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his suv back but it may be too little too late. thieves able to control your car while you're behind the wheel. the clock is ticking, nine days and counting until the government could get shut down. tonight we're tracking the ripple effect. we begin tonight with the suv controversy. thanks for joining us at 10:00. i'm shawn yancy. >> i'm brian bolter. fox 5 has learned the discovery of the $1,900 a month navigator has sparked a council committee investigation. will thomas is working this one down in the newsroom. >> good evening. kwame brown said he returned the luxury suv today to the department of public works that manages the city's pleat of cars, but even though brown -- fleet of cars, but even though brown isn't driving it or the first one he apparently didn't like, taxpayers are still footing the bill until the city can get out of the lease if that's even possible. we also learned the chairman of the council's committee on public works and transportation is conducting an investigation. first the controversy, d.c.'s new council chairman kwame brown driving a fully loaded stretch lincoln navigator costing taxpayers more than 1,900 bucks a month. turns out the first one wasn't good enough rejected because he didn't like the color of the interior. so two luxury suvs leased on behalf of chairman brown costing taxpayers nearly 4,000 a month. fox 5 made requests to speak with brown and stop by his office. his spokesperson, tracy hughes, said he declined all interview requests, but she spoke. >> he's going to return the car, plain and simple. he's going to return the vehicle. >> reporter: apparently brown did just that. in a late statement issued to reporters brown said in part, "i apologize for the disruption, returned the vehicle to dpw, the fact that dpw procured the vehicle for nearly 2,000 a month is an unacceptable use of city funds." as the washington post first reported, the request to dpw for a fully loaded lincoln navigator came from kwame brown's office, but his spokesperson said brown only requested a black on black suv and that dpw offered the navigator on its own. what is the truth? the council's committee on public works and transportation which oversees dpw is going to get to the bottom of it. jim graham is a committee member and suggests a standard for city vehicles should be established. >> we can take the mystery out of this and take much of the discretion out of this by establishing these standards and i think the chairman would be the first to say let's do about. >> reporter: councilman tommy wells spoke with me by phone tonight. he is the chairman of the council's committee on public works and transportation which oversees dpw. he's investigating what vehicles dpw is currently leasing, which ones the city bought and who's driving them. according to his letter sent to dpw, he wants these answers no later than friday. >> mayor gray was council chairman before brown. what did he drive? >> he drove a chevy tahoe. tommy wells says he wants to know where that tahoe is and wonders if that should have just been transferred to brown, the new chairman. >> we know you focused on one lucks suv, but, in fact, two -- luxury suv, but, in fact, two lincoln navigators were released on behalf of brown. >> one of them brown turned over today and said he'll reimburse the city for the time he drove it. we've also learned from kwame brown's office the other one is being used as a backup for mayor gray who also has a lincoln navigator issued to him. by the way, taxpayers are currently paying for both suvs. again, that's about $4,000. whether they are being driven or not, brian. >> will thomas tonight. do you see your tax dollars going to the wrong things? we want you to tell us where's the waste. send your tips to fox 5 tips at now to a fox 5 news alert, former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel will become the next mayor of chicago, live pictures from chicago tonight where emanuel is making his acceptance speech. all the votes have not been counted in this race, but with 86% of precincts reporting emanuel is in the lead with 55% of the vote which is a decisive victory here. emanuel gave up his job at the white house back in october to return to chicago to run for mayor. meantime tonight dead on arrival, that's what house republican leaders are saying about a senate majority leader harry reid's latest proposal to avert a government shutdown. reid wants to keep the government running for an extra 30 days at current spending level. republicans are demanding $60 billion in cuts to the current fiscal year budget. the doom day deadline remains march 3rd at 11:59 p.m. the money runs out. what's the mood of the federal workforce tonight? fox 5 bob barnard is here with some answers. >> they'll be carefully watching the krone jackson talk, the chiefs of staff for senate majority leader reid and house speaker boehner thrust into the spotlight asked by reid to broker an agreement to cut federal spending and keep the government open. if you'd like to gauge the collective mindset of the washington area's vast federal workforce, riding metro during the evening commute, as good as any place to start. >> i'm counting on them to make the right decision and not shut the government down. >> reporter: valerie raglin works at the justice department. >> it would affect me heavily especially if they're not going to retroactively pay you back which they said probably won't happen this time. >> i'm not a government worker, but the fact of it is if the government shuts down, it affects everybody, not just the workers. >> reporter: mired in a partisan battle over proposals for massive cuts in government spending, congress appears poised to shut down the federal government for the first time in a decade and a half. >> if the government stops paying bills, my company stops paying me, i stay home. >> reporter: buck buchanan says he works for a contractor for the department of homeland security. >> with this congress i'm not going to try to predict it. >> among the people in my office, a lot of us are fortunate to have spouses or partners who are working and we would survive. it would be tougher. >> reporter: laura maclin works for the department of health and human services. >> but i think the things that government does for people are very important to continue. >> reporter: our soldiers on the front lines would get paid, same goes for air traffic controllers and food inspectors. we're told social security checks for current beneficiaries would go out as scheduled, but forget about applying for a new passport or visa and yes, the people who keep our national treasures open and clean will not be getting paid. senator reid says he'll be offering legislation to keep the government funded another month when congress comes back to work next week. speaker boehner says the house will not pass a continuing resolution without some measure of spending cuts. so stay tuned, brian. bring in mark blockkin, political analyst. great to see you tonight, start with the government shutdown since that's where we left off. not many took this seriously a few weeks ago. it kind of looks like a certainty now, does it not? >> well, i don't feel that either party feels it's in their interests to be blamed for the government shutdown. this is kids' play coming up to raising the debt limit. i think they'll get around to doing this because it hurts both if either one gets blamed for it, but when it talks about raising the debt limit which will come a little later, then you're going to really see the negotiation and then you'll really see some very tough times. people are talking about catastrophic outcomes if that is not done. >> tea party clamorers to get things back in their eyes. let's move it back to kwame brown. what is the deal with him? is he that politically tone deaf or that greedy? >> i think it's probably in between. this is a guy that really didn't have much of a record, had a weak field that he won with and he couldn't wait to have all the displays and the accouterments of power even before the inauguration. the article in the post talks about that he had to have it before the inauguration. he's now trying to recover. i talked to council member jack evans who is the longest serving council member. he said there should really be only one person that has a car and that's the mayor for security reasons and i think tommy wells realized the chairman of the public works committee that he has to investigate this and there will be a lot of egg on their face and kwame brown for the first week or first few weeks of his auspicious beginning, it's really a terrible start. >> just on behalf of the viewers here, he gets sued by three credit card companies according to the washington post, his huge personal debt was a major campaign issue and then this. i'm just wondering what that says about what he thinks about the voters out there as if they can't put one-and-one together here. >> well, he obviously survived it in the political maelstrom and maybe it emboldened him to think that he could do this, but it stinks and it's bad and he is really going to have to recover and recover quickly. he's the head of a branch of government and he's supposed to be a respected and prominent figure and he looks just -- there's no other word but sleazy about this. >> thank for your time and insight tonight. >> thank you. the fox 5 storm force is tracking a very cold night, a live look outside right now. it's a good thing you can't feel what it looks like. last night's wintery mix is gone long but it's opened the door for temperatures back in the teens tonight. pal a pal has more on just how bitter -- sue palka has more on just how bitter cold it's going to get. >> something is helping us tonight, a deck of clouds to our west. it's producing flurries for some spots. the clouds are keeping temperatures a bit even, but when they clear out and that will happen later tonight, we will be watching the temperatures tank into the teens. by the way, it wasn't very warm today, our high temperature in d.c. only 37 degrees. we did not really get over the freezing mark at dulles, bwi marshall 37. of course, we do have falling temperatures now, down to 31 in the district, but places like frederick with 5 inches of snow on the ground down to 21 degrees, gaithersburg 25, washington 31, but again that deck of clouds once it breaks up a little later tonight may mean front royal and germantown will drop to 14 degrees, centreville about 19 and in d.c. 23 degrees. let me show you where we've had some lingering flurries unrelated to what we had yesterday. these are occurring just out to our west, a little bit of a weak disturbance that's producing some of these flurries. this will continue for the next several hours and there are some clouds associated with it. we see those down toward dale city as well. it won't produce an accumulation, but it's probably the last thing most people want to see, brian. we'll watch that. the clouds will break up and it looks like a quiet day for us wednesday but yet another storm system in the pipeline. it's going to be a rainstorm and maybe a lot of rain. i'll have that forecast coming up. a shootout on the high seas involving somali pirates, four americans taken hostage on their yachts dead. fox 5's laura evans is in the newsroom now. >> navy ships had been watching the hijacked yacht, the quest, since friday, and negotiations were underway today. u.s. military officials were trying to get pirates to free the americans. let's look at this map where it's happening just south of oman. suddenly this morning the pirates reportedly started firing at the navy ship. pirates were launching a rocket propelled grenade prompting the special navy forces to quickly board the quest. once on board they found the four americans shot. jean and scott adam of marina del rey california and phyllis mckay and bob wriggle of seattle, washington. all. them sailing enthusiasts. the adams had been sailing on their yacht since 2004 distributing bibles. tonight secretary of state hillary clinton is expressing outrage and condolences to the families of the hostages. >> this deplorable act by the pirates that stalk vessels in the waters off of somalia firmly underscores the need for the international community to act more decisively together. we've got to have a more effective approach to maintaining security on the seas in the ocean lanes that are so essential to commerce and travel. >> four pirates were killed, two by special forces and two others already were on the boat dead. 15 more pirates were captured in today's assault. family members say mckay was living her dream in her sailing around the world. mckay's niece said this morning her aunt was not dead when the navy seals arrived on the ship. they say they tried to save her but were not successful. a local woman accused in a $50 million mortgage fraud scheme, today she had more than a few things to tell the judge after leaving the country. what happened inside the courtroom next.  a virginia woman who fled the country after being charged in a $50 million mortgage fraud scheme is back in the u.s. tonight. diane atari is accused of helping people with bad credit buy homes they couldn't afford. she made her first court appearance in leesburg today without an attorney. fox 5's john henrehan reports. >> reporter: in the middle part of the last decade the housing market in northern virginia and many parts of the united states was red hot. diane frederick atari owned several real estate oriented companies. authorities in virginia allege she participated in numerous fraudulent mortgage transactions. then as an investigation was closing in, atari left the united states for an extended stay in turkey. >> did she leigh the united states to avoid -- leave the united states to avoid prosecution? >> she left two days before the indictment was returned, yes, sir. >> reporter: the indictment alleges that atari engaged in a series of sham transactions that ultimately led to mortgages that the homebuyers could not possibly afford. prosecutors allege $50 million in fraud and $1 million in profit for the defendant. in court diane atari asked to make a statement. circuit judge james chamblin allowed it. atari called the $50 million and the $1 million figures fabricated and said she ran honest businesses in loudoun county and blamed other corporations for shady practices and said 65 involved people remain uncharged in connection with the case and yet, "i stand here by myself." the judge advised the defendant that such statements would be more appropriate at later proceedings. what was the prosecutor's reaction to the courtroom outburst? >> the judge let her say what she wanted to say and i guess certainly if she thinks there's more to this than we know about, our sheriffs investigators and attorney generals investigators are always, of course, willing to meet with her. f she so chooses but the ball -- her if she so chooses about the the ball is in her court at this point. >> reporter: if convicted on all counts, she could spend the rest of her life in prison. she remains in custody. her next hearing is march 11th. montgomery county police are showing off thousands of dollars of stolen items hoping to reunite them with rightful owners. this is less than half the loot taken by burglars through july of last year. more than half the stolen property has been returned, but all this stuff is unclaimed. >> anybody calling would have to verify that they were a victim of a crime. typically that just means giving us a case number so we can verify it. once we pull the report we'll look at the property section and try to match up what they claim is theirs versus what they reported was stolen. >> four suspects have been arrested. d.c.'s interim fire chief goes before the city council today to begin confirmation hearings to get the permanent job. he says he's already made big changes. fox 5 e roby hearing and roby is live in the newsroom with the details. >> d.c.'s interim fire chief came one step closer to becoming the permanent head. there's been one big improvement in the department already. chief ellerbe said he's already cut back on overtime and promises a zero tolerance when it comes to discrimination in the department. >> it's apparent that the community is confident and chief ellerbe is already established. >> an outpouring of support went on for three hours at the confirmation hearing for interim d.c. fire chief kenneth ellerbe who came up through the ranks. today the room was filled with employees in uniform in a show of solidarity. >> and i know that he will bring integrity, character, accountability and honesty to the fire department. >> it takes a brave and thoughtful individual with experience in our system to understand best how to improve it. chief ellerbe is that person. he's been here and done the hard work. >> things have got to be better in the department. >> reporter: at his confirmation hearing the chief promised change and the the company did wracked by excessive overtime and allegations of discrimination and disparity in discipline. the chief promised zero tolerance for unfair treatment. >> this is my home. i believe in this department and the people in the department which is why i have had a private conversation and said if we can't make some positive obvious changes in a year, if my resignation was called for, i would give it up readily. >> reporter: on the job less than 60 days, the chief is determined to reduce $50 million in overtime. in fact, he says 38 employees have already been taken off administrative duty and put back on the street. overtime has already decreased by 35% over last year. he worries that the discipline process is now tainted and wants an outside review of discipline cases. >> morale in the department has been a problem and some of our employees feel intimidated at work. others just want to be heard and know that their dissenting perspective will not result in retaliation. >> reporter: the interim fire chief says he will hire civilians to fill the vacant administrative positions to continue to draw back on excessive overtime. he is known for being outrageous and now he's taking on his own people. libyan leader moammar gadhafi screaming on state tv pounding his fists and vowing to fight until the last drop of blood, the latest on the turmoil in lybia next.  we want peace! >> we want justice we want peace! >> all across the middle east! >> a small group of libyan americans protested outside the white house tonight. like their counterparts in lybia, they're calling for the ouster of leader moammar gadhafi, but the man who has been in charge more than 40 years reminds defiant and is vowing to stay in charge of this country. the united states announced it will start evacuating americans tomorrow from lybia taken by ferry to malta. fox's amy kellogg has the latest on today's developments. >> reporter: lynnian leader moammar gadhafi addressed his -- libyan leader moammar gadhafi addressed his nation from his old house bombed in 1986, an attacked which killed his adoptive daughter. it's the colonel's way of showing he had fought the americans and suffered losses for lybia. >> when this place was bombed here at my home and my children were killed, where were you rats? where were you men with me? where were you? you were with america. >> reporter: he said he'd die in lybia a martyr. to many it was a delusional and menacing rant in which gadhafi said the men in china were more profitable than the men on the square. libyan noman fought in the first afghan war and is back from lybia and said he's never seen anything like what he witnessed. >> there's bodies all over scattered here and there. i can't describe it myself now. >> reporter: with hundreds now believed to have been shot dead in the streets, the brutality is untenable even to libyan diplomats who have been quitting their posts in droves. but there are fears now this could descend into a civil war. there are reports this evening that the libyan army has deployed large numbers of soldiers to a town west of the capital because protesters have attacked security services buildings there and lybia's interior minister resigned and is now encouraging the army to side with the protesters. in london amy kellogg, fox news. a developing story in new zealand tonight where people are still being rescued from the rubble more than 24 hours after an earthquake struck christchurch church. the death toll from the 6.3 magnitude trembler is now up to 75. search teams are using their bare hands, dogs and heavy cranes to try and free those trapped. hackers no longer targeting your computer. they could be targeting your ride gaining control of your engine and brakes while you're behind the wheel. our fox 5 investigation is next. you protect your computer from hackers. what about your car? the more technology you have in your vehicle, the more vulnerable it could be which means someone else could control your car. fox 5 investigates how real the danger is. >> reporter: when we think about hacking, many of us think about the security of our computers or maybe even our credit card information, but many would never think of our cars as a target for hackers. all that information we see on the dashboard computer is linked to critical components throughout the car and the more bells and whistles we demand, the more technology is packed inside our vehicles. >> they put t there because people want them. if people didn't truly want them, they wouldn't spend the -- they wouldn't put the expense out to put them in there. >> because the car is able to tap into a series of facilities. then that means there's computers monitoring all those different kinds of things. to me that makes me wondering what kinds of risks might exist in these computers? >> reporter: a recent study done by the university of washington and university of california san diego proved researcher were able to control a car's brakes and engine after having access to the vehicle and researchers at rutgers and the university of south carolina were able to hack into the tire pressure monitoring systems of two cars by using the radiofrequencies made to communicate between the tires and the car's engine, but controlling your car from a computer according to some isn't far behind. >> the thing that somebody could do could be limitless if these things are internet connectible. >> reporter: netro guard is a computer security company. though adrial considers himself an expert hacker, he says there are many out there who aren't looking to help. add in the available of mobile hotspots and internet connections in cars, he says hackers have the potential to do a lot of damage. >> imagine doing something like infecting that car with a worm. you're driving down the road and all of a sudden the brakes on half of your car apply and the gas doesn't. you're done. you're going to get in a big accident because of the car, so you can take a weaponnized piece of encoding and plant it into one of these things and have a catastrophic failure. >> reporter: think it's far fetched? it's not. adrial found postings on twitter about a new car from a major manufacturer with its own ip address about to hit the market. hackers were forecasting an internet worm targeting the car's brakes. >> the couple of car manufacturers i talked to both chrysler and ford, they were well ahead of the curve and they put the same kind of sort of firewalls in place that any good business computer system would have. so if someone tried to hack into it, it would either signal it or they would just try to stop it before it happens. >> reporter: john paul is the manager of public affairs in car safety for aaa and says car manufacturers have prepared for security and downplay the likelihood of major car hacking. >> so anything that potentially could happen would be very, very minor in nature. so the idea of having somebody pull up next to you with a laptop and shut your car off probably isn't going to happen. >> reporter: adrial says while targeting your specific car isn't as likely, it might be that hackers focus on certain models. why would hackers want to do this? the answer adrial says is simple. >> you ask any hacker and they'll say because i can or because i could, yeah. information kept secret more than two decades could be the key to a notorious murder. what the prosecutor had that some say shows eight men sitting behind bars shouldn't be there. but first the unrest in the middle east is hitting your wallet, plus even more trouble for toyota. here's neil cavuto with tonight's business report. >> lybia' lungs pushing energy prices higher every -- pushing energy prices here everywhere and pushing stocks lower here, oil prices spiking more than seven bucks to settle at 93.57 a barrel. fear is growing over oil supplies getting cut off frolic why. you'll feel it at the pump. the average price -- frolic why. you'll feel it at the pump. the u.s. government is investigating complaints about toyota hybrid suvs. the gas friendly highlander reportedly can stall at speeds up to 40 miles per hour, no recalls issued just yet, no reports of crashes or injuries either. wal-mart making more money with fewer u.s. shoppers. strong international growth helping pro. s grow 27% since last quarter -- profits grow 27% since last quarter, but sales at u.s. stores slipping nearly 2%. housing is still slipping home prices falling nearly 2.5% in december. that's business. i'm neil cavuto. 's rig  this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically. back now with a fox 5 investigation. information kept secret for more than two decades is now raising questions about the guilt of eight men convicted in a notorious murder of catherine fuller. she of dragged into a northeast alley, robbed, beaten and sodomized. it was a crime so vile the 1985 trial captivated the city. the secret, a pair of names kept in the notes of the prosecuting attorney. fox 5's paul wagner has the story you will see first on fox. >> reporter: christopher turner, smith, levi rouse, russell overton were all convicted of killing catherine fuller. the way the jury heard it the men dragged her into an alley where they savagely beat and sodomized her or did they? what the jury didn't know and the defense was never told was that three witnesses placed a man named james mcmillan in the alley around the time of the murder. one attorney michelle roberts seen here in 1985 asked prosecutor jerry goren to review the names under the law brady versus maryland, but he refused. >> i think tunnel vision was in play. i think the government honestly believes that this was a huge gang crime, gang of kids committing a crime, and so that in their minds and the evidence of one person or two people committing a crime just didn't count. it's crazy. so they need to turn it over. >> reporter: goren explained in court papers he didn't have to turn over the names because the men were seen in the alley about an hour and a half after the murder. >> it's going to be a problem for the government defending this now what, 20 years later? >> reporter: defense attorney bernie grimm says the brady law is clear. >> essentially brady is if i'm representing you, anything the other side has that could help me in representing you, a witness, a piece of forensic evidence, testimony of some other person, they're obligated by law to turn that over to me. >> reporter: but defense attorneys never knew three witnesses saw james mcmillan in the alley acting suspiciously holding something under his coat. he ran when the police came. eight years convicted of killing abbey mcclosky in an alley off eighth street. she'd been sodomized and beaten, the same way catherine fuller died. >> and this new information is so compelling there will be a case held next fall. the mid-atlantic innocence project said four of the six main witnesses who originally pointed fingers at the men behind bars have since recanted their story. council member kwame brown caving to the criticism over those lincoln navigators paid for with, of course, what else, taxpayer money, but is it enough? new on the news edge find out who is calling for his resignation. plus a spike in crime as police hitting the air waves. we check out the massive police presence on the radio today, find out how well it worked at 11:00. paul ? oh, hey, charlene. what are you doing ? this is to help me with my online investing. i'm so overwhelmed by jargon and trading tools and data that i need to get as much blood to my brain as possible, just to make sense of it all. touch the ball. whoa ! get sharebuilder from ing direct. hey, my headache's gone. we're in the web center now with sarah frazier from hot 99.5. the glee chats are burning up tonight but you've got news for glee fans here in d.c. >> shawn, this is a huge night. today it was announced because glee is going on tour. the cast will be coming. they were only going to do 13 cities, but they announced they're coming to the verizon center in d.c. june 9th. >> that's huge. >> glee, we're so excited. so tickets go on sale through nation march 4th and we'll be giving them out on hot 99.5, but yes, big, big news. the entire cast, all your favorites, teenage dream and, of course, some of the music from tonight. they did jamie foxx and kesha, so it's huge news that they're coming here. >> i also understand there's more big news. gwyneth paltrow is reviving her role on glee. >> yes. they're taking a bit of a hiatus next week. so in two weeks we'll be firing up our chat again and gwen is coming back. she was so popular. she's back as the wild substitute teacher that everybody loves. it just keeps getting better. you can't beat it. that will be good. >> what are you talking about tomorrow morning? >> tomorrow we'll have more details about some of their -- they're already releasing some of the shows that might be kind of shown on their tour. so we'll talk about that and then all the glee chat and dirt that's going on. >> yeah. there's a lot to talk about. >> you got that. >> sarah, thank you very much, the latest on the glee chat. brian, back up to you. well, we got through last night. it was an absolute mess and this morning, all that ice created some issues as well. >> a lot of school delays, some cancellations. in the district we had mostly sleet, not much snow. so we really didn't get the numbers we thought in the district, but i know it caused huge problems. you had a long ride home last night. >> the truck was overturned about midnight or so and the road was shut down. it was 28 degrees and ice, still snow coming down. >> this is what everybody was stuck with this morning having to first get the powder off if you had the snow and underneath it a crusty layer of ice which in some places was really close to 1/2-inch thick. so a lot of scraping going on. not a lot of snow for the metro area, but those windshield wipers were good and frozen in there and yeah, really kind of a dicey ride last night. i found the roads this mortgage in pretty good shape. i -- morning in pretty good shape. i think the crews did a pretty good job. tonight we have a few flurries on radar, nothing to be too worried about. this won't produce an accumulation, but it is one last little disturbance in the atmosphere swinging by. so don't be shocked, especially west of d.c. and down to our south. this will be around the next few hours. it also producing a little bit of cloud cover. we can use that tonight, that's for sure, because it will keep us warmer. over to true view to see the cloud cover and again breaking up as you can see now down to our south. so these clouds will be passing by and as they leave the area, that's when we'll see our temperatures getting cold. let's talk again about how much snow fell last night. the numbers very unimpressive, less than an inch across the district and down to our south and sleet the big problem there. just up through montgomery county portions of western loudoun and even into prince george's county annapolis i noticed even had a 3-inch amount, 1 to 3 inches there. the heaviest snow by far and away up along the mason dixon line. just to give you some specifics, frederick did have about 5 inches of snow, annapolis 3, columbia 3 1/2, in the district about 1/2-inch mostly sleet with snow on top, ashburn 1.2 and martinsburg, west virginia, 4 inches. sleet definitely played havoc with the forecast and also on the roads this morning. some flurries as mentioned in our weather headlines the next few hours. tomorrow it will be quiet and maybe little warmer, how about 40 degrees? it's not like last week when we had our record heat and three days at or above 70, but at least here's some good news. our next storm for those of you who don't want more snow will be liquid getting going thursday afternoon into friday and there may, in fact, be heavy rain with that kind of in two waves. we'll have to watch that, the heaviest rain coming in overnight into friday morning, maybe lingering into part of the afternoon as well. now we're still not terribly cold yet, certainly 20 not a bargain, 24 hagerstown, 25 gaithersburg, but this will probably get a lot colder once that little disturbance and the cloud cover gets on by. check out detroit at 13, pittsburgh 30, binghamton 10. don't be surprised to find some teens in the suburbs after the flurries pass through and the skies clear out and even 23 degrees here in the district. at 8:00 in morning 26 degrees. by noon, though, about 37 degrees and by 5:00 40 degrees. want you to see what we're thinking in terms of rain. no rain for tomorrow, just a couple flurries tone, but in our forecast high pressure will -- tonight, but in our forecast high pressure will move out of the way, a good amount of sunshine tomorrow but probably any time after the noon, 2:00 hour thursday light showers move in. they'll probably be around for our evening rush hour, but then heavier stuff, maybe a slug of real heavy moisture thursday night into friday. first will be the showers thursday afternoon, but on the five-day forecast as you'll see here going into friday i think we might have some potentially heavy rain even timed out for the morning rush hour and then tapering off to showers. so we'll have to see how much we get in that short amount of time. right now we think the weekend settles down. it's not arctic cold behind these systems. at least we'll be in the upper 40s and the 50s into the weekend. >> thank you, sue. [ singing ] totally faking it. >> in case you're wondering, laura evans, sue palka, melanie alnwick and i joined forces singing karaoke for the a good cause. the annual capital karaoke is a fundraiser for child health, an organization dedicated to preventing and treating child abuse. by the way, we are all keeping our day jobs. >> i understand they should shut my mic off and that was a good thing. by the way, we had a sing along with channel 9 and they won. >> what? >> yes, they did. they did a black eyed peas number. >> the voting was a little skewed. we've got a lot of questions about that, but it's all right. >> next year we'll take you on. >> we're good guys. we even catch the other shot, no microphone, no shot for you. >> you're a good sport, sue. >> thanks. it was fun tonight. >> congratulations, channel 9. we'll see you next year. with the cold temperatures outside hard to believe baseball season around the corner. >> spring training underway and the warmth of that florida has sports director dave feldman at training camp. >> reporter: the expression is hope springs eternal and that's the case with baseball spring training. today was the first full squad workout and everybody was here. it's the crack of the bat, the pop of a glove, a star standing tall among his fans. spring training is here and with it hope. >> tremendous amount of talent in the room here and, you know, with that talent the expectations get raised and so forth. so let's meet and exceed those expectations and play baseball. >> reporter: a team that has some big names. ryan zimmerman is back at third. nyjer morgan is set to lead off and jayson werth is new to town with a $126 million contract, but the man everyone is talking about only recently became a man. 18-year-old bryce harper. the nats right fielder of the future. like stephen strasburg before him, harper of the no. 1 overall draft pick and just like strasburg, everyone is watching. >> i just try to do what i do. i could care less what everybody thinks. i just go out this and try to do me and, you know, as long as i'm helping the team win and helping everybody get better and everybody is helping me get better, that's all that matters. werth came up to me today and there's a couple guys you going to make the team or what? i'm trying to make this club and i'm going to come out every day and make their choice hard. >> reporter: a big part of spring training is always the fans and the nats have their share. >> we're building a great time. they're looking very good and we think we're going to do go. >> reporter: who's your favorite player? give me one. >> well, i have several, but if i must pick one. >> reporter: you must pick one. >> ryan zimmer man. how's that? >> reporter: that's great. >> i like the z man. >> the coolest part is getting to see everyone again. i think the baseball part takes care of itself and getting to hang out and see all the guys again is way better than the baseball part. >> reporter: what's your favorite part of spring training? >> seeing bryce harper hit. >> reporter: how did he do? >> he hit it b five home runs. he did -- about five home runs. >> reporter: he did? >> yeah. >> reporter: that's pretty good. what a polite young man. 61 players are here at spring training. less than half of that will be on the opening day roster, only 25. in viera, florida, dave feldman, fox 5 sports. >> and the nice warm weather. we'll be right back. >> today's five-day forecast is brought to you by your local dodge jeep and chrysler dealers.  the emergency contraceptive pill is called plan b. its maker wants to make it available to everyone regardless of age, but not everyone supports the plan. fox's shannon breen explains. >> reporter: less than two years after the fda approved the plan b morning after pill for over the counter use by women 17 and older, the drug's maker is asking that all age restrictions be lifted meaning that anyone any age could simply walk into a drugstore and buy plan b want ever seeing a doctor. >> parents should be very concerned that the fda and the drug company are trying to sell this drug to minor girls without parents' knowledge or consent. >> reporter: along with its request to the fda tiva pharmaceutical, the company behind plan b submitted data from a study in which girls as young as 11 actually used the drug. >> in any case in which a minor girl would seek this drug there needs to be adult enter voong. there needs to be a doctor involved to -- intervention. there needs to be a doctor involved to find out if this girl is being abused. >> reporter: the drug needs to be used within three days of unprotected sex and tiva says we believe it's so important we believe in removing all the barriers so someone can get

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