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aruba one of her closest friends in the city of frederick, maryland, where she kept an apartment is speaking out. >> we want to find our friend. we want to bring her home. >> reporter: leanne gallardo runs a popular italian restaurant where she first met 35-year-old gardner. she says they became fast friends. with news aruban authorities are relaunching a new search for gardner involving police, firefighters and possibly the military there is renewed hope of finding out what happened. >> it's awesome news. her friends and family couldn't be more ecstatic about that. i mean our main goal right now is trying to find robyn. >> reporter: one of the many mysteries, what kind of relationship did gardner and gary giordano have and why did she agree to travel with him? >> gary had earned her trust and was a friend to her. so when things happened, she had lost her job, things weren't going right here. so she just thought the opportunity arose and she went to aruba with a friend. >> reporter: authorities are now investigating a $1.5 million accidental death insurance policy on gardner taken out by giordano right before the trip. >> it provides any investigator with a solid chunk of evidence of motive. >> reporter: maryland-based attorney gabriel christian says even if gardner is never found, murder charges and a trial are still quite possible. >> sometimes crime scenes are made up of other bits of evidence absent a body and the prosecution brings cases to trial all the time based on circumstantial evidence. >> aruba is part of the netherlands. there is no death penalty there. the maximum sentence for murder, 18 to 20 years. the last person natalee holloway was spotted with in 2005 may be leaving his peruvian jail soon. 24-year-old joran van der sloot arrested by interpol last year after a young woman was found murdered in his lima, peru, hotel room. authorities say if no sentence is given by december, he could be set free. the law says the period of custody is 8 he teen months. a developing story in montgomery -- 18 months. a developing story in montgomery county, more than 1,500 people forced from their homes after an electrical fire. reports of an explosion around 8:30, soon discovered it was a utility room fire. two people were treated for smoke inhalation. the building still has no power. residents are being relocated to a local high school. the power won't be back on until at least tomorrow. now to the news edge where the husband of 91-year-old viola drath made his first court appearance today. albrecht muth, more than 40 years younger than drath, is charged with killing his wife inside their georgetown home last week. drath was beaten and strangled. the police affidavit says detectives noticed fresh scratches on muth's face. he's due in court september 2nd for a preliminary hearing. in maryland tonight police of prince george's county announced an arrest in the murder of a 93-year-old woman, the suspect, her 15-year-old neighbor. roz plater has more from the teen's family. >> reporter: police have said they believe they found a suspect in the case. a big break came when the suspect allegedly tried to use the victim's credit card. that suspect is 15-year-old william roger fitts being charged as an adult with the first degree murder of his 92- year-old neighbor. prince george's county police say when they questioned him this morning, he confessed, but his family says none of it adds up. >> you know, we've all heard the stories of how when they interrogatory a child, they can make them say and admit to whatever they want and i'm wondering are they doing this to make the case close quickly, to -- what's going on? i really hope they dig in the evidence and dig hard and deep to find out more about this because something doesn't fly. something doesn't make sense with this whole situation. >> reporter: the brother says the family was very close to 92- year-old thelma steele. she was like their grandmother. steele was found stabbed to death late monday night. her house had been ransacked, but so far investigators don't know which day last week she was killed. now investigators say four other young men were brought in for questioning this morning, but once the 15-year-old confessed the other four were released. i'm roz plater, fox 5 news. nearly one year ago natasha pettigrew was killed while riding her bike on a busy prince george's county road and today there is still no decision whether to charge the driver who hit her and didn't stop. happened just before dawn. the driver christine littleford told police she thought she hit a deer, didn't stop because it was dark. that reason does not sit well with the victim's family. >> that bicycle that she had still impaled to the front and undercarriage was sparking and it was leaving off sparks such that the eyewitnesses said they saw it. they heard it. >> fox 5 was unable to reach littleford for comment. the state's attorney's office says the case is still under review. the victim's family is moving forward with a civil suit. a controversy brewing over speed cameras in maryland, aaa calling out the city of college park and its speed camera operators saying they're running a gotcha game to the tune of 10 grand a day. fox 5 money report he melanie alnwick has the story. >> reporter: rich ladue, merle norman, two men who never met with the same complaints. >> they steal. the cameras are not accurate. >> reporter: their problem is with speed cameras operated by loudoun maryland's traffic. he was ticketed with doing 50 on march 8, but his car chip which pulls data from his truck's computer tells otherwise. >> it shows you what my top speed is during that trip. >> reporter: 32 miles an hour. both men have a powerful ally in aaa mid-atlantic. >> it appears to be a program that is all about money. a gotcha game for green backs, ca ching. >> reporter: they say the camera doesn't comply with guidelines. first it's in a transition zone where the speed changes from 30 to 40 miles an hour. second, it's designated as a school zone, but there are no signs and third, says anderson, the location even though it's next to a university of maryland abmin building shouldn't even qualify as a -- admin building shouldn't even qualify as a school zone. >> there are no children here. >> reporter: the city of college park says there are in offcampus housing and this is a major route for travel to the university of maryland. >> it's about safety. we're giving the states from all over the state. we have to protect every one of these kids. >> reporter: as for accuracy, all the required safeguards are in place and the equipment is calibrated and checked on a regular basis. aaa says it's a big supporter of speed and red light camera programs as long as they're run correctly. aaa's lon anderson plans to go back to the state legislature and ask them to try to close some of those loopholes as they relate to school zones. prince george's county police told us they did a quality study before giving them a contract and have now posted that study on their website, melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. coming up next 10 years after 9/11 homeland security officials are warning of a different kind of terror attack, what you need to know with the news edge at 11:00 just getting started. this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00.  as we come up on this 10 year anniversary of 9/11, the federal government is worried about a different kind of terror attack, something far less coordinated but just as scary. >> reporter: fox news obtained this bulletin sent by the fbi and homeland security to local and state law enforcement warning of potential lone wolf threats in the u.s., a threat highlighted in its new public service announcement. >> if you see something, say something. >> reporter: the bulletin cites a july incident when there was a plot to attack ft. hood with iuds and guns. court documents state an article on homemade bombs was found in the suspect's motel room with explosives. the norway attack is also analyzed in the bulletin, anders breivik described as a right wing extremist opened fire on a camp killing 69. these are the type of people homeland security is tracking. >> they're acting by themselves and that kind of attack is the most difficult to prevent because there's nothing to intercept. >> reporter: fox news has learned at least two plots targeting the u.s. failed not because of good intelligence work, but because of technical issues with the bombs. on christmas day 2009 the underwear bomb detonated but the explosives were too damp to ignite and bring down the plane. because the bomb had been worn for 18 hours. today the judge said he's competent to stand trial. the times square bomb attack failed due to human error. after training with the pakistani taliban the suspect could not find the same bomb making ingredients at american hardware stores. the homeland security secretary today alluded to these near misses. >> we have schwartzed some attacks, but we have -- thwarted some attacks, but we have to admit is there are still others that we've failed. >> there may be an increased attacks of handguns. finally it's official. katy perry has tied michael jackson for the most no. 1 singles off one album. she's had five off teenage dream to top the hot 100 chart on billboard. shell oil is struggling to contain the worst oil spill in the north sea in a decade. the bubbles of oil can be seen rising through a grating on the seabed. shell first told authorities about a leak at the flow line last wednesday and said a second smaller leak at the rig is proving to be more elusive to control pumping 42-gallons into the water each day. more than 1,300 barrels have spilled so far. >> a traffic commute, shawn yancy with your fox 5 top five. >> if you like oreo cookies you will love this story. no. 5, here come the triple decker oreo -- comes the triple decker oreo. it oreo is the world's best selling cookie. go ahead and grab your milk. no. 4, another reason to eat your sweet potatoes and bananas. researchers say people who eat high potassium diets may be less likely to suffer a stroke. for every 1,000 milligrams an increase of your potassium intake the odds of suffering a stroke declines by 11% in the next 14 to 20 years. no. 3, breastfeeding may lower black women's risk of aggressive and difficult to treat breast cancer. a group of 47,000 black women were followed 13 years. it was discovered the more children the women had, the more likely they were to develop estrogen or progesterone negative cancer. no. 2, commuters using the dulles toll road leaving the dulles airport this friday should expect major delays. 1,800 people are expected to participate in the 9/11 memorial motorcycle ride from shanksville, pennsylvania, to the pentagon. the group will travel eastbound from the dulles greenway to i- 66. no. 1, speaking of i-66, starting sunday you will see travel times displayed on electronic message boards between the beltway and gainesville. travel times will be displayed weekdays from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the signs will be accurately refreshed every five minutes and that's tonight's fox 5 top five. appear tie-gravity yoga is soaring in -- anti-gravity yoga is soaring in new york. it's been modified and perfected for the everyday athlete. >> but the difference is that anti-gravity yoga is a whole body workout and it combines moves in carlos thanks from pilates, from gym -- from cal thennics -- calisthenics to pilates and gymnastic. >> we did some online research and found crunch fitness in friendship heights has it. go check it out. >> what? i think that sounds great. >> you heading over there? >> i would like to try anti- gravity yoga. i might not want to try in front of other people. >> looks like it could be embarrassing. >> could be an ouchy, but it looks like fun, something new every week, brian. >> we got another couple hot days in the forecast. >> yeah, we do and a couple and showers and storms around and maybe it will keep temperature down. tonight comfortable. last night we had a few upper 50s out there, how pleasant was that? the temperature was up a bit today and humidity is creeping up as well, not terribly uncomfortable and not enough to produce widespread showers tonight, but our first stop will be a look at radar. it's mostly a clean sweep, just a couple hit or miss very isolated showers today, should be a different story tomorrow and also wanted to let you know the cluster we had watched that moved out of western maryland has been drifting to the north. it's producing some decent rain because it's moving slowly. that may be the theme tomorrow. we'll talk more about chances for showers and storms for us in a moment, but also wanted to let you know there's something we need to track in the tropics. it's a new system we're watching in the caribbean. you can see this system here, doesn't look real impressive, but the hurricane center flew one of their hurricane hunters into it and while they didn't find a closed circulation, it appears to be getting organized and is starting to look like this may develop into a dressing depression in the next day or two moving west at five -- a depression in the next day or two moving west at 15 to 20 miles an hour. if you hear about harvey, that's where the storm. is we'll have to watch. it meanwhile scatter -- is. we'll have to watch. it meanwhile scattered storms thursday and friday. right now to combine the two days' total rainfall, could be about 1/2-inch or so. if you get a thunderstorm, maybe we're talking about an inch the next couple days out of one slow moving thunderstorm. meanwhile forecast temperatures tonight with a dry night expected, we'll be in the 60s, 69 arlington and leonard town, 67 fredericksburg and manassas 65. for tonight we're talking about just partly cloudy conditions and mild, here in the district around 70. then we hole off rain till tomorrow afternoon for the most part. could there be something isolated before that? yes, but these showers and thunderstorms on our futurecast continue to try to hold off, but cloud cover should increase as we go through the day and our temperature gets up to about 88 degrees. so for the commute i bet you don't have much rain to deal with, an isolated shower in the morning, a couple showers around at noon, a slightly better chance for action at 5:00 with a temperature of 86 degrees. futurecast showing a couple of showers bubbling up. the morning appears dry. we begin to grow a couple showers and storms, but the front that would trigger it is still out to the west which means it's looking line friday might be wetter of the two days as the front only very slowly moves across our region. meanwhile here's your five-day forecast. we go into the weekend, a couple showers maybe possible saturday especially east of d.c. late in the day on sunday another front approaches. we get warm before that happens, but it might produce a few showers late at night. they could linger into monday with showers and storms around as well. changing the subject from weather to sports, strasburg had a little ring-out pitching going in hagerstown. dave feldman will let us know how he did when we return. what if it snowed chocolate? what if sweet mocha fell from the sky? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba good evening. i'm dave feldman. stephen strasburg may get called up to the big leagues september 2nd. nats manager speculated he may replace zimmerman with an innings cap this season because of his 2009 tommy johns surgery. rehab outing no. 3 for stephen and not so good. walked the very first batter and it got worse from there, threw 49 pitches giving up four hits, five earned runs, two walks, did manage three strikeouts in 1 2/3 inning. after the game strasburg took it all in stride. >> sometimes it's good to have games like this because you need to kind of get knocked around a little bit to see what you've been doing wrong and, you know, i think i learned a lot from this and i think i have some things to work on and, you know, it's just another step in the road and it's one of those can only get better from here. nats hosting the reds, wolf blitzer checking out the ballgame and the situation and saw a good one, nats down 2-0 bottom 9. nats trail by one run. same score, bases juiced, one out for wilson ramos, but he hits into the game ending double play and the nats come up short 2-1. o's in oakland, drama in the 9th, birds down 6-4, two on for nick markakis, base hit to right. there's an easy score, but the ball is bobbled in right by david jesus. blake davis tries to come around to score but is tagged out by kurt suzuki to end the game. birds lose a heartbreaker 6-5. the ncaa has been investigating the relationship between a convicted booster and the university of miami for 5 months. nevan shapiro is now serving 20 years in federal prison for a ponzi scheme. shapiro claims he provided improper benefits to 72 athletes at miami from 2002 to 2010 including sex parties, nightclub outings, cash, cars and other gifts. two redskins named on the list are current linebacker rocky macintosh and the late sean taylor. macintosh did not want to discuss it, so we asked santana moss who played at the u prior to 2002 if he had any knowledge of the situation. >> nothing i can tell you about because i don't know anything about, it so i really don't want to comment on it. >> reporter: have you ever heard the guy's name? >> i don't know nothing about it or about. it. >> reporter: leonard hankerson went to the u but was not named in the report. the rookie wide receiver coming off a suspect debut with the steelers. he made one catch in the 4th quarter. hankerson has had some drops in practice and his round running hasn't been spectacular but he has been much better this week and he does have the awareness and self-analysis? >> i think i done all right. i could be a whole lot better, catching the ball better and stuff like that. i missed on a couple assignments today and i think i could have been a whole lot better. i have to go out and do what i've been doing, help the team win, do my job, do my assignment and just have fun out there. >> running back ryan torain who missed 13 days because of a broken left hand returned to practice today. he won't play this weekend, but he will come back sunday and the skins sign linebacker thaddeus gibson. brian is back after this. 

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Miami , Florida , United States , Gainesville , Norway , New York , Pakistan , College Park , Maryland , Netherlands , Hagerstown , Fredericksburg , Pennsylvania , Aruba , Leonard Town , Shanksville , Strasburg , Peru , Lima , Cuba , Italy , Montgomery County , North Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Italian , Peruvian , Pakistani , American , Sean Taylor , Santana Moss , David Jesus , Thelma Steele , Tommy Johns , Katy Perry , Gabriel Christian , Arne Duncan , Shawn Yancy , Anders Breivik , Lon Anderson , Gary Giordano , Merle Norman , Natasha Pettigrew , William Roger Fitts , Thaddeus Gibson , Albrecht Muth , Robyn Gardner , Michael Jackson , Wilson Ramos , Nba , Dave Feldman , Blake Davis , Leanne Gallardo , Kurt Suzuki ,

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