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. a mother watchness terror as a man grabs her child and tries to take him away. tonight we're hearing from the woman who stepped in to stop that kidnapping. bp's c.e.o. doing anything but spilling it on capitol hill. the firestorm he faced from lawmakers. a murder mystery unfolding in the district. a son killed, his father brutally beaten inside a check cashing store. tonight police are on the hunt for the killers. good evening, everyone. i'm brian bolter. i'm laura evans in tonight for shawn. the victim's father worked at the shop as added protect for -- protection for his father. tonight the son is dead and the father in the hospital. the shooting happened along benning road in northeast. bob barnard spoke with one of the customers inside when this all happened. he's live at the major crimes branch in northwest. >> reporter: so far gunmen are eluding police but they feel they will be able to solve this crime quickly. relatives of the murdered businessman closed his check cashing store just before dusk, locking up for perhaps the last time. police telling us the 30-year- old of accokeek, maryland died from a single gunshot wound to the head just after 10:30. his long-time customers tell us they all knew him as roger. >> he sold cell phones in there. if the cell phone was 140 and you only had 130, he would give it to you. he would give it to you. this neighborhood is going to be really hurt. >> reporter: a man who says he was one of two customers in the store at the time tells us two men burst through the front door announcing a holdup and demanding money. one of the gunman started beating the owner's father while roger shoved the other guy out the front door and fought for his gun. the customer says roger was shot twice. the gunman got away. >> everybody in the neighborhood loved roger. this is where everybody comes to get their checks. everybody know roger. and his father. and i can't understand who would just do that to roger. >> reporter: roger's store has a security camera but we don't know whether it was working. police say they are reviewing images from these nearby speed cameras looking for the gunman's get away car. >> these types robberies against innocent store owners happen very randomly. the chief and i were on the scene of the last one which was on georgia and kennedy. nonetheless any robbery, especially one of this type of violence is extremely troubling to the people of the city. >> reporter: long-time customers say roger had been robbed and beaten before. his father helping out at the store for his son's added protection. >> i'm asking the public please if anybody knows anything, please, please come forward. >> reporter: another customer is telling us roger just recently got married. >> a question for you. were any of the customers in the store at the time this all happened? were any of them hurt? >> reporter: they were not attacked. we talked to the man who was in the store. he says there was a woman in there and he believes roger was trying to protect them by shoving the other gunmen outside before he was shot and killed. >> thanks very much. that's a tragedy. we have breaking news coming out of prince george's county. a police chase that started in d.c. has now ended with a crash. and we are hearing a police officer is hurt. the suv that was being chased wrecked in the 4500 block of wheeler road and oxon hill. prince george's county police tell us a d.c. cop was hurt somehow and may have broken a leg. four suspects were taken into custody at the scene. a deadly standoff in frederick county, maryland state police responded to a fight between a husband and wife in liberty town early this morning. neighbors say the woman veronica harding perkins was throwing furniture from an upstairs window. her husband, dean, was outside. troopers tried to get into the home but they say the wife pointed a gun at them so they fired several shots at her. neighbors say they heard it all happen. >> i heard somebody yell watch it, she's got a gun, get down and then bang, bang, bang, bang. >> reporter: they stormed the house and found her dead. they don't know if she killed herself or one of their shots killed her. big oil the big story on the hill today. bp's c.e.o. took a lashing from lawmakers as unthinkable amounts of oil continues to spew into the gulf of mexico. tony hayward is about $2 billion with a "b" gallons of -- [ indisseenible ] you do the math here. the reservoir still holds 94 to 97% of its oil. hayward insisted several times today that his company is doing all it can to rein in the damage but time and time again he couldn't answer basic questions about the lead-up to the disaster. roby chavez is here with those details. >> reporter: another bad day for bp's tony hayward. one congressman described his testimony as evasive and frustrating. >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: an outburst even before the hearing started signaled a messy day for bp's tony hayward. he started with an apology. >> the explosion and fire aboard the deep water horizon and the resulting oil spill in the gulf of mexico never should have happened. and i'm deeply sorry. >> reporter: from there house members quickly became angered by hayward's cool and unflappable tone. still the c.e.o. remained resistant. >> i can't answer your question. i don't know. i'm afraid i can't recall. >> reporter: evasive answers which drew fire. >> seems like your testimony has been way too evasive. >> those of you at the top don't seem to have a clue about what was going on on this rig. >> reporter: however, internal bp documents now show bp allegedly ignored industry standards and chose a well that was $7 million cheaper yet riskier. hayward deflected it all. >> i'm not the drilling engineer. i'm not an ocean graphic scientist or engineer i'm afraid. >> reporter: republican joe barton of texas was the only one to come to his rescue with an apology for wednesday's meeting at the white house. >> i think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what i would characterize as a shakedown. >> reporter: a comment that left the normally outspoken vice president stunned. >> how is that shakedown? i mean, i just -- i -- i don't know. find it pretty astounding. >> reporter: despite the political bickering, a louisiana congressman brought it all home and held up this picture reminding everyone of the real battle. >> this is our state bird in louisiana. i'm going to keep this on my desk as long as we're battling this as a constant reminder of what's at stake. >> reporter: congressman barton quickly withdrew his policy late this afternoon under pressure of ranking republicans. one other note. the panel also questioned bp's safety record over the last five years. 760 safety violations, 26 deaths and 700 injuries. by contrast sunoco and philips had only eight. the city is cracking down on sluggers. those informal carpooling lines you may have seen downtown. now it seems they're be blamed for causing traffic congestion and some drivers are being forced to pay up. maureen umeh is here to explain. >> reporter: slug lines have been used in the region for decades as you know allowing drivers to pick up car poolers and gain full access to hot lanes. it seemed to work without any problems that is until now. rush hour traffic in the district is congested to say the least, bottlenecking especially near the national mall where cars heading into and out of virginia slow things down to a crawl. now it seems some are blaming people like these for the problem. >> that's ridiculous. >> reporter: slug drivers who much like cab drivers briefly stop in no stopping zones along busy roads like the 14th street corridor to pick up car poolers or sluggers as they're called. >> we do it every day. you get home faster. the bus takes longer, has to stop at every stop. this is much quicker. >> it actually cuts down on traffic on 95. it doesn't take that long to pick up a slug so i don't think they should be ticketed. >> reporter: but that's exactly what some slug drivers say has been happening. the district enforcing its no stopping zone law and ticketing drivers for picking up slugs. many believe it's a reaction to virginia senator jim webb's call on d.c. and the national park service to help reduce the gridlock near the mall by cracking down on illegally parked tour buses. >> you can see on 14th street here, it's kind of conhe jested. not only people picking up slug letters. it's just the -- sluggers, it's just the whole mess of the city. >> reporter: our cameras didn't catch any slug drivers getting $100 tickets, but we did see officials ticketing for other violations like cell phone use. sluggers say they can't understand why anyone would want to stop the free carpooling system. some plans call on for district -- [ inaudible ] >> i think it works great. i don't think we should mess it up. >> reporter: a d.c.'s department of transportation has reportedly been working with the park police and other agencies on a new city wide parking plan that could address illegal bus parking issues. >> maureen umeh, thank you very much. a terrifying scene playing out in front of a mother's eyes. a stranger tries to snatch her child right from her arms. you're going to hear from the woman who jumped in and helped scare away that would-be kidnapper next. why steal some cash when you can take the whole atm. you have to see how a pair of thieves tried to take this one right out ever the store. we are taking you inside the skins scramble to get back the boat load of cash. we were able to ditch a boat load of humidity out of here today, laura. what a refreshing change it has been in the last 24 hours. some places will fall into the 50s tonight. but what about friday and the weekend? i'll have your forecast coming up a bit later. you are watching fox a news at 10:00. our 90-minute power block is just getting started.  check out this video. it's a water main break in philadelphia and it caused a geyser this morning. the 36-inch pipe broke on a road near i-95. water gushing some 60 feet in the area. police had to divert traffic from the area and eventually the broken main was capped. there are reports about two million gallons of water spilled. ironically it happened right near the city's water treatment plant. police in detroit are looking for a couple of thieves who tried to steal cash the hard way. they tried to swipe an atm machine and did it with a backhoe. they didn't get very far. the machine was too heavy. they had to ditch it right in the middle of the street. the suspects took off without any money. a would-be kidnapper stopped in his tracks thanks to a quick thinking mother and a good samaritan. the target? 57-year-old boy. a fright -- a 7-year-old boy. a frightening scene yesterday in fairfax. john henrehan hs details -- has details. >> reporter: it happened on busy main street in fairfax city. at 7:15 wednesday morning, a mom with two children in the car pulled into a parking space directly in front of the 7- eleven store. the 7-year-old son in the family had been given permission to go inside and buy himself a donut. the boy got out of the back seat and approached his mother's open window to get money for the store. at that point a stranger, a man approached and grabbed the boy's arm. the mother who asked that she not be identified picks up the story. >> he came over to the car, took his arm. said come o you're coming with me. i just want to talk to you. i reached out and got a hold of his arm so he couldn't pull him away. >> reporter: a tug of war ensued. the mother called out for help. >> i asked a couple of gentlemen that was at least 6 feet tall, big guys. they wouldn't come near the car. >> reporter: but a 5'4" salvadoran woman did intervene. >> he was trying to grab his hand and i knew that something was wrong. and i asked the lady, are you okay. and she said no, i'm not okay. this guy is trying to take my boy. and i said to him, what is wrong with you? and he said, i'm not doing anything. just go home. leave me alone. i'm talking to her. she's okay. >> reporter: the good samaritan didn't buy it and called out to others to help. at that point the man let go of the child's arm and she quickly pushed the boy back into his mother's car. weren't you scared? >> yeah, but, you know, i'm old and i don't care would can happen to me. i think the little boy's life is more valuable than my life, yeah. >> reporter: old. the good samaritan is 30. she's also a mom. fairfax police show up moments later and arrest 47-year-old robert charms barber of alexandria. family members say he has suffered mental illness his whole life. he has been denied bond. he's being held on a charge of abduction. john henrehan, fox 5 news. >> the 7-year-old boy was not physically injured from the wednesday morning encounter but was too traumatized to go to school today. we are following some breaking news now. an important recall for all you parents out there. campbell's soup company is recalling 15 million pounds of spa get crows with meat -- spaghettios with meat balls and more t. may not have been processed correctly. it dates back to december 2008. check the pantry. albert haynesworth made a big statement by not reporting to the mandatory mini camp yesterday. now the team is looking to make a statement of their own. lindsay murphy joins us with more. >> reporter: league sources say the redskins are going to try and get back the $21 million bonus check they recently cut albert hanes worth. the players association will argue the case. albert haynesworth is not happy with his role in the redskins new defense despite not giving it a try. he's missed the team's off- season program and now wants a trade. his behavior is not sitting well with teammates. >> there are a lot of guys making adjustments to a new change, three-four defense. a lot of guys playing that system for the first time in their career. you know, yeah, maybe they may not be ideally suited for it but they're making an effort to do that because they understand the big picture. they understand it's not about an individual. it's about a team. >> reporter: yesterday mike shanahan expressed his decides appointment, -- his disappointment, especially since hanes worth picked up his $21 million bonus check in april. >> i thought once he did take that check, he was going to make the commitment to be a washington redskin and do the best thing he possibly can do to help our team win. >> reporter: today at park more than 60 redskins alumni gathered thanks to the g.m. who hopes to build a bridge to the franchise's past. they, too, had opinions on albert. >> he wants to be traded. that's on him. he's going to make his decision. in the reality of football, everybody is an individual player. they're like individual contractors. he's making his own business decision. whether i agree with it or not -- [ inaudible ] i would think me personally, if it was me, i would be here. >> he made a commitment to this team and he needs to honor the commitment. whether he likes it or not, he made a commitment. they are accused of covering up a friend's murder. find out why the judge is dropping some of the charges. plus, disgrace at arlington. head stones found thrown into a creek. some covered in mud. we're uncovering how they got there. could this be a future star of "so you think you can dance"? we'll show you more of this baby who is showing his moves and becoming an internet sensation coming up at 10:45. boss: hey, those gecko ringtones you put on our website are wonderful. people love 'em! gecko: yeah, thank you sir. turned out nice. boss: got another one for you. anncr: at, it's easy to get a free rate quote, manage your policy, make payments or even file a claim! boss: now that's a ringtone. gecko: uh's interesting.... certainly not the worst ringtone i've ever heard... ♪ ringtone lyrics: a-ringedy- 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arguments from both side, read lengthy motions and slept on it before announcing her decision in court. the judge said she'd heard enough evidence over the last three weeks to include a reasonable juror could conclude the they men on trial are equipment ofen trying to conspire to cover up the murder of robert wone. dillon ward's attorney had little to say. >> no comment right now. >> reporter: victor today born i ask's attorney said -- zaborsky's attorney said the sail thing while price's attorney said he wasn't surprised by the ruling. >> based on the facts and the law applied to this case, it was absolutely the correct decision at this point. you guys know as well as i do that that's not the end ever the game. there's a much different higher standard that applies at the end of the case. >> reporter: with that the judge told the defense to call its first witness. nicholas is a former criminalist with the new york city police department. a hair and fiber expert with decades of experience. he was hired by the defense to look at the hair and fibers found on the knife recovered from the crime scene. under questioning by the defense, he told the court what he thought of the evidence. i could not exclude the t-shirt he said as a source of the colorless cotton fibers found on the knife. previously an expert for the prosecution said they were slightly dissimilar. important testimony because prosecutors believe the knife was planted and the fibers and a towel found at the scene. he also told the court, i don't see a textile pattern on the knife. i see droplets of blood. paul wagner, fox 5 news. >> today's testimony is also significant because the prosecution believes there is a pattern on the knife from the towel and they had an expert testify to it. the trial continues tomorrow with an expert for the defense. arlington cemetery under fire again. gravestones found tossed into a creek where we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. this convicted killer with ties to our area counting down the minutes until he faces a firing squad tonight. could the iphone be changing your brain? some researchers think so. the not so great unintended effects. how many ways can you be comfortable? an energy efficient infinity air conditioner by carrier can save you up to 56% on your cooling costs, while also reducing your impact on the environment. which is better for where you live, and better for where we all live. turn to the experts during cool choices and get up to $1200 cash back on an infinity system by carrier. a fox 5 follow-up tonight. fairfax county police have identified the poison that killed two dogs in centreville last month. police say someone planted toxic meat balls in the backyards of three neighboring homes. tests show the meat balls contained strictnine, a substance that used to be in rat poisoning. they're trying to find out where it came from since it has not been used since 1989. no arrests made in that case. it's supposed to be hallowed ground, the final resting place of presidents and generals. recent reports have tarnished arlington national cemetery's sterling image. first a negative report. now unexplained gravestones tossed around on cemetery property. tonight the work is on to find out how this could have happened. beth parker has the story. >> reporter: tombstones under water, some poking through mud in a creek bed and this isn't just any cemetery. this is arlington national cemetery. administrators were notified this week that dozens of head stones had been spotted in a creek bed on cemetery ground. how did they end up there, do you know? >> at this point that is yet to be determined. >> reporter: fox 5 was there thursday morning when some of the head stones with identifiable names on them were moved. if you look here back over my shoulder, they're in the distance you see some of those whitehead stones that are so familiar to anyone who's ever visited arlington national cemetery. part of this discovery was down in that area but if you follow up along the creek bed, you see even more head stones, including those right down there. this spot where i'm standing is just a short walk from the iwo jima memorial. just last week the army's secretary said an inspector general's report found a pattern of mismanagement at arlington. mismanagement has led to mislabeled head stones and even lost remains. >> we're very concerned in light of the news, we understand there are families that are very distressed over the news here at arlington. >> reporter: some of the head stones are neatly stacked. a spokeswoman describes the stones as decades old. all heads-- >> all head stones that have been damaged or incorrectly inscribed or have become worn beyond recognition are replaced. the head stones -- the old head stones are supposed to be taken to a controlled site, broken down so that the names are not recognizable. >> reporter: but that policy did not take effect till 1994. a spokeswoman says they are working to contact next of kin for tombstones with identifiable names on them. she says new leadership at the cemetery is determined to restore the faith the american people have had in arlington. >> cemetery officials let us know they contacted the family of one person whose head stone was found in that creek. the family confirms that a head stone does in fact mark his grave in the proper location. the one found was not supposed to be on the grave. more tonight on that american who traveled to pakistan to behead osama bin laden. gary faulkner's kidneys are failing and pakistani authorities say he will soon get dialysis treatment. authorities detained him sunday night. he was trying to cross into afghanistan, find bin laden and take him out. the u.s. supreme court has just denied a last-minute appeal and now a death row convict is down to his final hours. lesoon face a firing squad in utah. ronnie lee gardner will be put to death at 12:01 in utah for shooting a lawyer to death during an attempted escape from a courthouse. that lawyer michael budell spent much of his childhood in hagerstown, maryland. >> reporter: it's been 14 years since rifles were last fired in a utah state execution, but add at midnight local time, utah is said to execute a condemned killer by firing squad. barring success of any final appeals, ronnie lee gardner will be strapped into a chair, have a target pinned over his heart and shot by five anonymous marksmen. utah assistant attorney general tom brunker says gardner is trying to work the system in his favor. >> our psychologist commented he's actually very good at that, that he can obey rules to get what he wants, but if there's an opportunity, he can size up whether it's worth a gamble. >> reporter: gardner will be the third man killed by firing squad since a u.s. supreme court ruling reinstated capital punishment in 1976. he was sentenced to death for the 1985 murder of attorney michael burdell. in april gardner requested the firing squad from a judge. his attorney says the inmate thought firing squad was a fitting way to die. >> he uses the phrase "live by the gun, die by the gun" and he does feel like both of his victims died by -- not by firing squad but as a result of gunshot wounds and he does think it as a measure of appropriateness. >> reporter: utah changed their law to make lethal injection the method but eight that sit on death row have been grandfathered in and still have the option of choosing the firing squad. the naacp is -- melvin yates was at a memorial for his father when a fight broke out. he says he was not involved but when he went to his car, officers grabbed him and then punched and kicked him repeatedly. he was arrested and charged with assault and resisting arrest and he's now suing the police department. an 8-year-old boy says he was paying tribute to our soldiers. you have to hear why his school told him his tribute violated policy. plus, a wild chase caught on camera. speeds near 100 miles per hour. see what the officer found when this one finally came to an end. a controversial morning after pill now one step closer to hitting pharmacy shelves. the price of gold is headed into the history books. elizabeth mcdonald has more on that in tonight's business report. >> reporter: stocks back in the black. gold spiking to a record high. the dow gaining 24 points. just enough to push that index into positive territory for the year. the nasdaq and s&p 500 also in the black for 2010. gold rising 18 bucks settling just shy of 1,250 per ounce. that's the highest price in history. gold is often considered a safe haven when other markets are rocking. and prices keep falling. inflation dipping for the second straight month falling by a fraction in may. lower gas prices driving down inflation. good news, bad news on jobs. first the good. the number of people continuing to get jobless benefits falling by 350,000 last week, but 12,000 more people filing for first time benefits. that's not good. but general motors is keeping people working. g.m. will leave nine of its 11 u.s. plants open all summer. it usually closes most of them for a couple of weeks. and that's business. i'm elizabeth mcdonald.  the gurus at google trying to figure out how their friends list got hacked again. it's not the first time the list has been hacked. two cementses in 2008 were blamed on a link from a bulletin board. media multitaskers have a hard time staying on task without mixing everything up in their heads. a media multitanker is -- tasker is someone who switches between social networking texting and work frequently. a new morning after pill is one step closer to going on sale in the united states. an fda panel said ella is safe and effective. it works by reducing the chances of pregnancy for as much as five days after sex. the currently so-called morning after pill known as plan b works within only three days. the fda still has to approve ella one and would you need a prescription to get it. a major recall on two popular over-the-counter drugs. johnson and johnson recalled some tylenol and benadryl products. now they're expanding it to include ben nil allergy ultratab tablets and rapid release gels. the company says they should have been included in the first recall because the drugs may cause some serious side effects. you can call the number on your screen there for more information or you can always go to coming up tonight on the news edge at 11:00, first arizona. now virginia. how local leaders at least one wants to get tough on illegal immigration and the backlash that could create. plus, an american with ties to the d.c. area held in cuba for months. details on the new push to bring him back. plus, the salahis taking some tough questions today and dancing around mothers of them -- around most of them. what they had to say about the state dinner crash and the fee they're now charging for appearances. those stories and more on the news edge at 11:00. what do you do when your pilot gets seriously ill right in the middle of a flight? if you're a flight attendant patti deluna, you step in and take over. >> reporter: american airlines flight 1612 left san francisco for chicago monday with 225 passengers. then over the midwest flight attendant patti deluna had to take over for a sick pilot. >> it was so much fun. it was very exhilarating. i thought boy, this is my lucky day. >> reporter: she said an hour and a half before landing the first officer in the right seat became seriously ill with no other airline pilots aboard, captain jim hunter asked for a crew volunteer. her colleagues picked 61-year- old delua has a commercial pile lot's license although enactive for 14 years. >> i felt like i got an opportunity of a lifetime. i was just there as support for the captain in case he was so busy that he missed construction. i watched for traffic. >> reporter: she also set the knobs on the right side. the boeing 767 like this one is highly automated. still legally two qualified pilots are required that is until captain hunter radioed controllers. >> we're having an emergency because the first officer is incapacitated. >> reporter: passengers were never told. the captain flew the airplane to a normal on-time arrival. >> on the airplane we work as a team. nobody is a star, not even the captain. >> reporter: but she said? >> this is way more fun than gally duty. >> deluna said she learned how to flight when she was just 18 years old. an officer clocks you 100 miles an hour, you better have a good excuse and this guy d. you're looking at a texas deputy's dash cam video. didn't take him long to figure out what was going o. the driver's wife was in labor and that baby was not waiting. the deputy and the new dad wound up delivering the baby girl. >> dad had the back of the baby, the upper part and i caught her legs and held her until jeremy was able to hold her. then i went and got something to put jaden in to keep her warm. bringing a life into the world, that's something. that's probably the best thing i'll ever do. i was pretty excited about that. >> the couple confessed. they topped out at 120 miles an hour on that drive. did you see it? a brazilian baby dancing the zamba. pretty good. he can't be but about 2 years old but has all the right moves for the video to go viral. check out the finger pointing and hip moves. you can watch the whole thing if you'd like on under the hot on the web section. >> that is great. it works better with a full typer too. >> also known as a full load there. it looks like he was having a little low gravity center there. >> the new sign language for babies to get you to change. change my diaper. >> he's so cute. nice weather out there today. not bad. a little warm for me. >> warm but not humid. >> exactly. >> if you go outside tonight, now that we've lost the sun, it's so refreshing and cool. a lot of places will drop into the 50s tonight. won't that be nice? >> open up the windows. >> i did that. i shut off the air conditioning. let's give it a rest because it's going to get a workout in the five-day forecast. it's a clear, comfortable night. in the district we'll drop to the low to mid-60s so soak it up while you can. we don't get too many days like this in june. let's check out the high temperatures. below normal. 87 degrees. dulles 84 and bwi marshall 88 degrees. i want you to see the head lienls because friday looks just -- headlines because friday looks just fabulous. we did have a little bit of a breeze because high pressure was building in but that high will be right on top of us. still going to be warm tomorrow. the humidity is also going to be staying low. as we get into the weekend, saturday and sunday, it's going to heat up. we'll be closer to 90 if not above it on sunday. and the humidity will become much more noticeable. just in time, too. because summer is going to begin on monday. it's the solstice at 7:28 in the morning. so the longest day of the year for us. still comfortable out there tonight. most places in the low 70s. cumberland 66. and with that dry air, lack of cloud cover, radiational cooling, it's going to be so nice. 57 degrees for winchester. manassas 58 and frederick 57. you can see one of the things that shows up here on our temperatures is lightning. but it is all in the distance. want to show you that that lightning is coming from some big storms up in minnesota. unfortunately we've had some fatalities up there. clear and comfortable for us tonight, though. near 60 in the suburbs or upper 50s. 65 downtown. another great day tomorrow. sunny with low humidity at 86 degrees. our headline for the day definitely warm again but sunny. great pool weather. most of the kids are out now so they'll be crowding around the pool deck. 86 at noon. 4:00 83. maybe a couple of clouds in the afternoon but that's it. very little cloud cover. we had a few puffy clouds pop up around the region today but this is what i wanted to show you. unfortunately a terrible outbreak of tornadoes again tonight. mostly across minnesota and north dakota and we have had two fatalities in a couple of small towns in minnesota due to the homes being destroyed. a lot of damage up here and so far 35 reports but it's ongoing. i know i saw a report of 4-inch hail also up in minnesota. actually that frontal system will be just to our fort over the weekend. right -- north over the weekend. right now it's getting blocked out by this area of high pressure. that's what brought us our beautiful weather. it also brought us the breeze as it's building in. now it will be right on top of us during the day on friday and eventually it's going to be moving out to sea. notice the winds go clockwise around an area of high pressure. as it shifts off the coast, it starts to go south with the wind and it begins to tap the hazy hot and humid air that's been lurking all across the deep south and the midwest and in fact it's providing some of the fuel for the terrible storms they've had in minnesota and north dakota producing all those tornadoes. if you are going to the nats game tomorrow night, i highly recommend it. a few tickets still available. it's strasburg's third start. we're calling it the strasburg special because his first day here temperatures were so beautiful. it will drop into the 70s tomorrow night as the white sox and nats have had it at 7:00. i hear tickets are stale available too. saturday -- are still available too. saturday 93 degrees. hot and muggy for father's day. an isolated storm possible. not likely but it could happen so we want you to be aware of that let's check out max hd futurecast because there's nothing to see during the day tomorrow. the front that's coming the storms in minnesota, we begin to see it showing up in a weak fashion on saturday. i don't think it will do anything to us but some lingering moisture could be around on sunday afternoon and this is why we have to keep the possibility of a shower or thunderstorm in there for the father's day fest vifts. if you're heading to -- festivities. if you're heading to the beaches, you'll be in great shape. maybe an isolated storm. here is your five-day forecast. we are definitely talking about things heating up and getting a little bit stickier. i would call the humidity on saturday noticeable but not oppressive. it starts to get pretty sticky and uncomfortable by sunday. notice the temperature at 93. monday maybe an isolated storm then at 92. and a slightly better chance of a storm on tuesday. by then you'll be rooting for it because it will be the only cool thing we'll have in the forecast. happy father's day to you, brian brian. >> thank you. somebody has an early vacation. happy father's day on a thursday. ever wonder what the original mona lisa painting looked like when leonardo devane chi was done with it. a french engineer has used a cutting edge camera to uncover all the layers of overpainting and respect restoration to see what the famous piece originally looked like. the exhibit opens tomorrow. runs through september. today the d.c. liquor board opened up applications for liquor licenses in georgetown for the first time since 1989. it will raise the number of liquor licenses in the area from 61 to 68. the first people in line didn't want to take any chances with the first come first serve applications. they got to the board at 6:00 this morning and they are hoping to open a mediterranean restaurant in georgetown. >> we're probably going to locate on m street if all likelihood. we have a space identified. i actually own a couple of businesses on m street already. looking to kind of up the antee for the retail environment along m street. >> along with their application, three more businesses submitted requests today. the liquor board expects to approve all of these licenses leaving three more available. it was supposed to be an 8- year-old's tribute to our soldiers. the school says that this hat violated their policy. find out how a commander of the national guard is now stepping in. in minutes on the news edge, a hollywood actor kid fanned and forced -- kidnapped and forced to do drugs for hours. how he says it all went down coming up at 11:00. ♪ my subaru saved my life. i won't ever forget that. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. an 8-year-old received road boy wanted to honor american soldiers so he wore a hat to school decorated with an army american flag and plastic army figures. but the school ordered him to remove it. we explain why. >> reporter: the hat was all part of a class project for the second grader here in conventry but when he brought the hat to class, the principal told him to take it home. 8-year-old david morales wear as hat that he designed for his second grade class project. a camouflage hat with army men glued to it. >> hot glued some army figures to the hat honoring men and women in service. >> reporter: but his parents say the school did not take it as a salute. rather they told david to take it home. mom and dad say they received a call saying the hat was inappropriate. >> i asked why. she said because there's guns on it. >> i said they're army guns. >> she said well, they're guns. >> reporter: today the principal says the situation has been worked out. the school's zero tolerance policy says students may not bring to school drugs or weapons of any kind. it goes on to say regardless of the fact it may be a toy or a utensil. >> my son did it not with any mal-intent. there was no maliciousness to any other child. he did not do that. >> reporter: the family says they've made a positive lesson over what they call a very negative expece

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