the investigation continues. and there are a lot of people to thank. >> i didn't even know the family. i didn't know the kid. but we did what little bit we could to help out. i mean, the biggest thanks goes out to all of those searchers that went through day after day after day looking for this little boy. i mean, if it wasn't for all these people, i don't know if he would be found. >> we had a person that found him, that spotted him, and again, that's where the investigation is going. i understand he was a volunteer that came in and they turned him away because again, we had so many volunteers that we had to tun some volunteers away because we couldn't manage that many. he ends up finding him and he gives us a call. >> the place went crazy with screams and it was great. it was a great experience. >> how are you feeling right now? >> i have no words for how great i feel and i'm happy to be a part of it. >> now caroline county sheriff who you saw there said he himself saw robert wood jr., that he was alert, that the people who were there helped carry him out of the quary. they put him on a stretcher into the ambulance, which went to a waiting helicopter which flew him to a hospital where he has been reunited with his family. >> such a miracle. such a wonderful story tonight the way it ended. bob, thank you. now word came that robert had been found, relief quickly spread from the volunteers, to the sheriff deputies who were working the case. >> let me say it like this. i'll cry at a football game, so if you keep asking questions like that, i'll tear up here. there's a lot of emotion with this. >> you can watch the entire press conference and get the latest update from this story on well, it's not even november yet, but snow is already falling in the northeast in parts of the dc metro area could see some weather in the metro area. sue, i am still stunned. snow, it's not halloween yet. >> i have not seen this in my 26 years. the last time we had measurable snow in october was october 10 of 1979. now the good news is, that at least it's coming on a saturday and we have time to gear up for it. and that concludes the good news, basically, because the rest of this, while it's incredible for snow lovers, we are concerned about the possibility of this very heavy wet snow. not pretty snow. not powdery snow, but wet snow. sticking to all those leaves and maybe some trees coming down and power outages. that's what we have seen in denver, that's what we have seen in texas as this storm has been coming in our direction. let's check out radar right now. because we do just have a little bit of light rain down to our south, but this is going to develop in the overnight hours and it is mostly going to be rain for the metro area between now and tomorrow afternoon. let me show you the radar. this is a big storm and the action gets going when this storm makes its way to the coast where it is forecast by all of our computer models to bomb into a huge nor'easter and very rapidly develop and throw in a lot of moisture and also a lot of cold air into this picture. so now, we have some very rare october winter storm warnings. everything you see in the pink there, which does include frederick county and loudoun county and a winter storm watch for montgomery and howard and points to the north and east. that means several inches of snow in the winter storm warning. while it's not that cold yet, it can snow at that temperature and if it snows hard enough, it starts to drop. we will be around 40 degrees tomorrow. a couple of quick notes about our rare october snowstorm that we are expecting tomorrow. it starts as rain in the metro area. in the mountains, it could be all snow. we are looking at huge snow totals up there. it mixes or changes to snow here in the metro area tomorrow afternoon. the several inches part of this snow forecast will be in the winter storm warning which our biggest concern here in the newsroom happens to be the potential for trees falling and power outages. we're going to let you know about the numbers of this and the second half of the weekend features a big improvement. >> definitely good news. can't wait to hear that part of the story. thank you. dc police need your help identifying a child hit by a car. it happened this morning on eastern avenue in northeast. take a close look at these pictures. police say the boy was wearing these blue jeans, black nike sneakers, a gray jacket, and a red shirt. the little boy is in serious condition. the driver did stay on the scene. again, if you have any information on the child who may have been wearing this outfit this morning, call dc police. now the latest in the lumulemon murder trial. on the stand today, two apple employees who say they heard yelling and screaming coming from the store right next door the night jayna murray was killed. fox 5's paul wagner is covering the trial for us. he is live with the latest. paul. >> it was about 10:10 that night and this apple store manager said she started to hear commotion coming from the shared wall that the apple store had with the lumulemon store. this manager was so concerned about what she was hearing, she asked another manager and a security guard to come over to listen as well. seen here outside the courthouse after her testimony told the court she heard high pitched yelling and screaming as well as heavy grunting. she then heard one of the women say, talk to me. don't do this. talk to me. the commotion was coming from the wall, the two stores shared on bethesda avenue. after questioning, she then heard someone shout, god help me. please help me. but on cross-examination, she first told police she actually heard stop, oh god. a second apple manager, ricardo testified about hearing the commotion coming from the lumulemon store that night. outside the courthouse, rios declined to explain why he didn't call 911. earlier in the day, delia was questioned about the tools and where they were kept inside the store. bot of them said they were never just laying around, they were always put away. the hammer and box and knives were put in, the hammer and box cutters were put in the tool box. the knives in the kitchenette. the women both said they never seen the knives or merchandise tags in the back room where jayna murray's body was found. and the testimony here at the courthouse ended just after 3:00 this afternoon. they'll resume again on monday. >> thank you, paul. >> the gaithersburg man suspected in the disappearance of a bethesda woman in aruba will stay in jail for another 30 days. that is the order of an iowa aruban judge. they traveled to aruba over the summer. police arrested him in august, days after she disappeared. at the end of his next 30 days in jail, authorities must release him or file charges. >> coming up, a big name in northern virginia. hear bill clinton's mission in mcclane this afternoon and how much money he is capable of raising for the democrats. and coming up in sports, the capitals lose their first game of the season and mike green is ailing, plus london fletcher, will he be playing sunday in toronto? we'll have the latest on that story as the news edge at 6:00 continues.  ♪ and the flowers and the trees ♪ ♪ all laugh when you walk by ♪ and the neighbors' kids run and hide ♪ deep inside you, there's a person who refuses to be kept deep inside you. ♪ but you're not ♪ you're the one be true to yourself. what's healthier than that? mitt romney fired up the gop with a visit to fairfax, virginia tuesday. bill clinton is hyping the democrats at a major fundraiser. tom fitzgerald was there. he joins us from the newsroom with more. tom. >> everybody is calling this an off year election, but it's not an off year election if you are one of the people that are up for election this november. virginia democrats have been trying to hold their ground and controlling the state senate in richmond where they hold a small margin over the republicans. so they brought in the big guns as they like to say. president bill clinton was the main event at a fundraiser held at the home of the former democratic national chairman, terri mccallif today. several hundred people were there and he told fox 5, this event put over $1 million in virginia democratic in their fight to hold on to the state senate. >> this is important election as we had in a long time. we have the entire general assembly up. we have all of our house of delegates. we control the house senate by two seats. we have many competitive races going on in the commonwealth today. i tell democrats, you have got to get out there. you have to keep control of the state senate. you'll remember t for governor last time out, but was unable to win the democratic nomination in the primaries. since then, he has been traveling all over virginia and said yes, he is looking at an open to another run for governor. but says at this point, it's still too early and not made up his mind just yet. >> thank you. >> so what is better than a restaurant review? how about a white house endorsement? see how the president's dinner outing helped local restaurants bring in business. and think twice before you make a bet with leon. he would uncork his $10,000 bottle of wine when the u.s. found osama bin laden. well, of course you know that happened. he was head of the cia at the time agreed, now he is in for $10,000 toast. the owner plans to uncork that bottle at this year's new year's eve party to honor pinetta and his wife.  the first couple often enjoys dining out. the president met up with dining out. giving area restaurants a nice boost. beth parker shows us. >> we came up the back stairwell and sat at this table facing away from the kitchen. >> not just anyone, the customer in chief. dinner and a chat with a few supporters last night in arlington. randy milton served the table. >> what was going through your head? >> i didn't want to spill anything. >> the president ordered fish. >> smoked sword fish with white beans with lam sausage and he cleaned the plate. >> launching today in the very seat where obama sat last night. >> any chance you'll be ordering what he ordered? >> i don't think so. >> he got the sword fish. >> no, no chance at all. >> you don't like sword fish? >> no. >> they said he loved it. he cleaned the plate apparently. >> i'll probably clean my plate, but it won't be sword fish. >> the sword fish may not be the only thing they disagree about. she was under president bush, her son jason is an obama guy. >> did you vote for him? >> i shouldn't say this in front of my parents, but i did. >> when the president shows up, a restaurant has to shut down but for every customer they lose in the short time that they are there, someone else appears later just for the novelty of it. >> i love the restaurant, but there were 20 different ones i was considering. this morning i saw that he had been here, so we walked here. >> they are still strolling in. obama has visited ray's twice and now ray's is in the japanese guide book. >> do you like hamburger? >> yes. >> michael owns rays. >> the way i see it, the benefit is to first and foremost, to my staff. the excitement and the special feeling that they get from being a part of that is something that can't be measured. >> he says the publicity brings customers in once, it's the food that keeps them coming back. in arlington. beth parker, fox 5 news. i must admit, i want to go. >> clearly he was on the map. >> speaking of being on the map, take a look at this. everybody is talking about, snow that we found out there. this fell in central massachusetts overnight. it covered the street signs. emergency management crews are doing a dry run to make sure they are prepared. here's my question to you. we see them clearing that snow. are we going to get stuff like that? >> we are. i'm glad we showed that. that's the kind of thing we are going to get. enough to cover the grass. maybe not sticking to the streets, but my biggest concern right now is, i do not have a snow jacket for my little king albert. i am upset. that is albert pujols from the cardinals and what a game that was last night. we'll be on after the game tonight. >> i'm pulling for st. louis now, of course. >> texas rangers are great too with what a wonderful series we've had and i'm happy that we'll have lots of new information tonight after the game to tell you about with this snowstorm. no big worries tonight on your friday night as you scamper around town. don't bother to stock up, folks, it's one and done. one day, the problem we are concerned about though is this is going to be a heavy, wet snow for our northern and western suburbs and it may be enough to bring down trees and lines and power outages. what are you going to be looking at tonight? just some rain for the most part. temperatures are in the 40s. the storm system is coming and we know it is going to get really incredibly strong as it gets over here to the coast and rapidly moves away. what we're seeing tonight down to our south, the first of the light rain showers, but it is going to rain overnight and we think in the metro area as we talked about at the beginning of the broadcast, it rains until tomorrow afternoon and changes to snow. it might be snow the whole time and in our northern and western suburbs, wouldn't be shocked if there is a mix later tonight and you'll see that mix begin earlier for you. our area of low pressure is going to deepen off the coast. it's going to strengthen and it pulls in very cold air from high up in the atmosphere where it is cold enough for snow. as that falls and with heavy bands of snow, it can accumulate at these temperatures, which will be above freezing tomorrow in many areas. then it will start to drop. this is really an unusual situation and not just here, but this is going to be again for our mountains up to pennsylvania, up into new york state, northern jersey, we may see some one foot totals coming out of pennsylvania and northern new jersey. and maybe, just maybe in our mountains, although it will be closer to 4 to 8 inches. very difficult to shovel. perhaps you let it melt off where you can. 48 degrees here in the district. gaithersburg, it's 48. annapolis you're at 50 degrees. let's get to the good stuff. when is this thing going to get going? we are showing the future cast here. 7:00 in the morning. heavy rain in spots. that's what you are seeing in the yellow. this orange could have mixing going on and then you get out to the panhandles. well west of interstate 81. this is all snow out there and probably the whole time. a big snowstorm for you guys. by 6:00, rain south and east of the district. the mixing coming inside the beltway and it is snowing for western montgomery and loudoun county and that's where we get most of our accumulation between 2:00 and 6:00. by 11:00, it is pulling out of town. for the marine corps marathon, it's going it be very cool and breezy. winds could blow up to 40 miles per hour. meanwhile, we'll get it out of here and most of the accumulation will be over by about 6:00, 7:00 tomorrow night. but big winds and cold temperatures. we drop to 34 degrees. our high tomorrow only 40 and that will be colder. sunday 49 degrees. it will be chilly. halloween, hang in there. it's not going to be snowing. the big trick in this halloween forecast is nailing down this forecast for tomorrow, but i said this earlier. at least it's a saturday. we had a big problem last year in one of our storms. a lot of people got stuck in it. you remember that. if you don't have to travel tomorrow, i think about hunkering down at home. >> right, stay inside with the family. and make sure you stay the series on fox and watch us after the series. >> definitely do. thank you sue. coming up on the sports edge, when is in and who is out when the skins suit up? we will see how they handled the buffalo bills. also, a look back at the dramatic finish of game number six in the world series. we'll be right back. good evening, i'm lindsey murphy. this is the site of our game of the week versus northwest. that game will get underway in ten minutes. to the nfl. mike shanahan expects london fletcher to play sunday in toronto. that's good news for the defense. as far as the players that will not be playing, that's going to be trent williams and sellers. they are both out. both listed as questionable. there was one change to the roster today. brandon compton has been added to the 53 man roster. as you all well know, the injury bug bitten the skins pretty bad. five offensive starters will be missing in toronto on sunday. this week, tim hightower and chris cooley were placed on injured reserve. the players on the field are expected to start up. starters and backups alike. >> there's no excuses. nobody is going to have pity. nobody is going to spot us any points. their starting receiver is down or their runningback is down. let's give them a free touchdown, they aren't going do that. they are going to try to take advantage of that just like we have to fight and bounce back. >> the terps face boston college tomorrow and the question is, who will be the starting quarterback? cj brown left last week's game against florida state after taking a vicious helmet to helmet hit and he did not return. danny o'brian threw and rushed for a touchdown. randy, who is it going to be? >> we might play both on saturday, i don't know. we'll see how the week goes. we could play one or both. i mean, i don't think there's any problem with, you know, that as we take the field and whoever is playing for us. >> the capitals suffer their first loss of the season last night after setting a franchise record with seven straight wins to start the year. they did so without mike green who missed his fifth day of practice with a twisted ankle. last night, we're in edmondton. that is his first goal of the season and the capitals have a 1-0 lead. the oilers rally. oilers on a power play. corey shot, but jordan everly scores on the rebound. that is the game winner. the caps fall 2-1 and lose for the first time this season. the rangers and cardinals game six of the world series last night. drama in the bottom of the 9th. cards down two. down to their last strike. two on for david. he hits a fly ball to right. nelson cruz on the run. that would score two runs and send the game into extra innings. cards down 9-8 and down to their last strike. but delivers the base hit. john jay would score and we are tied at 9. so we go to the next inning, missouri native is up again and this time he hits a big fly over the wall in center. the cards beat the rangers 10- 9. forcing a deciding game seven tonight. that's on fox 5 at 8:05. shawn, back to you. >> now you have the news edge. the news is always on. see you here tonight.  everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi.  and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled.

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New York ,United States ,Louisiana ,Boston College ,Massachusetts ,Japan ,Alabama ,Arlington ,Texas ,Missouri ,Florida ,Loudoun County ,Virginia ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,Denver ,Colorado ,Caroline County ,Mississippi ,Richmond ,New Jersey ,Aruba ,Pennsylvania ,Frederick County ,Jersey ,Japanese ,Beth Parker ,Brandon Compton ,John Jay ,Tom Fitzgerald ,Nelson Cruz ,Chris Cooley ,Randy Milton ,Mike Shanahan ,King Albert ,Cj Brown ,Tim Hightower ,Albert Pujols ,Trent Williams ,Lindsey Murphy ,Paul Wagner ,

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