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hot again. right chuck, we are back in the heat. yesterday 92 degrees. today mid to upper 90s. a heat advisory at 11:00. plenty of water if you are going to be outside. take warning that conditions around here will be muggy. satellite radar, you can see quiet conditions, weak cold front to north and west. could be an isolated thunderstorm late today and tonight. really better chance this weekend. then maybe a 20% chance. we are going to be quiet rain wise next couple of days. here are your temperatures. 78 reagan national. 78 fredericksburg. ocean city 77. hagerstown 77. lots of sunshine and hot this afternoon. more details in two minutes. a look at the top stories, bp says a new cap over the blownout well finally stopped the oil leak in the gulf of mexico. it's a temporary fix. the cap has to hold the sea floor can't crack and wells have to be completed. tests are underway to make sure the cap can hold back the oil. bp says this is far from the finish line. barack obama calls it a positive sign. congress passed a sweeping reform bill the final vote in the senate was 60 to 39 with three republicans voting in favor of the measure. many republicans argue it gives the government too much control and drive jobs overseas. reform bill clears the way for the toughest restrictions that banks and wall street have seen since the depression. giving the government powers to break up companies in the companys are a threat to the stability of the economy, and it puts new consumer protection in place to make credit cards and loans easier to understand and crack down on unfair lending practices. things are back to normal at reagan national airport a power outage caused problems knocking out electricity. the power was on by 4:00. passengers missed flights because of scanners weren't functioning. forget about coffee break as company is helping employees stay in shape with exercise breaks. beth parker shows us how it works. >> reporter: if you think this is what an office sounds like, these employees might change your mind. it's 1:05 p.m., time for instant recess. stacey gathers up the troops at summit health for research and education, working to fight obesity. >> we are proving to our friends and colleagues in the field that we practice what we preach. >> reporter: becoming one of the first places to adopt a short break during the workday. >> the it's a ten minute vacation. >> reporter: she spent years as a community health nurse is 79 and loving instant recess. >> just a little bit of exercise gets the blood moving through the system. >> reporter: the folks who work here say the most interesting reactions they have gotten come from people on the outside looking in. >> we get double takes. >> reporter: especially the security. >> tootsie roll or the funky chicken. >> reporter: the cofounder says obesity is a epidemic in the u.s., keeping instant recess is good nor health and business. >> if we can keep employees safer and hemmier, the bottom line makes all kinds of sense. >> reporter: employees say it's good for your heart. >> puts everyone in a good mood. you forget about what you were working on. >> reporter: employees say since it started they are craving exercise even when they are not at work. some say you have to spend more time figuring out what shows to wear to work. >> maybe we can get that started here at fox 5. weather traffic and top story, fox 5 morning news at 5:30 starts now. good morning to yo u live look over the nation's capital. friday morning july 16th, 2010. good morning i'm allison seymour. welcome back to fox 5 morning news. welcome >> extra early start to the day. get a heat advisory at 11:00. air temperatures mid to upper 90s and mix in the humidity, over 100. you definitely take it easy out there. we have been through this several times already. >> we are pros. >> we got this down. heat advisory all the counties in orange. district, baltimore, close counties prince georges, montgomery county, maryland, most of virginia too. heat advisory from 11:00 until 9:00 that's when the worst of the heat will arrive. coming in the form of hot temperatures and humidity. heat index pushing 100 today. 78 at reagan national. 74 dalles. lots of humidity as well. dew point temperatures on the rise. satellite radar quiet conditions, maybe an isolated thunderstorm late today or tonight but i got to the be honest, chances are close to none. can't rule out the possibility of one out there. highs later today enjoy 96 washington. 97 baltimore. fredericksburg our friends, we will enjoy temperatures in the 90s. 97 there as well. laurathings looking good right now, nothing to repart in the way of accidents. construction wrapping up around town. 270 as you make the trip southbound from falls road looking very nice all the way down towards the split. northbound 270, reports of construction, not seeing it here in camera angle. 95 maryland as you make the trip north and southbound between the beltway dealing with road work there. virginia traveling northbound 395 across the 14th street bridge, nice trip up across the bridge in to the district. do want to wrap up telling you about 450, eastbound, reports of a water main break. the left lane is blocked there. big story this morning, bp has finally put a stop to the massive oil leak in the gulf of mix co. they apparently succeeded in capping the well. >> for the first time in three months the oil stopped gushing from the deep sea well. take a look at this, on the left we have video you have been watching for 87 days now but the well is temporarily sealed as you can see on the right. engineers are monitoring the cap pressure and doing so for 48 hours to see whether new leaks appear along the floor. the 75-ton cap is considered a temporary fix. every six hours pressure readings will help decide whether to continue with the plan. so far over 180 million gallons of oil have spewed in to the gulf waters since the crisis began in april. the gulf fishing industry has been devastated by the unreleapting flow of oil. >> if we have low pressure readings, it would be the equivalent of putting your finger over the garden hose and oil goes some place else. >> if this cap holds without causing other leaks, the next step is to complete relief wells, that will allow bp to shut off the flow of oil to the faultily well permanently. expected to be finished sometime in august. . major drug crack down in in the district. dc police and dea swept through several neighborhoods with 21 search warrants yesterday included the shaw, trinidad and rose dale areas. police took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs and weapons off the streets. the bust follow a recent shooting in broad daylight in front of a rec center an area plagued by feuding gangs. the cab driver accused of raping a disabled woman may have fled the country. the driver worked for a taxi company, that sub contracted with metro. officers think he may have left on july 13th flight to cutter. police are working to get an international arrest warrant for him and working with the state department and interpool to find him. a maryland police department is investigating their own officers. two accused of using excessive force during arrests in two separate incidents. uninvolved trevor hodges in march, the other corporal steven batchered at the mall this month. in both cases other officers blue the whistle. >> in these instances it's our own officers bringing it to our attention. which shows the integrity of the vast majority of the officers. . >> both have been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation. a retired state department official and his wife both who admitted to spying for cuba will be sentenced today. walter kendall my is known as agent 202 and ga windellin, spied for cuba for 30 years. prosecutors are asking for a life snps from mr. meyers and n mr. meyer as former state department employee is 73 years old. a points of dc same sex mairming law will not be able to ask voters to overturn. gay marriage has been legal since march. opponents wanted to put a initiative on the ballot. the dc court of appeals yesterday ruled against them keeping the measure off the ballot. coming up next, financial reform clears congress, big banks and wall street are in for the most sweeping changes to the way they do business since the great depression. and one firm at the center of the mortgage meltdown forced to pay a record fine to the government. details on that when fox 5 morning news continues. es.  [ female announcer ] which cheese slices do you prefer? one that has to be called pasteurized processed cheese product? [ lou ] or, one that can actually be called, natural cheese? ♪ here at sargento, we believe your sandwiches, burgers and panini deserve the very best. that's why our family's deli style slices are never processed, and always made with natural ingredients, for a taste that's authentically delicious. sargento. persnickety people. exceptional cheese. morning!sighs ] mor-ning? i'm your genie. you're wishing for a deliciously, nutritious fiber cereal. i am. well, you don't want that one. new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. the delicious taste of berries, plus yogurty clusters, plus 40% of your daily fiber... plus wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes. mmmm. maybe later, then. [ female announcer ] new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. positively delicious. we will learn who will fill the seat of the late senator robert byrd. west virginia governor joe mansion will name an appointee this after. voters then decide who will serve out the rest of byrd's term. it's likely he will run. potential choices include casey and former governor capperton. topping business news now goldman sachs is shelling out $515 million to settle a lawsuit with the government. the giant was accused of misleading investors involved with sub prime mortgages. goldman did not admit to legal wrong doing but agreed to change business practices. this is the largest fine ever by the securities and exchange commission. the much anticipated financial reform bill is headed to president obama's desk the senate passed the legislation which will provide the overhaul of wall street. president obama hailed it as a victory for the american people. le. >> reporter: by a vote of 60 to 39 democrats without russ and with the help of republican senators brown, collins and olympia snow passed landmark legislation that they say protects consumers by cracking down on wall street. >> wall street doesn't like this bill. of course it doesn't, why would they want us to change the system they rigged the system that made them all rich. >> reporter: the the 300 page bill leaves many unanswered questions. granting rule making authority to regulators taking months or years to hammer out the details. >> these are the same regulators in charge when we went through the financial debacle. the question i would ask, what have they learned. >> reporter: richard shelby worked months on a compromise but in the end there was little. democrats couldn't find common ground with most republicans. >> the idea that bringing more people in to the discussion is critical. you have to want to get something done. you are never going to get everything you want. that never happens. >> reporter: among the gop chief objections the fact that the bill aimed although making sure americans don't get swept up in another crisis, republicans were among the troublemakers. fannie may and freddie mac. >> it's doubtful we will get meaningful reform with fanny and freddie when it couldn't be done in the bill that's supposed to deal with the problems that created the registration. >> reporter: raps plans could have been disastrous. >> you want to talk about blowing up the economy. had their amendments been adopted their ideas would have pailed by comparison. >> reporter: senate majority leader reed easy says he got a call he was close to losing the 60th vote he needed but able to hammer out a last minute deal. coming up next a truly incredible find at the world trade center site. a closer look at a piece of 18th century history unearthed and how archaeologists say it wound up there in the first place. . we'll be right back.  hebrew national hot dogs are made with butcher quality cuts of 100 percent pure kosher beef. people say they're so good maybe it's time they were called something new. they are the royalty of hot dogs, i call them queen elizabeefs! hebrew national. the better than a hot dog hot dog. mild enough i guess at 78 degrees. >> that's plenty of mild for most people. >> i feel like it was march the last time we were in the 70s. feels like a long time ago. today, we are going to the mid to upper 90s. yesterday 92. warmer today. more humid today. and generally more unpleasant today. heat advisory in to effect at 11:00 this morning. all the counties in orange. we get the heat advisory, the warning is take it easy. heat index when we mix the humidity with the air temperature, will be over 100 later this afternoon. lots and lots of water if you are going to be out and about. fredericksburg to see our friends, bring along water t sun will get up in the sky and really heat things up in a big way as we get in to the late morning hours. just now cooling off overnight. 73 reagan national. fredericksburg 77. leonardtown, you are 77. annapolis 79 degrees. i mentioned the afternoon high temperatures will be in the mid to upper 90s. 3, 4, 5 degrees warmer than yesterday. more humidity as well as the winds shifted out of the south. there is your satellite radar. should be quiet around here, cap the atmosphere, isolated thunderstorm threat as we got a quiet weather pattern. this cold front will try to get in here tonight and during the day tomorrow. it's going to fall apart as it arrives. nothing more than a few isolated thunderstorms in the forecast as we get in to the weekend. most of the weekend should be dry. we will have intermittent cloud cover but dry with the high temperatures continuing through the weekend. mentioned the heat advisory beginning at 11:00. mostly sunny skies. hot. 96 degrees your air temperature. winds south at five to 10 miles per hour. later tonight, partly cloudy i mentioned the possibility of a thunderstorm, it is just a slight chance, most of the region should be dry tonight. 77. hot again during the overnight hours. here is your five day forecast. if you got weekend plans outdoors, generally speaking should be fine. dry conditions expected. it will be hot with high temperatures over the next couple of days in the 90s. all right that's a look at weather, let's get to on time traffic and loren loves the summertime heat. >> i do. i hated the winter and the snow. this is a nice change of pace for me. i don't mind the 90-degree temperatures. now things looking pretty good on the roads. we have a minor accident in silver spring. fenton street at new york avenue. look at the beltway. nice trip around town. we have volume building. everybody moving at speed across the american legion bridge. everybody heading in to virginia on the outer loop. no problems in either direction. beltway looks good in virginia and prince georges as well. 450 eastbound after 202, left lane is blocked with work on a water main. here we are 95, northbound as you head towards mixing bowl and springfield. headlights coming towards us, those are the main lanes moving well. no accidents or incidents to report. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. back to you. things should be back to normal this morning but there were problems at reagan national airport because of a power outage yesterday. john henrehan explains. >> reporter: the public dress system was working. but the moving sidewalks were not working. airliners were taking off and landing and the control tower had electricity but ticket counters had little or no power. none of the self ticketing machines appeared to be getting electricity. the problem started around 11:45 a.m. at a power substation on the airport grounds. b and c, the two large largest terminals were reduced. el vai gores and escalators seized working. generators kicked in within 30 to 45 minute ace louing screening machines to be operational. in the middle of the outage, see here there are virtually no lines at the screening area. but the misery for passengers waiting for service at ticket kiosks ticket counters or baggage check went on for hours. >> how long have you been standing? >> about 3 hours. back is getting a little sore. >> scheduled for a flight at 2:07. >> what is the plan now? >> i found out they have a later flight. the last flight is 8:00. i don't know what they are going to tell me. we are not getting too much information. >> the wait was so long at one point police and other employees distributed bottled water to people who dared not stray from fume their position in line -- stray from their position in line. once power was restored the lines were so long it took 90 minutes to get the passengers through. hundreds and hundreds of people missed their midday flights and had to rebook for evening flights or flights on friday. john henrehan, fox 5 news. turns out that plan to add a purple line train inmont goiry maybe more costly. the proposed light rail line between bethesda and silver spring would cost 40 million- dollar than predicted. maryland transit planners say the state could use funding to cover costs which top 65 million. truly a remarkable discovery made at the world trade center, workers found ground zero found a 32-foot hull of a ship buried since the mid 1700s. it's believed the ship was used as landfill 2 centuries ago to expand manhattan. historians are out at the site hoping to learn more. the time is of the essence. the wood can decompose rapidly. >> reporter: you can make out part of the ship, 30 feet long buried 30 feet below street level at the site. archaeologists believe it's an 18th century schooner like this one buried for 200 years. it may have been used as landfill while lower manhattan was extended out. while finding a buried ship isn't too unusual the location at the world trade center site is. this area was not excavated during the initial construction years ago. it's an area that 200 years ago was lined with wharfs, not skyscrapers. >> we were at battery park. this used to be water. >> reporter: earlier we had one of the archaeologists michael popularto give us a show and tell with a piece of the ship's wood. >> they can determine the age of the wood itself, the types of wood that was used, perhaps the initial function of the ship. >> reporter: while the public isn't allowed on the site if you come to 90 west street, up the stairs here, you can get a pretty good look at it. amazing to see. location is interesting. >> it really is. i wish i could get closer. >> reporter: take another look at a ship that may have sailed around the same time john adams was president. john henrehan, fox 5 news. up next on fox 5 morning news a look at the sports headlines including the latest out of the british open. how tiger and the other big stars are fairing on the green.  . nba player west has pleaded guilty to series of gun charges during a court appearance in prince georges county. the cavaliers guard who is from our area was arrested for last year for speeding. he had three loaded guns on him. yesterday west was sentenced to 8 months of home detention. 40 hours of community service, alcohol testing and ordered to continue psychological counseling. he will be able to play basketball. time to talk tiger at the british open. the weather is causing a few problems for tiger and the other stars. >> day two of the open is underway. day one was a tail of two tee times. the guys who teed up early saw calm conditions. for the taking and they took it for the guys who drew the later tee times well hold on to our hats. good conditions to start but the wind would come later and the scores would go up. welcome back john daily. look at those pants. yesterday a great day. finished in the 66, tied for third at 600. mc ilroy, tied the major championship record by shooting a 9 under 63. the weather would get worse. michelson had to tee off later. couldn't get the putts to drop. struggled to a 73. he is at one over. tiger woods, he teed up a lot earlier than phil and he would -- beautiful day for woods. 3 time british open champ. very happy with a new putter. 5 under 67. now in vegas, on hand to watch the wizards taking on the mav's. wall was impressive. look at this pass inside to aaron. finishing with 10 assists. later, a change of pace from wall. starts off slow and blows by everybody, two of his 21, wall averaging 21 a game through the first three. wizards win. red skins now and coming up on the third season is one brennon. missed all of last year after injuring his hamstring and hip. four surgeries in the last two years alone but says he is healthy, ready to return to the form that helped him shine. back in 2008 he led all in passings. now with a new regime he is ready to give it another go. >> my goal is to come out and have success in the preseason and show the staff that obviously there is a lot of potential in me and what i can offer and hopefully down the road. it really relies on me having success in preseason. >> drama in the 11th day tour defrance. illegal head butt, look aga

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