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that we wanted. we go back on as business as usual. >> reporter: white house officials say the deal had been in the works for nearly a month. experts say the swap allowed moscow the chance to avoid ten spy trials in the u.s. that would have potentially spilled embarrassing details of how the agents who posed as ordinary citizens, even raising families here apparently uncovered little of value but managed to be watched by the f.b.i. for years. johnson says it's a black eye for russia's spy agencies. >> what we saw is the overall level of competence of these people was very amateurish, very sloppy and underscored that the f.b.i. has always been pretty good at conducting counterintelligence vexes and detecting these kinds of activities. >> reporter: the respect lawtion of the spy swap -- resolution of the spy swap case helps pave the way for russian- u.s. relations. but it won't end espionage programs, programs each country views as vital to survival. >> at the end of the day russia and the united states will continue to have bilateral relationships and we'll continue to spy on each other. >> reporter: white house officials say the four u.s. spies were -- who were freed were chosen based in part on health issues and humanitarian concerns. as for the children of convicted russian spy, authorities say they have left or are in the process of leaving the u.s. staying on top of the breaking news out. the district, police are on the hunt for two men they say shot a young girl. it happened around 9:00 tonight on meed street northeast next to deanwood recreation center. fox 5's wisdom martin is live on the scene gathering the latest details. wisdom, what do you know? >> reporter: brian, about 9:00 tonight, police were flagged down by someone in the neighborhood who said that a little girl had been shot. just a short time ago i spoke with the little girl's grandfather who says that she was inside the house and he was told that the bullet went through the wall and hit his 11- year-old granddaughter who was inside. she is the oldest of five young children who were in the house. the grandfather also tells me that all five were inside at the time. the oldest son was watching them. they were playing wii when the shooting happened. she is oldest at 11 years old of the five children. the injury she suffered a graze to the hand, nonlife- threatening. she has been taken to the hospital to be treated for her injuries. police found a weapon in this area. they're not sure if that's the weapon that was used. right now they're still searching for they believe two suspects who were wearing all black who fired the shots into that house. that is the very latest information that we have right now. as soon as we get more details on this, we'll get back to you. >> wisdom martin for us on the scene tonight in northeast. itself news edge with surveillance video now of a violent attack in d.c. turn -- started out as an attempted robbery and the employees fought back but it's not worth it. >> reporter: the victims in this attack are terrified. we have shielded their dentty and police are hoping even though the surveillance video is tough to watch, you can help them track down these guys. it happened downtown the night of june 22. the two women were closing when they were robbed at gun point. the workers fought back pulling off the gunman's shirt in the struggle. his partner punched and kicked them. the women survived the beatings but in two recent robberies, store owners were killed as they fought back. the d.c. chamber of commerce says they're advising business owntories take a cautious approach. >> my advice always is to give them what they want. do not resist. insurance or your employer, somebody else can replace the money and the merchandise but you don't want to resist them at all. >> reporter: police have stepped up patrols in that area but they are hoping someone will recognize something about the men in the video so they can help get them off the streets. both men are believed to be in their 40s. if you'll notice the video, the gunman had a beard. if you have any information, police are asking that you call them. >> roz plater tonight in the newsroom. a convicted child rapist now stands accused of another attack. james mason iii targeted a 13- year-old girl on myspace. he picked her up in maryland along with three young friends. he drove the girls to annapolis, gave them drinks and marijuana and later had sex with the 13-yard. police say one of her friends texted a relative who called 911. police moved in and found mason with the four girls. >> it's a deplorable crime. our advice to parents is know what your children are doing. monitor websites. know what sites they're visiting because unfortunately some of the negative aspects of social media are a situation like this. >> mason faces numerous charges including second degree rape. investigators say two other adults were in the annapolis home when the young girls were there. investigators believe a deadly shooting in silver spring was actually a tragic accident. 20-year-old joseph kennedy died inside a home last night on darrows street. investigators found him with a gunshot wound to the head. a 21-year-old man dropped a shotgun which went off and hit kennedy. the man with the gun stayed on the scene for police to arrive. a second body pulled from the delaware river today following that duck boat disaster in philly. laura evans is everywhere at 11:00. >> the second person found today was a 20-year-old hungarian man. crews earlier located the body of a 16-year-old girl. the two were among a group of hungarian students on this duck boat when it collided with a barge and then capsized wednesday. the ntsb spent the day interviewing people aboard both boats trying to determine exactly how this happened. a slice of pizza helps lead to the arrest of a suspected serial killer. officers charged lon any franklin -- lonnie franklin, jr. with ten counts of murder. they believe he stalked the streets of south lrchlts a. for 20 -- l.a. for 20 years becoming known as the grim sleeper. they recovered the pizza crust from a restaurant where he ate and then linked the d.n.a. to the crime. a whale carcass washed ashore in maryland. tonight state officials are trying to figure out how the whale died. shootouts from mexican cartels are forcing schools to teach an important survival school. we'll have that story next. this blimp has a bigger purpose. how it's being used to fix the gulf oil disaster. rain is still in the forecast. doesn't look like it's going to be much, though. we'll have your complete forecast all coming up in just a few. but first a quick check of our rundown. a few of the stories we're following on the news enof the we're back in 6 -- edge. we're back in 60 seconds. it's friday night. you're with us now. hang tight.  the drug violence in mexico is so bads are schools are teaching kids to duck and cover. students are learning how to rush to the floor and cover their heads and along with fire drills, some schools are practicing shootout drills. teachers are also told to keep students away from windows. the drug wars in mexico have left 26,000 people dead in the last four years. to give you the latest in the gulf of mexico and the complications of capping this spill. bp engineers are trying to put a new cap on the leaky well effectively containing all of the oil. the ambitious plan involves removing the existing cap which means crude will escape into the gulf unchecked once again and a new cap would be lowered on to the well head to seal it. but plugging the gusher permanently will still rely on the drilling of a relief well. meanwhile near new orleans crews with absorb bent towels wiped brown oil from the marshes tediously cleaning blade after blade of bayou grass. >>it's frustrating. you want to do everything you can to stop it. it's just an everyday battle. >> good weather is forecasted for the next week. bp and the government hope to take full advantage of it. a bird's eye view of the gulf oil spill thanks to a navy blimp. the coast guard says the blimp is better suited to observe oil slicks and ailing wildlife because it can move slowly at low elevations. it can also fly at night using thermal imaging. chrysler is issuing a major vehicle recall and a possible breakthrough in fighting h.i.v. infections. shawn yancy now with your fox 5 top five. >> we're starting off tonight with a plan to ease congestion in virginia and it may impact your commute on metro. number five next summer metro will reroute a third of blue line trains across the potomac and up to the greenbelt. it would mean more frequent service for 15,000 riders but will also mean longer rides for blue line passengers traveling south of the pentagon. number four, chrysler is recalling about 22,000 suvs and trucks. the recall affects some 2010 dodge nitro, dodge rams, jeep liberty and jeep wranglers. they could affect parts that could make it difficult to stop and cause a crash. it will cost you a little less to drive to the beach this weekend. gas is down four cents nationwide. the national average for a gallon of regular is now $2.71. in the district it's $2.77. in maryland $2.76 and virginia $2.56. they predict prices will stay low for the rest of the summer. talk to your doctor before taking a diabetes drug avdia. a package reinforced a possible link between avandi ai and heart attack and death. number one tonight could lead to an h.i.v. vaccine. n.i.h. researchers discovered antibodies in patients that could help fight the disease. the antibodies neutralize 90% of the h.i.v. strength. unfortunately those antibodies develop after a patient has aids when it's too late to fight off the infection. brian, that's a look at tonight's fox 5 top five. the water main that caused this geyser is fixed. water restrictions are still in effect till noon. rockville customers are the ones who need to conserve. crews have flushed the line or at least are in the process of and they need to test the water before lifting those restrictions. d.c. mayor adrian fenty showed off a new development project in the city. they sign add beam that will be used in the project. this area along georgia avenue will be the site of georgia commons, a mixed income residential area with new restaurants and medical offices. a rainy night out there for some. will the weekend be a washout? gary mcgrady has your upgrade the forecast coming up next. >> reporter: why have all these people gathered in this room? they've come for a hug. i'm beth parker. that story coming up. a the people who walked these streets before us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. people stand in line for hours for concert tickets, the latest began jets but you -- gadgets but you might be surprised at what people were lining up in alexandria for. hugs. not just any hug. this one comes from a so-called saint. >> reporter: many weep. they all feel changed. >> it just took my breath away. >> reporter: three call her am ma, the hugging saint. >> you are in your arms, it feels like it's very long. >> reporter: over the last three decades, she has given 30 million hugs. she'll give another 5,000 this weekend at a hotel in alexandria. mary anne gamble brought her 3- year-old son gabriel all the way from pittsburgh. >> she gives so much peace and so much love. she calls you down and she just makes you a better person. >> reporter: the hugs are free and this is not about religion. amma says her religion is love. one woman told me that when she leaves the hotel here today after her hug from amma, she will take more peace and happiness back to her own community. she says that's like throwing a stone in a pond. it has a ripple effect. >> blending together nationalities, religions and feeling that we can do something better with the world in general which is very suitable. >> i think she expresses the potential we all have within us to realize god and also to express love and care for others in a selfless way. >> reporter: this couple who live in fairfax prayed with amma in the past to bring a baby into their family. it worked. >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: through a translator amma told us she considers all of the people here her children. >> [ indiscernible ] >> she really walks the walk. she doesn't just talk about helping people. she actually does it. >> reporter: around the world she built orphanages and brings medical care to the poor. >> there are two types of -- [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: in alexandria, beth parker, fox 5 news. did you see this? the lifeguard flag at a swimming pool is making waves in new hampshire. the owner prayed for a miracle to keep his business going. two rainy summers almost put him under but things changed when they unfurmed the -- unfurled the flag. they say the image of jesus is on that flag. since then he says they've had great weather and steady business. >> water parks are packed. >> that's right. we'll cool off a little bit this weekend but the heat will come back. hopefully not the hundreds. and we hope to have a little bit of rain. you can see a little bit of rain out there right now because it's passing through the city. there was a lot of rain earlier this afternoon. not so much now. this concerns me in a sense that with this just basically evaporating out here as it gets closer to us, i don't think we're going to end up with a lot of rain out of this dea we'll get a little bit tighter right into the beltway here. this is what we just saw on the tower cam out towards the cathedral. a pretty good cell moving right across the mall now down through arlington but this is really t. it's holding together but it has been weakening a little bit the last ten minutes or so. one more stop takes us just west of fredricksburg, spotsylvania, a little bit of shower activity that's going to cross i-95. it's moving very slowly to the east. and as we continue to look back out to the west, there is not a lot. flash flood watch was in effect earlier this evening. and they did pick up some heavy rain but again a lot of that has just been dissipating in the last couple of hours or so. temperature right now in the city has cooled a little bit. we're down from 83 degrees to 82. look back out to the west, though, dulles in the 70s along i-81. temperatures are in the lower to mid-70s right now. they are no doubt a little bit rain cooled. up to the north it's a little cooler here. pittsburgh 69. bing hamilton 70 degrees. detroit you can see in the 70s. so is columbus. there is a frontal system that will be moving on through. this is a cold front really in name only. it will drop our temperatures a little bit tomorrow basically because we're going to have some clouds and we're going to have some showers. it looks very impressive here with a lot of rain but again this is dissipating as it gets closer to us this evening. not anticipating a lot of rain overnight tonight. i was hoping we could get some localized heavy rain coming across but it just doesn't look like it's going to happen. cooler tomorrow, 86. 91 on sunday. a storm is possible tonight. at least until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. then it's just basically rain. a few scattered showers and thunderstorms again tomorrow. high temperature only in the 80s for a change. winds outs of the west, northwest bringing in some drier air late in the afternoon. weekend looks good. sunday 91. lower humidity. and then after the weekend the temperatures start climbing back up into the lower 90s. yeah, scattered thunderstorms, summertime thunderstorms and some humidity, too, comes back next weekend. enjoy the weekend. home you get a little bit of rain. lindsay is coming back with sports as the edge continues. stay with us. signal. airborne. beautiful. and strong. there to ensure the most powerful transmitter is you. rule the air. good evening. i'm lindsay murphy. stephen strasburg made his seventh start for the nationals tonight. the nationals turned up the heat as the first half of the season winds down. it's been the case that things don't start off so well for strasburg. first batter of the game was andre torres. he goes way out of there. it was 1-0 giants after only one batter but like he normally does, he settled down. he became the pitcher we've grown accustomed to. the nationals offense gave him plenty of run support, something that's been missing in his last few games. adam dunn has been on fire. he shows off his hot bat in the 4th inning, a moon shot. the nationals led 2-1. in the 7th another blast, this one in opposite field. a two-run shot. he now has 22 homers. the nationals win 8-1 but stephen, your thoughts after giving up the first at-bat home run? >> it was a part not really committed to my pitches. after that i was like, you know what? bottom line if they're going to beat me, they're going to beat me on me calling my own game. and, you know, i was just putting it all on my shoulders. i have to do that from now on. >> on the basketball court the wizards have lost shooting guard randy fight to the l.a. clippers and mike miller may be on his way to join lebron james in miami but the team did say hello to eaton jill january. they -- jill january. they healed -- jillian. john walsh sat out thanks to a sore groin. the team didn't seem overly concerned and for good reason because walsh did -- wall did participate in tonight's practice. >> [ indiscernible ] >> the heat is on in miami as lebron james circus landed in south beach for an introductory party. please enjoy this video. the three kings of miami loving the spotlight. hamming it up for the crowd of 13,000 at american airlines arena. lebron, he promised championships. multiple championships. he decided to stop at number seven. the heat fans are loving this. cav fans are probably cringing right now. tomorrow night in fairfax is fight night at the patriot center. jimmy lange back in action. he topped out at 154 pounds. he has 31 wins against four losses and two draws. he'll be fighting jimmy leblanc. speaking of fighting look what happened at the tour de france. two bicyclists get into a scuferle at the finish line. one charged the other wielding a tire after believing he was elbowed. both riders were fined $400 for the incident. lance armstrong remains well off the lead at 18. we say good night but brian wraps up the edge right after this. signal. airborne. beautiful. and strong. there to ensure the most powerful transmitter is you. rule the air. we're taking the edge off tonight with the eight-legged world cup oracle who has spoken. paul the octopus is famous for picking the winning soccer teams in the world cup. he reached right over, didn't even

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