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Followed the suspect into an open field and steered thehe cruiser in a path to strike str the suspect. Suspect reporter the Prince Georges County Police Department says they got onto this right away and in factorgey suspended that officer on theere exact same day that thist happenedsa back in june. J now we checked its Court Records that you can seerds online and it shows that thehe victim in this case, its alleged victim we should say was arrested that day now facing four charges fou including resisting arrest and possession of narcotics. Ti hes asked for a jury trial. Ri live in upper marlboro, paulo,au wagner, fox5 local news. Ew federal police have nowve joined the investigation of a of mail carrier who was robbedho ws and beaten in the district. Istr. They offered a reward up tod 50,000 to find the two menen suspectd of committing theg the crime. Crim the attack happened hapne saturday on Second Street in st northeast. The officer spent sunday edgewood neighborhoods. Surveillance cameras from Pentagon City mall caught theeig suspects shopping in an hour an after police say they attackedak that letter carrier. Cri new tonight at 6 00 police pl have released a mug shot ofughof the man wanted for setting hisns girlfriend on fire. F police say Louis Reed Erin e tension nally set 64yearold Delores Williams on fire ins wio their alexandria home earlierarr this month. Williams passed away from herse injuries overnight. Overnig reeder hasnt been seen since the incidents 12 d ago. Authorities say he might beies m driving a green 2001 ford1 for taurus four door with virginia license plates vpw1915. 19 reeder is wanted for aggravated malicious wounding. N a day care worker is facingka criminal charges tonight afterea a threeyearold in her care wanted out of a prince williamea county day care alone. Ay c the good news, the littleodl girl is okay but the parents pan who take their kids to the t Kiddie Academy of gainsvillens happen. Fox5s alexandria limonndrin has the latest. Ates reporter on o november 19th, this Kiddies Academy was supposed to be holding a date night event but instead of enjoying their time off one family ended up picking up their child police after she wanted off to a nearby business. I was not aware of there. Re i no one told me about it. Unless i missed email that was sent out but im concerned c now. I dont even i mean, m im reporter nguyen park was arrested and charged with felony child neglect because slaw supposed to be directlypos supervising the girl. Supeing a Statement Released by the Kiddie Academy says the 23yearold director has been placed on indefinite administrative leave. Tiveve i was concerned that i w didnt see her cause i see her everyas c see h day when i y kids but im surprised. Sprised. Reporter employees of a nearby papa johns confirmeda joi their business around 8 30 att night when it was pimp pim blackout and one of them called 911 after being unablenae to figure out whose child shehe was. Other nearby businesses Business Owners say its lucky the girl didntwner instead wann into any of the nearby streetsfr where cars are zipping by. B i just cannot believe 8 30, 8 three years old walked away. A i dont know. Reporter now the centers back gate has a chain locked around it and the centers statement also in part that every parent was notified by email about this b and that the directorse tenurn here was predicated by all a qualifications required by the state. At and while parents who missedts o the memo are shocked, this mom also points out it would be wlde easy for an unattended childded to get out. Getut it has like a kind of af lock but, when you press it it opens but i mean my kid works, my twoyearold would open it. Pn Reporter Police say the t was released to her family that nighttle. Asight. Meanwhile in their statement, the Kiddie Academy also saidoai they take the safety of the children very seriously andusly they self reported what they call the unprecedented events et to the state childcare licensing body. Body. Reporting in gainsville, g alexandria limon, fox5 localcal news. News. To the district where an adams morgan safe way is backayb opened after it was forced to close for food code located on columbia roada ad northwest. Hw it was closed by the d. C. He d. C Health Department yesterdayent e after inspectors say sheathehe found mouse droppings standingtn water items there werent cold w enough and food oner the floor. F safe way released a statementtee that reads in part, safe way wy takes very seriously thely health of our customers and the conditions of our stores. To we are working closely withloset the d. C. Department of healtht h to remediate the concerns they discovered in their inspection yesterday. We apologize for the the all right. Ll right now to all you metro customers. Ers. Tonight metro considering a proposal to slash metroash m Service Hours long term. A metro committee voted in votei favor of a measure that would cut those late night a h mours f two years. Two years that would giv. E metro extraxtra time for all its maintenance mai work. Under this plan metro would close atunde 11 30 p. M. 1 p monday through thursday 1 00 a. M. On friday and saturday isus that it would run from 8 00m 00 a. M. Until 11 00 p. M. On sunday. That would give metro an extra e eight hours a week to complete l maintenance work. Matena metro Board Members couldrs scrap that. Scra and we are not willing toillt go beyond a year so you canear c pass mr. Augustinesuss resolution and at the end of an this meeting iend will inform m general manager and its board there we intend to exerciseer our jurisdictional veto at theit Board Meeting and to hen we gong back to 3 oclock immediately. E. Theres no way werer growing to have this hav thi Preventive Maintenance Program m up and running and get realai at data back in a year. Looks like theres going toik be a fight here. Full brd wll board will meete in about two weeks to make aak decision the mayors officers oc in d. C. Issued a statement. Is that says the mayor herself advocates keeping those late night hours. Hrs the wssc has been tracking tn this plume in the Potomac River since sunday when it wasit first spotted near points of rocks. Today skyfox followed it all the way to theyfox trump golf tl course in lowden county. Sen lo it is an oily sheen and early tests indicate that it could be something likedica hydraulic fluid. By monday the plume had pme traveled 14 miles down thes do t Potomac River getting ever eve closer to the wsscs intakes int valves. Valv the potomac filtration plants takes in 400 million gallons of river water a day whichch becomes 70 percent of thet of t Drinking Water in montgomeryontr and prince georges counties. Wssc says it is taking stepsakis to make sure the plume does doe not affect the water supply. Well, first on fox5, former e Vice President ial nominee tim kaine. Ka stick around for our candid senator. Were going to tell you what yow he had to say after such an suc upsetting loss. Yes, d. C. I. D. s are valid. Al where other residents wastsas denied service out of state stae when someone didnt recognizet e her drivers license. Licen sue. Hi there, tony, shawn. Ony, sa what a great flight have foror the lying of the nationaling maristmas tree. It is a little bit breezy out and there temperatures areer going to be falling ie nto the 40s here. E. Eventually head to the 30s overnight. Ov how about friday and thehe weekend . Well let you knowet u what to expect way look at w that sevenday forecast thatsts just minuteswa come on back. N b sue mentioned it. Sueenti heres a live look right now. N this is a i believe this was actually earlier. Kelly clarkson was singing atgia the lighting of the nationalat Christmas Tree down on the dow ellipse. We got to see for the veryy last time president obama, oba First Lady Michelle Obama and daughter sasha obama lightinght the national Christmas Tree. T are we going to see the tree . Maybe not. Be all right. Hopefully well show it to yout later in the show. R in sho there it is. The it there it is. Stick around. You love allday breakfast. But you dont love that you cant get all your favorites. But now you can get more of what you love. So you can find Something Else to not love. Like hearing the sound of your own voice. softly like hearing the sound of your own voice. . . First on fox5 tonight first former vic oe president ialsident candidate tim kaine opened upp about that bruising president ial campaign and howt c hesampaign transitioned back e in the senate. This was his first local tv sitdown since the election hen spoke very candidly about theou loss and told us what he feltt h he was working against duringgar the 2016 election. Ect lil hillary was trying to h beil its first woman president. That cannot be under so. E und its very difficult to do. In c vongress right now just teo give you an example 19 percent women. That ranks us 75th in thee world. Worl were behind iraq andq afghanistan. Weve made it hard for women w to get elected. Elected hard to win three intercept a. Oh very dadifficult in recentcue history to win three terms in a row for the same party for president obamas two terms to be folfolowedr t ob by a democra term. Only two democratic president sre have done that. E tha efforts under way right now in several states senator kaineenok told us the green party p candidate jill stein startedtart the effort and the Clinton Clint campaign is just on board togn o maken surboare everything iss completed fairly. Fai as you know fox5 is your station for follow twinges wen w invite you to weigh in on the election. Today on fox5 the inauguration. Donald trumps cabinet picksin c are whatever is on your mind. M sweet us right now. Ow. Usualing that 5at6 30 and0 look for your tweet coming upomn next at 6 30. From the nfl. He i was waiting for you to foru say yeah. Oh, yeah. O thats what he normallyhat does. Ly sorry forks got. A woman went to get a beer at the metlife stadiumom in neam jersey. She showed her d. C. License. Lic but was turned away because b the vendor thought her i. D. Ughtd was not from the district ofist columbia but rather the country colombia. Colombi he asked for her passport. Asspo. The women eventually got hery go beer but d. C. Delegate eleanoreo Holmes Norton wrote a letter Roger Goodell about theroger odl incident. Last week the nfl responded. Espo it said it cents photos of thehf old and new d. C. Drivers licenses to the clubs andlubs ad directed them to share thisrehi information with their t Concession Management team. So, if you guys go a game and g someone asks for your passportrs again let us know because its i always found report on it. Reptn the whole concept of theptf beer vendor asking for your passport somebody was saying you know on the west coast theyomebe donstt c even realized where te district of again im astonished by but t okay, all right. Ht. Im astonished by a lot oft things these days. These all right, lets take ae live look back at the white house ellipse right now. E el yes, the holiday spirit is merry and brighton night athton the lighting of the nationalatia Christmas Tree. T doesnt it look beautiful. Uhhuh. Well be live there when we e return. Retu stick around. Hi. Wing command possession posse stationed in korea. Shout out to my husband randy taft in virginia. Merry christmas and happy newpyw year. Ye . . It is december 1st which d means its time to get into the holiday secpiemrit. s timpi im feeling it. Imling there you go. You got your green on. O i n advertisement thats pink. Emen puthatat down. Thats pink tony. Jim lokay is in the holiday hid spirit down at the lighting ofat the national Christmas Tree. Tre jim, the tree looks beautifulutl as usual. Reporter it really s Michelle Obama does the night before christmas in everybody ey year joined by Simone Manuel mal who won olympic gold becoming the first africanamerican to win an individual events some e inn swimming over the summerr tr during the rio games. Ges to give you a sense of what wehw saw earlier. Earlier we had the Tree Lighting l happen just a little bit afterbt i would say 5 30 tonight. Just a few moments ago this is being taped for latering ped broadcast, there was a bit of wf a break in the action and overno have a longoria the actress who is emceeing the events tonight acknowledged to theac crowd this of course is president oknowbamas fourtd thh Christmas Tree lighting. There wastree app, iwouldnt say there was certainlyreas c matterrings of four more yearsoe aussie the Christmas Tree Tree Lighting o we got out here about 2 30ut 3 started to see traffic see building up started to see the lines build up aroundround president s park where thets pt event is being held and then thn everybody really trooperredopred through all this because sueause told me sue told me lastd me night, jim, make sure you wear your thick soled shoes. Ed shoes. Going get cold on the risers. Rr she was not kidding. Kiddi it is certainly brisk outly b here. He theyre holding up quite the night before Christmas Ctm being red by first lady mishady over. This is a great way to kick offer the Holiday Season sea especially on thispecial on december 1st, guys. ,uys. It is a perfects of if he off cant way to kick offer the holidays. Jim looksli very colds outcoldst there. Youre up about 20s feet ab or. Oh so theres always theay te wind comes through, the air comes through. Thrgh colder at that elevationelevo but it is a great night and iht know jim probably doesnt believe me when i say this, this is really good weathersayre for thatly g event. E its been much colder, cde colder windier weather couple cl years afghanistan. Year im glad it worked out. Me, too. Oo glad it wasnt last night. Ws thank goodness. Squalls coming through. N s yomineah, so tonight much moe settled but it is certainlyerta definitely cooler and weree seeing temperatures drop to the 40s prettyempera quickly. Uy well head for the 30ss tonight. Happy first day of meteorological glinted yes. Allid thank you sue. Y were watching first lady lay Michelle Obama continue toontino read and that is just great. Gre by the way i love her coat. Er c yeah, that is very, very nice. Nice and a beautiful evening. Ng the breezes settling down just a little bit. Temperatures nice and crispnd for our annual holidayid lighting and we wants you toyout know that tomorrow will be b another crisp day. Anr cr sunny, breezy, seasonablybly cool. Co these were the high temperatures that were seteshate about 1 00 in the morning but bt we topped out during the day around 59 degrees at reagan. Ga thats buffer average for thisr time of year. Yea dulles 58, bwi 61 and as wee look at temperatures now a lotsl of the 40s with d. C. At 50 degrees so south and east ans its still a little bit warmer. 45 for gaithersburg, 47 for7 that dulles, 43 for winchester and 44 for hagerstown. Agerow thats quite a change fromng yesterday though. Yest its about 15 degrees colder than we were yesterday when we e got up to 69 degrees and and 14 degrees colder in manassas,sa 16 degrees colder in fredericksburg andedericburg leonardtown. Leonar breezes are getting a littleittl t bebetter. Still gusting to about 20s 20 miles an hour in a few spots with our forecast tomorrowomorro especially in the afternoon. Ernn but temperaturewise wereise going to be close to average. 51 degrees is average now. 53 is our expected highted hi temperature for your friday were a little easterly as weste head into the weekend. Nd saturday 50, sunday 49 degrees little uptick on noun 53 andicku theres slight chance avenueight couple of showers late ons late sunday but its only a smallma chance. Ch showers that we were watchingchn yesterday have disappeared but b big storm still pulling across s the cold windscr unfrozen lakes crete ago little bit of moisturele including a bit bit of lake efft snow up in south of theth of th buffalo area. Buffalea. Theres this symptom that ism going to stay out of our area a but it is helping to provideo pi that breeze that were feelingr out there tonight. Out there tont it will also help us to get down into the 30s to near 40ea0 most areas tonight with those te breezes continuing. Ontinuing. Look at overnight lows. Night s. Low to mid 30s north and west s to 40 here in the city andre iny mostly near 40s south anduth east. High pressure will build in tomorrow. Moow. Breeze as its starting too settle in. I if you live west of the Mountain Range but sunshine onun this site mountains for a drymo unand cool ftainish to our workr week. Well expect to hitwe about abo 53 degrees tomorrow in thero city. Upper 40s north and west. Low 50s south and east as as sunshine continues but again, aa with High Pressure building inli and our low pressure still up over the northeast in the canadian maritimes well still get a gooditim breeze going ther could get gusts up and overver 20s during the day especially inspec the afternoon. Afternoon sunshine rules saturday. Ne r High Pressure gets a little bit closessrure and well watch weak disturbance try bring a b late shower on sunday as sy temperatures mainly stay inures the upper 40s m on sunday but again, not a big chance for cnc showers so your weekends lookses like this. His. 50 degrees saturday. Urda 49 degrees on sunday. Sunda next week we have a prettyave ae good chance of some rain. Ofe ran now, over the weekend again on the chilly side but as we see the jet stream beginning toinnio ridge a little bit farther tott the north next week well get back into thele bnext w 50s ana could bring us a decent amountmt of rain which we could really use. Use. That is for sure. So, well watchthat for that to maybe help us with our ongoing i drought. Meanwhile your fox5mean accuweather 7daywhil forecast, its mostly 50s on this sevenvn day way few days where we diprew down including tuesday if weay e get there rain our temperature may only stay around 46 degrees. 46 d were climbing into theeglimbg n mid50s by wednesday of next o week and another chance for f some showers thursday, 58. And kind of the very thumbnailhl outlook for december isfor deeri getting much more frequent storms coming byt to maybe help us in the rainst department. Okay. So that would be good. That would be good. Very dry fall. All right. That wha au say so. V at least ity s not snow. W. Well, youre right about that. [laughter] dont even mention it. It. Only december 1st. R 1s thank you sue. Sue thanks sue. Therust the trust for the National Mall and the nationalio park service celebrated thed groundbreaking for the restoration and relocation of the lot keeps hours it is thest older structure on ther ctur the house will be listed and moved back about 20 feet from its currents location. Interactive digital exhibits will also bee di add welcomingeg visitors to the National Mall. I wonder where they not sure. Steve crawford donated three fender biz samples cropper wasps Founding Member of book kerr trr and the mgs known for playing the dock of the bay anddock of appearing in the movie the mov e blues brothers. Ers. One of the greatest guitarists of all glime pretty cool. Stick around. Stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is seeking answers and not giving up until you find them. Because we dont just want kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. With your support, we can find more answers faster. On the first day of o christmas my true love gave ton me well, if you no . Candle. C sure inot. Take it. Plastic. Youre not supposed to tellell people, tony. T if you were buying all ofg the gifts in the song the 12s on days of christmas, it would cost you more than 34,000. Wow. Thats pretty expensive. Xpensiv. For some people as that would be an entire years salayery. Sala compared to last year the price tag for some of the gifts in the song have gone up. In the gone up for instance, the price for. St twanoce turtledoves jumped from 290 to 375. 37 whoever buys two turtle doves. Ve im sure this is from theom t dickens era. Ens e ive never ill take the three morning doves in myy backyard. Rd. A theyre very happy. Ery happy. 6 00. Five at 6 30 is coming up u next. Ally in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Built for speed. Built for business. . . . . . . . . . . Victory happen for ther th president elect. Today donald trump is celebrating his big win. G hibig hell be touching down in ohio n to make good on a campaignampa process. Pr as you can see it is theu big story here atcan 6 30. Tweet us what is on your mind. Sy remember, that 5at6 30 so send in those tweets. Tet president elect stoppedid first in indiana where he tooke credit for helping save 1,0000 jobs. Jobs. Carrier air conditioning just reversed its plans to close ao plant and center jobs to mexico. Wrote say what the workers works whose jobs were spared might have to give up or possible posi what incentives were used tous change the companys mind. Theres always money behind iteh people just remember that. Ha president elect trump had atel strong message for otherecesge r Companies Looking to takee their business out of the country, too. Oo we are going to have a situation where theyre goingheg to know number one were going treat them well and number twoo there will be consequencesces meaning there will be theye t

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