South east an argument, scuffle, then man an knees firing towards someone on be bening road and return fire and that man was struck and killed, another man then ran up and took the gun from the guy on the ground. A large crowd gather add cross the street and fighting broke ot at one point and 3 30 p. M. Another shooting a few blocks away 49 and b streets southeast a woman carrying groceries killed in front of her home. D. C. Police tell us this murder appears to be retaliation for the first. We are just horified but what we saw today. Its a level of violence that is not acceptable in our city. And we are going to put every single resource, police and otherwise in the neighborhoods to get rid of this violence. And now sources tell fox5 the woman killed may be the mother of the texas avenue shooter. Now, d. C. Police had a lookout for a red honda. Nothing more about the suspect suspects. Chief linear told us last night that though the homicides are up, Violent Crime itself is actually down. Its just that theres more lethal force we should say happening here in the 6th District Police district and ward 7. Liver at 60 im bhel mel fox news. Lets go to Northern Virginia a arlington neighborhood on edge after a terrifying sex assault. A 25yearold woman woke 5 00 sunday morning to find a man in her bed attacking her on edgewood Street Alliance park neighborhoodch the victim said she saw someone parking her car near her home before she went to bed and she believes that is the attacker. The second freddie gray trial resumes. Edward nero is face aggravated Assault Charges for his role in grays death. Officer Garrett Miller took the stand and testified he handcuf handcuffed gray after a chase and officer edward nero helped load him into a police van. Happening today, family and friends say goodbye to claudinea marino verbal hes. Morales was gunned dunn in the parking lot of giant food store in aspen hills. Eulalio tordil remains in jail. Bowsers plan is too expensive. The idea was to lease shelters and the move would save the district hundreds of millions of dollars. City council could vote and time lies the proposal as soon as next month. Metro riders get ready for slower commute. Train trait operators on the orange, blue and silveli its part of effort to reduce arching electrical insulators and smoke incidents playing the system. Each train will travel at maximum speed of 45 miles an hour. Metro engineers believe slower train speed will reduce how much power they use. National Transportation Safety board will meet to the finalize what they believe caused the deadly amtrak cawb in pennsylvania. 800 killed and 200 injured and the engineer may have been distracted by Radio Communications before the derailment and the strain was traveling more than twice the posted speed limit when that happened. Washington monument reopens this morning. A computer children on the elevator control board needed to be replaced. Its 4 35 on this Tuesday Morning. Lets get a check of todays forecast with cigar gar. Gary, not as cold this morning and not as warm, either. Thats true. The head thats right. Sorry. Wow, i didnt know what that was. That was maureen at 4 35. I understand we got in this morning before the rain got here. Lets look at temperatures. Maureen points it out. This is the first thing you notice. Its milder this morning than yesterday morning. 50 frederick, westminster 55. Fredericksburg 48. Here in town 56. In thames of the rain coming across, theres a lot more rain back out to the west. You can see whats moving in. Were just beginning to see a few showers now back out west of the metro. Western suburbs obviously will be getting rain first this morning because its moving from west to east and it will be with us it looks like just a chance for showers on and off all day long. The wettest part of the day will be the first part of the day. Looks like later on were going to start to dry out a little bit. List ebb, theres still going to be showers on and off all day long. Temperatures today 58. 56 for baltimore and this is why i told you to enjoy yesterday. Heres erins commute. Looks like a wet one this morning, erin. Erin commute gary renamed 4 36 we have breaking news for you tracking a tractortrailer trash inner loop bethesda near rockville pike. Shoulder is blocked and crews and believing it out there for duration of morning commute. Traffic getting by. We have a fox5 crew on the way. We urge you to use caution. Rubber neck delays at that location. 1270 quiet to the spur. No problems making your way to the district. Roadwork Prince George outer loop approaching richie mar borough road. Approach with caution there. As you make your way out, plenty of green on the map. Traffic looking good and no problems 395 northbound. Metro gearing up for service at 5. Thats on or close to schedule lets keep you moving on it soon to be rainy tuesday. Back to you, maureen, wisdom. Coming up, tsa asking for more funding to prevent the up avenueitable this summer. And alberta wildfires impact the entire canadian economy. The Supreme Court refuses to hear morrow bama care and cancer survivor gets a chance at living life at the fullest. Heres a look across the d. C. Region. Little music to get you going this Tuesday Morning i i know it will rain but beyonce gets you fired up right . Time now, 4 37 its cold, 56, mild, fox news morning back after this 4 40 is the time. Time to see whats trending with the stories youre engaging with on social media. Good morning to you. And to everyone at home. Having to pay for couldnt steptive coverage in the health plan. It involves two dozen releming us organizations challenging obamacare contraceptive man day. The Supreme Court did note a compromise is still a sglilt next up doctors in boston performing nations first penile transplant. Thomas manning underwent the surgery after suffering from cancer in 2012 they expect him to regain full use of the organ and can help troops with the same from being is lated sin aid oconner went missing fol a bike ride on sundaych the 49yearold has a history of mental illness. Its unclear where she was during that time. I know they were also concerned there was concern she may take her life. She has suicidal tendencies. Good to hear. Coming up i findings of a new study might scare some of you after researchers say indigeston or pulled muscle may be sign of something worse. As we head to break. Live look outside across the d. C. Region. Time 4 42. Party. Might be happy now wait until it starts to rain again. Were back after this. Bri let you go wisdom z1zqjz z2026z welcome back do fox5 news morning crews in canada continue to battling the massive alberta wildfire. More evacuations are ordered. This time its in the drilling industry. Theres mandatory evacuations for 600 people. Precaution arie evacuation impacting thousands more. Although it threatens Oil Production its not burning any of the oil but moving closer and closer every day. All right. 4 45 is the time. As we take a live look outside on a pretty decent start to the day. Things will change and i found gary mcgrady i found the bright spot to all this rain. What is it. When its raining you dont have to cut your grass. Thats true. Thats all i got, thats it. If your grass is like mine when do you cut it. Its like the forest in there. I know. What do you do. You have to have a trok tar or pay somebody else. Thats true i get you. Here are temperatures this morning. Not as cold. Switch over the prompt ter to i can see whats going on. 54 dulles and 54 marshall and we have a couple of days where well have showers. Showers today possible. Rain not here yet but not far away. It looks like it start to move across sorry about that. More showers overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. Could be around for tomorrow morning commute as well. There will be a little warmer tomorrow temperatures up to 65. Well have sunshine tomorrow in the afternoon as well. This is future cast at 8 a. M. Bringing showers across. Expect a wet morning commute through the day today continu continuing with shower activity. Looks like heaviest of rain south of us. Future cast paint yellow, 64 around richmond. Some this comes up closer to metro as well. Showers amount to less than quarter of inch for just about everybody. Some spots more than that. And this afternoon all this headed off east. Drier overnight tonight and few showers around tomorrow morning and few showers around until about morning time or so. This is 1 00. Notice well get little sunshine in here and future cast wants to show a couple showers late in the afternoon. Well get a coming in that brightens the skies tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. Showers back out to the west of us. All this green right around here is ground klut area round the radar site. Again the rain will continue to increase. Not only in coverage but intensity over the next couple hours. 54 at 8 a. M. And 56 noontime and we stay in the 50s today with clouds and showers heres where we are tomorrow. 65. 70, thursday and friday look going now. 70 and 72. Yesterday there was a question mark. Look what happens as we get into the weekend. Showers, storms, possible saturday, showers possible sunday thats not g heres erin como with the morning commute. Thanks, gary, right now 4 47 looking at a crash were tracking and tractortrailer accidents blocking shoulder inner loop bez rockville to connecticut and all lanes on. Crews dont think theyll get that out of the way for the morning rush. You may encounter rubber neck oyrlt loop looking nice no typical congestion 5 and spur now. Roadwork and Prince George county cleared. Outer loop approaching richie marboro road. That area back to normal. 4 00 on up you encounter slow moving traffic and leftover delays this morning as we move to stafford light volume 6 30 to 6 10 and lets look live in the district. 14 street at independence. That intersection no traffic causing irk use. Light volume as you can see. That rain has not moved into the area. Once it does im worried well start to see some extra volume and potential crashes picking up. Ill certainly keep you posted on that. Any questions from you i would lover to hear from you on facebook and twitter and all my friends at erin fox d. C. Tonight, fox news megan kelly sits down in exclusive interview with donald trump. Its kellys first sit down interview with the presumetive nominee august trump talks about being bullied and his attacks about his response throughout his campaign. Most kids between 6 and 16 were bullied at some point in their lives. Were you ever bullied. No, i was not. I have seen bullying and bullying doesnt have to be as a child. I know people are bullied when 55. Or 45. It happens right . But, you got to get over. It fight back. Do whatever you have to do. Ive been saying during this whole campaign im countser puncher you understand that. Im responding. Now, i then respond times maybe 10 i dont know. I respond strongly. But, in just about all cases ive been respokening to what they did to me. You can catch the full interview and more on megan kelly presents tonight at 8 p. M. Here on fox5. The buzz y Summer Travel season is not here yet. Air travelers across the country are being pushed to the limits with long lines Security Check in. Sunday night Chicago Ohare Airport passengers waited more than 3 hours. Things got bad airlines brought out blank et cetera and cots when it became clear they would need to spend the night at the airport. 6,000 new screeners are needed to cuts down wait times. Legalizing marijuana could make more than smokers happy. Federal government and states the drug is not legal are missing out on 28 billion a year in tax revenue. And according to the Tax Foundation most of that would come from general sales and payroll taxes. D. C. Council members are sending out with department of public works to kickoff the great graffiti wipe out. Reducing tagging and remove illegal posters city wide. This comes during the week. We know from c perspective when people see graffiti and its pervasive in the communities they think the city doesnt air care and people dont care and then this broken bottle as and lights and leads to degradation of quality of life. Its important its addressed quickly. Dpw ask residents that see graffiti dial 311. If its on public property public works can remove it. In a ceremony at the white house president obama warded officers with Public Safety medal of valor for risking their lives to save others. Sergeant Robert Wilson iii was honored posthumously. In all these places in all these moments these officers were true to their oaths. To a person, each of these honorees acted without regard foth they stood up to dangerous individuals, brand dish aggravated assault rifles, hand guns and knifes. Public safety medal of valor recognizes police, firefighters and other First Responders for exceptional courage. Well its a case of good news bad news in montgomery country and in an effort to up Schools Council decided to cut pay increases for employee unions. As a result the county approved more than 2 billion in School Funding and the board must use that extra money to trim class sizes and improve presources and the latest move is ahead of two major tax increases and property and home tax increases that began in july. The board asked for 8 pay raise and was denied. A new deal was not reached. A popular bethesda barbecue stand is closing they decided not to renew the lease back to slow business. The county designated it a a startling reality when it comes to health. Specifically silent heart attacks. New Research Finds just as common as standard heart attack and confused with indigestion, flu or pulled muscle. Wake forest cool of medicine silent heart attacks occur when blood flow is blocked. Patients have no symptoms or confuse them with something else. Many never go to dr. Putting them at higher risk later on. Doctors say women are at greater risk than men. Sad news to report in the world of mu sichblingt country super star amealo navara the 50yearold suffered a heart attack. He combines Mexican American folk and pop tunes he earned ten singles on billboard top charts. When it comes to be sneaky this little girl is no different. Wrote dad getting clues to what birthday presents would be. Dear wife what did you get lilly for sip forgot. She signed love done the image was posted by australian Radio Station and received returned reds of likes. They didnt tell us if it worked or not. We need to dig deep orn that. Man, kids. We no, i how they are. We do. We know how the weather has been one dave sunshine and followed with four or five days of rain. Thats been the pattern. You have to cherish that one day wisdom. You do. You have to soak it in. We got today, tomorrow, little dicey and thursday and friday this week look real, real good and the eekd goes downhill. And the temperatures are out this morning. 56 in town. Well probably maybe cool off a little bit more here in town. Maybe we get down to 54 or so. And then well stay really mid to upper 50s through the day today since well have showers moving across. Winchester 52, culpeper 52. Fredericksburg 54. Listen we have clouds now. Thats whats keeping us not as chilly this morning as where we were yesterday morning and there is ground klult area round the radar thaer that were picking up. Not all this around d. C. Is actually rain right now. But, all that back to the west its kind of moving in our direction. Obviously thats rain. It will over take the area over the next hour or two and thats brings wet morning commute. 58 for eye high today. Thats the best we can do when not raining it will be cloudy and cool. Heres erin. Tuesday morning will be a bit of wet commute. Challenging for you. Not looking forward to the weather moving in. 4 55 tracking a tractortrailer crash blocking shoulder on inner loop in bethesda near rockville pike. Watch for rubber neck delays. Good things traffic is moving along long now and they dont and getting it cleared until the morning rush is complete. Aside from that outer loop is looking good. And as we take a look at roadwork that loop approaching richie marboro leftover delay you can see the yellow the map approaching area from pennsylvania avenue. Maryland four leading to that location. Well take a live look outside right now making rounds in virginia. Leesburg pike and fashion boulevard headed to tyson. Look going in both directions there. Got you covered in that normal morning rush or rain moves in and starts to cause delays. Grab umbrella and patience. Getting earlier start is the way to go this morning. Back to you, maureen, wisdom. Coming up on fox news morning today George Mason University is decide physical it will accept 20 million donation complete with strings attached. More and more American Families are opting for more space when they hit the roads. As we head to break heres a look at the stocks this morning. Fox news morning back after. Straight ahead fox5 news morning. Police are serve foring answers and suspects. Slower speeds free add extra time for the commute as you plan on using metro train. We have a few more rain writing days left before we finally get to experience a sunny warmup. Say it isnt so. We with make it a few more days, gang. Good morning to you, happy tuesday, thanks for joining us im holly morris. Tuesday, may 17 National Smoothie day. Enjoy yours. Who knew. Erin and gary standing by. Details on weather and also commute this monday morning. And well get to that in a moment. First news. Desk overnight search for shooter in Northern Virginia and a man was shot around 2 00 this morning in the kings town area of alexandria and it happened prayly lane and collings immediate way. The man shot is expected to survive. This morning d. C. Leaders and people live iing in several neighborhoods want answers and justice after a wave of gun violence. Two People Killed in alarming stripping of shooting shootings. Most killed in south eekt. Joining us live from the sixth disstrict mrooetion Police Station whatwe

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