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has left us a little fog across it is year. we have a fog advisory for points to our south and west. be ready for the potential for some dense fog in spots. visibilities in a few places have been reduced to a quarter mile or less. there is a live look at your hd radar showing you the activity. we'll be in for a beautiful day once we get the fog out of here. nice looking tuesday shaping up. temperature at reagan national, 57 degrees. winds are very light out of the north at zero miles per hour. plenty of sunshine. enjoy today because things go downhill from here. highs in the upper 60s and mostly sunny this afternoon. >> thank you. the trial of a woman charged with killing a coworker at the lululemon store in bethesda is under way. brittany norwood is accused of fatally beating jayna murray inside the clothing shop. more than # 5% of potential jurors said they had heard of the case. the man accused of plotting to kill the saudi ambassador to the u.s. plead not guilty even though authorities say he pleaded guilty to the plot. they say he tried to hire a hit map with a mexican drug cartel to blow up a capitol hill restaurant. it has been nearly 48 hours since an earthquake hit turkey. the death toll is officially at 279. rescueers using bulldozers to move massive amounts of rubble. they have had had to deal with over 200 aftershocks. president obama announced an enhanced plan to help more people who are under water on their mortgages. this applies to those who have a fannie mae or freddie mac loan since before 2009. the payments on the loan have to be current and you have to be at least 25% upside down in the loan. the program will last through 2013. steve jobs' biography is now out on store shelves and it offers plenty of insight into his life and the unique way he viewed the tech industry and its biggest players. >> reporter: it is on sale now, the steve jobs biography. it will probably be the most download book ever. he cooperated with walter isaacson. he had an intense dislike of google. >> he did not feel it was in their dna to have dignity in their product. jobs said i'm going to destroy android because it's stolen product. and the android brand could take a hit especially as jobs' public esteem has risen in the past few weeks. for now, more than 550,000 devices running on android are activated each day. meanwhile, apple sells about three million fewer iphones than anticipated contributing tie slight drop in the company's stock. the latest android challenger is the galaxy nexus from samsung. we are watching your money on the fox business network giving you the power to prosper. in new york, i'm tracy burns. we still have plenty ahead. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts now. good morning. it is 4:30 on this tuesday, october 25th, taking a live look right now. you can see out over the city the washington monument there on your right. a little bit of rain we had there. good morning, everyone. i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news. let's say good morning to tucker once again. it rained pretty hard last night. >> yes, and guess what is left in its wake? >> cold air. >> no, fog, fog is what is left. winds have lightened up. with the locally heavy rain, that contributing tie lot of moisture in the atmosphere. the fog advisory until 9:00 this morning. that will be the only thing that will slow your commute. tuesday should be a beautiful looking day with high temperatures expected to be back in the upper 60s. sentinel satellite showing you the cloud cover out of here, the rain showers out of here. very quiet weather. winds should be nice and light out of the north and west at about five miles per hour. shaping up to be a nice look tuesday. 51 at reagan national. jacket weather as you head out the door. 47 at bwi marshall. here is your forecast for today. 67 your daytime high with again, just a few clouds from time to time. >> it is a nice afternoon. we'll take it. thank you. let's check some with julie wright now with the traffic. >> we're off to a pretty good start with no incidents reported as you travel between college park and bethesda. we do have the overnight roadwork. this morning, they are work along the right side of the works. line up in the two right lanes to work your way through this work zone. veryling delay here. on the outer loop, it was the two left lanes getting by. no incidents to report on 395 coming across the 14th street bridge. lanes are open as you work your way across the potomac. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. new this morning, word that former libyan leader moammar ghadafi has been buried. his body had been on display in a public meat locker essentially for the past four days after he was captured and killed last week. a military official says ghadafi was buried in a secret unmarked location earlier today along with one of his sons and an aide who were also killed. another of ghadafi's sons escaped the tax on their convoy and is now believed to be in the southern part of libya. -- escaped the tax on their convoy and is now believed to be in the southern part of libya. jury selection has started in the lululemon case a maryland woman is charged with killing her coworker. we get more now from stacy cohan live in rockville. >> reporter: an enormous jury pool has been summoned here, a total of 300 prospective jurors on hand in an effort to find a fair and impartial jury for this very high-profile murder trial. brittany norwood was also on hand. she is accused of murdering jayna murray inside the lululemon athletic store in march. prosecutors say norwood argued with murray after murray found stolen merchandise in norwood's bag. during the jury selection process, 38 potential jurors said she had made up their mind on norwood's guilt or innocence. >> the jury selection is probably the most important part of the trial. we are trying to get jurors in this case who don't know the facts. of the case, which is very difficult to do in any situation, particularly a high- profile case like this case. >> reporter: over 08% of the jurors when asked raised their hand and said they had indeed heard of this case. they only got through 150 of the jury pool yesterday. the lawyers are opening to have the opening statements done tomorrow. i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. police are investigating an apparent murder-suicide at a senior living community in montgomery county. officers were called to the national lutheran home in rockville yesterday morning. investigators say 80-year-old albert ballard went to visit his wife sandra, who was a patient at the home. several people reported hearing gunshots. police say they found the gun in sandra ballard's room. meanwhile, police are still on the hunted for a hit and run driver would killed a pedestrian in northwest d.c. on sunday. 32-year-old john young kim was dragged several yards and wound up in an alley near sixth street and florida avenue. neighbors say the driver may have turned into the alley to avoid traffic on florida avenue and that cars often speed through that alley. president obama has rolled out a new slogan. moving on from his familiar pass this bill to we can't wait. instead of pressuring congress to act, the president is now focusing on using the executive branch to find ways to jump start the economy and help struggling home owners. mr.obama announced his first initiative on the first dave three-day trip out west. craig boswell has the story. >> reporter: after touching down in las vegas, president obama launches new rules to help home owners refinance and avoid foreclosure. falling home prices have slammed home owners there. >> we are the epicenter of the economic hurricane and just like with katrina, all the damage comes in and happens and then people want it fixed right away. >> reporter: according to realty track, foreclosure filings affected one in every 118 homes in nevada last month. the president will expand an existing refinance program that will help home owners with little or no equity cut the cost of refinancing. >> if you meet certain requirements, you will have the chance to refinance at lower rates which could save you hundreds of dollars a month and thousands of dollars a year on mortgage payments. >> reporter: the president is adding the new rules through executive order therefore bypassing congress, saying the economy requires action now. gop lawmakers blame when they call failed obama policies for the crisis including the $787 billion stimulus package in 2009. >> the best economic stimulus is a job. the issue is jobs. what we need to do is get people working again so that they can pay back loans and so that they can keep those houses. >> reporter: the president's executive order will also extend the program through 2013 but it only covers mortgages created before 2009 and that are owned or backed by fannie mae and freddie mac. in washington, craig boswell, fox news. after the president landed in los angeles on air force one, he headed off to a couple of fundraisers with hollywood stars. first was a donor hosted by will smith and his -- a dinner hosted by will smith and his wife jada pinkett smith. mitt romney has invested a lot of time and money in new hampshire. he is hoping his new england ties will propel him to victory in the first primary contest next year. the rate of hiv and aids is skyrocketing for one group here in d.c. what is being dub to curb the -- done to curb the disturb toking trend? we'll take a look at that. footage that may support the claim from a missing missouri baby's parent that the child was abducted from their home. we'll have more on that story when we return. ](aapú@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [ beep ] [ man ] you have one new message. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you. oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i wanted it to be special. oh, what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. mmm, it's good. honey, i love you and... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. yeah but honey, i love you and... is that what i think it is... it's bacon. honey look. [ male announcer ] progresso rich and hearty... 4 new flavors, you can lose yourself in. what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. the plea not guilty to trying to kill the saudi ambassador. the iranian american who is accused of trying to assassinate saudi arabia's ambassador and in front of a judge in new york. he reportedly confessed to investigators after his arrest. the white house has accused the iranian government of being involved but iran denies any role. you know, it has been nearly 4 hours since a devastating earthquake hit turkey. and emergency teams continue searching for survivors. the death toll is officially at 279 but hundreds are still missing. rescue crews are using bulldozers in the city to move massive amount of rubble. they have had to deal with over 200 aftershocks and thousands slept outside in freezing temperatures again overnight. still no word from police about a surville rains tape that could provide clues into the disappearance air missouri baby. the arrow on the left part of the screen if you can see it points to a man leaving a wooded area on the night lisa irwin went missing. the step was shot from a gas station near the irwins' home. irwins' parents insist someone broke into the home and kidnapped their baby. these predecessor is possibly headed to prison. we are one on one with the man who is replacing leslie johnson's seat on the prince george's county council. we'll have more on that coming up. the rain is out of here but in its wake, we have some fog across the area. we'll show you a dense fog advisory. and julie wright is back. she has a look at your on-time traffic. all that coming up in just a couple of minutes. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. [ female announcer ] having grands! biscis easy.the morning just pop 'em in... then go about your business... and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. grands! warm ideas made easy. ♪ start your morning a whole new way! ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches. right now, taking a look at 395 near the pentagon there. pretty quiet right now. that's going to change in just a couple of hours or so. but let's check in with tucker now. he has the latest on our weather. should be a decent drive on the way into work. no problems at least weather- wise. >> yeah, i'm in a bad mood. >> why? >> ravens. they stink. >> what are you doing here already? >> i want to go off about it but i can't. i'll do the weather. >> there are good things to talk about in the weather department. >> my redskins aren't very good. the ravens aren't very good. capitals. let's get to it. it will be a beautiful day today. sorry about that. we'll have bright sunshine once you get rid of the fog. temperatures back in the upper 60s. should be a terrific tuesday. that is your headline as we get into the affect. got to get through the fog first and we had some overnight showers in spots. it was pretty heavy but now well out of here and we are looking at a greatly improving forecast as we get into the next 12 to 18 hours. this is your fog advisory. it is not here in washington but it is just off to the south and west, all the counties you see there in gray under the fog advisory. visibility a quarter mile or less. so it will be reduced visibilities with the fog developing during the late night hours. 51 at reagan national. 47 in baltimore. still, it is a cool start to the day. you can see mid-40s there off to the west. winchester, 46 at this hour. kids will need a jacket here. you will probably need a jacket as you are running out the door and a nice warm-up just like yesterday with a mild afternoon expected. there is your sentinel sat-rad. the light shower activity off the coast dragging with it the cloud cover. we'll be left again with a lot of bright sunshine today. our next weather maker will take a couple of days to develop. we'll get clouds in here by tomorrow and by tomorrow night and thursday, the showers will return and much cooler air behind that front. by friday, our daytime highs will only be in the 50s. 67 today. nice afternoon. very pleasant. winds out of north and west at five to 10. a few clouds, cool overnight. 50 your euro night low. winds out of the south here at five to 10. here is your five-day forecast. mild tomorrow with the cloud cover moving in. 71. 64 with showers around all day on thursday. friday, saturday, don't look great. highs in the mid-50s. let's do some on-time traffic and see if julie wright has bright news for you. >> i think so. with the exception of roadwork on the top stretch of the beltway, and they are in the process of clearing that. that is the inner loop between connecticut avenue and georgia avenue. they had the two left lanes blocked there as you work your way on the inner loop. on the outer loop in the same area, they were working along the left side of the highway. other than that, it is pretty quiet around town. no problems to report at the wilson bridge. overnight construction on nix between nutley street and the beltway. 395 coming across the 14th street bridge, that too is an easy ride making your way across the potomac. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. heads up halloween partiers. getting around on metro this weekend may be more of a trick than a treat. the red line will single track from dupont station. ate big change in prince george's county. derek davis is taking over the council seat vacated by leslie johnson. she resigned in july after pleading guilty to a federal corruption charge. wisdom martin spoke with davis with b. his new job and the challenges that lie ahead. >> reporter: we're in the newsroom with newly elected prince george's county councilmember derek leon davis. thank you for coming in and talking with us. you are replacing leslie johnson. we all know the story behind that. >> as a county councilmember replacing mrs. johnson in district six, i'll be responsible for those issues. one of the biggest things we have to deal with right away is there is a debate right now going on with regard to how the districts will be redrawn. one of the main things that we can do as a community is rally around academic achievement of every child and making sure we send our very best to schools to be educated by our very best educators. the only thing that is free in education is parent involvement. >> any comments about how can you deal with crime? >> crime hates light. we have to be vigilant. as i was being raised, all eyes on my street were on what derek was doing. we need to go back to those types of times. we need to start to prevent crime and then, when we have a police force that is adequately staffed and that we're supporting with new age technology and opportunity, i think we'll have the very best prince george's countiy that he with can have. it is time to coalesce around the ideology that our community is our community and how we use ourland and how we educate our kids and take care of our seniors is what it is all about. not the cynicism that goes along with how people feel about politicians. the past is behind us. i think we've learned from our past. i think politician, public servants have to be held accountable. i think that that is the light of day for tomorrow. >> okay. thank you very much for coming in and talking with us. we appreciate it. very best of luck as you tackle your new job in prince prince george's countiy. >> thank you. the number of senior citizens infected with hiv/aids is on the rise and those who are infected often don't get tested until the disease has progressed. but one city coun proposing a new plan to raise awareness. >> we've learned over time that hiv is no discriminator. it doesn't care who you are. >> reporter: caroline massey never thought as a middle-aged woman she would be infected with hiv but she has been living with it now for 18 years. >> i got sick and the doctor said well let's do one of the tests. >> reporter: with help from her church and several other organizations, caroline spends much of her time speaking to middle-aged and older folks warning them hiv does not discriminate when it comes to age and getting and hiv test is nothing to be ashamed of. >> people need to know and they need to understand that this is not something we can sidestep or wish away or that wear inoculated against somehow because we are over 50 or 60 years old. >> reporter: d.c. council member david catania would like to see many others like caroline. as chair of the committee on health, he has proposed legislation that would direct the health department to hire and train senior citizens to be peer educators on hiv and aids. >> taking a opinion out of a book of something we learned with respect to young people, the young people prefer to get information and learn about this particular illness from other young people. >> reporter: under this proposal, senior peer advisors who provide presentations and conduct workshops in senior centers, nursing and retirement homes. >> it is long overdue. this population missed some of the safe sex instructions that the younger generations received and so we're playing catch-up. >> reporter: caroline says her health is stable for now but growing older and living with hiv hasn't been easy. that is why she has dedicated her life to warning those not infected and supporting those who are. >> i want to say older aging, more mature adults involved because you are supposed to have some wisdom after a certain period of living. >> reporter: if this legislation does make it will you the full council, it will be the first in the nation. councilmember catania would like to see it not only adopted here but in other cities. matt ackland, fox 5 news. he has only been the starter in one redskins game but already, john beck is taking a leadership role with the team. more on his impromptu talk with the press after the break. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm, gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsbury crescent dogs... school night ideas made easy. game five of the world series, rangers catcher mike napoli receiving a wake-up call. david murphy's grounder goes off the pitcher to load the bases with just one out. check out reaction from cards manager, tony larussa there. the next batter is mike napoly. who comes thruway base hit to right center. the rangers defeat the cardinals 4-2 to take a three games to two lead. game six tomorrow in st. louis. now to monday night football, the ravens visiting the jaguars. jacksonville would take a 9-0 lead deep into the fourth quarter. on the final drive, down by five, flaco throws the interception. the ravens are upset by the jaguars 12-7. now to the state of the skins. tim hightower is now gone for the season. the running back tore the acl in his left knee sunday and will be placed on the injured reserve list. wide receiver santana moss underwent surgery on his broken left hand and is expected to be out five to seven weeks and rex grossman checked into a local hospital with pneumonia and i high fever. redskins nation still buzzing with sunday's game. john beck's first start in four years was spoiled by the play of cam newton. newton showed just how athletically gifted he is, scrambling for 25 yards. he finished with 59 yards rushing. he also passed for 256 yards. head coach mike shanahan admitted he did not put his team in position to neutralize who is becoming one. nfl's most dangerous quarterbacks. >> i could do a better job making sure we are aprepared during the week because our defense is too physical and too good. even though they are a top five team, i'm going to give them credit too because they've been pretty consistent through the season keeping defenses off balance but i got to make sure i put them in situations more times than not to make sure that they feel very comfortable in every look they see. >> now, there is one play john beck would like to have back late fourth quarter, the redskins trail 30-20. a miscommunication and an easy interception for chris gamble to effectively put the game on ice. yesterday, beck held an impromptu media session and took the blame. >> the play with henkerson, it is on me. he is a great athlete for this trouble team. nothing goes on him at all. it goes on me. >> he will learn from it. john will learn from it. especially with a guy that is new to that position. but it is some growing pains that goes on with a young player coming in. >> to basketball now, the nba is expected to cancel two more weeks of games from the regular season. it will total at least 102 games through november 28th. d.c.'s hockey favorite has a twin. alec ovechkin's wax figure was unveiled at madam tussaud's in northwest washington t has all of ovechkin's features including a missing tooth. he joins wayne gretzky by the way as the only hockey player immortalized in wax. we still have plenty ahead. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. fox 5 morning news continues right now. take a look outside right now early on this tuesday morning. the date is october 25th. a little chilly out there this morning. we are certainly glad that you are with us and good morning. i'm steve chenevey. >> i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news. so the rain

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Rockville , Maryland , United States , New York , Nevada , New Hampshire , Missouri , Iran , Turkey , Washington , District Of Columbia , College Park , Mexico , Washington Monument , Hollywood , California , Saudi Arabia , Libya , Capitol Hill , Montgomery County , Baltimore , Iranian , Saudi , Mexican , Libyan , American , Julie Wright , Councilmember Derek , Freddie Mac , Santana Moss , Rex Grossman , Wayne Gretzky , Stacy Cohan , Leslie Johnson , John Beck , Bwi Marshall , Walter Isaacson , Los Angeles , Derek Davis , Brittany Norwood , Craig Boswell , Mike Napoli , David Murphy , Sandra Ballard , Councilmember Catania , Jada Pinkett Smith , Caroline Massey , David Catania , Las Vegas , Lisa Irwin , Mike Shanahan , Albert Ballard , Sarah Simmons , Tim Hightower , Tucker Barnes ,

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