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going. some more numerous showers and thunderstorms going out to the west. that will be approaching the area, particular lit northern 2/3 of our viewing area during the course of our morning commute. an increasing chaps of -- chance of showers with cooler air on the way. wind are going to be breezy around here this afternoon, at time gusting to about 15 to 20 out of the north as this cool air moves in. so showers, breezy conditions expected. high temperatures only in the mid-70s with a lot of cloud around so lots of changes. wait until you see the five-day forecast. i think most of us are going to love it. our top stories, new this morning, two montgomery county firefighters taken to the hospital after being injured while battling flames in an apartment complex. they were called out for an extensive two-alarm fire that broke out at about 1:00 a.m. along december. with that a ysm - - along december way in the hillen dale area. a major base realinement deadline today but it actually brings little change to northern virginia. military leaders have been scrambling to comply with the brac project. there have been so many weeks to the plan that not much will happen today. at fort belvoir, most of the nearly 20,000 workers who were relocated have already arrived there. a teenaged girl attacked while walking her dog. this happened tuesday night around 7:30 in crofton. two men jumped out of the car, dragged the 14-year-old into the woods and sexually assaulted her. police have tenned up patrols in that area and are handing out flyers with sketches of the two suspects. turning to the economy now, debt super committee is meeting again today, charged with cutting over a trillion dollars from the budget. meanwhile, president obama continues his campaign to sell his new stimulus plan but as laura evans reports, even some democrats or opposing the tax hikes to pay for it. >> reporter: president obama pushing congress for the third day in a row to pass his american jobs act quickly saying the american people can't afford a long political fight. >> the next elect is 14 months away and the american people don't have the luxury to wait that long. >> reporter: but even among democrats including virginia senator jim webb, lieu lou's mary landrieu and joe man chain say it may have to wait for the next election. >> i think we are headed for a season in which there will be a robust debate culminating in november 12 about the very question of who we want to be as a country. >> reporter: on his visit to a precision machining company, mr. obama said his plans would put thousands of peachers and police officers and firefighters back to work. when an audience member shouted out we love you, he responded. >> i love you back. if you love me, you got to help me pass this bill. >> reporter: the republicans object to higher taxes for wealthier americans and the closing of gas loopholes for oil and gas companies to help cover the cost of the plan isn't sitting well eating engineer it won't stimulate the economy. we were just props in the joint session. he was making political points that even the democrats aren't going to support. >> reporter: laura evans, fox 5 news. >> president obama's job approval rating as inched up a couple of points. it is not clear if the jobs bill is what is behind that rise. we still have plenty ahead. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. good morning. it is 4:30 on this thursday. we are taking a live look at the u.s. capitol dome and starting to get a touch of fall out there in the air. i'm sarah simmons. let's check in with tucker barnes for the latest on your weather. >> not here yet but it is on the way. you will see it here on the way in just a second as i show you the hd radar. temperature still in the 70s but later today, only in the 70s with a big, stiff breeze out of the north. >> i love that. >> me too. let me show you the thunderstorm activity. you can see more numerous shower out to the west. haggers up two getting a shower. into central portions of west virginia and portions of western maryland. all of that is generally headed in our direction. the cooler, drier air lurking behind that frontal system. as it moves on through, i think you'll notice the breezes picking and the cooler temperatures moving in. temperature right now at reagan national, 72. 63 in winchester. 73 in ocean city. the forecast for today, lots of clouds around. there will be some sunshine this afternoons the front moves south and east. breezy and cooler, check out your winds out of the north, 15 to 20 miles per hour that. high temperature, 75. that will be in the first part of the day. >> julie, can you do 75 today? is that okay. >> that's okay. that is the bottom line. tomorrow, i'm showing up wearing a muffler, earmuffs, the whole thing. you drop hear me? >> where is your mike? >> hold on. how about this. can you hear me now? >> yeah. >> okay. good. let's get to the cameras right now, if you are travel ago long the top stretch of the beltway, you'll find your lanes are open. no incidents to report as you continue around from colesville road headed to 207. no problems reported on the beltway each way at the wilson bridge. tucker was talking about the weather that is moving in. we do have some reports of wet pavement coming in out of urbana and continuing down towards clarksburg. no incidents to report here. traffic volume still moving at speed as you guys continue out of gaithersburg headed in towards rockville. lanes are open. no problems reported out on 66. overnight roadwork should now be cleared. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. new this morning, two montgomery county firefighters taken to the hospital after being injured while battling flames in an apartment complex. they were called out if an extensive two-alarm fire that broke out around 1:00 a.m. that broke out along december way in the hillendale area. making headline, we are avoiding gridlock at least temporarily. a major base realignment deadline will come and go today without much change. the 6400 worker that were being moved to the mark crepter in alexandria will not all move in by today's deadline. they have until the end of the year to get that done. self other deadlines have been extended and at fort belvoir, most of the nearly 20,000 works who were relocated have already arrived. sigh maryland community on end after appear tax on a teenager. this happened in crofton on tuesday night. fox 5's wisdom martin has more. >> reporter: in this crofton community, children can normally roam around with no worries from their parents but not anymore. >> people used to say crofton and you would think oh, it is such a nice community, but over the years, so many different things are going on. >> reporter: police say september 13th, a 14-year-old female was walking her dog near ridgley court and aberdeen drive. two male suspects drove up. they pulled the girl into the woods, sexually assaulted her and then drove away. anna kovac lives in the town houses around the corner from the intersection. >> my roommate came home and we had something to eat and sat in the living room. we didn't hear anything. >> i was kind of shocked but not really. this area is completely getting out of control. >> reporter: april hunt lives in this neighborhood with her two young kids and her 17-year- old daughter who now has some new safety rules to follow. >> she waps to stay out until 11:00, 12:00 at night and her walking home is unacceptable. i just told her when she stepped in, don't even think about it. if you don't have a ride, don't walk out this door. >> reporter: tonight, police are talking to residents and passing out flyers with sketches of the suspects. >> otherwise, this is a nice, nice neighborhood. i go out at midnight and whatever and walk the dog. >> with the community on high alert, some parents are clearly no longer willing to take any chances with their children. >> i don't know who thinks they can just hop out of their vehicle, sexually assault anyone and go about their business. it is disgusting. i hope they get caught. >> that ways white male, early 20s, 5'7" to 5'11". short brown hair wearing a red t-shirt and brown shorts. a second suspect also described as a white male, early 20s, 5'7" to 5'11" between 150 and 175 pounds, shaggy brown hair wearing a plaque t-shirt and blue jeans. if you have any information, call police. university of maryland police, they want to talk to the man in this video you see right there. he is a person of interest in a sexual assault case. this happened early friday morning at the leonardtown apartments. the female student woke up to find a man in the room touching her. he ran out of the building when she screamed. if do you recognize the man in that video or have any other information, give university police a call. d.c. police have made an arrest in the murder of a mother of four. she had just picked up her children from a community center and splits say the children saw the whole thing happened. -- and police say the children saw the whole thing happened. police have picked up claude kinney and sources say he is the father of at least one of the children. dominic mcdonald is charged with urd more. police say nicole mcnair arranged to meet him so he could make a people on money foad recent bail. neighbors heard gone shots and police found mcnair in the parking lot of an apartment building. president obama pushing his jobs plan in north carolina trying to pick up support for his nearly $450 billion proposal. he unveiled that program to a joint session of congress last week but it is now running into opposition from republicans and some democrats. republicans in the house voted to normally disapprove of raising the nation's debt ceiling last night. since the senate already approved the measure, the vote in the house does not matter. the house vote comes as the debt super committee meets again today. it is charged with finding 1.2 trail yop dollars in budget cuts by thanksgiving. we'll be speaking with one of the members ever the debt super committee later on this morning. chris van hollen will talk with us in the 7:00 hour. efforts to win the release of a man in cuba is turning into a war of words. a dispute over one word to be exact. the use of one word that may have caused the deal to fall apart. stay with us. 3q you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ trash builds up and can make your dishwasher smell. over time, grease and residue get stuck inside. for an intensive clean, use finish dishwasher cleaner. it's taking out the trash for your dishwasher. a developing story now. we are hearing of a strong earthquake off japan in the last hour. the quake centered off the east coast of japan about 140-mile from tokyo measured 6.26789 there is no tsunami warning and no immediate reports of injury or damage. there is signs of movement in the case of the american hikers held in iran. iran's judiciary says it is still considering the bail for the two u.s. citizens held for more than two years and no final decision has been made about releasing them. but the persian gulf country of oman has september a private jet to tehran and is ready to take the two out of the country. their lawyer is still move ago head with bail arrangements. could you be as firing back at former presidential candidate and new mexico governor bill richardson accusing him of blackmail and slander. richardson was over in cuba trying to win the relives maryland man stuck in prison there. alan gross was arrested in cuba in 2009 and sentenced to 15 years in jail for crimes against the state. he was caught trying to set up internet access on the island. his final appeal was denied last month by the country's supreme court. bill richardson says cuba invite him to the island to negotiate the release of gross. the cuban government is hitting back denying his claims that he was invited. the head of the foreign ministry told the associated press cuba decided not to let richardson even visit gross because richardson gave an interview ahead of time referring to gross as a hostage. cuba viewed that as slanderous. cuban officials are also saying richardson's comments about 63- year-old gross being seriously ill are wrong. they say hi health is normal. it is a problem that has gained high visibility recently. flash mob robberies like this one caught on camera. up next, a new plan to crack down on what seems to be a growing trend here. we'll have the detail on that coming up. we've got some showers and thunderstorms just off to the north and west. that is the leading edge of cool air. i'll have the detail on your chilly forecast. i think you're going to like it. julie wright will have a look at your on-time traffic coming up right after the break. 3q my mom knows food magic. it's like so crunchy. it has crunchy stuff all over it. i can't get over how crunchy it is. it's like chicken and crunchy stuff got married ...and it's amazing! what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my crunchy onion chicken. just minutes to make, then bake! french's french fried onions. the difference is indescribable. now in the french's stay-fresh can. on your hands and knees. use new resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just three easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. . if your next about. ge power bill is a little off, can you blame hurricane irene for that. the storm prevented meter readers from doing individual house to house readings. the next bill will be an estimated bill. bge says it will correct any errors on your next bill. residents in huntington, virginia are still recovering from the last round of devastating floods there. some still are not back in their homes yet. they gathered last night to discuss their options for the future. the fairfax county supervisor is suggesting a $30 million storm water bond to build a levee and pumping station which could take about five years or redevelopment, moving rest dp out and rebuilding homes. >> can we go back to the bge thing real quick. i'm a customer. i think they should estimate on the low side for me because i didn't have electricity for four or five days. i couldn't have used much because it didn't work. >> now you're giving everybody else out there the item. >> we have some showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. we've got the cooler air on the way as well. and once it gets here, i promise you will know because our temperatures overnight tonight in the 40s and low 50s. >> wow, tucker! >> i know. we haven't done that in a while. nothing here in washington at the moment but off to the north and west, frederick, we had a pretty good shower and thunderstorm blowing through just a minute ago. we are watching this line of showers and thunderstorms now develop off to the north and west. can we switch the monitor? thank you very much. can you seat showers and thunderstorms into portions of maryland and west virginia. all of this generally headed in our direction. whether or not you get a shower or thunderstorm yet to be determined but can i guarantee you this. behind this, we have much cooler air, that will start to move in later this afternoon. bring along a jacket. there you go. there is a much better look at your cold front and again, this whole thing will kind of be fading through the area during the course of the day. most of the day will be cloudy with on again being off again showers. maybe a rumble of thunder later on. 72, still on the warm side. lots of 60s off to the north and west. 63 in gaithersburg. 68 in leonardtown. mostly cloudy, a few showers and storms. turning breezy and cooler. most of the day will be in the 60s and kind of falling back into the low 60s by this afternoon. clear skies, much cooler tonight. 51degrees, your overnight low in the city, 40s off to the north and west over night tonight. it will be on the cool side the next couple of mornings. winds out of the north at five to 10. check out a beautiful five-day forecast, a little on the cool side tomorrow at 67. how is that for a nice weekend. 70 on saturday. 72 sunday. 75degrees on monday. here we go. nice time of year. that is a look at weather. let's do some on-time traffic. julie wright has got your latest. i hope you're not covering your ears. >> yeah, well, you know. i just hear my name and then i talk. what you talk about the low temperatures in the 40s and 50s, forget it. on the roads, lanes are open. no incidents reported if you are traveling the beltway between college park and bethesda. off tie quiet start here at colville road. southbound 29 is in good shape coming in from white oak at university boulevard. eastbound on 66, overnight roadwork cleared. lanes are open as you travel from nutley street to the beltway. you'll find lanes are open traveling between annandale and merrifield traveling north of 66 headed up to the american legion bridge. overnight roadwork there also cleared. no incidents to report on northbound i-95. nice, easy ride in the main line and the hovs as north of t towards springfield. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. you remember this flash mob robbery at a convenience store in germantown? this was last movement a group of young people walked in, grabbed soda and snacks and balk walked out without paying for t maryland lawmaker are considering legislation to crack down on that growing problem. >> what i think we're going to do is in january during the regular session, we'll take a look at legislation that would allow prosecutors to charge each individual member of the flash mob with the entire amount stolen during a flash mob robbery. >> and why did this come to your attention. we've seen a couple in recent months i guess here locally but is it really had this wide sweeping problem that -- is it really this wide sweeping problem? is this something that constituents are clamoring for. >> i have to give credit to council member craig rice who has been on top of the issue. this happened in his district. >> what do you think your chances are? have you managed to reach out to perhaps any of the committee members and anybody in the general assembly as a whole? >> folks are receptive to it. i think if we move forward in a way that is moderate and nuanced, we have a good chance of passing something. if we overreact and overlegislate the issue, then it could be the death knell for the bill. a troubling report card for our nation's high schools. s.a.t. scores are down nationwide and leading scores for the class of 2011 were the worst ever recorded. d.c. students scored worse than the national average. students in maryland and virginia did better than the national average in every category but math. imagine trying to call 911 while having a heart attack and not being able to speak. fox 5's john henrehan has the story. >> reporter: public safety operator wendy jones got a rather unusual 911 call tuesday afternoon. >> i need the location of the emergency. can you talk to me? >> reporter: sometimes people make joke calls to 911 and sometime people accidentally dial their phone. >> i could hear breathing and kind of like muffled sounds. kind of sounded like somebody had called from their pocket. >> were any words spoken by the caller? >> no, just breathing. >> reporter: wendy jones didn't like what she heard so just to be safe, she ran the program which identifies the location of cell phones. it came up at the home depot store in germantown. she requested that firefighters and an ambulance investigate. at that moment, home depot employee jeff mcnay came across a man on the ground. >> sir, are you okay. >> the call taker heard him and others begin to attend a patient obviously in great distress. at that point, wendy jones requested that an advanced life support ambulance be dispatched. >> i looked at him, saw the cell phone, saw his face was blue and saw his eyes bulging and him gagging like taking almost like that kind of of breath. >> reporter: he also called 911 although by now two ambulances were rolling towards the home depot. another lucky break, a retired emergency medical technician jumped in. >> he doesn't appear to be breathing at this time. i don have a face mask. i'm doing come protections. >> reporter: arriving paramedics used a tea fib later to get the man's heart back into regular rhythm. as he was transported in the advanced life support ambulance, his ekg was transmitted by cell phones to er doctors at shady grove hospital so they could begin appropriate treatment. patient's brother went back to the home depot to thank the employees for their help. he says the pay shape is stable and doing well at shady grove hospital. john henrehan, fox 5 news. the infamous white house party crashers back in the headline. ahead in about 20 minutes, was michaele salahi kidnapped? no, but we'll tell you what caused some confusion. 3q you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat and these are the ones you'll love as dinner. grands! mini pizzas. grands! biscuit dough... plus 3 ingredients make an easy dinner everyone loves. grands! mini pizzas... from pillsbury. the redskins want to -- are 1-0. the last time they went to the super bowl, this guy was coach. we are talking about joe gibbs. he will join us live in our 8:00 hour with his take on the redskins this year. don't want to miss that. also in sports, the nats in new york with brad peacock making his first major league start. he would go five scoreless inning allowing just two hits. bullpen then kept the shutout intact. nats win 2-0 here. the same two teams go back at it again this afternoon. the mystery is now over. randy edsall released on twitter what the team will be wearing on saturday against west virginia. they are going with this, the all black uniformed accented by red and yellow on the shoulders and stripes on the pants for you football fashionistas. shoppers swarmed target stores and web sites, all hunt for the same thing, exclusive designs by missoni at discount prices. most of those items are sold out. we have a report. >> reporter: she hit an out of the way target store at 9:00 a.m. tuesday to bag her missoni fashions. >> i was able to get my 5-year- old daughter a couple of pieces too. i went and everyone was talking about how this did or didn't score. >> reporter: with slick tv ads and a limited six-week run, target create quite a hung fore these items. in this youtube video, you can see how shoppers cleaned out shelves in minutes. scores of frustrated online shoppers couldn't get through on launch day. now, many of the items are sold out. >> missoni is sort of like a chanel brand. they've been around forever. >> reporter: the runway designs can sell for thousands of dollars each. for target, its bold angular pattern are flashed over house wares, personal items, even bikes too. >> this is a very special bridge line of 400 pieces that have never really been seen before. that is the popularity behind it. >> reporter: we also caught up with silist paul warden to get his take on whether mass marketing is good for the brand. >> let's just be real. who is buying $1,500 dresses? historically, the mississippi owny owny -- the missoni shopper is a maul elite group of women. the people who are really shopping are the target shoppers. that is what is keeping our economy going. >> shoppers are just hoping that there is more to come. >> we have heard that some stores are telling customers they are expecting to get a few more shipments. the my fox half off deal is 52% off a chimney inspection from a step in time. you pay just $50 for a service worth $105. log onto and look

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