Plus its a flashback to the 90s. 9 boys to men hit the stage at Mgm National Harbor its inaugeral performance. Er well take you to the show. But we begin tonight with a fox5 weather alert on night like this you cannot wear enough layers of clothing. People are bundled up outside as the temperature plunges to dangerous lowes. Thank you for join us, im tony perkins and im shawn yancy. Lets get right to sue palka foa the very latest on the cold weather. How cold is it out there. You are looking at the temperatures behind me. These are not the wind chillil temperatures, these are the actual air temperatures. Just about everybody down intoto the teens tonight. S if i have any better news at 8w instead of seeing winds gustingi up and over 40 miles an hour,r, the winds are much lighter. Let me show those to you. Were still gaithersburg 2 , baltimore 20. But thats a whole lot better than it was for most of the day when we saw the really strongea winds causing problem. This is a 10 00 wind chill number its 8degrees in the district. It feels like 2degrees blow zero. Martinsburg, 14, winchester 12, obviously a very cold night andd quite a change from 24 hours ago when it was still in the 40s and we were waiting for this cold air to role into town. To that it did, but a headline foro tomorrow, while it is stillll going to be a very cold day, it will not be quite as windy on friday. Wind chill temperatures in 2009s and twenties as opposed to the single ding its we had today. There could be a if you placespc experiencing Single Digits. Were going to give a range fore tomorrow morning a the bus stop, between 12 and 20. The wind chill will feel like 5 to 20. To wind chills 16 to 27. To increase tomorrow afternoonmo andrr thats an important part f our next story because by thists time tomorrow night well be ae couple ways away from seeingseei some winter storm watches go into effect. This system is going to closer to town tomorrow night. Some storm watches have gone up from. A small amount of wintry mixmix that could make travel trick. Trc that will be tomorrow night. As well as are weekend details just a head. A thank you, sue. New at 10, d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser sent a letter to the noting the accomplishments andcp knowing a decrease in crime. A but it may notde all be that it seems. Marina maracco is live with thee latest. Reporter its a weekly email and as of course as the year closes out, two weeks out, mayorow accomplishments as well as the crime in the district virtually being down across the board. Ard. Take a look for yourself. Urse heres the email. You see it on the left hand of your screen. In it mayor bowser says homicides are down 17 percentow and robberies down 12 percentdo from last yearwn. If you look the at numbers abers little closer, especially the most egregious of the crimes, the homicide count, those numbers are down by 27 homicides with just two weeks to go in the year. Yes, this year the homicides are down from last but lets compare these numbers to these. These are from vincent grays time as mayor, its significant lower. Tonight mayor gray had some hash words for mayor bowser and stressed the urgent need for more Police Officers in a city that is facing an stream policeman power deficiency. Icie obviously they were increased in 2015 which was her first year. Yr what shes talking decrease is from her firsthand. I think to be absolutely fare and candid with people, you need to compare it from the past several years. If you compare it to the four years i was in office youll se weve had an increase over the two years by comparison to 2012, 2013 and 2014. I happen to believe one the sharp reduction that weve seenw in the number of officers. I think were blow 3800 at this stage, which is well blow what chief lanier said was the threshold that we should nothoul cross and i happen to believe the chief lanier was absolutely right. I also believe that in addition to getting back under the threshold of 4,000, which is the authorized strength of Police Officers we should add another couple hundred officers and they had you be deployed to the areai where wevecerseplo seen the sht increases in violent crime. Where people have been routinelo killed, ward 7 and ward now i asked mayor gray ifif once hes back on the council if hed give interim police chief Peter Newsham his signature of approval if mayor bowser were, in fact, to name him as the citys top cop. He told me ease not ready to r rule him out, but hes not ready to sign off. Off. Parents across the countrytsa arecr waiting to see how presidt elect Donald Trumps admission will handle gender identity initiatives in schoolsls nationwide. Last night we spoke to the head of one Virginia School district about what they are facing. Cing tonight were we hear fromfrom parents. Foxs teisha lewis joins us with the story. Reporter we are speaking about parents concerned about p how theco new admiration will handle quench issues like lockers rooms and bathrooms in schools. The topic was not agenda, they had plenty to say. Not enough research has beens done in what the full impact of teaching and exposing young children, impressionable children to question their gender identify time all but two of these public speakers spoke on concerns about how Fairfax County publiboc schools will handle transgender students stu using locker rooms, bathrooms and other facilities based onas their gender identity. All speakers opposed to implementation of any policy to allow transgender students toto use sex segregated facilities. In Fairfax County guys lines onn the who thely contested issue are on hold. Ld. Amid lawsuits across the country and here in the state. As we first reported wednesday night the issue could likely remain in limbo indefinitely under ao Trump Administration. Everything iv that theyre not going to bebe supporting that and i hope thath School Boards across the didntry can hold the line. Im very in favor of supporting transgender kids and so i thinki that schools are there to teachh people. Theyre there to teach children and they dont you know, policing gender identity is it goes everything i believe in. My hope is that the new Trump Administration will slow this very new social topic that seems to have just length upon us. It reflects a very tiny minority of people and its just not something that needs to be its just not something that needs to be emphasized as much needs time to digest it and toto come to some consensus about it. And a Trump Administration likely means the public andblic parents could have just that, time before any wholesalelesa changes take place. We have learned that Fairfax County Public Schools has decided to hold off on making any decisions concerning thehe topic pending the outcome ofcome several lawsuits across the state. Teisha lewis, fox5 a local news. The man accused of walking into comet pingpong with a gun was indicted today by a federal grand jury. Edgar welch was arrested following the incident earlierdt this month at the northwest pizza shop. Police say welch told him he drove to the district from North Carolina to self investigate an online Conspiracy Theory thatat there was a child sex trafficking ring operatingrati inside the pizzeria. Izze welch is scheduled to be back in Court Tomorrow for his arraignment. If convicted he could face up to 35 years in prison. Riso al of terrence sterling filed a 50 million wrongful death lawsuit. Alleges officer brian tanner and his partner were in vials ofls orders in the moments leading to his death. They shot sterling after he crashed his motorcycle inside the police cruiser. Witnesses say sterling could not avoid the cruiser because it pulled right into his path. A grand jury convened to investigate the. Jack johnson is out of prison he will spend the next few monthsot in a residential facility in baltimore. Johnson was release today after serving time on corruption charges and in 2011 he pled guilty to the crimes involvingr county businesims officials, developers and his wife leslie johnson. Johnson is expected to be release from the facility sometime in june. N finding a parking spot falsifying records after a metro derailment last summer. Could more people lose their jobs for putting passengers safety at risk . And a little later in the show boys to men in town tonight. What makes their performance sor special . Were going to showg you and take you to the concertc ahead right here on fox5 news. Khalil. Downtown is because of people circling around the block trying to find an open spot. Ddot says their new mobile app can help. It launched this week and for now covers the chinatown and pee quarter neighborhood to find the closest and cheapest spots withs the help of supply and demand. Da there are some spaces that are used more than others and theyad are in higher demand and there are some spaces in are not utilized as much. By incentivising people to use the spaces by increasing the prices. Heres how park d. C. Works. Ks. Type in your destination addrese and the app will show you where you are most likely to find parking nearby. Arby green means the probability is high. Red means dont waste your time. It also delays an hourly price anywhere from 2 to 2. 75 depending on how often the spott is used. The prime spots would be more. It uses data from existingexis parking meters as well as sensors in the ground to locate open spots in hopes it helps take some of the pain out of parking by allowing drivers to plan ahead. Its congestion benefits,bene environmental benefits, safety benefits because people areecau looking for a parking 1309. I think thats way for them to identify a reel sore spot for a lot of people. The pilot in chinatown will runt to the end of next year. R. They hope to expand based on the data they collect. Also the app does have disclaimers that promote save driving. I should mention that. Tion they are expected to enter thenr information before they get behind the wheel or have their v passenger do it. Live in chinatown, angle hem l hill. Six metro workers were fired, six more could. Track inspectors and supervisors, the firing stems from the july Train Derailment from the east church metro station. Since then 28 employees have been disciplined or fires. They blame metro for poor track inspection training. Tomorrow morning, Paul Wiedefeld will be a guest right here on fox morning. He will discuss the brand rail system and the firing of f six employees. You can catch it right here on fox5. Can you you spot a reel from a fake . In the world of social media where fake news is rampant appears many cant tell what is Factor Fiction knowledge theicti attack on comic ping upon in d. C. After much pressure Facebook Says it found out a way to filter out the fake news from your feed. Facebook is now calling onn traditional news outlets to help spot a fake. The social network says it will focus on the worst of the worst offenders and is partnering witt a network of Fact Checkers. Outlets like the Associated Press and fact checker. Org and that list is likely to expand. It doesnt start with the journalist, it starts with youwh anybody who is on facebook. If you take a look on the screen, if there is a post you suspect to be a fake article yoe click on the upper ri weve done this before. Now it gives you the option to report it as a fake news story. Now facebook is taking it a step further. If enough people report the story as fake, facebook sends id to its Fact Checking network. If the Fact Checkers think the n you iu not be a legitimate story. It doesnt stop you from sharing it. Users will be able to click a link that responds responding why they think the link is fake. This eggs fairfaxs way of being able to help combat the spread e of fake news without getting into a senorship fight. It has been around a while whether its been celebrity locations are but this election cycle took it to a whole newwhol level because of the possibilite that fake news influenced public perceptions. S. Fake news stories are quicker to go viral. They are inflammatory. Researchers at washington stateh university looked at top stories from the four largest news papers and found one fake news articles grabbed more readers than the four top stories combined. Its just ridiculous and i think sometimes the headlines or what they seem to be reporting seems so ridiculous people buyle into it or click on it. They are click bates to make yoe want to check on it. Thats why they are so popular. Yep. Ep. They are. The holidays are here finally. The shopping, the party prep, you know the all around stressod it can take a toll on body. Thats right. Coming up, we speak from am doctor from the spine and joint institute to learn how too fortify our bodies during the holidays. First we are going to Mgm National Harbor and casino boys to men as the convenience yous inaugeral act. Well be right back with a looko inside the concert. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Z26i0z z17vz y26i0y y17vy i love down on bended knee but i wanted to see some mow townwn philly back again. They have so many amazing hits. Yes, they do. Es, just incredible. T its a big night at the new Mgm National Harbor one week after its opening, the resort issort holding its first concert. Conc its boys to men our own mgm correspondent Lauren Demarco has the story. O reporter theha theater at te mgn National Harbor is officially open. Ope there are some huge acts on the lineup, including bruno mars, shear and stink, but tonight for the inaugeral show boys to men are on stage serenading fans with some of their classics. They reached tar document in the 1990s, but boys to men still drawing out fans. When they were big back in the 90s loved seeing them. Excited to see them tonight. I saw boys to men at the kennedn center a few months ago. Really excited to see them again here. Curious to see what theyrethey going to be look like 20 years later. La the resort opened one week ago. K through the doors and it seems mgm doesnt disappoint. Appo awesome. Its a beautiful place. I wanted to see how this mgm looks. This one out done itself compared to vague as. S. Elegant at the same time. 108,000 on site the first three daze. Da treatmently strong demands. Mand with that said, its an exciting time because were introducing ourselves to the marketplace. Mak during their first week hotel and casino operations have beenn running smoothly. Theyre in daily contact with the prince georges countyince police chief and on this thursday night other than 10 to 15 minutes delays for some, traffic not a major problem. I was embarrassed. I came straight from work, from alexandria virginia and came straight in. No traffic at all. Once we came across the bridget was easy getting in. Etti at the end of the road, a big treat because this theater provides a experience. Usually these artists are performing in 20,000 seat venues. To syringe that, theres not a bad seat in the house. Quick update on the casino here, i walked around, i found two f tables with a 15 minimum. They were some of the sof t specialty poker games. Ames Everything Else was starting at 25 angle angle hemming up from. As far as reservations at the hotel, if you want one for tomorrow it starts at 309 after tax its 389. Saturday sold out. At theat National Harbor, Lauren Demarco, fox5 local news. New thats a lot of tax. 309 to 389. My goodness. I think she got the table prices for you. I h think she got that for me. 15 is better than your 25. That theater looks beautiful. Shawn and i will be performing there in m to son any and shear. And roberta flak. Okay. Son any and shear. Decking the hauls and getting your Holiday Shopping done canon be pretty demanding on the body. Coming up next at 10, dr. Felix jest quinn here to share tipsshr for taking care of your yourself during the busy season. Do you werent to start warming up now . Yes. I gotcha, baby. Stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is seeking answers and not giving up until you find them. Because we dont just want kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. With your support, we can find more answers faster. Make a gift today at childrensnational. Org givenow this is fox5 local news at 10. All right. Thank you very much. Itk yo is ally cold night out t. A short time ago our camera caught these people bundled up in friendship heights. Ghts we want to get right to sue weather. It is going to be bitterlytel cold, but the are much better. Et i wanted to show you some of the peak gusts we had today. Many places up and over 50 miles an hour. Maybe some of your Christmas Decorations blew off of house. The winds will be better tomorrow, but the wind chill will still be with us to friday morning. Still a few Single Digits but more teen storm system andee Single Digitsn in 7 in the morning. By the noon hour at least thethe wind chills are more reasonable range of 19 to about 27degrees by the time we get to 6 00 were still back in the teens. So a chilly day ahead, but not as bitterly cold with the wind chills as this thursday was. Tony and shawn. Thank you, sue. All right. Driving, shopping, wrapping driving, shopping, wrapping and an achy sore body, one of these things doesnt belong on thatat list. It doesnt have to be. Doctor feelic is here to join us again. Its good to have you. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me back. Holiday season, people have a lot to do before you start doing everything youre posed to do, what should we be focused on. Before we leave, this bag is way too heavy to carry. Its a good looking bag. It is a good bag. Its a little too heavy. For going shopping. I got to put all my stuff in there. Using Something Like this. G li what are you using, just creditt cards, right . What many i supposed to put in there . You dont need that. Women going into the malls withs big bags. On average it should be about 10 pounds. Heres ten pounds. Heres our dumbbell ten thats all you should carry. The bag looks good. Now hes going to have to come to my office. Youre saying dont load up up in. Dont load up. Don the best way to do it is either unload your bags into the car, walk back to the car and unload the bags or find the lockers. Some small have lockers. Sma you can put your bags there and at the end take them back to the car. If you need to carry some essentials you can use a backpack. You put the backpack on. N. Maybe. There you go. To have equal weight distribution through theo shoulders. Sh this way you wont be as sore. O. This way you wont have headaches or any migraines. Very good. The next thing that you wanted to mention is make trips to the ca so we were in the store,tor standing in line, thatsen a issutese in. Why is that an issue. Sue. Its an issue because you have a bunch of these bags sidebyside. Here, hasel multiple bags there. So the best thing to do would be to just drop the bags if youree standing in line and squeezing the shoulders backwards. Ackw were supposed to squeeze our own shoulders backwards . How d . You do that. Bring them back like this. Just back. Stress release. I do that myself. So what youre doing is really kind of putting some pressure on these muscles and relacking the muscles that are holding up the heavy bags. Gs. Thats way too much stuff. But its a lovely bag. Now we want to go over to lieutenants go home now afternoon we buy everything and it its time to wrap the presents, right . It is time to wrap the that a lot of people do, we doo it in my house. You say we shouldnt do it. T. Dont lay on the floor. The youre going to put pressure on your knees. Youre going to put pressure ons your lower back and thats howas we blow discs and get headaches. Were not stretching. Our model here is should sheu be bending over like that to do it . She can bend over, but shes also going to change positions from time to time or what i like to say is get a table about waste height. Dining room table, kitchen table, the bed. The bed is a pretty good one, too. And then you can wrap i would like you to wrap this. Can you wrap, tony. Im in the a good rappermentp i just put my thumb through the paper. Ill keep talking while i wrap. Wr absolutely. This is important to be wastee a height. You dont want to put you dont want the pressure on the neck or the shoulders because inevitably ill get the phone calls right after christmas and hey, i cant move my neck or i cant stand up. P. All the holiday stress. Tres all the holiday stress out there. There are the self exercises we can do. Self exercises are very a important so you can do that. You can squeeze your shoulder blades back. Thats very good. I can do that when i turn into superman. You dont have to laugh at that, doctor. Very good. Thats wonderful. Weve gone through all of our tips now. Ti weve the got it down. When we leave the house dont carry the big old bag, use a smaller bag. Sm when were in line dont load up with all of the bags, takee one or two at a time back to the car. Or give them to yourour significant other. Si when were here at home haveve someone other than your presents. Dont put them on the floor. Mere i christmas. Rist thanks, tony. My pleasure. There you have it. Appreciate it. Stay with us. Well be back with more fox5 news at 10. We live in a pick and choose world. Calm or bright . But at bedtime why settle for this . Enter sleep number, designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. Sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow give the gift of amazing sleep. Only at a sleep number store, right now find the lowest payments ever on all beds. Hurry, ends sunday. Know better sleep with sleep number. Its officially omarosa is joining Donald Trumpsin transitionin team. She was one of the new members added to the committee today. She was a top advisor to trump on the campaign trail. She later joined the campaign as the director of africanamericai outreach. You may remember she sparked some controversy during the campaign when she said trump is keeping a list of hissen mes. The es today that monica cruel will serve as the secretary of communications. I am deeply honored and humble bled to be asked by the president elect to join the Extraordinary National securityc team he is assembling. Asse she is the fox news analyst to join the administration. Last month. Th. Kelly and conway is backing down from her comment that president elect trump will work on Celebrity Apprentice in hisn spare time. Conway says she was just kidding when she made the comments during an interview on cnn. N. A day later that trump tweeteded about reports of him working oni the apprentice were quote fake news. The Celebrity Apprentice returns after a twoyear hiatus on january 2. Tonight at 11, d. C. s former mayor is questioning the mayor about crime in the situate think. Also tonight a am toker metro transit officer was indicted. What they say he did to support isis. A sitcom star helps deliver aelv special surprise. Urpr thats my son. Delivers a special surprise for dozens of local students. Those stories and more tonight at 11. Surprise, daddy. Get ready for company on youron way to your holiday vacation and a lot of company at that because according to aaa more than 103 million americans will be taking a trip during the christmas and new yearsr holiday. S that by the way is a record. The majority of travelers willve be riding to their final destinations. Bills are driving higher. Consumer prices rising inces november. That is the fourth straight monthly advance. Americans seeing big increases in home energy and home rental costs. You might be feeling some sticker such if youre looking for a new mortgage. The 30year fixed rate is rising to its highest. Now offering at 4. 16 percent. Keep in mind that is still historically low. Hi and ringing in the new year witr a new job thats because six out of ten American Workers have a 2017 resolution to make a professional career range,rang including a new line of work. K. Thats business. I neil cavuto. Don and i met because im a volunteer for meals on wheels. We had an instant connection. What was that . I said, delivering to you is always a special treat. Oh. Company, companionship, food. We all need those things. When we get in that spot in life, its kind of nice to have em there. avo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped deliver over one point four million meals to those in need. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. Put a little love in your heart. He gets a lot of compliments. He wears his army hat, walks around with his army shirt looking all nice. And then people just say, thank you for serving our country and im like, thats my dad. Male vo no one deserves a warmer welcome home. Thats why were hiring 10,000 members of the munity by the end of 2017. Im very proud of him. Male vo comcast. Just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. On the codest day of theth otherso far children in neede cd here in the district got some new coats. Oa its all part of a program thata was started by former Us Ambassador to canada and child reps charity foundation. They gave new winter coats tontr each of the citys 2,000 children living in home less facilities. It would be nice if we want doing this because you know every kid had a home, but thatht is not the case and people are pitching in. Were going to have a lot of volunteers today. Rs t were happy about that. Theres a school just over across the street. Eet. The kids are coming over to get their coats. Th so its going to be a great occasion. Good for him and good for them. The coats for kids program says it has provided more than 13,000 coats to children over the pastt five years. Fi that is awesome. And you certainly need a coat on a day like this. My goodness. Smacks you right in the face. Crazy cold. As cold as we advertised andnd its still bitter out thereout tonight, but its also still going to be a twoday cold snap. By the weekend were going to g back you out of this cold with t little bit ofh a twist which well show you in a a little bit. Bi a effect from northern communities. Tonight thats really quite ate cold looking shot as we look ouk at the National Harbor where the winds are a little better thanbt they were earlier today but theyre still noticeable to us for a few single l l digitsts around. This is Mount Washington new sham ham sure, it is the highest peak in the northeastern unitedt states. He this is whats going on there right now. Very high elevation obviously. The current air temperature and the snow 27degrees blow zero. Current wind chill 76degrees blow zero. Current wind gust 87 miles per hour. I feel warmer already. Our jet stream pattern situate p has the cold air residing over our area tomorrow with temperatures macing out in thehe 20 and maybe some 30s, but mostly 20s. Were but as were transitioning wert also going to have to deal withh a little about it of wintry mix very late tomorrow night and very early saturday morning. Rnin were talking a few hours, thats is it. Before we get to that we have to focus on the cold we have right now. Current air temperatures, everybody is in thewn teens. Annapolis is 206789 the wind chill, we still have Single Digits to two blow in wees minister and 8degrees in the district. Di dress for the wind chill. As we head for the low and mid teens those are the actual air temperatures. Single digit the wind chills and teens. The wind chills wont be quite as bitter tomorrow High Pressure is right over h. The wind will be a little bit lighter, but as the day goes on the clouds will thicken. Notice the winds late tomorrowds are starting to come in it on on the south and that means ourat storm will this storm is going to miss us o and go to the west, but its still going to pull in enoughenu moisture as the cold air is departing. We have some winter storm watches posted for carroll county, for frederick countyount into Washington County where hagerstown is. This is going to begin atat midnight and it will go untilo about noon on saturday for theor possibility of this, 6 in the morning here all that pink,in thats showing us some icing. Cin thats sleet and freezing rainei up there, maybe a little bit of snow, but were more concernede that it might be a about it of icing. You can see that we pull it out by the noon hour. N so if you can hang in there and ditch that, those few hours if there r there is some identification youre not goings to have to why are i because wen will get yre i up to 52degreese afternoon. Rain is back in the forecastreca sunday. We hit 60, but then after the rain ends we crash back down to near 30. Mondays temperature 38degrees. Winter begins on wednesday. It will feel a little then at 47. Thats your seven day forecast. Y shawn and tony over to you. In case you didnt know,w, tomorrow is our big fox5 make a wish today and kaheem will bewi the star ollf the big day. The fiveyear old from maryland is in active treatment for leukemia. Listen closely as kaheem shares his wish. I want to be a super hero. He says im kaheem and i want t be a super hero and that is exactly what he is going to be tomorrow. I love it. That was his super hero run, though, by the way. Could you tell with his hand up. Fox5 and make a wish midis atlantic know that kaheem definitely has what it takes to be aâ– c super hero. The firefighters from mountain the district along with the us capital and d. C. Police theyre all helping us make his wish come true tomorrow. To kaheem will join the local and help people all day long because that is his wish to be brave, to have courage and to d good things. Its going to be an amazing day. You can watch live on air, onon our facebook. Be sure to use our hashtag kaheem safes d. C. Well be right back. my hero zero by lemonheads zero really can be a hero. Get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first months payment on select volkswagen models. Right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. Shawn says i got to dance. With bruno mars 24 car the. The redskins try to punch a ticket to the post season. When they face the panthers oner monday this is a chance for josh norman to exact a little l revenge against a team that cutt him loose in the off season. The panthers were unwilling to pay him franchise tag money. The apartments loss hasents definitely been a redskins gain. Norman has been as advertised,ei the what opponents top receivers andvers often a leader in the locker room. Sometimes you cant put a pricea tag on that. On monday aspects emotions to run a little l high. I think all these cameras will be burned right now. W. I think coming monday nightda those emotions i theyll probably come out and show themes. I dont know what it will bell because like i said its my first time being in Something Like this. The victory for the redskins will depend on how well they can contain cam newton. Check out what happened last hpp november when he lead his team to a vehicle try. The apartments are having a dowd year, but he is still unpredictable and explosive. Sive you have to take down labron james. Jame its hard for basketball guy tol do it. We have to make sure we get him down because if you dont that guy could still stand up while youre holding his waste. He could launch the ball six or doing a little fox5 hashtag battle. We asked you earlier tonight, will the hash tags make the play playoffs. There are your numbers right there. Ther 76 say yes, 24 percent say no. Of course you can add in your opinion. All you have to do is go to twitter yeah the hashtag either hail yes or hail no. As we continue to keep tabs on what fans are saying about this. We have three games left. Three all must wins. This is crunch time. Absolutely its crunch time. E its going to be a tough one. I have no idea what either one of you were saying, you faux what i noticed. What. You are both spiff i in your threepiece suits. Thre were goin to break out ourut pipes later on. By the way, if youre looking for a mortgage he gets the call. Well be right this is fox5 local news at 11. Right now at 11, a bitter cold night and brace yourselves weve got to get through another coldh dayro tomorrow. Weve also got parts of the area under winter storm watches as the weekend begins. B ill have the forecast. Keeping you save in the city. Tonight, d. C. s former mayor is questioning the current

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