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inside the troubled fukushima complex. there is new footening into the newsroom tonight. a top official insists the situation has partially stabilized. but the numbers were so high, the worker measuring the levels withdrew before taking a second reading and there's still a danger for people living nearby. >> people living here would receive the maximum annual dose in about a few days, four days. that is really unacceptable. people should be evacuated from this area. >> it's not clear how long workers were exposed to the high levels of radiation or how long the levels have been as high as detected today. meanwhile, worries tonight in california where a ship that left the port in japan three days after the devastating quake and tsunami now sits in oakland. many are wondering if it brought radiation along with it. the coast guard says if a ship didn't pass within 50 miles of the disabled japanese plant, it sees no reason for concerns. still, ships are being monitored for higher levels and because radiation can spread, there are concerns in our area as well. roz joins us. >> health officials say the radiation carries along in the atmosphere. there is no surprise we would find traces here. now that they have found traces here, they are focuses on paying attention to the food, milk, water and air. >> reporter: more fallout from japan. airborne radioactive materials on the west coast, and now an amount appears to be moving cross country. health officials here say no reason to panic. >> there's no reason for alarm. there's no public health concern. what has been reported are trace levels of radioactive material in the air around the country. and we did detect very, very small levels in maryland. >> reporter: he says the amounts were routinely picked up near two nuclear facilities. the plant in southern maryland, and the peach bottom plant in nearby pennsylvania. he says it was not enough to pose a health risk. >> much, much less than an x- ray. in california, a few days ago they reported that the amount was less than one-tenth of what you would get from flying from chicago to los angeles. what we've found in maryland was a lot less than in california. >> reporter: maryland has one of only 10 labs in the country that can test for radiation in food, milk and water. officials tell us they have done that testing, and none of the samples tested positive. >> the message is that we are monitoring for anything that would be unexpected. so far, we have not seen anything unexpected. the levels we detected in the air are extremely small and do not pose a risk. >> the feds say they have detected slightly elevated levels in rain water in massachusetts and pennsylvania, but not enough to pose a health risk. >> what about the potassium iodide? >> not enough to get that. new details, we know the name of the suspect and the police officer involved. officers responded to a robbery at a jewelry store at north gate plaza. police say the 32-year-old robber approached the officer with a broken bottle. police say 24-year-old jose hernandez-romero was shot and killed this morning. witnesses held the suspected shooter identified by police as alex pineda. he was arrested and charged with second degree murder. the spotlight again on d.c. government tomorrow. two big events expected to get a lot of attention. first, a meeting where several council members are expected to ask tough questions about the mayor's hiring practices and hours later gray will give his first state of the district speech. can he move the district forward? matt? >> the mayor says he would like to get on with the business of running the city. but as hard as he tries, he can't seem to shake the negative headlines. tomorrow a committee will ask tough questions about nepotism and campaign promises. >> reporter: tonight we spotted some of the mayor's staff checking out the high school, where he'll make his first state of the district address. it will come days after a new polapproval rating taking a hit. >> we're working hard. i have a long track record of working in the city. i worked with lots of people who are in need. i will continue to do that. i'm a native washingtonen. i love the city. >> reporter: he may love the city, but many of his constituents aren't running the way he's been running it. >> more than a little disappointed. mayor gray won i think because we were expelling cronies and looks like we exchanged one set of cronies for another set. >> reporter: others want to give him more time. >> it's not helping the city when we harp on things. >> reporter: chair of the government's operations and environment committee will call a number of people to testify about hiring practices by the gray administration. including those who hired and fired brown. brown accused mayor gray and two campaign workers of offering him a job and cash to verbally attack former mayor fenty during debates. something gray denies. they'll also ask about high salaries. >> i'm not looking here just for criminallality or violations of the law. it's also appropriateness. people have raised questions about the appropriateness of the salaries. >> reporter: no word if the mayor will address the issues plaguing his administration during his state of the district. >> i don't want them to waste our money, but you know, let's find something positive to do. >> reporter: but >> reporter: do you think a speech can help him move forward? >> definitely not. >> the mayor has said there are many positive things in the district now, but they aren't making news now. the meeting starts at 11:00 tomorrow, and the speech should begin around 6:45. we'll have both covered. matt, thank you. if you were up early this morning, maybe you saw it instead of just hearing about it. snow fell in parts of our region. this is a live look from our tower cam in northwest. the snow melted away, but the cold weather hanging on. gary, a lot of us thinking, this is spring, but is this what spring is supposed to feel like? >> sometimes. unfortunately, we've been cool the last several days and we're hoping for something a little bit warmer. it doesn't look like mother nature has that for us. after having a mostly cloudy day, and of course you mentioned the snow this morning. if you woke up early enough, and perhaps you were from the district to the south, you saw the snow. clouds clearing tonight. that means cold temperatures for us. 40 here in ton. frederick, in the suburbs, down, if not close to freezing, below freezing. here in town tonight, we're 30. on the suburbs, looks like easily dropping into the lower to mid-20s under mostly fair skies for just about everybody. the full work week forecast coming up. i don't see much in the way of spring like temperatures. thank you. the ncaa tournament has a new cinderella. vcu advanced to the final four for the first time. this was the scene. a wild scene in richmond. the pubs must be crawling with fans. dave feldman is here with more. kind of reminds us of something else we saw a while back. >> really? a team with a certain player? >> yeah, number 34, will thomas, i try to fit him in wherever i can. >> the last time 11th seed made it to the final four, 2006. that teem was george mason, and they did have will thomas. many people thought the patriots didn't deserve to make it that year. just like this season when many thought the rams didn't deserve to go. but they did. taking on number one seed kansas. first half, the rams come out on fire. already up 15. this 3 gives them their largest lead at the half. rams up by 14 at the break. kansas is a pretty good team, and near a number one seed for a reason. taylor's dunk part of a 17-5 jay hawks' run to start the second half. vcu always had an answer. are you familiars up 6, and rodriguez with a pass. lays it to put vcu up 8. cinder ella wins, as they win 71-61. they're going to the final four. >> once again we felt like nobody really thought we could win going into the game. but these guys believed we could win. they knew we can win. and we talked before the game about how nobody else really matters. >> we didn't give up the lead, and made some huge plays down the stretch on both ends of the floor. now we're going to the final four. >> next up for vcu, butler, last year's cinderella team. they lost in the championship game to duke. >> how will they stack up against butler? >> good game with two programs now becoming big name programs. i don't know. i like kentucky to beat uconn in the other final four. i don't know, vcu and butler is a toss up. >> getting good. see you soon. coming up, another deadline looms. the question still remains, could the government shut down? the latest on why neither party want to take responsibility for the national budget. coalition claims reportedly pounding qaddafi's home town. more on this busy news night right after this break. stay with us.    ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ sweet as you can be ♪ i love waking up [ chuckles ] ♪ to your morning melody ♪ i can tell it's gonna be ♪ a sweet day [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet taste that's just right. and the 100% natural whole grain oats treat your heart sweet. because they can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. ♪ you're sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy. qaddafi's government is accusing rebels of attacking civilians. they say 27 people in a peace convoy were hurt. tonight, nato air raids have targeted the town of sirte as well as tripoli and rebels have regained control of two key oil complexes. it's good news for president obama, who is taking heat from both sides of the congressional aisle for getting the military involved. the president will address the nation tomorrow. there are still tough questions tonight. fox's caroline shively is gauging reaction. >> reporter: nato has agreed to take command of all aerial operations. robert gates expects a draw down in u.s. forces in the near future. he maintains no one knows if the operation will be going on at the end of the year. gates says the administration hadn't made a decision yet on whether to supply them with arms. gates said libya didn't pose imminent threat to the u.s., but there was other reason to go in, including fragile relations between the east and west. >> potentially destabilizing event taking place in libya that put at risk, potentially, the revolutions in both tanezia and libya. >> reporter: the white house is facing questions as to why get involved in libya, yet stay out of places like syria? secretary of state hillary clinton said each situation is unique. >> the u.k. and france were the ones who went to the security council and said we have to act, because otherwise we're seeing a really violent upheaval with a man who has a history of unpredictable violent acts right on our door step. >> reporter: when asked whether qaddafi will stay in power, gates said, i wouldn't be hanging pictures in i were him. my grants arrived by boat in italy today, about 5,000, from air force immigrants from africa. some escaped as they were concerns about sanitation on the island. hundreds were airlifted to housing options and other southern italian cities. anti-government protestors in syria calling for the president to step down. israel is destroying its own military to protect civilians along the southern border. turning to the economy, democratic and republican lawmakers can't seem to come to a consensus about the budget and the next deadline is fewer than two weeks away now. could we see a threat of the federal government should down once again? peter doocy has more details tonight. >> even though the house and senate were off this week, we still heard from lawmakers and learned nobody wants to take credit for this fiscal year's nonexistent budget. the senator from new york, democratic chuck schumer, went so far to say the reason nothing has happened yet isn't because republicans and democrats don't get along, because speaker boehner is letting his freshman class steer the ship. instead of lashing out at democrats, we hope republicans will stand up to the tea party and resume the negotiations that had seemed so full of promise. >> tea partiers are an important part of our base. they were important in the last election. and we can't ignore their message and their message is clearly that they want significant spending cuts and stop mortgaging our children's futures. a republican should be neither embarrassed nor concerned that we should be carrying that message in my view. >> mccain and schumer are proof the two sides have very different ideas what should be included in the budget. the house and senate were both off this week, but the clock kept ticking and april 8th is the deadline to make a deal or let the government shut down. in washington, peter doocy, fox news. as we learn more about the census, new findings about one group of americans. more how the hispanic population is becoming the nation's largest group of citizens.    this week we honor cesar chavez. >> we want to continue to celebrate him, and also to recognize in the mexican- american history, we, too, have people that deserve that national recognition. >> it's celebrated on his birthday, which happens to be this wednesday. america is growing, but no group of people is increasing faster than hispanics. even census officials are surprised as hispanics now account for more than half of the total u.s. growth since the year 2000. fox's anita vogel takes a closer look. >> reporter: the face of america is changing, according to the 2010 census. track to surpass 50 ading the million, or roughly one in six americans. among children, one in four is now hispanic. a total of 900,000 more hispanics added to the population than officials expected. >> over the decade, two groups, hispanic population and nonhispanic asian population experienced the fastest growth rate at about 43%. >> reporter: immigration and higher birth rate are the reasons behind the growth in hispanics. the census also reflects aging white population. the median age is now 41. and while the number of whites edged up in the last 10 years to 197 million, their share of the population is down 5% over the last decade because of declining birth rates. >> minority growth rate grew, and in contrast growth was relatively slow for the nonhispanic population. >> reporter: the american pie looks like this according to the census. more than 196 million whites. just over 37 million blacks. 50million hispanics. and asians had the second largest minority growth, totaling 14.5 million. >> results from the 2010 census provide new information on the diversity of the population. >> reporter: census numbers will help redraw political districts, based on population and race. many experts believe high growth of hispanics in the south could greatly affect the political landscape in states like texas and florida. in los angeles, anita vogel, fox news. we are just getting started. a group of veterans is planning to storm capitol hill tomorrow. tonight, potential republican contenders for the next presidential race are testing the waters. ou service members fight front lines risking their lives. when they return home or retire from the military, many of these veterans are falling on tough times. memorials remembering their service are a great tribute, but they're looking for the government for help. we want you to meet a veteran work the charge on capitol hill. a legislative associate for iraq and afghanistan veterans of america a nonprofit, nonpartisan group work on behalf of iraq and afghanistan veterans. >> thank you for having me. >> you're a veteran of iraq serving in the armiment on your return, what needs did you or your comrades have that weren't being ?et. >> win got out of the military, i needed to find a job. i was unemployed for 10 months. it was a very difficult transition. right now as of 2010, 11.5% of iraq and afghanistan veterans were unemployed. that's about two points higher than the civilian population. right now they're coming home to a civilian marketplace that don't understand their skills an how if translates to the market. >> it's unemployment and skills to meet the employment needs. you're lobbying congress to improve the lives of veterans. what are you looking for right now? >> this week we're take 28 veterans from around the country to meet with over 140 offices and talk about getting veterans jobs. we have a situation where someone can spend 10 years in the army, combat medic, tons of experiencement when they come out, they're not even eligible to drive an ambulance in most states. we think that's ridiculous. we're meeting with congress and weeb we're kicking it off on capitol hill at 12:30. we're having senator max baucus and representatives from deutchia bank and microsoft talking about how the corporate sector, and the nonprofit and private sector can work with the government. >> what does the private sector doing to combat the problem of veteran unemployment. >> this is not a problem solved by government alone. it's a problem the government has to work with commune based nonprofits and like microsoft had a huge initiative last year where they were giving away software so that military spouses can actually get certification on their software so that they can go out and get jobs. you have companies like deutchia bank and other wall street companies are working and pushing to get veterans into the financial industry. you have companies all around america who want to do more, but they just don't understand what value veterans bring to the work force. iava can help because we're going to ask congress to study the difference between what a military job is and what a civilian job is and hopefully bridge that gap so veterans know what they need entering the work force and employers and hiring managers know what veterans bring to the table. >> i have a few seconds left. is one of the ideas to recuse the education requirements so you have someone that's been a medic for 10 years. they may have to go back and get some schooling and some testing but not to the extent someone from scratch would have to do. >> right. we have to figure out the gaps exist. maybe it isn't equivalent, but maybe it's far more equivalent. we don't know because we've never really done that study. there's a lot of stuff happening locally and different states and communities. we want to bring that all together and create a national standard and baseline so that every state can figure out what works for them and so that educational institutions can fast track veterans through their programs so they can get jobs. >> all right. tom, i know i'm not alone in thanking you for your service on the front lines in iraq. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> you bet. no one has officially entered the race for president in 2012. that means no one getting a feel for. some are testing the waters. our carl cameron explains the appearances are all about one thing, i iowa primary. >> a half dozen potential 2012 republican candidates gathered in des moines, iowa, home of the presidential caucus for a cattle call of sort to talk about conservative principles. there's been a big debate amongst republicans of late whether or not social conservative issues should be intord nateed in some way to a -- subordinated in some way to a discussion about jobs and the economy. today they said what will win the election is wing the economic debate. >> the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing and the main thing is economic growth and job creation for our people. >> many republicans are setting themselves apart from indiana governor mitch daniels who suggested it should be a truce on social issues to focus on jobs and the economy. that is not going over well with conservatives here and among them newt gingrich, former speaker of the house who told us today he's likely to forego anexploratory committee and a full blown announcement in the first week of may. sheer what he had to say. >> some people have told you we should stay away from values and social issues. i'm here to tell you if you don't start with values, if you don't start by steak who we are as americans, the rest of it doesn't matter. life is not just about money. >> reporter: increasingly popular on the campaign trail is minnesota congresswoman who points out she was born in iowa and a seventh generation hawkeye desendant. her approach to the social issues runs big to the economic. >> we've been told we nude a -- need a truce on social issues. i would highly disagree with that because the truth is social conservativism is fiscal conservativism. >> reporter: there were a handful of likely candidates whodid not show up. hike huckaby was in iowa talking with pastors and religious leaders. many think he may not run. sarah palin who is slipping in the polls and people are growing impaict for her decision and then there's mitt romney. his must win will be new hampshire. many expect him to come here next month as well as perhaps announce his candidacy in middle of may or perhaps early june. in des moines, carl cameron, fox news. >> just one local team entered today still dancing. the georgetown women attempt to make school history. top seeded u. conn would have a say in that. sports is next. another cold night? >> oh, my gosh, will. we dodged basically the snow bullet this morning. a lot of rain back out to the west. that's coming our way. when will that rain get here? will it get here? complete workweek forecast. cold overnight tonight. we'll have details coming up.  on deck the last truly local who is -- >> yeah, georgetown, they're up the street. they're in richmond. they have their own tv market. georgetown is ours. they played well today, but ran into a buzz you saw. georgetown women felt good about playing u. conn. they played the huskies lost already. although they lost both games, they played well and held u. conn well below their averages in both. hoyas lose. sugar rogers hits the baseline three and is fouled. converts the four-point play. georgetown builds a seven-point lead. terry williams, says, yeah, let's go. u. conn went on a 22-10 run to end the game. maya moore hits the jumper and georgetown is denied a trip to the elight eight falling to u. conn. the final game for senior monica mcknight. >> in case you haven't noticed, our program is on the rise. i'm extreme threely proud of the coaching -- 'em extremely proud of the coaching staff and the girls. we should be in the elite eight. >> well said. for the men vcu looking to get to their first ever final four and the rams came out on fire in the first half going up by as many as 18. then, it was a 17-5, jai hawks run to stop the second d-jay hawks run to stop -- jay hawks run in the second half. they will go to the final four. vcu facing off to go to the final four. the barnes gets the and one and missed the free throw. carolina is within two. now under 3:00 to play, tied at 67. brandon knight, yeah. wild cats up three. kentucky down 2-2. 76-69. they'll take on u. conn in their final four matchup. niger morgan is no longer a national. the center fielder traded to milwaukee for dykstra, the son of former beleaguer lenny dykstra. morgan became expend annable after -- expendable after they acquired airchg ankiel in the -- ankiel in the spring. we'll tell you about a local tennis player giving back to his country japan. >> it's you like it. >> it's a lot of fun. >> you wish there were partying in richmond. >> it would be fiewn how do the cherry blossoms weather the snow? an update from this year's festival. gary is an early bird, onset ready to go with the five-day forecast. it is officially spring. just four days away from april and it snowed this morning. i still can't believe i'm saying this. it actually snowed just a little bit. nevertheless, it snowed this morning. what might have kept many people snuggled up inside their homes had a lot of people making a break to the tidal basins to seat cherry blossoms covered in snow. we're shoalg shown how snow is -- shown how snow is good and bad. >> snow and cherry blossoms is not typically for what you see in washington, dc. for the lucky few who caught that little dusting, it was a picture perfect day. so little snow fell, it was almost impossible to tell where the petals ended and the snow began. >> we got up at can have to come down. >> the snow was still falling when they arrived at the tidalbasin. >> they're spectacular. i've never seen them in the ?oan snow and i'm a native washingtonian. it was really great. >> it was cold and people bundled up in scarfs, hats and carolyn's dog sledding coat from mann monday it's -- minnesota. >> it's cold enough when the wind came off, i wanted something warm. >> reporter: the brisk wind kept many people at home and forced nearly all the kites out of sky after organize arers -- organizers postponed the kite flying. they say the weather is great for the blossoms themselves. >> think of when you go into a grocery store, floral shop and you buy flowers of any kind, tulips, roses, whatever. they are in a refrigerated situation not necessarily a freezer, but a refrigerator to keep those flowers cold. that's kind of the same thing that's going on here. the snow is so light and so just much of almost like a poadered sugar dust -- poaderred suge -- powdered sugar dusting, it made it great for shutter bugs. damage, none. >> reporter: he says two things can hurt the blossoms. temperatures that dip below 28 degrees. he says it only got to 30 this weekend and high winds. >> ultimately, the main enemy the blossoms is wind. if you get a big wind gust come along, that's when they'll blow down. >> reporter: the trees are expected to peak on wednesday or thursday of this week. that's how you'll know that spring has truly arrived in washington. at the tidal basin, trisha thompson, fox 5 news. >> gorgeous video out there. kind of makes you want to be there right now. as you heard bill say from the national park service, the wind could really be an issue. do we have in the forecast this week? >> yeah, the wind is always a problem. if it's raining and windy, the rain could be an additional source of a problem, but really the wind is what it is. no, to answer your question. >> nothing significant. >> i don't see any big wind storms coming your way. we have rain back in the forecast. we don't really have wind thank goodness. as these -- as cherry blossoms reach peak over the neck couple of days at peak for a few days, it should be real, real good. i wish i could say it's going to be real nice and warm tuesday. if you can get away on tuesday, tuesday will be the best day. it looks like through this week as they are peaking. we'll talk about that. a chilly week ahead. again, don't see really any 60s at least coming in the short term here. in terms of our three-day forecast, 47 tomorrow. we'll have some clouds. we'll have some sun too. we'll have some clouds. 53 on tuesday. i think tuesday is a pretty good day. it looks like on tuesday we're basically will be partly cloudy and we at least get up into the lower 50s. wind shouldn't be a big problem. i think it's fairly comfortable. as we get into wednesday, more rain comes nonwednesday. while it is suggesting we are going to stay on the cold side wednesday, it is perhaps holding off that wednesday rain until the evening commute. so, hopefully on wednesday morning it's a few days away. on wednesday morning, it should be dry. 40 here in the city. look at the numbers already falling off. dulles down close to 30. gaithersburg at freezing and cul pepper at below freezing. if it's not at freezing or below, it would surprise me. through the day, of course this morning we started with the snow. it moved off quickly. it wasn't much. they picked up a trace amount of snow at baltimore. .02 of snow officially for national. that was some. it coated some of the cars and grassy areas in spots. it was record snow at dulles today. they received a whopping .01 of an inch of snow and that was enough to be a record on this day with the snow for dulles. a lot of moisture coming our way, but you can see here it is mainly going to stay down to the south. as we look at future cast, this is tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. we'll wake up. we'll have some clouds. it's still going to be cold. as we progress through the day, look at this. two days in a row, we're forecasting some snow down through central virginia. that's incredible. last week in march. by tomorrow evening, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, skies will brighten. it will be pretty decent as the clouds start moving on off. no problems for tuesday. tuesday looks very, very good. you can see with clear skies and again temperatures lower to mid-50s. perhaps not a day. not a bad day to kind of sneak off and look at the cherry blossoms which are down that way. i'm sure it will be clouded too with the sunshine out. here is wednesday. this is what i was talking about with some of the models back off a little bit on the arrival time. this is the newest information coming in. this is wednesday at 5:00. you can see here the rain has not made it up to dc. this is the first indication that we've been seeing here that is this rain and moisture comes up into a fairly cold environment. there may be just enough of a cold wedge to create a little snow back out to the west and a little bit of a messy mix and primarily right now it looks like that would be the higher elevation. even close to winchester and front royal, who knows. it's a long way away. we might start to talk about some mix of snow in there right wednesday. cold tonight. temperatures down in the 20s and 30s. it looks like again most of the day tomorrow at least we'll have some clouds. does not mean we're going to end up with cloudy skies. again, not brilliant and blue by any means. a nice day on tuesday. showers come in on wednesday. it's a cold rain. then, thursday, friday, friday another chance of some rain coming our way. >> ok. thanks, gary. see you on the news at 11:00. coming up here on the 10:00, it's not a face lift but a new procedure which promises to give you a similar permanent affect. we're helping you look a little younger tonight. coupling on the news edge, bring extra cash if you're traveling through maryland. a toll hike you need to know about new at 11:00.   fox 5 news brought to you in hd by xfinity. my diet? well yesterday i had an apple turnover. i know it's sort of my weakness. i always keep it in the house. well, that and boston crème pie, white chocolate strawberries, and mmm key lime pie. yeah, i've already lost some weight. [ female announcer ] yoplait light -- over 30 delicious flavors at about 100 calories. babe, what are you doing?! ♪ [ female announcer ] the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack. try it today. you might agree. you might not agree that wrinkles can add character to our faces. sagging skin is almost never desired. a new skin tightening treatment might help though. galvin has more. >> reporter: this treatment is called all therapy. the good thing about it is it is usually a one-shot deal. you get the treatment once and you don't have to keep going back to the doctor for more. can it give you the lift that you're looking for? clear ever decided to find out. >> reporter: claire is pulling some long hours these days organizing a wine auction. the fourth biggest in the country to benefit the high muse yusm of -- museum of art. the 57-year-old sometimes worries that she's looking more tired than she feels and she wants a little lift. >> my number one area i'm hoping for is my eyes. i'm hoping that the hood, the hooded area with age has come on. that that will perk up a little and then under the chin here also the jowl lines that you get with age that i'm also hoping that will tighten some. come on, t.j. >> reporter: a few months ago, claire heard about a new treatment called all therapy that might give her face some lift without surgery and almost zero down time. >> i've looked and talked to people and seen the results and it seems like it's really -- it is almost like it's too good to be true without going through all the pain and down time of surgery. we'll see. >> reporter: plastic surgeon has numbed claire's skin. he marks the area along her neck and face. he's going to work on with this device. >> i'm going to do the first couple of shots slowly here so you can feel what it feels like. all right. so, here we go. >> reporter: the treatment delivers ultrasound or sound wave energy waves to clear up the deepest areas and clear up the tissue that gives her support. the goal is not just to firm up claire's skin around the children and around the eyes, but to jump start the jump start of collagen which is the skin's natural scaffolding. he says he can do it without disturbing the surface of claire's face. >> i consider this to be a completely no down time procedure. the only caveat to that is that some patients will get a little bit of light bruising. there usually is a little bit of swelling and pinkness for a few hours after the procedure. >> reporter: joanneia jacobs who is also in her 50s said they noticed a few months ago the skin along her jaw line wasdrooping and didn't like it. >> besides the fact when i would look into a mirror and just go, oh, i'm not ready to look like my old aunt betty. >> reporter: she had the samprocedure that claire is having. you can see her picture before old therapy and on the right, several months later. she says the tightening was gradual, but had no bruising, no real pain and almost no down time. >> the down time was the hour it took me to drive from here to home and that was just from the nerve block. i was out in the park with my dogs an hour later and fixing dinner for my family after that. it was great. >> reporter: and joanneia says she's happy with the subtle lift she got. >> what i noticed is under here which is where i wanted the work with, the turkey neck is gone and the skin has come back in gradually. >> reporter: immediately after claire's procedure, her face was a little pink and numb. four days later, back on her job at the hive. >> i can feel the difference. i can feel it feeling tighter and maybe i'm looking hard. i feel like there is a difference, a slight difference. really for an hour in and out and going right back to your regular routine, i definite think it's worth it. >> reporter: it runs between $1,500 and $3,200 depending on how many areas of your face you have treated. dr. beatty says this may not be a great idea for somebody with extensive facial aging because it may not deliver enough of a change to be worth

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