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laura tells us vacationers are willing to spend more. >> people are getting ready to hit the roads. memorial day weekend kicks off the start of the summer travel season. aaa predicting around 34.8 million americans will pack up their cars and trucks and venture off 50 miles or more from home. that is up slightly around 1.2% from last year. aaa says although the number of travelers has picked up, the high prices at the pump mean people are cutting their vacation costs elsewhere, like staying closer to home. people can save on their holiday fuel budget with a few common steps. >> the first is inflate your tires properly. tune your engine properly. take any unneeded junk out of the trunk of your car. if you do all those things, you'll save fuel. >> google's expert says folks can also use technology to help them save cash on the road. >> there are plenty of apps out there that you can tap into. it has come down a little bit. but if you want to find that absolute cheapest price, there are apps that will help you find that wherever you go. mapping out your route can also save you money. >> a number of people hitting the roads is up. the number of people hitting skies is down. a decrease in holiday air travel this weekend. in new york, laura engle, fox news. >> be sure to check our website. we have a traffic map on the d.c. region, gas prices and more. log on to click on traffic at the home page. another big story tonight. two female army reserve officers are suing the department of defense over the ban of women in combat roles. it was filed on wednesday t. accuses the government of violating the constitutional rights of servicewomen by excluding them from certain ground combat units. command sergeant, major jane baldwin and ellen claim the policies have hindered their career advancement. a developing story in indiana tonight where a gunman is holding at least one person hostage inside a real estate office. all started about 10:00 this morning. it's about 40 miles southeast of chicago. the gunman is looking for someone he believes owes him money. some hostages were able to leave the building. officers say there was a brief exchange of gunfire when they first arrived, but no word of any injuries. police do not believe the gunman is an employee of the real estate agency. they are not saying what demands, if any, he's making. a plea tonight in front of their children. she is begging her son to turn himself in before he gets hurt. reynard cook has been on the run since february. paul wagner is in the newsroom with more. paul. >> sallysaleh nay cook is speaking out. until he gives up, she cannot see her grandkids and they will not come out of hiding. selina cook sat worrying about her son and the grandkids he left behind. three little ones who are being protected until he turns himself in, or is caught by police. >> i told you about who jesus was. you always pray with the kids. you know the right thing to do. you know jesus. do what jesus would do. >> reporter: she is worried about her son's life on the run. wondering how he is surviving. >> trust jesus and come on in, because i don't want you to get hurt. turn yourself in so this can be resolved. you need to turn yourself in. >> cook says she wants to see her grandkids and that won't happen until her son is in custody. >> i love the kids. no matter what goes on, i'm still going to love them and love the kids. the kids are the most important thing right now. and i'm not going to do nothing to hurt them. >> d.c. police say reynard cook shot her multiple times as she arrived to pick up her son. she survived for several weeks until last sunday when she passed away. reynard cook is a long time d.c. resident who also goes by the aliases of ravon stone, don fitzgerald hancock. there's a $25,000 reward for information that leads to his arrest and conviction. for now, the children are in hiding, protected by yolanda stone's sister. friends and family are holding a candle light vigil. a funeral is set for monday morning. if you know where reynard cook is, you're asked to call d.c. police at 202-727-9099. paul wagner, thank you. >> ten years ago today, a 15- year-old boy was shot and killed as he left a go-go. rickie lucas was riding in a car with several friends when another car pulled alongside and opened fire. investigate torse investigators believe the shooting was connected to a shooting, but the case has never been solved. >> it's going to always be a bitter place for me. >> prince georges county police are hoping the 10th anniversary will spur someone to come forward with information about lucas' murder. a prince william county woman is accused of trying to kidnap a baby from its mother's arms. the child's mother told police terri dianne asked if she could hold her baby. when the mother refused, the woman tried to take the child. the bus driver stopped the bus. she was later arrested and charged. we are learning more details about the murder of six- year-old etan patz, 33 years ago in new york city. 51-year-old pedro per hernandez has confessed to killing the little boy. >> reporter: pedro hernandez, now 51, worked at a bodega. detectives were there today. it's an eyeglass store now. they are trying to find forensic evidence that backs up the one thing they have. >> we have a written confession, a signed confession. he spoke for 3 1/2 hours on video tape statements. so obviously we believe that there's probable cause to go forward with this arrest. >> hernandez says he lured little etan into his store with a cold soda. then brought him to the basement and strangled him. to this day, he gives no reason why. commissioner kelly says hernandez claims he did not sexually assault etan. hernandez said he put the boys body into a plastic garbage bag, then a box and dropped off the box with the trash a couple blocks away. >> where is the likelihood of the body or remains to be found? >> it's unlikely. very unlikely. >> within a month of may 1979, hernandez moved to new jersey. the publicity surrounding the unsuccessful dig last month for etan's body led a relative to turn hernandez in. hernandez said to the relative, i did a terrible thing in new york. i killed a child. hernandez's wife and daughter avoided comment when they left their home to come to court today. etan's parents who never moved hoping their son would come home, alive today to see the face of the man who may have murdered their child. >> we can only hope that these developments bring some measure of peace to the family. >> hernandez was hospitalized as a suicide risk today. he is scheduled to be arraigned via video conference later tonight. the charity at center of the penn state child abuse scandal is closing. former assistant coach, jerry sandusky founded the second mile. he is charged with molesting ten boys over a 15 year period. the grand jury report indicate he met the boys through the charity. sandusky pled not guilty. expert testimony in the trial of baseball legend, roger clemens. cotton balls and a needle tested positive for his dna. his former strength coach said he collected the medical waste. he is accused of lying to congress when he denied using performance enhancing drugs. strange development in the trial of john edwards. the judge said she is dealing with a juror issue and warning the panel not to deliberate outside the juror room or in small groups. edwards is on trial accused of using campaign money to hide their affair. the butler has been arrested after allegedly leaking confidential documents and letters from the pontiff's private study to newspapers vatican police say the suspect was caught in possession of secret documents. will not reveal when he was arrested. last month, the pope set up a special commission of cardinals to probe the leaks. coming up, marion barry apologized after yet another gap. >> all across the region right now, they are bringing community pools back to life again as the memorial day weekend brings with it the unofficial start of summer. i'm bob barnard, come along, we'll cool off in a few. >> coming up a little bit later, cows crash a party and drink up. d.c. councilman, marion barry, said he misspoke when he referred to the polish community. he made the remark when he was meeting with asian americans yesterday. that meeting was set up after barry made two offensive statements last month. he later apologized. ahead of the association is calling on barry to apologize for the polish american community. today, d.c. mayor performed one of the most anticipated yearly duties. he opened the city pools for the summer. mayor gray wasn't wearing the attire, but took a turn in the chair. the department of parks and rec has 11 spray parks, kids couldn't wait to jump in and enjoy the slide. >> this weekend they will be open from 12:00 noon until 6:00 sunday, saturday, sunday, and monday. we will also be hiring 240 people to work in our pools. >> the mayor also cut the ribbon for the community center along with a new pool. center has a brand-new gym, activity rooms, and artificial turf field. >> all across our region, life guards are working overtime getting neighborhood pools ready for business tomorrow. takes us pool side to show us what that's like. >> welcome to the potomac swim and tennis club. >> today is such a crazy day. we are trying to get everything put back into shape so that the pool looks just at its best for all of our members coming in tomorrow. >> elizabeth and josh getting the pool ready for 300 families. >> i love summer. definitely my favorite season. >> elizabeth is going to be a senior. >> i always wanted to be a life guard. i'm happy to be working here. >> josh is a johns hopkins neuroscience student. >> the chairs are dirty from the winter. but we are make progress. >> he still has several more hours to go. >> i love working at the pool. it's a great atmosphere, very relaxing, great people. >> with the sun blaring and high temperatures expected to reach near 90 degrees this weekend, the timing seems just right for pool season. >> i'm testing the ph. >> elizabeth is checking the pool water's ph and chlorine levels. >> that looks like a 74 and a 2.0, which is just about perfect. >> perfect for a nice dip. how is it? >> water is a little cool. we have our heaters running, so it should be good by tomorrow. >> pool opens at 10:00 a.m. >> i'm really excited. there's a lot to be done, but it's all manageable. we are looking pretty close to being able to open right now. >> see you in the morning. in potomac, bob barnard, fox 5 news. let's take it about 48 miles east to the chesapeake bay bridge where you can see the eastbound span moving slowly. jammed up there, but hey, it's a hot summer day, folks are headed to the beach and i'm sure all the cars are packed up with all kinds of clothes and coolers and bikes on the back and then people coming back to d.c. are like, oh man. i don't know. as a matter of fact, you can see they are doing two-way on the westbound span so you can get three lanes of traffic. >> i would love to be on my way to the beach right now. >> today is not the worst, because it's staggered. people can go today, tonight, tomorrow. coming back, that monday is brutal. >> are we here on monday? >> i'll be here. >> i think i will, too. >> i won't be sitting there. let's talk about our weather. as we said, it was a hot one today. muggy, too. gary mcgrady, it's hazy,icy ,icky out there. >> you don't like the hot stuff? >> i love the heat. i'd take heat any day. i'd rather be hot than cold. >> no doubt about it. it's going to be a little bit more humid this weekend. a little bit more humid on monday, but not oppressive. we aren't talking about anything too terribly bad, but it will be some of the warmest consistent weather we've had in quite a while. get ready for that. the pools are open. holiday weekend. enjoy. listen, here are temperatures right now. 84. that's down from 86. quantico jumped to 87. fredericksburg is 86. we'll be warmer than this for tomorrow. leanardtown is sitting at 81 degrees. if you're by the water the next few days, it will be cooler. it will be very, very nice. overnight, only a few clouds. 60s out in the suburbs tonight. low temperatures getting down to 71 degrees. still fairly mild. tomorrow pretty much a carbon copy, just a little bit warmer. listen, we have been showing this to you. we have been talking about it because this is our fox 5 weather app. it's a free down load, you can do it on your ipad, iphone or droid. you'll be able to keep up with the weather. let's take this full screen. i'll use this to show you that right now we are all dry right around the city. there's nothing on the radar. but if we move this over, we jump across the bay. there was a pretty good little cell and that is matching up almost perfectly with our live radar. it looks like showers along 50 and 505 are getting a little bit heavier now just to the east of easten. you can click on the forecast up at the top. let me see where that is. you can see it on the screen. look what comes up. a ten-day forecast, we'll give you the temperature chart, the forecast chart over here. i'm moving it around so you can see. and you can move that ahead and chances for precipitation or rain. and over here, you have the sunrise and sunset. even the moon rise and the moon set and it gives you the moon phase. we are under a wax and crescent right now and the hourly forecast at the bottom, which is covered up by our neat little bug, that's a neat feature, too. more importantly though, you can check what's going on. if you see a thunderstorm off in the distance, you can go on to your iphone app or your ipad. you can take pictures and down load them right to our website if something interesting happens and you want to share that with friends and family and maybe we'll put it on the air. we have you covered there, brian. remember, free, there's no excuse. no excuse not to down load it if you haven't done it already. history in the making. 250 miles above earth. the international space station -- the spacecraft is transporting about a thousand pounds of cargo to the iss, including food, water, and clothing for the astronauts. space x is the first private company to accomplish such a feet. you can't drive down a major street without seeing one. d.c. are adding more than two dozen street cameras. plus, a scare in the air as a passenger tries to rush the cockpit on an american airlines flight. >> if you have a story idea, call our tip line. or you can send us an e-mail. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. find the program that's right for you at the district is putting out 27 more cameras. the new cameras will start giving out tickets on june 6. some of the locations are the southwest freeway at exit 4, northeast and fox hall road northwest. go to for a list of all the locations. just in time for the memorial trips, gas prices are down 17 cents from a month ago. the national average down to $3.67. in the district, expect to pay $3.75. in maryland, $3.69. it is a place that will see a lot of visitors during the holiday weekend. coming up, we'll take you along as a group visits the vietnam memorial for the first time. the jailing of a pakistani doctor is causing tensions to rise between the u.s. and pakistan. i'm jennifer davis in washington. i'll explain coming up. my only dream in the world was to just be free. >> and the dream come true for a once probable football star who spent five years in prison for a rape he did not commit. thousands are visiting the vietnam veteran's memorial. today about three dozen members of a marine company that saw heavy action in vietnam came as a group to visit the wall. fox 5's john hanrahan has their story. >> reporter: the members of charlie battery first battalion are older, grayer, balder, many of them wider than when they served in the war in vietnam more than four decades ago. at that time, they faced tough circumstances on the battlefield. >> we were involved in a very intense battle in one of our operations. utah in '66. first time the marines encounters them. >> these former marines held their first ever reunion. this time they came to washington, d.c. to visit and personally experience the memorial to veterans of the vietnam war. more than 58,000 names are on the wall at the memorial. >> allen and robert king. robert king, they are both on this. >> mike hamilton is here, too. >> 65-year-old carl huckabee in the wheelchair was severely wounded by a land mine in vietnam when he was finally well enough to get out in the world, he remembers being verbally attacked for being a war veteran. >> first time they asked me, how many people you kill? how did he answer that? >> i don't know. i don't know if he killed anybody or not. >> for many, this was their first ever visit to the vietnam veteran's memorial. the vietnam war was largely a mistake. >> 56,000 people there that didn't need to die. >> ron berg was another first- time visitor to the wall. >> i wouldn't say i'm an antiwar person. we have a reason to go to war at times, but i think that our country needs to be careful and selective in terms of where we use our military and our military power. >> in washington, john hanrahan, fox 5 news. rolling thunder is planning a candle light vigil tonight. this weekend marks the 25th anniversary of the group's memorial day demonstration. bikers are rolling into town today. many of them staying in crystal city. on sunday, rolling thunder will gather at the pentagon and at noon, they will rumble over to the lincoln memorial. >> volunteers with the foundation were quite busy this morning. they were placing nearly 3,000 roses at the war memorials around the city. the tradition of placing flowers dates back to 1868 when general john logan established decoration day, which gave mourners a chance to decorate their graves with flowers. an unruly passenger caused tense moments to miami. 24-year-old ryan schneider of canada was arrested after he rushed to the front of the plane on a flight to jamaica to miami. the plane was taxiing on the runway when the incident happened. the pilot was able to land safely. his demand until authorities arrived. >> i extended my hand to shake his hand and from that point, i was able to maneuver him and flip it and as you know, if you got in this position and locked and one arm is up, the more pain you're going to be in. >> authorities say the incident doesn't appear to be terrorism related. schneider likely faces charges for interfering with the flight crew. washington is keeping a close eye on the fate of a pakistani doctor imprisoned for helping the u.s. taking out osama bin laden. officials are pushing for his release, even if pakistani officials today defended the prison term. fox's jennifer davis reports. >> pakistani officials are defiantly defending the 33 year treesen sentence handed out. he helped the cia track down osama bin laden when the wanted terrorist was hiding out. >> don't know if the country is what preveiled and we must show respect. >> top u.s. officials are calling. >> we think his treatment is unjust and unwarranted. >> but many in pakistan view the doctor as a traitor. many view it is payback over not getting advanced notice about the u.s. raid. >> they made this gentleman a pawn in the relationship and it's not going well. >> thursday, a senate committee expressed its outrage. $1million for each year of a sentence. this year comes at a sensitive time. the two countries can't agree about reopening key nato supply routes that islamabad closed and two dozen pakistani soldiers were killed in november. >> it's very hard to justify a continued relationship with pakistan. now i know there is a strategic location. i know we need them for transportation routes. on the other hand, we find them in so many instances being double agents. >> all of this is taking quite a toll on his health. he is said to be weak, depressed, and being kept in isolation for his own safety. in washington, jennifer davis, fox news. tears of joy inside a california courtroom after a judge overturned a rape conviction for a once promising football player. back in 2002, a fellow high school student accused brian banks of kidnapping and raping her. banks is only 17 at the time said the sex was consensual, but he pled no contest rather than risk a sentence of 41 years. >> it wasn't a choice that i made. i didn't choose to plead guilty. i didn't choose to plead no contest. i was forced into it. it was a decision i was proposed with and i had ten minutes to make it. it's impossible to do with anger or bitterness. you have to forgive and move on. >> banks who is now 26 is training for what he hopes will be a future chance at a football career. coming up, a local elementary school uses a con controversial case to bring awareness to the issue of rape. and king comes to fox 5. we're back in a moment. we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. earlier today, students at malcolm elementary school in southeast marked trayvon martin day. the school's principal says the case provided important lessons, so she organized a special assembly for students and parents to discuss social injustice, race relations, and bullying. >> we are talking about how to say how it feels when people hurt you and how to express yourself rather than striking back. >> the principal says students must learn other methods to deal with confrontation instead of resorting to violence. she especially wants to reach out to parents to get them involved in what the school is trying to teach. >> bernice king is the daughter of two civil rights pioneers. she is in town to honor both of them. she is also promoting a book about her mother. it's called desert rose. bernice joined us earlier to talk about how they came up with the title. >> well, my aunt started this book in '66 at my mother's request. and she decided to title it desert rose to reflect the harsh withering restrictions of the south and how to make the world a better place, mother had a determination through her education, through art, through faith and social activism to affect that change. so it's like this rose that grows on the dry, parched ground, but blossoms into something beautiful. that's what happened with the life of coretta scott king. >> you can see the entire interview on our website. apple's ceo makes a surprising move that could cost him $75 million. we'll have the details. plus, a teen from maryland wins one of the biggest science fairs around. why his invention could help in the fiagainst pancreatic cancer. and gary is back with your memorial weekend forecast. stay with us. [ banker ] mike and brerenda fod a house that they really wanted. it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. hundreds of young children have eaten laundry detergent, mistaking the pod for candy. in tonight's consumer alert, changing the packaging on tide pods to prevent more poisoning cases. nearly 250 cases have been reported to poison control centers this year. the double latch lid should be available in the next couple of weeks. from iphones and ipads to high dollar mac books. apple makes some of the most popular products on the market. the $75 million dividend. he is walking away from that money voluntarily. fox's tracy burn shows us why. >> reporter: he is head of the most valuable company in the world. and now he is giving up the chance to collect $75 million. apple reports that ceo, tim cook, is passing up on his chance to collect $75 million in dividend payments that he was scheduled to receive. today's announcement comes after apple announced a dividend back in march. now while other employees are still eligible to cash in, cook asks apple to be excluded from the program. cook was given 1 million restricted shares last year that will vest over the next ten years. why is he giving up the payment? maybe because those shares are already worth more than $550 million. even without the dividend. as for the company itself, apple has been wildly successful. the stock is still above $550 and even with paying a quarterly dividend, the company has $100 billion in cash reserves and investors expect profit to continue. apple is expected to release its redesigned iphone later this year. a product analyst expects to be very successful. in new york, i'm tracy burns. call it the american idol of science fair competitions. a 15-year-old boy from maryland is living out his dream. he won the top prize at the intel international science and engineering fair. lots of cheering. he designed a new method to detect pancreatic cancer that is 90% accurate. he worked with researchers at johns hopkins university and has a patent pending. he was awarded $75,000 for his first place finish. >> good for him. >> very smart kid. >> how old is he? >> 16. >> wow. i'm sorry, 15. >> wow. doing some good things. >> he can't even drive yet. saving lives. >> he has $75,000. let's talk about our weather. feeling pretty sticky. >> almost. it's not even metrological summer yet. here's what is going on out there right now. sunshine. this evening it's going to be nice. this is going to be here for quite a while. it looks like the only significant chance of rain, really significant chance of rain during this holiday weekend probably will be back to the west of us out closer to the mountains. some of that may drift off towards the east late in the afternoon. other than that, we are just talking about some very, very isolated pop-up showers or thunderstorms. it's beautiful out there right now. a little on the warm side. we are off our highs. we are down to 84 degrees. culpeper is the same. winchester out there in the lower 80s. we'll get warmer each day for the next few days. 81 degrees at 7:00. great this evening. temperatures are going to be very mild, even at 11:00 where temperatures here in the city will be down to 75 degrees or so. wanted to show you centinal radar. everything is dry. we have to jump across the bay along the eastern shore. basically, this is drifted away from the shore. it was closer to the shore around cambrige. and now it's drifting off headed out towards parts of delaware there. a lot of travelers out there this evening. so just keep that in mind. but really the thing we have to worry about is the cloudiness offshore and the reason why, because there's another little tropical system that is trying to form down here. hurricane center is going to be watching this very, very closely. right now the center is basically off of wilmington, north carolina, really off of myrtle beach. this is going to sit and spin. it's not going to be able to move up to the north because it looks like high pressure is going to be blocking that. we may see a cloud or two from this little feature. that's tall is right now. it's just a feature. it hasn't become a name. if it does become a name, it will become barrel. it would be tropical storm or subtropical storm. they will keep an eye on looking for the center of circulation. it is looking like there's decent circulation right now. if it happens in this little feature is going to head down to the south towards florida away from us for the holiday weekend. overnight tonight, a few clouds, 60s down in the suburbs. lower 70s here in town. another very, very mild overnight. this morning we were down to 71. we'll be down to 71 again tomorrow morning. winds out of the south at 5 to 10 miles per hour. tomorrow looks good, we'll start off, warm up quickly. sunshine tomorrow by noon. look at the temperature, up to 85 degrees. highs tomorrow in the upper 80s to right around 90 degrees and with the humidity, i think at times tomorrow, it's going to feel anywhere between 90 and 94 with the heat of the day depending on where you are. so that's what we're looking at. if you are headed toward the shore, it looks pretty good. as i mentioned earlier, if you're around water, you should be in good shape. ocean city, middle 70s. 80 on sunday. memorial day looks good, too. temperature of 76 degrees and right now, it looks like we're protected enough to keep that little thing i was showing you offshore. that little disturbance coming up well down to the south of us. and about the same. it looks good if you cross the bay and head up as well. here's your five-day forecast. notice a few days here, the holiday weekend, 89 tomorrow. 90 on sunday and then for memorial day. we'll go for a high temperature of 91. and the way it's looking right now, more humidity on memorial day. so the heat index probably foals like 95 to 96 degrees or so. just an isolated chance of a thunderstorm coming up each day. it looks like weather wise, it's really going to cooperate. >> all right. thanks, gary. the talk of town on tmz, drama on the set of the x factor and a former american idol says it might be time to pull the plug on the show for good. tmz joins us live from l.a. so gary, let's start with the x factor. new judge, britney spears, walked off the set today, what was that about? >> yeah, so this is the second day of filming and the second day she walked offset. yesterday she walked off right after somebody sang a song. she left for about four auditions. we were told that it was no big deal. today they had a break and when they came back, all the judges came back, except for brittany and she missed one other audition. she is kind of doing her own show over there apparently. does whatever she wants. we are being told that was the deal. they wanted her so bad that she basically has free reign and she can do whatever she wants. we can see how it is all together. it looks dysfunctional. >> to say the least, are you getting the sense that people think she's going to make it? i'm worried. >> you know, i'm a little worried, too. that's what simon wanted. is she going to make it or a meltdown? that's what will keep people watching. i think they will try to drive brittany to the breaking point because it's going to be big ratings and people are going to tune in to see what she will say or do next. >> idol now, season 8 champ, chris allen, let's say he has choice words about the show that helped find fame for him. what's he saying? >> i know. so we caught up with him at the airport and asked if he saw the season finale. he said nope, didn't catch it. we were like okay, what did you think about it? he said he didn't watch the season and he thinks it's about time to pull the plug on idol. those are big words from a guy that is making his career off of idol. i would pretty much say idol is the greatest thing in the world if i was the winner and making money from it. but yeah, he is biting the hand that feeds him. >> i was going to say those exact same words. i got to say, i haven't heard a lot from chris allen. he might want to watch it a little bit. >> i agree. we'll see if simon or nigel have anything to say about that. >> gary from l.a., tmz tonight at 6:30 after our news edge. we'll see you then. all right, lady gaga's big show in indonesia is sold out, but muslim protesters are telling the star to stay away. demonstrators say gaga will corrupt kids with her sexy outfits and dance moves. some are threatening violence. police say the june 3 show can go on if the star tone it is down just a bit. coming up, two major traffic projects finally wrapping up. there's another one in the works. the next neighborhood to get a major makeover. plus, we have a safety checklist on the parents of a notorious missing child case. and a local high school student is about to have the prom date of her dreams after brave proposal. the big night is finally here. we'll catch up with chloe at 6:00.  . jennifer jamison was i rested in southern california. she hit a light pole with her vehicle. jameson had minor injuries. a field sobriety test was conducted and there were signs of intoxication. some cows were spotted drinking beer in the small town of boxford, massachusetts. we have the story you have to see to believe. that video and these pictures expose the rebellious sides of these six dutch belted cows we found quietly grazing in boxford. police lieutenant james riter responded to the call of cows on the loose 8:30 sunday night. he filed them about a mile down main street until they turned into this yard. >> i heard the commotion. i went around to check there wasn't an issue as far as anyone getting hurt but it was just the people moved away from the table and the cows moved in. it was different. >> reporter: kevin's 23-year- old daughter had some friends over for a party out back when the cows showed up, though try telling your dad that after you've had a few yourself. >> i said, that's it, party is over. she said no, seriously. >> reporter: and she was right but what was more unbelievable was what the cows were doing. >> the cows went right over, started knocking over the beers, the cups and drinking whatever they could get off the table. >> i don't think they've ever had beer. they're a little under age. they're about six months old. >> reporter: maybe that's why they took off when the owner showed up to herd them back home. >> trunning and it was just like running the bulls. i was going behind them. we ran them all the way back here. >> they were very tame and they were there for a good half- hour, 40 minutes before they took off. >> they were nice drufergs. >> they were very -- drunks. >> they were very nice. they were all laid out flat in the morning. >> the cow's owner said they got loose after a gate was unknowingly left open. we'll believe that one, right. thanks for joining us at 5:00. the news edge at 6:00 starts right now. a long hole day weekend means -- holiday weekend means lots of holiday traffic. check out a live picture where you can see cars are jammed up and everybody with an ez pass trying to easy on to the left side to get through. the westbound is traveling in two directions which means you have three lanes going east to the shore. a lot of lines, though. the tolls heavy this morning. we still have some good weather when they get to the beach. let's get your weekend forecast. >> reporter: we're going to start off the folks going across the bridge, they're

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