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reprinted without the confessions and asks that the old ones be returned. in a statement the spotsylvania school superintendent said, it is most unfortunate that inappropriate comments found their way into the 2010 yearbook for massaponax high school. >> student dos stupid things much there is a teacher that is in charge of it that should have checked over it more, i guess. >> school system said it should have the new cleaned up version of the yearbook before school get out. one parent said truth be told, some kids might keep the old one. back to you. >> spotsylvania county schools and the school principal issued a statement but refused to be interviewed. the news edge on d.c. now, a fifth person has been arrested in the murder of a popular principal. brian betts was found dead in his subpoena accept home last month. 19-year-old joel johnson is now charged with murder. three other teens are already in custody. police believe those four were at brian betts' home the night he was murdered. one of the suspect's mother is facing charges. reports of kids mugging kids in northwest. the suspects and the victims all from the same high school. we're told two wilson high school students were taken into custody, not charged with anything, yet. a third student may be involved. neighbors we talked to say wilson students have been causing trouble in the eater for a while. the police have their eye out. >> we have the school resource officers that are very aware of what goes on in the schools and after the school is dismissed. the problems that we have had around here are not different than problems anywhere else. we're trying to work with the school administration and work with the student thes and their parents to try to keep some of the unruly behavior and deal with the criminal behavior also. >> information on what happened before police arrived is not available. new information in the investigation of a man found dead on a metro train monday. metro is changing its policy. it will now require train operators to walk inside the train checking for passengers before the train is taken out of service. the body was found five hours after he boarded. the employees have gone back to work. a big night at the white house. president barack obama and the first lady host a state dinner for the mexican president have a his wie. it's their second state dinner. no doubt they're hoping it won't end like the first surrounded by controversy because of the party crashers. >> reporter: so far no sign of the salahis of northern virginia who crashed that first state dinner for the indian prime minister in november this. one is about to get started. that's the north port co. we expect any moment for the mexican president and first lady to arrive. they're staying across the street at blair house. you will see the driveway is lined with an honor guard. this will be a very formal ceremony arriveing at this hour for a 7:00 p.m. dinner with -- 200 invited guests. more will be joining the party later for a reception on the south lawn around 8:30 under a tent. the obamas have invited a chicago chef rick bayless to join the white house chef cooking a mexican dinner tonight. they'll use herbs and lettuces from the white house garden. president barack obama welcomed the mexican president, felipe calderon, to the white house earlier today and talked about the special relationship with our neighbors to the south. >> i've often said that in our interconnected world where nations and peoples are linked like never before, both the promise and perils of our time are shared. nowhere is this clearer than among the neighbors of the united states and mexico. >> reporter: and the mexican president felipe calderon and first lady are arriving now. here is their motorcade just making it from across the street. this is a big night for the new white house social secretary who is basically in charge of this dinner. here's roll call columnist emily hile. >> it's a very big night. the last state dinner was the former secretary's water loo. this is why she left the white house bloc of that cloud caused by the gate crashers. security is absolutely paramount for the white house and the new social secretary. >> reporter: beyonce will be performing tonight on the south lawn at the white house. she is one of the performers. you can see president and mrs. obama on the front steps of the white house about to greet president felipe calderon and his wife. among the invited guests, mexican americans eva longoria parker and salma hayek. the white house staff tonight under the direction of the new social secretary will be at all of the entrances where the guests will be arriving. you the see the first lady and president of mexico standing with president barack obama and the first lady with an honor guard here, the official arrival for state dinner. white house staff will be with secret service at the different entrances where guests will be arriving for this dinner paying extra attention to the guest list. there is michelle obama in a beautiful blue dress. the salahis are not on that guest list. there are 200 people invited tonight. many more coming to the party that will begin around 8 crone 30 on the south lawn. >> i understand there is a concerted effort on behalf the white house to minimize the grahammor aspect of the state dinner. only one reporter was allowed in for a couple of minutes into the room. >> reporter: yeah. this is something that is happening at a time when many people are hurting. there are major drug wars along the border between mexico and the u.s. arizona, california, texas, so this is a glamorous affair, but somewhat under stated tonight. with the backdrop of the first one in november where there was a lot of attention paid to who crashed the party, so this one will be a fine affair, maybe not as fancy as some in the past. >> thank you. the sals may not be where you are but they have known shown occupy line asking for an apology from the white house. shawn yancy has the edge on that. >> can you believe that? you will remember they're accused of crashing the last state dinner at the white house. they claim the congressional investigation into their white house adventure was a charade. they say they've received death threats and threatening packages in mail. they say they're frustrated and have not been able to talk about their side of the story. they claim at the lee the white house should have been more gracious. >> it would be nice if somebody apologized to us or somebody would just call it quits. i certainly would not treat anyone this way that came to my house even if there is a question about an invitation or there is some miscommunication. i'd still welcome anybody to my house. >> i think their house is different than the white house. the salahis got into that state dinner in november honoring the prime minister of india. white house says they were not invited. the former white house social secretary lost here job because of the fiasco. the salahis insist they were invited, provided security information requested by the secret service but still have not produced an invitation. a would-be abduction of stopped by a 9-year-old. how a cell phone and his quick thinking helped catch the suspect. former nascar driver takes police on a high-speed chase. a couple of stubborn showers hanging around. >> quick look at radar. these are lie. they'll move through quickly. when the will we see sunny skies returning and warmer temperatures? the forecast is coming up. - ( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments. now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. a frightening attempt the abduct stopped thank to do a quick thinking 9-year-old. man tried to lure the boy into his truck in spotsylvania. this is the man police arrested. a former school bus driver in spotsylvania. >> reporter: the mother of the boy said she feel hers son is a hero. he was able to call her on his cell phone, give authority as good description of the man and the truck he was riding in and now karl frederick rice is in jail. karl rice was a school bus driver for the spotsylvania county school system until a week ago. this woman says she's just glad that her son did not allow himself to be lured into rice's truck. the incident happened last monday evening. the third grader of riding his scooter home from a friend's house and he called his mother as soon as the man tried to get him inside the truck. mom and son hooked up and then took their car looking for the man. it took them about four minutes to locate his vehicle parked in front of his house on cedar post lane. >> i had him looking left and right. we came to a house and there was a vehicle parked out there. he was absolutely 100% sure it was the vehicle. >> reporter: i have trained him over the years. it's been a big thing with me to give my son a lot of information about predators and their psychology. fortunately it had a very positive out come for this family. it could also have a positive out come for the community to again open the lines of communication up between parents and their children that strangers can come in any make and size. >> reporter: school officials in spotsylvania county say he was only a driver for them for two weeks. as of may 8 he was no longer allowed to drive for them for person will reasons. he had undergone a background check as is mandatory for all school combles. back to you. you may think of dolphins and sea lions as cute ocean animals. they're actually on the frontlines of the war on terror. an underwater look at how the navy using them to fight terrorism.  get ready for a new generation of terrorists. the dire warning coming from two people who would know, 9/11 commission co-chair thomas kaen and lee hamilton. they told the homeland security today pakistan is the new center of the terrorist threat. we could see more diverse attacks here at home. >> i think we can expect more from persons with limited resources and perhaps limited training. so in some ways the threat is as much internal and it is external. >> we have the technology and we're cloaghting more intel than ever before. the key is getting it to the right people. you might figure that every high-tech threat requires a high-tech detection system. something that will warn agencies, maybe using encoded information or you can use sea lions perhaps. how they do just as good a job alerting agencies to danger in the water. >> reporter: sun worship theres one setting, military ops specialists in another. >> it's amazing that people don't give animals enough credit. >> reporter: sea lions and dolphins are part of u.s. navy's arsenal in deeing at thing, disabling and removing underwater threats. they showed their stuff during a training scenario involving a saboteur diver with a mine near at&t park. >> tag the diver. that float came up and that signaled the seat lion boat where the diver was. >> the drill was similar to ones practiced in san diego. dolphins use internal sonar to detect the presence of an object before marking its general location. that signals the team to release the sea lion who moves in with a camera or a clamp to cuff its object allowing the human counterparts to move in and take it if there. >> it's incredible. >> crews who watched say the mammals are a secret weapon of sorts but have been used by the navy since 1970. >> i think this is a great example of another tool where they have this asset that honestly the common public is not aware that this type of capability exists. >> we've had them in iraq and places like that, real world environment and vietnam. >> navy says it's fine by them if their program stays under the radar. the mammals are safer that way. >> trainers say the most difficult part training them is not teaching them to find things. it's getting them used to getting in and out of the boats. and using those tiny cell phones. >> we have a little more of these showers and then maybe we'll get in the clear. >> i think once this last piece of energy comes through, that will be it. i think skies by 10:00 may start to be breaking up a bit. that will be nice. it's murky still. we're not seeing lots of showers and most of the day was pretty dry. maybe you did detect there was a brightening of the sky. some sun this morning, not quite as thick of a cloud layer. one last piece of energy here with some showers coming across faquier county into prince william and out here over warren and a few spotty showers over montgomery county and prince georges county. that's how it will go tonight. you might get a 10th of an inch of rain. the skies will clear. there are a lot of clouds to see. some early morning briteening was clouds, but then it's filled in through the afternoon. you can see the showers developing. there is one last piece of energy circulating across west virginia. we are also fascinated to see that again it's dangerous situation. another high risk warning has been put out for oklahoma for the possibility of storms to produce tornadoes. this one already has produced a tornado. a little bit of that instability in the atmosphere may visit us over the weekend. for next two days it looks like we'll be in good shape. still clouds tonight, they break up gradually. a few evening showers, very spotty. i don't think most of you will see them. the sun is back tomorrow and friday. both days will be sum are-like with temperatures close to 80. weekend showers and storms, no washout of either day. something that we'll to have watch for the afternoon. temperatures have come up a bit. our our high was 67. we're now 63. tomorrow we're going well above that. upper 70s, tomorrow. tonight stubborn clouds, spotty evening showers, 57 degrees. tomorrow here comes the sun. it will be so welcome. with that sun the temperatures will shoot right up to 79 degrees. tomorrow 8:00 a.m., 62 degrees, welcome back to the sun. by noon 74, by 5:00, 9 degrees. we have a couple of great days coming our way. 84 friday. showers and storms to watch saturday and sunday. then monday we begin maybe a five or six day run of great weather pretty much storm free. >> thank you. did you see this? somebody needs to remind this guy he's not a nascar driver anymore. maybe he was just reminded because he got caught. james neil leading california cops on a high-speed chase. speeds reached up to 140 miles an hour. police wanted to stop him for not having a license plate on his corvette. the only reason he stopped is he blew his engine. he is now looking at a month in jail. dave feldman has sports. lady luck finally shining down on the washington wizards. the head coach talking about securing the them one pick in the draft next month. funny how the wizards over night became the talk of the town that. can happen when a snake bitten franchise has a major reversal of fortune at the nba lottery. it came down to the six easy and wizards. irene's look says it all. the wizards will of the first pick in june's 24th nba draft. today flip saunders weighed in. >> i think everyone is ecstatic that for one of the few times that we're moving up. we're this the top three. that's great. let's be greedy. when they kept ongoing, it kept ongoing. we got number one. it looked like a bunch of kids playing little league that were getting ready to go to dairy queen that just won a game. >> the top two players available are john wall from kentucky and ohio state's every an turner. flip sanders says he has a preference for one but won't say which un. most everyone thinks they'll select wall is. 1รก the redskins otas continued today amid a little controversy. questions about a canadian doctor who deals in hgh and is linked to the redskins. an assistant of dr. anthony galea said a professional football player from washington called to request a session with the doctor last september. most of the players went about their business without any knowledge of the allegation. this is the third of 13 organized team activity sessions. the next one is monday. there is a mandatory mini-camp in june. the head coach was less than eager to discuss the matter. he said he did not address it with the team. phillip daniels did talk about did. >> there's no excuse. every guy knows that you cannot use that. every guy knows that. you know if you're using it, then you know that ain't a good thing. there's some over the counter that you bought at the store, you get tested and you come up positive. that's different. you did not know it was in there. hgh, you know what that is. he has allowed only one hit and not given a run while striking out 13. he should make his major league debut early in june. there are talks that the redskins could create a front office position for ex- quarterback doug williams. now ever the news edge. the news is always on back here tonight at 10:00. whose going home on "american idol"? we'll find out with you later. t .ie

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Canada , Texas , United States , Kentucky , Spotsylvania , Virginia , California , San Diego , Washington , District Of Columbia , Pakistan , West Virginia , Mexico , Prince William , New Brunswick , Oklahoma , Iraq , India , Montgomery County , North Port , Ohio , Spotsylvania County , Blair House , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , Canadian , Mexican , American , Doug Williams , Karl Frederick , Joel Johnson , James Neil , Shawn Yancy , Thomas Kaen , Salma Hayek , Phillip Daniels , Brian Bett , Barack Obama , Michelle Obama , Brian Betts , Anthony Galea , Eva Longoria Parker , Felipe Calderon , Rick Bayless , Dave Feldman , Kaiser Permanente ,

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