Of the president t executive order. The order indefinitely suspended all situatery and refugees from entering the us. It also placed a 90day suspension on travelers from the majority muslim countries of iraq, iran, will i by, somalia, sudan and yemin. Theres a good chance that the Supreme Court will now review the case. Fox5 as Marina Maracco is live at Dulles International airport with more. Reporter what a difference a couple days makes because this was not the scene on january 27 when President Trump signed that executive order. The bear kids are still here for the protestor, but as you can see theres in the a single one here. If you take a look just on the other side here thats where the pro bono attorneys had set up shop and you can see them gathered there tonight. They dont have a lot of work tonight. They have what they think is good news. Take a listen to what they think will happen next. The next step is take it up to the Supreme Court which i think would be a bad idea with only 8 judges on the bench. I think at best hes looking at 44, which would keep the tro in place. The other thing he could do is he could revise the executive order, make it narrower, clarify what he meant by it so that its not necessarily a muslim ban. Or the next actual step, if none of those things happen is it goes to a trial. Theres discovery, depositions, interrogatories. My understanding is i just heard the attorney general from Washington State they dont have any idea what the schedule for that is. And immediately following that decision by that threeh judge panel by the ninth Circuit Court in san francisco, President Trump at the white horse made some off the record remarks to a pool reporter. Its a little california decision and were requesting to see them in court and i look we have a situation where the security of our country is at steak answer a very, very serious situation. So we look forward, as i just said to seeing them in court. This is a decision that came down but were going to win the case. And have you conferred with your new attorney general on this tonight. No, i havent. We just heard the decision. How did you find out about the decision, mr. President. We just saw it just like did. Its a deis that well win in my opinion very easily. By the way, we won that decision in boston. And in President Trumps fashion he took to twitter to let the world know, quote, see you in court. The security of our nation is at stake. Live tonight from Dulles International airport, Marina Maracco, fox5 local news. Another big story tonight, the return of winter a fears february wind is whipping through the d. C. Area while the northeast is get hammered or did get hammered with snow. Sue palka has more on with what you can expect for tomorrow and more about the blizzard north. Do you miss pictures like that, tony. No. I think a the lot of people were rooting for us to get more snow than we did, but then you have to deal with the wind and the shoveling of all that snow. We did get some snow around in two rounds. Early morning we had some snow that did deposit 4. 5 in. The morning snow did not cause very many problems. Winchester getting about an inch. This this afternoon we had some very vigorous snow squall, let me show you what did, it dropped anywhere from half an inch to an inch. Very with very poor visibility. That put down a little bit of black ice. We want you to be aware of that. You also will be very aware of the very cold temperatures. 27 in the district at 11 00, 25 in fredericks 21 in winchester, 26 at culpeper, 25 at manassas. For the most part, the snow showers are done, but the winds not quite done gust. Still getting a gust to 30. Theyre going to gust between 20 and 30 overnight and down to about 20 tomorrow morning. It does give us a significant wind chill. Significant digits, gaithersburg 12, hagerstown feels like 8, feels like 13 in manassas and 14 here in the city. As we go forward again you can see we have some snow showers weather. While we dont see much more this is the big blizzard that really just rile pounded the northeast. New york city got 10 inches, boston got 15. Let me show you what it looked like up there as they were are trying to with this. This was a one p phid blizzard in boston and they have been breaking their own backs trying to get rid of it because this came with winds that gusted over 50 miles an hour all the way up to East Hartford where there was thunder analyte thing much they had snow rates of two to three inches per hour. Its pulling away now but theyll be dealing with the aftermath and there may even be a second storm in their future sometime in the next several daze. Well be watching that closely, but needless to say we didnt get the big show and maybe when you see pictures like this youll s say were kind of glad we didnt get it. Bundle up. The chief of Prince Georges County police is seeing out tonight about a discrimination complaint within his department. Several disturbing photos were allegedly part of that excellent. Fox5s Lauren Demarco is live at palmer park with the latest. Reporter there are reports that as many as 90 officers involved with this complaint and it talks about unfair with discriminatory action and with promotion was apparently piled with the department of justice back in march. But the Prince Georges County county police chief says he didnt learn about it until october and he is still waiting for the details but today he wanted to address the media about specific incidents that hes learned about. The first thing that he was talking about a training dummy. They had a black face pasted on it, an afro wig at its wig. The chief says while he was recently sent these photos they are from training equipment that hasnt again used since 2015. So while hes now just launching an investigation he says the photos had to be taken in 2015 or earlier. Theres also a license plate reading gfy. And then what looks like obama. Stuff win ski believes gfy is an acronym and is meant to be offensive. He says these were legal license plates last was not permitted to be on department the property. The officer then removed those tags. There was a photo of a locker, africanamerican written where it says color for color guard. Major with a special Crops Division spotted this just recently and reported it. This is currently being investigated. Stuff win ski says he needs to side whether these individual cases are just that, isolated incidents or whether there is a systemic problem in the department. Hes working along with the local fraternity order police. They have a panel in place to identify any Racial Discrimination issues which they started on working on before these allegations came to right. And theyre also examining trends when it comes to disciplinary problems and promotions. He said if there are any problems he will work to immediately fix it. I worry about the 2,000 members of this department and i dont hold anyone in any different view because they express a concern. The reality is that we must work to we have evolved tremendously in 10 years, in 20 years. The only way that works is if we all reject the status quo. We restructure. We investigate, w bring impartial people in to look at issues and tell us where they believe we have problems and then we act. We will continue to monitor this investigation, to ensure that our members cooperate with this investigation, to ensure that things of this nature are not allow in the workplace and we move past this. The hispanic and black Police Officers associations are the ones who filed the complaint on twitter. They say that they have been meeting with the department of justice as recently as yesterday. Weve reached out to the federal government and we have received no comment back. Live at palmer park, Lauren Demarco, fox5 local news. There are concerns tonight over a possible nor owe Virus Outbreak at Oak Ridge Elementary School students have been absence due to stomach aches, fever and vomiting. Health Officials Say these are all symptoms consistent with norovirus. Arlington Public Schools sent a letter home to page, today. It urges parents to keep their kids at home if they show any signs of sickness. The school nurse as cleaning the line cantic as many times a day as she could and, woulding as hard as she could. I know theyre dog the best they can. A lot of people are getting sick. Its spreading real fast, a lot of people vomiting and stuff like that. Nasty stuff. School Officials Say they are scrubbing down all surfaces daily but at this point there are no plans to shut the school down. Coming up tonight, a candidate for governor in virginia is weighing a controversial decision involving a statue of a federal im sorry, of a confederate general. Also ahead tonight, the heal local whole foods to shutdown. Were celebrating, its National Pizza day. Hey sam, lauren, from ann pizza. Theyre going to be showing us some tips on how to make the perfect pie, tony. Z29kuz zstz y29kuy ysty a d. C. Health department closed a Whole Foods Market in glover park for Health Violations today. According to a d. C. Council woman mary cheh, the store was closed for failure togged it of rodents and insects. Normally the store was open until 11. 30 00 p. M. We reached out to the company for comment, no one has responded so far. Its not clear when the store will reopen. A symbol of the con fed razz i will soon be removed from down sown share lots area. They have removed a statute from robert e lee from a Downtown Park named in his honor. Many of the residents argued about the removal. Many said it was a symbol of white supremacy. Today we urge you to oi devisive decision that will not bridge any. Just because we disagree on a decision doesnt mean anyone who disagrees with me is my enemy. The only way for us to move forward is to understand each other, love each other, understand the difficult issue. We have to do this together. Two candidates opposed the councils decision including corey stuart. He says the move is an attempt to remove virginia g history and heritage. Lets talk about the weather forecast, 11 15, 74 yesterday, snow today, how did you like the last 24 how. It really is amazing. We didnt get enough snow i think there were twohour delays across frederick and a few other areas, but its amazing the kind of bring in. What we are left with is the big wind field and the cold air that the noreaster which really was a blizzard now up toward new england produced across that area and we had our snow showers this afternoon. Ive been sharing some of the pictures that were sent to us and this one was mechanicsville, maryland around 5 00 and this was what people found on the roads. Not everybody saw these, but they put down a half inch or so of snow, thats where we are reminding you there could be some black ice around in a few spots, parking lots, sidewalks, even maybe on a major rode if it didnt get treated. The snow has ended for the boston area. They have to be happy about that. Almost out of maine as welch but our snow showers were present the back side of the huge noreaster pulling from the lakes, the winds thats where we got the snow showers from that from the morning snow that we had which mainly melted around the area. The winds are gusty. They should get better in the next couple of hours, but will be breezy tomorrow. S that these types of temperatures, overnight, gaithersburg 19, hagerstown 19, 2 for martinsburg, dulles and manassas. 20 for culpeper overnight. Heres where the gusts will be tomorrow at 7 00 a. M. Still getting gusts between 17 and 20 miles an hour. By the time we get to the noon hour, still pretty much in the same region, but day we had gusts of 45 to 50. So this will be a big improvement. But take at cold temperatures overnight and the gusts and this is what your wind chill will feel like in the morning. It feels like 10 for gaithersburg, 14 for dull else. 16 for d. C. Take it forward to the noon were still feeling like 40degrees. In the afternoon, mid 30s to near 40, so it is going to be a chilly day, but wait, weve got warmer news for the weekend. Saturday is going to start out chilly, but a warm front will cross in the afternoon and that should pop us back into maybe the low 60s and even warmer than for sunday. Sunday may feature more clouds, perhaps a shower, there will be showers out towards the west to the mountains. The weekend again were thinking 60degrees on saturday, 67 on sunday and heres your fox5 accuweather seven day forecast. Were still on the mild side next week, maybe not 67, but 54. Monday, valentines not bad at all. Were a little cooler wednesday and thursday, but thats a whole lot warmer than today was, thats for sure. Brody over to you. Theres something about the Verizon Center this year. Without losing in china town and now the caps are on a tengame losing streak of their own. The special gust would be there to drop the puk. There she is acknowledging the crowd and she executes the ceremonial puk drop. Then yes, take the selfie, if you look on my twitter account, shared the picture. Everyone she does is perfect. The Second Period tied at 2. Dj oschie. Third between even at 3, owe she with the the steel to john carlson. Owe she al alie used his stick in practice yesterday. The second goal of the game, his 22nd of the season. The caps win 63. They have scored five goals in ten straight home after the nats break camp in florida they will play two exhibition gays. Today the nats announced they have reached a threeyear agreement to play in annapolis. The game is not open to the public. Complimentary will be given to the Naval Academy midship men and select members of the us navy. If you have dreams of playing in the nba. They announced early thursday morning they are bringing some of the worlds best gamers together to compete while representing the actual nba teams. The league is scheduled to debut in 2018. If still dont know if joe flacco is on the field. Online apparel shop fan attic showed fan head shots and ohio flacco was voted the most attractive red skins kerrigan and the redskins ranked third over all. Wait. Why do we care. Why are they ranking them like this . Its something to do. Also, how am of all of the players in the nfl do these people actually cycle through. This guy, go ahead. Sure, him. With the Verizon Center and what the luck the teams are having, maybe the redskins should play there next season. A little indoor football. Coming up next how do you make the Perfect Pizza inn we brought in a few experts to answer that question on this National Pizza day. Sam and lauren from ann what a great way to end the show, we are celebrating National Pizza day. How do you make the perfect pie and what are some of the why isier top incorporation out there. Sam and apple pizza. You guys have brought a couple of different pies in. Tell us what makes a great pie. I think theres a lot of things but i think first you have to start with the dough. We have a recipe that is proprietary to us. You cant get anywhere from us. We have a wide variety of sauces, but i think one of the things that make us really unique is a as a brand is the variety of top incorporates. You have everything property pure east, and some other unique offerings like pineapple, shrimp. Ive been mr. And its great. You tell them what you want. Its amazing. Were excited. So what do we get to do . Were going to put you guys to work. This is our nature brick and our. This is a garlic and oil. Youre going on do a drizzle. For valentines day. There you go. And then on this side this is our maverick, our take on a meet lovers. Youre going to take some percent toe. Is this sexy. All sexy. I didnt get some sexy. Youre going to finish it off with the the parm. On that side. Just a little bit. How you want it. Exactly. This is for the more traditional is. Over here i have a couple more of our unique pies. The first one we have over here is our salad pizza. Thats great. You get your greens in. We have some let us tossed in our basil pesto. I could put on some of the veggies and the cheese. Do i do that while youre doing you can go for it first. Ill wait. If you want to start putting on some cumbers. They are all over the area, right. 20 locations. Thank you, z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy z29koz z5yz y29koy y5yy coming up on todays telecast i believe that the same anointing thats flowing here in washington is going to flow to you out over the airwaves whoo whoo i dont feel no pain you mean the pain went back to the pits of hell . Its gone back. Its gone back wheres the pain now . There is no pain its gone . Gone went back to the pits of hell where it belongs amen

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