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Lauren demarco life at the embassy in northwest, lauren. Reporter w as weve been reporting the city of knew munich on a lockdown, trains, ta buses, not running at this hour. People being told to stay inside. Stain doors. Some Public Places are actuallyy letting people hold up there until they can get someone to ue can and pick them up. K the we spoke over the phone over pho skype to a friend of fox 5 who lives in germany ben davis he says theres been a very heavy re police presence. Rese outside of my window. Win fly over the apartment become a and over the river. Ove dont know where they are. Would like people to remain indoors. And stay away what from mainrom strain stations and downtown. Cane of happened, when everne o to go you know join friday kno night. Lots of people are out there figuring out how to get home right now. Reporter again, very tense n situation there because these gunman believed to be and o thet run. It is night time there at this. Were here live outside of the German Embassy in dc. Take a look. We do have the flags at halfstaff i asked ambassador spokesperson if i would make a statement. Hes weighing he didnt roughly translate a statement from thent president saying the president said murder us attacks shock me deeply. My thought are with the victimsi everyone impacted p the police p force, which is here to protect people and to save live. Now police have been week in bee german and also in english for any tourist who may before had be there there asking one to refrain from posting images, video of what they may going o they are afraid its a helping gunman. They are asking people upload it credibly. There have been disturbing images, one appeared to be one of the b gunman firing toward victim. Tense situation well continueon to follow this four at fox 5. Thats the latest here from the German Embassy. Lauren demarco fox 5 local news. Hillary clinton speaking at in tampa florida. There was speculation she washe going to use the event to talk about her pick. Hes of course a former governor. It appears likely she may delay that announcement thats a possible after the events innn munich. We will keep an eye on whatsn going on in tampa bay. Well keep you posted throughout this show and coming up at five at 6 30. Thank you for joining us kim lokay. Sarah simmons. You might want to get ac to stay school. Gwen joins us to tell us how hot it may get over the next couplt of days. We are talking dangerous heat here. I want everyone to take the seriously. Stay as cool as possible. P we are going to see our temperatures rising into the upper 90s. When you factor in humidity heay in dc is going to be in the trip tell digits. Take a look at the numbers forue today because we were into the low to mid 90s. This is going to be cool relatively speaking as we start to see temperatures start totart sore s right now 91. 90 at frederick, 91 dulles, 90 0 degrees at martinsburg. Take a look at humidity. Um dewpoints into the upper 60s, low 70s. 0s. Were going to see them rise the once we get into saturday i through monday. Ro and its goingto just down right oppressive. Heres what it feels like if you step outside you factor in humidity didnt air team churr feels like 98 degrees right nowr same at manassas, 95 at frederick and guess waxer its g going to be even worse once wenw get into the next two days im going to have all the details coming up in a bit back to you. Dc government promising cooling center as well as extended hours. Hou pools and spray parks this weekend, possible record settint heat wave. So you are going to want to get out there. City officials encouraging educately to stay indoors as additional ambulances have beenh placed in service to deal with expected higher number of emergencies. Paul wagner is live at Thet National mall where a number of museums had to close when the power went out there, hey paul. Reporter hey say remarksr h just minutes after dc officialsf began a News Conference aboutout this heat emergency and handing out advice that the power went n it dampen disappointment i d should say or disappointed aisap number of people who had plans to go to the holocaust museum, hirsch horn museum, gallery ass well as some meu seems. Tourist hoping to visit me see yams, were disappointed when the power went out just afternoon. T pepco confirmed an out catch knocked out power to a number of museums, federal buildings and at least one embassy. By late this afternoon a spokesman was unable to say why. Every where you looked visitors to the city were being the heat by wearing light clotheing and carrying bottles of water. Afternoon News Conference city t officials advising the public this kind offer heat can bet can deadly very young and elderly should be aware. Make sure we are drinkingrin plenty of water. Of you need to make sure that youu are doing this whether you are out or whether you are indoors. D and making sure that you are hydred days like this. We advice that you are not outside for long periods. Make sure that you are in shaded areas. Making sure that you are noticing that you are sweating. Reporter parks like this in southwest can be a terrific way to temporary beat the heat. All of them will be later than usual over the next three days. Go to heat. Dc. Gov to find a list. T. Additional ambulances will beill working the streets while the temperatures sore. Uror our goal was to make sure with this emergency like nip e event that we had enough eno resources available. Ava so the plan was to have fiveve ambulances available, today, tod saturday, sun and monday, today we have four ambulances additional ambulances available and saturday, sunday and mondayd there will be five already taken care of. Reporter one no nos no attempting to cool off by a fire hydrant. The water is only forr firefighter. If i can folks out that, please look out for friends and neighbors make sure they are staying cool andl hydrated. If you know you have somebody in your neighborhood that could be susceptible to the heat, check on them. Normal on a friday id be be wearing my tie but i lost that a long time ago. Based on sarah as add rise vies i actually rolled up my sleeves im a little cooler i got my water, its not as cold as it was an hour ago when i bought it. Warm water not that great butret you got to have water. In next up attaining t firefighter temperatures likees these are another thing to worry about. Lindsay watts rolled along with Fairfax County fire fights tonty see how they are dealing wi it all. Shes live tonight hey lindsay . Reporter jim on days like this you got to have extra a ap these men and women have to suiu up in heavy jackets, pants and boots, even hoods. Fire fighting skim can add 60 to 80 pounds we road along withd al Fairfax County firefighters to see what there up against. The calls dont stop when the weather heats up. For fire crews the hottest days can be the. People doing yard work. Reporter even people who are inside, when its scorching it outdoors sometimes ends up leaving their house. Sometimes people are doing di regular every day things indoors. And dehydration will creep up on them. Cause, we have consecutive really hot diasters dehydration is cumu the move with all these extra et layers emergency crews are susceptible too. T reporter have you had guys that end up with themselves. Y thats why we call additional units. We have rehab unit when its over a hundred degrees this fireres ended up being a false alarm. Firefighters say more than 20 minutes of heavy work is toos mitch these conditions. Mitc you kind ofh adjust to it. You get used to it. We always make sure we drink dri enough. But, you well spet just we standing here. St there you go. If we dont take care of ourselves we cant take care of everyone else. Reporter and firefightersefg emphasize the importance of high drawing with water. Draw its easy to forgeint thin this kind of weather, catch 98ed drinks dont help you they canan hurt you by dehydration you eved more. If you are going to been outsidb this weekends for go the ice ice tea, life in Annandale Lindsay box,nn fox 5 localda news. Coming up a lawsuit filed by former metro employee. What he says the Transit Agency did to him that led to to him losing his job. Hi that story and more coming upg after the break. Break. Metro is in the mil f of a big legal battle. Weeks after the deadly Lenfant Plaza smoke incident i alexandria limon. Reporter that engineer was a fired because investigator saytr he falsified inspection reports and then lied about it. The union is actually not disputing that but they say he should have been fired. According to their lawsuit, a third Party Mediator agreed. Lawsuit states fired foror falsifying records and making untruthful statements after the deadly incident last year at the Lenfant Plaza metro station which resulted in the death of Carroll Glover and sent dozensnd of people to the hospital. After he was fired, hail fired r grievance an legal mediator decided he should be suspended whiteout pay rather than fire and reinstated to his job. Metro is not giving hale his job back. Union states the agency is blatantly ignoring the legally binding arbitration. In a statement local Union Spokesperson said in part, quote metro attempted and failed to make mr. Hale the scapegoat of the Lenfant Plaza incident whed they fired him. Him. Metro managers and arbitrator acknowledged that mr. Hale was w not responsible for the de and injuries that occurred and that is a fact. Metros general manager, Paul Wiedefeld had a short but direct statement saying quote, we strongly disagree with arbitration award given the employees egregious act. We intend to file a motion in in District Court to vacate the arbitration award end quote. E. This not the only time engineer or train operator has been fired over a safety violation. And we wanted to know if those decisions make metro riders feee safer . Note at all. Because you no had you knowha people are prone to area. Are you fire one person who or whatr are you replaying them. If you are not replacing them with qualified person it benefits you say no kind of way no im not impressed by the firing. Smythe the employee is not totall ey the blame. There should be accountabilitynb on the agencys part. Feel like employer has the ep right to take whatever actionon they deem necessary, so feel like its of fifths thatf warrants being terminated i agree. Reporter union said that s they could not comment oain cama because of the pending litigation, but union did adddd that in their opinion no single employee should have to bear the brunt of a system wide failure. In the studio alexandria limon. Gwen will give a look the forecast. Forecast. 72 into so many things we cano m say right now i think what we have to plan for yeah goes hot. Stay inside the end. Thats right just a short sho story you give a story in 10 words. The one thing i want to really tell people is it is going to be dangerous heat. Hea so, you know not only do we wano you to stay cool we wa stay safe in it as well. Were going to have a few safeta tips coming up. Up. Outside today, hot, sticky, muggy. This is actually comfortable compared to what were going tot get. I know you probably dont want to hear that. There are people hoodoo love hot sticky weather. But, you know, unfortunately, we are really going to be in the in thick of this as we move into the rest of this weaken. So also talking possibility of a stray storm popping up. Well show you our radar on that. Hot humid the entire weekend. Big factor is going to be heate in dc some a advance of seeing forms every day. Ay very little relief once we get g into the beginning of next week most of the day its been like it this in the upper 60s and low 70s. You get your heat in dc what that means is this is what it actually feels like if you step outside. Take a look. Feels like its 98 right now in dc. 99 wasnt too to company and 98 fred direction burg, 93 at win chest. What were talking about once ww get into the week weekend, thish number turning into triple digits. Were lookin g at, a hundred hun degrees or more once we factor in humidity and we take into account the hair temperature. Thats what were talking about with conditions being as bad ass they are going to be. Seeing it all now, all of this f is going to move straight up the mid atlantic, well to the north, opening the door to for all of that. We could see a stray pop up shower or storm to night. Ni little bit of active have to southwest. Most lingering through the south. I cant rule it out. Very isolated in nature. Tonight is going to be on the warm side. Muggy. You are going to feel that. With miss you are churr in the atmosphere were going to seerew fog in tehe early hours. In the beginning of next week talking, saturday, sunday monday when all this oppressive heat is going to make itself right att home. We are going to cool down, relatively speaking, only into n the mid and lower 90s, so justt think thats what were talking about in terse of cooling down. But we are talking temperaturesr starting with hundred degree mark. Code orange air quality in effect for this evening and sat. Any kind of respiratory reissues, Young Children elderld do not spend any time in the heat its dangerous. At drink lots avenue water. Stay away from the caffeine. Wear light weight clotheing. Clo check on elderly neighbors and family americas sometimes there afraid to turn air conditioninga you got to make sure they are safe. Dont leave children or pets ini cars for any length of time. Len i dont care if its two minutet five minutes, if you crack thewu window, it just doesnt work. You are going topped up in ad dangerous situation we dont want that to happen. Make sure you put on sun block, wear a hat and plenty of water. 78 degrees for to night. Stray form possible. Partly cloudy skies. Tomorrow we are heating it up, we are going to be 98 degrees. A chance of seeing a pop up storm. Cant rule it out. Frontal system as well. Ell. Combination of those two things can set us up. Leers a look at 7day forecast, there we go, you had you see, w, are not talking bowing weather were talking about hot dog ru cooling down, from 98 to 93, well, you know. Monday actual is going to be worse day thats the day whenn humidity is going to be even higher and its really going too be very very stifling. Please steak knife advice and be careful. Weve heard down at the mall museums with air conditioning power outage, taxing, necessary think to do. Last weekend, events down ton the mall that had to be shutdown a hundred cases of people. 500. Its really tough. Gh. Bad when that into looks. Refreshing right. R night will be wonderful. Erfu coming up pokemon go made itd way overseas. Where the game is available to play. Fox 5 local news at six is back after after this. Japan trying to catch them ct all pokemon go is available for people to download it in japan. Thats where pokemon go is from. The popularity of the game continues to grow. Now its being played in moreing than 20 countrys. Cou whats more strikeing to see s number of businesses, kind oaf amazing all over the place. A lot of tm are trying to cash in on it. O if we can get that amount of o traffic in our area. Hot. Hot. Hot. Take a look at the had at temperatures folks into the upper 90s. Its going to feel like triplerip digits once we factor tin humidity, its going to be muggy, stifling not comfortable at all looks like a chance of storms each day except sun we get a pass on that. You know what i always say. Whats that. Hat. Find a pool or a friend with the pool. Thats it for news at six. Five at 6 30. T 6 thanks for joining us im sarahs simmons. Im jim lokay. Thanks for joining us. Ks f we have the run down with all the stories were talking about here. We want you to share tweets wita us. Want to get to the hottest story, unfortunately its the bad news we saw out of munich. Citys on lockdown. At least nine people confirmed n dead in that shooting rampage near a shopping mall. Report as many

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