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through the d.c. area. in fact, this is video from our tower captain a short time ago. you can see the -- cam taken a short time ago. you can see the lightning in the skies. sue palka is in the weather center. >> it has been a spectacular lightning show and dangerous, too shawn. in the last 30 minutes we've seen these storms start to weaken. we've got some huge airport delays, reagan national two hours delays, dulles up to 30 minutes and increasing, bwi 45 minutes. of course, it's about that lightning. we'll start with radar so you can see what's going on around the region. the most intense storms now are south and east of the city. they are again weakening very quickly, but let me show you sentinel radar because the lightning over the last two hours has been spectacular. you can see now very much concentrated south and east. we think down through the stafford area, culpeper, king george, you guys have a tremendous amount of rain in addition to this lightning and some of these storms were producing wind gusts 40 to 50 miles per hour. we want to show you something. this will show you the storms in the last hour. so you can see those updrafts. that's what looks like a flame there. that is showing us that these storms are indeed weakening, but they were really pounding across la plata. we believe there was a wind gust there to about 50 miles per hour and again they are weakening as think move toward calvert and also toward anne arundel. once again tonight very heavy rain and as we put our satellite and radar in motion, most of this activity is going to begin to wind down now very rapidly throughout this hour, but we'll keep an eye on radar. some clouds overnight, our temperature about 65 degrees. i'll let you know whether or not we have to do this again wednesday, but quite a light show and the lightning is still pretty active at this hour. we'll keep you updated. tonight fox 5 is monitoring metro. the transit agency is investigating a disturbing incident on the red line this morning. >> several doors suddenly opened on the train while it was still moving. fox 5's bob barnard working this one now. >> metro isn't sure how many doors opened mysteriously this morning, but two railcars experienced malfunctions. nobody was hurt, but it could have been a dangerous failure. the doors flew open on a northbound red line train as it sped between the van ness and tenleytown metro stations. >> in the middle of the train at 9:00 in the morning. >> that's right. and in this photo snapped by journalism grad student monica arpino you can see her fellow metro riders holding on with the door on the right open as the train is in transit. >> as it's riding. i would hope no one was standing right by the doors. >> reporter: lindsay beaver says she rides the metro daily. >> i would have been scared if that had happened to me. even if i was a passenger sitting, i would have been shared because that shouldn't happen. >> metro says it's still investigating. >> i'm from new york city and take the subway a lot. i don't think anything like this has happened in my memory, but i'd definitely be scared. >> metro is not sure why it happened, calls it an uncommanded door opening involving two cars and multiple doors on two of the oldest 100 so series railcars. what do you think when you hear that? >> dangerous. they should do something about it. is that cameron fagan takes her kids -- >> cameron faga takes her kids to and from metro. >> i don't see how they spend all this money fixing the trains, but everything comes out the same. >> there were no injuries. the train was sent to the yard at shady grove for inspection. >> it's scary. i mean if anyone was leaning on the doors, i know they say don't, but every day there's somebody leaning on the doors, but if there was someone leaning on there at that point, i don't know what would have happened. >> metro says its engineers are doing diagnostic work, not just on the two cars that malfunctioned this morning, but on the entire train that was heading to 10ly when the doors open -- to tenleytown when the doors opened. metro says it's extremely rare, certainly hasn't happened in recent memory, but metro has been having what it calls persistent door problems on its railcars leading to a 17% increase in delays the first quarter of this year over the same period last year. a 6-year-old boy is dead tonight after being hit by an suv this afternoon in waldorf, maryland. it happened on sugarberry street. the charles county sheriff's office says it appears the child stepped in front of the suv. the driver stayed at the scene. we're learning more details about george zimmerman's injuries the night he shot and killed trayvon martin. according to court records, zimmerman had a pair of black eyes, a nose fracture and two cuts to the back of his head. he was treated at a family practice. zimmerman claims he shot martin in self-defense. he's charged with second degree murder. two arrests in the rape of a woman attacked behind a school in fairfax county virginia. police arrests these two men both charged with rape. the victim was beaten with a blunt object and attacked on gallows road in merrifield friday morning. police in frederick, maryland, arrested a man for videotaping female co-workers in a bathroom. heath through burkemeyer -- matthew burkemeyer placed a small camera in the restroom at the bank where they worked. he's been charged with stalking. the results are in in a special election in the district for the ward 5 seat of disgraced former councilman harry thomas, jr. recently sentenced to more than three years in prison for stealing money intended tore youth groups. the unofficial -- for youth groups. the unofficial winner, kenyon mcduffie. with all precincts reporting mcduffie has more than 44% of the vote. it was a crowded race with 12 names on the ballot. the biggest issue seemed to be d.c. corruption. let's bring in fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin for some perspective. mark, we say that the biggest issue was d.c. corruption and yet kenyon mcduffie has worked for vincent gray in the past. >> well, he ran two years ago against harry thomas, jr. and he finished third. he got about 2,800 votes. this time he got about 4,000 votes and delano hunter ran also and bested him. he had finished second. this is a question of triumph of organization and name recognition and raising money. there were 61,000 eligible voters. turnout was about 15%. names was well known and it was not -- his name was well known and it was not a stigma to have worked in the gray administration. he bested all the other candidates. what i think is interesting is that tim day, it's very difficult to be a republican and win a ward race. nobody has ever done that. the post endorsed him hardly. he finished fourth with 490 votes, but that's a lot less han 4,000. >> what role did -- than 4,000. >> what role did demographics play in ward 5? there are shifting demographics. >> it's a changing ward. this is northeast brookland, ivy city, the area around catholic university and the whole issue of inclusiveness from what was almost a 95% african american ward, there is a larger white population and they want to get politically active and all the candidates tried to appeal to those new voters. >> a surprisingly high turnout at that. fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin, thanks for coming in. to enamelist where there is an intense debate inside -- to annapolis where there is an intense debate inside the legislature over new taxes. governor martin o'malley wants the legislature to okay a new budget deal which would increase taxes on certain people, but to no avail the republicans have been trying to block that deal. >> reporter: this is maryland's appropriations committee, the last stop for the governor's budget deal before it moved on to the house of delegates. trying to put the brakes on that deal are republicans like tony mcconkey who proposed an amendment to control how any new tax dollars are spent, but just as quickly democrats and the majority sent the republicans' amendment to a quick defeat, 19-6. >> the bills that we have before us are the administration's bills. >> reporter: soon after the full house took up governor martin o'malley's budget including those income tax hikes on individuals making over $100,000 households over 150,000. democrats say they're taxes will prevent $500 million in cuts scheduled for july 1st including school funding and state worker layoffs, but democrats also had to defend the deal against critics who say it is different from what they originally proposed. >> not necessarily. depends how you look at it. it is budget reconciliation and financing act. so you're going to have changes. there has been some changes, as i pointed out. >> reporter: republican minority leader anthony o'donnell denounced not only the tax increases, but the plan to shift half of state pension costs to the counties as unfair and unnecessary. >> we shouldn't do this. we don't need to do this. there is no need in this state. there's no compelling interest in this state to shift this burden down to local governments in the worst economy in 80 years. >> reporter: but while republicans vow to keep up the fight, it is democrats who control both houses of maryland's legislature. so the governor's budget is expected to pass and arrive back on his desk for his signature. >> that was tom fitzgerald. the house of delegates is expected to wrap up its debate and have its version of the budget ready for a vote tomorrow which is scheduled to be the last day of the special session. a good samaritan stabbed while walking a woman home. now the local man is talking about the scary attack while his friends and co-workers come together to lend a helping hand next. >> ahead on the news edge at 11:00 a northeast man beaten behind his condo building. tonight the community comes together with police to find out how they plan to catch the attacker at 11:00. 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[ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ raising money for a good samaritan on capitol hill. mike boone would normally be tending bar at trusty's but instead of raising a glass patrons are preparing to raise money for him because of his heroic act. >> it was two weeks ago tonight a bartender at trusty's risked his life to protect a bar patron. now as mic l boone's medical bills pile up -- michael boone's medical bills pile up the customers who he usually helps are getting ready to help him. >> somebody walks them home all the time. it's just the gentleman's thing to do. >> that's what michael boone offered to do for a woman leaving trusty's bar, a popular hill east watering hole, but it was a simple matter of wrong place wrong time. >> we got about a block from here and somebody jumped out of the bushes and tried to steal already purse and i refused to allow that to happen. >> boone said the fight lasted probably less than a minute. he doesn't remember much, just heard the screaming. >> when the girl started screaming, then i realized i had been stabbed multiple times. within a few seconds i eventually just collapsed onto the ground. that's about all i remember until i woke up in the hospital the next day. >> pictures show the multiple stab wounds. boone suffered a collapsed lung, was hospitalized for four days, underwent countless medical procedures and still faces a long recovery. >> it could be anywhere from 20 to $100,000 for the medical bills. >> not to mention boone can't even work right now. there's a fundraiser tomorrow night at 7:00 at trusty's which is at 1420 pennsylvania avenue in southeast. all the money will go for boone's medical bills. by the way, boone did not want to mention the name of the woman he was walking home that night because she is so shaken by the whole incident, but he says she has become a friend for life. >> i imagine. a suspect and police officer fired at each other on sixth street southeast. the suspect was killed, the officer grazed by a bullet. it all happened just before 11:00 last night. police were called out for a report of a man with a gun soon after another shooting a few blocks away. the officer is recovering. the other man has been identified as domonique campbell. we'll be back! we'll be back! >> those are protestors filing out of pepco's headquarters in northwest today promising to return this friday for the utility company's shareholders meeting. the group our d.c. is calling on pepco to cut executive pay and withdraw its rate hike. protestors rushed the lobby at noon today delivering their demands. they also smeared cake on the doors of the building. it's a symbolic message for the company of having its cake and eating it, too. >> we came here today to let pepco know that we're not happy with the $42 million rate hike and that we want the ceo joe rigby to give back 50% of his compensation package, you know. he paid himself 100% raise, you know, while the people in the city are forced to pay higher bills and get poorer service from pepco. >> the group says hundreds of people are expected to protest friday during the shareholders meeting. two federal agencies are investigating what caused the largest bank in the u.s. to lose $2 billion. the ceo of jp morgan chase warns it could get worse. today he faced shareholders at a meeting in florida. fox business network's adam shapiro with the latest. the ri that went south at jpmorgan chase is under the microscope now of the federal government. the justice department says it's investigating the $2 billion trading loss. that news comes as the new york office of the fbi announced they, too, are opening an investigation into the deal. and ceo and chairman of jpmorgan chase jamie dimon had to answer questions from shareholders at their annual meeting in tampa florida. no cameras were allowed in, but audio was broadcast out. dimon spoke frankly about the infamous trading portfolio designed to hedge against risk jpmorgan chase was taking. >> we ended up with a strategy that was flawed, poorly executed and vetted. unfortunately these mistakes were self-inflicted. >> reporter: dimon says he's not against new government regulation but adds they should be smarter stronger regulations based on facts and analysis. >> we do continue to believe in the importance of being able to hedge risk as an institution. however, we also understand the need for rules and practices to ensure that hedging doesn't morph into something different. what this hedge morphed into violates our own principles in terms of complexity and risk. >> reporter: security was tight outside the meeting, a check point at the entrance and officers posted on the roofs of buildings. a small but vocal group of protestors gathered just outside the jpmorgan complex holding sewages calling for more regular -- signs and calling for more regulation on banks. it was the sec which announced last week it would investigate the deal. in tampa, adam shapiro, fox business. attorneys for john edwards are indicating their case is winding down, but there's still no word if they'll call the former presidential candidate or his mistress rielle hunter to the stand. edwards' oldest daughter kate was on the witness list, but court adjourned today without her testifying. edwards is accused of using money from wealthy campaign donors to hide his pregnant mistress during his presidential bid in 2008. edwards pled not guilty to six counts of campaign finance violations. some good news for packettor john travolta, why one of the -- for actor john travolta, why one of the men who accused him of sexual assault has dropped his lawsuit. >> we're continuing to watch those spring storms marching through our area right now. fox 5 will be back in a few minutes.  a new lawyer for o.j. simpson is making another effort to free the former football star from prison. his attorney filed a 94 page alleging simpson was so badly represented that he deserves a trial. simpson is serving 9 to 33 years in prison for kidnapping and armed robbery during a 2007 encounter with sports memorabilia dealers in las vegas. the government's star witness in the roger clemens perjury trial tried to explain why he kept the medical waste he used when injecting chem men's with performance enhance -- clemens with performance enhancing drugs. he said he kept everything a secret until clemens double crossed him. >> reporter: brian mcnamee took the stand early this morning and stayed there throughout the day telling the jury how he injected roger clemens with steroids and human growth hormone throughout the 2000 and 2001 seasons when the two were with the new york yankees. when asked if he had saved any of the needles and other medical waste and why, mcnamee replied he did, putting it in an empty miller lite beer can he found in clemens' apartment. the reason? there was turmoil at home. his wife knew everything and during what mcnamee described as a battle royal with his wife saying repeatedly he was going down, the trainer knew he had to save some of the evidence and show it to her. when the prosecutor asked if that calmed things down with his wife, mcnamee said it did. over the next several hours clemens' former personal trainer then revealed how he told the pitcher he would never rat him out after mcnamee's name appeared in a 2006 newspaper article about steroids and baseball. but within months he had. when the irs approached and mcnamee agreed to cooperate with the government. overnment. mcnamee further told the court he also revealed most of what he knew to senator george mitchell who was also conducting an investigation. mcnamee testified he purposely minimized the actions of clemens and never revealed the medical waste he had hidden in his house until clemens secretly recorded a phone conversation and played it during a nationally televised news conference. >> paul wagner reporting. government prosecutors say they can prove clemens used performance enhancing drugs because his dna is on the needles mcnamee saved. the first man to accuse john travolta of sexual assault dropped his lawsuit. an attorney for the masseuse who has never been identified said he and his client had differences on how to handled the case. a notice of dismissal was filed today. a second man is pursuing his claim. coming up next a second commander in chief weighs in on today's race for the first time. >> a georgia woman lost her leg and may now lose her fingers to a flesh eating disease, the giant show of support from friends, family and strangers next. >> if you see a story we should look into, there's the number and the e-mail address. we're back. [ mechanical humming ] [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. this is fox 5 news at 10:00. a big turnout today at the university of west georgia for a grad student battling a flesh eating bacteria. dozens of students, staff, even strangers lined up to give blood all in honor of amy copeland. the response was so great some people had to be turned away. >> we are so overwhelmed and touched. >> reporter: the blood drive response was truly amazing. friends, strangers and classmates came out to show support for the 24-year-old university of west georgia grad student whose will to survive has galvinized so many. >> to be so young and be going through this and, you know, if it were one of my loved ones, i would hope somebody would help out. >> as a mother, it touched me very much because you send your children off and you think everything's going to be okay and then something like this tragic happens. >> reporter: amy contracted an aggressive flesh eating bacteria after cutting her leg during a zip lining accident may 1st. in an effort to save amy's life, doctors had to amputate her left leg. now her family says her fingers may have to go as well. >> she's still in crisis fighting for her life, but a beautiful fight and beautiful spirit. >> reporter: today was about amy's amazing survival and how people who never met the vivacious young woman could help out by rolling up their sleeves and giving the gift of life. these three rising sophomores answered the call. >> here's someone you've been in school with and then you hear something that's so sad that happens, you feel motivated to get up and do something. >> everybody just feels for this girl and they just want to do everything they can to help. >> copeland remains in critical condition tonight. the obama administration introduced a pretty ambitious plan targeting alzheimer's disease. the first national strategy on alzheimer's will help patients and families. the goal is to have effective treatments by the year 2025. 5million americans currently have alzheimer's. without more research 16 million americans could have it by 2050. the ceo of the national capitol chapter of the alzheimer's association joined us earlier today. >> part of the plan includes physicians outreach and so does our national capital plan. so there's an opportunity when you take your loved ones to the doctor that there will be some conversation as well as resources that they can use. >> the alzheimer's association has a website and also a 24 hour hotline. if you need more information, the group works to educate the public about disease. former president george w. bush says he's for mitt romney. it's the first time we've heard mr. bush speak publicly about this year's presidential race. he made the remarks after giving a speech in washington. his father endorsed romney early on during the heated primary. so is his brother jeb bush, ex- governor of florida. the economy taking center stage once again in the race for the white house. this is a new poll that shows one presidential contender has a clear advantage, especially with certain types of voters. fox's jennifer davis has the story. >> reporter: the president appears confident on abc's the view, an opportunity to cater to the key voting bloc of women. >> i'm going to win. >> reporter: but a new new york times poll shows he's trailing mitt romney when it comes to backing of independent, register voters and female voters overall and though his support of gay marriage made a lot of news, mr. obama said he does not think that's the issue that matters most to voters. >> ultimately i just have to say this is not an issue that, as important as it is, i think is probably going to determine the election going back to your point. what's going to determine the election is the economy. >> reporter: as he campaigned in the key battleground state of 0 warning romney also stopped to an economic -- of iowa, romney also stopped to an economic message. the presumptive gop nominee says the president's out of control spending with his healthcare law and stimulus bill is contributing to an already skyrocketing national debt adding he's the one who can clean it up. >> what president obama is doing is not bold. it's old. as president, i want to make federal government simpler, smaller and smarter. >> reporter: the president will push congressional lawmakers to pass his economic to do list when he meets with them wednesday at the white house, but it could be a tough sell to gop lawmakers who like mitt romney say they're concerned about government spending. ng. in washington jennifer davis, fox news. members of dwight eisenhower's family didn't like plans for the memorial in his honor. now architect frank gary is making changes. the family complained the design focused on his humble kansas roots instead of his accomplishments. the new designs add statutes showing ike as president and in world war ii leader. what do men worry about more than that first kiss? the survey that tackles dating frustrations coming up. but first here's fox business network's neil cavuto. >> you're paying less to fill up, but more for about everything else. consumer prices staying flat in april while americans are seeing the cost of ghast falling, also seeing the cost -- gas falling, also seeing the cost of food and clothing rising. last month retail sales barely budging in april, not any kind of sign you want to sene recovery as consumer spending makes up 70% -- see in recovery as consumer spending makes up 70% of the entire economy. that's business. i'm neil cavuto.   >> this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically.  oh, my goodness, guys, note to self, if you get alam bore guinea, don't try to -- a lamborghini. don't try to show off for the girl in the car. you can see the driver revving his engine crashing between two cars at another intersection. the people who recorded it, they drove around the accident to go get video from the other angle of the accident. by the way that, car is worth about $200,000. that's a lot of damage to fix there. >> better call geico. if you're planning to hit the road during the upcoming memorial day weekend, you'll have plenty of company. according to aaa, about 30 million americans plan to drive to their destination this year, up more than a half million drivers than last year. increase may have something to do with the declining gas prices over the past few weeks. >> today the average price of gas is $3.73 a gallon. now that's 25 cents less than it was on this day last year. >> she says at reagan national airport. i think a lot of people would rather to get on a plane. although more people will be hitting the road, they say they will be staying closer to home traveling about 150 miles less than last year. if you are flying this year, you may not have to turn off your cell phone. general atlantic is lifting its ban on mobile phones during flights. right now only air airbuses are allowed the courtesy. virgin plans to expand the service to 20 planes by the end of the year. forget the first day jitters. men say the most frustrating part about dating these days is texting. a recent survey by tsb magazine found a majority of men say writing a perfect text message was more of an issue than approaching women in the first place. men worry about poorly composed messages. other dating issues men worry about, rescuing awkward conversations and knowing when to go in for the first kiss. i say skip the text messaging altogether and talk in person. we're losing out on communication here, guys. just my thoughts. >> text message me next time. if you have some suggestions to make your next road trip easier, on the news edge at 11:00 find out what handy apps to take on your phone to tell you everything you need to know about your trip. >> plus are marylanders going to pay higher taxes? a significant move in the state senate today pushes us closer to the answer on the edge. huge expectations for facebook's initial public offering. this is already expected to be the largest initial public offering for an internet company. now facebook is raising the price to get in on the action. here's the story. >> reporter: facebook's initial public offering on friday has wall street and main street thinking big. is that i think the company will be worth more than $100 billion by the end of the day. >> reporter: being a public company will be change of pace for facebook known for keeping its business practices out of the public eye. >> we're going to see a lot of their secrets they've been able to keep close to the vest. >> reporter: the company growing to some 900 million users worldwide in the last eight years and with more than 40% of american adults logging on, its ipo customer base already is very familiar with the product. >> the difference between facebook and your phone company and the electric company is that there's only one facebook. >> reporter: on tuesday facebook lifting the expected price for its shares from 28 to $35 to 34 to $38 apiece. some analysts call the asking price way too rich. >> facebook, what they're asking for in terms of the price, would really be about 60 times earnings or about 25 times what their revenues are. the typical tech company has a valuation on the revenue side of about four to 10 times their revenue. >> reporter: after the sell, though, there is so much more to building a business. >> come monday morning they're going to have to figure out how to make more money, how to please their --s and it's going to go from being -- investors and it's going to go from hey, let's create this great thing to we have to please a bunch of people. >> facebook may be looking at a lot of car, but there are still problems towards making money -- cash, but there are still problems towards making money directly from the site. 50% of facebook users say they never click ads or sponsor content on the site, many users also worried about their safety or privacy. 12% say they wouldn't feel safe using facebook for financial transactions like buying or selling items. >> some pretty crazy weather today, rain, got nice and all that lightning tonight. >> the lightning and a couple reports of hail, some gusty winds, but torrential rain. summer season of thunderstorms really began tonight in a big way with huge airport delays, too. so if you've got a flight, call ahead especially at reagan where there was delays upwards of two hours now. >> really? >> yeah. from the lightning. it was very intense in that region. before the storms got out here we had a lot of fun earlier. we had our second annual nationals weather day and the tony and tucker did most of the leg work, but i tagged along. we had a great time talking to kids, local students about weather, how it affects nat games. tucker threw out the first pitch. he was so worried he would bounce it, but it was a gorgeous throw and tony got to yell let's play ball and i gave the presidents a talk about letting teddy win this year. we'll see if we can make it happen. it was a terrific day and we got a little rain during the game and bryce harper, his second home run. we did not win. the kids got to stay and see the game. get out to the park. we really need to support them. some wonderful players on the team tonight. glad they weren't playing at 7:00 tonight because we had a lot of activity and lightning down to our south. this activity is mostly east of the potomac now in the southern maryland area. so charles county still getting it, northern neck of virginia still getting it, across the bay into the eastern shore will get it, chesapeake beach getting heavy rain, not quite to annapolis. north and west of the city, you didn't get as much. i'm sure you saw those threatening skies and perhaps you could even see the lightning. we've got lightning in motion the last two hours. while we had a great concentration farther north that, has diminished and mostly now we see it across st. mary's county, calvert county and through central virginia here and the northern neck. that is winding down. we think these storms will continue to wind down as well. we loved to show you sentinel radar in 3d mode and the reason is because you can see the updrafts with the thunderstorms. the taller they are, the stronger the storm. so we put this in motion the last two hours. you can see these updrafts have really gone away. we had one report of some dime sized hail in charles county. there may have been a wind gust in la plata to 50. they're weakening and that's what our 3d mode allows us to see with those storms. these showers are moving away. back to our north and west we think you'll get a little bit of thinning of the clouds, but for the most part the clouds will hang out with us overnight. heavy rain, this is a doppler estimated rain product for the last 12 hours and down in these green areas this is where you got really pounded tonight. it was hard to see. they took a long time to move out of the area. 2 1/2 inches just tonight estimated by doppler radar, 1.2 for charles county, even for portions of prince george's county. lighter amounts up to our north and another 2.7-inch jackpot total there, not too far from drum mount. so very difficult to drive and a lot of -- drum point. so very difficult to drive and a lot of ponding of water. for the airport delays, definitely call ahead. our temperature now has dropped to 68 degrees, most likely the 11:00 update because it was 72 a bit ago. what about wednesday? there's one more front coming, a humidity buster. it will chase the last of the clouds out, but as it comes through late tomorrow afternoon or evening, i don't think it's a repeat of today, but we could have isolated showers and maybe a few more thunderstorms any time after 4:00 or 5:00. it brings us into thursday on a sunny refreshing note and this area of high pressure will hang around for most of the rest of the week bringing us gorgeous conditions. overnight the showers and storms are winding down. they're mostly south of the district, just clouds overnight with a temperature of 65. could be a spotty daytime shower tomorrow or maybe an evening shower or storm from that second great front that's coming through with a temperature of 83 degrees, but after we get through that and i don't think it will be as widespread as tonight or damaging, then we've got a cooler more comfortable day thursday at 75. tomorrow is hot at 83 and a little bit humid. friday 77 degrees, saturday for the preakness 80 degrees, a little bit warm for the weekend, but it's dry and great run definitely after we get through just maybe a few more showers and storms tomorrow afternoon. all judges aren't created equal on the x-factor. britney spears and demi lovato join the team this season. reporting demi is making a fraction of britney's salary. the 19-year-old is getting just over a million bucks, britney commanding a $15 million deal. the show starts here on fox in september. we're in the web center with sarah fraser from hot 99.5 talking about tonight's glee episode. we're getting down to the wire here, a big night again. >> we have one episode next week, which is graduation. amazing two hours back to back glee. does it get any better than that? of course not. you guys love to chat, but looking ahead we have lots of great stuff to talk about with glee. first they're moving to thursdays, fox announcing some of its awesome fall lineup. you will see in the fall we're moving to thursdays. on top of that announce. s came as far as guests for the show -- announcements came as far as guests for the show, kate hudson, sarah jessica parker. >> ricky martin coming back? >> we're unsure of ricky martin. we saw perez hilton. it's a good sign when they start off saying sarah jessica parker, kate hudson. >> absolutely. >> plus the other cool thing is britney spears. remember the britney episode that was huge. i think it was actually their ratings highest. they're doing another tribute with her signing onto x-factor. >> very cool. >> finally the other cool thing is there's been so much talk what's going to happen with a lot of the graduating seniors. if you're a fan of lea michele, they decided to go with the format of a show within a show. follow me here, okay? they're going to take a lot of the graduating kids, those kids including curt and rachel will go to new york. they'll work in this new younger cap. so it's kind of going to be your sideshow in new york and then they'll be coming back. >> very interesting. >> i think it will be very good. >> it will be fun for everybody to watch. thanks, sarah. coming up next find out why lady gaga is pulling the plug on the biggest show of her current tour. >> and in minutes on the news edge local stay at home moms taking on the credit card companies, their discrimination claims next at 11:00. >> and remember to download the fox 5 weather app go. to apple's app store, the android market, search for d.c. weather. it's also on our website.  [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the all-new f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. indonesia saying no to superstar lady gaga. conservative lawmakers and islamic hazard liners there banned the now 6 -- hazard liners there banned the -- hard liners banned the show. the decision comes in part because local police could not guarantee security. the concert would have been the performer's largest during her asian tour with an estimated 52,000 fans. the tv show is three's company but three can be a crowd on idol which means someone is about to get the boot. we catch up with the final three idol finalists in hollywood. >> reporter: nearly a year after tens of thousands of people auditioned american idol season 11 is down to its final three. jess character phillip and joshua differ on whether the fin -- jessica, fill layup and joshua differ on whether the finish -- phillip differ on whether the finish line is in sight. >> it's right around the corner. i can remember the first day. >> it feels like miles and miles and miles way. we've only got like two more weeks of this competition to go until the finale and i still feel like it's like years away. >> it's only a couple weeks and you -- the weeks change every time, man. if you go out there and mess up or something -- you never know what happens. >> reporter: proper song choice and execution continue to be the main reason contestants earn votes. >> they are doing what they need to do. they're being themselves. i feel like they're so individual each one of them. i think it's just about making really good choices next week. i think they're always like several weeks we're confident and we're like yeah, we got this song and we got the lyrics down but 10 minutes before the show we're like oh, we're going to crack. we have to get to work. we're going to fall. it gets like ridiculous. >> reporter: returning to her hometowns over the weekend the contestants greeted their fans with parades and mini concerts. they each had one thing they hoped to accomplish. >> my mom's homemade chicken pot pie and some chicken and cheese nachos. >> jambalaya. rice, sausage and pork steak and all these different spices and gravy, oh. >> i'm going to go to my house and i'm going to jump on my bed and probably take a really good na

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