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children who are capable of feeling pain. abortion is always a volatile issue, which bills out stronghi we talked to congressman franksng rein arizona by in his words, that the 20 weeks, the unborn child feels pain. he calls late-term abortions one of the greatest civil rightsl tragedies in the nation today. >> we afford more protection tor farm animals understand underun the humane slaughter act. >> reporter: but not only ison franks picking on thelyckin distribution, they say, she warns he has a bigger agenda. >> these people are serious,re they are trying to intimidate reproductive choice. >> reporter: groups like planned parenthood plan to score the vote, to let women know whichkn lawmakers are owfor it. >> these are women, where something has gone wrong with the pregnancy, and this ban has no exception in cases with a woman's health is at risk, or where there's a fetal anomaly. >> reporter: women's group saysw the vast ommajority are not late term. >> that argument is false. about 10% of all abortions in america are done late term. >> don't come at us to make your ideological points. we are not your pawns. >> reporter: so it promises topo be a big debate, with the health rule suspended, it will take a 2/3 wrote. and franks says it might be hard to do. more than a month after the derecho storm that wreaked havoc, pepco explained why soex many people were left in the dark for so long, nearly 480,000 customers lost rlpower during tr height of the storm, 76,000 of them were in the district, and it took nine days for every outage to be restored. we are in the weather center with more details. >> reporter: it's a substantial report, measured about a half inch thick, and there's a lot of detail and picture evidence, too.tu of course, a lot of you who were affected wanted to know why pepco wasn't ready. they say they were ready, but it was not a normal storm. it was to weaken, but the oppositedded. it got stronger. the report says pepco was staffed on a 24/7 basis, theas morning after the storm. crews took care of lie threatening situations like live downed wires first. they fixed tran missions and substations next, and workedan d down the system by size, leave smaller or individual lines for last.or so when it was all over, pepco replaced almost 250 power poleso we215 transformers, and replaced 373 feet of wire and cables. so obviously, that was anat unusual situation, and most of us have never heard the term derecho before. that's because they are relatively uncommon, certainly out of the magnitude we had in this area. a dulles had a gust of 71 miles an hour, sustained in many areas over hurricane force, dc had airgaps at 70, and bwi 67. likelihood of seeing a derecho again is unusual. we have one every two to four years, they are more common in the southern plains, but the dah it hit, it was 105 degrees. the warmest we have ever been in dc is let's hope we don't see anythint like that other atstorms will bring morebr ipower outages, and hopefully when way has been learned inl this report, maybe the services will be restored a little fastet lenext time.. >> i hope so. i know everybody without power hopes so. other utility companies will have to turn in similar reports. maryland state senator led theth report, he said he's not impressed. he says they simply had not buried enough power lines and did not have enough local trained workers ready to restore power. developing tonight, a to possible link between a deadly jewelry store robbery inrob arlington and another in downtown dc. p surveillance images showsh similarity. >> reporter: two recalled ar: robberies, one happened thispene past friday in arlington, andn, left the owner of a jewelry store dead. the other happened june 9 at aa dc jewelry store. the owner contacted the media to get his surveillance video torv the public after he heard about this case. first, the new video from downtown dc. a man wearing a reflective safety vest and hat walked into the jeweler's and asked to see engagement rings. he got away with about $20,000 in diamond rings. compare this guy with photosh from friday's deadly armed robbery in arlington. the robber in that case, also with a reflective safety vestsa and hat.fe the owner of capital july theirs, tommy wong, was killeds during the hold-up. his son tells me tonight he believes if dc police had released the june robbery video as a warning, his father may have been more cautious. did the c jeweler thinks his case was just to run of the mill to merit more attention at the time. >> i was not shot or wounded oro hurt in any other way. so i don't think they put it oup to the media for that type of crime. >> he e-mailed his surveillance individual overto the police over the detectiving contacted him and interviewed him this morning. dc police responded to the queries late today about not releasing the june robbery video to the public. a statement reads in part, in this case, we released internally. there were no injuries to the victim in the dc robbery. as soon as we saw the arlington suspect, we contacted arlington with the information we had, mpd and arlington investigators have shared notes and are working cooperatively to bring this cae to closure. the arlington county police are at a possible connection to the tc case, -- dc case, but so no arrests so far. tonight, two teenagers are accused of beating a man to death. it happened saturday night. investigators say the teens clayed the victim and beat him with a shovel as he laid dying. they robbed him. >> reporter: police say itep started with a orcall saturday night about people drinking, being disorderly, and chasing each other with shovels on the 5200 block of newton when they arrived, they found david dead on the side of the road. they say he had been brutallyee beaten with a that's not all. >> after they beat the victim, we had one suspect going through the victim's pockets. >> reporter: it isn't known what was taken. 16-year-old andrea ataway, and james murray are charged with the murder. both live within blocks of the crime scene. >> supposedly they were drinking iny the area, and p attempted e rob this victim. and struck him with a shovel.ov several times. t >> reporter: police don't knowte how r:or if the teens knew him.n they say the crime was especially brutal. >> this is a heinous crime. these individuals, juveniles, they beat this man and now they're going to be charged as an >> reporter: a neighbor who tenn want to eitalk on camera said he had been living in the basement condo unit doing work for the owner, she didn't no much elseuc about him.h . the two admitted involvementad with the crime. now, the young men are facing many years in prison, charged as adults with first degree murderd egand robbery. the man accused in thein colorado movie massacre has nowc been charged with murder formally. he faces 144 counts, including 24 counts of first degree murder, and 116 counts of attempted murder. he was accused of killing 12 people and injuring 58 othersin during the premiere of the darkt knight rises. prosecutors could file additional it is unclear if they will seek the death penalty. a libertarian group isa trying to score lipoints from te aurora shooting with a controversial new billboard. >> on the left, it says kills 1s in a movie theater with assault rifle, and a foam of movie massacre suspect james holmesm followed by esthe text, everyone freaks out. on the right, a picture of president obama with the text, kills thousands with foreign policy, wins nobel peace prize. >> the store owner is looking for justice, using social media in he positioned it on youtube a blackout in northern indianhe 300 million people rnaffected, that's about a third of the population there. they have a history of power problems, but nothing like this has happened for more than a decade. no word what caused it, but it's being suggested some indian states may have been using morei power than authorized to use. >> new concern about speed cameras why groups saying theyth might violate your right. >> which suburbs made thisma specialist, and dewho -- and sue is tracking the weather.e >> i have better news.v it e looks like we can get rid i some of that extreme heat for aa few days.da i'll have details in the forecast. >> a look at some other storiesi news at 11:00 p.m. we'll be right back. 'll be righ. is. critics say speed camerased may violate your right, and ian might be imagining youryo chocolate cavss. >> reporter: your chocolate cravings might be in your head. new studies suggest youryour chocolate cravings do not increase before menstruation. a study found women were no moro likely to have an intense desire compared to other days of the week. >> serving a little alcohol atat the next party may make it better. researchers found that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol in a group setting boosts speech's emotions and enhances social bonding, and it can minimize negative emotions. >> number three, have you been checked? a study found not screening fore enprostate cancer would triple e number of men who develop and evadvanced form of the disease. researchers say man with a family history should be screened. >> number two, airbag concerns prompting hundai to recall 2 vehicles. the 2007 to 2009 model yearde santa fe suv, front passenger airbag may not decline in the a crash. -- deploy in a crash. >> and number one, protecting your privacy, aclu wants police in 35 states to explain why ity does with information collected from license plate readers like speed and red light cameras. the concern that that isis violates drivers privacy.. it's official, we live inw one e of the coolest places in e country, and i'm not talking about the weather. forks magazine put dc and bethesdas in a cool washington is number 2, higher than new york, which comes in at number 10. and houston, texas, takes the top honor, as the coolest city in the country. forbes defiance coolest havingol plentyes of entertainment, green space, sports teams, and, oh, i can't, good jobs. those are -- oh, yeah, those arr very important. and we are a cooler city! >> certainly, and we hope we will continue that trend. we may need to get out, but ver cool list, i'm glad to hear what the definition of cool i agree with we want you to see as we look live, we are rain-free, there could be a spotty shower in the overnight hours. and there could be some fog, but let's get straight to the headlines so you can see what we're expecting heading into the workweek. tuesday's fog to be a lot likelo -- goingt to be a lot like todd only difference might be one or two more thunderstorms floatingu aroundnd in the afternoon. i so n we'll watch that. there could be a little fog overnight. so with those storms around, nothing is expected to be severe, but we will stay humid, so thiaminases any storms mayes have a the potential of droppinf good rain on your area, maybe half an inch or so. other good news? no extreme heat expected. the next few days will be in the 80s. redskins are happy to hear aboub that! and towards the weekend, wewe might ekheat up a little bit. we have a weak area of lowk ar pressure especially in the upper levels of the atmosphere thatat will mobe hanging around.. so with that, and another approaching frontal boundary, we could squeeze out a showers ando tomorrow t afternoon, but onbu wednesday. again, not expecting them to beb severe, but keep them in yourin plans, especially if you spenda lot of time outdoors, since itsc may not be over 100 this week. live radar not showing us anything at the moment. we might develop something overnight because we continue to have a moist flow out of the southeast, so if you look closely, you can see some cloudo increasing, especially from dc south. one or two spotty showers expected. here's what wear's watching. reports of people seeing a water spout, and they did not have a good weather day, that's for sure, as this system has been producing a lot of showers andsh storms, and it goes down the coast to charles ton. so that little disturbance willi be there tomorrow. close enough to send someo showers and storms our way, and as we look at the future cast. 8:00 a.m., spotty showers here and there. they bubble up more in the afternoon, but nothing widespread. the better chance will be where the higher elevations are, and as we run this into wednesdaywe morning, a couple of early morning showers again, we possibly bubble something up ino the afternoon. e next couple of days, more of ths same. it looks like thursday will beil for the most part a dryer day, only a slight clans for a shower or storm on thursday, here'ssd your five ayday.f we ivhave another couple of days in the 80s, 87 tomorrow, 88 on wednesday. first day of august. thursday, about 91, maybe a couple of storms here and there, spotty on friday, saturday, about 92 degrees as well.92 that is your 5-day. i know they are so happy to at least give out of the tripletr digits at skins training camp. you got that right!th it was too good to be redskins were skating throughti the first ngfew days of camp, bc today amthey hit a bump in the the guard has to have minor surgery on his he should be okay, or are hopeae full he'll be okay with the season opener. -- reviews not good for robertr griffin iii. he has improved his accuracy though and timing. kyle shanahan has griffin focusing on short and mid-range today, griffin spoke for the first time since he knows he needs to make improvements, but won't be too hard on himself. >> you have to rush a throw, aar lot of times it will dive on you. and in a couple first practices, we struggled with that, butat we've picked it up since then. i know yesterday we hit a goodhi t one on the run. in the past few days, all of uso have looked good. like i say, i try not to be a debbie downer, if you make a ba flow one time, it's a slim clanm to none i'll make that same bad through. >> one of the players eager for the start of camp, he jarvis jenkins, he was cleared toto return to football activities ia april after suffering a torn acl last year. he was forced to miss his entire rookie season after receivingr rave what are his goals for this upcoming year? >> i expect to have more depth into the line, giving the guyshe more breathing. welch -- i think we can ben better. you can't have personal goals -- basically, you are holding up guys -- so you know, i'm wanting to be the best. >> coming us, he's not the only rookie from last year that hadhd to cut his season short. if you've been successful, y yu didn't get there on your own. if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. my father's hands didn't build this company. my hands didn't build this company. through hard work and a little bit of luck, we built this business. why are you demonizing us for it? it's time we had somebody who believes in us. someone who believes that achievement should be rewarded not punished. we need somebody who believes in america. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. wide receivers competition r is one to redskins brought in pierre gar con to compete with santana moss, brandon banks, terrence austin and leonard hankerson he was cheered to return to there practice -- cleared d to returno the practice he was referred to as a go-togo receiver until he was injured. now he is fully recovered fromre theco surgery, and ready to pack up where he left off. >> this is different than last year. because i know what to expect. i know i've been through it last year, i know what the coaches expect, i know what for do. i'm nor confident in the play book, i know more. and i know i can be confident in what i do and have fun. >> the orioles -- os lead 4-2, and a single past teixeira. the birds take a 5-2 lead, we2 move to the bottom leof the 9th. now 5-4. this is jim johnson, two on, two out, and a 2-2 count. he strikes the os. the yankees 5-4 to improve to 20-6 -- -- starting tomorrow, phillies. we'll be right back. this is the plan for back to school. introducing share everything, only from verizon. a shareable pool of data to power up to 10 different devices. add a smartphone like the samsung galaxy siii, so everyone in your family can enjoy unlimited talk and text. the first plan of its kind. share everything. get your student a samsung galaxy nexus for $99.99. in the black forest. 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United States , New York , Arizona , Arlington , Texas , Turkey , Colorado , Maryland , Houston , Washington , District Of Columbia , Chicago , Illinois , America , Santana Moss , Trent Franks , A Debbie Downer , Terrence Austin , Jarvis Jenkins , Tommy Wong , Jim Johnson , Kyle Shanahan , James Murray ,

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