Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20161022

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vengeance.vengeance. >> went from what felt like like summer temperatures ands a conditions to just down right fall. >> i know. at this time of year thoseme cold fronts o mean business anda we had record high temperatures this week, a week, string of days in the 80's and0d as we take a live look outside i still dark at this hour.ou >> i know. >> really, wow.. >> it's light out at this timets isn't it when we take a livee look. lo >> it is but i guess in the gue past week we have been losing ls daylight pretty significantly. sunrise a that makes a big differencefenc between where we were thisere ts aek and now. the days are getting shorter sht temperatures are getting getting colder and this is where wee stand right now early on an saturday 54 at reagan national, 53na dulles and 53 at bwi marshall. l so he, this is actually muchyuc closer to where we should beld for october 22nd. we just had that unusual week of warm weathed r.thatm weatr. everyone starting out in theg oe low he to mid-50's.s. it's cloudy, breezy and muchh cooler than what we've become bm the order of 10 to 15 to close to 20 degrees colder than it tht was at this time yesterdayhis morning. you have to say goodbye to the open toed shoes shorts and back to the closed toed shoes so and jackets. there are some lingering raindrops out there especiallyec south and east of look for sprinkles and clouds co over the next couple hours butrb by 10:00 a.m. we'll start tota t clear out.clea windr advisory for the ridgeide tops of the blue ridge justri because that's where we could see the highest gusts at close c to 50 miles an hour. h it is bluster he re.ter hee. winds are out of the northwestst sustained around 15 tound 15 t 25 miles an hour and we are w ae seeing those higher gusts g right now reported at reagan national 33 miles an hour. hou dulles 30 miles an hour.ou we could see gusts as high asgha 40 miles an hour through the afternoon.teoon. early saturday morning we'veng e got that cold front pushingushi out, clouds and showers he -- afternoon but it's different die from what we have become accustomed to.stom we should touch 60 degrees atee some point this afternoon. 57 we fall back to around 5 o'clock. sunset now just after 6:00 p.m. looks a little bit milder fordef sunday. i'll have that still ahead intht syourti seven-day forecast. annie.anni >> ?? >> now a fox5 exclusive.lusi a warning this morning about a deadly designer drug that'sg t more powerful than heroin and a for sale online for less than t a video in recent months pink heroin blamed for severalev dozen deaths and fox5 learned5 d a young man from our area has died from overgoing on thisonhis drug its a story you're onlynl see here. fox5's lind he see watts has details. >> reporter: with a quickorter:w search online anyone can findd it for sale.e. pink heroin is a powerful synthetic opioid known byy chemists as uh 47700 typicallyyy comes from china and comes com still working to ban it making it legal in most places.t pces. >> it is a serious problem and d can, you know, cause death as dh you can see. >> reporter: loudoun county sheriff mike chapman says hiskec office just confirmed aha man m who died at these ashburnbu apartments overdosed on thets o drug. thveee 24-year-old was first thought to have ingested regular heroin biotoxicologycogy revealed it was this new more powerful synthetic that killedkl him. investigators say the man the bought it online likely from china. >> people are getting -- getng - lives and in the process arecese dying like never before when nev it comes to heroin and opioids. >> reporter: pink heroin has proven especiar: plly deadly del because it's resistant to naloxone.xone >> it's so d what we're trying to do is get i the word out there that, you you know, this is not good.not i mean, this will kill you. y >> reporter: chapman spentrter more than two decades as a: dea agent. ag he says the opioid crisisd cris we're seeing is unprecedentedcee and parents need to be aware. ae that's so potent accessibleessi and largely unregulated.ed >> you got to pay attentionen you got to hold your kids kid accountable and watch what they're doing. >> reporter: now, we'veeporr: ne checked in with other'v law l enforcement agencies includingdg fairfax montgomery and d.c..c. police. investigators said theyors saidy haven't had deaths from thisfrot it is something that's ont's on their radar. rar the d.c. police force has fe shrunk to its lowest level inn decades.des. the number of sworn officers with a gu stands well below 3800. 3 that's the number formerfor police chief cathy lanier saidi would bee "trouble" if it everte came to be.e to be. the problem the department isars in the middle of a retirementetm bubble. officials are scrambling to s are bring back retired officersck ro and recruit new ones as well. interim police chief newsham nsh says homicides are down dn 11 percent and overall crime cme was down 5 percent.erce and the lawyer and chiefandf of a man shot and wounded by a d.c. police officer areficerre demanding answers. department to release all to asl information related to theatedoh shooting of mark george. g he was shot and criticallycally wounded last friday on whaler or place southeast.e so members of the gun recoveryu unofit were in t thehe area whee they spotted george.ed he ran away as the officers oic gave chase. they say george pointed a gun at them and the family'sily' lawyer is disputing thathat claim. >> our initial investigation into this matter has resulteduld in some real questions aboutns o whether or not mr. george wasrg in possession of a firearm at fa the time that he indeed. we have developed information suggesting that he was not armed at the time that he was velopeng the >> i have watched the unjust u killings and shootings ofs black people at the hands of o police officers throughout the united ughtun too and ts ho myself that we would have to hat pray for our kids when they ourd leave the house, not knowing that one day i would get aould t call that my own child has h been shot down in the streets se like a animal by a police ceficer. >> george is still georg s hospitalized and recoveringerg they want to pursue chargessue against the officer involved in this shooting. sotin we are following aollowi developing story in northeast.oh one person is in the hospital with life-threatening injuriesgj following an apartment apame irilding fire. it broke out a little afterer 8 o'clock last night on the t third floor of the building inin the 700 block on secondn seco we're told the building'slding's sprinklers managed to contain mg the fire until firefightersefht arrived to put it out. out no word on a cause or how manyan people will be displaced as apld result. now to a disturbing turbin in the federal transitit administration reports two of tf the inspectors had to jump out of the way of a metro train tin heading for them. the this happened near the reagann national airport station on urursday. workers say a speed a speed restriction was in place butn the train was going too fast and then failed to slow dowwawao or stop. the fta and metro are investigating.igatin turn, to the rails for the white house now with just 17 dae ys left nountil voters hit t polls the candidates beginegin their final battleground blitz crucial swing states.te both campaigns know it's now aow sprint to election day withh get out the vote efforts in full swing. donald trump rallying crowdsro in north carolina saying heola a thinks they're going to win. t n >> early voting is under way w so make sure you send in yourd u ballot. we cannot take a chance ofha of blowing i we cannot take a chance. c we have something we're so so close, it's a movement liketik they've never seen in thisenin s ever don't blow it on november >> reporter: former president bill clintonll clinton stumping yesterday for his yes wife in the swing state of florida. >> and it is so close to the election we're going have aave record number of people vote.eoe >> reporter: while a firedir up vice president joe bidendentj saying what he'd like to do toeo the gop >> don't i wish i were wer debating him. the gym, that's what i >> reporter: clinton's cli campaign releasing this somberr new ad.w a >> she was 27 years old. o >> reporter: with the father fat of fallen u.s. soldier captain a kahn. >> i want to ask mr. trump would my son have a place inlace your america. >> reporter: early voting isr: v now under way in many there's already a recordcor number of ballots requested inn florida and early voting hasgas clinton is hoping to make it a tossup state.. >> happening today trump will tw hold a major speech inn gettysburg pennsylvania.vaa. he'll outline his priorities and what he plans to do duringog his first 100 days in office. of right now trump is trailingrail clinton nationally and in key battleground states with just j weeks to go until the election. hillary clinton her campaign headquarters in newhiln york are teaming up withre t police after a white powdery pdy campaign police say one of her workerske at the brooklyn office openedpee the envelope and workers werers then evacuated from thero building. the good news, no one wase w hurt. right now the nypd is investigating the incident andta testing the substance.stan time now is 7:10. 7 a hero's home coming in i bethesda maryland. we're there as a soldier iss welcomed back from afghanistanan but first let's check in with w alex limon life at fedex field. what are you doing there. >> reporter: hey, i will tell you about the exciting ways the community is raisi money for the american diabetes association. coming up, more on game on greater was >> kaitlyn will also haveynill another look at your saturdayur forecast and the work week preview. woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. man: or me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock voted to defund planned parenthood... man: five times. woman: barbara comstock is against marriage equality. man: she even voted to let ce. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: house majority pac >> ?? >> welcome back. time now is 7:13. a fun and challenging event i>>e taking place at fedex fieldield today.y. it's called game on. redskins have teamed up withp the american diabetesbe association to host thiss tivity.y. and our joining us live from fedex field. alex i saw all the behind the te scenes of you rappelling. you're very brave and i knowbrav it's a cause near and dear to your heart. . what's in store for you today? y >> reporter: yeah, it absolutely is annie you'reie you right and there's already alrea lot of excitement going onxc even though it's so eitarly youu can hear the music, the setup is happening for the health heat and wellness we just saw the bike ridersde take off for their 50-mileir 50i ke r ride. get started in this fundraiserin as you mentioned with the t american diabetes association.ii then let me show you what else e is going to be happening.peng this right here its a zip zip line. line. you can see there's a rock climbing wall also right nexthtx to it and over to the side sid there's this extreme obstacle corso a lot of things plannedngp and going to be going on today d but let me bring in kathynat burke so she can join he me.can. she is with the american diabetes association charity.ha. >> hi. >> hi. good morning. ll me wha about? this is a lot of is a of stuff. why is it happening.y is >> it's happening to raise money for diabeteshapp which affects 30 million people in the united states and over one and a half million people in our regioniltate mil alone.. so, this is a fundraiser toser t benefit the american diabetesbee association in its fight fight against diabetes.against diabet >> reporter: and it's doingnd io pretty well. the idea was to attract ara attention with all of these events.ev it's certainly done that.ertaly how much d money has been raised so far? so >> right now we're close to t 500,000 and we're on track tocko half a million dollars, that's amazing. and there's still anere's ill an opportunity for people to comef down today if they're not registered. >> absolutely. >> reporter: what can they do and what can they be a ter:er of? what >> they can be a part ofpa the t health and wellness expo.xp they can pay an admission feeisi of just $30 or individual ticket prices to come participate in the there's a kid zone and food.oo it's food folks and fun allun day long. >> reporter: yes, a lot oftf fun, a lot of events.nts. bike rides walks runs and as was you mentioned so many man americans are affected byy diabetes. in fact, it's one in every 11 1 americans. i know some of our coworkers have been dealing with it.witht. annie you mentioned, my familyyl from type one diabetes in 199199 so definitely a cause close tost my heart and it's a fun eventvet for a great cause. cse no downside really.ea so i'll send it back to you and we will have more livelive stops throughout the morning mor once all of this is up and running. >> ???? >> wow, i am sure alex's auntle is looking down and is so i s proud of her. caitlin it looked really windy w i don't know how much zip much p lining will get done today.ill o >> you'll be fighting a very gusty northwest wind absolutely. it will be tough just walking t oubecause this ighs a veryy blustery day expected.xpecd. and just like winnie-the-poohe-- said very blustery day indeed. . do you remember, that annie? >> yes. blast from the past.>> love that pooh bear.ea >> i know, some he too. too. such good memories of watching do kids still watch winnie-the-pooh.he-p >> sure, they still have those so adorable.dora all right. all ri let's take a look at some fall foliage pictures.age pictures. they have been coming inav really re apidly over the pasths couple thank you to all of you whou too sent them. keep them coming caitlin rothlih fox5. fox5 this one to tucker yesterday from laurel maryland greatan vibrant color out there and this one from a friend lloyddlo hathaway virginia, winding road leading into all of theo at greens yellows, oranges, reds. i see a lot of leaves on thes ot grounds and its thanks to those winds that started howling yesterday a lot moreor leaves will be on the ground.n . satellite and radar shows weow w still got some lingering some le showers. you see the criycle of all that tt wet weather moving off towardsff our north and east where they're seeing in it philadelphia new york city just a few leftover showersphiaw across the beay and even eve southern maryland seeing someari sprinkles. i think we begin our clearingler out process right now.ow clouds give way to sunshine byib about mid morning if you're your not already seeing it.seeing it. temperatures very cool. 54 washington.ton. 50 gaithersburg 54 frederick fri certainly returning and thatnd a is courtesy of winds out of o o the northwest blowing in all a that cooler air therehere sustained at 52 and tond 20 miles an hour and they are gusting over 30 miles an hourn h at times.imes 33 miles an hour wind gusts an o right now in washington.hito we could see gusts over 40 later today. tay fox futurecast even by aboutn ba 9:00 a.m., about an hour and ard half from now we're seeing theig last of those clouds start to t recede off to the east.o th i think maybe we'll get some ges of those cool air clouds that t like to chilly air aloft. alo partly cloudy skies expectedudy through dan then clear skies ths tonight. looks like sunday itself will be bright beautiful and s sunnya also a little bit jet stream pattern we're in i the crux of the cool weather right nowf th as it buckled doww towards our south it willr h it start to recede a little bittl to the north and that means as early as tomorrow we'll seell s milder air move in.erir m i think daytime highs get into t the mid to upper 60's. 6s. we'll spend most of thed of afternoon in the 50's touching n 60 briefly.60 brily. becoming sunny with windswis pretty cool. closer to where we expect toe ec be though this time of year. we had several record high hig days around the region thisn t week. all right, back to realityeality here. here. sunday sunny and milder and mild just a gorgeous fall afternoonfn perfect to be outside 68 degrees. work week starts off reallyffeal nice, too.niceoo. temperatures in the upperesn th 60's. we do cool down a bit as a reinforcing cold front comes com through tuesday into wednesday high temperatures only 60. showers are possible as wee as e head into the last weekend off october with temperatures in the low to mid 60's. 60' al your seven-day forecast.oras now let's send it over to ninie. >> thanks so much a block party to celebraterl a hero last night in bethesda. a neighborhood came together to welcome homerhood an army am lieutenant colonel fromro afghanistan. fox5's anjali hemphill was there for the heartwarmingwain welcome. take a look. loo >> reporter: the potter pte family hangs this yellowyew ribbon outside their home to t show they're always thinkingthik about their loved one while onei he's deployed overseas buteas bu tonight the entiretonight the ee in bethesda are >> the coming home party is a is lot better than the going away y party. >> reporter: and ready tor: andt ride. ri in a neighborhood tradition, atn scooter brigade parade tor brigd honor the service of service lieutenant colonel benjamin kyle potter.le >> i'm exceptionally lucky to lc be parter of such a close knitt community. >> reporter: lieutenant potter is an orthopedic surgeon who just arrived home after spending the last fourepot months in afghanistan caring for injured service members and afghanred se allies. all >> when my dad he'll get to be in a bige in aig parade and everyone will cheer r and celebrate and my family isii very proud of my dad. m dad. >> reporter: the last time lieutenant colonel potternantel deployed in 2011 a children'shie book called my dad's a hero inspired his kids to hold a a neighborhood parade when hee got and this time, even thoughven th they are all a bit older now,.ow >> you just need to welcome wele him >> reporter: hazel james and flora said there would be no imneighbors marched and wavedavd flags just like they didjust before when lieutenant potter came home side by side with a wt soldier and a he reminder toremr family and friends of militarydi members overseas are herereere rows,, t >> this isn't for me. this this is for my kids and myd family. they're the ones that haveth been doing withouton me for soer long and, you know, the ticker t tape and bells and whistleshile and decorations is something iei think they can appreciate so caa it's a nice family ppcelebratiot of me being able to be backe and be a part of their liveshe on a regular >> colonel potter is now back to work attt waer ilter reed militt medical send until his nextis n deployment but he hopes his kids never grow out of giving him a warm welcome e gveryrow m he comes home n bethesda, anjali hemphill fox5 local news. >> all right, well, time nowme w is 7:21.:2 halloween is just two weeksks away. can you believe it? we've gotvt some tips on how you can say boo to gaining any weight thiseh year. instead we've got some healthy halloween alternatives to all al discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. o dog)give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? t's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? >> i can't believe this butan't halloween is just around corner. >> i know. weekt's two week a bwaowy.eend i don't have a costume yet if i you. >> joining us is our favorite oe dietitian charlotte martin.loe m thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> you're dressed the part and a annie and i are trying.ryin you're here for more healthy solutions as we get ready for halloween. >> there's nothing quite as frightening is the amount ofre'n sugar in the treats. i'm going to show you some home. this is a spooky halloween halwn trail mix.trai instead of getting store s bought trail mix i like to tra l make it at home so i cani can control what goes in >> what can you put in it. i >> raisins for spiders, pretzel rods for witches booms. candy corn for something sweet i then lightlyng s seasoned popco, med fast popcorn.d i like adding popcorn to trail mix at med fast we like to >> that's super super cute.r c this is how many roughlyough calories do you think?u think >> you know, it's under uer hundred for a portion. porti >> that is wonderful. much better. kids' halloween parties but adults, too. >> it's great for both.ea >> try to stuff as much ash a possible. >> still a hundred calories, right, a and into a h he.e. >> get every little corner.ner. >> yeah.>> yea >> then we have these mummy pizzas many has to are so easy s to throw >> they do. >> i try.ry. >> you start with a half of af a sandwich round. r. the a whole grain sandwichdwic round loaded with fiber ah fir little tomato sauce and that'st' low fat string cheese littleheet bandages and you peel it. olives for eyes. eye bake it at 350 until the t cheese is melted.eld. >> toddlers if your food is fun they'll eat it. i >> now we have graveyardave grav pudding cups.pug c different about this pudding.abu we actually used avocado. avoca >> you're kidding.'re kidding. >> gives it that creaminessrein and you're adding heart healthy fats. it tastes delicious. delic on top of their the dirt is crushed up chocolate breakfast k biscuit or half of a banana as a ghost or another breakfast bra biscuit as a tombstone. tombsto. >> that's such a good ag >> these are my favorite. >> too cute. >> broomsticks. so you use pretzel rods for cheese. >> how cute is that. >> they>> h really do look likel brooms. >> these can be fun,, too withfh the kids interacting.e kiac >> try to make it fun whenke itw you're doing healthy. >> yes.>> y >> and then we have little mini pumpkin i did use a store boughtght yellow cake mix. cak >> that's okay. >> but. >> it's okay to do a littletl semi homemade. hemad >> instead of adding a stick atk of butter and the three eggs ieg the whole recipe.whol >> that is incredible. >> yellow cake mix and then pumpkin pie spice. >> that's wonderful and thend canned pumpkin is okay because u i've heard mixed feelingsixedee about that. >> it's a great source of antioxidant vitamin a.. >> wonderful.>> wderful. >> finally. >> finally i have a pumpkin byin smoothie.smoo this is great for right beforee you're going outrigh trick-or-treating high in protein from greek yogurt pumpkin puree unsweetened vanilla almond milk a little maple syrup and pumpkin pieumin spice. >> i love all these ideasde charlotte. >> a healthy halloween not alloa about the food. foo you can plan fun halloween hlo activities and my favoriteti idea ises to get cheap che pedometers for you and your you kids and their friends andends a they can have a littleit stepping contest whilele trick-or-treating.k-or-treating. >> cute. >> you can give them prizes,ri nonfood prizes, glow in the dark sticks temporary tattoosoro and make sure they're withinithn they might try to run away. a >> we know. k >> great ideas charlotte.haot thank so much. muc >> time now is 7:28. 7 let's check in with our alex a limon standing by live fromro fedex field this morning. hey, alex. a >> reporter: hey, well, if wl, you are a thrill and adventure v seeker i'll tell you about some cool activities you canl do for a greatac cause coming up. >> welcome back everybody. along with some music to get to you started for the weekend. wed we finally made it. caitlin and i have a couple a cl more days to go.o go. oh, no, today and tomorrow and then we get to enjoy. >> big change of seasonse of ses record high temperatures this past week. we were inigh te the 80's literallyal monday through friday untilri ut the cold front came through. cao and then, bam, those showersse s came through and then thehe winds yesterday and then all anl of a sudden fall is back. s it's verudyde chilly.y. >> it's really finally gettingai you back into the halloweenlo spirit only like week from from monday, yes., y if the weather has distractedtrd you a little bit still time to get those pumpkins andums a costumes. take a look at our beautiful photos that our viewers havewers been sending in.endingn. this time of year all about abo fall foliage.ia. that warm weather deterred ouret changing a little bit.tle b we usually reach our peak in p late october here in her washington. beautiful picture sent us of d.c. it looks to me but thisoksu could be anywhere across our region as we're seeing thateingt fight between the summertween t greens and also yellowsel oranges and golds.ol hope you like this photo of autumn. i absolutely do. photos.ho of your keep them coming caitlin rothnot fox5 on twitter but also you can send them to #fox5 fall. we love that vibrant color andoa you probably too will this wl weekend as were see moreee mor leaves change. temperatures reagan nationaleagt 54. 53 at dulles,ville at -- 3 bwi marshall. msh 54 frederick, 50 westminster,est 57 in annapolis.nnol these temperatures much cooler o than what we've beenen accustomed to over the past t p few days that's for 24 hour temperature change on the order of 15 to 20 degrees cooler. cooler satellite and radar for the most part the rain hitase an mom off towards our north and east t but we are still seeing a fewew left overshowers in southern maryland. even southern prince george'sthr county but those should move out pretty quickly.n we'lutl see tou tt hose clouds o way to some sunshine midunine ridge tops just as we could cou get gusts over 50 miles an hour there. that's really windy.. that stands until noon.nds l no but not too shabby right now. n current wind speeds 15 to 20o to 25 miles per hour.per those gusts are higher and allha of us could see gusts to 40 miles an hour today andnd this will be all day long.on we don't lose the wind until wiu later tonight. tig 33 miles an hour wind gusts in washington right now. here's the setup for youwarshiny saturday. that cold front is off towardsfr our east as it pushes offes shore, the showers move out,e o the clouds recede. rec it will be a bright beautiful afternoon but cool and definitely gusty.. 60 degrees for that high tt temperature today becomingg sunny windy and cool and thatha whole weekend forecast shows sho 60 today, 68 tomorrow, so that chilly breeze giving way to w some sunny and milderr conditions for tomorrow. tor seven-day forecast, we do warm m things up nicely for tomorrow tr for monday high of 68. 6 he reinforcing cold front comes through there on tuesday, 60 degrees and then we round out the week thursdayrs and friday.d f looking good. t, that's yourt's your seven-day forecast. forecas now let's send it over toover to annie. >> thanks so much caitlin.nks sa time now is> now it's a fun and challengingha event taking place at fedex f field today and it's calleds game on. the redskins are teaming upeamig with the american diabetesias association to host thist t activity filled event and our alexandria limon joining usning live from fedex despite the wind are all thell activities going on as planned specifically zip lining i wonder if. >> reporter: we haven't ortee ha gotten the final word on theon zip lining. they're hoping so. it hasn'tht been canceled yetd but, you know, already the american diabetes association ac and the redskins have raised about $500,000 for the association, so some greatome ga news here. h there's a walk and a run and a a bike ride, so a lot of events still happening today and oneayd of those, take a look at thishi video from yesterday, is i called over the edge, and itnd i learned that the hard way. w i decided to take parter in p rappelling from the side of fedex field from the nosebleedeb seats actually. aua when i say these numbers, numrs 120 feet it doesn't sound high h but when i was up there i was terrified.ifie i can't even express my fear myf of heights but it took me but im quite some time to work up the p nerve to go over the edge anddga lower myself down but it wasas amazing in the end and as we said for a great cause. again, the with the american diabetes d association to raise money foror research and educationdution campaigns, to tell peoplell ppl about the way they can prevent diabetes, how you can treat it and manage it. this is a disease that affectsff one in every 11 americans, amer, that is so many people. peo i know so many people thatple ta have been affected by it, i their families, my own familyam as well and so it is an exciting e a lot going on out here live.e l obstacle course.leou that is definitely for the fit t to take part in. hopefully the zip line is z going to be going on as well. we've been waiting to find outid whether that's going to be thebe case because of the wind butind either way, you know, you can come down.n. some activities are he free.ree. others, you know, are a small s fee to take part in.fee toe and others like that over the edge, the entrance fee was actually $500. they were hoping to fundraise fr $500 for the american diabetesia out here at fedex field today,, annie. >> oh, my gosh, alex you're so brave.ave. i can't even look down my decken with lout oofeeling nauseous.fe good for you. time now is 7:37. we're taking your health -- taking your health into yourourt own hands. we sit down with two doctorso dc to talk about signs of coloncolo what exactly it is and thet is e screening involved. invol we'll have that and much moremur coming up. time now is 7:37. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. good morning to you. today we're talking about colon cancer what it is how toow get creeped for it.. joining us is dr. arthur mayer with colon and rectal surgeryl y and dr. alice howard theard t organizer and president of the e coalition of 100 black women.ckn >> good morning. goo >> good morning. >> it's something people tryd to put off bsomeecause they donn know what's involved and so ando they're a little afraid of it. i had to force my mother tor t get her colon checkup about a three years and they did find some polypse y and so it's very serious anderis you should do it. >> definitely. and colon cancer in essence is preventable and the polyps are simply precancerous lesions less that grow on the lining of the t colon. if you take out every polypveryp that you ever grow theoretically you should neverdr get colon cancer so there's nohe reason why peoplere should notht get screened. >> so, what exactly isge s w involved in the screeninglv process for thoseed i who aren't >> well, all americans should s start at age 50 but african-americans are actuallyea a little higher risk of colon cancer so they should start att age or in a higher risk group with w a personal history of polyps of you should start early usuallysu by age 40 and typically tical screening is with a colonoscopy which is a procedure done under heavynder h sedation very easy for thehe patient to go go tou and should you get screenedet s every five years? every three years?years? >> if everything is clear,everyt every 10 years.evea >> he oh, every 10 years.. >> every 10 years. y if you have polyps should beav more often.e . >> okay. excellent.ce and dr. howard so you comesoou c into this because you all have h partnered up for this cause. cae tell us about the project thatto you guys are workingje on. >> yes. y we were fortunate enough to eug write a grant to he receive $98,000 from the potomac pom foundation with more thanh moret our partners, and our grant was written in order to to educate black men and nim men ad prince william county and the surrounding areas on getting screened for colon cancer.ance we have thus far implemented im one project and that projectro was held at first mount zionio baptist church on october the first.first. and dr. bayer is our certifiedtd dr. who did an excellent joblenb on that day. person present their case so ce well about colon cancer andanr make a humorous so we were very fortunate tofoae have him. >> wonderful.derf how can people get involveduln v and learn more. >> yes, people can getpeople cat involved and learn more by moreb going to our web site and clicking on what is new about ncpwcc and will you see ayou se schedule that has been posted that depicts all of the 13 training sessions that wouldt wl 2016-2017 year. y >> and that is what web sitehaiw dr. howard. >> that web site is www. >> thank you to the both of you fornk y jouoining us thisng morning. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right. well, time now is 7:44.>> tha you're watching fox5 newsox5 new morning at 7:00. we're going to help you get y g your money in order so coming cm up we bust the top five credit e myths and give you tips from a local pro on how to manage to mg i love my mom. my mom. i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. hey we hear you. that's why aarp helps family caregivers... with resources and connections to experts to help make your life easier to manage. because we get it. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get to know us at creamy swirls of pure indulgence. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. >> welcome back. well, you may have had some trouble visiting some of your favorite web sites yesterday. yy spotify twitter netflix asix well as several other sitesth ss suffered outages at domain domai servers fought off cyber attacks. hackers launched major attackajc on a company called dyn. it gives users access to thesese numerous web sites and hackershc used a denial of serviceer tactic meaning theytacthe overwhelmed the site with faket traffic so that real usersc so e could not get in.t get . oh, boy. boy i didn't experience any of did you. >> nope. but i wasn't on any of thosesn sites. >> that's true, i wasn't'tse s ueeither except for twit, tert i didn't see anything.didn't >> yeah. >> it certainly feels like fall out there.cert >> absolutely. >> you can feel it as soon asoo you step out we've been asking our viewersiee photos and just your weatherrea photos hashtagging fox the number five fall and let's take a look at some of them caitlin. >> we've had some great photosts so far this week and the week w thanks to the fact that thethatt leaves are finally here's one just saying hashtag fox5 fall. beautiful orange right there. isn't that nice. >> it's driving through ands the beautiful seen he re.drivbei thisfu is great. gre this is dreamy. >> this is lloyd. >> lives out in virginia. he sends us weather peo i love this. ts. it's like the winding road r into the fall like scene with the beautiful trees and levers v on the ground and they're all al changing so thank are for that. >> this is hathaway, virginia.ii >> never heard of halfwayal virginia. >> no. have you. >> i have to google there. ave to >> so pretty out there. s >> i know,o pr really is. i something like halfway through virginia but he must mean the town halfway virginia. vgi let's do some weather becauseatu yes, it is very chilly outy there as we saw some major obviously. major changes is almost like,t you know, not even selling itt completely because we went wen from record high temperatures in the mid 80's this week to temperatures in the 50's rightig now with gusty northwest wind. n so cool and saturday much more like fall but probably noty what we've been used to. to. you got to say goodbye to the te open toed shoes shorts andorts a t-shirts and hello to theo closed toed shoes bundle up.p. don't bundle up like winter but i guess layer up as you up s head outside. you may need a satellite andad showers we saw come throughhr last night starting to cycle c off to the north and east. e prince george's county seeinge'g some light rain also west ofht the beltway maybe r some sprinkles montgomery county down through fairfax countyles y virginia. and then further down acrossownr southern maryland seeingand se leftover showers. swe these should move out within the next hour or so. clouds will recede.lec we'll sao he a decent amount aun of sunshine today. temperatures very cool. 54mperat washington, 50 gaithersburg, 53 dulles, freight 48 winchester and 50 in w martinsburg and we have non seen temperatures this cool in i 38 degrees in binghamton newew york. 49 new york city, 42 pittsburgh, 43 he in columbusol and those winds are gustingum about 20 to 30 miles an hour an today. here is why. weekend wind we're calling low pressure off that's what moved throughough yesterday brought us the rainout i just showed you on radar. on d high pressure is trying toress move in. cool canadian high pressurehighe and when you have that disparity between the twod whe w pressure systems so closems so l together we get these veryer wey strong winds and that's whatinda we'll have throughout the dayhot with winds capable of gusting over 40 miles an hour.les an here's the look at those's t future wind gusts because allste through today, they'll gust 35 to 40 miles an hour.s an hou and even into tonight, it willhw remain pretty blustery andan you'll herey that howlingng outside your windows.dows. tomorrow morning we we've hee'vh still got winds about 15 toboutt 20 miles an hour and i think tomorrow, sunday looks prettyy breezy. milder for sure but we'ree' still going have that wind tt wn maybe not as gust he tea today y but noticeable.otea temperatures later today 50 to t about 60 degrees here inn washington. low temperatures tonight. morning as we fall back intotemr l thbeefall bk in 40's. 40's. 68 and breezy and milder for sunday.nd looks really nice monday as weyw cool back down middle part ofe p the week and we look for the t chance for showers late nextatee week. that's a look at yourthat's a l seven-day foooreck asatt. yorec. we'll send it back to annie.t >> thanks caitlin.lin. national credit day was dayw this past week and if you have h debt on the rise we'll helpn th you out.e se yo we've got ways you can get smarter with your money. joining us to helpte usr is grg smith with the wise investor group here to show us the smart ways but grep g,here you u actually came up wi five myths 'cause you dealytde with this every day and you'ved' been in this business for as very long time. let's start with the firststart one. does credit checking really r .urt you. >> no, no if you're doing the'rg credit checking yourself. yours what are called soft inquirieslt and hard i inquiries.nquie and so when you check your ownwn credit, when a prospective proec employer is checking youroyer credit before he the iy hire thi you, if a credit card companyoma is wanting to send you a preapproved credit card thosed don't count.don't cou >> that does, okay.t es, and when you say checking your y credit yourself what do you mean by that? >> well, that there are subscription services that yous can avail yourself of.lf of. there's a free credit ---- >> it doesn't hurt to pull hurtl those credit reports.thosep >> not at all. if you subscribe to an he can fax or transunion kind ofr tr service or if you availe or iyo yourself of annual credit, you can accesscces your credit report three times t a year. >> and i've heard the secondard one a closing your credit card does that hurt >> yes, it does. d >> oh.>> o >> surprisingly so. so. because what happens is they the look at what's called your credit utilization >> uh-huh. >> and so what that is is theo amount of credit tis ihas t ythr using relative to your and so if you close downow accounts especially the onesy ts that you have a long creditou history with, hav then what thaa does is that increases your y utilization rate which meansion that you're using more of youres available credit and that is >> let's go through the nextught three. you need to pay off your 3.56 rate mortgage.te m >> that's the question i mostthn often get at. so, people wonder should i pay p off my mortgage and as as financial planner i have a iave hard time telling someone who has borrowed is a at a fixed fix three an half percent rate to rt pay off this loan becauseoff between the tax break andth any inflation that they mightn the experience that's pretty cheapr to free money the >> i'm going jump to mythp to mh number five. you touched on four about to checking your credihed t report and hurting you. number five is credit takesdiak care of itself.tsel what do you mean by that. d >> well, that iso yo a myth thaa there are too many identityany i thieves and hackers out there t that your credit does not take t care of instead of it needs it n couldn't stands monitoring andto at tension. >> sure. >> that's why it's so important. thaim >> now more than ever. >> y nes,ow to subscribe to abe service or at least access it. >> before i let you go youore i know how a lot of these days a s credit cards online like amazon or whatever so that you u can keep going into thosekeepoie accounts. we do it out of convenience con but should we be doing t >> i don't have a problem with v that.with >> okay. >> yeah, there are safeguards te in place and youre can always ca dispute charges yeah, but thechr most important impnt t >> you need to be very activeeeb and keep an eye on your credit i did that that is the pathway p to lower borrowing costswing absolutely. >> greg thank you so much. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. thanks 7:54.isg th wizard of oz fans are raising the funds to save dory's ruby red slippers. find out how far they have to go to get more money when we come right back. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything. discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. o dog)give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at >> and the money is rolling in n to restore dorothy he's ruby rub slippers. take a look. they're about the he tea.'re ab the smithsonian kicked off an online campaign to save shoes ss used in the classic film the fi wizard of oz and they havend tha been on display at the museum m for three decades and they're te fragile of course.ourse. they're starting tort so far 4800 people have already pledged more than t $268,000. keep it coming.keep iin that's just $32,000 shy of of the museum's goal. g that does it for us here at 7:00. doe much more ahead at 8:00. stick with us. >> ?? news morning. morni >> welcome back to fox5 news new morning on this saturday. satur. it is 2016. as we take a live look outside i and the sun will come upp hopefully soon, maybe not. not >> little cloudy out there to to start but i see a little bit of blue sky trying to pok? through. >> i do see that behind the clouds >> a little bit. we're trying. all.ll.ning to yoe uth >> it's cold though that's for a sure. >> it is. 22nd and it is feels like october. octob we went from record hight temperatures through the work week to now,fr weshoa, t fhralls vengeance.vengeae. >> it d we were kind ofe kind of spoiled there a little bit.ther wee a went to all the fall thef festivals and pumpkin patchesinp when it was really warm.allyarm. >> sure. >> now it's going to officially feel like, you know, fall weather. nowally fea. >> bring back all those fallth l clothes. you'll need them today.ll nee not only is d soth much cooler butter so windy out there.ut th. let's do a little weather wer before we get started in then t 8:00 a.m. hour.00 a.mou there's our live look outside. . days are getting shorter with our daylight now. it was earlier this week that we madliere t that switch from e dark t if that makes sense.s see. so, the days are gettingetting darker and we'll reach that t peak when we hit the first dayiy of winter.inte that's not until latentil late december, though so no so n worries. temperatures right now 55 at vague fashion. 51 dulles, 53 bwi marshall.arsh. temperatures elsewhere are inlse the low 50's to even somen s upper 40's along the mountains. 56 in annapolis.apis and this is much cooler thanha we've become accustomed to. 24 hour temperature changerehang to close to 20 degrees colder. wow. dress much different for the d kids' soccer games thisif morning.' socc if you're trying tomo walk theat dog hold onto that leash realasl tight because it is few sprinkles left over fromrro our rain that came through last nightthr and that'shat's basically southern princeou george's county down through southern maryland but that should move out a mboutar mid morning.rnin wind advisory out for the the mountains where they could seecs gusts to 50 miles an hour.nou for us again here's anothers a peak at those temperatures in the 50's. we are seeing win out of the northwest at about a 10 to 20 miles an hour but but those gusts let's show that you real quick are even higher.high seeing gusts to 30 miles an to 0 hour and remember it will mil sa breezy just about all day. 58 by 11:00 a.m. a.m we should touch 60 degrees0 dege this afternoon. aernoon. more sunshine later today. tay cool and breezy but there arerea some milder temperatures for tomorrow. i'll have your seven-day forecast still ahead.ave annie. >> let's goat a fox5 exclusive u now. a warning this morning about aut deadly designer drug that's drut for saleline for less than a video game n recent months pink heroin has been blamedoin a for several dozen deathsral across the country and now and w fox5 has learned a young manounm in our area has died fromro overdosing on this drug. it's a story you'll onlysing ses here. fox5's lindsey watts hasas details. >> reporter: with a quickorte searchr: online, anyone can finf it for sale. sale. pink heroin is a powerful synthetic opioid known bywn b chemists as it typically comes from chinahi and it comes cheap.he so new many states are still working to ban it making it mak legal in most places. >> it is a serious, serious sers problem and can, you know,u cause death as you can he >> reporter: loudoun county sheriff mike chapman says his ca office just confirmed a man who dusiet d acot these ashburn apartments overdosed on theverde drug. the 24-year-old was first thought to have ingested regular heroin biotoxicology revealed it was this new investigators say the mans sae n bought it online likely from china. >> people are trying get thearer high of their lives and in the process are dying likes e dy never -- never before when itwhi comes to heroin and opioidsismds pink heroin has provenve especially deadly because it's resistant at a naloxone a shott used to save people who are overdosing. >> it's just so dangerous and a what we're just trying do isyini get the word out there that, t you know, this is not good. i mean, this will kill you. y >> reporter: chapman spentter: more than two decades as a deaea he says the opioid crisis csi we're seeing is unprecedentedred and parents needs to be aware especially with a drug that'st' so poet potent accessible.sibl >> you have to watch what yourtr children are doing. doing >> while investigators saidrs si they haven't had deaths fromthsm this it is something that ishi i on their radar. rar trouble on the task force. . shrunk to its lowest level inlol decades. the number of sworn officers with a gun and badge now stands well below 3800. well lo0 now, that's the number formerme police chief cathy lanier saidid would be "trouble" fit ever fite came to be. ca the promeblem is the departmentt is in the middle of a retirement bubble and sont officials are scrambling to bs r bring back he retired officers as well as recruiting new ones. interim police chief newsham nsh says homicides are downow 11 percent right now andht now overall crime was down 5 percent. and the lawyer and familyery of a m d.c. police officer arere demanding answers.wers they want the police p department to release allll information related to the shooting of mark george. grg he was shot and critically wounded last friday on whalern r place last week. wk. george ran away from officers oc as the officers gave chase. they say george pointed a gunrg at them. the family's lawyer is disputing that claim.. >> our initial investigation into this matter has resultedule whether or not mr. george was in possession of a not m fireart the time that he was shot. indeed, we have developed, we information suggesting that he was n hotsu aggrmed at the timea he was shot.he w sho >> i have watched the unjust uns killings and shootings off black people at the hands of has police officers throughout thet united states.unit sta i sat back and thought to myself that we would have toave pray for our kids when they w leave the house not knowinghe that one day i would get a get a call that my own child hashi h been shot down in the streets se like a ani officer.ofr. >> now, george is stillti hospitalized and recoveringecov from his wounds.omis w his family and lawyers sayrs s they want to pursue chargese chg against the officer involvednvol in the shooting.hootg. and now to a disturbing disg incident involving metro. metro. the federal transitnsit administration reports two ofwoo its inspectors had to jump out of the way of a metro the w train headiayng right for them.t this happened near the reagann national airport station on airo thursday and the workers say a y speed restriction was in placeco but the train was going tootr fast and then failed toain sloo the fta and metro are happening today, a fun and challenging event is takingg place at fedex field calledld cl game on. on. redskins have teamed up with the american diabeteste association to left thisio activity filled event and ourn alexandria limon is joining uss live from fedex field. field. there are a lot of activitiesaci involved in this one. >> reporter: including zipludinz lining, annie. it is good to go and because iae proved that i was so with heights yesterday, we are s doing this again.. we're zip lining this time butng i am actually joined by noah. no what, i understand -- noah,oa i understand you wereunders diagnosed with type one diabetes as a child. tell us the importance of this t greater event and all these tse fun things. tng >> we're here today at fedexed field doing the game on eventvet here to raise awareness foror type one and type two diabetes.diab >> reporter: the money,eporte they've raised about $500,000 already. it will go t oward educationducaon and research and a lot of a lotf great things so let's start heading up i understand that i d zip lining today, iferst you wan to come out to fedex fieldie it's only 20 bucks and thehe money goes toward a great great use.e. even if you're terrified, terrid petrified with a fear ofied heights like me, you know,like it's a great cause so maybeoaybe it's a good chance to get o really cool and unique andque ad raise money for a really greatt cause.e. so, here goes nothing again. agn ooh, and yeah, no joke, i'me, im terrified. te i will probably scream like a baby and maybe cry. so, we haven't gone throughone h anything. anything i need to know? >> hold one hand up here, one o hand right there. t so, i'll just hold onto here.e. >> yeah, just like that. t we're good. >> reporter: okay, here goes nothing. the wind is crazy. >> it's unreal. uea on the count of three what's wh' going to happen is i'm going goi to guide you off the platform. >> reporter: he's going toter: push us. >> >> reporter: come out to fedex field. my gosh. g that was awesome. aweso not as scary as rappelling,pe i'll say that.ha that was and again, this is all to to raise money for education, awareness and research for thehe american diabetes association.on so, annie, i will send it back c to you. >> alex, greater job.ater job that looks like a lot of fun. f. towards election day and theec candidates areti out in fullul swing in swing states.tate coming up we'll take a look atoa how they are doing in the dng polls and we hope you get aope t chance to enjoy this fallhi f foliage this weekend.eend it sure is beautiful and feels s like fall out there.there. temperatures are 54 degrees a right now. it will warm up slightly butbu caitlin is going to have theve t full forecast coming up andp a hey if you are out and about today we want to see those tho beautiful pictures.tures. include the family in there.y in we want to see you. #five fall. we'll be right back after this fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. this is your last chance to get 100meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. only from fios. woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. man: or me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock voted to defund planned parenthood... man: five times. woman: barbara comstock is against marriage equality. man: she even voted to let federal contractors discriminate against gay employees... man: twice. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: house majority pac (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber? nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. >> welcome back everybody.come time now is 8:12.2. this picture comes from tyler lancaster. awesome superman shirt there. he says this is romney suwestpet virginia at sunrise sure is >> that's gorgeous.>>rg we love the sunrise sunset pictures.pi we loved seeing your fall f foliage pictures too and wow itd this one. o columbia maryland that is a a georges tree, >> stunning. >> thank you for sending that.or i love seeing that fulll transformation of the treesormai and we have that right thereon r in red.ight t >> that's amazing.>> that's ama. that's what i love most aboutbot fall.fall here we go this is bowie maryland. take you so much for sharing the fall foliage there in bowie. >> places to our north andceto o west get into the peak colorsco first and then we'll get toll gt them soon here in d.c. pictures.ct not sure where this is.t su >> this is bowie.ow she really went out and didutnd her homework. es yes, i know. thank you for soan beautiful. beaif i need to step out of the wayo o of theseut trees. tre nicky has another great tree in her neighborhood. >> that's wonderful. love that. that's an>> t orangey color.eyol >> yes, beautiful orange colorro and we've been showing thiswi t all morning. >> our good friend lloyd fromoyf halfway virginia.nia. >> lloyd always sends uss send weather folks pictures.s picre i love that winding road into ro the trees type of scene really >> yeah. >> let's take a look at our last picture and the's tnak we'l move on. move >> i think this is the last picture. we leave you with thisithhi everybody.yb when i drive through these t kind of scenic pathways ithwaysi always do a lot of thinking. thk >> do you feel at peace.p >> a lot of thinking, a lot of dreaming, goal setting. setting >> goal setting. funny eichner seemed to dochr se that. >> work on my vision board.y io >> annie he you're great.e you' i need to come to you for someom life inspiration.tion i need a goal board, a visionio board.d. windy fall day. a little bit as we've got wind n gusts over 30 miles an hour. live look like outside.side thick cloud cover remains thatrt should recede a bit.a bit. cool and windy saturday. saturda that's your setup for this this afternoon. you can already feel those winds and as you step on utsiale to walk the dog maybe earlyaybe this morning or just go grab g the newspaper wow does it feelpe lolot cooler.r wo satellite and radar showingit the rain from yesterdaye pushing out towards our northant and east but there are stillll some lingering showers andwers a sprinkles mainly east of of washington about anne arrundeler county down through calvertgh c co across the bay seeing a fewew sprinkles but like i said thatid should give way to sunshine pretty quickly here giv mid morning.moin temperatures 55 washington, 56 annapolis, 53 baltimore, 52re, 2 manassas and 53 in culpeper. cpe it is cool and it is breezy. br. wind speeds out of the northwest and this is courtesy s of high pressure moving in. movg it's that cool northwesterlythst flow around it and with a departing he low pressure system in between those yourtin harsh winds and that's whathat' bev right now wind gusts up tono 30 miles an hour and we couldw o see he them up to 40 miles an a hour later this futurecast shows by 10:00 a.m.0m sunshine, clouds might pop-up pu up later this afternoon soernoon we'll call for partly cloudyou skies but overall a bright brigh beautiful day.autil day. sunday will be bright andill beh beautiful still breezy butter a little bit milder. so here's the setup for thisa li weekend.week the coolest weather arriving right now. we'v e got some chilly air overve the northeast but then as early as tomorrow jet streamtr moves a little bit furtherfurthr north, we pick up a nice b temperatures back into the 60's, up upper 60's.0' we'll become sunny windy and cool. seven-day forecast shows thathot warmup. sunday and monday just brightrih beautiful fall days the besthe that october really can offer cf and then we'll cool back down bo again.ain. you see those low temperatureslo in the 40's, high of just 60.t0. showers are possible late weekbe and actually early tomorrowomorw morning.morn at 4:46 here in d.c. maybe.c m some patchy frost north andnd west where temperatures could c seven-day forec tast.perthat'sds let's go back to annie.nn >> ??>> >> turning to the race for theet white house now, with just 17 j days left until voters hit thehe polls the candidates begins b their final battleground missmi making their case to voters in those crucial swing states. sta both campaigns know it's now atn sprint to election day withayit get out the vote efforts in full swing. swing donald trump wowing up crowdsrod in battleground state northate >> early voting is under way isr so make sure you send in yourr ballot.ot we cannot take a chance ofnc blowing it. we cannot take a chance.ha we have something we're soe' close, it's a movement likeent k they've never seen in thisver se country he before, never, ever seen. don't blow it on november 8th. >> former president billde bil clinton stumping yesterday forpe his wife in the swing state of florida. florid we're going to have a recordve r number of people vote. v >> reporter:.orter:. >> while a fired up vicep vi president joe biden saying bid y what he'd like to do to thee'd e go tp nominee. >> presto exact tow don't isto x wish i was debatingact him.. no i wish we were in high in school i could take him behind h the gym. that's what i wish.. >> clinton's campaign clint releasing this somber new ad. a >> he was 27 years old. >> with the father of fallen u.s. soldier captain kahn.ta k >> i want to would my son have a place in your america? >> early voting is now under vos way in many states.yta there's already a recordor number of ballots requested inud florida and early voting hasas surged in arizona wherenahe clinton is hoping to make it a tossup state. s >> and happening today trump will hold a major speech in i gettysburg pennsylvania.ennsylva he'll be outlining hislini days in office.ys in right now trump is trailing tiln clinton nationally and in key battleground states with just js weeks to go for the election. et hillary clinton's campaign headquarters in new yorkn new y teamed up with police after a white powdery substance was found in her manhattan office.a. one of the workers at thet t brooklyn office opened the envelope and workers wereorrs w evacuated from the building. bi. thankfully no one was injured.os right now the nypd is investigating this incident asin well as testing the substance.ut and guess wh hear a knock at your dooroor today it could be singer miley cyrus. that's right miley is knockingkg on doors at george mason university. she's campaigning for hillaryiv she'll be speaking to students s about there importance of thise year's election. if you are looking forim in you d.c. and you're trying to -- and you're finding it fint hard to find. let's take a live look outside o this morning. it is very chilly out there.thry it's a chilly start to thethe there it is. caitlin will be back withack another check of youreck ou forecast. foreca time right now is 8:19. 8 we'll be right back. k. ? ? ? it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? >> ?? >> okay, sorry, folks.. guy lambert is back withk w with >> i practiced dancing all week. i'm still off beat.ea hey, we're talking dating,g, we're talking dare i say marriage and underwear can you believe they all go hand in hand. >> all right. program. progr let's keep it pg. >>ery y much so. we'll start off with this song g looking for love in all theall t wrong places. >> uh-oh. pebe opens to be one of my favorite country songs by the bh way. if you're looking for love in d.c. dare i say you might bee i in according to a study thatt found when you date someoneom you primarily date someoneimar based upon their educational background.on tnd. that means if i have a college degree nine times out of 10 nini annie i will likely date a woman also with a colelegecolge degree. >> okay. that makes sense to me. >> that's the big problemat maki rider here in d.c. why you ask? a whopping wppin 49 percent more women have a college degree than guys right r here in d.c..c. perhaps that's why he beyonc?'s song single lady soy popular right here in d.c. d >> that's andi interesting stati don't you think. >> at least we don't live in miami. miami. a whopping 86 percent morepi women with college degrees inngg me h he mee. plenty of fun in the sun butin e you're not going to found a to love in miami. in >> wow. hope ty still y still find love.find >> well, if you do find love f you do that will b fe a great remember the time you went outtu an first date got butterflieste in your stomach. >> i did. d brushed my teeth about 10 times. [laughter] >> probably put on an0 amazingma dress but it's not about thet dress. dr it's what have you on heve younh beneath the dress. dre >> i was like what is he was talking about. aut what does underwr with this. >> a lot. >> a l it says a lot aboutot your personality ladies especiallydis for you. let's say you're going out ony your fyou'irst date you're rearg excited you wear boy shortsoyho ladies on your first date. well, nine times out of 10 you y are a very bold you don't take no for ann answer. you're against the status quos if you l-against the norm. t n very interesting.nterting >> interesting. >> do we have the background bad on the other types ofer t underwear. >> we'll talk about lace ll talk ou untderwear. i don't know if we can show he that.ow we're a g rated i show. ladies if you happen to wearn ta lace underwear that's not badere eou d better not take to you a fast food restaurant you like the high life if you will. w >> finer things in >> you can't see me now but c i'm holding up my ping hean't kh you'll be drinking plenty ofnt wine and champagne while out cha on that date. if you go dare i say commando.od >> okay.>> okay. >> one, you shouldn't do it, today because it's going to byo windy and we don't want to see your goodies but most importantly it says you arere very you don't worry what anyone a else says about you. y >> good for you all going commando. >> let's say finally you finally decide that you wanett'w to get married annie and you still haven't found that guyd ty you live in d.c., you live inivn miami. miami. >> you decide you're going getid married but you haven't foundavt a guy. >> i want you to take a lookt yo at katherine ross. >> katherine.atheri. >> katherine decided to guess ge what marry herself annie, hernnr inner male as she s after years of trying to findo f the right guy it never happened so she decided to popit her own ring wedding dressdingre even had a ceremony mom dad m the brother, 21 other guestser t also came to the show and well, at end of the day shef da said the best part about theoutt wedding was taking weddingedng pictures of herself by herselfsf with herself. so ladies, not to fear if youeay haven't found that guy you can c always marry yourself.rsf. >> okay, i'm sure you -- - [laughter]augh >> i have no words, okay.y. but what about the marriage autt license do you have background u on that. >> that's a good question. queso i have no i'm just -- >> congratulations katherineatut your giftions is in the congratulations darling. you look beautiful.u lookeaut >> and i think we should leave it at that.that. the get up with guy and annie. a >> we have woken you up.e ha thank you so much guy. g we'll be right back -- >> ?? >> there's your music. t >> on beat again. et>> to is a hard song to ghe on beat.on b all right. we'll be right back after thi sk after short break. >> ?? y25gfy yi0y connecting with my friends. love it. connecting with some sketchy guy from a blocked number who just called saying he's with a tech company that needs remote access to my computer to block a virus he detected?! really? hey we hear you. that's why aarp created the fraud watch network. to help you protect your family with information if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get to know us at z25ggz zi0z >> this election season has notn doubt been nasty and contentious but a group ofoup o kids at one maryland school issl hoping to show adults how differences can unite and u and they're doing this with thedoin help of the internationalg community. it's the montessori school inchl chevy chase.evy c. they celebrated their annual anl united nations day yesterday.esd this event is aim at honoring social cultural differencesferes while bringing people together as one peaceful community.ommut. representing 70 countries cameu to the school to carry their tir nation's flag and support the school's young global citizensen who performed songs of hope hop and also exhibited midatlanticid he tea cultural projects. oneness family school was schoo flamed in july by familyy magazine as the best montessori school in the d.c. d area. >> good to see somethingd see g positive with all the electionio coverage.corage getting very close and finallyay feeling like it weather-wise feeling like halloween season. season. we're almost in novemberr actually and it's just beenee such a warm october.cter all this week temperatures inur the 80's. >> i enjoyed every minute ofinut it. >> i'm sure you have.ure i think we'll have to wait until next spring before weor w get weather like that.ha >> no more warm weather. weathe. >> i don't see it.>> the deeper we ge it into falloal the less likely it will be.t wib that was quite an unusual weekse but now we can focus on fall and all you shall wonderfull wdr pictures you've been sending sei at caitlin roth. rot i love this one their german shepherd addy.y. those are perfect pictures.icre thank you for sending that. tha. also all of our weather teameatr has been he receiving these tse pictures. tucker got this one out ofou o toms brook virginia yesterdaya y and it's really been our areasue to the north and west that youtu can see changing colors higher elevations cooler coo temperature they get the moree moderate color before we do we here in id.c gettinglo northern virginia and westernese maryland. wema should see our peak here ii d.c. usually late octoberober maybe into early november thismi year because it's been soo warm. temperatures 55 at reagan5 at rn national, 51 dulles, 53 bwi.. wow, if you didn't feel theee change yesterday, you will as soon as you step outside thishis morning. temperatures are in the uner 40's toes a low 50's dramaticaly cooler than where we were at this time yesterday.rd as you see that temperature tpe change on the order of 15 toof t 20 degrees cooler. cle storm system moving out that into the delmarva, new jersey. e just a couple of sprinklesprkl left over here in our area. are we've had a little bit of bit o light rain anne arrundel county rai calvert county crossg the bay but we still have ae thick cloud cover out there and i think it will take ad coie couple hours before the cloudsud recede and we see a lot of suhine.e. the low pressure moving out,t high pressure trying to move in in between you get the blustery winds there couldre cod blow over 40 miles an hour.r wind advisory for the moun40 mtains until noon.nd advo for the rest of us just countou on that wind being pretty pre strong through these are wind gusts as we gowid into the future, so by about midafternoon still gustingus over 30 miles an hour and evenrd by this evening, it will stayta very windy. overnight maybe those winds win come down a little bit but i b i think sunday is also kind off winds probably gusting over ove 20 miles an hour at times.. here's your weekend forecast.orc enjoy it but dress for it. 60 degrees today. d partly sunny with a chillegyre breeze. breeze. tomorrow it is milder.rrow i we get closet is to 70 degreesde under some sunshine. sunshine. or ahead. ahea annie. >> thank you so much caitlin. you may ha sve hao d somed o trouble visiting some of your favorite web sites yesterday. we're talking spotify twitterer netflix and several other other sites. they suffered outages as domain servers fought offerve cyber attacks and srs fo today,y federal investigators aretorsre looking into those cyber fox's caron mchugh ish is monitoring the very latest. les. >> reporter: a cyber attackac on a major internet routing firm.rm. that's how experts described popular web sites across thes te u.s. and even by users in europe friday. fri the white house says malicioussi activity is to blame this as aas hacker group with members inbe i both china and russia iss claiming responsibility. the internet firm target is there new hampshire based dyn incorporated, the company saying its server infrastructure was hit by whaty are known as denial of service attacks overwhelming machinesac with junk data traffic. among the sites affected affec cyber security experts sayy erts this attack came in at leastea two waves and he they fear this type of attack is often used to probe a network inobe nw advance of a larger cyber event.t. >> this is the first move on a chess board.rd at cyber crime less board or cyber espionage chess board issd unbeknownst to me. what's interesting is this widespread denial of service d s attack taking down these webhe b sites would allow the actorsct sneak to the back.snea >> reporter: fox has asked the bureau he if there's a connection. the white house confirming only that the department of homeland security iselsecu investigating. >> they'll take a close look at it. tak at this point i don't have any information to share about whoro may be responsible for that t malicious activity.ct >> reporter: chair of theorte u.s. how energy and commercer:ne committee calls the attackcallst cause for serious concern.rn >> while it was a home cominge g fit for a hero coming up we'llu' slow you how show you how a a neighborhood came together toam honor a person who served inerve the military.y. time now is 8:35. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head t to your neiborhood enterprise car sales e. >> it was a block party towa celebrate a hero last night ins bethesda. a neighborhood came togethere te >> reporter: the potter p family hangs this yellowlyye ribbon outside their home toheoe show they're always thinkinghing about their loved one while onew he's deployed overseas but tonight the neighborhood showed up to celebrate his neighbors along maple avenue in bethesda are >> the coming home party is a a lot better than the going awayhy party. >> reporter: and ready to ri.e. in a neighborhood tradition, adn scooter brigade parade toe rade honor the service of service of lieutenant colonel benjamin bja kyle potter.kyte >>'m to be part of such a close c knit community.ommu >> reporter: lieutenant repor colonel potter is anpott orthopedic surgeon who just arrived home aftereredic s spend the last four months inn afghanistan caring for injurednj service members and afghan allies. >> when my dad comes home comese he'll get to be in a bigl t parade and everyone will cheer h and celebrate and my family is i very proud of my dad. m >> reporter: the last time lieutenant colonel potternt deployed in 2011, a children'sh' book called my dad's a heroo inspired his kids to hold ad neighborhood parade when he he h they are all a bit older now,.en >> you just need to welcome wco him home. reporter: hazel james andam flora said there would be no exception.exce i l like it. >> reporter: so theseo neighbors marched and waved and flags just like they did before when lieutenant colonelol tter c came home. a he reminder to family of military members overseas are oe here rows there. >> this is for my kids and my they have been doing withoutitho me for so long and the ticker tr tape and bells and whistles and decoration center city something i think they can appreciate so it's a nice family celebration of me beiinni able to be back and be a parte r of their lives on a regular basis. basis. >> reporter: lieutenant colonel potter is now back to work at walter reed militpoaryty medical center until his next hn deployment but he hopes his kids never grow out of givingerg him a warm welcome everyro timet he comes home.he com in bethesda, anjali hemphillphil fox5 local news. n >> that is so wonderful.ondeul coming up, art and hip hop hip h music joining forces and creating a art exhibit at theit blind wine no, sir dedicatedne to a popular n hip hop crew. coming up we'll chat with one of the artists behind this >> welcome back b time now is 8:42. what ytioume're looking at is te blind wino an art exhibitrt exh there that's coming and it's it' it's all in honor of legendary hip hop group the wu-tangu-ng clan. honor to meet you r. >> pleasure to meet you.asure t >> i'm annie.yo i know you've i'm worked with aa lot of amazing artists and a travel the world but what but wa brings you to d.c. on this t awesome >> well, i'm here on behalf of the group called challenge andnd we have teamed up with the folks from blind win together this art exhibitionion and celebration of this group wu-tang we're big fans ofs o them. them >> i've heard of them.he >> so we had this idea of doing an art exhibition and also doing some events around it as well, so, you know, we spoke with good friend shaneha who runs blind wino and he h always had this idea of doinghi group wu-tang clan. we just joined forces and he rounded he over 50 visual artists to produce work foror fr this show. >> let's give them a little teaser: wu-tang they're legendary hip hop group andop they're still making anl ng imprint but what exactly willct he we learn or get to see. see >> really get to see different interpretations of the artists, of even j people -- >> of each member of the group. >> of each memberea achndbe sometimes even all the group members together but this different visual artist's artis' interpretation of the grouptati and how they've been inspiredond by the group visually, if you will.wi so, just all different typesyp of artwork from, you know, canvas style artwork to even wooden puppets and all crazyllra kind of things like that sohing it's a really cool exhibit.coolt >> sounds really cool. oh, that's cool.'s coo >> yes, yes.,. >> yeah, yeah. and what do you hope that tat this exhibit.xhibit. >> well, just really goat see wu-tang clan in kind of ag cl different setting, to be able to see them in aannsettin art ge kind of setting is something sog different and, you know, just js for some of us who -- you know k grew up listening to them i can kind of say that now, youu know, we are of the age wherereh we might enjoy going out to an a art gallery and still hearinglli some music so to be able tobl get both of those worldshose wos together and the event itself, s the event we're hosting on november 4th.vemb >> , friday november 4th.ri >> that's this friday. >> it will actually haveday hate couple different things goingfee on innt addition to the artworkk we'll have a pop-up record vinyl fair vendors theredors tre selling vinyl records and we'll also have any producerce showcase so we'll have different beat makers there playing different selections of beats and some of them where they'll be usingsing original samples that members from the wu-tang used. use >> all of this surrounding november 4th.november >> that's the day you want too mark your calendars for. f. time is 8 o'clock. o'c >> eight until midnight freet f and open to the public as longl as you're 21 and up. sorry, kids. >> dj to you tone i know this is hard to believe but i knowno a few things about wu-tang. wu-g i may have to stop by. >> thank you so much.uc appreciate it.appr y thank you. >> caitlin over to you. >> annie i did not know you knew about the clan. you're big fan. big f. that's awesome. taking a live look outside onsie this cloudy chilly morning.morning. live look at the captor t building. you can see still got those tho thick overcast skies but within the next couple hours hos we should break out out into ouo some cloudy chilly and breezy b saturday for you.saturd that's were we're expectingxpecg and temperatures much, much mh cooler than we've been accustomed to.omedo. we saw four afternoons in thes e well into the 80's this week.k. monday through thursday.huda very warm again friday beforey e the front came through and that's when temperatures justtue satellite and radar showingwi departing rain showers and werad still got a few leftover sprinkles south of clouds have started to clearle from the mountains.ntns we'll give it a couple more m hours before fairfax loudoun lon sees more sunshine and then and d.c. itself. td.c. then off to the east of the of t bay probably more of a cloudyy morning. wind advisory for the ridgeid tops until noon where you you could see gusts over 40 miles an hour. current win d speeds sustained sta about 10 to 20 and then those higher gusts over 30 miles anien blustery day. temperatures out there 55 in i washington so when you haveen these gusty winds it feels even cooler than that.sty coorn temperatures in the mountainsesi only in the 40's.n thth40's low 50's along the easterntern shore.or all across the northeastthst seeing this big change inn temperatures. upper 30's to low 40's. 40' 42 pittsburgh, 55 washington,as, 48 new york city.48 y here's your setup for your saturday.sarday early this morning clouds andudd showers quickly receding asedins that cold front moves out. we'll get some afternoonfternoon really cool windy conditions,di, so expect it to stay breezy all evening. eveng temperatures later today, later, upper 50's to 60 degrees heres r in washington.hi it's chilly overnight.rnig. much cooler than this morning actually. we're in the 50's but we'll wll only be in the low to mid 40's s for tomorrow but i think it'shi' breezy enough that we won't see any frost out there. allost right. seven-day forecast it isy recast definitely milder for tomorrowo with more sunshine, 68 degrees.68 deg nice starter to the work week.te cool down mid part of the weekoe and then showers are possible ps later on but temperatures backra to nma only in the 60's. 6s. that's a look at your's a look u seven-day forecast: now i'llow send it over to annie.overo an >> thanks a very fun and challenginglg event taking place at fedexed field called game on and the the redskins have teamed up withed h the american diabetesiate association to host thisost activity filled event and our very only a lex limon joininglej us live from fedex field. fie you have had quite a bit of adventure the past few days,ay alex. fod for you. i'm so proud of you. you. very adventurous and i did itidi all with my two new friendsends here. let me introduce you. y this is steve american ninja warrior and this is jen this t fassbender with the americanr wa diabetes association someet jennifer and ies ass are going g chat a little bit about why w this is all happening while steve here demonstrates hissts awesome abilities and so, steve, why don't you show us what you got on the extreme obstacle course. crs just amazing that anyone canon c he's showing off those skillskil why don't you tell us about this event here at fedex field. >> certainly. thanks alex. game on greater washington iseae an exciting evenr t that reallyl has something for everybodyveboy today from the fitnessitss enthusiast also to the we have 1 mile walk step out walks, 5-mile walk, the cycling races events areg ra happening right now. now we have a whole kid zone. zon there's a zip line.ip line. there's this obstacle coursee ur exciting event today and even e over the edge rappellingpellin whether dependent.wh >> right. uppdon't have to be signedet ahead of time its nine to five i and people can just show up or what's the deal. d >> absolutely just show up.elsto bring your friends, bring yourgr family, your coworkersowke everybody and have a reallyrlly good time because physicalhysica activity is important for all of us.of us. >> reporter: awesome. steve that was awesome. thank you so much. that is impressive.e thatthan stevethatimpr and i rappeled doe side of fed ex field.ex field that was terrifying i'm notfyinn going to lie. this morning we hit up the zip e line. you can see it set up oute set here. it's only 20 bucks if you want w to do it and the money goes toso a great cause the americanmerica diabetes association.ociation so far they've raised about abot $500,000 which is so amazing azi and of course the money goess toward research and educationon for diabetes and the disease actually affects one in every e 11 americans. annie. if you haven't gotten yourn y home halloween ready yet youou still have some time. t we're about two weeks away. awa coming up we'll show you how h to make some decorations that tt will turn your place into anto a fun haunted house. hou we'll be right back. k. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house 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"oohh!" honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. >> ?? >> all right, welcome back everybody. with halloween right around the corner -- >> doing a greig at job thisallowe morning. >> you still have time to give your home a haunted house house makeover but you don't have tou spend a fortune.spend a fortune. >> that's right. here to he show us how to makeae some spooky and funoky decorations for your house isyou parenting and lifestylees blogger thanks for being here >> thanks for having me.s >> i love the fact these are affordable. that's very important. >> firm believers with halloween decorations more iss more but theyc decorations are so expensive exp and with little kids they're tre always touching them andys toui breang them.m. >> it's a good bonding session i with your little ones. they get so excited when you put paint in front of them. t >> when they help you craft. y c >> what did you bring in. >> the first that you know iir brought in arest these spookypo eyes. >> uh-huh. >> these are so are so they would look so cute in a front bush and i made that --ha >> that is so cute. sout >> started with thethe traditional pumpkin basket.aske >> everybody has these hanging n around their house. hse >> these are like 99 cents or less. >> exactly and i took two of them painted them with craftnted pain. if you uses glow in the dark dar paint it will clark up duringil the day if it's outside and at n night it will glow in yourw in bushes. >> great idea. bucket it buckea has a handle and you can use a piece of string to hold itofing down. >> i like the placement in theet grass there like i'm watchinging you. you see that it makes me laughem every time.every ti. >> it's fun spook he key not scary spooky. >> exactly. >> what else did you bring in.ig >> these really cute witches hats. hats. i think this is my favoriteth i thing. this is just out of a party a p hat and a paper plate.late >> wow. >> little>> bit of hot group iop spray painted them and used use glitter because again more is >> you can never use too much uh add a little string.etr >> little witch hat.>> >> they are cute. lit >> i want to kee tp this.p thi >> you can put them on your mantle. if you had string you couldg yod hang them from your porch so you havem fr floating witches hats. i love those.. >> uh-huh. >> the other thing i made i made this forther my daughter.a. >> i love that annie.that ann you should wear that.r t >> i'll wear >> if you go and try to buy a halloween head band you would probably spend 10 to $15 and it was just ahead band from abam dollar >> sure. >> and a little spider little l bit of hot glue there you go. y my daughter cannot take it te off.f. e loloves it. >> me either.he i love it. i lo >> push my hair out of my my face. >> and the last thing that i have it just makes me take one of your little baby b pumpkins. >> i love this. great.reat.'s >> it looks like your pumpkin pn got a little sick but actually dip. i took the top off of this one and you can add another dip innp the top. >> yes, party trick. >> so you have two dips. queso and guac.nd >> what the down here. wha >> another idea that i hadth i that you could add to the headea band if you didn't want a big b spider maybe you could have a ha creepy skeleton hand.ken ha i have little spiders and ipi got all of this for about about dollar so it took me dollars plus a little bit of hot >> all right. where can we finds your ideas? i what's your web site. sit >> questionable choices inhoic n parenting. >> there is a great i i love your honesty. honesty >> you'll find lots of hacks ofc and tips and i have lots ofotsf halloween tips so if you're y looking for more ideas you canoc head to my web site and you'llnu find lots of things there.ngs >> thank you so much and thankou you for joining us. syou foin we'll see you back here atet 7:00 tomorrow.orrow. >> bye everyone. ery i love my mom. my mom. i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. my mom. my kids. my job. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. hey we hear you. that's why aarp helps family caregivers... with resources and connections to experts to help make your life easier to manage. because we get it. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". - on this episode we head to south carolina for a look at the sharks, the plants, and ocean ecosystems that make this state so special. it's all here on awesome planet. (upbeat music) south carolina may not be one of our biggest states, but it packs a diverse set of terrain from the forest to the ocean. with over 2,800 miles of coastal shoreline, researchers have no shortage of questions to answer about life in the nearby waters. sharks play a vital role

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