One on, two out. 21 pitch. Thats foul and young broke his bat. So the count is 22. Right off the end of it. Tim more firewood. Joe fire sounds good as the temperature has really dropped here in the last two innings. If you are just joining us, it is 11 00 in the east. Miguel cabrera with a tworun shot. His first extrabase hit. His only extrabase hit in this world series and it put the tigers up by one. Posey returned the favor with a tworun shots to put the giants up by one in the sixth, and delmon young, the man at the plate, tied it in the bottom of that sixth inning. 33 game with the giants leading three games to nothing and a check on garcia. 22 pitch. Struck him out what a job by Jeremy Affeldt he gets around a leadoff walk and then walks right through the heart of the order. Strikes out cabrera. Strikes out fielder. Gets delmon young. 33 into the ninth inning of game four. [ girl ] hey [ both laugh ] [ both laugh ] wooohooo. Hahaahahaha oh. There you go. Wooohooo. Hahaahahaha im gonna stand up to her no youre not. I know. You know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. How happy are they jimmy . Happier than a witch in a broom factory. Get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Joe andy dirks moves from right field to left. Avisail garcia, who pinchhit for berry, goes into the game in right. And sprinting in from the bullpen, as he always does, phil coke. Hes on the mound trying to keep this tied. Hunter pence, brandon belt, gregor blanco. A 33 game top of the ninth. The rain has almost stopped entirely. Game four of the 2012 world series. Pence, strike 1. Hunter has had better swings over the first ten games of this postseason he hit just. 154. He doubled and scored his first time up tonight. Started tonight hitting over. 300 over his last five games. Rally caps are on. The 01 pitch. Strike 2. Tim if pence can get on for the giants, it would go a long way toward helping the giants score in this inning with two lefthanders coming up. But as it was important for Jeremy Affeldt to get Miguel Cabrera out, the lefthander to the righthander, the same for coke against pence. Joe here comes an 02. Phil coke was part of the yankees when they won it all in 09. In that december he was mart of that big trade and he found himself a tiger. Tim thats what he is, too. This guy is a tiger. Joe heres his 12 pitch to pence. On the inside corner, one away t hunter pence had no chance on this pitch. Inside corner. Affeldt striking out three after the walk to garcia and now the first batter that coke faces, he strikes out. Joe res brandon belt. This postseason phil coke now has gone nine innings, has not allowed a run. Hes gone 2 for 2 in save chances and opponents are hitting right around. 130 against him. Tim wow. Joe as you said, lefthanded batters, this is the specialty of coke. He got a strikeout of hunter pence, and you can see laird trying to calm phil down a little bit after that high fastball missed. He may be overthrowing a bit. 20. Righthanders now just two out of 15 against coke this postseason after hitting just under. 400 against him during the regular season. Heres the 20. Belt fouls it back and he had a good swing. Brandon with an rbi triple in the second. His only hit of this world series. May have chased ball 3. The 21. Fouled back. Another good swing, but the count is even. 22. Tim that was a good swing and a better pitch. Its down more than the 20 pitch. Joe the 22. In the dirt. Checked his swing. Full count. Tim after four fastballs, the breaking ball and belt laid off. Joe no doubt he held up. Full count with blanco on deck. Two out our nikon replay. Jeremy affeldt in the bottom of the eighth went right through the heart of the order for the tigers. After a leadoff walk he got cabrera, fielder and young. Now phil coke is trying to match him. He struck out all six batters hes faced in this world series. Heres blanco. Strike 1. Coke throwing hard, 95. Gregor blanco is 1 for 3 tonight. One home run this postseason. Five during the regular season. The tigers will have dirks, peralta and infante. In the bottom of the ninth inning. Here comes the 01. One ball, one strike. Tim when you throw as hard as phil coke does against a lefthanded batter, they become more lowball hitters. Blanco can pull the low pitch, not the high one. Joe the 11. Strike 2. Now coke can strike out the side, send his team flying off the field into the bottom of this ninth inning, trying to avoid a sweep. Tim if you are wondering how many home runs blanco has hit against lefthanded pitching, three this year. Joe struck out the side [cheers and applause] it takes a run to force game five. Dirks, peralta and infante coming up bottom of the ninth, tied 33. Joe whats it going to be in the bottom of the ninth inning . A live shot of San Francisco civic center where 10,000 people who love their giants are watching, wondering if they will be celebrating in the bay area a second championship since the team moved out west in 58. They won it in 2010. They lead three games to nothing as we play in the bottom of the ninth inning. Tie game. Andy dirks first up against affeldt. Strike 1. He ties up dirks. Tim this is why jim leyland loves dirks hitting against lefthanded pitching because hes short to the ball. He often hits the ball to left field against lefthanders. Hit. 274 against them in the regular season. Joe casilla still up in the bullpen. Two strikes with peralta, the righthanded hitter, on deck. So a battle of the bullpens. Thats what we have gotten to here in game four. Avila struck out the side in the eighth. Phil coke struck out the side in the ninth. The 02. Breaking ball stays up. Ball 1. Dirks now in battle mode with two strikes. Weve seen affeldt talk to himself a lot while hes out there pitching. Tim a lot of hitters do that too pitching. This guy is tough on lefthanders. Fastball in tight, sweeping breaking ball away. Joe the 12. Scooped up by posey. 22. Bochy and righetti have a decision to make after dirks, once he ends the night. He hit eight home runs during the regular season. And he strikes out. That is four straight for affeldt cant do it any better than Jeremy Affeldt. One out hire in the ninth. Tim after the walk to garcia, four straight strikeouts. Thats that sweeping breaking ball we were talking about. Tough on lefthanders. Watch dirks. Joe top home run hitter in this lineup. Tied with delmon young this postseason. The guy at the plate is jhonny peralta. Two in the alcs, and he went deep in game one. Heres the 10. Outside. 20. Tim only one hit for peralta in this world series. Hes 1 for 14. That was that home run that joe was talking about. Joe he hit that off kontos, the righthander. 20. High fly ball into left center. Back is pagan, still going, and he makes the catch for out number 2 tim thats why you play a nodouble defense. You play the outfielders deeper than they would normally play. Normally pagan would be trying to guard against the single. Here hes guarding against an extrabase hit, and it takes him to the middle of the track to haul it in. Joe that ball was pounded, maybe thats why bruce bochy is out there right now. Hes seen enough. Joe with infante coming up, thats going to be it for affeldt. He did a great job. Went an inning and twothirds, struck out four, leaves with the bases empty. But on this cold night with the wind blowing out to right, that ball died on the track. Casilla coming in. Two out. Bottom of the ninth, tie game. [ male announcer ] did you know that mach3 can last two times longer than a disposable . Mach3 has High Definition blades coated with 4 strengthening layers to help its blades stay sharp, so it can last 2 times longer than a disposable. Get an incredibly close shave, day after day. Switch to gillette mach3. Better shave, great value. Guaranteed. Gillette, the best a man can get. [ construction sounds ] [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. Got the coffee. That was fast. Were outta here. [ engine revs ] joe affeldt used all of his body language on this shot to deep center by peralta. If the wind helped those two shots out to right, you see the wind and the effect of it with the debris in the dugout swirling on that pitch. The crowd got a rise. The wind may have helped knock that ball down. It was pounded by peralta. Casilla, strike 1. Heres another good piece of the giants bullpen, Santiago Casilla. Third pitcher of the night. Releaves affeldt and has the bases empty. Two out. Tim the giants bullpen can leftright you much better than the detroit bullpen. Once coke is out of the game, no more lefthanders down there. Joe thats outside. A ball and a str and. Joe right now they have porcello, valverde, Al Alburquerque and joaquin benoit. Looks like coke would go back out for the tenth if we go there. Infante stays outside. 21. So often its an unlikely source that comes up with a big swing or a big play in a game like this. Infante one out of three tonight. Heres the 21. Oh, and that got him on the hand or wrist. Tim Santiago Casilla throws a very heavy ball, and it looked like it hit infante on the left hand. This fastball riding upandin. Oh, boy. Oh, man. Weve heard of that hammock bone so many times. Joe lets listen. Thats going to take infante right out of the game. Tim what it does is press that is left hand right against the wood. No place to go. That could be a big blow for the tigers. Boy, oh, man. Joe so the tigers are going to need to find somebody to run. They have ramone santiago. Danny worth is down there, and it will be worth. Tim santiago is not a fast runner. Jim leyland has said that if santiago could run he would be a regular second baseman. Hes that good. Joe defensively it will likely be santiago. But out of the game is infante, and that didnt look good. Tim jim leyland is hoping he doesnt have to worry about defense in the top of the tenth. Joe laird will be the hitter. Hes 0 for 3 and 1 out of 19 this postseason. Tim Pablo Sandoval is still on the line at third base to protect against the extrabase hit. Joe left side and right to sandoval who gets the out at second, and we go to extra innings in game four. A hit batsman, casilla gets around it. And that sends game four into the tenth inning, tied at 3. So, which superfast 4g lte service would you choose, based on this chart . Dont rush into it, im not looking for the fastest answer. Obviously verizon. Okay, i have a different chart. Going that way, does that make a difference . Look at verizon. Its so much more than the other ones. So what if we just changed the format altogether . Isnt that the exact same thing . Its pretty clear. Still sticking with verizon. Verizon. More 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. Greatness is not given. [ grunts ] greatness is taken. When the weak and the distracted are resting on their reputations. [ male announcer ] 40 years of hydration science in every bottle. So you can take whats yours. Cr at jennieo so you can take whats yours. Like a better breakfast are worth getting up early for so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennieo turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good its excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more its time for a better breakfast i cant stop eating this make the switch look for jennieo at a store near you joe if necessary, tomorrow night foxtoberfest continues. It will be verlander and barry zito. It would be verlanders job to get this back to San Francisco, as danny worth takes over defensively. Infante has played second base throughout this postseason. We talked about the eight total second basemen the tigers used during the regular season. That position settle the down when the trade was made for infante in july. Worth played second base 31 times. But the last time he played second base was august 5th. Made one error during the regular season so we will keep an eye on that. Phil coke takes over with theriot, and then Joaquin Arias in the ondeck circle for crawford. Then angel pagan, the switch hitter. 33, tenth inning. Giants trying to end it tonight. Theriot trying to get it started. Ball 1. Phil coke struck out the side in the ninth. Second inning of work and a little fly ball into right field. Thats going to drop and the leadoff man is on for the giants here in the tenth. Now Brandon Crawford will go back into the ondeck circle and arias is called back to the dugout. Tim you thought that bruce bochy would do that. His first game as the d. H. In his career and he gets a hit as the leadoff batter here in the tenth inning. Crawford certainly up there to bunt, but if coke gets two strikes on him, you wonder what bruce bochy will put on then. Will you let crawford hit or bunt again . Well see. Joe trying to get the potential world series winning run into scoring position in the tenth. Crawford watches coke step off. Brandon crawford up there to bunt. Tim you know, theres no mystery in what hes going to do here. Joe and the bunt is perfect. Coke makes the play at first. Down to second, theriot. One out. Tim bunts it toward the firstbase line. That is an excellent bunt, particularly since most lefthanded pitchers fall to the third base side of the pitchers mound. This is a blue print on how to do it. Joe Brandon Crawford had only two sacrifices during the regular season. Here in game four in the tenth inning he drops down a beauty. Down to second is theriot. Its angel pagan, who has been frustrated tonight and in this series. But the giants have found a different hero, it seems, every night, and pagan could be that guy tonight for San Francisco. Scutaro is on deck. Breaking ball. Pagan went around. Strike 1. Tim now the outfield for the tigers have reverted to normal depth. Nodoubles defense. They are trying to protect against the single now. Joe theriot can run. Hes the runner at second. One out. Good breaking ball from coke, who allowed the lead off hit. Runner at second. One out. Heres the 01. Nicely picked by laird. Tim i was just thinking phil coke had a lot of wild pitches as a reliever. He had three. And that breaking ball in the dirt, from a catching standpoint, that puts an awful lot of pressure on laird. Good play on the scoop. Theriot, meanwhile, will be alert to go to third if the ball is in the dirt. Joe heres the 11. Chopper to third. Foul. Strike 2. According to blanco, the clubhouse and the atmosphere is the same in spring training as it is during the world series. The look on the face of bruce bochy is the same, it seems, in spring training and july and the world series, whatever. Tim it all starts there. Joe hes as calm a guy and as good a manager as there is in the game. 12, the count. Runner at second, one out. Time called at the plate. Pagan traded to the giants from the mets. A free agent to be. Hes driven in six runs this postseason. None in the world series. Two out tim excuse me, joe. The backswing hit gerald laird. If something happened to gerald laird, then alex avila could catch. Theres the backswing, hit him right in the head. Gerald appears to be okay. Catchers have only used that helmet for about 20 years. It used to be a soft cap they wore under that mask and all sorts of dam was done until they started wearing that helmet. Joe so now scutaro. Marco scutaro will step to the plate. If you are just joining us we are in of the tenth inning tied at three. Giants lead this world series three games to nothing. A good game here in game four. Cabrera hit a tworun shot for the lead in the third. Buster posey a tworun shot for the lead in the sixth. It was delmon young who tied the game in the bottom of the sixth. Both starters very good tonight. Each bullpen very good. Its up to scutaro trying to give the giants the lead here in the tenth. Strike 1. Tim garcia playing about as shallow as you dare against scutaro. Joe gio romo getting loose jst in case. 2 rbis in this world series. One hit tonight for scutaro. Way outside to a hitter, coming into tonight, sitting hitting. 714 with runners in scoring position this season. Thats still the case. Theriot led off with a hit. Bunted to second. Pagan struck out. Now 191. 2. On deck is sandoval. In the bullpen, benoit, as the tigers have to throw it all out there to try to force a game five tomorrow night. Tim suddendeath for detroit tonight. Joe heres the 21. 31. Switch hitter sandoval, as we said last time, has all of his home runs this postseason batting lefthanded. The count 31. We will see if coke throws a strike here to scutaro. A good 23com binnation for the giants. Here it is. Line drive into center field and thats a base hit here comes theriot the throw not in time scutaro delivers and the giants lead, 43 in the tenth the big twoout rbi hit for a guy who is called the blockbuster for the trade the giants made when they got scutaro from the rockies in jewel. Tim up and away, line drive in front of austin jackson, and the throw much too late. In fact, scutaro on at second base as the giants take the lead again. Joe now phil coke will work to sandoval. Romo will get ready and try to wrap up the world series in the bottom of the tenth. Sandoval grounds to third, fair ball. And the tag to end the inning. In the bottom of this tenth, the top of the order will bat for the tigers. Down to their final three outs. The dugout for the giants love it. You think about whats going on in the civic center in San Francisco, they have got to be going crazy theriot pumped up of a scoring the goahead run. Scutaro, the big rbi. Back after this with the bottom of the tenth from your local fox station.  heres that play with theriot scoring the goahead run. First time ever as a d. H. In his big league career. When that happened the civic center in San Francisco went crazy and so did the dugout for the giants. They are three outs away from their second World Championship in the last three years. The tigers are trying to avoid a fourgame sweep. They have the right guys coming up, jackson, garcia and Miguel Cabrera against romo, who has been so good this postseason. Tim one slider of a another to a righthanded batters. If you are a righthanded batter you look for the slider away. Thats your best way of guessing location. Joe romo with two saves in this world series. It was brian wilson who was on the mound when the giants won it all in 2010. Now its romo. First to jackson. Slider. Strike 1. Jackson tonight 0 for 3 with a walk and a run scored. The 01. Outside. You saw don kelly, who is in the ondeck circle. He will bat for garcia. Then Miguel Cabrera. Larry baird, the president , ceo of the giants, his team three outs away. Here comes the 11 from romo. That slider was hittable. Jackson fouled it back and its strike 2. Tim theres no setting up the hitter. Everybody knows the slider is coming, including austin jackson. Joe last night romo got the save with the 1, 2, 3 ninth in a 20 game. Broking the onerun lead tonight. Struck him out one away tim out of the strike zone away. The perfect 12 pitch by romo. Joe now don kelly will come off the bench. And bat for garcia. Kelly one home run during the regular season. Hit. 186. And this is his first atbat of the postseason. Tim because kelly is a lefthanded batter, romo will go away from the slider and throw fastballs. Joe posey sets up away. Strike 1. So heres a guy who has not had an atbat the entire postseason, trying to get on in front of Miguel Cabrera. His teim down by 1 in this game and down three games to nothing to the giants. Here comes the 01. Over, but low. Ball 1. The giants got the big twoout rbi hit from scutaro. Heres the 11. Checked his swing on ball 2. The wind still blowing out to right. The triple crown winner will get one more atbat at least. Heres the 21. Strike 2. Romo came away limping a bit after that last pitch. Tim yeah. Buster posey was going to throw the ball back to him, and then he hesitated. Romo limping around the mound. He finally has the ball, but may have tweaked something. I guess it better be more than a tweak in this situation in the world series. Looks like his left leg. Joe here is the 22 pitch. Two down the strikeout to get don kelly. Now the battle with Miguel Cabrera. Two out, nobody on. Backtoback strikeouts. Tim after four sliders to get jackson, five sinkers to get kelly. And look who is up. Joe Miguel Cabrera. The first triple crown winner since 67, stands in the way of a celebration on the part of the giants. Tim the thing about cabrera, Everybody Knows he did it earlier. He has great power to right field. He can hit that slider out the other way. Joe first pitch. In for strike 1. Sergio romo, who got the final out in the Division Series in cincinnati with the potential winning run at the plate. Getting bruce and then rolen. Trying to wrap up the world series. 1 ball, 1 strike. Romo said after that he will never forget what it was like to allow his teammates to celebrate moving on to the nlcs. Now he has a chance to save this game and win the world series. The 11. One strike away tim hes going to get it again. Joe cabrera and the tigers down to their final strike. Wouldnt chase. Ball 2. Prince fielder on deck but all eyes on cabrera. Off the end of the bat. A 22 count remains. Giants trying to win their seventh World Championship in franchise history, their second since moving to San Francisco in 58. Again the 22 pitch. Got him looking and the giants have won it all [cheers and applause] joe this team that was down two games to nothing, going on the road to cincinnati in the Division Series, they came back and won it. Down three games to one to the cardinals, they won game five and won game six and seven to get here, and now it took four games to win the world series for the giants over the tigers tim all sliders to righthanded batters in the ninth inning except the last pitch to Miguel Cabrera. A fastball that fooled everybody, including the guy with the bat in his hand. Joe buster posey with a tworun shot in this game. Bruce bochy has won his second World Championship in the last three years and this Giants Organization celebrates here in detroit, michigan and night after night it was somebody different, and bruce bochy at the controls. What a postseason. Those fans in San Francisco can celebrate. They were so great at t park and this world series, as the game ends on the road and ends on a called third strike from sergio romo to the triple crown winner Miguel Cabrera. Tim you could see romo shake one time, and he threw the fastball. Joe romo, who told us during this postseason, he finally has the confidence to know he can do it. And that postgame celebration, postsave celebration for romo. Right there. And he struck it there to allow his teammates to celebrate with him in the middle. Its over for the tigers and jim leyland. They swept the yankees to get here, but the giants swept them to win it all. The gamewinning hit with two outs off the bat of marco scutaro, as pagan and the giants celebrate. What a postseason for a guy who turns 37 in two days. Marco scutaro, who is standing by with erin andrews. What did you say, you got hit in the head . Yeah. What happened . Somebody just hit me from behind. I think it was lopez bat. You told me when you guys got to the world series thateeling was priceless. What is it now that you have won one . I dont know what to say right now. We just won the world series champs. We are right now. And it is still priceless. You know, this was a team that had to fight back in the Division Series, the league series. What does it say that you just swept the tigers . Thats what it makes so much special, the way we did it. We always against the wall and my team is just came through. First series, second series, and now we sweep the tigers. Thats what i told my team, please, i dont want to be against the wall again. Lets try to get rid of this quick. Congratulations by the way. It was vogelsong that hit you. Whats that . This was vogelsong, vogelsong hit you. Go find him. Thank you, erin. This will be a world series known for a team that was so loaded offensively. The tigers did not get a hit after the six little inning and had only five hits all night in game four. The pitching, the defense, the timely hitting of the giants. Go ahead, kenny. [cheering] joe we heard kenny for a moment. As you look at the reactions by the giants. Brandon belt will have a ring. Buster posey will have two. And now we will go down to Ken Rosenthal in the middle of all those bodies on the field. Ken thanks, joe. Buster, you had such a difficult road to get here, Division Series, League Championship series. How surprised are you that this is a sweep . Well, we are just happy right now. Tonight was a battle and i think tonight was a fitting way for us to end it. Those guys played hard. They didnt stop. Good feeling. Ken how important was it for you guys to close it out tonight, knowing how good they are, knowing verlander could pitch tomorrow . I think its very important. We get verlander tomorrow, we know how good he is. Fister and sanchez back home if it went that way. It was very big. Your pitching dominated, going back to the nlcs. What made them so good down the stretch . They executed pitches. They had a game plan going on. Give credit to our pitching coach, regular. They executed. They deserve the credit. Thank you, kenny. That thoughtful, young catcher who will likely be the league mvp this year hit a big tworepublic home run tonight. Part of a 43 win in ten innings. It will be the giants here on the road in detroit who will hold that trophy high. We will come back with the trophy presentation and our postgame show on the other side of the break. What a postseason for the giants. What a world series, four and out in 2012. We are back after this. Championship merchandise. N call 877wschamp now to order your giants official World Series Champions tshirts, caps, and program. Or go to sfgiants. Com and shop the entire world series collection for even more officially licensed championship gear. Be a part of your teams remarkable championship run. Call 877wschamp or go to sfgiants. Com today. Things go downhill overnight. Well have Tropical Storm force winds east of the city, 4 to 6 inches of rain expected in the next 48 hours, find out full details right after the game. M. Every year, without raising taxes. Leggett and audits will ensure the money goes. Where its supposed to. More jobs, and millions for schools. Baker question seven will be good for our kids. Our teachers, and our schools. Leggett keep maryland money in maryland. Baker please vote for question seven. Leggett vote for question seven

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