>> warm at the moment. today will get better and better. it will be warm but lower huge. got a little cloud cover. this will be the first of a couple of frontal systems that will come through during the course of the day. they will dry us out. so maybe a few clouds here for early morning. maybe a sprinkle will make it as far east as northern portions of the viewing area but generally speaking, going to be a nice one today with mostly sunny skies and again warm temperatures back in the 90s for the 46th time this year. 78 at reagan national. 73 in baltimore. your high temperatures later today in the low 90s. but check it out with sunshine. we have a storm this there too. highs about 92 with less humidity. more detail on the forecast in just a minute. >> kind of priced about thatle storm? >> i was a little surprised. severe turbulence over florida injured thee people on an american airlines flight headed forking for reagan national airport. a replacement plane was sent to charleston last night and the opinions finally arrived in d.c. late last night. a gaithersburg man is in custody in aruba in connection with the disappearance of a woman who lived in bethesda. 35-year-old robyn gardner arrived in aruba july 31st with gary giordano. he denies having anything to do with gardner's disappearance. stock markets are rebounding after the federal reserve announced it is keeping interest rates low for two years. the dow bounced back closing up 430 points after mop's 634- point drop. and asian markets also jumped overnight. tokyo's nikkei climbed more than 1%. take note. you log onto your facebook account this morning. what you type on your profile may reveal more about you than you realize. the researchers at university of maryland are proving computers can peek into our personallality. >> reporter: how much can you learn about somebody by studying the words in their facebook profile. >> open this, conscientious, extrovert. >> reporter: jennifer goldberg is at the university of maryland. they led this study. the research team gave volunteers a personal test and ran their facebook profiles through a computer program analyzing words they used in the profile. >> neurotic people tend to talk about eating a lot so ingestion words, dish and eat and pizza. it will count the number of curse words, the number of anxiety words. beautiful also sort of happy word. >> you have a beautiful golden retriever. >> reporter: the results the computer could predict somebody's personal pretty well. >> i feel like people put on a front on facebook. i'm surprised it is that close. >> they found another correlation. the longer your last name, the more neurotic you are likely to be. >> if you have a really long last name, you go through a lifetime of it being misspelled and it makes you an angrier person overall. >> this could help those doing hiring. some say whatever you are looking for,. >> get off your facebook and go have coffee with someone. we still have plenty ahead. our ariet, traffic and all of your top stories -- your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. it is now 4:30 on this wednesday. we are halfway through the week. almost there. let's take a live look at the washington monument this morning. i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox 5 morning news for a moment about the weather. it will be warm but not as warm as we have seen the last couple of days. >> this will be a good kind of hot because we'll have less huge today and tomorrow and friday, we'll be even cooler. >> i like it when you have a good hot. >> good hot, there you go. we'll show you the radar t will show you just a couple of showers off to the north and west. we are getting a little ground clutter. some of our viewers, winchester, martinsburg, you might see a light shower. not sure it will hold together through the washington area. you get the point that it is generally a quiet morning for us here in the washington area. reagan national, not too comfortable. 78degrees with the humidity down a little bit. winds will be out of the west and northwest. this will start to pump in the noticeably drier air today. i think it will feel better than yesterday and around here this weekend. we'll have a nice cooldown for early next week. so plenty of warmth, plenty of sunshine. high temperatures about 90 degrees or so. 92 for the daytime high here in washington. >> all right. thank you. let's check in with julie wright with the latest on traffic. >> good morning, you guys. we are off to a pretty good start with no incidents to report as you continue to work your way through virginia. overnight construction in the process of being cleared in tyson's. no problems reported as you travel the beltway in each direction to and from the wilson bridge. 395 at speed in both the main lines and the express lanes. and you will final find light traffic volume. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. making headlines this morning a wild and scary ride on an american airlines flight bound for d.c. the plane hit severe turbulence after it left miami tuesday afternoon and was forced to land in charleston, south carolina. 152 passengers and six crew members were on board at the time. two passengers and a flight attendant suffered minor injuries and some compared the turbulence to an amusement park ride. late last night, the passengers finally arrived at reagan national airport. >> pretty scary. it was a little shaky and then it bounced up and down. you saw people's heads hitting the ceiling. it was scary. >> i started screaming. i didn't even know what to do. i was about to fall asleep and all of a sudden, the plane started jolting really fast. it was kind of scary. >> as for the plane that made the emergency landing, it will be checked out by mechanics for any damage. new developments in the disappearance of a maryland woman missing in arube actual the man she had been vacationing with is now in custody. stacy cohan is following this one. >> reporter: good morning. robyn gardner arrived in aruba july 31st with this man she met about a year ago on his name is gary giordano. he is 50 years old. she told people she and giordano had a platonic relationship. a woman claims joint base lewis- mcchord and owe was violent when she dated him last year -- giordano was violent when she dated him last year. >> he became physically aggressive. i can't remember if he tried to pull me to the ground and he thought we were going to be intimate. >> reporter: police in aruba have been searching for gardner since she went missing there one week ago. he claims she was swept out to sea while the two were snorkeling. a facebook passenger has been set up in an effort to gain more information on what may have happened to the 35-year- old bethesda woman. >> thank you. arlington county police need your help track down an alleged bank robber. they say he robbed the united bank on north harrison street yesterday afternoon. the man walked in, implied he hay went op and demanded money. he is about 50 years old, approximately 5'9" with a thin build. if you recognize him, miss want to hear from you. -- police want to hear from you. turning to the economy now appear the wild swings in the markets. the dow soared to its 10th highest point gain in history. wall street rallied in the last hour of trading yesterday. it closed up more than 429 points. the nasdaq rose over 124 and asian markets are conning the rebound. japan's nikkei closed up 94 points this morning. investors were reacting to the surprise new from fed chairman ben bernanke who came out and said the u.s. would keep interest rates at nearly zero until mid 2013. some economists say it gives the markets some certainy but others are not so sure. >> i don't think we get greater certainty with this. i don't think the fed's promise is worth very much. i don't think it is because of the fed has lied to us, just because the fed only wants to give us a certain amount of guidance. the fed can't tell us specifically what it will do because it doesn't know specifically what is going to happen. a d.c. police commander is demoted after publicly questioning chief kathy lanier. it all comes in the wake of the infamous police escort for charlie sheen. when hilton burton testified in june, he tosh issue with lanier's claim there was a policy in place on selbyery escorts. he said the special operations division routinely escorts celebrities including when lanier headed the division. lanier shied said she never approved escorts for celebrities. burton claims his demotion is nothing more than retaliation. >> this is clear violation of the district of columbia whistle-blower protection act. i testified before the city council. i testified truthfully. my testimony was validated by the inspector general's report and then i come back off of two week of leave and the first day i'm back, i'm demoted for performance. >> there were several matters involving hill top burton that were already under review, some going back to may, that kind of gave rise to us to be concerned about him in that command position. >> with the demotion, burton loses about $30,000 in pay and this is not his first demotion. chief lanier stripped him of his command of the fourth district after allegations he sent lurid e-mails from his police computer. she then promoted him again last year to head the special operations division. burton also has a discrimination lawsuit pending in federal court. a major political battle in wisconsin sparked by a debate that made national headlines. coming up next, an unprecedented number of recall elections. we'll tell you for republicans or decembers came out on top in this. plus, ugly riots spreading across england. we'll get the latest as police there try to restore order. stay with us. it is now 4:37.  north korea fired artillery shells in waters near south korea and the south fired back. north fired three shells near the tense ocean border that separates the two koreas and south korea returned with three shells of its own landing in yellow sea. last night was another night of violent riots in britain. london was relatively quiet after an additional 10,000 police were on the screets there. riots and looting broke out in manchester, liverpool and several cities. so far, police have arrested 768 people since the riots starred saturday. soy the former navy captain demoted for promoting run pie videos is now making his case for why he should remain in the navy. yesterday, his lawyer submitted supportive comments to the board of inquiry. board will make a decision on whether to kick him out of the navy. a somber home coming for the navy seals killed in afghanistan when their helicopter was shot down. president barack obama was at dover air force base as the troops' remains arrived in delaware. he met with the 250 family members gathered at the base. in wisconsin overnight, republicans are holding onto control of the state senate in the recall election. republicans were facing an intense bilingual backlash for sporing the governor's plans to rape -- for rein in public sector unions. internet service for just $10 a month. we'll tell you who will soon be offering that price. sounds pretty good. i don't know if it's factor with my aiming or they're just not hiring but i'm online every day. nothing happens -- with my age or they're just not hiring but i'm online every day. nothing happens. >> thousands of people at this annual job fair but is anyone hire something. hot conditions expected today with temperatures in the 90s. less humidity and we still have a beautiful five-day forecast. i'll show that to you in a minute and julie wright has a look at your on-time traffic.  [ female announcer ] every box of general mills big g cereals can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating whole grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lower our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. detergent alone doesn't fully dry your dishes. it leaves spots and residue behind. add finish jet-dry and they dry two times better. and they're shiny. that is shiny. welcome back. you are actually looking at the capital bike share program. we'll get to that story in just a bit. we want to tell you about glee 3-d. the concert movie opens in theaters this friday but four of our viewers will be seeing it tonight. they are the winners of our glee 3-d trivia contest. cop great lags to amy callahan, sheila cowling, tonya barner and virginia delsid. our movie reviewer kevin mccarthy recently sat down with the glee cast in l.a. so we'll have those interviews coming up on friday. -- congratulations. >> i have to admit, that sonion my head, i can't stop singing it all day long. >> it was benny and the jets earlier. >> i promise i'll be singing journey for the next six hours. that particular glee version of it. we've got hot temperatures on the way again today. 44th day this summer. >> who is counting? >> why bother counting. >> i'm counting because yesterday was 95. we'll get a nice break here as we get into the weekend. for the foreseeable future after today, highs will only be in the 80s. 78 at reagan national. that is at least a warm start. 73 in gaithersburg. 68 in leonardtown. a little cloud cover off to the north and west. a little blanket off to the north and west holding these temperatures in the mid-70s in martinsburg and hagerstown. this is a series of weak fronts that are basically coming through. this is the leading end of the first one bringing some light rain showers up towards hagerstown. they are falling apart as they are approaching the washington area. just in time for sunrise, we'll probably have a few clouds. but behind it, you can see there is not much there. this is drier air, much drier air that will be moving in later today. as our wind shift out of the west and northwest, they will dry out as they cross the mountains. even with temperatures in the 90s, i think it will feel a lot better today. we should be dry. today, sunshine. later tonight, we'll cool off into the mid-60s, maybe low 60s outside the beltway and that sets the statement for this beautiful weather for thursday and friday so get ready to enjoy some nice summer weather for a change. lots of sunshine today. 92 but less humidity. wind out of the west at about five miles per hour. could be a few clouds tonight. cooler overnight. 6 # your overnight hoe so that is a little better. that is a lot better really for washington. -- 68 your overnight low so that is a little better. 85 tomorrow. 85 on friday. sunshine both days. storms return for the weekend but you can seat temperature stay in the mid-80s, mid- to upper 80s for the weekend. not too bad. let's see if julie wright can do her part with what is going on with traffic. >> i'll give you the best traffic report i got if you don't sing. >> i can sing, julie. did you see me dance yesterday? you missed it. >> you were dancing? >> i danced at the end of the show. >> they don't tell me these things. >> it was that memorable. >> inner loop of the beltway as you work your way past connecticut avenue. we definitely have some barrels and cones out here in the roadway and a variable message sign pushing you to the right. two right lanes are closed rather. you can access the ramps there at connecticut and georgia avenue. something you are not quite used to. northbound i-95, a different story, nice and clear leaving the prince william parkway headed for the occoquan. if you are traveling inbound suitland parkway towards south capital street and the douglas bridge, you will find all of your lanes there are open. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. president obama says the trucking industry supports his administration's new regulation for fuel consumption. the changes are for trucks, buses and other heavy duty vehicles and upcoming model years, 2013 to 2018. the white house says the regulation will save bys billion in fuel costs, help cut fuel consumption and cut air pollution. soy the d.c. government is giving with a 500 free bike helmets. the catch is you have to represent bikes through the capital bike hair program. they are hoping it will encourage bikers to wear mel hest and be safe. the program has more than 1,000 bikes for rent in 11 # locations. the annual somebodyship fee is $75. comcast is helping out low income families who don't have access to the internet. the company is offering internet service for $10 a month and netbook compute are for less than $200. the program called internet essentials will be available in all comcast seven us areas starting with the upcoming school year. the more hours you work, the higher your risk of alcohol abuse apparently. new zeal and researchers found people working 50 muse hours a week were three time as likely to develop alcohol related problems than people who were not employed. reason here? drinking to reduce job-related stress. d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton says it is depressing how many people turned out for her job fair. plenty of people showed up. fox 5's john henrehan has the story. >> reporter: thousands of people lined up to attend the 14th annual job fair organized by d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton which, as usual, was open only to residents of the district of columbia. >> we are only 10 entrepreneur of the region. we would be overwhelmed. we have to say show your d.c. identification or else anybody in here would be from maryland and virginia. i love them but this is for d.c. >> reporter: desite the current uncertainty over the economy, some companies and agencies are hiring. >> nice meeting you. >> take care. >> reporter: geico recruiter gail roberts says the big insurance company is actively seeking people to apply for jobs as auto damage adjustors. >> we have thee months of very intense training that will teach you car body construction, how to analyze collision damage, repair cost estimating and working with a customer that has just been in the accident. >> reporter: most of the folk in the crowd we spoke with are either underemployed or up employed. >> i'm inquiring about a position at pepco. >> this 57-year-old woman held one job for 15 years and another for five but both employers downsized and she has been out of work for more than a year. >> i don't know if it is a factor with my age or they're just not hiring but i'm online every day. nothing happens. i mean, of course, i get replies but that is all i get. >> reporter: no offers? >> no offers. >> reporter: job searching has never been a particularly fun process but several people in this crowd made the point that nowadays, job searching is a lonely process because so many companies and agencies require almost everything be done onloin. that is why 29-year-old danny lambert attended to get face time with recruiters. >> my background is in development. >> reporter: lambert, a former peace corps volunteer would recently earned a master's degree has found a couple of temporary assignments but after seven months in d.c., he has still not landed a full-time job. coming up, the long journey to washington for one member of the redskins. a lot longer than most players. that is story is coming up. who is pull pulling ahead in the quarterback competition? we may have a clue coming up. that's next. um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us, you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. the nats on the road. they got all of their offense in the sixth powered by home runs by michael morse and johnny gom etch -- gomes. nats win 3-1678. the pittsburgh steelers come to d.c. on friday. john beck anbc 7/39ed the quarterback favorite in the off season is listed as backup. he has been slowed by a join injury. he was able to go for seven on seven drills but was held out of eleven on eleven. the majority of reps go to rex grossman who is listed as the first string quarterback. dave ross sat down with with sav rocca. an interesting journey to get mere. >> it really hampered things with the visa and that sort of stuff. but it has been nice getting to some good weather. >> can you tell us about the visa excursion and how that all played out. >> the thing is you got to wait until you actually get the contract and sign it before the club can petition for a visa. and from start to finish, it pretty much happened in five days. that is quickest it has ever happened for me. usually a two to three week process but the lawyers over here have got some pull. >> once you signed the contract with the redskins, then you apply for the visa. >> you can't apply unless you are employed. >> you are back home in us trail i can't. are you like waiting and waiting for the lockout to end to figure out where you are agoing to be kicking. >> you wake up every morning and you hop on the internet to see what is going on. it will be done this week and it will be done in a couple of days and next week. and it is like come organization get this thing over and done with. >> tell us about the homeland in australia. i guess it was good. the lockout is never good but to be able to be home for a lot of time. how is it different from the states for people who have never been there. >> not a lot different. all in ark you get your good people, your bad people, four good place and not so nice places. i think the system runs a little bit different but other than that, it is pretty much the same. >> you are 6'5", 265. >> yeah. >> are you the biggest history in the history of punters. >> i don't know about height- wise but i think heaviest. >> have you naturally always been this big? >> when i was playing football in australia, running 20 miles a week, i was a lot lighter. i was probably at about 240. but coming over here, the running stopped and a lot less anyway. that is why i've crept up to 265. >> how popular is american football in australia? >> it is growing. there are a few australians over here punting. now, they are showing more games. it is growing over there. there are now team over there playing against -- you know, we've got about 10 to 12 teams playing in a competition. >> will have family and friends waiting up all night to watch the games. >> it depends on when we play here time-wise. a night game here is great for them over there because it is morning. but a 1:00 p.m. game is about 3:00 in the morning over there and they don't really wake up. they watch

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,Leonardtown ,Maryland ,Charleston ,South Carolina ,Japan ,Tokyo ,Australia ,Afghanistan ,Delaware ,Martinsburg ,Gaithersburg ,Suitland ,Virginia ,Wisconsin ,Manchester ,United Kingdom ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,London ,City Of ,Connecticut ,Washington Monument ,Hagerstown ,Aruba ,Arlington County ,Dover ,North Korea ,South Korea ,Baltimore ,Britain ,Australians ,American ,Julie Wright ,Michael Morse ,Rex Grossman ,Stacy Cohan ,Amy Callahan ,John Beck ,Danny Lambert ,Eleanor Holmes Norton ,Gary Giordano ,Kathy Lanier ,Ben Bernanke ,Robyn Gardner ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Barack Obama ,Hilton Burton ,Johnny Gom ,Sarah Simmons ,Gail Roberts ,Tucker Barnes ,

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