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carlos montono had driven drurng before and was on his way to being deported. >> reporter: you will agree the facts of this one are not only extraordinarily tragic but some of the details will leave our viewers angry. three nuns driving into our area from richmond struck by another car. of the man driving that car as you just heard accused of being drunk. now we have discovered he's already been convicted of drunk driving two times before. that is not the half of it. ahead-on collision on a bridge south of manassas sunday morning. police say 23-year-old carlos montono was drunk, speeding and lost control of his subaru slamming into a toyota with three nuns inside. sister charlotte language and connie ruth lupton critically heard. sister denise moser was killed. the women were only a few miles from their december -- destination. a retreat in brings toe. >> she was our dancer. as soon as she heard music her body would turn on. >> reporter: montono is being hospitalized and guarded until he can be moved into a jail cell. he's charged with involuntary manslaughter and dui. >> involuntary manslaughter means you kill somebody unintentionally but his conduct may elevate this to a higher grade of homicide. >> reporter: let's look at that conduct. montono has two previous dui convictions. december of '07 and april of 2009. he served 20 days in jail for the second one and lost his license for three years. but court records show police busted him twice for driving with a suspended license. add to all of those offenses, montono is in the u.s. illegally. >> you have an illegal alien who is a criminal who commits crimes, and endangers the public and now they've released him again to kill an innocent citizen. >> reporter: the chairman of the prince william county board of supervisors who is making a name for himself for his proposed statewide rule of law legislation modeled after arizona's controversial law blames congress for under funding u.s. immigration and customs enforcement. montono was in federal custody at least twice for his alien status but released. congress won't even provide enough funding to deport an illegal immigrant who has been identified as an illegal immigrant and who has committed a crime. >> reporter: at last check the sisters are being cared for in the trauma unit and they're in pretty bad shape. we know they're surrounded by loved ones. as for montono, his deportation proceedings will not get in the way of this case. in fact the commonwealth's attorney told me by phone, paul leber, he wants to see these guys locked up just like montono for a long, long time here in the u.s. live in the news room, i'm will thomas. back to you. >> thank you, will. our other big story a claim by convicted d.c. sniper lee boyd malvo has montgomery county looking into the possibility that more cases could be connected to the shooting spree. he said he and john el mohammed shot dozens more than police think. roby chavez has this story. >> reporter: there will be an investigation. montgomery county police say they have been to red onion prison to visit lee boyd malvo and he's nevered mentioned this to them. he's been a willing and cooperative witness in the past but he's also lied. prosecutors believe it's a blind -- employ, and he may be just looking for attention. >> reporter: montgomery county police are just as shocked to hear recent comments from lee boyd malvo. >> there were supposed to be three to four snipers with silenced weapons. >> reporter: nobody believes the claims but the claims will be investigated thoroughly. >> i do not know any more than 27 but obviously, with this claim that recently came out by malvo on this show that was nationally televised, we have a responsibility to fully follow up. >> well, for example, there was two in arizona. florida. >> reporter: last week, malvo claimed there were more shootings and more victims. perhaps as many as 42 murders nationwide. montgomery county police say they are confident none are here. >> no. we do not have any open cases to my understanding. >> reporter: all of it opens wounds of a dark period when malvo and john mohammed went on a killing spree, shooting random victims from the trunk of car. ten people were skilled #13shgs wounded. malvo is serving two life sentence dz, officials say it's about closure. >> most of it is to the families. if there are additional victims out there, and there are families that -- and there are police departments and neighborhoods and communities that have questions, we're going to see if we can get those answered. >> reporter: as a result, directs now ready to travel to red i don't know onion prison to interview malvo. they are just as curious as many of us to figure out why is he talking again. >> we know he's in prison for life. i don't know what his mindset is. i don't know if this is a boast to get attention. maybe it is. >> reporter: chief tracy told me some of the detectives who worked on the case are retired and now being contacted to try to help in this new investigation. in addition to questioning malvo, they will also let him know the gravity of the situation when he makes these kinds much comments, brian. >> roby chav fairfax county tear charged with assaulting two little boys. jenna billeter is accused of abusing the four and 5-year-old in her classroom in centerville. the incidents reportedly happened in may and july. she is charged with one count of simple assault and two counts of felony cruelty to children. get ready to pay more starting tomorrow. fares were supposed to go up sunday but because after delay in signage the hike as was put on hold until tomorrow. laura evans has the story. >> reporter: it was a surprise for riders who hit the rails expect to go pay more. for metro it's a $60,000 set back. it is phase two of metro rail's fair changes, the third fare hike this year alone. they didn't finish posting signs on machines clarifying the changes, so riders got a monday reprieve. still most riders are less than pleased with yet another increase saying the level of service doesn't match the price. >> it's terrible. more money, still ain't working. trains work, escalators don't work. what are you going to on do. >> the 20 cents increase and the fact that i'm walking up the stairs >> it's ridiculous. every time they talk about raising fares this is what we get. >> reporter: the fare hike affects riders buying paper cards, not those using smart trip cards. buy a paper card and your fare is going up 25 cents. the fare changes will eventually include so-called pvk hours. customers traveling during times of high rider ship will pay 20 cents more per trip. while many passengers are wondering what they're getting for the higher fares others understand it's about filling the budget gap. >> metro is the bain of the city and i think we need to support metro and if they need the money i think that the fares are a necessary part of getting around >> if money is what they need to increase the servi think they should increase t however we're not seeing anything in service. service is terrible. >> reporter: the delay in the fare increase cost metro 60 grand which is a drop in the bucket considering their billion dollar budget. over time that does add up. the surcharge for traveling during peak hours will take effect later this month. >> thank you, laura. another day of redskins training camp in the books. another day of drama with albert hainesworth in the books. and wheeling and dealing by the skins. dave feldman joins us with all the details. >> reporter: let's start with albert two. things are becoming crystal clear. there is the distinct possibility that mr. hainesworth never passes this test and mike shanna hans growing tired of talking about the test. but there was more drama today. hainesworth made a third attempt to pass the infamous conditioning test. he started running three 25 yard sprints but his swollen left knee which sidelined him the past two days flared up again. hainesworth was forced to shut it down. he may or may not try again tomorrow. this never ending saga continues. colt bren on's redskins career does not. he was let go for john beck from baltimore. the skins gave up corner doug dutch, a graduate from gonzaga high school. he was selected in the sixth round of the 2008 draft. he was impressive in the preseason of his rookie year, gaining a legion of fans but suffered a hip injury in last year's final preseason game and was placed on season ending injured reserve. bren on never threw a regular season pass with the redskins and this afternoon i talked to him about the surprise move by the skins. >> you know the sad part is i'm leaving a place i really came to love and enjoy. the fans were grade and the franchise is great. that's the sad part but you got it look on the horizon. i'm excited for whatever challenge is next. >> reporter: colt brennan as great guy and will get picked up somewhere. he set all kinds of ncaa passing records in hawaii. he took this in stride but the shanahan administration want this had guy back and when he became available, colt became unavailable. >> i understand. >> for the washington redskins. >> expendable. coming you later dave ross and i take the albert hainesworth test. >> very interesting. no teases on if you passed or not? >> put it this way. ross is sleeping right now, very soundly and he does the morning show. so he could be back but there could be other reasons he's sleeping. we'll be looking forward to that. thank you, feldy. coming up tonight at 10:00 heart pounding minutes for a mother and three children, a carjacker takes control with a 5-year-old in the back seat. more on this terrifying ride and how it all ended still ahead. a disturbing new report shows how many -- let's go to you for a bit. >> hope you got a nice break from the heat. it was only in the 80s. won't last t.o. too long. changes are coming. that means more hot stuff. now it's your turn. at pizza hut, everyone loved our $10 any pizza deal so much we decided to make even bigger changes. we've lowered the price of every pizza on our menu. so you can get your favorite pizza at a great price every day. now a large pizza with up to three of your favorite toppings is just ten bucks. or any medium specialty pizza, like a supreme pan or pepperoni lover's pizza -- just ten bucks, too. all the time. no coupons and not a limited time offer. just every pizza for a great price. every day. only at your pizza hut. a carjacker takes off with three five-year-olds in the back seat. wait until you hear what he told them to do. ♪ stinky ♪ hefty ♪ stinky ♪ hefty ♪ stinky, stinky ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty [ announcer ] hefty bags with unscented odor block technology... help neutralize odors and stop the stinkies. ♪ stinky, stinky, stinky ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty virginia's attorney general could briere air like immigration laws to the commonwealth. prince william county passed a similar law back in 2007 and that's what the statewide law would be modeled after. fox 5's stacy cohan explains how it could happen >> i'm bob marshal, the voice of reason for northern virginia. >> reporter: for delegate bob marshal that's a nice breaking joke. many on his sited immigration debate may see him as exactly that. the brewing immigration debate in the nation has been festering in northern virginia for years as spanish speaking pim grants flock to the commonwealth for work. prince william county law enforcement are operating under an ordinance that allows them to check the immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested. so marshal asked attorney general ken kuch nellie if this can be done statewide. activist john steinboch is furious. >> to we really twhant to happen statewide in the state of florida. >> yes, says bob marshal. marshal says he understands the desire to work in america but insists everyone needs to follow the same legal process. >> you would not teach a kid, push somebody out of line and get in line ahead of them. that's not how you run things. if you do that you'll just other things that are socially disruptive. >> reporter: unlike the arizona law, cucinelli's law does not require them to check immigration status. it says they may make status inquiries. that subtle difference may allow the prince william county practice to become state law. >> tops the door wide open for racial profiling. are they going to ask me my immigration stat snus how are you going to determine suspicion? >> reporter: the u.s. supreme court you can use racial profiling if that's not your sole criteria. number two, anyone who comes across the border regardless of your background you are violating the laws of the country. >> reporter: stacy cohan, fox 5 news. in virginia the attorney's opinion is law unless a judge disagrees with the legal basis following a court challenge. opponents to cucinelli's opinion are considering launching a legal case to stop its implementation. virginia's lawsuit chvrmging the health care reform has been dismissed. the judge claims virginia's case raises several complex constitutional issues. the d.c. council is expected to vote tomorrow on possibly extending the summer jobs program. last year it cut it to six weeks and limited it to 21,000 participants. the mayor wants it extended by another 7 days. students, teachers, parents, packed the wilson building for hearing. students testified about the importance of the job program. >> you've got youth on the streets with nothing to do. we're smarter than that. it's a reflections of leadership taking place in d.c. that we can't have the vision for summer programs and never seem to find the money. >> the council is considering whether adding time to summer jobs would take away from critical services like helping homeless families get housing. frightening moments in fairfax county. a woman forced from her car in a grocery store parking lot and the carjacker took off with three kids in the back seat. it wasn't long before police caught up with the suspect, charles lawrence. >> reporter: it's a place where people come throughout the day and night to get groceries without a second thought. at any time, you will find people waiting in their cars in the parking lot. people like bev mohollac who likes to relax and read the paper >> i feel perfectly safe here. >> reporter: that may change. a woman was sitting in a car in the grocery store parking lot with three children in the back seat. they say 28-year-old charles lawrence walked up to the car. >> he started engaging in conversation with her, yelled at her and apparently struck her. >> reporter: investigators say he he then jumped into the driver's seat and forced her out of the car before she could grab the kids. the suspect had taken the car with the three young children in the back seat. he was on his way out of the parking lot. that's when he stopped near the exit and told the children to get out of the car. the children did get out unharmed. then police say lawrence took off again. about ten minutes later officers were hot on his trail. about four miles into the chase, the suspect crashed. >> he had lost control of his vehicle, and struck -- went up a curb and over the grass and officers were there. he had jumped on top of his vehicle, was scaling a fence. >> reporter: but police already had him surrounded. lawrence was taken into custody. it was a frightening story for somebody who spends one hour a day sitting in the parking lot. >> it's scary to think that even as diligent as i am and as mindful about what's going on around me, it only takes a second. >> reporter: reporting in fairfax county, wisdom martin, fox 5 news. the d.c. office of campaign finance cleared councilman marion barry of violating city laws for giving his then girlfriend a $5,000 a month contract in 2009. independent investigation earlier this year found barry did violate d.c. law as well as the council rules, policies and procedures. the campaign finance office has ruled barry failed to follow the city's regulations for employee conduct, but did not break the law. >> the report is good news for those who believe in justice, fairness, due process, and truth. the process that the office of campaign finance used is to be commended. they were thorough, comprehensive, fair, and factual. >> the d.c. council sent sured barry and stripped him of his chairman man ship in march. there is a chance he could still be charged. teenagers exploit odd line. one teenager's harrowing ordeal and what the government is doing to stop it. > in the gulf. we could be in the final hours of the oil spill disaster. is it a way to make money or make boarding your flight less of a hassle? one airline is charging you for carry on starting today. s do the cooking, the shopping, shuttling the kids around. i pay the bills, and i want to know i'm getting the best bang for my buck. use your giant card and earn one gas rewards point 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affect me that they are still online. but i know they are out there. and i will always know in the back of my mind that there are people looking at them and using them. >> reporter: what she suffered through is growing more common, not less. >> this is an epidemic. it is a cancer in our country that has metastasized. if we don't do more to stop it it will devour or nation's soul. >> reporter: u.s. attorney general eric holder and the department of justice released a national strategy to combat child exploitation, prevention and interdiction. of course, child pornography travels online and through the mail too. guy cottrell is the chief postal inspector. >> we have a legal and moral obligation to children and their families to protect them from one of life's most frightening and tragic events. >> reporter: the young woman who spoke says she didn't tell anyone she was being abused until she was 15 years old. she says she finally talked about it to save her little sister from the same abuse. her message to others >> if you were being abused, know that there are people who care and can help. >> reporter: beth parker, fox 5 news. the fbi works directly with the national center for missing and exploited children. employees have seen their case loads double from fiscal years 2009 to 2010. if you think you've drilled the don't text and drive message into your teenager, think again. the stunning number of teens who say they know it's dangerous but still do it anyway. several nations telling crack berry addicts to leave their phones at home. we have the list you need to hear. which is better for losing weight, low fat or low carb? we have the skinny on these dueling diets. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore, but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. we decided to make even bigger changes. we've lowered the price of every pizza on our menu. so you can get your favorite pizza at a great price every day. now a large pizza with up to three of your favorite toppings is just ten bucks. or any medium specialty pizza, like a supreme pan or pepperoni lover's pizza -- just ten bucks, too. all the time. no coupons and not a limited time offer. just every pizza for a great price. every day. only at your pizza hut. you're watching fox 5 news at 10:00. you know about the dangers of distracted driving. accidents are more likely to happen if you're eating, talking on the phone tore texting behind the wheel. a new survey found nearly 90% of teenagers admit to paying more attention than just to the road when they're driving. fox 5's karen gray houston takes a closer look at this alarming trend. >> reporter: teenagers are some of the least experienced drivers on the road. at 16 and 17, anxious to get a license. they've heard the message that driving while texting or otherwise dissubtracting can be deadly but somehow, it's not really sinking in. >> the fact of the matter is they recognize the risk, know the risk, but think the rules do not apply to them. >> reporter: aaa mid-atlantic and 17 magazine surveyed 2,000 drivers 16 through 19 and found they think it's okay to engage in risky behaviors while driving for a variety of reasons. because they think it will only take a split second, because they don't think they'll get hurt or because they say they're used to multi tasking. >> we call it the icarus syndrome, that we think we can fly close to the sun. that's very dangerous. we as parents need to have a long talk with our kids about this. >> reporter: an estimated 6,000 teenagers lose their lives on the u.s. every year. more than 200,000 suffer injuries in accidents. we asked some teens waiting to take their driver road test why they think their peers pen gauge in distracted driving. >> they disdistracted he'sly. their phone is important. >> reporter: aaa says some kids are my mcing what they see their parents do. >> i see my mom being distracted all the time, when she smokes and stuff. i don't want to be swerving and stuff like that. >> reporter: a remind are for parents the next time your kid asks for the keys to the car, could be the last time you see the teen alive. karen gray houston, fox 5 news. joining us live is naomi bear on, a professor at american university and an officer of the book about online and mobile technologies and how they're influencing our lives. this is not a problem that is unique to teenagers. the rub is that teenagers don't have the experience that a lot of other people might have in terms of driving. is there anything that we can do to try to impart in message without the worst case scenario of them having to learn the hard way and getting into an accident? >> the first thing i would do is work on their parents. the statistic show amazingly enough, that adults seem to be texting while driving about as much as teenagers are. >> we're being hypocrite cal. >> i believe so. if we don't model behavior what do we expect our kids to do? >> what about the attention spanish? kids don't seem to have an attention span any more. >> part of the problem is we believe we can multi task well. all the research that's out there says if you want to use your brain for serious thinking, trying to do two things at the same time never works. adults sometimes learn this. kids remember their brains are not fully formed yet. they haven't figured it out. we've got to figure out a way to convince them. >> do you see this getting to be a worse problem before it gets better? the internet is only getting faster, only becoming more widely available on mobile, smart phones now, it seems like it's just going to be more dissubtracting as opposed to being able to filter it out and learn these lessons. >> reporter: unfortunately you're right. if you look at the ways in which americans over the last three or four years, when texting became really popular, are using their phones, texting is off the charts, much more so than in other countries. americans seem to think they can do anything and do it well and survive. that's why the young go to war. they think they're invincible. they're not going to die. we have to as adults be adults and find some way to convince them it's really not true. >> just wondering, back in the day they used to have the scared straight programs or the taking teenagers to jails and show horrific car crash films in driver's ed. i'm wondering if that's what it is going to take to get the message through. >> you look at what's on television and in the movies and look at what's in video games. there is an incredible amount of may hem and nobody thinks it's real so nobody thinks anything real that's bad is going to happen to them. we have got to con -- confiscate phones, i can make your computer not be able to get the internet. you have to list to me, your professor. you have to figure out some equivalent. >> naomi barron, it's an ongoing conversation i think we all have to have with our kids and the youngsters in our lives and hopefully it will continue. >> i hope. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. airlines controversial carry on fee will cost you 20 to 45 dollars to carry a bag on board if it doesn't fit under your seat. members of the special club pay the smallest fee and if you wait to check your bag at the gate you'll pay the most. spirit says reducing the number of bags carried on board will speed up the boarding process. for weeks bp has been insifting the relief wells are the only way to stop the oil spill. tonight company says they may not be needed after all. find out why coming up. we have a health alert. a brand new connection to a deadly disease. you'll want to hear this before you fire up the grill again. a big day on wall street. neil cavuto has more in tonight's business report. . >> reporter: stocks picking up where they left off last month. the dow starting august with a bang, 208 points. blue chip up 10.2% since july 2nd. the surging market not stopping ben bernanke from being cautious about the overall economy. bernanke telling lawmakers we still have a considerable way to go to achieve a full recovery. some new numbers might be proving him right. construction spending up very slightly in june. all of the strength coming from government projects. construction of homes and non-residential projects in the private sector south. meantime a key reading on manufacturing growing in july. for the 12th straight month and beating expectations. but the pa manufacturing is still at its slowest level in years. that's business, i'm neil cavuto. i are you lost without your blackberry? a couple of nations are moving to ban the phones altogether. authorities claim they're taking action for security reasons since they can't monitor data. saudis are considering banning the messenger. critics complain they're trying to control citizens by banning the devices. president obama says the plan to pull all combat troops out of iraq by the end of the month is on schedule. 50,000 troops will stay behind and conduct counter terror operations. president obama says the focus will shift from military operations to diplomatic efforts. >> violence in iraq continues to be near the lowest it's been in years. and next month, we will change our military mission from combat to supporting and training iraqi security forces. >> the troops remaining in iraq will still be in dangerous operations. president obama says at times they are likely to be engaged in fire fights. coming up tonight on the "news edge" a team of robbers on the run. their weapon of choice, a shotgun. how this terrifying robbery went down. and a ship from the 1800 found ground zero. why it's being moved to our area. an arlington treasure could be on its way out. on the victim of budget cuts. the battle to save the david brown planetarium is on. what this droid does will change how you do movies. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. a developing story in the gulf tonight. crews are preparing to plug the broken. well despite another small leak. an environmental group is diving in to find out exactly how much oil is in the water. fox's chris gutierrez has the latest on the disaster in the gulf. >> reporter: bp and the coast guard say they're ready to move forward with the static kill. >> the science team with bp engineers have determined it is safe to move ahead with the injection test and static kill at this point. >> reporter: the static kill procedure involves jamming the mile deep oil well with mud and perhaps cement in an effort to shut it down for good. >> after the preparations and injection test are complete the injection test finding will be evaluated. that will probably take several hours. then they will initial at that point what has been called the static kill. >> reporter: louisiana governor bobby jindal wants bp to commit to a multi-million dollar seafood testing fund. >> this is part of their obligation to restoring our way of life. >> reporter: a group of divers are running tests of their own. the ocean future society looking for oil along the waters in the louisiana coast. at first glance there was less crude and muck than in may when they first checked. >> we went off-shore looking for oil and then made about four or five jumps. in different spots across the outside off-shore, and didn't see anything. >> reporter: they did find a chocolate brown layer of ooze underneath sandy beaches. >> as you stepped on the sand next to them, it was just kind of squishy and oil bubbled up frout from out of the sand. there was quite a bit of it. >> reporter: roughly 4.9 million barrels of oil escaped from that leaking well from the time the deep water horizon sank april 20th until a relief cap was installed several weeks ago. credit gutierrez, fox news. caught on camera. a dangerous trip through a raging wildfire. four men inside this car intended to help villagers in russia fight flames. the flames spread so quickly and engulfed the woods as they drove through the area. the driver had to turn around because they couldn't make it through the fire. fires in russia have killed more than 30 people. that looks frightening. back here at home absolutely felt wufbl outside today compared to the 90s and 100 degree temperatures. >> reporter: let's recharge our batteries a little bit. and then here it comes again. because it's really hot weather down to the south and southwest of us. and it's going to make a run for us again by the middle part of the week. it's been very, very nice this evening. all the rain has stayed away. the showers we had earlier in the day dissipated. temperatures at this time of the evening not too bad. 77 in town. nice for dulles at 75. frederick, martinsburg, lower 70s. looks like out in the suburbs tonight away from found town, temperatures will get into the low to mid-60s. right here in the city we're going to stay around 70 degrees. high today, 83. dulles, 82. bwi, 83. all locations below where we should be. we should be in the upper 80s. let's fly back out into the central plains. this is where they are baking. high today, little rock, 106. dallas, 104. wichita, kansas, 108. there is a big bubble of hot air down here, high into texas. it is officially a heat wave. no doubt about it. it is going to be moving in our direction. not so much tomorrow. tomorrow we're still okay. we're going to be right around 89 or so for a high temperature. but as we get into wednesday, thursday, probably lingering into friday as well, temperatures will be between 95 and 100 degrees. you notice the word down here, humid. so heat index value is going to be back into the upper 90s, in the lower 100. it looks like we should stay here in dc below 100 for actual high temperatures but again the heat index is going to get you. here's the next few days. 89 tomorrow. not too bad. 95 as we get into wednesday and thursday and friday, too, there is a frontal system coming our way on friday. there could be some clouds and showers that get here a little earlier and keep us at 94 degrees. if that is delayed we could be back up to 96, maybe 97 by the end of the week. why was it so nice today? thank this high pressure to the northeast of us and low pressure to the south of us because it was pumping in moisture from the atlantic and of course we had a lot of cloud cover earlier this afternoon, we had some showers coming up i-95. about 5:00 or 6:00, though, those all began to break up. we had a very nice dry evening out there and we have fair skies tonight. it looks like for tomorrow we should have pretty good amounts of sunshine. overnight tonight, 60s in the suburbs. that will be nice. down around 70 degrees in town t tomorrow, we're going to be warmer, high up to 89 degrees. it looks like we'll have a good amount of sunshine. certainly more sunshine than what we had today and that will allow temperatures to start off in the lower 70s and warm-up throughout middle 80s at lunchtime tomorrow t the high temperature gets up to about 88 to 89 degrees. i think some locations probably will be right around 90 for a high tomorrow. and then turn the heat up again. and notice how mild it will be in the mornings too. temperatures in the mornings only mid- to upper 70s. and that means really the humid air has come back. and so 95 will probably feel like 100. >> great. >> we'll have at least a chance for some rain. >> all right. >> you know how it feels. it wasn't that long ago. >> exactly right. >> hope you didn't get used to the cool stuff. >> obviously it was a one-day wonder. >> thanks, gary. lebron james' decision to play in miami is still fresh, a very fresh wound in ohio. look at this billboard. it reads welcome home lebron with a red x over the word home. a marketing company put it up a few miles from his home. it calls him a side kick for playing alongside dwayne wade. training camp means hot days and sweaty wor for the redskins. >> each year at this time, dave feldman competes to see who comes out on top. >> dave roth and i make fools of ourselves. today we tried the albert hainesworth to see if we could pass it before the big guy. we had to do the first race in 70 seconds, take a break and run another in 73 seconds. without further adieu, the first installment of dave versus dave. >> can we do this? >> dave and dave, the albert hainesworth test. he hasn't pass it. we're going to try. we're both a little scared. >> a little nervous. it seems like everybody we talked to says this is not easy. if pro athletes are struggling with this how is the common man, common daves, if you will, going to do? 3, 2, 1, go. >> so this is not actual real speed. that plus the benny hill music doesn't let you understand how hard this was. it was to you. i told ross we should run 10 to 11 second intervals and finished the first race #234e6 seconds. an easy 4 seconds clear of the deadline. afterwards as i tried to breathe i let ross do the talking. >> how do you feel? >> i'm okay. glad we're halfway there. >> i could pass out at any moment. we made the first half. >> how did you feel? >> like mr. t, pain. 3, 2 #1shgs, go. >> reporter: now for the second race we had the support of the broad run football team. two time defending state champs and we needed it. ross said his legs felt like spaghetti. my lungs felt like i had summited everest without supplemental oxygen but i made it in 69 seconds. dave ross it made it in 72. made it by one second. we both made it. afterwards the football team celebrated with us. i told them if we didn't make it they weren't getting on tv. afterwards we let the football players handle the post race interview. >> how does it feel to complete it? was it hard? >> yes. >> how does it feel? >> we beat albert hainesworth. >> yeah! >> reporter: our own lindsay murphy tried this first and did it last friday and became a web star. she's been profiled on and featured on hot clicks and dead spin. all this publicity for lindsay and she didn't pass. although she did pass the first test but lindsay didn't pass the second. and afterwards she took a nap and so did rich dunn. >> but in all fairness she looks cuter running that than you guys. >> i don't think that's open to debate. each year we do this. go to and vote on who won, myself, dave ross or albert hainesworth. i think this one is pretty self-explanatory but i will say. this being lighter is an advantage, as you would imagine. ross weighs 155. i weigh 157 so i was heavier and 2 pounds heavier, obviously he had an advantage. >> why are you laughing? >> no reason. >> thank you for not wearing the lindsay shorts and selling out to try to get on yahoo. >> no, no. i don't -- no one wants to see my legs. they would rather see hers. >> you did great job. >> it was hard. >> you're a former track person. >> yes. >> are you going to try this. >> i'll try it. not on camera. >> i'm game. >> set it up. we'll be out there, feldy. >> i won't wear the short shorts either. i promise. now to another lindsay. lindsay lohan out of jail but not home yet. the starlet went straight to rehab after serving 14 days of her 90-day sentence for vielth probation. the judge says she has to spend the entire three months in treatment. charlie sheen also headed to rehab. he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge stemming from a christmas day argument with his wife. he was sentenced to 30 days rehab, 30 days probation and 36 hours of anger management. a felony charge was dropped as part of the plea deal. if you're looking to drop unwanted pounds, a new study 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