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it's still snowing for oklahoma. back over to arkansas. here's temperatures right now, want to see how cold it is out there. i'm sorry, freezing rain advisory is first in place. this will be 1 a.m. until 10 a.m., not the district, but up to north and west loudoun county, montgomery county and points northward. temperatures out there plenty cold enough in places, frederick 27 up from 25 earlier. temperature in washington 38 up from 37 and again it does look like this is a possibility that we could have some slippery spots out there tomorrow morning. more on the complete forecast coming up, plus a preview of the weather in dallas for the super bowl. let's talk about that right now. a developing story down there, workers at cowboys stadium working to clear ice and snow from the roof. six people are recovering after being pelted by huge sheets of ice that cass indicate cadeed off the snow covered dome -- cascaded off the snow covered dome. the victims were private contractors helping to set up for the super bowl. a 100-foot perimeter has been set up now to keep people out. >> we've already had i believe a helicopter going around identifying the areas where this could be an issue. the likelihood is they'll have to get somebody up there to get the snow off as soon as possible. so they likely will be doing that in the in, 24 hours. >> sunday's steelers/green bay showdown expected to go as planned. right now the nfl's main concern is safety. the venue will remain secure until all that ice is gone. just two days from the super bowl and washington is talking about redskins owner dan snyder. tonight he is speaking out about his lawsuit against the city paper for an unflattering story. fox 5's roz plater is following this one. what does snyder say? >> he is fighting back against the criticism he got just for filing the lawsuit and today he says he filed because the reporter crossed the line. just to remind you, it is an article published in the washington city paper last november called a cranky redskins fan guide to dan snyder. snyder called it slander and his lawsuit took issue with the picture copying the article saying the way he was depicted with horns was anti semitic. in interviews today he focused on his wife. here's what the article said about her. she said her husband is surrounded by better people and that he has grown and evolved. here is snyder's reaction on espn 980, the john thompson show. >> i've never sued anyone in the media, but when someone calls you a criminal and flat out lies and makes fun of your wife who is battling breast cancer as the national spokesperson for breast cancer awareness for the nfl and makes fun of it, you just are dealing with someone that has crossed line and what's right is right . >> now snyder also said his lawyers never would have filed that lawsuit if they had gotten an apology and retraction, but the city paper says it stands by its story and has nothing to retract. >> did he talk about the decision to file this lawsuit just days away from the super bowl? >> he said that was not his decision, that of his lawyers and vp whose idea it was to file. he said the timing was just a coincidence. meantime owner dan snyder isn't the only member of the redskins organization making headlines. albert haynesworth is back in the news. it's not about football. it's a lot more serious, in fact, lindsay murphy here with more on the story. >> this is completely unrelated to the redskins. albert haynesworth has been charged with simple assault for an alleged road rage incident in reston wednesday morning. fairfax county police say a 38- year-old leesburg man claims haynesburg was tailgating him on the parkway. the two exchanged words at a traffic light and allegedly haynesworth hit him. fairfax county police received a call 9:15 a.m. wednesday from joel velasquez. he said haynesworth was in a pickup truck tailgating him in the southbound lanes near lake newport drive. near new dominion parkway intersection velazquez said haynesworth got out of the truck and said you're not so tough now before punching him in the face. velazquez admitted using a hand gesture before the two exchanged words. haynesworth's agent released a statement saying this man who provoked the situation himself recognized albert and is now simply trying to turn it into his 15 minutes of fame and yet we can only a assume get some money. albert did not assault this man and looks forward to his day in court to face these ridiculous allegations. haynesworth will appear in fairfax county general district court at a later date. breaking news in southeast d.c. tonight, a 4-year-old girl has died in a house fire. it happened on buena vista terrace near 30th street southeast. firefighters say both floors of the house were burning when they arrived on scene about 6:15. it took about 45 minutes to knock down the flames. several other people who escaped were checked out by medics, no word on the cause. tonight sky fox over the scene of an accident in gaithersburg, train struck a car that stalled on the tracks. happen ad around 7:30 at the intersection of east -- happened around 7:30 at the intersection of east diamond and summit avenues. the family inside the car got out okay. the train dragged the car for several feet. fortunately no one was hurt. the unrest in egypt is in its 11th day, a massive crowd of protesters assembling for a new rally in cairo central square. meantime the white house is putting pressure on president hosni mubarak. fox 5's laura evans is monitoring developments tonight. >> after violent clashes it seems clear the white house believes that without mubarak as president egypt can regain stability. president obama today called for egyptian president hosni mubarak to step down immediately and a transition period that begins now. as night fell in egypt's capital, thousands still stand in the streets. anti-government protesters say they won't leave until president hosni mubarak steps down, but egypt's president has said he will not resign. he said leaving now would launch the country into chaos. already 109 people are dead in protests since last week and tonight the white house is watching this one closely. >> we want to see this moment of turmoil turn into a moment of opportunity. the entire world is watching. what we hope for and what we will work for is a future where all of egyptian society seizes that opportunity. >> reporter: mubarak has already said he will not run for reelection in the fall, but the question is who will take over when he does leave? one leading candidate, nobel peace laureate mohammed elbaradei. he has ties to the muslin brotherhood, an islamist opposition group banned in egypt. critics of the organization believe the brotherhood could turn egypt into another iran if they took control. elbaradei said mubarak should step down immediately but do so immediately calling for a move to a transitional government. >> it's a question of comfort and trust and the trust is gone and you cannot build trust over 30 years. >> reporter: there has been a lot of behind the scenes diplomacy going on. officials in washington have been talking with the mubarak government about the president stepping down and having a military backed transitional government lead by -- led by the current vice president. >> what's been the response from the mubarak government? >> mubarak has staunchly refused to step down until september when e says won't run for reelection. today his -- he says won't run for reelection. today his prime minister said that stance is unlikely to change. protesters are vowing to continue the rallies until mubarak goes. joining me now is richard rinaldi, a student at georgetown university who was study ago broad in cairo as the initial -- studying abroad in cairo as the initial protests broke out. georgetown had you come back on an evacuation or charter plane? >> they had us on a cutter airlines flight. we went out with them, too. >> looking at how things are playing out now and seeing how much more violent it got from even those initial days you were there, what are your thoughts as you see it play out knowing just how different things were nine, 10 days ago? >> personally i'm glad we left. there's a lot of uncertainty in the coming months whether things calm down or get worse. i think there will still be a lot of uncertainty. so i'm glad i'm in washington. >> when the internet went down we heard reports from people who came back and felt like they were just in the dark and i think a lot of people will be interested to know what it's like when a government turns off the internet and you're in the dark. >> i think i felt like i was in the dark, but what i was worried about was the people at home who were in the dark, so my family and friends who i couldn't contact and say i'm safe. i'm far away enough from the protests that i'm not bothered by them, but there was a lot of uncertainty there. >> what are you thinking as you watch it play out now? >> i'm concerned for the people in egypt. my friends who are still there, but like i said, i'm glad that i'm not there to sit in the curfew and wait to see what happens. >> as far as the politics go, you had only been there a couple of days. i think you were there 10 days total, supposed to be an entire semester. did you get a sense of the political winds there and that this was brewing? >> i didn't -- you know, didn't know much about egypt going in, but the egyptians that i talked to were definitely anti-mubarak and definitely wanted change. >> my last question for you, do you sense the youth that you did run into in your short time there, did you sense that they're in this obviously for the long haul or did you sense that this was something that just sort of snowballed? >> they're in this for the long haul. it's definitely snowballed into something that is going to go on for a while. i don't know if it's going to be in the form of protests forever, but they din want change and they're going to work -- definitely want change and they're going to work until they get it. >> i'm sure your parents are happy you're home safe and sound. thanks for coming in. back upstairs. >> thanks. several horses targeted and shot on their farms. it's happened in one local community. are police closer to catching the killer? keep it right here. fox 5 news at 10:00 is coming right back. 0 ppú@ókfb# cph @ ñ  my sistersundays are just tofor watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ who is shooting horses in charles county? that's what investigators want to know tonight. they're looking into five different cases. the latest happened last monday and the champion horse did not survive. fox 5's wisdom martin spoke with the horse's owner and has the story tonight. >> you got onion breath. >> reporter: since her childhood kimberly fullerton has had a special connection with her horses. >> she's horses get so well trained. >> reporter: but none of them meant more to her than bender. >> he was my best friend. >> reporter: bender was kimberly's world champion show horse. she purchased him when he was a foal at an auction. >> after about five years i took him to the world championship. he was world champion and three times national temperature and 2010 horse of the year -- national champion and 2010 horse of the year. >> reporter: but everything changed when kimberly came out to feed her horses. bender used to meet her at the gate. >> he was standing in the field in a pool of shot. >> reporter: bender had to -- bender had been shot and had to be euthanized. the charles county sheriff's office said they are investigating the case a. they also say since 2008 there have been two other incidents. one horse was shot with a paint gun. the other was shot with a bow and arrow. that doesn't include the two other horses shot on her property. >> we had an incident in 2002 and we had another horse that was shot. we had to have the vet out and fortunately the horse, it was not a fatal injury. on christmas day, 2005 he was shot again and that was a much more lengthy recovery. >> reporter: she didn't file a police report back then because she didn't think the police would investigate an animal case. meanwhile kimberly says they upgraded their security, but they are still constantly worried about the safety of all her other horses, especially since they don't know who did this. >> what is the state of mind for somebody to be so intentionally malicious and cruel to do that to another living being? >> reporter: reporting in charles county, wisdom martin, fox 5 news. a heads up for all those planning to use metrorail this weekend. trains on the redline will be single tracking between the friendship heights and medical center stations and between the new york avenue and rhode island avenue stations. you can also expect delays on the blue line between the braddock road and van doran street stations. tonight the commute on 395 about to get worse thanks to the base realignment and closure law. it requires thousands of defense department workers to be relocated when the new office complex opens in alexandria in a few months. the problem, they have no access to metro. the army says steps are being taken to ease traffic and this week vdot announced new exits from the hov lanes will be constructed at seminary road. congresswoman gabrielle giffords is roving in houston, but tonight her astronaut husband could be closer to a mission in space. we have new details on his return to work at nasa. that's still ahead.  as arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords continues her road to recovery, her husband is continuing his work with pass. astronaut mark kelly has been by his wife's side since she was shot in the head last month. six people died in that attack outside a tucson grocery store. tonight commander mark kelly said it's time to get back to his duties with nasa which could mean a trip to space in the near future. >> considering a bunch of other factors including what gabrielle would want me to do and what her parents and her family and my family would like, i ultimately made the decision that i would like to return and command sts134. >> space shuttle endeavour is scheduled to lift off from florida in april, no word if kelly will be on board for sure but he has the support of his wife and fellow astronauts. the super bowl, one of the year's biggest television events, not one to be shy, fox news commentator bill o'reilly said his live interview with president obama during the pregame coverage will be the most watched interview in history. more people will see this interview than any other interview that's ever been done in the history of mankind. i asked bill o'reilly his game plan. bill, this is quite a catch, the president of the united states live on the air on super bowl sunday, although i'm sure the white house is well aware audience exposure as well and i'd imagine interviewing the president is a bit of an art. how much do you plan on hitting current events and how much do you plan on hitting perhaps his future plans the next two years in office? >> i won't do anything on the future plans. i'm going to keep it current and personal. so there will be questions about obama care being ruled up constitutional by the florida federal judge and there will be some questions about how he sees the office, what he believes the perception of him is, that kind of thing. so i'm not going to say what are you going to do, no speculation. it's going to be here's the fact, how do you react? because i only have 14 minutes and i got to get in with very simple questions and i'm a simple man, as you know, brian, so that's easy for me. >> right. >> and i got to get the's which is always a little dicey -- the answers, which is always a little dicey with the president. it's a chess game. i'm looking forward to it. >> do these live interviews particularly with this big of audience differ from the interviews you do every night with everyday americans? >> sure. this is the ultimate. it's a high wire. there's no -- you know, what you do an interview with the president and tape it, you can edit it. so if you screw up, you never see it, but live is live. so if i'm a more ron or something happens -- a moron or something happens, everybody will see it. you're on the high wire without a net and it's a different protocol. when i interviewed senator obama in 2008 the campaign, i could interrupt him any time i wanted. i could make fun of him and challenge him, which i did, and that interview i printed in my book so that people could see exactly what he said, what i said and the joust. now it's different. i can't be as obnoxious if you want to use that word, but i still have to be a journalist. i still have to get in 14 minutes as much information as i can get. that's the fun of it and the challenge. >> it is a tight wire act. i'd be remiss if didn't ask how much you plan on pressing the president on the revolution in egypt and what could end up being perhaps the beginning of the domino's in the middle east. >> you know, look, i'm going to day is different there. i'm going to see what the relevance is on sunday. i think that the president's got to be very closed about what he says for obvious reasons. so i don't think i'm going to push it that hard because i understand why he can't say well, look, we're talking to this one and that one. he can't do it. so i'm a realistic guy. i certainly say it's going to come up, but do i spend a lot of time on it? at this point no, but that could change. >> bill o'reilly interviewing president obama live on fox 5 during our super bowl pregame coverage during the 4:00 hour. it will be live in washington d.c. primarily because the bears aren't in the super bowl i would imagine. thank you, bill. >> okay, brian, thanks. so we are less than 48 hours and counting until kickoff for super bowl xlv. >> but fans won't be just watching the gridiron action. dallas cowboys stadium full of new tech toys. we'll walk you through the cool new gadgets. and what about monday? how do you prevent that nasty hangover headache? we have the tips to help you recover from the big day. recover from the big day. fox my second diagnosis-- i was told to go home, retire, and enjoy the time i had left. to say it was a shock is just a complete understatement. i mean, i don't think there are words. she had put up a really good fight, but it was her time. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. i think it's a very bold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. i'm sure if it was 100 miles, we'd still walk it. it was a big statement for me of... (voice breaks) i'm alive. we can do this. we can do this. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. this is more than just three days. this is a lifetime. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. you're watching fox 5 news at 10:00. severe winter weather resulted in a few trips to the hospital for workers outside cowboys stadium in arlington, texas, as we told you tonight. six people were injured by falling ice that slid off the stadium's roof. the victims were private contractors prepping the venue for super bowl sunday. while crews worked to clear the ice, the steelers and packers are getting ready for game day. the fox 5 storm force tracking the trouble down in dallas. gary, will it get any warmer down there and maybe give the fans a break? >> it's going to get a lot warmer tomorrow. temperatures will be in the 40s and loads of sunshine. i think there will be a little sunshine on sunday, too but then maybe a little super bowl surprise if what they got this morning today hasn't been enough. here's what it was like today. this morning at dallas and i'm not sure they were really prepared for 4 to 6 inches of snow. they're never prepared for that, but i'm not sure that they thought when they woke up this morning they were going going to see that much -- going to see that much. upper level system went by and the forecasts were calling for it this evening for sunday. notice i used the picture there cowboys stadium with snow around. there is the potential for a little light rain maybe even some light snow on sunday evening. temperatures will be in the 40s sunday but cooling into the 30s. it won't be enough snow to be a problem. don't get me wrong, but there potentially could be some snow showers around. kickoff is at about 6:30. so more snow for texas. >> gary, thank you. you know the saying, everything is bigger in texas and the site of super bowl xlv is no exception. it's a brand-new state of the amped stadium with some mind blowing technology. fox -- art stadium with some mind blowing technology. fox 5's lindsay murphy is here to give us some examples of that technology. >> i can admit cowboys stadium needs to go on your bucket list, the food choices, in-game entertainment. let's look at what super bowl fans will soon be seeing. welcome to cowboys stadium, a vast venue that cost more than a billion dollars to build. the centerpiece of this arena is a mammoth $40 million high definition monitor suspended above the gridiron. >> it's 72 feet tall by 160 feet wide meaning that it spans from the 20-yard line to 20- yard line. >> reporter: if you need a bathroom break, don't fret. you won't miss a play. there are more than 3,000 other tvs scattered throughouted stadium and for those who don't -- throughout the stadium and for those who don't want to leave their seats, there's technology that lets you order food right from your chair. >> there are 665 wireless devices in the stadium that roam around the building. people carry them and can take your order sitting in, for example, section 38. they'll take your order for a hotdog and a beverage and it will wirelessly transfer up to the concession stand and you never had to leave your seat or miss a big play. >> reporter: the brains of the stadium are impressive as well. this it room is home to over 100 servers with 10terabytes of storage. that's enough memory to store about 2 million songs. >> there's over 260 miles of fiberoptic cable in that building. that's enough to stretch from dallas to the gulf of mexico. everything that you touch, feel, smell, taste, hear in that stadium is controlled by the data center. technology controls everything in that stadium from the lights to the heating, ventilation, air conditioning to the massive roof that opens and closes. >> that stadium is pretty impressive. there's also a huge emphasis on social networking in the stadium. hundreds of wireless hotspots are in place so fans can update their facebook and twitter accounts throughout the big game. go packers. brian. >> thank you, lindsay. steelers and packers fans not make aing the trip to dallas actually have designated destinations here in d.c. two bars within walking distance of each other which may or may not be a good thing. fox 5's bob barnard has more from capitol hill. >> reporter: it said here six time super bowl champions. the steelers are going for their seventh. chris, what are you thinking about sunday? >> i'm thinking we're going to get the respect we finally deserve. the media is not giving it to us. >> reporter: with six super bowl wins? >> still not getting it. it's all aaron rodgers. they're not talking about our coach who took our team who didn't have a quarterback for four games and a patchwork offensive line and we get no respect. we're going to show them we're the best. >> reporter: what do you have to do to beat the packers? >> we'll have to come out strong and play four complete quarters and i think in the end we're going to have at least one more point than they will. >> reporter: with us now is kate who is president of steelers nation here in d.c. >> yes, d.c. steeler nation. i'm the president and we've got -- >> reporter: do you have your towel this? >> i do. i have the terrible towel. let me make sure that's right. had this one about seven years, as long as i've been coming to the bar. >> reporter: this is the steelers bar, the poor house. >> yes. on penn avenue. we've been a steelers bar about a decade, if not longer. we've had fans come from all over the place, natives, people with really good taste in sports teams and people come from out of town and know about us and come to watch the game when they visit d.c. from pittsburgh. >> reporter: feeling good for sunday? >> i feel great for sunday. >> reporter: just six doors down here on capitol hill pennsylvania avenue southeast and we'll go inside and meet two big time packers fans, jim and sheryl sitting here at the bar. jim, what are your packers needing to do to beat the steelers sunday? >> i think the key thing here is we'll be playing in the dome and it's a dallas dome and you're going to see the packers let loose the offensive and the passing attack of aaron rodgers and packer nation will forget about brett favre. >> reporter: these are not the brett favre packers. >> these guys are the cloud of dust and 2 or 3 yards at a time. aaron rodgers will go for large clunks chunks of real estate and rite down there in dallas it's going -- chunks of real estate and right down there in the dallas it's going to be very fun to watch. >> i think it's going to be a good offensive game. i think both quarterbacks will come out throwing the ball. i think it's going to be a really exciting super bowl sunday. >> reporter: kickoff is at 6:29. on capitol hill bob barnard, fox 5 news. we all know the super bowl is one big party, but if you eat or drink too much, you will ultimately pay the price. experts say you can avoid that queasy morning after feeling by staying hydrated. rotate every other drink with a nonalcoholic beverage and avoid overeating and try a brisk morning walk with that cup of joe to help get your metabolism up and running. fox 5 is your only place to be super bowl game. precame gorge begins at noon and after the game stick around for an extended version of the fox hit glee and then a late night edition of fox 5 news. >> please stay with us. we're going to be here live and in person, hour and six minutes of glee. join us then. the next time you reach for the salt you might want to think twice. don't miss new details on how fast that salt does its damage. a look at your heart health is coming up next. but first verizon stops taking free orders on the brand- new iphone. less than 24 hours after they went on sale? why? here's neil cavuto. >> companies are hiring, but the pace is still dispinting, the economy adding 36,000 -- disappointing, the economy adding 36,000 jobs last month, but the unemployment rate falling from 9.4% to 9%. hundreds of thousands of people gave up looking for work. so they are no longer counted. not crisis in egypt threatening to send oil prices soaring. venezuela's oil minister saying a shutdown of the suez canal could more than double. spiking crude to $200 a barrel, oil already up 25% in the past year. now over to wall street the dow gaining nearly 30 points today rising more than 250 points on the week. nasty storms putting the deep freeze on the airlines. a new report showing carriers lost up to 150 million bucks in profits just this past week. verizon saying it stopped taking preorders for the apple iphone. the gadget selling out after only 17 hours on sale. it hits stores next week want that's business. i'm elizabeth -- week. that's business. i'm elizabeth mcdonald. @ @ ñó  this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically.  we have a health alert tonight. the more time moms spend working, the larger their children tend to be. researchers say there is a possible connection between a child's body mass index and the amount of time their mothers spend at work. the reason? well, a mother's work schedule could affect the child's eating and sleeping patterns. the effects of eating salty or fatty food can happen to your body almost instantly. researchers in australia hooked at what happened to a group of healthy people after eating food filled with sodium. it took just 30 minutes for the sodium to inhibit the blood flow. these changes to your arteries are known to cause heart attacks. at 11:00 dan snyder versus the washington city paper, round two. today snyder broke his silence about his lawsuit. new on the news edge the paper's editors are responding to today's comments. also ahead at 11:00. >> reporter: this is in the department of radiology at georgetown university hospital, but the patient a being x-rayed today is pretty unique -- patient being x-rayed today is pretty uniquement i'm beth parker, the history behind -- unique. i'm beth parker, the history behind it all coming up. ♪ stinky ♪ hefty ♪ stinky ♪ hefty ♪ stinky, stinky ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty [ announcer ] hefty bags with unscented odor block technology... help neutralize odors and stop the stinkies. ♪ stinky, stinky, stinky ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty he wanted a curriculum designed to meet market needs, with faculty who brought real-world perspective on where the business world was headed and the practical experience to help him make an impact. my name is sean blankenship, i'm making the electric car more accessible, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] imagine what a business degree can do for you. with four northern virginia locations, one is closer than you think. mr. perdue! what does it mean that perdue is the first chicken company to have a usda process verified program? it means the usda verifies that my fresh, fit & easy chicken is raised cage-free and fed an all-veggie diet with no animal by-products. is it true your chickens are never given any hormones or steroids? yes, it's true. [ camera shutters clicking ] so, what's next? is there a movie deal? thank you... [ chickens clucking ] now ladies, don't get any ideas. [ male announcer ] perdue. the first chicken company to have usda process verified programs. the packers and steelers are not the only stars in town. the stars of glee are gearing up for a postgame show this sunday after the super bowl and it's expected to be a big thriller. fox's anita vogel caught up with some of the cast to get a sneak peek at what fans can expect. take a look. >> reporter: suiting up and shuffling their feet the cast of glee is ready for their biggest spotlight ever becoming the post super bowl entertainment with a huge sunday super sized episode. >> whose stupid idea was this? >> reporter: coming out of a potential football audience exceeding 100 million viewers, the pressure mounts for the glee club and the cast is pumped. >> it's going to be a great crazy theatrical super episode. >> chock full of real fun stuff. >> crazy, using makeup. it's awesome. >> reporter: katie couric guest stars and gang takes on a michael jackson classic, thriller, a number star matthew morrison gives a thumbs up. >> i hear we're doing thriller. i actually saw it the other night. he didn't because he was actually in it, but it was fantastic. >> i did see it. >> i watched it. how do you get to watch stuff? why don't i get to watch stuff? >> because i am in the audience watching, clapping and saying yea. >> oh, literally watching. >> right. >> do you even have any idea what we're doing here? >> no. none of us do. >> reporter: sue is up to her usual antics doing whatever it takes to win cheerleading nationals. >> so very bored. >> i try to shoot britney out of the cannon but i'm stuck. i'm thwarted. >> reporter: or did she and diana who admits she isn't a big football fan is proud to know who is playing in sunday's super bowl game. >> between you and i, i know who's playing at the actual game. the packers and the steelers. i just learned this. >> reporter: in hollywood anita vogel, fox news. one more time to drill it in your head. the super bowl lineup, pregame party gets started at noon here on fox 5. then the kickoff is at 6:30. after the game it's the special extended episode of glee, six extra minutes. then join brian and me for a late night edition of fox 5 news. >> looks like we're going to prom there building the blue tie and blue shirt. >> make sure you bring my corsage for my wrist. >> yeah, right. >> sorry, we're moving on now. >> all things considered we haven't had a terrible winter, right? look at this. this is what the d.c. used to look like one year ago this weekend, the first of the february blizzard pounding the area, remember it well. i think we're all a bit scarred and i hear, though we won't put you on the spot, i hear that there's a potential for something big next week. >> wouldn't want to get accused of rooting on another big snowstorm. >> we're hoping to jinx it. let's talk about it. >> there's going to be something east coast destructive storm next week. whether it's that, shades of snowmageddon, i don't know. it just depends and we continue to watch guidance and this afternoon the big storm went away on one of the big main models, but that's pretty usual for this type of thing. it's chilly out there in some places tonight. we're still dry. looks like we'll be dry for the next several hours, but some spot says still cold. the freezing rain advise -- spots still cold, the freezing rain advisory in place. this is not for d.c. or prince george's county or fairfax county, but those counties in the pink to the north of us, loudoun county almost all in this type of thing, as is montgomery county, certainly frederick county. i think if you're in northern loudoun county, northern montgomery county, up here in carroll county, frederick county, washington county and those counties up and down i- 81, that's where tomorrow morning you may have a few slippery spots and i think the rain will be light and where that temperature is 32 and below, it could be just a little bit tricky for a few hours before we start warming things up. here in d.c. temperatures 38 degrees now. that's up a little bit from last hour. gaithersburg 36, that's up a bit, too. frederick is 27. we continue the trend. frederick has come up a couple degrees as well. the clouds are thickening up more than anything. as it precipitates into this fairly cold dry air mass, meaning it starts raining into it, it could potentially cool it down a few degrees. so if you're close to freezing now or below, chances are good when it does start raining, it's going to continue to stay below freezing or right around freezing. i do believe some slippery spots certainly possible tomorrow morning and that means all morning long. the cutoff is not necessarily 9:00 or 10:00. let's take it all the way till noon. light rain looks like it starts to arrive from south to north right around 2 a.m. or so. there will be, of course, the glazing possible north and west. if you are up early and you have to be about, please be very careful if you're north and west of the district. it does look like it's going to stay above freezing in the district to the south and east most of the metro area down to the south should have no problems and it does still appear that by tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening this will all become rain. you see the showers to the south of us now, but watch how it's just working off to the east. we expect that to continue. so it will be several more hours before all of this comes on us and then we have the upper level feature back out to the northwest that has come to out tomorrow afternoon. overnight clouds, late rain arrives, freezing rain possible north and west. here in the district i don't think we get down to freezing, only about 33. freezing rain north and west tomorrow morning. we're 35 in the district. 39 or so, mainly showers for lingering showers late. few pink to the north and west at 6 a.m. there's the potential problem areas. as we get to 10 a.m., still a little pink for frederick county, potentially glazing there, but by 2 p.m. all this lifts up to north and as we go through, things begin to dry out. sunday looks pretty nice, lots of sunshine, temperatures in the upper 40s. we're watching monday, though, because look at this little piece of energy coming in our direction. we could end up with a messy mix, maybe even some snow monday night into tuesday and that's not even the big storm nor next week. so enjoy -- for next week. so enjoy sunday. it looks nice. wednesday and thursday next week we'll have that destructive storm system somewhere on the east coast. >> thank you, gary. have a good weekend. >> where you taking me to dinner? time for our fox 5 high school basketball game of the week. the hornets took on the douglas eagles, lindsay murphy here with all the highlights. >> on january 4th these two teams met for the first time this season. today it's february 4th, a month later. would be it the same outcome or would douglas even up the series? let's take a look. the douglas gym loud and proud for their eagles trying to avenge that early season loss. we start early in the 1st half, 11-9 hornets. then douglas pops, tied at 11. mayfield had a game high of 16 points. the hornets led by two. then right before the half vincent williams with this steal gets the hoop and the foul. big play there. the hornets up 27-25 at the break. in the 2nd half the hornet avery jasper drains the three. the score 41-38. late in the half the eagles coast to coast for the big slam and douglas down two, but surratsville too much down the stretch. raymond baldwin finishes with 13 points. the hornets down the eagles 57- 51. >> the ballgame was pretty much according as anticipated. douglas is a good team, well coached. we just expected it to go down. after getting them third time we knew they weren't going to be very appreciative of that, but our guys always fight till the end and we've got a great group of kids here. >> love all the dunking. with the win surratsville improves to 15-3. douglas falls to 12-3. don't forget. you tell us where the action is. here's a look at the teams competing for your vote in the fox 5 high school basketball game of the week for next friday, chin chilly at herndon, gonzaga at o'connell, lake braddock at annandale, tacoma falls at briere woods. cast your vote tonight at he was one of the first tuskegee cadets to fly in the military. tonight a local legend is laid to rest. we will take you inside this emotional tribute honoring his legacy next. today's five-day forecast is brought to you by your local dodge jeep and chrysler dealers. te... of premium roast coffee -- 100% arabica beans. it's so rich, but so just a dollar. on the dollar menu at breakfast. and that's what we're made of. ♪ ba da ba ba ba my sistersundays are just tofor watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪ charles flowers had a dream to fly, not an easy task for a black man back in the 1940s but he beat the odd becoming one of the first tuskegee cadets. today he was laid to rest remembered not only for his historic past, but the impact that he had on young people. fox 5's matt ackland has the story. >> reporter: it was the early 1940s. the united states was fighting in world war ii when a young charles flowers enrolled in the army with dreams of flying and fighting for his country. he had heard about a new program in tuskegee, alabama, one that would train african americans to be pilots. a year later flowers not only knew how to fly, he was training others who were now known as the tuskegee airmen. many of them attended his funeral today all wearing their signature red jackets. >> i entered the program in 1944: flowers never saw combat, but the men he trained sure did. they flew some of the most dangerous missions. william broadwater became a tuskegee airman and trained to be a bomber pilot. he said he was in awe of flowers and the original airmen. >> when we saw these young men that were going to be our instructors, we were surprised and to know this was an introduction to flying, so to speak. they were our godfathers. >> reporter: charles flowers spent much of his life living here in prince george's county. in fact, many people knew him as a living legend. that's why back in 1990 when prince george's county was searching for a name to put on its newest high school, charles flowers seemed perfect. >> when this school, charles herbert flowers school, was opened god knew what he had planned, that mr. flowers would be able to touch thousands and thousands and thousands of children. >> reporter: flowers never bragged about his notoriety. even his neighbors say they never knew about his place in history. >> he's very upper, never talked about it. -- humble, never talked about it because i didn't know about all of it. till i read it in the paper really. >> reporter: it was what flairs did after his service in the army that most of his family and -- flowers did after his service in the army that most of his family and friends spoke about, a mentor to young people and a friend who wanted others to experience the joy of flight. >> i was going to change something and he said okay, you go at it and it was a lot of reputation out there. okay.

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