child in need, dozens of local restaurants are participating in the tap project. a unicef program to provide dingable water to those -- drinkable water is those in need around the world. joining us now from new york is carol stern, president and ceo of the u.s. fop for unicef and she -- fund for unicef. and she is back from a trip to haiti. tell my about the project. what it does, the number of people in need and how folks can help. >> 900 million people around the globe, no access to water, 4100 children dying every day because of that, we believe that number should be zero. tap project, get a grass of water, you pay a dollar for it. $1 saves a child's life provides enough good clean healthy drinking water for 40 days. if you log on to tap, you can find out how you can get involved and in particular in washington dc a launch party at local 16. get the details off the web site. thank you very much. sorry about the technical problems. we got the information on the web site at called the tap project. well the information got out. that's what we want to do. we have a final check on weather after the break and answer to today's ifs naing trivia question, that when we come back.  welcome back. 3 minutes before :00, that's what we have been waiting for the the comfort returning home to the pier in baltimore. >> hundreds if not more family members, friends gathered there at the canton pier. the ship will pull in shortly later on this morning back from a 2-month mission to haiti. where they serviced thousands of individuals, over 500 critical case there is in the wake of the earthquake in haiti. returning to baltimore for the first time since they left two months ago. >> i love when the homecomings happen. john henrehan has been there this morning, expect a full report today on fox 5 news. >> i've covered for here and abc, it's one of the most wonderful stories you can do. >> it's emotional. more later. meanwhile, in sports news. a stunner for georgetown in ncaa tournament. suffered the biggest upset on the first day. losing to 14 seed ohio university, 9 7-8 3. bobcats took the lead early on the shooting, hoyas were never able to seriously threaten. maryland turps oh hope avoid upset tonight and face the 13th seed houston cougars in spokane washington. i know already your bracket is not in good shape. >> i'm in second to last. out of 50. it hasn't been a good start. >> weather looks good. weather looks beautiful. >> 72 this afternoon. 73 tomorrow. we haven't been in the 70s since last november. clouds late in the day sunday. rain and cooler temperatures next week. spring starts tomorrow. 1:32. >> love it. the answer to the trivia question, what does vvsop stand for on a cognac bottle. very very superior old pale. it's brandy, which comes from the cognac region of france. vvsop and xo or extra cold distinctions supposed to siy

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