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Leave. As all this is unfolding nationally disturbing video was just released showing a Deadly Police shooting in the district. St the officers shot andhe killed a 63yearold man fromro northwest. Take a look. Put gun down. Drop the bleep gun. Bleeun drop the gun. Drop the gun. G drop the gun. Drop the bleep gun. Drop the bleep gun. Get cover, get cover. Go. Put the bleep gun down. Dn. Put the gun down, man. Down,n stay there, bro. [gunfire] shots fired, shots fir the incident that you are inc watching right now happenedngigt last month on barns street northeast. Noheast. The officers responded to reports of a man with a gun. Anh when they arrived they saw theae man was holding what turned t out to be a bb gun. It was pointed at them and asm a you heard he refused to dropo it. The officers then shot the manhe several times killing him. Matthew mall president of thedet d. C. Police union joins youyoins us now. N you . That is absolutely correct. El its just the absolute inappropriate time in the t where the investigation istion right now to release the video. The United States attorneystaao office is still reviewing this t case and investigating it and after the United Statesunit Attorneys Office is done, the n internal Affairs Bureau will investigate this internally with the Police Department p within the Police Department. Some might argue its important for the public toc know what happened in an incident like this. T what do you say to them because the justice angle of this, how it plays out in then Justice System can take aan taka very, very long time in some cases. Case right. I absolutely agree with that. Ith the release of these videos is s vital to keep the police pol department and im sorry,ry, the residents informed of the Police Department. Im just saying at the pointhe in the investigation that we th are right now i inappropriate. After the criminalrimi investigation is done, after the administrative investigation is done, thatsat when we need we need to we release these videos to the public. Publ whether the officers wereicers justified their use ofse force or unjustified. Njustifi but we have to wait until thetih administrative process is procei over. Ov my members have the same duee d process rights as every other citizen in the country and byy releasing the video now, were w in essence hampering ng tampering with that criminal investigation where in thehen current stage that were at. E te let me ask you, the general public will say you know what, a because of this video we havewe a clearer understanding whether you wait until ther criminal investigation isnvtigan over, we do know that the manhe in the video is now deceased. Eca based on what you saw we knowawe its a little hard for you to t hear, based on what you saw, do you feel like your officersee actedl appropriately. Driving right by us rightighr now and i cant hear. And can we apologize to everybodyze right now. You cannot predict redi well ask again. Sk aga we understand there was a firea truck going by. B i was able to watch theble to video this morning and im mnd going to reserve my commentomme until the investigationsestiga over. From what i saw im very im pleased with the way myplsed officers did act. A they were there for almost almos seven minutes pleading with w this gentleman to drop thep t gun. Unfortunately in the end, hend didnt do that. But the restraint that these officers showed i think showshoe the the caliber of officer we ow have working in the nations io capitol. Ca in light of the climate that we see thats going one t right now, certainly weve haded a lot about the Police Shooting in baton rouge also a the incident that happened in minnesota i just want to getwan your overall feeling. People are saying police need pl to be more accountable. Ouab weve heard from police who polw say there needs to be better training. What is your personal thought on the climate of whats goingma on right now in america . So, the climate that werewee in we have a few high profil being portrayed in the media med on a constant basis and iasis a dont want to go into what int happened in louisiana or in minnesota. Es theyre very younge ve young investigations and i think weig wait until were done to seeo the whole picture. Ic i absolutely agree, we have to have an accountable policeleolie department. We have to hold our officersoldi accountable and i think thats what the Body Worn Camera cam program does in the agency, ity, hold us responsible and a accountable for our actions to o the community. The mmunity. The training that we have and ad we receive is top notch t n training that all our officers a have to go through and thet nn the in Service Training eachg officer has to go through every year. Fop president matthew mallsi thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. Ppr thank you. In other news today, fbi director james comey stood s firm today in his teams decision not to press criminalri charges against president ialt rl hopeful hillary clinton. Li comey testified in front of aino House Republican committee onomn clintons handling ofing o classified after a thoroughhorough investigation, he says thee ss facts did not add up. Comey stresses clinton and hernr aides miss handled secret information but did not intentionally share it. I my conclusion was and remains no reasonable prosecutor would bring thisringt case. Case. No reasonable prosecutor wouldna bring the second case in able ss hundred years focused on grossgs negligence. Attorney general lorettaney a lynch officially closed theficic case against clinton yesterday y by accepting comeyss recommendation. Re a popular war memorial may m undergo some changes. Undergo so straight ahead tonight whatht w some say needs to be done toto this world war i memorial in arlington. Lingn. Hey, sue, another hot day out h there. It was although shawn wewn w had some clouds around earlierde today and that helped to keepd k our temperatures a little bit more reasonable just by a tad,sd though. It got up to 93 degreesdegr today and its still terribly tl humid. Today is day three of the heathe wave. How long will it keep goingwa wk and how is the weekend w shapingup ill have thoseave tho details in just minutes. T fox5 news at 6 00 will bewill right back. Tonight questions are being raised about a world war i memorial in arlington specifically theri language itau uses to honor the fallen. The plaque on the memorial has o 10 names of army and navyn of y troops killed in 1917 and 1918. Arthur morgan and ralph lowe rah are recognized as well but wel beside their names the word w colored is used to describe their race. Members of the arlington arlingt branch of the naacp would likeod that term removed they say thy they want equal recognitionecogn for the service membersebers regardless of their color. Rol the chairman of the countyf thet board says shes interested in considering another plaque. Th tobacco is once again aacco target for lawmakers in the district. Rict leaders want to stop smokeless tobacco use at sporting eventsgt and also stop the sale of tobacco top people under the uer age of 21. Today Council Members yvetterstt alexander and mary cheh held aed press conference bfo hearing to discuss bothss both measures. They say these two measures mea are to focus on ways to keepo k kids from getting addicted to a product that causes so manycaa health problems. S. Smokeless tobacco is strongly associated withh playing sports and specifically baseball. L. These athletes often serve asere role models to our youth. Our y we know clearly that tobacco in another of its smoking or nonsmoking,onok smokeless tobacco forms is fms highly dangerous and highly addictive. Similar laws to the ones being proposed have beenos passed in other major cities. It a uber driver in florida arrested for refusing to transport a group of blinda gro people traveling with service dogs. On monday the groupe called ford an uber van to pick them up at this restaurant in orlando butao the situation got tense when ten the driver refused todriv transport the group because he e was concerned about his daughters health. Lt i have my daughter, she is allergic to dog hair. Ai thats what i have in front of me mikes daughter and my job. Da police sayug the uber drivere laughed during his arrest asduri if he didnngt fully understandr that he had broken the law. T he was charged with batteryat and failing to transport a trano blind person and their service dog. Dog. Dramatic Security Camera video shows how closeti a youngu boy came to being crushed by crd an out of control car. Ar. The frightening crash happened in that may. Police say a 79yearold drunk driver crashed into the convenience store. Co a sixyearold boy was lookingoi at the candy selections whenecsh the car plowed through ther ed front window. Front ow. That boy was knocked into the io corner and out of view of theiet camera. Mera. Luckily, he only suffered auffee few cuts and bruises. Bruises well be right back. When we think of ways to beat the summer heat many envision air conditioning or a r dip in the pool. How about just hitting theuti ice . Fox5s mike thomas t laced up his skates and went for a spin. For a s reporter hey, guys. Hguy its 95 degrees outside, its, hot, humid but its nice and cool and dry in here. As you can see i dont have my e skater legs down but imater working on it. Someone is going to help me m here. He this is Kevin Sidwell fromidwell Montgomery County parks and rec. How you doing. Reporter thank you for having us today. Youre a much better skaterter r than i am. Thank you very much. Reporter tell me a little bit about what were doing here. Ha obitviousl y, you know, summer time, folks want to stay cool,t its hot outside. Si. What do you all offer. O well, this is a perfects a p place to be today. Oday its so hot outside that whenen i went to the splash park withpw one of our summer campsummec earlier and i was so glad too g come back in and spend some sndm time here. Youve got stuff going on all day, camps, lessons, public p skating, ice hockey, figurey,f skating. This is a Perfect Place to beec on a really hot day. Reporter its like 92, like 93 outside. Outsi whats the temperature inside. Pi 50 in here so perfect reporter excellent. All right. So, this arena here at , ice arena its not opened allpe day long for the public. He p when is it opened for the public to skate. We have public sessions two or three every day. Late midday and afternoon andon possibly the evening. Weve got cabin john ice rinkoh and ice rink where we are. A you can find a public sessionces all the time. T just go the our web site. W s reporter if youre a you weak skater like me do you s orfer lessons or anything forka the kids, camp. E kids we have lessons going onveesg right now for beginners all the way through the really rea good skaters and we have camps m all week through the end of t ed august. Yes, its a really great placela for the kids to be and enjoynd e themselves in the hot weather. A reporter excellent. We have some semi pro skatersros here. Heres Lillian Isabelle. Reporter Lillian Isabelle. Isabelle Lillian Isabelle are bettern abl skaters probably than then boast of us. Boas theyre going to do someo do s tricks for us. Hey, girls. Hi. Hi. Reporter how its good. Reporter good. All right. Whats your favorite activity tor do outside of, say, ice skating. Skate. Reporter more skating. Double skating. All right. Or you guys going to do some going tricks for us, show ushow us thousand actually skate. Uay okay. Yeah. Reporter all right. Show off your stuff for theep camera. All right. R reporter now, this isepte how you actually skate. S i oh, dear. [laughter] look at that. Ha fantastic. Ti all right, now, i got to ask how long did it take you toon learn how to dg o this . S . Ive been skating for two t years since october. Cect reporter thats it, justrtei two years. Uhhuh. Ive been skating for sevenos yearsish. Year reporter so youre herter s superior. Pe i guess. Were kind of on the sameind level. Reporter all right, guys, lots of fun here atep ice arena. Are were going to send it backd i inside to you. Inside t come on down and have some funee and stay cool. Cl. Love it. I kind of fun to see themun teh with theico and the gloves. Inside trying to stay warm. M. And mike said if you want you more information about the icehe skating rinks you can check the web site montgomery park. Org. Park good job, mike. D job, mik good place to be. D placto b a new thing he can learnan la because he loves all sports including hockey so now maybe nw he can take some hockey lessons. Le take some lessons. Les how hot today. Od. 93 which to me is not bad. B we thought 94, 95. 5. Okay, its a cooler day. D a tad less humid. A t and you know what yound notice tony some cloud coverou came over and so it made it ad i little less brutal and whilend i the humidity is still up there, it didnt feel as badt d because we had a bit moreuse hb cloud cover. Okay. Oka thats going to happen again tomorrow, by the way andtt the clouds are protecting usctg from seeing more widespreadidea thunderstorms although perhapsha youd like to have ayo thunderstorm because it would cool the atmosphere at leastrmst briefly near your area but werea have a few clouds around butd bt today is day three up and overr 90 degrees. One of the cooler days of thehe stretch. Tomorrow should be the hottestd day of the stretch and thatsnd our weather he tomorrow. We want you to be ready for rdyr another hot one that will beone coming your way withay w temperatures and humiditynd humt combining to feel like the triple digits again. Digits agan not bad. Dulles at 90. Bwi 91. Bwi i agree with tony it felt a little bit better to me todayod and temps right now right backs up to 90 degrees. 90 degr we had dropped to 89 last hour h but were right back there. Manassas 90. As 9 frederick 88 degrees and annapolis 88 degrees with8 grees leonardtown coming in at 90. Heres the heat index, thet in combination of heat andea humidity feeling like 96 again here in the district, 98 fort,8f manassas and 100 for fredericksburg feeling like 96 k in frederick, 95 for, 95 leonardtown and annapolis. An so were going to keep that 90ha holding tough at 7 oclock. Isolated thunderstorm orerm shower. Best chance of seeing thatncg would be south. We have a few right now whichoww ill show in you a moment. A mom we could still see that at 9 oclock but i think d. C. On. North for the most part part probably staying dry. 11 oclock partly cloudy o skies, 84 degrees. csks, 84 de and our satellite and radar,te r we have a little bit of a thinner in the weak area of low pressure passing by to our south. By to o. You can see that spinning and theres even a little bit ofs ev not only cloud cover over our o area but a couple of showers that have developed. E developed. This first one pushing into pusg charles county, it has some pretty good downpours with itooo but im not seeing any any lightning. G. It also appears to be movingarsm rather slowly. Ther swly. So, it crossed the potomac here is that just south ofth port tobacco village and illlai put it in motion. You can see that its pretty ist much moving from due west to t east and it appears to beea t getting a little bit larger soge you may get some welcome rain there in western portions ofor charles county. Arle another area were watchingatch between Harrison Burg andur stanton on interstate 81, that1, is also rather slow mover andw it appears to be drifting toto the southeast and one or twoo other Little Things popping uple here around louisa and maybe spotsylvania will get in ont in that. It will be fairly isolated andla it will stay more to thehe south. Tomorrow while well have another hot day we also have at bit of a player in the upperlayu atmosphere, a stronger frontongt thats going to get closer andor theres a risk of more stormse and maybe some of them could t side in the afternoon. In fact Storm Prediction Center says in the yellow areas you have a slight risk of seeing strong andve severe sev storms but we would also say that if we get more cloudwe mor cover maybe they wont be so so strong but the risk forhe risk r tomorrow would be gusty windsguy and hail. An a low risk for any kind of tornado, low risk for flash f f flooding although certainly there could be some brief heavy rain with any of thosee storms. Meanwhile were headed for 95d f tomorrow with that increasingre chance for some thunderstorms. Sr and a lot of places low and low mid 90s. D that will be day four of theof heat wave but you know what,yo we can do something about thatut this weekend. It will still be hot saturday,ur well be into the 90s again a but a second front coming will bring a drop in the humidity hum and drop our temperatures intos the upper 80s and while it doesnt sound like much ieuc guarantee you its going to goi feel a lot better with there north breeze chasing theh humidity out of town. Tow 94 degrees on saturday astraytr storm possible. Less humid on sunday, 88 degrees. Re we wrap it up with your fox5it u accuweather 7day forecas enjoy the break with the 80s0 because look whats comings next week. Monday were back to 90. Tuesday 92. Tues2. And a second heat wave beginseen to build with hot and humid hid conditions coming back in onck n wednesday and thursday as wethue work our way through our our hottest month of the year. He yea tony, back to you and shawn. Wn. Thank you. Thank you hot time in d. C. C are we really being socialol when we are chatting on socialn media like shawns doing right now. Dear tony. Okay. O okay. Im not logged on right now. Psychologist at a clevelandol clinic say socialog media is a i fun distraction but it is notctu face to face interaction ander could actually cause social anxiety. Its also easy for people to overshare information theyshareo wouldnt normally feelrmt norl comfortable sharing with suchh a large you had a where owns whs in person. Psychologists also noted somegil people lose sight that their the messages are seen by a lot of people and that sharingring information and pins opens the door to negative responses. Espos all right, this is all righ Something Else someone decidednc to share that got a lot ofot o response. Someone thought this was funny hackers temporarily change the meag new jersey roadwayth sign to the words, poop. P the word flashed all wednesdayhe morning near a road a R Construction project. Roject. It previously said road work next 5 miles. 5 miles instead, this is what folks gotd,. T. After few phone callsalls officials with the Transportation Department went in and had it removed. Only a 14yearold. Probably. Heads up if youre planningp a trip toif shenandoah nationala park. Some trails have been edmporarily closed due to thatra recent bear activity. Nt they include the b big run loopo trail and a section of the big run portal trail. Ra visitor access insides this prohibited. Park Officials Say the o closures will be in effect in et until further notice. Metro Transit Police needtiid your help tonight to find the owner of this dog. The animal what happened into the West Hyattsville stationta this afternoon. Officers say will he no identification and no one came a looking for him. Awww. Dog is currently withurrently Prince Georges County animalen control. Ro anyone with information isformas asked to call them or metro Transit Police. Police. Thats a beautiful dog. D somebody go pick up your y little doggie out there. Re look at him. Hes lost. He looks worried. E loworr on a hot day too to beo wandering out there. T the. Hopefully his owner comes forward soon. Oon. Hope they see him. Hope all right, sueth palka. Al so the sweltering heat will continue. It is indeed going to continue. We changed things up with theup possibility of a couple apl thunderstorms around. Ro free cooling if you get onelif o but it looks like another hotnot one tomorrow. One shawn if we hit 95 tomorrow5 tor that would be the hottest dayott in this streak. Hiseak. We were 93 today. Oday we think saturdays also ay right up there again at 94 then relief on sunday. Now, 88 doesnt sound likeoundik relief but it should feel al lot less humid. Um. Sure. So it will be enjoyable tot be outside thats your goodd outdoor day to get things done. Unfortunately looks like as li a seconds heat wave grows againws for tomorrow. Average is 89 so were righterr in the ballpark. Bark. Its july. Got to have that. Got have that and snow in thew t glinted no, we dont. t [laughter] i agree. Tmz is next. Well see you tonight at 10 00. Good night, everybody. Today on tmz harvey we got iggy azalea, and she now says what shes learned from the whole nick young experience. Whats next . Someone without kids. Harvey went right over her head. Theres definitely a stigma of dating somebody who has kids. They never go away. You think when they hit 18 they go away, nope. The answer is date someone with a dead baby mama, right . Jon jones just did a press conference on the whole debacle surrounding ufc 200. Actually broke down crying. He failed a drug test back in june. Harvey if they knew about the test, why is it just coming out now . They found out about it after the Big Press Conference yesterday. Harvey what, youre sending it to rite aid and have to wait two we

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