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you how horrified and dismayed i am that they came to this discussion. >> reporter: that is scottish officials that allowed abdel baset al-hegrahi to go to his home in libya. he was convicted in 2001 of taking part in the bombing of flight 103. the airliner exploded over lockerbie scotland. rosemary wild's daughter was a victim. >> everybody wawabetter y feing before meeting her. >> reporter: she says the worst of the pain is back. >> now i feel i am experiencing a new level of grief. it's an under toe. a riptide of despair. >> reporter: i was released because he is in the advanced stages of prostate cancer, it's called a compassionate release, a chance for him to be with his family in the final days. >> the release dictates that justice be served but mercy be sured. compassion and mercy are about up holding the beliefs that we seek to live by. >> he sent a message that the comfort and the life of one state sponsored terrorist is worth more than the lives of 270 innocent ep rr:>>teorones. >> reporter: ririam wolf was a student at syracuse when she died. she had dreams of being a professional actress. she would have been 41 years old next month: abdel baset al- hegrahi got off the plane accompanied by the libyan leader. >> beth parker tonight. a developing story this evening, the cash for clunkers program will shut down on monday. if you don't trade in your clunker by 8:00 monday night, you are out of luck. dealers ran through 1 billion so fast congress voted to put another 2 billion into it. deals on luxury items at a local mall. these low prices ended in a mall store raid. today investigators carried out a search warrants in manassas. roz plater has details. >> reporter: apparently there were several clues something was apparently ms. some of the merchandise was marked down to about a third of the original price. the store had been operating at the manassas mall for two years. about a month ago they were receiving complaints about counterfeit merchandise and decided to investigate. >> approximately a week ago, one of our detectives working undercover went into the store and purchased four-bags, four counterfeit bags and that was what lead to today's search warrant. >> acting on a search warrant this morning, police removed hundreds of items, most handbags with labels like coach and others. investigators estimate the haul is worth $53,000 at its actual retail price. police are a reached a man. he is charged with one felony. court records show he had a sign posted in the store that said this was not the original merchandise and the brand names were used solely for comparison purposes. roz plater, fox 5 news. we are following a developing story in maryland. at least a dozen teenagers are being treated by rescue crews after being overcome by heat. the teens are part of the kent island high school football team. they were practicing when the heat became too much to handle. you are looking at pictures from sky fox. you can see the crews on the scene. stevensville, maryland, if you head over the bay bridge, hang a left, that is the general vicinity. many of the teenagers were taken to the hospital. it's hot, muggy. football teams are practicing for the first games in the next couple of weeks. we will keep an eye on the story. out of control brawl on a d.c. street caught on tape posted on you tube. the violent five minute clip shows girls in a northeast complex chasing each other with rocks and sticks and ends with a car plunging into a group of people. paul wagner is in the newsroom with more on this story. >> reporter: d.c. police are using the video in hopes of identifying the girls fighting. some kicking and beating another. police say it began with an argument between two groups of girls between different neighborhoods. it was recorded last saturday on jay street northeast. the video shows an escalating fight between what appears to be teen girls that took the fight from the common area of the apartment complex to the street. we turned down the audio because of the language. at one point the girls tackle another girl and begin beating her. the footage ends with a car going on the sidewalk at a high rate of speed. a young boy, apparently hit then limps off. >> some kids do it for kicks just to show what the experience was or what happens at a particular incident. i'm sure this is no different than the others. unfortunately someone was injured in this incident, but, again, someone thought it was okay to put it out there. we are taking the information and sharing that video with the united states attorneys office and there may be some amending of charges. there may be additional persons charged as well. >> d.c. police say the woman behind the wheel of the car, 34- year-old latoya timan was involved in the fight with three juvenile girls in the car with her. >> paul wagner live in the newsroom. it happened again, another bee attack at rock creek park. it comes on the heels of nearly two dozen kids getting stung last week. none of the injuries appear serious. >> we were just going back and up ahead of my he heard a lot of screaming then my hand started to sting. >> if the kids aren't home by now they are waiting for parents topick them up. the trail is closed. explosive claims from a former homeland security secretary. toridge has harsh words for the bush administration saying they tried to force him to do something shocking to help sway the 2004 presidential election. ere's something big happening at pizza hut. now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mi the p'zone... and our personalanorus pizza starting at just $5. the bieat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. in afghanistan the polls are closed the. millions voted in the second ever presidential election. the threat of violence kept turnout lower than in '04. 26 afghans were killed in scattered attacks. results are expected in a few days. bold accusations out of a tom ridge tell all book. former u.s. homeland security chief says top aides to then president george w. bush pressured him to raise the terror alert level to sway the november '04 election. ridge said he refused. that's when he knew he had to leave the federal government for the private sector. no comment from former bush administration officials. ailing massachusetts senator ted kennedy wants his senate seat filled quickly when it becomes vacant. he is urging state leaders to change a law which requires a special election in five months to fill any vacancies. senator kennedy wants the governor to be able to appoint a an interim replacement. he is an ex-journalist best known for inserting plagiarism into the "new york times." these days you can find jason blare working right here in northern virginia, as a life coach. the director of ashburn psychological service hired him. blare says he likes the idea that he can help people avoid some of the mistakes he has made. a local diner is firing back after claims of discrimination against two women. the cash for clunkers program is shutting down monday. the problems for the program may just be beginning. we will explain why. h0c a sit in in silver spring after a couple say they were discriminated against. they say they were asked to leave because they were embracing but this is surveillance video from tasty d show the video. at one point one woman burris her head in the other's chest. the women responded angry when they were asked to tone it down so they were ttld to leave. credit card companies must send you a bill 21 days before give you 45 days notice before raising interest rates and give you the right to reject a rate change and close your accounts. the most significant rules take effect in february like description on rate increases for existing card debt and how issuers apply your payments. cash for clunkers cut off. department of transportation is ending the program monday night. that means a crazy weekend for car dealers. >> reporter: d.o.t. said already almost 2 billion of the 3 billion in rebates is spoken for. the cut off is to censure -- even sure that everybody gets paid. the problems for one part of the program may just be beginning. there is lots of cool stuff to look at at m and m auto parts in stafford, virginia. what you won't see are cars turned into the government's cash for clunker program. >> i haven't seen a cash for clunkers car. >> reporter: they are stacking up on dealer lots while the dealerships work to make sure that they get paid first. >> these are ones that we are working on putting in today. >> reporter: the national highway traffic safety administration has been slow to reimburse them. mike massey says they are owed about $350,000. >> we do have trust but, yes, we are worried. sure you are worried. the u.s. department of transportation said an early cut off date to let payments and paperwork catch up. >> on a normal basis it would behalf of that. >> for dealers the sales are great. >> ford fusion, hot as a firecracker. >> reporter: but changing paperwork has left many frustrated and recyclers fear they are next. >> we will get hit with possibly hundreds of cars at one time. it will be a real challenge. >> reporter: dealers and recyclers have to match payment checks to specific clunkers, certify the destruction and signify if buyers get any money back for scrap value. >> a disaster in my pin yonchts. everyone involved would like to see less confusion and more crushing. i know everyone likes to see that. here is where lit get tricky for dealers. not just that sales have to end by 8:00 monday. all the paperwork has to be submitted by that time, too if the dealers want to get paid. there will be a lot of people working around the clock this weekend. >> indeed. we are watching about a dozen kids on the eastern shore. football practice for the high schoolers and they apparently got overcome by the heat. >> brutal. >> doesn't feel as horrible as in the past. >> it's up there. 94 in the district. 96 in dulles. on the earn shore they have been hot. it's the humidity more than anything. the kids were practicing in the hottest point of the day in the full sun and i'm not surprised that we are having these incidents. i hope everybody takes it seriously. we have a few more days to get throug you are looking live at the jefferson memorial. quo use cooling thunderstorms. we have enough energy in the atmosphere but not quite the trigger. so, what we have seen here and there is spotty. down to the south and west we are watching another batch check out the high temperatures i mentioned today. 94 at reagan national. high temperatures coming in today. 96 at dulles. over to the eastern shore we go, finding temperatures near 90. ocean city is so hot, 88 degrees. a bit of a land breeze, not the sea breeze in combining the heat and humidity, we see that it feels like 108 degrees in fredricksburg. dangerous heat. on the eastern shore we typically get a bay breeze but it feels like the upper 90s. serious stuff. we will get a little cooling later tonight but not a lot of cooling. so, that will be important to keep an eye on as well. temperatures wise and we will keep going -- temperature-wise, it seems stuck. ng through the we will jump to the five-day forecast. can't do that. i will step out and see if we can get this going. there we go. beach forecast popped up. take a look. notice the seas. we are worried about the beaches this weekend, not because of a chance for a thunderstorm here and there, especially ocean city, the waves could be really impressive. i'm alking dangerous impressive, maybe as high as 8 feet or higher. that will lead to rip currents. bethany beach will see thunderstorms. we are trying to portray the water as choppy as we can. rip currents will be dangerous. we have a page on to help you with that. go to the beach zone to find out how to beat the rips. i bet lifeguards don't want people in the water. that is the way that will be rolling. >> tonight, mild, humid a few clouds 75 degrees. during the day, another humid day. can't play that up enough. here is the five-day forecast. more of the same coming. 91 tomorrow. maybe we get a bit of a break in terms of temperatures saturday and sunday. 85 degrees and 86. we may get a break from thunderstorms although brian, it's so dry we need the storms. the storms we get have so much heavy rain. isolated tonight. possibly severe storms around tomorrow afternoon. >> thank you, sue. did you see it, an 18-year- old runner spokes the competition in an 1800-meter race. now they are questioning the woman's gender. she took he a world title for the win. muscular build, deep voice are undergoing suspicion. the runner's father and grandmother are dismissing the claims she is not a woman. nationals making big news in the front office. plus, the redskins haven't won a preseason game yet -- there has only been one -- today they are celebrating. >> they are celebrating but fighting. the heat can do crazy things to some people. while i was interewing chris cooley, attacked by clinton portis. what happened and was anyone injured. that is coming up. but first a new zealand man doesn't know how to quit. he lost his wedding band. he began searching during nowm rouse tries. after 16 months he found it at the bottom of the harbor. he says his friends nicknamed him lord of the rings. happening at pizza hut. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. hi, everybody. i'm dave feldman. hot and humid day and everyone is going home now. let me show you what happened in the final practice, chris cooley tight end backed. sidelined yesterday but is expected to play saturday. the team has a walk through tomorrow in preparation for saturday's ga against the steelers. the end of camp is a relief for everyone involved. >> the morning practices, there were times when, oh, boy, it will get rough. but we pushed through it and overcame. in all, we made it. >> now, the d of camp can produce whacky behavior. you combine that with the heat and humidity, you never know what you will get. case in point, when i was interviewing chris cooley. >> what is the best part of the end of camp. >> i think not having two a days is awesome. whoa. >> what just happened? >> sorry about that. >> are you okay. >> excuse him. >> you handled it well. >> now, keep in mind cooley had a bad back. what was portis thinking. we will have more and reaction tonight at 11:00. >> no such fun at the steelers camp in pennsylvania where ben roethlisberger [no audio]. he injured his achilles. no word whether the big fellow will play saturday night against your washington redskins. more news involving plaxico burress. the x giants wide vefer thursday pled guilty to a weapons charge and agreed to a two-year prison term for accidentally shooting himself at a nightclub. he pled guilty to one count of attempted criminal possession. he agreed to a two-year prison sentence and two years of supervised relief. you can take the interim tag off mike rizzo. after five 1/2 months of doing his job, he was named the team's general manager. he was given the duty shortly after jim resigned march 1st. he upgraded the center field position and was the point man on the stephen stragburg negotiation. so, the franchise pitcher is coming and rizzo is staying. >> i always thought i would be the choice. i didn't know if they knew it. i felt that i was the choice. i had a confidence level in myself and i thought i was well prepared for the job. >> strasburg will be introduced tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. we will be there live. the ease also without michael vick take on the colts tonight at 8:00 p.m. i'm dave feldman. back to you. >> thanks. fox 5 news at 10:00 after the game. maybe 11ish or so. we will be here. hope you will be too. pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. cash for clunkers is available at your chevy dealer. with more eligible models to choose from than anyone. ur yonkf lu cer qualifies to be recycled, you can get a $3500 or $4500 government rebate. and just announced! if you qualifyorlu the cnker rebate, you may also qualify for 0r aphefor 72 months. that means you can buy a '09 bacoor f8 $16lta month after a $3500 government re bate and no down payment. go to for detas. - woooh, nice! - that's a lot of food! now get big meals like our stuffed pizza rolls, pizza mia, the p'zone... and our personal panormous pizza starting at just $5. the big eat tiny price menu. only at pizza hut. partner of the year. with an energy star washing machine, you'll have roughly enough for 16 rounds of golf, 94 movie tickets or 3,382 text messages. cool. (announcer) come to lowe's first for energy star appliances.

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New York , United States , Kent Island , Maryland , Afghanistan , Tom Ridge , Rock Creek Park , Virginia , New Zealand , Syracuse , Washington , District Of Columbia , Massachusetts , Center Field , Strasburg , Pennsylvania , Libya , Ocean City , Jefferson Memorial , Libyan , Afghans , Beth Parker , George W Bush , Chris Cooley , Abdel Baset Al Hegrahi , Dave Feldman , Michael Vick , Clinton Portis , Mike Rizzo , Paul Wagner , Abdel Baset Al , Ted Kennedy , Mike Massey ,

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