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Not permitted on departmentitte property. He said he actual had t o looktoook into legally what he could andud could not do because he dide di not feel that it wast feel thais appropriate. He said that the officer then removed those tags from their vehicle. Theres also al photo a locker where africanamerican is written where its supposed to o say color for which are guard. Rh theres a major with a specialse ops division who saw this just recently, he happened to walk to past it and he reported it directly to stawinski. Aw. Chief stawinski said it is it s currently being investigated. Esg he says he needs top identifyidy whether these are individuale in cases or whether there is a s systemic problem. Theyre now examining trendsw ex when it comes to disciplinarys y action and promotions. Omoti he says if a problem is i identified hell work to fixto it immediately. Mmediatel take a listen. Lis individuals acting in an inappropriate manner if itsne not supporterd by the policiesrb and pray cticthes of this is department respect individuals making poor choices. King and thats where our job is tooo be certain that the people whohe do the policy department are thoughtfull insightful dedicated to makingag sure that those policies makeice it clear what is and isnt acceptable so that when thattha people do operate in a way that is not reflected well onell this agency we can hold them accountable. Reporter all right. Epor now,te the National Hispanic laa Enforcement Association andw united black officersof association say on twitterwiter that they have been meetingme with the Justice Department,d that they are the ones who have filed these complaints on behalf ofmpla officers. Icers. We checked with the Justice Department. They cannot confirm what is going on rightdeno t ncoow but e awaiting a statement from themre as to whether they are lookinglk into all of this, and again, stawinski says hes had aad a problem reaching out to the to e Justice Department as well. Depae he in that fact gave us a copy of this letter sorry for so the wind here but the office off of Inspector General for the Prince Georges County policegec Department Stone justiceme department asking them tontskg clarify and exactly whatexactlyh theyre looking into and how how the Police Department can dep support them in their inquiryeir and they have yet to receive a thats the latest here ine late palmer park. Back to you in the studio. In th. Thank you lauren. En. As many as 80 children inren south arlington elementary elemr school have come down with what Health Officials believeias is the norovirus. E norirus. School officials sent home ahoma letter advising parents todvisin keep their kids home if if theyre showing any symptoms. Ym. Paul wagner is live at the li school tonight with the veryith latest. Paul, whats going on . Reporter well, shawnhn when we arrived here a couple ce hours ago we saw nothing butthit happy seemingly healthy kidslths giggling and having fun coming g and going from the schoolool their parents coming to pickntst them up but Health Officialslt here in arlington sayh as many y as 80 children have come down with this highly contagiousntas norovirus. Lets show you some video weeowe shot earlier. Ot ear the letter says the health Heal Department is recommendingrco that parents keep their ir Children Home for 24 hoursours after the symptoms stop. Stp. And to advise their childrenh scrub their hands well for fr about 20 seconds before goingon back to whagot they were doing. The letter also says thesays school is working with the the health depar cases and shared surfaces arefae being disinfected daily andly a after any illnesses at thee school. There ar e no plans at this time to shut the school down. One parent told us the the norovirus first surfaced hereede just before the christmasstm break. Br heresea what two parents andrea one uncle are saying tonight to about the virus at the school. C. I spoke to the school nurse, too, and she also sentalt a note and says she was just waj cleaning the clinic as manys m times a day as she could andhe d working as hard as she couldas e so i just i know our staffurs is doing the best they can. The a lot of people are gettinggg sick here spreading real fast, a a lot of people vomiting and stuff like that yeah, so nastyhh stuff. Reporter are you concerned the school is doing rp enough . Enough perhaps they should shut ith down. It no, i think were i think theyve been doing i tahin pretty good jobg of keeping the kids theyve been givingve v good advice by keeping thekeepie kids at home if theyre stick st so i think well be okay. Oka reporter now, the a lot of vomiting and whatnot and the school says again no ago plans to shut down and we sawwew no indications here that there e was any kind of amass sieves cleaning effort going on. T goin. Were live in arlington, paul, l wagner fox5 local news isntws i that thank you paul. This afternoon we saw some pretty furious snow squalls out there. The main storyur siousee ms to be the the wind. Sue palka is here with an update on this crazy forecast. R. Hey, sue. Hi there tony and shawn. Shaw yeah in combination with the wie wind weve had these vigorous snow squalls coming through. Ing theyre getting a little bittti better now but it limade forader Poor Visibility and ouribility r problem later tonight now mayhty be a little bit of black icef here and there. Re and the let me show you where thingswheh are right now because its nots too bad at the moment. Men most everything is windingwining down. I will tell you as we put this in motion for the last couple te of hours though they were ablee to put down about a half inchf i in the spots where they cross and a couple of places got more than that. Han tha. Whats left right now isw is moving down through saintroug marys county and part ofof calvert county. Conty. That mig p coating for you as well and ofaf course its all coming off thefe lake but its in response toto this huge blizzard that is clobbering the northeast. Northe the snow has stopped in new in york and long island but but boston is just still gettingetng pounded. Poun they lend up with over a footupv of snow up thereer a and i knoww danbury connecticut withnect thundersnow had 13inchesnch earlier today. Oday now, we had a round thisoundis morning and you know it was akna little warm so a lot of it was s just what we call white rainr it melted as it fell but taneyb town in Carroll County got 2. 2 damascus. 7, winchester gotter that inch this afternoon from am the squalls and these are a a few other squall totals. Tls. Chantilly virginia got. 8 of. 8 f an inch reston a half inch andaa dulles a half inch. Inch so a lot of you sent us yourusyr pictures and we appreciate it. I. Later tonight because it is soao cold be aware some of these the snow squalls that deposited alse very smallposi amount of snowf could be black ice in thelack ie morning because it is just is ju going to be so incrediblycrebly cold. We are about 30 degrees cold than we were yesterday at this hour, 25 is the actual temperature in gaithersburg. Her. D. C. Is 31 and you saw laurensal there fighting with theseh tese winds. Theyve been so strong. St wind advisory was just droppedrd for our area but we still havele gusts close to 30 miles ano 30 hour and it will stay mightya breezy tonight which means e hello winter, were back withckh the teens and maybe even some s single digit wind chills for not only tonight but tomorrowt morning as well. Morning well. So, get ready for a real cold cd start followed by a very niceice weekend. Well talk about that in a few a minutes. Tony and shawn. Sh have a good weekend. Eekend. We have a followup now to a story we brought you last night. How fast is too fast . Thatssts the debate under way in d. C. And maryland over speed limitsss and speeding fines. Ng fin. Now the critics areticse concerned its just anotherust a way for them to up the numberth of speeding violations to pad td the governments budget. Fox5s matt ackland hit thet road today top find out. D reporter new crackdown on most all of us. S new proposed fines for drivers r bikers even pedestrians. Ven pedi the ultimate goal, safety. Afty. D. C. Council member mary cheh hh says shes all for that but not arbitrarily hiking penalties and lowering speed limits in certain places at certain times. Rinn certrtain it strikes me as a waytimes f increasing our revenue becausevc it goes to the operating fund. Nu reporter cheh says speedr limits should be low in areas where kids are nearby c hbuultdt raises questions abouts abo lowering speed limits in manyee other areas across the city. Ty. She refers to senior centersenrs where late at night going 41 miles an hour will get you a 500 ticket. Ti cheh fought against an aroundar the clock speed limitc s reduction outside senior and centers. Its kind of crazy, right,r 15 miles an hour in the middlet of the night going past a senior and center or past a a Recreation Field . But whatut theyve done now is theyvethee cut it back from 7 00 a. M. To. 11 00 p. M. That still strikes me as a reach. Re so, again, i want to know show o me some data reporter some say lowering the speed limit tospeed 15 miles an hour in many partshr of the city is simply too slow. Slow. Joe, how fast are we going . We g . 24. Reporter 24. R . Take a look. Lok. Were right next to this bicyclist. Were going how fast now . Now . 16, 15. Reporter 16, 15 and hes h passing us. Ssing us. Matt ackland fox5 local news. Council member cheh says she plans to hold a hearingil mn these new measures in the nexteu few weeks. Re fe coming up President Trumpw p continues to point fingers while a new study revealinedt interesting informationfo comparing the white house to members of the media. The mb and youer s heard sue mentio it a smehort time ago. Ago. Were going to take a look atlo the snow that many hammerednyhad parts of the northeast. O the news at 6 00 will be right back. This is fox5 local news at 6 00. Did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. And right now save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Another busy day at the white house for President Trump. Heer bhouse attended the swearn ceremony for Jeff Sessions this morn understand three new executivexe orders. Foxs joel waldman has the latest. A new era of justice beginsii and it begins right now. Reporter President Trumpt tr welcoming his new attorney atton general long time alabamaalaama senator Jeff Sessions. S at a white house ceremony they attorney general talking about t his resolve to fight crime. Gh weme will deploy the talentss and abilities of the department of justice in aina most effective way possible to confront this rise in crimecrime and to protect the people ofplef our country. R co reporter later in ther l day sessions arriving at the t Justice Department for thefor he very first time as attorney general. Ral. Doing his own part to battlele crime meanwhile President Trump also signing threethree executive actions today aimedaim at curtailing illegal drugsdr reducing Violent Crime and preventing attacks against law enforcement. Enfo todays ceremony should be seen as a clear cerem message th gang members and drug terrorizing innocent people your day is over. O reporter neil gorsuchter no continuing to make the rounds ts on capitol hill. The federal appellate judgeal a meeting today with maine republican senator susansan collins after telling richardcha blumenthal that thehat the president s attacks againstinst the judiciary are demoralizingei something senator collins says s she asked mr. Gorsuch aboutabut during their meeting. I understand even mored eveno fully now why the judge is so well respected by both sides si of the aisle. Of reporter meanwhile President Trump is insistingepog the comments made by his Supreme Court nominee are being misrepresented while thele white house today says the president still backs hist st Supreme Court pick. Insuprem washington, joel waldmn fox news. Fox ne you know, there seems to beet a daily battle between the prometrium white house anddte he meet ya. The question here is who do you think the publoic thinks iss more truthfully . More truthfu well, a recent eme college poll found inl foun 49 percent of registeredistered voters think the Trump Trump Administration is truthful. 48 percent think it is i untruthful. Thats a pretty even split. But when it comes to thes to the media, only 39 percent of pent those polled think the mediaia is truthful, 53 percent think pk the media untruthful. Fox5s political reporter rter ronica cleary takes a closerclor look at the numbers. At the she is lnuive tonight at theat e newseum. Ronica. Reporter hey, shawn and tony. Some fascinating numbers ands nd results there depending onther where you stand, what youu think of the trump White Househe and the media. Meda. So, we got right to it. Right ti we wanted to speak with an expert and get hiset his interpretation of it here at the newseum. Ewe i interviewed in the 5 oclock k hour the ceo of the newseumnews institute. Take a listen to his reaction. Rt i think if you look at the i numbers a little lodeparter youu seo two things. One highly polarized moreed me republicans almost nine out ofne 10 say they dont believe thehe media almost nine out of 10 democrats say they do soo so youve got that split but you know, theres somees sm deeper questions here. Stions he. If youre in the white house the and you think half the h countrn doesnt below us were the white house, and then ifus w thi youre the press i think thete question has to be are those tho people saying you were toot soft on the administration ormii were you too hard on theonou toe administration . So, again, ag, like all surveys very tantalizing numbers but we but need to look a littlelittl departer. We need to ask ourselves aursela question how good a job are job the media doing and what do we w expect out of the white house . H reporter well, of course of at fox5 we try to ask sk ourselves that question every ee day and the thing we always alws love to do is hear from you. Om what do the people think andnk here at the newseum they haveeye quotes all around the newseum. N. I saw this quote on the wallote and i thought it wasit wa appropriate. It says the american peoplen ple dont believe anything untilev they see it one television. Evi. Now, that was said by b president nixon and we did did take to the streets to see ee your thoughts and get your thoughts on on this poll onl and results. Take a listen. I would agree based overee be the last six months of what w between facebook and twitterittr and flipping on the tv. E tv el were, i would say the media has a lot of, um its s not criticism but i wouldnti wu say the media is more truthfulo but i would say that basicallyal its not a hundred percentd perc like the Trump Administrationn is truthful. Rut i really dont want tot wano comment on that one. [laughter] give my opinion. Onion. Trump administration more mor truthful than the media . Iia i mean everyones entitled to their own opinions. [laughter] i dont know about that. T i think theyre both liars. Howre about that . Th reporter well, there youereu have it a wide range ofa responses. Let us know was think. H you can findi me on facebookn fc and twitter at ronica cleary. Cl reporting live at the newseum,n, ronica cleary, fox5 local news news. [000 17 02;00] this is a fox news alert. Im Shepard Smith at fox news World Headquarters with breaking news. An Appeals Court in San Francisco has just upheld the suspension of President Trumps travel ban. This is a major blow to the trump white house. This means that the ban that the president had put in place on refugees from all countries and on any sort of travel from seven different muslim majority countries will end, anyone can travel to and from the United States as was the previous case prior to the ruling. A federal judge in seattle suspended the temporary ban on most refugees and immigrants from the nations. He made that message deg that it would hurt colleges and universities, as well as states. The threejudge panel heard arguments from both sides before making the decision. It includes two democratic appointees and one republican. This may not be the final word. Safe to expect an appeal from the United States Supreme Court. But if we are short, there is a very real possibility there could be a 44 standing, this is just come in. The federal Appeals Court has maintained the freeze on President Trumps controversial immigration band meaning previously barred immigrants from the seven majority muslim countries can continue entering the United States. It upheld the ruling of the u. S. District judge james robart who decided friday that trumps temporary ban should be put on hold. The department of Homeland Security suspended all enforcement of his controversial directive. The Justice Department, representing the Trump Administration could now as the Supreme Court which often defers to the president on matters of immigration and National Security to intervene. Be that as it may come of that is for a later date. The president had suggested that there was a lot of politics involved with this from the court itself, he had been widely criticized for suggesting that the court had politics involved, but the president went on to say that we do not yet have a decision. But now we do and we will be watching his twitter. Theres analysis now on fox news channel, therell be much more on your local news on the spock station. For fox news, new york. The white house releases whi some sort of comment. Of course well have that for you right here on fox5. Tesome also s one lweilneu right heref and on our twitter pages. Of course on our politicalse show coming up in just about nine minutes 5 at 6 30 and the latest tonight on fox news at at 10 00. All right, we want to get the latest oghn out,r weatherear forecast. Recas changing weather conditionsng w very cold, veryea windy. Sue palka has the latest onest n that, hey, sue. E hey tony and shawn and thankfully those snow squallsowa that popped up this afternoon coming off the lakes areng o diminishing just a little bitint but what is not diminishing isi the cold that has come rolling back into town and prepare for a rather bitter start tomorrow morning. Wanted to showe you if r ystou u not see some of these snowth squalls this afternoon, got aths lot of pictures and videos a inn on twitter that ive beenive sharing and this is from that tt colleen. Co she was in i believe the fair oaks area and this is what itha looked like while she wasas n about a half alf inch to threequarters of anartn inch of snow and in in combination with these t 40 miles an hour gusts it wasans really very difficult to seeculs this afternoon. Aft if you were stuck in one ofin of those. Not everybody saw them and youoa can see thatw nthow thereem iso much left. Le what was still more mre significant as we put this in motion was the activity thatas t was mainly west of d. C. But itbt came right through the beltway b and whats left tonight systemtm mainly down to lower southernsot maryland now but that meansat me because its going to be so to o cold tonight, you likely will see a little bit of black iceb here and there and as we look at the last few hours here, h you can seal these arecan seal a starting to really cut off. This is still raging though. Oug blizzard 2017 has really donelly a number, a foot of snow ornow r more for boston all the way up into new england. Ngla notice though it doesnt getesnt too far inland. Upstate new york didnt gete nek any snow out of this d. Idnt we got a little bit of snow snow early this morning but thatut ta cold air really lagged just aju little bit so the the precipitation was just about abt done when it finally got into io town the colder air that is soio we didnt get accumulationac re along the mason dix couldntn dc line earlier today. Today now its all about the cold. C what a dramatic change. 31 degrees here in thee in the district. Strict. 25 in gaithersburg. I 27 frederick. F this is about 30 degrees0 degres colder than we were yesterday. Ee thats a big swing and ofwin anf course thats comparing airthatc temperature to airature to a temperature. But when you factor in these the winds that are still gusting between 25 and 30 miles an 30 ma hour, it feels like its iniket the teens and 20s. 20s. Overnight these are airare a temperatures again, wereaturese headed to 19 in gaithersburgites and hagerstown, 21 for culpeper and winchester. Winches. 25 in the district so for thects first time in awhile itsile really going to be quite coldit at the bus stop especiallyespciy since winds will continue outnt of the northwest at 10 to 20. 20. Well fall into the teens in the suburbs as you just saw. A tomorrow we may start with th sunshine but clouds will thatu begin to increase agdain in the afternoon. Were only going to be able tobo hit 41 degrees but its goings to feel sa lot better than itant did today. Did tody. Windy a little bit gusty ina lii the morning and temperatures like theyre in the teens. T well be seeing a good amount ao of sunshine at the bus stops stp but after school 37 to 42 withi a bit more cloud cover andver a just wanted to show you thatu th wind chills will climb fromls wm the teens to neabr f the upperur 20s mid and upper 20s by thebe noon hour so friday is stillridl going to feel pretty chilly. Heading out friday evening,ia went to low 30s although theugh wind should get a lot better. B you can see that well stilll have a few gusts around in thent Early Morning hours but they ty will diminish quite a bit bye ai the time we get to the noon hour. Hour so its going to be a bit of a a chilly friday. Fr what about the weekend . Out the . Saturday will start out on thete chilly side but a warm fronte bm is going to be coming throughh and thats going to help to t get our temperatures back intoes the 60s and maybe even warmerwm on sunday. On su were going to go mid andmid and upper 60s with a chance of a a couple showers on monday. Valentines day kind of dreamyk at 52. Dr not bad at all. T bad at ll. Wednesday were going toesday continue to watch for thetch fot possibility of some cloudsuds thursday 46 degre. Fox5 local news at 6 00 is coming right back. Z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy breaking news just a fewin moments ago. Als court anpeals court in sange francisco that had been ben considering the president sesens travel ban on seven mostly mosy muslim nations has come outome t with a decision and they havende refused to reinstate that ban. Were going to take ang to ka closer look at this. Os were also going to be loeroking for reaction from the whitehe wh house and were going to haveave much more plus well bel be talking about some of theabou other political news of the of e day coming up on our politicalit show 5 at 6 30. Stay with us. Well have more in just a couple moments. At dominion, were putting our energy to work creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner Energy Sources like solar, wind and natural gas. Weve reduced Carbon Emissions by nearly 25 , which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. Cleaner air and cleaner water. Its good for all of us. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. [ distorted voice ] progressive claims to show people their competitors rates alongside their direct rate to save you money. But whats really going on . When played backwards at 1 8th speed you can clearly hear. What could that mean . Woman tom . Tom theyre just commercials. Or are they . Youre waking the neighbors. Well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. I think its actually awoken. No, that doesnt even seem right. No, its awoken. Revealing the truth to help you save. You heard it. It the ban does not stand. Sta moments ago the the ninth Circuit Court issued a unanimous decision refusing torf reinstitute President Trumpsit travel ban. This allowsute previously barrediousl barred travelers to enter the u. S. U. S. This could set up the possible e appeal to the u. S. Supreme court. Government lawyers argued theme ban was nta l lawful exercise s the president s authority andory

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