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i'm perfect. >> reporter: airport rescue crews rushed to the scene when the alert went out shortly after 10:00 a.m. indicating an incident had already happened. all units were automatically dispatched. the two passengers were already out of the plane. the pilot had been interviewed by the ntsb. >> he told the investigator that the aircraft touched down, he rolled out about 70 miles per hour and that he tapped both of the brakes >> reporter: the aircraft that flipped over is a steer man, a training craft, one ntsb expert owns and flies one himself. he said loss of control on the ground is not unusual. >> some of the older aircraft, they are not as for giving as new aviation aircraft. the steerman is known for runway loss of events. usually a ground loop very us a flipover like this one. the good news, nobody was injured. there was damage to the plane but the ntsb says it's repairable >> will it be repaired by the time the exhibit is over or before so we can see it. >> that's doubtful. tom says it will take a while. it won't happen any time soon. >> thanks for the update, karen gray houston. firefighters from fairfax and loudoun county battling a large compost fire near the dulles airport. the company recycles yard waste. we are told several piles of debris are burning. he is the prime suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway. tonight police say joran van der sloot confessed to murdering a woman in purchase raw. the holloway family hopes that will lead to answers about their missing daughter. sherri ly has the latest. >> reporter: natalee holloway's mother spoke once about the murder in peru. the person accused in that killing has been long suspected in her daughter's disappearance. the reported confession by joran van der sloot on the same day she came to d.c. to open a resource center for missing persons was an ironic coincidence. beth halloway didn't come to talk about the suspect in her daughter's disappearance but then joran van der sloot was charged in peru with killing young woman. >> it's been a stressful time for me. >> reporter: holloway was in washington to launch the natalee holloway resource center. it happened as joran van der sloot admitted killing stephany flores in a rage. he discovered flores used his laptop and found out he was linked to holloway's 2005 disappearance in aruba. >> let's remind ourself and keep the flores family in our hearts and in our prayers. >> reporter: the museum's vice president says holloway can't talk about her daughter's case or recent developments under fbi headquarters. at one point he was arrested in aruba but prosecutors didn't have enough evidence. >> i'm really glad that peru was so proactive in doing something about it, that he -- obviously you heard him confess before with the after rub ban officials then rescinded the confession. >> reporter: he is seen walking in the room with her then four hours later leaves alone. the victim's father hopes for justice. the resource center in holloway's name will help families in the first few days after someone goes missing. many unlike holloway that never make it on the news. >> there are many that need to be brought back home. >> now, in another twist to this case, it appears that van der sloot may have paid for his trip to peru by extorting money from holloway's family. he wanted 250 house thousand dollars in exchange for telling them how natalee died and where her body was. he was fired 15,000 into a bank account then four days later arrived in peru. >> do we know at this point who was in on this extortion sting and why wasn't he stopped before he went to peru? >> what we are being told according to fox news and an attorney for the family said that this sting was being arranged with the fbi, that they actually videotaped a meeting in which van der sloot took the money and that the after rub ban government was in on this, that they had him under surveillance after this meeting had taken place. they informed the u.s. government and the fbi that he was leaving and that's when he ended up in peru. >> thank you for the update tonight. a frightening sight in frederick, maryland. a toddler left in the car with no one around. a 3-year-old was strapped in a car seat in a motel early this morning. they say the child's mother was asleep on the bathroom floor inside the hotel room apparently under the influence of drugs. the child was placed in the custody of relatives. the mother is under arrest. the federal center metro station is back open tonight. it was shut down for about an hour after reports of smoke inside the underground station. fire crews believe it was caused by an electrical problem. you could see smoke coming from a pillar. well, baseball fans are hoping stephen strasburg is bringing the heat for his major league debut. we will start team coverage with sports director dave feldman live at national's park. hey, feldy. >> reporter: hi. another ho-hum tuesday in nats park where i'm joined by the team president. fans and you, stan, have wade for this a long time, almost a year to the day since you drafted strasburg. it's exciting. >> it is exciting. you can tell that by the turnout and the interest all through town. once we get through tonight, we think the real excitement will start because the most important part about steve and being here is the contribution you can make to help make us a winning team. that is the most important thing of all. >> over 200 media credentials requested. baseball network will carry it live, so will masn. stan, so much pressure and so much expectations on one young man. how do you think he will handle it. >> i don't have any concern about the pressure. he is terrific at that. he is really able to focus. now, it's his first time ever facing a major league hitter. that will have lessons attached to it. even the great pitchers have to go through a learning process. in terms of nerves or turning out the attention, tuning that out, that will be no problem for him whatsoever. >> you were with the braves, the hawks, you have been here. you have run a lot of baseball teams at a young age. have you ever seen hype like this? >> no, because it's never happened for a baseball player. that is not our sport. other sports have attention on individuals. individuals can sell tickets. it doesn't happen in baseball. it takes a team to be the center of attention. here all the media people are here because of one individual. that just doesn't happen. i'm confident it never happened before. we are hear at a unique night for all of us in washington, one that we are pleased about. >> six innings that about right? with we make a guess. >> that is up to jim reg letterman. i don't think he will go more than 100 pitches. if he gets nine innings out of that 100 pitches, that would be great. >> thank you. that's what is going on down here on the field. outside on the concourse is where lindsey murphy is standing by with a bird's eye view and a different look from the fans. hey, lindsey? >> i almost got bombarded as fans were coming through the gate but eric lee is here doubling as a body guard and photographer for me. they opened the gates an our earlier than they normally do a strasburg. fans have been waiting for this moment for a year since he was drafted last june. >> the official announcement was made at 4:30 and fans went rushing through the gates. tickets sold out within hours of the official announcement last week. grandstand tickets sold for a grand total of 421,222 tickets to the ball game. all eyes on one guy who knows a lot about this afternoon. >> stephen strasburg. >> who is this guy? >> college phenom. he was probably the biggest hype for a draft pick ever and he dominated ever since. we are excited to have him. >> young guy, brand-new to the team, pitching well in the minor leagues. we are excited. supposed to be the so much i don't remember of this -- savior of this team. it could be exiting. >> reporter: here is the starting line up. at the end is stephen strasburg. a couple of big numbers to tell you about. 200 media members are here in attendance. $15.1million, that is the amount of the contract strasburg signed last august. last but not least, 1.30 was his era in the minor league. let's hope he can live up to the hype tonight. >> pretty good. glad you are safe, lindsey. >> i'm good. >> glad eric lee is your body guard. i only have chip. i'm not that save. 37 is strasburg's number. for fans that have tickets tonight, the next fans to the pittsburgh series get 30 piers off the ticket if they come to the game tonight. we will have more from stephen strasburg that will take the field around 6:30. everyone is waiting for that moment. >> fun to watch. i'm sure chip will take good care of you out there. our team coverage is far from over. as thousands desend on the park, we have all the information you need. bob barnard is live with what metro is doing to help you with the frenzy. that is coming up >> imagine the pressure stephen strasburg is under. more than a million vehicles are deemed unsafe. gm is pulling the plug after fire concerns. everything you need to know before you get behind the wheel coming up next. we are staying on top of the disaster in the gulf. the president isn't pulling punches today. will a heated message translate into real action. is that is ahead.  consumer alert on another big car recall. general motors is concerned about a possible fire risk. the recall affects 1 1/2 million buicks, cadillacs, hummers, chevy's, gmc and saturn. they had a similar recall in 2008 then got new reports of fires in cars that had been fixed. for the exact models affected, go to and look under web links. today is day 50 of the worst oil spill in u.s. history. officials remain cautiously optimistic as the latest siphoning method to cap the flow of crude is showing some signs of success. jennifer davis reports people are reacting from d.c. to the gulf. >> reporter: christopher jones gets choked up for the senate hearing about big oil. he testifies about losing his brother who was killed in the explosion on the deep water horizon oil rig in april and reacted to recent comments by bp's ceo. >> in particular, he publicly stated he wants his life back. well, mr. hayward, i want my brother's life back. >> good morning. >> reporter: at a washington briefing, admiral thad allen heading the oil administration response says the new containment cap is diminishing the leak. he said the challenge remains immense. >> we are making no illusions other than this is a catastrophe. >> reporter: along the gulf, tourists soak up the sun on the beaches while stepping around chunks of black sticky tar >> we have been out in the water swimming. i feel safe. >> reporter: wildlife workers continue the painstaking work to help oil slick pelicans. it takes an hour to clean one. >> they are happy once they are deoiled. it makes you feel good that this is -- this part of the operation is being done. >> reporter: new orleans saints team members worked to ease fears at a israeli. governor jindal told the crowd they are at war to protect louisiana's coast. >> this is about wetland and fisheries, our way of life in louisiana. >> reporter: the ceo of bp is scheduled to make his officials appearance on bp since the oil spill. in washington, jennifer davis, fox news. on top of the problems in the gulf, there is word that another drilling rig is spewing oil and has been for more than a month. a federal document reveals the ocean saratoga started leaking around april 30th. there is a 10-mile long oil slick from the drilling rig. no comment from the feds on the size of this leak. you can depend on fox 5 for a complete look at the disaster in the gulf. bp works to cap the leak and it's there on our home page. we are following a developing story about a maryland man accused in a $10 million deal with iran. federal agents arrested nadar montalo this morning. he was charged with selling satellite hardware and technology. that violates a trade embargo. he was born in iran but is a u.s. citizen. a judge is releasing him on a 24-hour monitor. the other five men are on the run tonight. wicked weather left a trail of damage in the plains. powerful winds blew this tractor trailer off a highway last night. several buildings are damaged and trees are down. the winds picked up in a matter of minutes. fortunately no one was hurt. survivors of a massive tornado that tore through parts of ohio over the weekend are coming together to pick up the pieces. the national weather service says the twister that hit millbury was an ef 4. seven people were killed. those that survived are sharing their stories. >> as i'm going coin the steps, i can feel the walls or see the walls, i should say, coming down. i came out of the basement and came up and looked up and all i seen was the sky. >> our house started shaking. it just sounded -- it was terrible noises and we just thought the -- the house blew away. >> this pool was full of water and the tornado sucked the water. >> reporter: despite the hardship, the tragedy helps them appreciate things they once took for granted. >> worse tornado in nearly 10 years. >> looking at that devastation, where do you start to pick up the pieces. >> that will be hard. >> long road ahead of them. >> meanwhile at home, beautiful. different story. >> absolutely. i would like to say is this going to keep going but you said no. >> are you telling me i was reading your mind along with everybody else's. >> let me make a comment about the big tornado in ohio. you know how muggy we were last week and how hot we were. any time we transition from something hot and muggy and they were the same in ohio to nice refreshing weather like today, along that is a battleground. sometimes the greater the contrast, the greater severity to the thunderstorms. that is what happened out in ohio on saturday night unfortunately for them. that is just to the south and southeast of told, ohio. let me show you what we have. we have beautiful conditions this afternoon and this evening. you don't need me to tell you that. this is strasburg's day. there is cloud cover to the west of us. in that cloud cover is rain. we will transition from beautiful weather today to clouds and rain tomorrow, maybe even thunderstorms as well. temperatures very comfortable in the 70s and nice through the evening hours. increase in clouds later on and right throughout the evening but that doesn't mean rain. looks like the rain will hold off until tomorrow for just about everybody. we will have those details coming up. >> perfect night for a ball game. thanks very much. you don't see this on tv or the grocery store shelves any more. this is an old 1970s add for crisp cereal. it's part of a food inbound no vacation exhibit at the national inventor's hall of fame. the museum is showing off 200 years of food products. you can see kitchen tools like the ones your grandmother would have used. that exhibit opens today. a montgomery county high school has a new commencement speaker after disinviting helen thomas. walt whitman asked thomas not to come following her comments about israel. she is being replaced by another news veteran, bob sheafer. thomas retired from her position as a news columnist on monday. president obama takes his message to skeptical seniors. the fox 5 money team breaks this down at 5:30. have you seen this? those there, volunteers on the receiving end of some serious blows to the shin.  a proud moment for dozens of kids and their parents at union station. the art festival is in d.c. this week. it's the largest event to focus on arts and disability. an exhibition showcasing students with disabilities and their arts opened at union station. students from every state including the district are represented. d.c.'s after at this time is this 12-year-old >> i am excited to have my artwork in the festival. it was breathtaking to hear it was here. my family is really proud of me. >> reporter: all 51 students were selected from 5500 applicants. most made the trip to d.c. to be a part of the event. they are survivors that have overcome incredible health challenges. they are part of the children's miracle network. fox 5 is proud to be a sponsor. they brought 50 so-called champions to d.c. for a dream vacation. they are rubbing elbows with lawmakers touring the site and meeting presidents. they will even take in a nats game while in time. >> to be a representative from the state of alabama and let people know how children [ inaudible ] and get to honor them, it's such an honor. >> what a doll. >> walmart and sam's club are title sponsors of the program and raised $500 million for the children's miracle network. there is time to hit the polls tonight. 12 states are holding primaries. two of the biggest are right here. we will have everything you need to know to cast your ballot next. a consumer alert for one local community. thieves are on the prowl with their sights set on your atm pin. the warning next. [ baby babbling ] [ indistinct talking on television ] [ laughs ] what's that? [ inhales deeply ] that's last night's dinner. [ male announcer ] hate lingering odors? [ baby cries ] ♪ actually eliminates odors caused by bacteria and leaves a light fresh scent. febreze. it's a breath of fresh air. the people who walked these streetbefore us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. well, this is a scheme so clever most people have no idea they are being watched. hidden cameras recording pin numbers from atms. this is happening at an atm in waldorf in the last few weeks and paul wagner is following this one live from the newsroom. what is this about? >> reporter: lawyer remarks you have to see it to believe it. these devices are so cleverly designed you have no idea you are being recorded unless you know exactly what to look for. tonight we are going to help you with just that. let's take your average bank atm, the one where you push your card in a slot. they all look pretty much the same. that's what the thieves are counting on. figuring that you will not pay attention to the slot, the thieves are attaching a sophisticated electronic device that fits over the top of it. nearby they rigged up a camera aimed directly at the atm's key pad. as one device records your bank card number, the camera is recording your pin. >> at nighttime, late night hours or over the weekend they place the skimming devices on the atm and let them operate for a few hours. they get enough information to go and deplete several customer's accounts. >> reporter: the thieves attached devices on to atms at two bank of america branches in wall tort as well as bt and t on leonard town road. they hope someone recognizes this man. they believe he has been attaching the skimmers on the waffle dorf atm and howard county. >> on man 9th we had 13 victims in a one day period. it was a sunday. they must have run the skimming device all day long. >> reporter: once the thieves have your information, they load it on to counterfeit bank cards and use the cards to withdraw cash. diane richardson says the thieves usually target at ms located outdoors. investigators believe the bandits are on the move hitting atms up and down the east coast. the sheriff's office says the thieves have been staying away from atms located inside 24- hour establishments. investigators recommend you use one in doors as a way to keep from being robbed. >> those are good surveillance pictures of the suspect. are police cone identify dent -- confident they can find whoever is doing this? >> reporter: they think it's a group of people. they believe that person is the same working in howard county. they say they move from bank to bank to bank. they may not be from this area. so, we are putting the pictures out in the hopes that someone does recognize them. they have no idea who the person is. >> interesting, thanks very much. iran claims there is no swap in the works for three american hikers detained for nearly a year. they were arrested last july after they crossed from iraq into iran. their mothers were allowed to visit last month at a time an iranian official said they would make a deal for them in exchange for an iranian scientist. iran says it will not exchange people whose cases are still in the judiciary. it's primary day in virginia. the common health is one of -- commonwealth is one of 12 states holding elections. in the 8th district, matthew perry and patrick murray are facing off. the winner takes on jim moran this fall. in the 11th district, businessman keith simeone is challenging pat harrity. the winner of their primary faces jerry connolly in november. head to for results as they come in. of course complete coverage on fox 5 news at 10:00. many senior citizens will be eagerly checking their mailbox the next few weeks. rebate checks are on the way. this is the first tangible benefits of the health care overhaul. >> reporter: $250 checks to seniors that have fallen into a drug coverage gap known as the doughnut hole. we sat down with some savvy audience members to get their take on the prescription drug problem. >> i have new boyfriends, arthur-itis, ben gay. >> reporter: managing prescription drugs is a fact of life for many seniors. the president's move to pay for the meds were well received in wheaton, maryland >> beginning this week, tense of thousands of seniors who fall into the doughnut hole like fran will receive a $250 rebate check to help you cover the cost of your prescriptions. >> reporter: the doughnut hole is a gap in medicare prescription drug coverage. 3.5million seniors like frank garr finkle pay thousands of dollars out of pocket >> my husbands and i cut many corners. >> reporter: it should be closed by 2020 but this group says the problem is bigger starting with seniors taking too many drugs in the first place. >> my next-door neighbors has 25 kind of medicine. >> oh, that can happen very easily. >> reporter: this lively discussion ranged from generic drugs. >> many people aren't savvy enough to ask a doctor. >> reporter: to concerns about coverage and taxpayer costs >> i'm on the best plan available. i'm retired from the federal government. >> people chase a bargain. if it's an entitlement, they will use it more than they have to. >> reporter: one thing they agree on? eleanor robinson was sickly as a girl. today 87 and healthy, she met the president. she said staying informed an active. >> my favorite medicine, my favorite pill. >> reporter: is there prescription for a long and healthy life. the government wants seniors to know they don't have to do anything to get the checks. they will come to those eligible. president obama says he has created a fraud task force to crack down on health care scams. shawn? >> thank you. by the way, the first batch of 80,000 checks is supposed to go out thursday. one high school won the top prize. president obama on their stage for the keynote address. what is up with the student that slept through the speech? that's next. who would volunteer for something like this? this kind of abuse. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. michigan student probably isn't the first person to sleep through a graduation speech but he may be the first one to do it while sitting behind the president of the united states. see i am up on the top of the right. he has his head leaned back sound asleep. at one point he woke up enough to clap but then his head started rolling forward and he dosed off jet again. the president spoke to the high school class at kalamazoo central high school. no doubt his parents are yelling at him right now about this. the school administrator is saying wake up, wake up. >> oh, my goodness. >> that is hilarious. i wonder how long he slept. >> he is probably in trouble a little bit. >> got a good nap. i think they hand pick the people to sit behind the president. funny. no dozing during this competition. this is the shin kicking championship. the goal is to bring your opponent to his knees with a series of swift kicks. don't get any ideas my friend shawn. >> i'm not violent like that >> they pad their socks with highway to help. if you are crazy enough to do that, then you deserve the bruises and knobs you have on your shin. >> shin kicking. >> i don't like anybody touching my shins let alone kicking them. >> to each his own, i guess. another gorgeous day at home. cool breeze, lots of sunshine. couldn't ask for more than that. >> it's beautiful. gary it is tracking -- gary is tracking a little wet weather.  the major league debut national fans have waited for just over an hour away. fans are heating to the ballpark to stephen strasburg and they hope a brilliant career. that is putting thousand on metro at the height of the rush hour. bob barnard is live out there. how is it going? >> reporter: pretty well. metro is treating this like an opening day. they say as many or more than half the people coming to the game will probably come via metro. that's why they have extra police out here. these are metro police officers p. they have collared a guy scalping here. this is down half street. all the folks are going. each time a train comes there are hundreds more added to the mix. metro has the full compliment of commuter trains on the green line. these people are all coming off the green line. i got off a train about an hour and a half ago. for about three hours people have been showing up for the game. there were more commuting than fans. that mix may be switching is as we have a little more than an hour and 15 minutes until the first pitch. metro says tonight after the game they will be adding more trains, eight car trains because they say it will be extremely crowded. not only on the trains, on the platforms, at the transfer stations for the green line which is gallery place chinatown and there is advice for folks using metro tonight. >> plan accordingly. expect crowds and fans lucky enough to have tickets, make sure that you do have enough money on your fare card or smart card before entering the system. that way you mean not be staning in line either going to the game or especially after the game. >> reporter: and that was the problem a couple of years ago when the ballpark was new and metro was getting used to the kinks here, getting them out after the games. we were there when there were thousand of people trying to get on the train and the problem was so many hundreds of them didn't have the right amount on their fair cards so the lines -- fare cards so the lines were long that's what metro says will happen tonight. you may have to wait a half hour to get on a train after the game standing there completely still at some points because they are going to have to close some of the stations and the platforms to allow for the trains to come by and take people away because it gets dangerous when the escalators are pouring people down to the flat form and there is nowhere for people to go. on occasion they will close this navy yard metro station after the game until the trains go and more people can go on to the platform. they say it will be a long night, especially if stephen pitches late and it's a close game. >> that video was from when the nats park first opened, not tonight. they hope not to have a repeat of that crowd situation there >> that's right, laura. >> thanks very much. it is as we mentioned earlier a great night for baseball. >> couldn't be more perfect. >> could it be better? i don't think so. >> the only thing that would be better is if the caps were playing for the cup, too. >> there is a concert at verizon center. >> there is a lot going on. >> it will be nice out there if you probably haven't left for the ball game, you are probably not going to the ball game. we will have to enjoy it on television like we will. it's great out there today. early spring-like. frontal system came through and swept out all the hot, humid stuff and we have been left with nice comfortable temperatures and real low humidity. that is going to change, though, tomorrow because we have a system approaching that will bring us rain. it may even bring us a little bit of thunderstorms out there tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening. there is a chance tomorrow afternoon and evening some of those thunderstorms, we are not expecting an outbreak but some of those could approach severe limits. we will talk more about that in a second. partly cloudy this evening. temperature about 68 at 11:00. 63 tomorrow morning and we are calling for some spotty showers. not everybody is going to get wet out there tomorrow morning for the commute but there will be a few popping up. scattered showers by lunchtime tomorrow. temperature up to about 70 degrees. tomorrow's temperatures not very much over the lower 70s for highs. look at this. could it get better in june. 79 in the city. 76 dulles. relative humidity has been real, real low. now we fly you back out to the south and southwest. real hot down here. dallas is still baking at 94. little rock at 93. the humidity is quite high. that hot stuff will make a run for us coming into the weekend. here is all the rain that is moving in our direction. right now we are protected a bit by the high pressure to the north of us. but it will get a kick that will move out of the way and open the door for all of that rain that you are seeing back out to the west to move in. this evening we are good. you can see a little bit of cloud cover coming on across. but it will be gorgeous until the sunsets then gradually overnight tonight the clouds increase a little bit. for tomorrow, mostly cloudy. we will have the showers. we may have thunderstorms, too. temperatures tomorrow morning 63. 70 at noon with the rain. a couple of thunderstorms possible as early as 4:00 tomorrow, primarily most of that thunderstorm, at least in the early part of the day will stay to the west of us. this is futurecast. tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. pretty cloudy. there may be a few breaks in the clouds here and there letting sunshine spill in. we will have spotty showers. warm air will be coming in aloft that will tend to get some of the showers going. by 5:00 not complete coverage. you can see the showers, perhaps a thundershower embedded in this. you can see in western maryland, out of ohio, west virginia, there is the line of stronger thunderstorms. those will move across late tomorrow evening and tomorrow night. that's when i think by, say, 9:00, 10:00 we may have thunderstorms here that we have to watch to approach some severe limits. but most of that will be west of us. this is where we are out looked tomorrow for the possibility of severe weather. again, that is west of us. down in west virginia, western maryland. that doesn't mean something can't scoot through here and be potentially strong or severe. something that we have to keep an eye on. there is no way of knowing. if we get sunshine tomorrow. 84 thursday looks real good. 84 friday looks good. we have questions for the weekend. right now mid- to upper-80s with a chance of some scattered thunderstorms. a this point the weekend does not look like a wash out. i think the weekend forecast will probably change over the next couple of days. >> all right. thank you, gary. well, we heard all kind of suggestions about who will replace simon cowell on "american idol." this may take the place. judge randy jackson tells fox he would like to see rupert murdoch take the hot seat. randy says they are taking their time picking a new judge and he promised a nice twist. talk of the town on tmz, lawmakers are looking to another celebrity for answers on the bp oil spill. james cameron offered his advice now kevin kostner may have a solution. harvey levin is live. he is expected to testify on the hill this week. what is his connection to the oil spill. >> well, this is great, shawn, in water world, the movie that bombed terribly for kevin kostner, there was a device that they used that his brother helped create that separates from oil from water. they talked to bp about this. wouldn't it be ironic if the movie water world which was a disaster could help one of the biggest natural disasters we have seen in this country. so, we have an interesting piece on it in the show. >> it will be interesting. it would kind of be like there is a reason for everything. so, good for kevin kostner and great for the folks in the gulf. charley sheen's plea deal was postponed until next month. it was supposed to happen yesterday. what happened? >> reporter: well, it's falling apart. there is a person who works in the sheriff's office who at the very last minute said to the sheriff, dude, he is not eligible for work release. everybody is signing off on this thing. i'm the one that runs the work release program. i'm not giving it to him. it fell apart yesterday. now we find out, we just published this story on the site, that the sheriff it is backing this woman that worked in his department saying he's not eligible. now the sheriff said i never signed off on it. the plan he flew all the way to aspen for is crumbling. >> it will be interesting to see how it plays out. see you here at 6:30 on fox 5. before that, the "news edge at 6:00." brian bolter, what is coming up on the "news edge at 6:00". >> we have john henrehan working this story. >> more details in the murder of a west virginia mother and her 3-year-old son. this video out of reagan national. the firsthand view of a by plane -- bye plane landing. >> she drove through an accident scene, almost hit a cop then flipped them off. that was the beginning. what else she managed to do before officers caught up to her.  how many ways can you be comfortable? an energy efficient infinity air conditioner by carrier can save you up to 56% on your cooling costs, while also reducing your impact on the environment. which is better for where you live, and better for where we all live. turn to the experts during cool choices and get up to $1200ash back on an infinity system by carrier. more evidence you need your zs. nearly 20% of americans suffer from moderate to excessive sleepiness during the day. women are more sleep deprived than men. the stanford university professor who lead the study says the results are cause of a concern. it increases workplace injuries and car accidents. before you head off to bed, here is motivation to avoid the midnight snacks. researchers in denmark found late night sweets up your risk of took the loss. eating then sleeping reduces the amount of saliva in your mouth that allows the food to remain on your death. brush thoroughly with fluoride toothpaste. the news does not end here. >> the "news edge at 6:00" starts right now. when is the last time nationals park was a sellout for a baseball game? the most anticipated debut in the major leagues this year goes down tonight as 21-year- old pitch per stephen strasburg takes the mound. in an hour the great hope will take an entire franchise onhi

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