Them take the bus, but back in b the fall, the Fairfax County School Officials said, no. Jennifer lopez is livid. Ivid since last fall she and herher mother have been telling Fairfax County School Officials and School Board Members about abo path her daughter and herer children have to take to get tot south county middle l school and south County High School is save and they wanted a waiver that would allow their daughter to d take the bus. The family lives withinithi 1. 5 miles of the school that dictates who must work and whoad gets to raid the bus. The path is the most direct way to get to the school. It leads from a subdivision through a wooded area to a balll field and Tennis Courts beforeor coming out on a monday kin roada or depending on how you walk silverbrook road. Lopez and her mother had schoolc officials come out last fall anl walk the path with them early iy the morning so they could see it for themselves. But low test percent told h happened on the path and thethe path was safe. That was until this morning. They said, maam, it is safe because nothing has happened. Ape that was their quote . Quot that is in an email herehe that it seems safe becauseec nothing has happened. D. So there is multiple emails where she has said to them, your policy of safe is safe because nothing has happened is not ann acceptable policy when it involves the safety of ourf children and that is a direct quote from the email. Mail today was a proven point that our concerns were valid concerns and it was only a matter of timf until this was going to happen. This girl was not sexually assaulted. Police describe it as an assault. As this hispanic male came up behind her, grabbed her around the waste and then he ran off when she seemed. There was a Sexual Assault that took place not that far fromfrom here out on route 1 on fridayria that also involved an male. People are a bit concerned whord live in this area. I spoke to the spokesperson for Fairfax County schools. He says they will now come backc and take a look at this path ant this area to see if it is safe,e in their opinion or will theywil grant exceptions to the parentse who want to get their studentsdt on the bus who live within that 1. 5 million area . Life inar Fairfax County, paul wagner, fox5 local news. Well, in light of all the metro repair work, the d. C. Department of home Homeland Security issued an alert. The agency is advising all of us to update our evacuation plansln but metro may not be a way to w get out of the city. Tom fitzgerald is life at the metro station tonight. Reporter a pretty goodgood reminder of what were talkingwr about here. E back after 9 11 there were a lot of families in the d. C. Area d. C that tommed talked to each about what to do in an evacuation, how to get out, what they would do. For a lot of folks that planh included metro. Etr but tonight, emergency officiali officials here in d. C. Are warning folks who you have not updated that evacuation planvacu lately you ought to do it andt you ought to do it about a mindd about metros safe track. Take a look behind us. Theres a flag up there. Here it looks yes, but it also has a meaning. Any street sign with that flag h up on top indicates that is an evacuation route. The officials are trying to get the message out tonight that people need to be aware of exactly where these routes are. Fox5 was granted access to d. C. s Homeland Security and Emergency Management command center since safe track launched on saturday it has been monitoring metro around thehe clock and area roads as well. If a Natural Disaster instructon earthquake they crush of vehicle also as metro m safety surgeons are currently underway. Homeland Security Officials said today if they can they will evacuate the city when an emergency strikes they would use more than 10,000 security cameras. Am people do not know that those flags on street signs know that is an evacuation route. D. C. Is relaunching a free appfr to show you where those flagsgs are and redirect you to them. Chris dwell heart says the message is. E we all need to dust off the plans and understand that metro may not be a reliable option fon emergency evacuation for at least the next year. When we put more vehicle also on the road like an emergency happening in the middle of the day and everybody leaving at the same time thats going to cause backups and its going to take it will take longer, much longer than theyre used to. So what we tell folks is really in that event you need to have a plan with your family. Its an important thing to keepo in mind. In now coming up in just the next s couple of weeks, on july 4, d. C. Is going to be retesting its fast forward evacuation plan. That is to get everyone off the National Mall after ther th fireworks. What they are also looking at is big relaunching of d. C. s Emergency Management system in september when the anniversary, the 15th anniversary of 9 11 is about to occur. Ccu were life in northwest tonight, tom fitzgerald, fox5 local news. Weve seen a couple of storms south of the city h thishis afternoon. I guess the big story is a change in temperatures thats coming for us. Its going to be rather comfortable for the next few days. Were bringing in mayweather m which we didnt get in may. Ay. It was held over, it was on layaway. Now we will deliver y package of mayweather is that roling into town. 50ss tonight, tony. Ony. Its going to be chilly. Of course it was muggy earlier today and we had a lot oflot sunshine and that was just the Atmospheric Energy needed as a cool front was coming through to touch up some showers andnd storms. Theyre moving away very rapidly and we expect all of activity to dissipate with sunset. Whats left still down through st. Marys county over to elliott, i wouldnt be surprisep if you have maybe some small hail down there. Ther theres certainly some lightning, some heavy pours but theyre raising away prettyy quickly. Closer to home some scattered showers around into baltimore and towson. I think thats the same storm that might have dropped some peesized hail in the frederick area around monrovia. Thanks so much friends for awful your pictures. You really help us see whatsts going on out there. Heres another thing that ishing going on, colin is no longer aon tropical system. It is raising away. Way. The cold front will continue to air comes into town laterer tonight. So i dont think youre going to need that airconditioning. A here are temperatures are now. Ru weve rebounded back up to 82,2, but check out hagerstown at 75. A little bit breezy around the area, but tomorrow humidityumid takes a break. The big Cool Temperatures take a break as well. And well also see gusty winds hanging around a little bitarou longer. Thats all bringing in thehe cooler air. Co some gusts to 25, 30 miles ann hour for the next few hours. Then we head for the 50s tonight. Ill have much more and what to expect in the next several days. Thank you, sue. Sue i is another super primaryno tuesdayth t t. Hillary clinton started off the day with a boost. The Associated Press says she sh had enough delegates to clinch the democratic nomination. Clinton spoke to reporters lastt night and told them there isther still work to be done in the six states. President obama could endorse clinton in the next few days. Her opponent Bernie Sanders says despite the news clinching the nomination his campaign will go all the way to the Party Nomination in july. Republican president ial pre nomination donald trump is backtracking after making whatt some say were racist comments. Trump said the indiana hborn judge was not qualified to preside over a case because his parents were born in mexico. Trump went to say to keep hisis promise to build a wall. After mounting criticismtici including from members of his own party today trump said his comments were quote,te, miss construed as an attack against people of mexican heritage. He release a statement that sait in party many friends with and employed thousands of people of mexican dissent. Trump received heavy backlash as we said from both sides of the aisle, including House Speaker paul ryan. He slammed trump today by saying trumps comments undermined thee gops efforts to deliver a straight ahead at 6, the push to raise the d. C. Minimum wagewe to 15 an hour meets heavy opposition despite plans moving forward. Plus synthetic drugs have been an issue in the district for aor while now. What the citys top cop is saying about the Illegal Drugs i infiltrating the region. Welcome back. D. C. Leaders have approved a 15 minimum wage hike. Ike earlier this year, d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser called for the minimum wage to increase to 15 an hour by the year 2020. A d. C. Council Committee Approved the first version of legs to make the hike last week. Business leaders, though,ough including the d. C. Chamber of commerce opposed the wage hike. In this kind of business its going to be very, very difficult can. I think in 20 years maybe all the employees be robots. Some Business Advocates have argued raising the wage to more than double the federal minimum of 7. 25 an hour will prompt employers to layoff work error will cause businesses to move to neighboring jurisdictions. Synthetic drug use is still a big problem right here in the district. Today d. C. Police chief cathy lanier sounded ate harm. She testified at a hearing about the dangerous impact. Pact theyve become the drug of choice for am people simply because theyre cheap. She also said the changing chemical component cause users to have violent psychotic episodes. It is continuing to change. Hang it is continuing to be most recently it targets largely the poor, the homeless and those that are living out on the street and most vulnerable to this. This although the district has seen n reduction in synthetic drug use the recent problems can stemtem from the changing chemicals thac are not picked up by the current testing. Mother natures rath is causing a the look of we have a look at the damage just ahead. Get ready to rumble, how a boxing ring and a boxing what is that thing called . A punching bag can be an empowering way to fight back against park kins son disease. Certify remember Renne A Williams is the top paid athletd in the us. She up seats marina star provide a who held her rain for morer ra than a decade. Williams earned 28. 9 milliond between june 2015 and june ofune this year, which were still in. That number includes 20 million in endorsements from Companies Like chase, nike and pepsi. Tropical storm colin has turned into ato post tropical sky loan. It was the third named storm of at its hike, colin reached c within gusts of 50 miles per hour. The storm brought seven inchesnh of rain to the clearwater arear in florida causing major street flooding. Some people used kayaks to get o around the region. Florida governor rick scott has declared a state of emergency in 34 counties. Colin moved through the tampa area bringing a heavy band of water, some power outrages andnd waves of problems for local bother. Some strong waves knocked boats around. Fox news philadelphia keatinga has the latest from gainesville, florida. Reporter people prepping in advance for Tropical Storm colin as rain and high surf began hitting the state monday. Were overdue and i hope mothero nature smiles us on this summer. Its concerning. The storm system churning the southeast coast after makink landfall here in florida overnight. Colin bringing high winds and heavy rain to the sunshine stats causing damage and flooding and knocking out power. Owe weve decided its going to rain. We didnt know it was going to g storm and flood. The floridas governor declaring a state of emergency, but the state largely escaped massive destruction. Its sort of mediocre. Thats all it is. Its been worse. More rainfall is expected for tuesday. Several inches are forecast forc north florida, georgia and parts of the carolinas. Tornadoes are also possible foro the Coastal Carolina area. In gainesville, florida, fox newses. Colin has now moved offshores yes. Its still got winds of 60 milef an hour but theyve issued these last advisory on it because its raising away. Way. Gotcha. Most of the rain and all of those effects gone still some high r maybe some rip currents down there, but that will be for just a few more hours. M the its really going fast. Its the way tony drives on the beltway. Move it, would you, bud. Only where appropriate. Very true. We have already seen the skies brightening up here. Br what youre going to note is when youre going to step out st are the breezes to about 30 miles an hour and then bringn on the cooler air of the it will be in here short limit our temperatures are still pretty warm, but the frontal boundary has tried to cross the area and thats where y were seeing the big wind gusts, big change in atmospheric pressure from colinl and a big dip in the jet extreme that is going to allow cooler air to come into town for a for little while. Hil you can see not only the showers and storms that were chasingwer out, but this is whats left of colin moving very rapidly away. So florida definitely took a big hit but thats pretty much the only state that really got pun p issued with coli storm force and heavy rain. Ra heres what were going to be looking at a change in the atmosphere and that will allow that cooler air to come intoome town. Its going to feel like springpi north of d. C. , mostly 60s mo tomorrow and well even be in be the low 70s here for our highigh temperature. All the mayweather that was inas the 50s and we said where are the wonderful 70s we usually get, youre going to get two orw three days of them. 73degrees tomorrow, a noticeable breeze, though, and cant rule out a spotty shower for most of the day. When we have the cooler air a aloft and the who the sun, we may still see one or two showero around. No thunder expected. Xpec thursday a few degrees warmer at 77degrees. Heres our storm tractor, you can see most everything pushing away. The strongest is what is left is just west of salsbury. You can get a about it of maybe small hail, but all of the reste of this is going to push through quickly. 82 now, but look at cumberland,m theyre already down to 726789 weve got a lot of places seeing gusts 30. I wanted to say 30 and then ihen saw the 60 pop up. 60 is where our temperature will be overnight well be in the 50s as well. Heres a look at bus stop. Pick up temperatures may be be jacket worthy, 55 to 62. After school noticeably cooler. O Swim Team Practice may be chilly. In the morning, the temperatures into the 50s. Were near 70, mid 60s in thehe suburbs and late tomorrow alsole in the 50s. The last thing i want to show you and then well get to thet seven day forecast. Our futurecast wants to develop one or two showers tomorrow. Probably between about 10 andnd noon. It looks like it would move byoe very quickly and wed be back to sunshine. Thats the only ripple thathat well have to much what. Hat. Otherwise enjoy the the temperatures. Weve got three days of 70s and thats really the rain until we get to s. G saturdays temperature of 83ay will promote thes development f a few thunderstorms, but sundays weather has improved, 83degrees and it looks like l monday and tuesday also lookingo really fantastic. Thats your seven day forecast, but dont go anywhere. Well be right back. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is finding it earlier. And coming home sooner. Stronger is seeking answers. And not giving up, until you find them. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up, we want them to grow up stronger. Patience with parkinsons disease are lookingce to muhammd ally for inspiration of the theh have found a new way to fightto back against the disease. Foxs larry yell in reports. Reporter seven parkinsons disease patiences with a poet rick tribute to muhammad. Thats how the rock study boxing windy city classes began today. Their degenerative movementve m disorder by working out twice a week as boxers. Works on balance, agility, strength, hand eye coordination. The ironry boxing that contributed to muhammad allys kin sons is now helping with others disease. Patience hearsay that boxing workouts give them more thanhem just physical benefits they also get the chance to work off a w little bit of their aggression. Its a wonderful way to release energy in a non dangerous manner. You dont get to hit, you theit, hit out of people. Eopl retired cpa says the workouts have helped with his tendency te fall while walking. He helps me on how to deal withi the falling. Ling it encourages me to slow down and speak louder, which is also a help. Elp. Participants also told me they h look forward to socializing witi other parkinsons patience. People are nice. Its a nice camaraderie. It helps to be in a group like this. They inspire you to keep you going. As for ma whom add ally, some like lee a rogers said they hady followed his battle with parkinsons. I think this is amazing. He spent 35 years batting this. Others said they appreciated allys battles before he ever became ill. Really, he walked the walk. When he gave up boxing, he gave it up for personal, religious beliefs and he never waiverred from that and thats pretty amazing. Larry yell in, fox news. I think its fresh in everyones news. Tiger woods tweeted within the last hour that he will notil be able to play in the us open or in the quicken loans national at congressional country club. Woods says he continues progress with his back problems but he is not physically readyhs to play. He will still host and attendtte the quicken loans national which takes place june 23 through june 26. Still looking forward to havingi him, though. Tho you can always count on the whoo thest weather of the seasonhe rolling in around that time. Much cooler tonight. Turn the ac off. Well see you tonight at 10. Know you can keep your financial big picture under control. Know you can see how much you have to spend and whether you should transfer funds. Know you can easily keep track of what youre putting away. And know youre budgeted for the great escape.  today on tmz harvey ok. Fire sale at the dash store. So the kardashians, their store dash in West Hollywood was hit by on arsonist. He actually had a weighted rag that was on fire and threw it through the front window. Its a barbell wrapped with a lighter and lighter fluid. Harvey its West Hollywood. You think it was a gay who tried to burn down the dash store . Paris hilton at l. A. X. She shows me her vocal range. I go, what is your serious voice . She goes when im not shy with my friends, i talk normal. I go, what voice do you use . To deliver bad news . Harvey she has to get the low voice. Yeah, she gets deeper. Harvey you dont do it that way. You just dont do that. [laughter]

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