Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At 6 20091108

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this is fox 5 news at 6:00. a store owner did everything right, handed over the cash when two robbers demanded it. >> but they shot her anyway and now the woman known simply as mama is dead. i'm maureen umeh. >> i'm will thomas. a washington area man hunts underway for two men who shot rafina hernandez at point blank range multiple times. she was beloved in her neighborhood. as tisha thompson reports now the neighbors are reeling. >> reporter: everyone in the neighborhood called her mama. >> she would look out for you, if you were short of change she would just look out for you and tell you xt time. they probably -- she was probably being helpful and nice to the people. that's why they took advantage of her. >> reporter: it was ls of a liquor store and more of a gathering place. two men entered the store, pulled a gun and demanded money. >> this is a heinous crime. the victim was complying and wasn't offering any resistance that we know and the suspect shot her anyway. >> reporter: police did not find surveillance cameras inside the store but do know that the suspects got away on foot. they're hoping they caught them on the closed-circuit cameras located throughout the neighborhood. >> i was in here last night getting some juice, chips, stuff like that, talking to her and her son. >> reporter: michael terry stood in shock, staring out the window of the barber shop next door. >> she treated everybody, that family treated everybody like family. >> reporter: terry worries for the owner of the barber shop, 75-year-old preston kuj ham. >> we're neighbors. i pass by. i called her mom. she called me mr. c r c. >> reporter: cunningham says he now closes his shop before it gets dark and knows exactly what he would do if someone tried to rob him. >> run like hell and call the police. >> don't offer any resistance in situations like. this try to comply. and just material is particular stuff can be replaced. >> in his 23 years on the force detective johnson says it's a rare, rare day when someone does follow that violence still ends up losing their life. on georgia avenue in northwest, tisha thompson, fox 5 news. police are offering a $25,000 reward for information that leads police to t killers. a bizarre accident on the runway at dulles international airport today. a people mover and plane collided. let's get straight to matt ackland live at the airport. tell us what happened. >> reporter: if you've ever flown in and out of dulles airport you've likely been on one of these mobile loufrnlgz. they transfer people from the main terminal to the other terminals to catch a flight. today 26 people were on board one of these people moverand it was moving parallel with a plane. now, we've been able to talk to some officials representing the airline. the pilot of the plane tells us that the driver of the mobile lounge veered into the plane, striking the left wing. let's take you to video at dulles airport where it went down around noon today. the plane had only three people on board. it was coming from maintenance hangar to the terminal to pick up passengers. the captain and first officer were fine but the flight attendant sustained a minor injury. firefighters responded to the collision. airport officials say the people on board the mobile lounge were not injured. meantime here is the plane we are talking about. it looks just like this one, a saab 340 turbo prop. and it's rather small. seats about 34 passengers. an official can cogan air said there was damage to the wing r left wing of the plane. it was towed back to a maintenance area. here's something to keep in mind. this plane was very small but it's a propeller plain and the propellers were spinning fast. it's terrible to think what if the people mover hut those propellers. fortunately that did not happen. we are told by the washington airport authority tonight that a full investigation is underway to determine exactly what went wrong wrong. we'll have a complete wrap up of this story coming up tonight at 10:00. maurp, will, back to you. collisions on the football field today between the redskins and atlanta falcons. once again the skins are badly beaten. coming off a bye week when they had some time off. looks like the rest and practice didn't help much. dave feldman on-deck for the state of the skins. >> reporter: clinton portis left with an apparent concussion. jason campbell sacked five times left and did return. the redskins heart left but did return in the second. first quarter, falcons upset already. jason campbell's pass picked by tye hill. returns 62 yards for the touchdown. falcons took a 14-0 lead. led 24-3 at the half. skivenz came back and scored twice. jaifs finds todd yoder, 3-yard touchdown. redskins down just a score, 24-17. but on the falcons' next possession they hand the ball off to michael turner. he goes 58 yards. danz he will hall, finished with 166 yards rushing. redskins have now dropped 4 straight games. >> the thing i was i am pressed with, if there is anything impressive about -- remember i'm qualifying, you know, we lost. okay, i get that, but the thing that was impressive is the fight that the redskins football team has. they came out and battled. >> reporter: the schedule now gets progressively worse for the skins. denver comes to town next week. then games at dallas and philly and then the saints come marching in. all good teams with winning records. maureen? >> thank you, feldy. the battle over health care has gotten one giant step closer to an overhaul. the how was voted to pass the version it had been debating but the show down continued this morning with the chair and tim kaine >> they didn't have a chance to debate this last night. 11:00 on saturday night. >> the debate stretched on for onths. the republicans had plenty of advance notice. this isn't a government take over. >> it is very much a government take over. >> the bill moves to the instanted if the democrats think it will it be hard tore pass there, ty aren't letting on. >> they pushed the health care reform bill with two votes to spare. >> the yeas are 220, the nays are 215. :the bill is passed. >> that cheers for ten years, 2000 page, 1.2 trillion dollar measure that is a sweeping overhaul of the healt care measure. one republican voted for the bill. republican joseph gou who holds a seat in new orleans. 176 republicans and 39 democrats voted against it. the fight shifts to the senate. late saturday night senate majority leader harry reid says he hopes to receive are the price tag on his bill from the congressional budget office in the coming days and bring it to the floor as soon as possible. >> the 39 democrats voted against the bill they come from red states, moderate democrats from swing districts. they bailed out on this bill. it was a bill by liberals, for liberals. >> i believe we're going to pass health care reform. i believe we must do this because it's essentially to not just the quality of life but our economic success in the future. >> the president would like a bill by the end of the year. if you look at the collar the senate leaves for veterans daybreak wednesday, comes back for a few days and leaves for a week around thanksgiving. >> now it falls on the united states senate to take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the american people. >> reporter: that puts the senate into a december start. some are predicting a vote could slide into january. in whash wash, caroline shief lishgs fox news. in the senate this is not a partisan issue. there are moderate democrats who say they do not like the public option and will vote against the bill if it stays. they are gearing up for a battle with mother nature in the gulf. this is how thing look in el salvador after hurricane ida tore through. we had a great weekend but will ida affect us? your full forecast ahead and a look at the five-day. we'll tell you if we have sunshine or will feel the effects of the hurricane. join us after the break. ( "love hurts" by nazareth playing ) ♪ love hurts ♪ love scars ♪ love wounds... - announcer: before you ever love it... - ( tires screech ) ...the nissan altima goes through over 5,000 tests. no wonder j.d. power and associates... - ♪ ooh, love hurts - ...ranked it highest in initial quality. the new nissan altima. quality you can love. ♪ ooh, love hurts. we're learning more about the victims in the rampage at ft. hood thursday. 55-year-old juanita worman is among those dead, she's from havre de grace, april single mother who became a nurse and joined the military. a civilian police officer shot the gunman, nidal hasan who remains in the icu. a senior senator believes it could have been the work of a home grown tryst. joe lieberman says that preliminary investigation reveals that nidal hasan denounced the wars in iran and afghanistan but it's too early to reach definitive conclusions. >> we don't know enough to say now but there are very strong warning signs here that dr. hasan had become an islamic extremist and that therefore this was a tryst act. >> the military is are bringing counselors into ft. hoodtrying to help anyone who is struggling with loss and emotional trauma after thursday's massacre in which 13 were killed and more injured. the suspect, dr. nidal hasan remains in stable but critical condition. could a mental assessment have stopped this from happening? jamie colby takes a closer look. >> reporter: could a new comprehensive soldier fitness assessment identified nidal malik hasan before he allegedly committed the blood bath at ft. hood? >> anyones tenneded to get on the front end of this and prevent soldiers from having mental fitness challenges to begin with. assessment that monitors the physical and mental resilience of soldiers became mandatory for all army personnel just last week. in addition to questions about religious beliefs it asks participants to identify desires, impulses and emotions they wish to control. and actual situations where they were tempted to do something they might regret. >> we have some good treatment programs. from what i saw where we were light is prevention. once they get that assessment they will be able to connect to online self-help modules that can provide them assistance in one of the specific areas. >> reporter: psychologist martin seligmann is working with the army to teach resilience training, which is a positive psychology where you argue against catastrophic thoontsd put reality in perspective. >> when you learn rilience, depression goes down. it becomes less likely. anxiety becomes less likely. it is highly relevant to post traumatic stress disorder. >> reporter: this online assessment is also available to army civilians and spouses. starting this summer teachers at fort bliss, texas schools will learn resilience training, trying to prevent depression and anger in military kids before it begins. jamie colby, fox news. the work that's done in the soeblg readiness center where the shooting occurred has been moved to a different building. ft. hood officials are trying to reopen the center as soon as possible but for now it remains a crime scene. it's a story you have to hear to believe. a 9-year-old thinking fast and possibly saving lives. find out how this little boy stopped a carjacker cold with one little move. . access to high-speed internet, at home and on the go, is no longer a luxury. it's how our children access education. it's how we find jobs, discover information, and connect with family and friends. it's the spark that drives innovation, creates investment, and builds a stronger ecomy. to shape a better tomorrow, at&t is investing in america's future - working to create an internet that's smart, mobile and safe. last year at&t invested more than any other company in the u.s. and we're continuing to invest this year, to expand and enhance our wireless and wired networks. we support a national plan that ensures high speed internet access and enables adoption by all americans, over the next five years. adoption by all americans, over the next five years. the future is our business. at&t. your world delivered. so what would you do if you were being carjacked? a 9-year-old boy knew xafktly how to act and may have saved himself and his three brothers. his mom went into a grocery store leaving the four boys in the car. within moments a carjacker, presumably that guy right there jumped into the driver's seat. malik grabbed the keys out of the ignition. the carjacker punched the little boy but the brave kid held on to the keys. >> i didn't want them to get taken away and die. and if he pushed me out the car, i just didn't want that to happen so they don't die. >> that carjacker took off running but was kauntsd charged with grand larceny neighborhood four counts of kidnapping even though the car never moved. >> i say that little boy as earned a trip to disneyland. >> what a great kid. you might get a trip to disneyland too with this weather you've deli. >> this weather was all good. >> gorgeous. >> absolutely fantastic weekend. you're not going to believe today what we reached for our daytime high. yesterday i talked about maybe some of usould see 70 degrees. wait until you see the numbers. beautiful outside right now. clear skies for tonight. very light winds as well. a little warmer than last night. fairly comfortable if you have any plans to head out this evening. let's look at our -- weather headlines. there is chance of precip in the forecast now. we didn't have so much of it yesterday but now it looks like it is a possibility. we are watching hurricane ida as well. it is really developing. look at these temperatures today. 74 degrees at national. 75 at dulles and 73 at baltimore. which was talking about some of you may reach 70 we exceeded that because these temperatures are anywhere from 14 to 16 degrees above normal. so talk about spring weather out there with all the sunshine. it was absolutely fabulous. not too bad right now. 65 at national airport, 59 at gaithersburg, 59 at frederick and baltimore. it's 59 in boston, 91 at new york, 64 to the south in raleigh. that ridge of high pressure still come nath our weather pattern so we're seeing clear skies. not any clouds to speak of but the clouds will stay clear has we move into tonight as well. other parts of the country, a totally different story. especially down to the south. plenty of rainfall reaching areas of louisiana and texas but what we're keeping an eye on is even more than this. we've got a hurricane to talk about. so let's take a look at true view and we'll show you. here it is right here. we talked about this last evening and this morning. this is hurricane ida which last night was a tropical storm. it is now a category two hurricane making its way into the gulf of mexico. a lot of questions with this hurricane and a lot of activity with it as well. let's look at the track and we go to our weather maps. it has sustained winds at 100 miles per hour. it's expected to take more of a northerly turn. by monday, at 1:00, it is expected to start affecting areas in the morning early hours of monday in the morning towards areas of the coast but this is the cone of uncertainty with this hurricane. the question is, is it going to remain a tropical system when it makes landfall or is it not? that's uncertain. so it could make landfall as a hurricane or it could weaken out. regardless it is still going to cause an awful lot of problems for the gulf coast area. right now there is a hurricane watch in effect for areas all the way from louisiana stretching through to the florida panhandle. it does not include new orleans. they are still going to feel the effect of the winds and rain. it's expected to take a northerly turn by mony morning, the heavy rain is going to push in. strong winds and strong storm surge. the actual location of the landfall is still a question because of that cone of uncertain tichlt look at future cast because it looks like we may see some wet weather from that tropical system as we move into the tuesday, wednesday period. this is just one model. we'll have to wait and see what happens with tall. in the meantime tomorrow no rain but plenty of sunshine. look at these temperatures. we are going to be into the upper 70s. not bad at all. your five-day forecast looking real good. once again the tuesday night into wednesday i put the showers and rain on there because we could see some of that tropical moisture and also a low pressure system that will develop off the coast. >> thank you. every city has areas that have been abandoned. what if you could turn of those blighted areas into something that helps you and your neighbors? it is working in miami. dr. phil keating shows us how they're turning concrete jungles into gardens. >> a harvest is happening in one of miami's most blighted neighborhoods. and debra an that is back to work. >> pay the bills, good eating. we put a lot into this here garden. >> about tenure ban gardeners grow everything from pumpkins to papayas. it replaces what dominates most of the landscape in the neighborhood, abandoned and neglected acres a part of town notorious for crime. >> this community is trying to be reborn. >> reporter: it is named roots in the city. >> we're trying to take unused land, vacant land, fallow land and make it productive. both in terms of producing food for people and jobs for the community. >> reporter: the land is donated, the city invested $100,000 and more gardens courtrooming. it is a socio-- coming. ises a ocioeconomic experiment starting to sprout. they are growing vegetables but they are growing so much more. a future. that leads to community pride, residential development, jobs, and eventually, a rundown neighborhood isn't so rundown. and word is spreading. customers swing by for saturday farmer's market and roots in the city is working to get the groceries sold in grocery stores. >> it reaches out to those who cannot really afford to go buy good nutrition. and it's a a good price. why not? it helps our community. >> reporter: we plant seeds of progress in the minds of people. when welant a seed in pertinent part ground we give peoplan idea of what this area could become. >> reporter: trying to change over town from the roots up. in miami, phil keating, fox news. dave feldman back with sports next.  geevengsd, i'm dave feldman. the washington redskins offense looked very good for a half. the second half when it was too little, too late. especially with the defense parting like the red sea. they lose to atlanta and it's the fourth straight loss. albert hainesworth had his game face on early. he was ready to play but the face didn't help. matt ryan to tony gonzales, two yards for the score. fafl cons were up quickly 7-0. and jim zorn had to say oh, my goodness i've seen this movie before. late in the first quarter, clinton portis observes a helmet to helmet hit. immediately collapses to the ground. portis left with a concussion, returned to the sideline to watch but did not play again. jason campbell's pass deflects off davis. picked off by tye hill. the host of blockers front of him, cuts it back to the 20 and returns it 62 yards for of the touchdown. falcons led 24-3 at the half. fourth and goal at the 1. bets behind mike sellers mrakz the plain. redskins fell 24-10. trying to culminate another long drive. jason campbell finds todd yoder. three-yard touchdown. seventh of yoder's career. 24-17 but on the falcons' next possession they hand off to turner. dean dra hall missed him. 58 yards for the touchdown. he had 166 on the day. redskins fall 31-17. lindsay murphy with more from atlanta. >> reporter: there were no smiles in the locker room following the redskins' sixth loss of the seevenlt anger, frustration, confusion as to what is going on. all the emotions that were filling these players' minds. four straight losses, a 2-6 record. not just a shocker but very hard to swallow. >> it's execution, plain as day and we'll be able to see that on the video between the first half and second half. >> last year we were 5-2 at this time, now we're 2-5. but we have to stay positive and play the way we played in the second half and at least tend of the day give ourselves a chance to be in these games and win them. >> reporter: once again the redskins must have short term memory and get back to basics, get back to the drawing board and watch film so they can get better for next week's game against the denver broncos. lindsay murphy, fox 5 sports. ravens in cincinnati. palmer finds caldwell. bengals up 7-0 e offense ineffective. third quarter, 17-0, cincy. flacco picked off by jonathan joseph. one twoch picks on the day for flacco. ravens need a first down and don't get it. flacco sacked. bengals win 17-7. of the ravens fall to 4-4. antawn jamison and they play downtown. caron butler with the good hand. wizards led 35-36. -- 37-36. wizards with the full-court press. alberto with a knock away. wizards leading by 5 but second half all phoenix. jason richardsoncores 22 but misses here. stottemeier had 17. the sundays win in d.c., 102-90. the wizards and redskins have something in common. both lost four straight. >> it was a tale of two has. >> they looked good in the second half. >> we're back tonight at 10:00 and "news edge" at 11:00. 

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Mexico , New York , United States , Louisiana , New Orleans , Texas , Iran , Afghanistan , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Phoenix , Arizona , El Salvador , Dallas , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cincinnati , Ohio , Denver , Colorado , Americans , America , American , Nidal Malik Hasan , Phil Keating , Tim Kaine , Lindsay Murphy , Michael Terry , Jonathan Joseph , Todd Yoder , Caron Butler , Joe Lieberman , Clinton Portis , Michael Turner , Miami Phil Keating , Harry Reid , Jason Campbell , Tony Gonzales , Maureen Umeh , Dave Feldman , Nidal Hasan , Jim Zorn , Tisha Thompson , Jamie Colby , Nissan Altima , Joseph Gou ,

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