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morning first. gurvir said it. it is cool out there. temperatures falling all night. the cooler air here to stay for the weekend. not a lot happening. a few clouds pinwheeling through the area. that is about it. as we get into the north and west here, you can see that is a cool pool of air. temperatures in the 40s and low others. 51 at reagan national, fallen a take. 47 in hagerstown. 52 in fredericksburg. these temperatures a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler than they were. mostly sunny skies after a little morning cloudiness. the winds are north and west 10 to 15 and gusting to 5 so definitely jacket weather for you. back to you. >> we want to take a look at our top stories. the fbi is looking into three local shootings that they now say are connected. the first one, october 17, at the marine corps museum at quantico, two days later at the pentagon and earlier this week at a marine recruiting center in chantilly. nobody was hurt. the feds believe the shooter hay beef with the military and they are looking into whether there were any warning signs thnd they are working to identify the weapon. there are new details about the virginia man allegedly at the center of a lot to bomb several d.c. metro stations. court documents say farooque ahmed had already started training to carry out terror attacks before the fbi started its sting investigation erlder this year. or when federal agents raided farooque ahmed's home, they were armed with a search warrant gentleman i saw all the cars. >> reporter: court documents now show authorities already knew more about the 34-year-old suspect than his neighbors even imagined. >> it is amazing, scary. >> reporter: farooque ahmed got the fbi's interest in january when he and unnamed associate tried to contact a terrorist group to travel overseas and fight coalition forces in afghanistan or pakistan. but the people ahmed contacted were, in fact, working for the f.b.i. according to new documents, ahmed told the federal agents he had already bought firearms, visiting firing ranges, learned martial arts and knife fighting skills because he wished to fight jihad himself. he made videos of the arlington cemetery, pentagon city, courthouse and crystal city stops to plan his attack. the fbi says ahmed suggested using rolling suitcases packed with explosives and that the attack be timed at the height of rush hour to maximize casualties. the terrorist bombings of trains in madrid, spain in 2004 and london's subway in 2005 were wake-up calls some experts say have gone unheeded. >> our mass transit is vulnerable. >> reporter: the red of george washington university homeland security policy institute. >> i would like to see a greater presence of law enforcement. >> reporter: farooque is scheduled to appear before a federal judge on freeway. two public defenders have been appointed to defend farooque ahmed. in sports news, john wall made his wizards debut last night but the orlando magic played the role of spoiler. slammed the wizards 114-83. plenty ahead. your weather, your traffic and all your top stories ads fox 5 morning news at 4:30 begins now. a live look at the washington monument. when you step outside, you will feel the chill in the air and those winds whipping up out there too. i'm gurvir dhindsa. and tucker is here to tell you about the weather. >> it feels more like october now. >> i know. i love it. >> you do? >> i do, absolutely. >> it feels a lot less humid than yesterday. the moisture is moving out to sea. we have a few clouds strolling through at this hour. won't amount to much. we have a combination of cooler temperatures, highs, upper 50s to about 60. winds out of the north and west gusting at times to 20 to 25 miles per hour. that combination will give you a cool feel later this afternoon. temperatures right now on the cool side. here in washington, 51. lots of 40s just outside the area. pittsburgh, 43. lexington, 43. we'll be cold later tonight into saturday morning. we have a freeze watch. for today, just a couple of clouds out there with high temperatures in the upper 50s to about 60 so cool for this time of year and noticeably cooler than yesterday's daytime high at 29. >> all those gorgeous leaves out there going to be blown off the trees. let's talk to julie. how are things early this morning? >> early this morning. you don't get it. i antibiotic a bump it. i got my teddy bear and everything. >> this is like a sneak preview of your halloween costume. >> no, that's it. you need to have the situation with you. >> you are the situation. what happened to your six-pack. you got to wait until the 8:00 hour for that. >> don't tell me you drank the six-pack already. traveling the american legion bridge, the lanes are open. no incidents to report traveling between montgomery county and fairfax. no accidents to report south on 270. all lane are open as you continued to work your way through duke street and the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. three local shooting have been tied to one rifle and now the fbi is on the case. sherry ly joins us this morning with more. >> reporter: tens of thousands of people are expected here in roslyn and throughout d.c. for this weekend's marine corps marathon and two of those targets in the shooting have been marine corps related. they will be beefing up security for sunday appear marathon. a shooting in chantilly late tuesday night or early wednesday morning. the pentagon was hit last week by someone fire august high been houred rifle in the early- morning hours. shots were fired into two windows in a vacant part of the building. two days earlier, the marine corps museum was shot up, the first now in a string of shooting. a former fbi profiler says the war is in iraq and afghanistan could be the trigger point. >> i think it is pretty clear he is not out to hurt people. i hope that doesn't change. he is out to make a point. he's got an issue, probably with the marine corps, certainly with the military. >> reporter: no one has been hurt in any of these shootings. all of them have been in vacant parts of the building. mccrary says the fbi will be looking to see if there are any warning signs as to why they three locations were targeted. they will be trying to look at that weapon and try and identify that weapon based on the ballistics that they have recovered from all three of those scenes. but just to be safe, although nobody again has been hurt, they will be adding extra security for this weekend's marathon. that is the late here in roslyn. back to you. >> thank you. the virginia man allegedly at the center of a blot to bomb several d.c. metro stations will go before a federal judge today. 34-year-old farooque ahmed is set to appear in court later this afternoon in alexandria. court documents say ahmed and an unnamed associate tried to contact a terror group to travel overseas and fight coalition forces in afghanistan and pakistan but those people were, in fact, fbi agents. the fbi says he planned to attack during rush hour to maximize casualties. neighbors describe the scene as fbi agents searched the home on wednesday. >> i saw all the cars, you know, ten or so of them, jump out of the car and within 0 seconds, they were -- within 30 seconds, they were at the door. a harmless phone device is what caused a metro center to close if a time yesterday p evening. somebody reported seeing a suspicious package. police gave the all-clear about 15 minutes later and that station then reopened. an arrest in a murder case that touched not only the lives of a charles county family but some of us here at fox 5 as well. sick years ago on thanksgiving day, former fox 5 intern chris mader was murdered. the trail for his killer had gone cold but recently, there was a breakthrough and now the sheriff's department says to made an arrest in his murder. >> in the days, weeks, months and years that followed, the family and friends of chris raised reward money and kept the case public hoping someone would call with information. >> earlier this year, a tip led detectives to this man, matthew carell of king george, virginia. he was arrested last week and is currently being held without bond. the name of former congressman gary condit came up yet again during the chandra levy murder trial yesterday. on the day she was murdered, she was on the computer looking two two things, parks in the area and gary condit and his family. just days out from the general election, potential embarrassment for democrats. coming up next, did former president bill clinton ask a candidate to drop out of the race to give another candidate a better chance of beating the republicans?  election day is right around the corner. a shocker out of florida and a surge in the tea party. roz plater has more on the last- minute push for votes. >> reporter: a stunning claim in the florida senate race coming just five days before the mid-term elects. it is reported that former president bill clinton asked third place candidate representative kendrick meek to drop out so gets could rally behind governor charlie crist running as an independent and to beat marco rubio who is leading the pack. meek's camp has denied the report but it comes as there are increasing questions about whether the tea party can spearhead massive change to capitol hill next tuesday. a new poll says 44% of vote ares say the tea party has had a positive impact on the direction of our nation. 37% call the impact a negative one. >> when the tea party connects with the border public on a message about spending or the government not listening, it has great power. >> reporter: some analysts say that hiewsm might not necessarily mean a home run at the polls. >> republicans talk about the fact that the tea party energizes the party and transfers energy into the party. i suppose that's true but it is also true that they've alienated a lot of moderates. >> reporter: experts say a lot will depend on turnout. tea party activists are charged up, democrats not as much. president obama went on the daily show with jon stewart in what may have been an effort to get his message out. >> historic health care reform, historic financial regulatory reform, we have done things that some folks don't even know about. >> what have you done that we don't know about? are you planning a surprise party for us? filled with jobs and health care. >> reporter: it may not have turned out exactly the way the white house expected. >> i think jon stewart is about as good an interviewer as there is in the public domain right now. >> reporter: the president is back on the road taking his message to charlottesville, virginia on friday. i'm roz plater, fox 5 news. on tuesday, voters decide the balance of power on capitol hill and governorship in 37 states. analysts say this year's mid- term elections will go down in the book as the most expensive in american history. is your election headquarters. we'll have up to the minute updates from the campaign trail. more spectacular video of a tornado caught on camera. wait until you see what it did to one massive structure in the blink of an eye. >> i think it will be cooler than what we originally talked about. >> yes, it is in the 50s i think for a lot of folks. we'll have all the detolls and julie will be in with your traffic coming up right after the break -- we'll have all the details and julie will be in with your traffic coming up right after the break.  welcome back. take a look at this unbelievable video. a tornado caught on camera as it touches down in tennessee. the winds pick up and then it hits. another camera catches the storm near a construction site where it comes through and rips two trailers right off the ground tossing them into the creek. you see the tornado re-forming over the lake. this video was released by the army corps of engineers. >> amazing. >> the weather has just been crazy over the midwest and some southern states too. >> it was kind of crazy around here. things have settled down and now we're talking about much cooler temperatures. it will only be in the 50s and it will feel like the 40s with the winds. let's get to the halloween forecast. gurvir wants to talk weekend. we are talking halloween. it will be beautiful for trick or treaters. high temperatures in the mid- 60s. we'll be falling back into the 50s for a howling good time sunday night. you taking the girls out? >> we'll see. >> we'll see. >> come on. it is not like a neighborhood where you have houses right next to each other. >> oh, that's right. gurvir has to walk three and a half miles to get to the first house. there better be candy bars there. temperatures have cooledded off in a big way. 51degrees at reagan national. 46 in gaithersburg. 48 in manassas. 51 in fredericksburg. later tonight, these temperatures will really bottom out. i think most of the region will wake up saturday morning in the 30s. because of that, we have a freeze watch which goes into effect later tonight. counties to the east of washington and that includes the district not in this freeze watch. just off to the west, most of virginia now and most of north central maryland under a the freeze watch which goes into effect later tonight and saturday morning. you got tender vegetation and you want to keep to around, bring it in or cover it up as temperatures are expect to fall into the low 30s. the frontal system out of here. a few clouds as we start the morning. fur we'll be in for mostly sunny skies. cool this afternoon with breezes out of the north and west. 60 might be a little optimistic. that is here in town. many of us will remain in the 50s today. later tonight, we get real cold, 39 in town. low to mid-30s outside the beltway and that sets us up for a beautiful weekend although a cool weekend. highs tomorrow, only 62. a little warmer on sunday. we'll introduce some showers here by early next week. that is a look at the forecast. let's get to some on-time traffic. we've got a special guest in the traffic center today. >> tucker barnes, i wasn't sure if i should share my pickles with you. >> i would love it. >> do you like the bump-it? >> i like it. the only difference is you dent look any different than any other day. >> at least i can take this off. what are you going to do? the lanes are open headed over towards college park. no problems to report south on 270 germantown to the lane divide. traveling in on 66, you will find traffic volume moving at speed as you work your way in from manassas to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. fox 5 consumer alert this morning. nissan recalling nearly 750,000 trucks and suvs in the united states because the electrical systems could fail. models affected include those on your screen. the problem may cause the engine to stall. a reminder not to drink and drive this halloween or any day if that matter. the u.s. park police put on a demonstration to show the effects of too much alcohol. volunteers were given drinks and then sobriety tests which they failed. police say if you do drink, get somebody to drive for you. speak of halloween, do you think you have ghosts in your home? there is now an app to help you find ghosts. it is called the ghost radar. maureen umeh put it to the test at a real-life virginia haunted house. >> reporter: we're here at paxton haunted manor in leesburg virginia where we have a team of paranormal investigators here joining us. we'll go inside to see how haunted this house is and we'll put their skills up against this, our ghost radar. this is supposed to let us know if there are energies inside. do you think you're ready? >> sure. >> so far, the ghosts aren't real. feeling anything? getting anything? >> not yet. >> reporter: paranormal investigators betty holland and tiffany cook search for activity. >> we just check every room. >> reporter: it doesn't take long before there is something. did you see that? i just got a hit. >> reporter: on to the next room and this time the ghost radar also picks up a reading inside the haunted manor. >> based on my ghost radar showing three blips. it disappeared but you did see it and it had the word ghost. >> are you getting it? >> yeah. and the word on mine. >> we were here last week and as we were walking through, there was a hand that just touched my back. i thought it was her. i turned around and she was across the room. >> five feet away from her. >> there are definitely things here. >> i know it has given aussie few hits but what do you think of the ghost radar gentleman i'm impressed. i want one. >> i just think we would be really crazy to just think that we are the only things here. >> all right. this shows we are not alone. >> we sure aren't alone. did you see that? >> reporter: we just went through the haunted house and we've seen some activity. how would you sum up what you saw inside there? >> i think it was very impressive. i'll be curious to see what we got on the digital recorder. >> this did measure a couple of activities. i'm not so sure that i would give to the same level of a thumbs up that i would their equipment but it has been fun going through the paxton haunted man our and seeing some activities. if you are ever out here in leesburg, check this place out. this is probably one of the better haunted houses. get scared this halloween. maureen umeh, fox 5 news. >> thank you. hollywood come to a local university. coming up next, howard university alums hoping to help pave the way for current students. plus, the john wall era is under way for the wizards but it was a tough opening act. a blowout in orlando. sports after the break. pineapp, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. kitchen, new us? woman: who are we? chic, modern, daring dinner-party hosts. that sounds dangerous, maybe we're more the traditional sunday brunch set? i'll expect slippers and a cocktail to be ready when i get home from work. point taken. how about... peaceful, quiet cottage in the country folk? now that's us. spend over 2500 dollars on a new kitchen and save 40 percent on custom countertops until november 28th at ikea. the life improvement store. another close one for the caps who couldn't seem it find their offense yesterday. they fell for the minnesota wild 2-1. the caps couldn't put home the tying goal. the caps next travel north of the border to calgary to face the flames. in baseball, the san francisco giants are halfway for a world series title. they pounded the rangers again last night, this time 9-0. edgar renteria hit a go ahead home run. the giants lead the series two games to none. game three tomorrow night in texas right here on fox. some of hollywood's biggest and brightest stars went to howard university. wisdom martin has more. >> reporter: hollywood comes to howard university. several actors, actresses, produce ares and network executives came to campus to meet and talk with students about what is happening in the entertainment world. some of those entertainers are former howard university students themselves. >> what's your name, homey? >> lance. >> you are back here at howard university talking to the student about your career and the careers in hollywood. >> this is my alma mater. i hold howard university very close to my heart. i am here to inspire. i was in the same shoes as these students are, just looking for helpful information. it is my place to give back. >> it is really, really inspiring to see these young people who are where i was 15 years ago. >> how encouraging is it to have these stars and important people come here and talk to you about the industry? >> it is very encouraging. we get discouraged. when we have so many examples of howard university alumnae would come back and say i did, you can do it too, it is very encouraging. >> you had a chance to interact. what did you take away from it? >> i took away information and inspiration. the whole point is to connect the dots and to strengthen the line between those who are doing things in hollywood and those students who wanted to do those things. >> hollywood in general is so hard to break into. being a woman of color or just a person of color, it is hard to find mentors to guide you up. we're still working on the network and if we come back home to howard, start building that network, it can start paving the way for others. >> you are with tile are perry. what do you hope they take away from this when he see you and talk to you? >> that dreams come true. >> wisdom martin, fox 5 news. >> organizers say they plan to make howardwood an annual event. here is something that has everybody talking. a film maker shows this footage may show a time traveler. charlie chaplin's 1928 film was recently released on dvd. it contains this footage walking while holding something up to her ear and talking. the film maker's theory is she is actually on a cell phone. the video is on youtube. there are more rational explanations. most experts think the woman is holding a hearing device commonly used at that device

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , College Park , Australia , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Madrid , Spain , Minnesota , Charles County , Maryland , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , California , Quantico , Hagerstown , Hollywood , King George , Arlington Cemetery , Fredericksburg , Afghanistan , Texas , Florida , Gaithersburg , Capitol Hill , Tennessee , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Pakistan , Washington Monument , Iraq , Leesburg , Montgomery County , Orlando , Germantown , Aussie , American , Marco Rubio , Edgar Renteria , Charlie Chaplin , Jon Stewart , Maureen Umeh , Tiffany Cook , Matthew Carell , Chris Mader , Charlie Crist , Betty Holland , Tucker Barnes ,

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