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Nation borders were back open tn the visa holders to the seventh of seven countries listed. This was the scene today. The department of homelandpart security also release a Statement Today that says in accordance with the judgesges ruling dhs has suspended any and all actions implementing theleme effected sections of theth executive order. Meanwhile lawyers remain atat Dulles International airport, one of the many locations where massive protests were held. Fox5s Alexandra Limon continuet with more tonight. Reporter lawyers from arounm the d. C. Metro area have set up camp at Dulles International airport. They have been providing Legal Assistance for more than a week now. A group of lawyers donating their time. Its completely free. E. The latest ruling came fridayday from a federal judge in seattle, it temporarily blocks president b trump t executive order. Shortly after the white houseuse press secretary release aease st earliest time, the department of justice intends to file anfile emergency stay of the order. The president lease a from your think of tweet including one, the opinion of this socalled judge which essentially takes Law Enforcement away from our country is ridiculous and willd be over turned. Ned. The attorneys offering assistance to people here at Dulles Airport say its been incredibly tough knowing what to advise people because thingseopl continue to change on a daily basis. For now their best advice is this. So at this point in time were asking people to considerle traveling into the united stateh now if they can before anything changes. Even those not affected directlt by the travel restrictions are keeping a close eye on thethe latest surrounding the controversial executive order. I appreciate the president s desire to protect the country. I feel very strongly about thatt that we should protect our borders. Perhaps this was a little bit drastic, he over stepped his bounds. Some people scared. Pl a lot of people scared. Ca although the department of Homeland Security said airlines can allow passengers to fly into the states there have been problems. There are reports of airlines not wanting to issue thesese tickets. There are western airlines thatt people can look into, british airways, those airlines has been issuing reports, but there have been reports of carriers not issuing tickets. Alexandra limon, fox5 local news. A short time ago president e g trump sent out this tweet thattt reads when is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and even with bad intentions canenti come into the us. About a thousand people gathered at the white house thishi afternoon trumps executive order. Er. Even though that order is now on hold, the protestor marched fros the white house to the us capital and then to the Supreme Court. Demonstrators were chanting andd Holding Signs to object to the president s policy. They hope the court order will remain in place. We invite you to stay with fox5. Coming up a little later in High Temperature show well speak too political experts about thethe early days of the Trump Administration. Want to take a live look outside, nice and clear as wee look at the washington monument. Boy, it was cold out there this evening and into day, gwen. What can we expect for the rest of the weekend for super bowl sunday . Were actuallying whying to get a warmup. Not majors but its going to be a lot warmer than it has been the last couple of days. S. Regardless of whether its warmm or cold we know youre going tog stay inside and glued to fox5 so you can stay glued to the big game. Temperature wise heres where we d. C. 34 degrees at gates but, 34 degrees at baltimore and 33degrees at dulles. 36 at manassas this hour. And the winds are fairly light as well, but they were really gusty yesterday. Heres a look at cloud coverage and these clouds will increaseir as we move into tonight. So we will have mostly cloudy keys across the area. Winds speed only up to 10 mileso an hour. So not all bad. We will actually calm down a little bit in the wind in department for tomorrow. The cold air is in place forfor tonight, however, under mostlyty cloudy skies and your overnight lowes will be heading into the 30s. 30s. Heres a look for your planner for tonight. By the time we hit the 7 00 area, a cool 33 by the time we hit the 9 00 hour. But the good news ahead mild midweek temperatures. Dwe we are headed, believe it ort not, to the 60s. S. My seven day forecast has aen d little bit of aay roller coaster going on as far as the temperatures are concerned. Es a we also have where youll need to grab thehe umbrella. Um ill have all the details comina up a little area and of course, the all important seven day im forecastpo forecast. Fore we turn to prince georgesrnt county where family ando friend held a vigil this evening toning remember a man shot and killed at a gas station in District Heights. Caring ton case, jr. Died last monday. Police have arrested a suspect in days death. Fox5s Lindsay Watts is livewa tonight at District Heights wits more on all oftr this. Lindsay. Reporter matt and lauren,au the crowd has thinned out, but there still are a few peoplefew following this vigil. Earlier there were several dozen people at this bp gas station on pennsylvania avenue and walters lane. This is where caring ton day was murdered on monday. Mo well show you some video nowid from just a little while ago. Le you can see on the the faces ofe the people at this vigil justvii how heartbroken they are at this loss. Caring ton was known as cj. He was just 20 years dispute between him and the alleged gunman, an 18 year oldod named steve and robinson. Days mother tells me she doesnt know what that waswas about. She says her son was the oldest of five. He was known for his smile and his loyalty to those he loved. O this kind of violence, especially between young bet africanamerican men has gotten out of control. Ontr this has to stop. It just has to stop. Mothers, his mother is going to have to deal his son beingbein locked up and i have to deal with burying my involvement i hold no animosity towardsmy anyone. I am happy that they were ableae to quickly capture the person who was allegedly behind thisth and now all we can do is justs move forward. This is what it looked like here on monday. N i was here soon after the shooting happened. It was just before 5 in theth afternoon. Weea has been the scene of multiplemt shootings in recent years. There have been at least six people shot, four of themem fatally in just the past threere years. Year days family says they hope something is done, perhaps a larger Police Presence here toi stop this kind of violence ine the future. Were live in District Heights, Lindsay Watts, fox5 local news. In clarks county, maryland deputies are investigating a deadly hoot. It happened around 16789. 30 this morning in the parkinghe lot of a sports bar on crane highway in waldorf. Ald a man was atalked independental side the bar. Kear. A short time later he walked oud with a woman. Woma thats when the gunfire erupted. The man was hit in the leg, but the of Lexington Park was also shot and later died. Deputies are looking for the t people responsible. E. Students, parents and teachers at one d. C. Elementary schoolcho face an uncertain future because of a bed bug and rodent problem. Heres what we know right now,no classes will not be held monday or tuesday at saw invoice Elementary School in southeast. The school is undergoing a thorough cleaning. Ing the bed bug problem was going on for a couple of weeks, but i wasnt until a couple of weeks f ago that the school told parento what wasld going on. It took me to call fox5 news for them some show action. Em it shouldnt have s took that. Fix the problem. I go home and wonder why my kid is bit up. I come to the school and getscho this. I have a problem with that. School offerings are expected to announce tomorrow afternoonce t whereom classes for students wil be held after tuesday. Meantime, its unclear how long it will take to clean up the school. If youre active on social media, particularly twitter your may have noticed over the past month or so posts after posts about missing kids in d. C. C. These are the active missing girl cases right now. Seven of them all ages of 14 and 16. 6. At one point last month therere were as many as 15 missing girls at one time. Police say alarming as thesealar numbers are its not that theyre seeing an up tick,tick instead the reason that were hearing more about it is becausa of a brand new you police commander. I just dont know whats goinggn on, but its definitely a deeper issue. Is schinnell dickerson took over ar commander of the d. C. Police youth and Family Services Division Five weeks ago. Eks she was shocked at the number of miss p prognosis girls in thero city. Somegnosthe of them seem to be f a revolving door of runaways,rua but she is vowing to treat eacha and every case with the samethe level of service and mediaedia attention and says it doesnt stop what once the child is found. Are you running away fromfrom something or to something . Som were just making sure that we followup with that to make suree that any other criminal activity is not taking place. And then what other resources that family needs. When it comes to criminal activity one fear is sex there are no solid indicationsnd in the current open cases,ut with so am children goinging missing, it is a concern. The founder of courtneys house which ames to rescue children forced into prostitution says is has continues to be a problem in d. C. She has seen a steadily flowadil over the years. Ars. We get four or five referrals on top of what we have. That may mean that they were inn juvenile or their parent wasthei looking for them and they calley us beforehand or the referral came from police or probation, case managers as well. More awareness that weree actually having means that were getting more referrals andferr people are starting to identify. The important part of all of this is that survivorrorsurvi actually calls themselves orr refer their friends as well. Sex trafficking is hard track. Ad it happens sometimes within families and we need to be realistic about whats goingwhat objection to the form i thinksf itsor really about the words tt we use to describe trafficking. Right . People put kidnap and trafficking under the different categories but it really means the same thing. I werent to get some assistance from the community to try to engage this vulnerablevuln population to let them theyrehe valuable to the community and tc railroad their bodies and theirr minds. Mi commander dickerson has made ita her goal to find out what is going on case by case, create awareness and bring this Alarming Number of missing children down. There are several missingmiss boys right now as well. At the very least these kids are missing school and as we they could be definitely be in somen more situations. Great story, i saw that the deputy mayor tweeted that out this morning as well. Well its such a good effort to ramp up the efforts. Theres a little bit of an o update which im happy to reporo since the report last night. Commander dickerson says she has gotten a couple of calls fromm to help her. Shes asking if there is anything else interested inn helping, please call her. Coming up, much more on President Trump, what democratst are saying about his supremehis court picks, plus what iran is saying about recent sanctionssac against them. Em. And are you ready for a little l bit super bowl foot call . Were going to take a look atok everything that goes on behindn the scenes to get ready forth big game. E. Its wild. D. So many of us are going to be watching tomorrow afternoon foro sure. Once again, its saturdayurda evening, wed love to hear from you, theres our addresses right there. Send us a tweet. Send us a facebook message. Tell us what you like about the show or just say high. Well back in a moment. Ent. If you dont like the moment so, forget about it 6789 forget about the twitter handles. Donald trump railed against m rigged politicalp system, butys make no mistake rig the Supreme Court against hard working americans and we cannot let him. My democratic colleagues and the senate will do their constitutional duty and subject judge gorsuch to the most rigorous scrutiny that any Supreme Court nominee has ever received. During the democratic weekly address massachusetts senator ed marque had strong words directed at President Trumps pick p, neil gorsuch for the supremeupre court. Meanwhile, vicepresident mike c pence praised the president s pick of neil gorsuch during anun event held in philadelphia speaking to conservative lawyers who make up the conse citys cht of the federal lists society. The vicepresident doesntdoes believe gorsuch will have anyany issues being confirmed by the te senate. I can say with the utmost confidence judge gorsuch is a worthy successor to justice and the toe none what will be the tireless efforts of everyone in this room i believe neil gorsuch will soon take his seat as an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the united states. Senate judicial i chairman judge grassily said he hopes to hold a confirmation hearing for judge gorsuch which starts april 19. President trump imposed newimpo sanctions on iranment theyey imposed the sanctions after iraa conducted a missile test thise week t and a senior iran and commander warned the miss ills rain down p if they step outline. We hear more from foxs rich edison. Reporter the Trump Administration has sanctioned more than two dozen iran and entities and individuals anduals officials warn iran they are preparing to enact more. E. Iran launched another police particular missile january 29. Le an administration officialmi called thatnist the trigger effg for the us to enact these sanctions. Officials say the economic restrict response to that missile and irans report to terrorism. I think todays sanctions really represent a very, very strongery stand against the actions that iran has been taking. Make it very clear that the deal that they struck previously wasv not in the best interests ofinte this country and that President Trump is going to do everything he can to make sure that iran is stayed in check. Administration Officials Say these latest sanctions to iran are unrelated to the nuclear agreement. That 2015 deal exchanged other sanctions for the nuclearlear program. The recent Missile Launch is inn violation of a un security resolution. Iran claims its missile programs is only for self defense and says it is unmoved by the Trump Administration involvement. Today i can definitively announce that the backbone is sanctioned on Defense System imposed by our totally destroyed. Troy today we are completely self figures sufficient. Suff legislation is writing moreng m restrictions to impose moremore sanctions against iran. Uss kohls has arrived off the coast of yemin. Yemi they are accused of backing who say they say have asaudi and us ships. Fox5 has you covered with all things politics. Poli coming up a little bit later we will be joined by analysts, jack burke man and wrenn dan daily. E they want to help break down thh president s second week inn office be sure to join ronica and fitz every sunday morningsud for fox5 on the hill at 8 8 30 00 a. M. Right before fox sunday. And join us at 5 at 630 forfor politics with a twist. Cs w from whose than to, President Trump races tensions with foreign friends and foes. Well sit down with vicepresident mike pence. And feinstein whether democrats will try to block the nomination of judge neil gorsuch to thee ne Supreme Court. Kickoff foxs coverage ofra superge bowl 51 with payith interrogatories robert craft. Houstons Hometown Hero jj whato the. T Fox News Sunday s half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, its a full house to the wilsons. Because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. Dont pay for uploads that arent up to speed. Get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only 79. 99 per month online for one year. Only from fios. Parking has become a sorerk subjecting at reston town centn virginia. Have you heard about this . A new pay for parking answerr that customers are supposed to u use is hurting their bottom line. Fox5s Anjali Hemphill traveledl to reston to learn more about why some businesses are bandingi together to seek possible legale action. Reporter as soon as you sigs up for the Reston Town Center fork parking app it asks forsks your phone number or email address so it can send you a code so they can verify you inyo their system. Well, some people say the wholee process takes too long. We think its ridiculous. We shouldnt have to pay. We think its just creed some say ever since they implemented a parking system, the sense ofe community has changed. People Work Together and shophop together. Now theres just all this security around and theyre not security trying to help you witl the app, theyre trying to give you nga ticketment month, Boston Properties launched a new ticket parking pay system. They must now use the park rct app or pay at these parking stations if the business theyre visiting doesnt have a designated parking area. Are customers complained the parking system is way too complicated c and even intrusive. People dont want to give theire license plate information. People dont know that they have to know which garage that they parked in, different retailers have different garages that they validate which is confusing for the customers. Morph a says hes one of 60 other businesses here who are ae meeting next week to consider to their options going forward, including a possible lawsuit. Everyone has expressed lower sales and a decrease in traffic. People have mentioned rangesrang from 10 to 50 percent. Officials representing boston property say there have beenre more than 70,000 the park rtc app since its launch in january. While they say its impossible i to response to any possible legal action against them. They did release this statementt there has been misinformation m that requires important clarification. Each retailer and restaurant tour at their sole disevenings decide which garage they wish to validate. They make their own Business Decisions about onene participating in the Validation Program and two, what validatioa terms they choose to incorporate within their unique Business Model to include validating forr all or select garages. There are so am people that th cant figure out to use it and i meet friends here from other places. They wont come because they c dont have the app. Some customers and retailers here continue to worry, the longer the Current System stayst in place the harder it will be to bring back the crowds. Rowd im just afraid were going lose this special place in reston. Reston chamber of commerce saysm they have received several re complaints about the parkingints here and quote, look forward to this issue being resolved in tho best interest of everyone involved. Meanwhile those 60 retailers will meet with lawyers on monday to discuss their options going forward. In rest than to, Anjali Hemphill, fox5 local news. N parks is an issue. Ive always noticed it in the t district. You want to tuberculosis able tu runberc in and out. If its such a hassle, then yeah. The app sometimes confuses me a little bit, too. And then you need to update itt or your credit card number changes. Or something. So its always an issue. Ssue coming up, more on what hasas certainly been a very busy week for president donald trump. Pres as weid head to break, foxs Jackie Ibanez tells us what we can expect in the week ahead. Sunday its footballs bigger night, football5 in houston, texas. Tom brady and the new England Patriots battle the atlanta falcon. Falc catch super bowl 51 only on fox. Wednesday its national boyatio scout day. Events are held nationwide to celebrate the youth and adults who contribute to the boy scouts of america. Thursday, strike a pose, new yorks fashion week begins. Fashion is thats from around the globe travel to the big apple for latest style trends. Saturday, flash those Pearl I Weitz and greet a strange. Its make a friend day. Iend see how youre starting a new relationship and see how othersw are starting there by using the hashtag, meet a stranger. On every single front we are working to deliver for americang workers and american families. Am you, the law abiding citizens on this country are my total priority. Your safety, your jobs and your wages guide our decisions. We are here to serve you, theth great and loyal citizens of then Uniteds States of america. Amer the forgotten men and women wili never be forgotten again becausa from now on its going to be america first. Eric thats how i got elected. Elec thats why you vod i will never forget it. Donald trump delivering the white houseer weekliny address. The president there beforess heading to his mar largo estate for the weekend. I cant believe it is only the second when i read that i was like is it really only theonly second week. Nd thank you so much for joininn us. Happy saturday. We want to start off i thit talking about the travel banrave because it seems to effect thete most people right now, i think. Right. Ht. Weve got this ruling out of washington. Right. Its a little bit con fuse are for people because im wondering is there going to be this ongoing battle betweenbatt ports . Is it going to be wrapped up quickly. Nothing has been decided. The only thing the judge said is that states have standing sotan they do the tro and they shut ih down now. Trump over reached. They have go back and narrow the order. The White House Council screwed up. They have authority under regulars and laws. I dont think theres much of af legal issue. Theyve got to rewrite it, go back. I think politically, the deepere the republicans suck the democrats into this issue, its all perceived as the must likele issue. I think its a big win for trump. The poling on it is not so cleac on that. That i do think they over reached here. They didnt even consult the new Homeland Security john kill. Its the big mess. This one and also the ban on refugees which is also a bigso a problem as well. These folks get better for twowo years before they come here. Er they go through five different agencies. It sends a really bad signal and furthermore as senator kainee as said i think its troubling in terms of the messages it says. It basically says to muslimsmusl youre not welcome here. Come if you remember, the public theyve already taken in about 20,000 situatery and refugees, the average voter, mrs. America doesnt wantt anymore situatery and refugees, the determiningic base dorks bui thengic middle doesnt. You disagree. Y i dont think thats true but wt can move objection to the form its not the right thing for american people. We have to have safety, vet these folks, but if they are vetted we should welcome them. The president tweeted this morning, what is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone even with bad intentions can come into the us. Thats how system is set up. Right. Socalled judge which is really troubling which he doesnting recognize thers an independent branch of judge and this was a judge approved by president george bush. You cant do this. Hes used to doing everything his own way without consulting everyone. Thats trump style, though. Remember he got elected by doing that. The press said all those Things Campaign how can he do that . Tht how can you say this about the judge . Remember the issue abouu the mexican judge, you said surely this will prevent himreve from being elected. He roled on and on, part of trumps standpoint from a pr standpoint he sucks all the media action out of the room so nobody else can have anything. At the spotlight is focused on him. Hes a master at doing that. Its hard to focus on one thinge if its not this, its the abortion ruling, its about obamacare. Speaking of that, lets talktalk about i think its march 19 that we might get the senate too start the hearings on the new Supreme Court pick. Pick will it go down the line . Our friend Chuck Schumer, we were talking about this before. Our friend Chuck Schumer isschu going to have to role over mcconnell will have no choice to get ride rid of the filibuster across the bore. Hell play right into the republican hands. If schumer smart, hell make a little bit of noise and then go away. You dont want to fight on him. The other one cant be as good as gorsuch. As a democrat i think thats exactly right. Righ certainly theres a lot of anger and just, you know hypothesis os senator mcconnell that they blocked merritt garland for a year. And right now they say if you block hold on one second. One i think theres going to be abe fight there. I think in the hard it will bewl hard for the democrats too prevail just because they dont have the numbers to prevail. But there will be a fight. How can you say the merritt garland thing its politics. Its the wrong thing to do. Remember that our friend Chuck Schumer did they held up appellate justices. This has gone on for a longng time. The bottom line is democratsdemo cant tie up the Supreme Court for four years. Ea thats actually right. When we talking about the travel ban and how other countries are now looking at us and whatshat going on. Can we talk a little bit about iran, the sanctions that arethat being imposed and whats your take on that. Hes come to the realizationa that its not as easy to undoo them. Now hes finding out when youre in office its hard to undo somn of those things. Its true on obamacare where he was so aggressive against obama and what the administration was doing. Now hes in office on issues, on some issues its just too hardd to do that. Do you think theres some more surprise equilibrium. Surp theyreri going executive order. I think judges are going to havo trouble blocking the Statutory Authority exists. Its a close call whether betsy devos i would predict 50 50dt with pence breaking the tie. Very close. Thank you so much as always. Thanks for having us. We will be right back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Welcome to 8 and a half maple street. Its half a house. Tchen, half the closet space and a half bath, its a full house to the wilsons. Because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. Dont pay for uploads that arent up to speed. Get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only 79. 99 per month online for one year. Only from fios. The count down is on. He were just one day c away from super bowl 51 right here on fox. The big game in houston, manystn residents theyre cashing in by renting their homes on super bowl to super bowl fans. Some places like air b and b and even craigslist, according tocod air b and b houston home other thans are expected to rake in a total of 3. 7 million this weekend, tiny one bedroom apartments are going to for 1,000 a night while luxury are asking for 4,000 a night and even a home going for 10 grand. 10 grand for think about if youve got a bunch of family and its a huge home, you might all pitch in. It might be inexpensive. Kind of like a beach house. Hundreds of people will bebe working nonstop to bring all of the action of the big game right to your screen in your livingivn room. Fox5 has a total of get this, 99 cameras in the stadium. 83 are focused only on thethe field. This year the coverage will include a new feature. Its called be the player. Er. 38 cameras mount around the stayedual will give viewers a unique perspective of the big play. From that were able to sit there and give the point of view of any player on the field. Eld. So we can show you what matt ryan saw right before he threw a touchdown pass. Fox will have 200 crew members oncr the field. 180,000 feet of cable. Think of the guysf that have toe pull out that cable. And a postgame that theyre noteyr fooling around. Fool think of all the energy that goes into sports. Spor not everyone is tuning in just to see the falcons take on the patriots. Millions will be playing closeose attention to those commercials. Thats my favorite part, i havee to say. Foxes Lauren Blanchard gives uss a sneak peak of what things are going to look like on super bowl sunday. Reporter roar its not just the game to be expected about on super bowl sunday. 30 seconds media placement. Its 5 million and productionll onion top of that is maybe 1 million if youre talkinglkin celebrities, it could be upwards around 3 or 4 million. So all in youre looking at, you know, six to 9 million for 30 seconds. From human, nostalgia to adso with a message, mr. Clean hitr. C the mark this year. The mr. Clean ad, thats a fun ad. I think it hits a broad audience which is great for super bowll viewing because people watch it in social settings and reallyrel its about making a man feelfeel sexy for cleaning. I think it does a really goodod job. Its entertaining and its fun. He also liked audi. The audi drive progs app, iapp, think that makes a really,ally really good emotional statement. Audi is saying that theyre going to do equal pay for men mn and women. And skittles. I relate i like the skittles ad. Its really simple, clever andnd really can speak to an audiencee from 8 to 80. And viewing. Yes. But not such a fan youre as cold as ice. Their ad doesnt it shows someone with a blow torch in a freezer, dethawing the frozen patties. I dont think you take away that wendy is fresh beef from that. H. Mechanism also has an ad rolling out this weekend. We actually do have two fifteenv that are going toe be in the big game this weekend. They just got purchased from our client war gaming. Com and theyre for a game called of world of tanks. According to a recent survey about p 20 people of tuning in t will be doing so just for all the commercials. Capture it this sunday on fox. F. Lauren blanchard, fox news. Even if youre in the a football fan. Theres the food and the drinking. I wont be because ill be herebe at work. Work that otherwise it would be a veryy interesting show late at night. Up next, gwen with is going to take a look at your full forecast. Dont go anywhere, the news at 6 will be right back. New year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. If youre looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. Gwen is back to from a nice vacation. Nice to see you. You were here last night, but weve missed you the last couple of did you bring any of the sune from the islands back. Im telling you, i brought at lit of the sun, but not thehe heat. I heard you say 60s coming. We are headed to 60s. I like that. That sounds good to me. But for now its going to be chilly. We have a cold night ahead. It was cold last night and act lit difference between last l night, yesterday and today are the winds. Th we dont have the gusty windsins and so we dont have the significant wind chills. Wind chills into the teens and single digits, but not so today. Todays highs into the low 40s. Were still blow the seasonal average as far as that goes. Es. Cold artic air that is situated in place. Especially to the northeast of course where temperatures are into the 20 s and 30s. 40drees right now in the inight the nations cap to. Were not go to warm up too much tonight, but tomorrow we will be warmer than we were today. Relatively speaking weree getting a bit of a warmup. 37degrees right now annapolis, 39 at quantico, 33 kicking at dulles, 32 at fredericks rick, thats the same at martinsburg and at winchester and 30 degrees at culpeper while fredericksburg is at 36degrees. No wind chills happening rightnr now, thats at least some good news. Winds are very light and theyll continue to be light tonight and the same story for to. But we will see increasing clouds tonight. A ridgecl of High Pressuregh that brought us all thatat sunshine today and yesterday i said dont be fooled by the sunshine. Just because you see it doesnt mean its warm outside and for tomorrow, though, well get a mixture of some sun and clouds. Overnight lowes into the 30s and into the upper 20s right across the board and our winds pretty calm right now so not much happening into terms of the Wind Department at all. And thats the same story for to. As we see the clouds graduallydl starting to pull october, theul ridge of High Pressure moving its way out, were going to see the clouds kind of lingering around for tonight and its alls ahead of a systems that goin to the good news for us is werere not looking at any precipitation from it. But there will be some snowme showers over the Higher Elevations once we get into sunday. So cold air in place, cloudyy skies for tonight and thats ho its going to be. Be. A warm day on understood s. On it will start out cloudy anddy then well have a mixture of some sun and clouds so well ses more sunshine. Midday tomorrow 45degrees, bydr the 4 00 hour at 48degrees with the sun and the clouds. Putting it together four then,n, 40 degrees under mostly cloudy skies. Winds five to ten miles an hour. Tomorrow 49 for a daytime high becoming partly sunny. By the time we get to the tuesday, wednesday period we are going to have temperatures in the 60s. Th its going to be pretty comfortable. But also were going to have some rainfall. Me so youll have to grab the umbrella. Forecast, as you can see a little bit of a roller coastersr because once we get into the 60s were going to cool right back down again heading to the upper 30s and the 40s before we warm up again at the end of the week. You see what i have in my hand here. Shes been stealing thingsee fromst me. I found this near gwens desk. She tells me that she won an award while i was on my crews. I thought what did you eat the most shrimp something. You won an award here in d. C. While you were away on the crews. S. Can you tell us about this . The Organization Women in ift i am andio video awarded me the alicia flash in berg award forg Community Service. I was chosen from the board. All of you know i do a lot of work in the community and a lott of Community Service and you ow its very hum knowledge to being to receive this. I wish i had been in town for the award night, but cruz. Thank you, very well deserved. Thank you so very much. Thank you women in film and video for giving me that. Im very humbled by it. Yea, gwen. Well be right back. K. Brody is in studio and well be talking some sports. Super bowl coming up. This past wednesday was christmas in february for the terps fans. They recruited one of the best in history. I sat down with two local players that were the pied pipers of the dmv to md movement. The maryland football just signed their best recruitinguiti class in over ten years and twod of the biggest players in that class right here with me, cam can expense both from st. Johns college high school. L. I want to ask you, with this class and there is ally jet dmv to umd movement. Ment what was different about dj douceness recruiting and gets the kids to stay in the area . A . I would say first off starting with coach durkin andki all the coaches are very genuine people. They say what they mean and theyd act on it. The relations that we build with them was really a big impact into our recruiting process. And one of the reasons why we got 17 kids from the dmv and top kids at that, i think thatsts really where it started. I think coach durkin a great coach. S hes very energetic so that kind of brings that build of excitement and energy. Ergy hes ready to go. Hes young so hes energetic. He wants to win. T he has ito to lose. So a lot of players, they get attracted to that energy that he has. When i first committed, i remember he jumped on me. But you just want that in your coach because you know hes passionate about what you both had offers from bigger names that maybe had more success the last few years on the field, but what does it mean to stay home . First of all, you get to play right by your family and friends. Youre 20 minutes from siblingss and parents and all the peopleoe that you grew up with that supported you your enjoy journey to get to this moment. I thinkk thats a big part of it. All the people like in the area they go crazy for. People have stopped to take pictures, thank you, thank you, thank you. How much recruiting now is done by other players. How much are you talking tong other players that are uncommitted or other players in the area to keep everyone home. I know both of us were going after kids daily, blowing theirr phones up to try and come buildi the movement, be the first class to really push the program forward. I mean i tried recruitment off of nick safe in. Im looking at the five stars is this area first and then im looking to do some florida because i know theyre fast. Texas, i know those boys are big. I think im the best recruiter around. I just try to get everybody. I made a group chat of people who are already committed and then people who were trying tog go after, give them our pitch. Stay home. Everybody stay home, keep all the talent here. Re. Lets go out and do this for our families and for our friends and for our families. Lies were all trying to get all the guys in this area to stay. I want you guys to do t this real quickly because you also played in high school together. What is maryland getting in cam expense. Expe im very hard worker. Somebody go get the quarterback to stop the run. Always there for his teammates if you you can text him about anything. A great teammate. I know were going to have fun in college together. Her. Theyre getting a great leader in contact seem, a very smart student athlete, very smart. He knows the game, knows the play booming he can change the play at the line of scrimmage, read the defense and make the pass and he will run you over and he will hurdle you at the same time. Same on the recruiting trail and on the Basketball Court today, 17th rank terps taking on number 23 per due. Second half terps up one melo trimble, slammed home by p michael tray cough ski. L finatrl seconds after a questionable foul call gives per free throw. Intercepted, they lose, but its reviewed, terps will get one last shot, with five tenths of a second on the clock. Kevin hooter, cant get it. Maryland fals those kids from local highgh schools going to maryland, great guys. It looks like a lot of fun. Football is in good hands. That does it for us tonight at 6. See you tonight at 10. narrator welcome to the super bowls greatest halftime shows, presented by pepsi zero sugar. Its a show unlike any other in the world, fusing unparalleled star power with almost unachievable precision

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