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>> the lookest service outage in the history of 911 happened during that derecho storm. you saw verizon's report first on fox 5. now the company is detailing its new emergency plan. we begin with the shooting at the head quarters are of a conservative lobbying group. good evening. i'm brian bolter. >> i'm laura evans. >> a security guard shot in the arm being hailed as a hero helping to take down the gunman. fox 5's bob barnard with the details. >> the family research council had apparently been concerned enough about security at its washington headquarters the front door was always locked accessible only by card key according to a former employee, but somehow the suspect who sources say was allegedly posing as an frc intern got inside. for a good chunk of the day the corner of eighth and g streets in the district's chinatown was on virtual lockdown as d.c. police and the fbi investigated a shooting inside the lobby of the family research council headquarters. it happened around 10:45 this morning, police telling us an armed manmade negative comments about the organization's work. it opposes gay marriage and abortion rights before opening fire on the building's security guard. he has been identified as leo johnson. this is a photo of him taken to the hospital president of johnson was shot in the arm yet -- hospital. johnson was shot in the arm yet helped others tackle the shooter. >> he was a hero as far as i'm concerned. he did not allow the armed person to pass the front. so he did his job. >> reporter: the suspected gunman has been identified as floyd corkins, ii seen here being taken into custody, the fib trying to figure out what he intended to -- the fbi trying to figure out what he intended to do and why. >> just the gun violence in the last month or so is really scary. >> reporter: investigators spent the afternoon interviewing corkins' parents and grandmother at their home in the kingston chase section of herndon. the neighbors said they had never seen the couple's oldest of three sons. not long after the shooting corkins' car was found at east falls church metro station. it was towed for investigators to go over. sources say corkins bought the gun he allegedly used this morning last week. not much is known about him except for the past six months corkins volunteered at the center working the front desk on weekends. the center's executive director posted a statement on the front door saying in part, "we condemn the violence." in a statement today the president of the family research council, tony perkins, wrote his organization's first concern is with their colleague who is shot. according to a former co- worker, johnson was an employee of the frc frequently awarded for his loyalty and dedication to his job. >> a few quick facts about the family research council established in 1983 which promotes marriage, the institution of and family values and strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion. the frc says it uses policy research, grassroots mobilization to spread its message of faith, family and freedom in public policy and opinion. another big story, a gaithersburg man convicted in the brutal stabbing death of his 12-year-old stepdaughter. investigators say david hang went after jessica nguyen because her mother wouldn't let him out of their sham marriage. fox 5's audrey barnes with the story. >> during the week long trial prosecutors presented evidence that david hang married jessica nguyen's mother kim wao to help her get u.s. citizenship and when she wouldn't let him out of the marriage so he could be with another woman, police say hang's anger and need for revenge led to the little girl's murder. relatives found jessica's body in the basement of her home may last year. she'd been stabbed 43 times with a machete. investigators found this knife case with her stepdad's dna next to her body and cell phone records placed him at jessica's home the night of the murder. hang was arrested after a four- month investigation. it took just hours for the jury to convict him of first degree murder. surrounded by jessica's mother, sister and relatives, prosecutors announced they will seek a sentence of life in prison without parole for hang at his sentencing in october. >> even though it couldn't bring back jessica, but at least we know that david hang will stay there for the rest of his life and he will not have a chance to hurt the community. >> joining us now with more on the verdict is montgomery county state's attorney john mccarthy. thank you for coming in tonight. we're told david hang, who is on trial for first degree murder of his step child, actually laughed and smiled during closing arguments. yeah, what was his demeanor today when the jury came back with its verdict? >> markedly different than yesterday when he openly was smiling on multiple occasions and appeared to be laughing during closing arguments by prosecution team members. today once the verdict was announced he was actually seen to shed some tears and began to cry. >> at his sentencing you'll be arguing for life in prison without a chance of parole. explain your thoughts because this isn't a given, is it? >> is it not gavin. that's pre-- a given. that's precisely it. a sentence without the possibility of parole is something you have to serve notice on the defendant to seek and it's in the judge's discretion. the judge will have the discretion to give that sentence if she thinks it's appropriate. why did we file it? because of the viciousness of this killing. it's already been described in your report about the character of the assault on this child, 43 wounds in her own home. we are talking about a child who was 4' 8, an honor student, a very gentle soul killed in the safety of her own home so viciously. we think that's an appropriate sentence. anybody who could plan this kind of attack and carry it out against a child does not belong on the streets ever again here in the united states. >> been a long year for that family. his sentencing is coming up in october? >> october 29th, 9:30 in the morning is the actual sentencing date. at that time we'll set forth our arguments and submit some stuff in writing ahead of time as well as some victim impact information from the family to try to convince the judge that is the appropriate sentence in this case. >> thank you very much. montgomery county state's attorney john mccarthy with us tonight. >> thank you. now to a story you saw first on fox 5, after those 911 outages during the june derecho storm, verizon has a lot of explaining to do. two days ago it released findings from its internal investigation into what caused the blackouts. today they had a lot to explain about the report and went over it with 911 service directors from virginia. fox 5's karen gray houston has the story. >> reporter: the meeting took place behind closed doors, verizon trying to explain why the unusually intense storm that knocked out electricity also blocked out 911 service in parts of northern virginia. >> we are focusing on getting to the bottom of what happened. we have a good handle on that now. we also have a good plan moving forward. >> the verizon report found its fairfax and arlington 911 central offices were hard hit when generators failed and backup batteries drained. >> fairfax county was the epicenter of what is acknowledged by everyone to be the longest and largest 911 outage in the 44 year history of 911. >> virginia officials are eager to help verizon find solutions. >> clearly, you know, that kind of service cannot be dependent upon batteries that go dead after eight hours. >> in the aftermath of the storm virginia residents who needed emergency services were told to call or go to fire stations or to police stations because they had two-way radios they could use to summon aid. verizon is hoping that won't be the fallback of the future. >> we're doing the things we need to do to get the power, you know, backup in place and where we fell short we're working to fix that. >> verizon says its auditing power backup systems in their critical facility in the entire mid-atlantic region. eight of the 911 call centers in northern virginia were affected during the derecho, some more than others. we're told this alexandria center was not nearly as impacted as fairfax and arlington. verizon says the audit started with fairfax and arlington and they're on top of the problem there, but tell that to the folks in fairfax. >> they have not fixed the problem almost anywhere. they are working diligently i believe at doing that. >> so both sides said the tone of the meeting was cordial. everybody is trying to get on the same page, but as one 911 director put it, they've got a long journey ahead of them. it's kind of like they're on the new jersey turnpike he said at exit 1 and they've got 17 more exits to go. karen gray houston in the fox 5 newsroom. >> if some of you saw storms late this afternoon, tonight it's all clear, but it may not last. fox 5's gary mcgrady in the weather center with more. what are we looking at now? >> we've got a little roller coaster ride coming the next several days, laura. in terms of what it is right now. i want everybody to see the radar and nothing is on. it there are no storms tonight anywhere. anything we had earlier to the south is gone and they canceled that severe thunderstorm watch a little early. temperatures now beautiful, great evening out there, 78 in the city. look at the suburbs dropping like a rock, frederick down to 68, winchester 66, culpeper 66, really pleasant out there this evening. in terms of what we can expect, there's a pretty decent cool air mass coming in. friday out ahead of this air mass we'll have another chance of getting some showers and thunderstorms through here in advance of the front. the front will come through friday late into early parts of saturday and a cooler and more importantly a less humid air mass will come in for the weekend. the coolest of the temperatures will stay up to the north, but on saturday and sunday we're talking lower 80s for highs. we may be struggling in some areas to reach 80 degrees for a high temperature on saturday and sunday. so significantly cooler for the weekend. tomorrow is not too bad. we'll have that forecast coming up. >> i like the sound of that. see you soon. a suspected fight club could mean big trouble for local summer camp workers, the details next. >> also ahead. >> reporter: this is where the car was sitting burning. it was in full blaze inside and out. >> that man right there helped rescue a police officer following a violent and deadly accident. we have the amazing story next. >> almost 30 years after the death of a virginia state trooper his family hopes you can help them find his killer, the new evidence that could help close the case coming up on the news edge at 11:00.  fairfax county police officer remains in the hospital tonight after a terrible accident on monday. a car crashed into the officer head on crapping him inside his car. tonight we're -- trapping him inside his car. tonight we're hearing from the man who risked it all to rush in and help the officer. fox 5's matt ackland has the story. >> this is where the car was sitting burning. the cruiser was sitting here. >> reporter: richard taylor shows us the scorched pavement where two cars collided head on monday. one car exploded on impact killing the driver. the other was a police cruiser badly damaged. >> i see the next car sticking out was a cruiser. i said oh, my god. cruiser wasn't on fire, but it was close. >> reporter: taylor ran toward the cruiser to help the officer trapped inside. >> unbuttoned my shirt, took my shirt off to open the door and before i could open the door touched the door i heard the officer. he said get away. >> reporter: but taylor refused to follow that police command and pulled open the cruiser door. the officer then told him his leg was pinned. >> i put my arm up under to pull him out and i felt something on the left side of me and it was a young guy standing there. i called him horse command because i don't know who he is, never said word. he just reacted. when i told him come on, he came right away and we pulled the guy out. >> reporter: taylor said once they pulled the officer to safety the other young hero likely a teenager was gone. he says that young man deserves even more credit than he does. >> i feel great about this guy more than anything because he's a young guy that made a conscious thought right way and i don't know if i could have done that back at my age -- i mean at his age and that's what made me more proud of anything. >> reporter: tonight fairfax county police are calling both these men heros. in fact, several officers have called richard taylor to thank him personally. meanwhile we're told an investigation into the cause of this accident is still underway. in the newsroom matt ackland, fox 5 news. prince george's county police are looking for the person who killed a promoter for a local go go band. 23-year-old deandre yates was found shot to death in his forestville apartment early this morning. someone forced their way in. there was a gunbattle. investigators say yates was a promoter for the local band tcb. charges could be on the way for workers involved in an alleged fight club at a summer camp in player major detectives are interviewing those -- in maryland. detectives are interviewing those believed to be involved. it was said children at camp brown were pushed to be in a fight club. charges could come in the next week. president obama wrapping up a bus tour across iowa. meanwhile the vice president on the campaign trail defending comments he made yesterday that have only increased the insults between the obama and romney campaigns. fox's craig boswell has the latest. >> reporter: it's a rare occurrence on the campaign trail, president obama and the first lady appearing together. >> i am just as happy to be back in the great state of iowa where it all began. >> reporter: the president is on the final day of a three-day iowa bus tour, a substantial investment of time highlighting the importance of the hawkeye state's six electoral votes. the president again hit his republican rivals on medicare. >> the plan authored by governor romney's running mate would force seniors to pay an extra $6,400 a year. >> reporter: mitt romney started the day responding to off the cuff remarks made late tuesday by vice president joe biden. >> these personal attacks i think are demeaning to the office of the white house and the comments yesterday by the vice president i think just diminish the white house that much more. >> reporter: he's talking about the vice president's attack on the gop's plan to remove financial regulations and biden's use of the word chains. mr. biden in virginia today steered clear of that word and focused on a medicare attack. >> i don't see what's gutsy about cutting and gutting medicare and education and other vital programs to pay for that tax cut. >> reporter: romney's running mate paul ryan says it's the president's plan that cuts healthcare for seniors. >> he cut $670 million from the medicare program to pay for obamacare. >> reporter: both sides will continue to wrestle for control on the political message. that's a grudge match that will likely may out the next 83 days until november 6th. in washington craig boswell, fox news. new hope for young undocumented immigrants. starting today they can apply for work permits and protection from deportation for two years. thousands of people lined up across the country to apply for the program today open to immigrants between the ages of 15 and 31 who came to the country before they were 16 and have lived here continuously the past five years. they must be in enrolled in or have completed high school, have served in the u.s. military and they can't have any serious criminal conviction. >> it's a beginning of young people like myself being able to find ways to legalize their status, find ways to do it the right way. >> the application cost 465 bucks. president obama issued an executive order for the deferred action initiative earlier this year. hundreds of young undocumented immigrants lined up outside casa's offices in langley park this evening. casa officials are encouraging young people to get their applications in saying th is a historic opportunity. casa expects to assist at least 10,000 people in the coming days. up next a four star general under investigation for living large on the taxpayer's dime. >> plus allegations of bad behavior and lewd conduct at a government agency, we'll take you inside the investigation next.   we need to look for a new van. yeah. i just don't know where to start. glad you found us. start by test-driving nearly every make and model, all in one place. carmax. start here. a four star general is under investigation for lavish spending. the associated press reports the defense department's inspector general wrapped up a 17 month investigation of general william ward. defense secretary leon panetta is reviewing the report. ward is accused of spending at least several hundred thousand dollars on travel, fancy hotels and other expenses when was head of the u.s. africa command. a top aid to homeland security secretary janet napolitano stepped aside following allegations she made sexual comments to sub order natures. immigration and -- subordinates. immigration and customs enforcement suzanne barr has voluntarily placed herself on leave. the move comes a day after two i.c.e. officials accused barr of making sexual comments and advances. >> i know there have been two affidavits that have come forward thus far, but we haven't heard anything from the defense and there are always two sides of every story especially in these types of claims when you have the allegations on one side, you know there will be a serious response on the other. >> the affidavits are in support of another suit accusing secretary napolitano of female favoritism. that discrimination lawsuit was filed in may this year. up next the fight over a casino in prince george's county is about to get real ugly. >> plus this woman is free after spending 49 years in prison but says she's not bitter. find out why coming up.  this is fox 5 news at 10:00. early this morning maryland lawmakers sealed the deal voting to expand gambling and put a casino in prince george's county, but not all is settled. the decision to add table games to maryland's five other casino sites will be up to voters. fox 5's tom fitzgerald has that story. >> reporter: at the statehouse wednesday governor martin o'malley signed the gambling expansion bill that in gambling terms he'd gone all in on. >> all of us know very well how divisive this issue has been for us in the past. we are now able to put this behind us. >> reporter: but just a few hours before that divisiveness was on display. >> they're considering the creation of what i call a doomsday casino. >> reporter: as the maryland house debated late tuesday over putting a sixth casino in prince george's county, delegates in the five couies that have casinos cried foul. >> each casino has its own deal now. each delegation has its own deal now. >> reporter: the bill passed with the bare minimum 71 votes needed, but to get those votes democrats had to add amendments like cutting taxes for current casinos, letting vfw halls buy their own video gambling machines. >> if you look at the amendments passed, they are very substantive and make sense. >> reporter: the state of maryland estimated a big jackpot could result from putting a sixth casino here at national harbor including $175 million into the state's education trust fund and 2,300 new jobs created. >> the new one i want to see built from the national harbor will come from the washington region around the world. the idea is to bring revenues into the state and county. >> reporter: but other prince george's county lawmakers also expect a wave of ads against the referendum by casinos that do not want competition. >> there's folks from out of state who don't want to see that happen. >> reporter: but in-state critics like the controller blasted the late night special session writing, "while the events of the past few days have been extremely profitable for the national gambling industry, they have been a calamity to the people who still value open transparent and progressive government." at national harbor in prince george's county, tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news. >> it's worth noting one of the other complexities about this referendum is not only does it need to pass by a majority of maryland voters, it has to win with a majority of prince george's county voters. if the gambling expansion question is defeated in prince george's county, the sixth casino will not go forward. while lawmakers reached a deal to expand gambling, they could not agree on a dog bite bill. the goal was to overturn a state appeals court ruling labeling pitbulls inherently dangerous and make their owners and property owners liable if the dog bites. the house and senate could not reconcile the differences in their bills, so the court ruling will stand. lawyers for drew peterson withdrew a mistrial motion today saying the former police officer did not want a new jury. peterson is charged with murder in the death of his third wife kathleen savio. today his attorneys asked the judge to declare all hearsay evidence in the trial inadmissible. the judge denied. that peterson is a suspect also in the disappearance of his fourth wife. we're learning more about the shooting at the sikh temple in wisconsin. 911 calls have been released, on them gunfire heard in the background. >> 911. can i help you? >> hue coming from 75 -- coming from 7152. there is shooting in the temple. >> sir, did anybody get hit? sir? sir, i have to understand. did anybody get hit? hello? >> the dispatcher fried calling the person -- tried calling the person back twice with no luck. on august 5th white supremacist wade page opened fire and killed six people taking his own life. she was the longest serving female in history until governor jan brewer granted her clemency. now buddy smithy is a free woman. >> reporter: in this recent mugshot it looks as if nearly 50 years in prison had stolen the life out of betty smithy. today in person we discovered otherwise. >> it's just wonderful to breathe free air, to walk out the door when i feel like it without seeing a fence and barbed wire. >> reporter: released just yesterday afternoon from prison in phoenix, we spoke to her in her home. convicted in 1963 of murdering a 15-month-old phoenix girl she was baby-sitting, smithy was sentenced to life, no parole. >> i'm not bitter, you know, because i deserved to go to prison for what i did. you can't let bitterness take over your life. >> reporter: more than 10 years ago the baby's mother wrote to smithy forgiving her for the horrific crime. smithy shared pictures of her earlier life in oklahoma with six sisters growing up in the 1940s. when her parents died, she ended up in an abusive phoenix foster home. that abuse is what created a young troubled 20-year-old woman who committed a horrible murder. >> things that happened in her case would never happen today because we're more aware and that's why i rejoice because right always comes out right. >> reporter: when betty smithy went into prison in 1963, a gallon of gas cost 29 cents. today for the first time ever betty visited a starbucks. chef admits it is all over-- she admits it is all overwhelming. >> all the technology, the cell phones, fancy rowaves, they did have microwaves when i came to prison. >> that was linda williams reporting. in her early years in prison smithy was rebellious and troublesome. she escaped four times in three different prisons. decades later supporters say she proved to be a model inmate worth another shot on the outside. at home the nats one of the hottest baseball teams making a serious push at the playoffs. why are they shutting down phenom pitcher stephen strasburg? >> plus rg3 plays tour guide around d.c. and is nearly injured during the ride, the viral video coming up. using your phone to shop, several big name retailers including wal-mart and target are creating a mobile app that lets people make purchases with their cell phone. coupons and discounts are expected to be part of the deal to lure consumers to the new app. meanwhile low mortgage rates are not attracting many buyers, mortgage applications falling the fifth straight week with fewer people signing up to buy new homes and refinance current loans. and be careful if you have a bumbo. around 4 million of the popular infant floor seats are being recalled. babies can wiggle out of them and in some reported cases get injured. and the apple ipad has new competition. samsung is selling its new galaxy note tablet device starting at 499 bucks. the tablet features a stylus pen and forget about where is that beef, more like how much is the beef? the average cost for a pound now runs more than three bucks. that's business. i'm neil cavuto.   >> this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically.  [ male announcer ] you paid in to medicare for years. every paycheck. now, when you need it obama has cut $716 billion dollars from medicare. why? to pay for obamacare. so now the money you paid for your guaranteed healthcare is going to a massive new government program that's not for you. the romney-ryan plan protects medicare benefits for today's seniors and strengthens the plan for the next generation. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. we're learning more details about a burglary at the california home of the late steve jobs. kareem mcfarland broke into the house july 17th police say. mcfarland targeted the house because it was under renovation, didn't realize it was jobs until he was inside. reports say mcfarland made off with jobs' wallet, apple gadgets and $60,000 worth of tiffany jewelry. a judge is pushing apple and samsung to try to reach a et ceterament in their patent dispute before -- settlement in their patent dispute before a jury begins deliberations next week. apple accuses samsung of copying the design and some features of its ipad and iphone. samsung denies it. apple is getting ready to roll out its newest version of the iphone. there are reports apple will unveil the iphone 5 september 12th and start taking preorders that day. the new phones could be in customers' hands by the end of september. it's expected to be thinner, faster and smarter and will reportedly feature a larger screen with an aluminum back panel and a glass cover. more than $300 million up for grabs tonight, lottery officials are minutes from drawing the winning powerball numbers. >> technology helps police get one step closer to finding the person who killed one of their own, new evidence coming up on the news edge. i'm barack obama and i approve this message seen this? mitt romney claiming the president would end welfare's work requirements? the new york times calls it 'blatantly false' the washington post says: "the obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all." in fact, obama's getting states to move twenty percent more people from welfare to work. and president clinton's reaction to the romney ad? it's just "not true." get the facts. the nats one of the shottest teams in baseball now. they just wrapped up their 10- game road trip in which they went 8-2, but the debate casting shadow over their success is the controversial decision to shut down stephen strasburg. fox 5's lindsay murphy joins us with more. >> at this point there are no change in mike rizzo's mind. the nats gm made the decision to keep strasburg on a limit five months ago and does not plan on changing that now. here's the best record in baseball, 73-45. strasburg pitched this afternoon, seven strikeouts in six innings and is now 14-5 this year with a 2.91 e.r.a. strasburg also continues to lead the national league in strikeouts while holding his opponents to a .224 average. initially the thought was after 160 innings just like jordan zimmerman did last year, but there have been rumors that strasburg could go as many as 180 which means he would miss his final three starts. >> hits the ball great and seems to get stronger as the game went on. came off a great road trip. people don't realize i think he's now had a full season in the big leagues and he's still running hard. the hitters react to his stuff. he's got great breaking stuff and great fastball. sometimes he overthrows. he's just settling into who is he and getting comfortable with what he's up against. >> in other words, he's going to have a very long career. the nationals beat the giants today 6-4 earning strasburg a win in his third straight start. if he were to go 160 innings, he would be shut down around september 7th. 180 innings it would be around september 24th. this is based on an average of six innings per game. it is controversial, but what mike rizzo is trying to do is look at his long term health and not worry about the here and now. >> i think i've just about reached my shutdown date. what do you think? >> i think you're getting close. >> august 16th, shut her down for a while. reality tv not all it's cracked up to be. just ask chad johnson. the cameras were rolling. he was cut by miami dolphins coach joe philbin. the cameras were in the room as johnson got the news. >> and i buy into your program, most definitely. >> so after that talk we had i was touched from that point on. i was going to stay that way the entire year. >> yeah, yeah, don't know. it's not just really just last night. it's just, you know, where we are as a program and where you are and where we're headed. i just don't see the mesh right now. >> just before being released from the dolphins johnson was arrested on domestic battery charges involving his wife. she has since filed for divorce. on your left there's construction. on your right there's trees. i'm really not sure. lakeland memorial there. we go. >> a new nfl video shows rg3 taking time off as quarterback to play tour guide in his new hometown. griffin got some exercise in. had he to quickly duck for cover -- he had to quickly duck for cover after a tree nearly took off his head. >> he needs to get down to the monuments and memorials before he gives any more tours, mix everybody up. >> a little trees over here. >> those are dangerous, but they're fun. >> a double decker bus, festive. >> on a day like today superb. >> beautiful and tomorrow as well i think will be good. >> good. >> all you tourist types in town. >> i have friends visiting from l.a. they'll enjoy tomorrow. >> they'll think it's hot. it is going to be warm and sunny. this is great. this is the sunset from tonight. of course, it's a time lapse. it doesn't happen quite that fast, as you know, but it was gorgeous out there. we had a lot of clouds today, some thunderstorms this afternoon, at least thunderstorms to the south. if you didn't know it, there was a severe thunderstorm watch box to the south. that was expired and canceled early or expired on its own, but a lot of it was canceled because we didn't have a whole lot going on out there, thank goodness. we don't want taproot on thunderstorms. this is only the -- want to root on thunderstorms. this is only the fourth day the temperature has been below 90 for a high. tomorrow it will be right up to 90 and friday. we're running about 4 1/2 degrees above normal this month so far. we're basically halfway through. 78 in the city, real nice. look at the suburbs falling down into the 60s. culpeper is 64, winchester 68. baltimore is 75 degrees, annapolis 78, leonardtown now 72 degrees. we'll be in for some comfortable overnight lows. i think for tomorrow we're talking about sunny and warm conditions, but keep in mind even though it will be warm, some would even say hot tomorrow because high temperatures will approach 90 degrees, it won't be too humid. i think in the heat of the day it will be comfortable out there. the weekend still looks much cooler. it looks like we'll be struggling this weekend in some places, our northwestern and western suburbs, probably struggling to make it up to 80 degrees. here in town a couple 83s for saturday and sunday. i will tell you this, too. i'm going on the conservative side here, a little warmer than what some of our projections are projecting because that's been the trend so far, but if i see this continuing in the next 24, 36 hours, i'll probably cool this down a little more for the weekend and on sunday the high temperature does depend how much cloud cover we have and how many in terms of the spotty showers and how far north they come. there's still a lot to be determined for this weekend's weather, but it will be cooler. showers moving through, a couple thunderstorms well south of us tonight, severe weather and a lot of it earlier this afternoon down around richmond. they had some tornado warnings there. notice how clear it is back out to the west. this is tomorrow's weather for us. high pressure is filling. in futurecast takes us through tomorrow into friday, friday the next best chance to get showers and thunderstorms ahead of the front that comes through for the weekend that will cool us down. right now on futurecast saturday looks good. the front moves through far enough to take the rain with it and we have drying conditions and plenty of sunshine. it does at least look like saturday is really nice. mostly fair overnight, low to mid-60s out in the suburbs. tomorrow is sunny, warm, high temperature up to 89 degrees. we start off with sunshine. we'll have a lot of sunshine tomorrow. you see tomorrow morning lower 70s, really pleasant out there, 85 at lunchtime, high temperatures into the upper 80s with low humidity. showers and thunderstorms back in the forecast for friday, looks real good on saturday, some sunshine and 83 degrees. that's an improvement from yesterday. you weren't here yesterday, laura, are were you? >> i was here. >> that's an improvement saturday and sunday a few showers possible. it looks like even into next week we stay fairly below normal in the high temperature department. >> we deserve it. it was above normal most of the summer. thanks. firefighters in washington sterrett getting a break from the weather as they try to contain raging wildfires. the winds have calm down to help them battle the massive blaze east of seattle. the fire broke out monday, has already destroyed 70 homes and buildings. the smoke is visible in the skies near san diego. residents in that area have been ordered to evacuate. so far no one has been hurt. coming up on fox 5 new technology could be coming to your bathroom and save lives at the same time. >> but first here's another that's my take and tonight the troubled postal service and some suggestions how to fix it. >> and now that's my take with wttg vice president and general manager duffy dyer. >> the u.s. postal service is broken and nearly broke. the post office recently reported that it lost $5.2 billion for the quarter ending june 30. since 2007 the u.s. postal service has lost $25 billion if is losing 36 million -- $25 billion it is losing $36 million a day and it gets worse. it will miss making a payment of $5.5 billion to cover future health benefit and it will miss an additional payment of $5.6 billion due in september and they may run out of cash in october. what's to blame for this mess? clearly the emergence of e-mail and electronic commerce has had a big impact, but so does congress who in 2006 mandated that the usps stick to delivering mail as opposed to offering new products and services and regarding those missed payments, it was congress that mandated that the usps pay $5 billion a year into a fund to cover future retiree health costs, a fund that already has $45 billion, enough the postal unions say to cover costs for decades. in fairness the senate did recently pass a measure that would have allowed the usps to provide retirement incentives to approximately 100,000 workers and to recoup an $11 billion overpayment to an employee pension fund, but the house decided to take no action and go on vacation this month triggering the initial default of $5.5 billion. it's time to sit down and make the tough decisions that will lead to a new business model for the postal service and the only people who are authorized to do that is congress and when they do get around to it, everything must be on the table including closing some post offices and processing centers, dropping saturday delivery, allowing the usps to compete with the private sector by diversifying its services and products, empowering the usps to override when necessary union collective bargaining agreements and privatization which would al lookout usps a chance to be financially viable by being freed from the interference of congress. that's my tape. let me know what you think. go to -- take. let me know what you think. go to and click on that's my take or send me an e-mail at >> this fox 5 program brought to you by safford fiat. the new york times calls it 'blatantly false' the washington post says: "the obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all." in fact, obama's getting states to move twenty percent more people from welfare to work. and president clinton's reaction to the romney ad? it's just "not true." get the facts. microsoft mogul bill gates is looking for ways to flush out contaminated drinking water around the world and he says the answer lies in the bathroom. >> reporter: from psychology to toilets -- from technology to toilets, bill gates and his wife melinda are looking to clean up the world's sanitation problems 1 toilet at a time. the microsoft founder and philanthropist hosting a reinvent the toilet fair this week in seattle. >> this effort to reinvent the toilet challenge is quite critical. what most people don't realize is that 2.5 billion people -- that's roughly 40% of the population of the planet -- don't have access to safe sanitation. >> reporter: the united nations estimates disease caused by unsafe sanitation results in about half the hospitalizations in the developing world with about 1.5 million children dying each year from diarrhea disease. in order to be in the running for the world's next toilet all entrants must operate without running water, electricity or septic system. the foundation prefers entries capture energy or other resources, all this while operating at a cost of five u.s. cents a day. >> the current design has a real problem. it uses a lot of water, requires very expensive systems to bring in very clean water. >> reporter: scientists from all over are taking the gates up on this challenge. many of the prototypes recycle waste into other usable substances such as animal feed, water for irrigation or even just energy and water to run their own systems and the foundation already selected some projects tuesday which will receive more funding to develop their ideas. $370million in foundation money has been committed to reinventing the toilet. the foundation expects to field test its first prototypes within the next three years. in new

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