Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 6 20120816

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handgun. >> he said that --'s dude came in here and had a bag and he was taking too long and looking around at different things. >> reporter: virginia hasn't been able to make it to the hospital but said that her son told her about the shooting when she talked to him on the phone. >> and he was walking around. and then he pulled the gun out on him. >> reporter: mom said her son wrestled the guy to the ground out of concern for others. >> and he's an angel. kind-hearted and would do anything for anyone. he did. he was a hero. >> reporter: police chief cath lay near -- cathy lanier agrees. >> personalitywise, he's got a humble, just an obvious big heart, a hero, you know and he's not comfortable with that term yet. >> reporter: lanier stopped by the hospital to visit with him last night and this morning. chief lanier said a lot of people owe him a lot of thanks. his mom said she can't wait for him to get out of the hospital so she can give him a big hug. and we're learning new deils about the gunman. he told the security guard, quote, i don't like your politics before opening fire. the family research council is a conservative christian lobbying group. this afternoon, the group's president said his organization will not be intimidated by what happened yesterday. >> i can assure you that my staff here is totally committed to continuing to cross through the doors each and every day. to defend faith, family, and freedom for americans across this country. >> reporter: he believes the gunman's actions are vote mated -- motivated by groups like the southern poverty law center, which called the research family center a hate group. it said it's outrageous for the family council to blame them for yesterday's shooting. and to stor tox 5. the district officials seized this guy's northwest home after he failed to pay backtaxes and penalties of more than 17 million. the district collected a large sum of money and settled the case. matt ackland has more. >> reporter: we don't know the amount of the settlement. district officials signed legal documents promising not to reveal details about it. one council member told me he is assured the district made out well when it comes to collecting the $14.8 million. after hearing about the settlement, our first stop was at barry morwit's home. it was last october when d.c. officials showed up here to seize the property. >> may i ask you about the settlement you reached with the district in. >> unavailable. >> reporter: he didn't want to talk to us about the deal he made to get him off of the too much d.c.'s clip kept taxpayer list. d.c.'s office of tax and revenues said he racked up a bill from 2002-2009. the chairman of the finance committee applauded the city's efforts to check will money. >> they taking a hard line with people owing us mean. >> reporter: even council member evans was unable to find out how much he paid the city but was assured by the district's cfo the deal was a good one. >> you can't tell me the amount. it's a confidentiality agreement signed with the individual. if i wanted to know the amount, i would like to -- be pleased that they threw a hard bargain and i got a substantial amount. >> reporter: the lien on his home was lifted and his name off of the list. >> in this case, it sounds like a work. >> reporter: the trouble from collecting from other people and businesses, many times they're broke v gone belly up or have skipped town. >> what happened to all of the cash now? >> reporter: the money goes into what is called a general fund, and it will be used for things that city leaders were not able to get funded in the last session. mitt romney and his new running mate are on the move on the campaign trail. and romney arrived in south carolina. spent the day time outing the differences between the president's medicare plan and his own and promised to restore whatever the president cuts. meanwhile, the obama campaign is appealing to seniors and warning it would cause them an extra 6400 a year. virginia governor bob mcdonnell will deliver a speech and he is among other keynote speakers, bobby gin dahl and -- bobby jindal.l. each mentioned. all six speakers hail from swing states. relatives of the shooting victims at virginia tech want the presidential candidates to speak out about gun violence. they want to know what the candidates will do to improve background checks. >> and nearly 70 relatives or people killed sent letters to president obama and to meromney. >> a constitutional showdown on immigration. >> to allow those young people to have the opportunity to live out the american dream. >> straight ahead here on the news edge, dozens averaged by a controversial decision in arizona to block hundreds of young illegal immigrants' public benefits. what it could mean for the rest of the country. and a lot of sunshine in the humidity. it was not too terribly bad. that will change for tomorrow. we have thunderstorms in the forecast. complete forecast is straight ahead. oh, dave. the redskins are getting ready to go into the windy city of chicago. the second chance to see the ferrari come out of the driveway. we'll tell but a rookie looking to carry his share of the workload and make the 53-man roster. we'll go deeper in sports. brian. if you have a story, call the fox 5 tip line or send an e- mail at  you know, ronny... folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? i'd say happier than a bodybuilder directing traffic. he does look happy. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. barack obama has a long history of opposing work for welfare. "i was not a wild, huge supporter of the federal plan that was signed in 1996." [ male announcer ] on july 12th obama quietly ended work requirements for welfare. you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. mitt romney strongly believes work must be part of welfare. the romney plan for a stronger middle class: it'll put work back in welfare. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. . young illegal immigrants may not get a chance in arizona to live the american dream. governor brewer issued a executive order to deny undocumented immigrants driver's licenses and other public benefits, coming less than 24 hours after president obama's de-- deferred action program took, picture and allows eligible illegal immigrants to apply for relief from deporting a and a two-year work permit. governor brewer and others have called it a backdoor amnesty program. >> they here illegally and unlawfully in the state of arizona and it's determined you're not allowed to have a driver's license if you're here illegally. >> for those in other states who have applied for protection, a decision on each application could take several months and the policy is temporary. the outcome of the november elect could affect the state of the program. frederick county public schools is protecting students. they will have cameras and record drivers who pass illegally and violators who pass a bus when children are getting off will be fined $125. today, six flags donated more than 1,000 school supplies. this week, visitors to the park were asked to donate space during the first-ever back-to- school supply drive. and guests bought everything a -- brought everything a kid could use to start on the right foot. >> i feel great. everyone at the park, all of the staff were excited. we had a family coming in with backpacks, multiple backpacks and they were stuffed full of things. >> the donated items will go to world -- world vision, a local non-profit. a living tribute to some brave world war ii fighter pilots. stories told at an antique air show. and the oklahoma car repair shop doesn't have air conditioning. the works started to complain so the owner of the shop, who is irish and wears a kilt, suggested they wear one to beat the heat and they did. hey did. . today, dozens of history buffs had a chance to jump on board an air bomber and it was on display the first time. some of the veterans are opening up there about their experiences as a fighter pilot. the photo journalist has their story. >> my claim to fame is i learn to fly an airplane before i could drive a car. and as for the landings in normandy, general eisen howar directed the a-bomber command use the tactical support of the invasion and so we -- a lost bridges. >> the b-17 and b-24 together brought down germany in world war ii. they lost 80,000 to casualties and they won third, were killed, missing in action or pob -- p.o.w.s. with that many people as casualties, it's an emotional experience for the men and imagine what it was like for an 18-year-old kid to go there every day and to be shot at. >> i was -- . >> and we were on an active mission and there was a period of time when they were -- and they had a very severe humanitarian life as well. >> it's important that we salute the gentlemen and to thank them for what they did for us. >> it's a major part of history and why go and see the liberty bell? that is history. why don't you remember when thousands of people died in world war i and they're the heros, we're not the heros. how about a dry christmas in christmas tree farmers in iowa said the drought could affect the holiday crops for years to come. this year's trees will be full and green. most of the seed lings were lost. the christmas trees take seven or eight years to mature. in the future, many living rooms could be bare. today was as advertised. fantastic. >> and there is some people who didn't like it. >> can't please everybody. >> and that is right. the humidity was nice and low. granted, it was warm, the temperature was up to 91 degrees and it's great this evening with the low temperatures and it will be comfortable and still the at 89 and 84 for winchester. highs today, 91 in the city and, by the way, that is still leaving us with four days so far this month. and that hasn't been 90 degrees or higher. 87 for tell uses and bwi marshal -- dulles and bwi marshal. clear skies for us, high pressure doing its trick and moving to the east, though and as that moves to the east, it brings in what we call a return flow and switches the winds more in the southwest and some things will change. the humidity levels, i should say, the same thing and technically different. we'll start creeping up a bit. okay, and opens the door for showers and thunderstorms. you see a big complex to the west of us and this will die out. and they will fire up for tomorrow and this is in and out of, ahead of the frontal system, coming our way and this is to the west of us tomorrow and a cool dome of air behind us and this is to the midwest and parts of the southeast and to cool it down and talking about the potential to record low temperatures into tomorrow night and in the morning. and ahead of, that showers and thunderstorms moving in the direction and come through tomorrow, tomorrow night and this is settling in for the weekend. the question, how fast will it move through? will we have a chance of showers on saturday morning and him again, a chance of showers on sunday. i think early saturday morning, week have a shower out there. most of saturday is dry and some high temperatures in the lower 80s and the temperatures for highs in the lower 80s and expecting them to bring a few showers and that is just a potential and 72 in the city and in the upper 60s in some suburbs and anyone to the west- southwest will be into the 60s. generally speaking, clear skies tonight. 92 for a high tomorrow and it will feel warmer than that. the humidity is going to up. 88 for gaithersburg. fredericksburg, 90 degrees and about two to three degrees on top of the temperatures for tomorrow and tomorrow afternoon when you factor in the humidity and that is what it feels like and that is not humidity but more today and uncomfortable. and we start off with sunshine, warm by noon and 87 and a few storms tomorrow evening and to 5:00. a few showers and thunderstorms and it will be a sec line moving across and some storms could be strong and a few of them could be severe and how far, looks like the big threat for now and cooler to the weekend, 83 degrees high temperature on saturday and which is some showers early saturday morning, spotty showers on sunday. a few more clouds on sunday and a temperature of 83. monday looks good, 84 and tuesday looks good, 85. and it doesn't warm up too quickly after the front comes through. >> thank you, check the weather any time when you download the fox 5 weather app. the apple a park p store. there is d.c. weather on the website. an 84-year-old man proving age is just a number. fred pierce runs a marathon and finished the last in five hours and 43 minutes. he decided he would take up rung four years ago he will run a half marathon in january. the nats had the day off but not the all-star. dave ross on deck with the sports edge. orts edge. . >> red bull rigged the racing show car to supply the star spangled banner. it performed in front of a crowd at new york's liberty park. park. we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. seen this? mitt romney claiming the president would end welfare's work requirements? i'm barack obama and i approve this message the new york times calls it 'blatantly false' the washington post says: "the obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all." in fact, obama's getting states to move twenty percent more people from welfare to work. and president clinton's reaction to the romney ad? it's just "not true." get the facts. . hello, everybody. dave ross here. all eyes are on one robert griffin 3 as the skins travel to chicago to take on the bears. trent williams said he will play in shy up to, which is good news for rg3. as you know, we must protect the ferrari. i digress. they are out for saturday night's game, which is very good news for this rookie, alfred morris. the sixth-round pick out of florida-atlantic, the school's all-time leading rusher. he would -- and carried 15 times for 54 yards against the bills saturday. a new challenge behind the first team offensive line against the bears first team defense and at this point, everything is just gravy for the rook. >> i came from a 1-11 team. we're getting drafted as a blessing for itself. the tunes i have been given since i have been here is -- i'm not taking it for granted and trying to make the most of the opportunities. i am excited and i am having fun and i'm loving it. >> college football news and the maryland terrapins took a big hit tuesday night when cj brown tore his acl and ending his season. a true freshman will have to step up and earn the job. hills has the upper hand over number seven, caleb and how does 9 head coach feel about his qb situation? 15 days before kickoff? >> i am pleased with what i have seen. i am pleased with what i have seen, to, and you know, we're going to be fine. it's just that we have to get as many reps as we can and, again, doing the things we know that they can do. they have absorbed a lot in a short period of time in 12 days. i am pleased with where they're at now. >> the injury. the nats are back in town preparing for a 15-home stand tomorrow night against the new york mets. and while many guys took today off for a day of rest, a well- deserved one at that, the youngest was giving back. there he is. the 19-year-old arriving this morning at fairfax high school to host the inaugural; the free event, everybody over the ages of 6-14 while over 200 kids were there today. the all-star donated donations to the greater washington irvine league. he's 19 and hanging out with the youngsters. he likes that and he's in the middle of a pennant race. the beginning of what he expects to be a great professional career. >> going to be a lot of fun the next 10 years. having a team we have and having the organization that we have, we have a team that can produce hopefully the next few years, and you know, i think, you know, going into every day, trying to win the ball game and having a piping staff that we do, and you know, having everyone around us that we do, i think, thrives -- inspires us to be great. >> we're hoping for the same. and venus williams will rejoin the washington tackles september 14th-16th on a world- team tennis final in charleston, south carolina, and they try to defend their crown. that will help. >> when is straussberg's talking about his shutdown day? >> our shutdown day? never. never. you and i are never shutting it down. we're here to return it. >> and can't take a couple of months off in. >> no, he will be -- straussberg will be gone department before we do. >> can you take it easy? >> no. >> we're talking play-offs, baby. here at fox 5 every day. >> apparently doesn't matter, right? y that going to shut him down for the play-off -- they're going to shut him down for the play-offs. >> people are perturbed by that and you have to think of the long tom career. >> which is more fowl to the fire, shutting us down -- fuel to the fire. shutting us down. >> us? >> yeah. >> i'm taking next week off. >> figures. [ laughter ] >> thank you for that. >> thanks, brian. now you have the news edge. of course, the news is always on there is a football game on our air tonight. starts at 8:00 this evening. it's going to be a preseason game, a little bit of fun, lots of penalties. when it's over, we're back here after the game. hope you will be, too.

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New York , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Germany , Fredericksburg , Iowa , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Arizona , Oklahoma , Ireland , Frederick County , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , Irish , American , Alfred Morris , Venus Williams , Liberty Bell , Leonardo Johnson , Bobby Jindal , Barack Obama , Cathy Lanier , Bob Mcdonnell , Robert Griffin , Cj Brown , Dave Ross , Trent Williams ,

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