Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170303

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Happening. Ha weve been getting light snowg h showers and its been enougheenu to accumulate on the ground inn a few spots. In ill have all thea fe details oa rather wintry friday forecast and some travel difficultiesiicl ervin going to let you know about. Erin. Light snow but black ice snow g big problems. Clarksburg road skyfox at thisrd location it remains shut down sn serious crash involvingnvolng several cars between and 270ena7 and 355. Problems along germantown roadnr as well. Well have the latest on what o areas you need to avoid andan use caution this morning. Morni. Your next look at traffic. Raffi. Allison and steve. Lets get right to your News Headlines this morning. Gen we showed you at the top ofes tf the newscast we have to go to new jersey for this one butne t were showing it to youit you because there are many m buildings involve in this firenh along the jersey shore. Sre several homes condo buildingsldn already destroyed in oceanoc grove thats just south ofats asbury park. Dont know of if you injuries o though on how itif started butrd we know as you can see there the there are numerous beachero houses going up in flames. Fla. Closer to home fire ripped ri through a home in northeastnortt d. C. That fire is out but smoket s still pouring from the homeshee windows overnight. Ows this is the 1800 bloc benning road. One person insideg that home he displaced but nobody was hurt. Ut parts of benning road haveroad h been closed but are now opened this morning for rush hour for s still no word on a cause. Caue. To virginia now a traffic trc alert that could impact your commute to work or the airport. Airport. Right now the ramp from them the southbound gw parkway to t Reagan National airport isport s closed due to a water main break. Take a look the airportsrprts authority says it began as a asa leak around 10 oclock last10 ol night. Erin will have your work around inhave just a moment. M lets check your other toper t stories. We begin in the district whereth it was a vioe lent night. Niht. Five people were shot in nort. East. D. C. Police say there were two e separater scenes, one along al rhode island avenue the other oe along brentwood road. Victims three men a woman andn n a young person are expected toep be okay. E hat led to thed t the shootings or if the two scenes o are connected. In prince georges countyce g grief counselors and extra security will be on hand atunset Potomac High School after aaf killed. Happened yesterday afternoonkirn took place just beforet befo 3 oclock outside of an a apartment complex off iversonive street in oxon hill. Hi. Police are still searching forrf a suspect and a motive. Oti the man you see in this ts surveillance photo is that wanted by prince georgesy pr county police and thein fbi. Fi. Hes accused of breaking intoako the u. S. Army Career Center in the 5400 block of saintf sa barnabas road in oxon hillhill about 4 00 a. M. Yesterday morning. Morng. The suspect stole a blacke a bl government issued be 2015be 2 Hyundai Elantra like you sawtraw just a moment ago. Go also an army uniform, a u. S. Army uniform like the picture pc you see here and other items. Its police found a note at the scene believed to be left byftby the suspect that mentionst ments fairfax, virginia along with wih other information that policepoe cannot elaborate on at this time. Another fire in new yorker fn righnowow. New this time trump internationalrnl hotel. Now this is not trump towerowr where the president lives. Den this is trump internationalrnata hotel in manhattan centralattanr park west. The fire startedt about 5 oclock this morning. Or one injury reported. Repoed. No word on the severity of fire but the fire marshal is investigating. Back here in washington h our big story attorneyere genen Jeff Sessions recusing himselfim from any investigation intointo alleged Trump Campaign ties topo russia. This comes after thimes revelations thaaftte sessions mi with the Russian Ambassador ambo two occasions a trumps soninlaw jared kesher and Michael Flynn had a previousr undisclosed meeting with theed i ambassador in ngdecember at trump tower. Fox5s melanie alnwick5s e lie on capitol hill with more m on this fallout and the latest t news. Mel, good morning. Reporter hey, goodl, morning, steve and gepor allisol the New York Times isnew yorkims reporting that that trumprump tower meeting was focused on establishing a line ofne f communication between the new administration and the russian n government. Government. As for the controversy oversy o kremlin involvement inton invoto american politics, that is not t going away any time soon but the federal investigation willil go forward without attorney general Jeff Sessions. Se attorney general Jeff Sessions firing back t resign after failing toling disclose a meeting with with russias u. S. Ambassadora Sergei Kislyak during last Years Campaign while sessionses served on the senate armedsenatd Services Committee. M i think it was hyped beyondhd reason and i think it wasnk it a unfair. Reporter sessions sayss say when he was asked about russia s during his confirmationfirmation hearings, he denied contactsntas because they didnt involvedidne campaign issues. Issues. Nevertheless, early yesterday,te he made this call. All. I have recused myself in the matters that deal with thete Trump Campaign. Trump reporter still its not cr t enough for Many Democrats whoemo are calling for sessions to resign. The fact that the attorneyrey general, the top cop in our country lied under oath to theee American People is grounds forgu him to resign. Esgn. Mr. President do you still sl have confidence in the c attorney general. On general. Total. Reporter President Trump gave sessions his supportr during a visit psi onto virginin but for sessions the realreal problem came when otherother republics if there is an investigation, then jeffat sessions should step aside asde because hes part of theof he campaign team. Reporter other criticism seemed to strike wide of thestri mark though. Missouri democratic senatorsentr Clara Mccaskill who also al serves on the armed servicesserv committee tweeted this. Tee tweeh ive been on the armedis. The am Services Committee for 10 years. No call oral meeting with with Russian Ambassador ever. Ambassadors call members ofers Foreign Relations committee. Lati the problem, she did meet thedie same Russian Ambassador. And back out live here now, President Trump said in an Facebook Post that the matter is a witch hunt and he saidsad democrats have lost grip withs reality. Real however, there is growing bipartisan support for aora prosecutor who is independentden of the u. S. Justiceustice department. Live on capitol hill, imtoll melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. Get another check of the weather with our guy, tuckernr barnes. Barnes. Hey, good morning. R we got this little actionactn packed weather event and the e colder air has moved in andn a with it a few snow showers. Ho friday snow showers remain inw h the forecast. Ow theyre going to beey intermittent and widely scattered but inrm itate few so could be enough to coat the coae ground. Ive been getting beautiful pictures this morning ofs mornio people that love the wintryintry scene out there enough to coat a the ground off to our northnor and our north and west. Wes. 35 now in that, what, 31 dulles, 32 up in baltimore,alti, bwi marshall. Ar you can see the light snow lghtw showers coming through. T fading south there at 66 and nd now down on the southern sideth of theer beltway. Bely. And we are going to be lookingig at additional what we calle all streamers setting up latering ua today with that strongstrong northwest flow. We may snoee additional snowitio showers kind of working oning n down through pennsylvania and get into our region later today. Toda temperatures right now low toowt mid 30s. 30s winds will be branch it will be be a chilly day. A chill make sure you bring a jacket. J it will feel like winter out win there this afternoon and any a snow accumulations we get willg be very light. Just enoh ground. I think roadways for the moste t part should be in pretty good shape. I know weve got a few issuess north and west. And w we were 80 degrees a few dayss ago. This snow will not be a majorma event for us. Much to your chagrin. H to im a littl ye disappointedad but im happy we got a little a something here to wrap up thetoa season. P u tuck. I hear footsteps. And that sounds like erin. Good mor in hing. T so i was just updatingunorust ug everything because even thougheu the snow is not a major event e black ice causing a lot of problems in frederick anderi Montgomery County maryland. Clarksburg road the overpassves is shut down between 270 andweed if 355. The crash involving severalseval cars, serious crash caused byau black ice. They need the o treat the road and get everything cleared out of the way there. E o ythi the in addition to w aytha tthere wo had big problems on 118 by by 270. As we move to our maps 270 a270a problem in frederick as well. We. Northbound side at 85 theres a crash blocking the rightnghe t lane. That was involving anvolving a tractortrailer into ato a guardrail. So northbound delays areys ar atypical this morning. Be prepared for that one. In addition to that, fatherat, r hurley boulevard theres a new w crash at 270. Again a lot of black ice, alo lot of slick spots throughoutt t frederick and montgomeryick county maryland. Yland please use caution this use ctis morning. Especially bridges overpasseser on and off ramps they tend toen freeze first. Seeing an influx of crassthesras and black ice reported there. Th water main break gw parkwayparwy southbound ramp restrictionsstr to Reagan National airport. Irpo. Use the second exit to get togeo the airport but watch out for fo so delayays. Metro is on time. Time. Steve and allison. Alln. Fairfax county crews willll return to Holmes Run Park to searching for humanho remains. Ra now police and the fbi havehe been searching that park since tuesday night after getting atta tip that there may be bodiesbodi in that area. At Police Say Detectives haveteh found evidence of a crime ebutr they havent discovered any human remains. Something that we canthing t release right now and theight ne detectives are looking into where this information came from. Fr [inaudible] police back in may of 2014f 4 found two bodies in that same park. They were gang members who had en seven men were tried and and convicted in that case. C lets get to annie yuto annu right now. Now shes covering whats aats a house fire and annie, i think in the question earlier was haveh they had any sign of thef e homeowner or the resident inresi thisde case . C reporter yeah, goodah, morning to you steve andg to you n. Lison. Well, we just got done talkingta with the fire chief here ine Montgomery County and he tells e us that all indications shows sw that the homeowner was home at a the time of this fire. Fir and so theyre starting to bring in some seriousserous equipment here and begin thatint search with k9 teams as well. L. But they also tell us that byelt the time neighbors called 911,l, that much of the home washome ws already up in flames. Up in flame so, this was a very fasty fa moving fire and by the time te firefighters got here, the the home was full engulfed and if ad you look beyond my shoulders you can see this is whatss w left of the home, not mucht much just a large pile of debris and charred items and even eve after hours after this fire fire was out you can still see a a bit of smoke coming from theh the 16100 block of willow lane in rockville roville maryland. Its a large single familymily home. It sits sort of in a secludedsed wooded area and the fire chief f tells us still at this hour h one person unaccounted for. F. The fire investigators believese the man who lives here lived alone and would have been homebn at this time. Gain,at theyre bringing bri in those k9 teams andnd equipment now and beginningginnn that tough task of siftingf s through all of this debris. Ebis. But what youre looking at is as some video from last night. I skyfox was over the scene. Sce it happened just afterd just aft 10 oclock. Ig theg the just how b fire was with those hugeosge flames shooting out of thehe house. Were told it thoookook firefighters about two hours hos to get this under control. On and what made it even more mo challenging was a apparentlypary the flames from the fire also affected some of the the bushes and the trees nearby. Ther that startedee a bigger firefire the firefighters. Ref at this hour the search begins b and they have a tough task totak sift through all this debris. Gh thats the latest fromst fom rockville. Back to you in the studio. S President Trump will be trume visiting a private religiousligo school in florida sending andin clear sign his agenda will be focusing on school choice. He will tour saint andrewsnds Catholic School in orlando. N it will be his first visit toiso a school asol s commanderinchief. Comm back here at home in anthene district d. C. Teachers wills wi rally downtown for fair pay. P last week the washingtonshington Teachers Union rejected theecth latest Contract Offer by d. C. D public schools. Public scho they sayol teachers have nowow gone six years without a pay increase and say the latest ths offer falls short on pay. Pa. The rally is happening fromeg 8 00 a. M. This morning untilg 11 00 a. M. At freedom plaza. Plz coming up next a healthah warning about a popular food fo that you might have in yourve io fridge right now. And seven baltimore policen a officers who served on a gun agn task force indicted on federal d racketeering charges. The allegations now throw dozens of cases into question. 7 12. Stay with us. U. For all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. Farm, crate, and store. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. My giant. [laughter] hey, welcome back. It is friday hey, morning. Orni. Have we told you that enough . En . Cant say it enough. T. G. I. F. , 7 15. 7 1. Beautiful. B not a bad day at all. All. Weve had some light snowe shower activity in a couple ofic spots, enough to cover the ground. Ive been getting some greatme t pictures. Tweet me tucker fox5 if you yu want to center in a pictureicure and ill try to post some ofosto these. Its also cold out there. Ut the. 35 this morning in washington w and the winds are back out of b the north and west and it willil be a breezy and chilly dayy da today. Our daytime highs will only only top out in the low to mid 40s s so make sure you bring ainga jacket with you. Ou havent used it a whole lotole the last couple weeks. Theres your light snow shower activity. Lig again i want to mention most of the area not getting much of anything at the moment. Nt ta no although this little band is i fading down into southern anneue arrundel county nowarrundelnty approaching Calvert County. Cou looks like Charles County you cs guys are cou next. Ne parts of prince georges countyey getting some light snow showert activity and as i lookvi a upstreamnd here, weve got some additional snow showers we canoc expect later today. Expe theyll be quickct moving. Movig. But as they come on through,th you know, it might be aight be situation where you go itso i snowing. You run to your window withdow your phone to take the picture t and then theyre done. Done theyre not there. Not it will be one of those situations but ill throw ithr out theowre that it will feel el like winter around here today. Td look at your overnight lowsht ls tonight and sunday morning inr the 20s. The 20 and evens with bright sunshine we dont get out of the 40s this weekend so actually a few w degrees below normalw nmal temperaturewise the next fewsex days. Okay. It might be a good news. Ns. Maybe it will slow down the Cherry Blossoms so well getllt them when we want them. Them. And then it will reallyreall feel like spring when its whens supposed to be. Supposed all good news. News. Cant b not on a friday. R i would like a segment deepse thoughts with allison seymour. I. And tucktory. He a normally cosigns butsigt sometimes it goes right overe his head just like what just happened. Skyfox taking a look around u the area on 270. 20. Look at all the snow. Now pretty beautiful view there. The. Were dealing with big delaysbil right now. Theyre looking for a s econdse crash in the area. He are clarksburg road is closedsed between 270 and 355. Lets move over to our camerasca as skyfox repositions thisitiths morning. You can see right now this isows a camera view of that againt agi clarksburg road closed. S we have several cars involvedrs in a serious i crash. Crash. As we forward our cameras camer along we also have black ice ble reported father hurleyrted fat boulevard eastbound. He theres a crash uljuevstar befoe 270. You can see several lanesseveral blocked there. Traffic not getting through a the moment on the eastboundsboud side by 270. Side by 270 as we go ahead and take a lookak at our maps good to point outint between frederick andck Montgomery County this morningot we are just seeing so manymany delays and crashes because of f reports of black ice. O a crash involving avola tractortrailer into ato a guardrail 270 northboundail or blocking the right lane at delays there. 270 southbound itself verytselfy light volume but getting there is the big problem. Bridges overpasses on and off rampserpass dealing with that b ice causing all those problemsas so again just please take ite t slow as you make your way outy t in on those portions ofon maryland this morning. His thats the only issues were dealing with. De good news though for gw gw parkway. Delays starting to dissipate. Si. Earlier water main break that bt had gw parkway southbound theune ramp to Reagan Nationalnatio ort ort closed. Lanes get,cl by there now. No just some residual delays. De southeastsouthwest freeway fe westbound side center lane cente blocked on the case bridgebri causing big delays as well. Wel and then heres a closer look lk at that father hurley crashfa just to give you some idea. Thery you saw it in theou s omcamera. Its causing some bige b problems. Benning road northeasterlyiertht house fire cleared. Use fire traffic moving east andnd westbound on benning road this s morning. Metros on time. Ti. And light volume on 395 past395t the pentagon in virginia. Irgini. Allison and steve. 7 18. New this morning, a healthheath alert impacting a popularpular brand of soy n the Maryland Department of o health says do not eat i am healthy brand soy nut but or bur soy nut but containingaining products from that company. Mpany this is all due a possible e. Pos coli contamination. Ion. Officials say a person in theone state who got sick had eaten e the product before gettingttng sick. There are reports that 12 e. Hat coli cases in several stateses are also linked to the im healthy soy nut products. Gets go overseas. Overse a north korean man releasedrean from custody and will be and wi deported today. Oy. Prosecutors say there juste s wasnt enough evidence to keep p holding him. Hi nam the estranged the half brother of kim jong un was as killed at the airport lastt movement a warrants for anarrano Airline Employee accused inempls connection with nams death. Major change for swedensswe military after its leader introduced a draft for both men and women something tedhat t had not been done in a long a lg time. The draft reportedly in response what its defensedefse minister called a deteriorating security environment in europe. Atratironmen least 4,000 18yeay could be called up every year. E sweden hopes more than 10,000th0 people will be drafted. L be dra. Happening today in baltimore, one of the sevenhe en officers facing federal fede charges in an allegedal corruption scheme will appearher in court. In court. Officer Marcus Taylor andtaylor scheduled to appear this afternoon. Af the allegations stem fromns st crimes investigators sayestigats started back in 2015 and continued through 2016 including falsely detainingetain people, stealing money from f those detained and faking faking reports to cover up theireir tracks. Tracks. Meantime in chicago, a Security Company in onei neighborhood will team up with a local police force in ance in effort to ensure safety in theye area. Now this comes as some residents worry about rising rig crime because the city is that sending officers tors t neighborhoods where highorhood numbers of shootings are are making News Headlines. A 125,000 contract wasact was awarded to a Security Companycoy owned by a former chicago the area. Ea. Georgetown students pay it forward for a woman they see see every day. Happy birthday georgetown studentseorget stepping up and stepping in to surprise one special university employee. Loyee. vo what if this didnt have to happen . I didnt see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the Subaru Impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. The allnew Subaru Impreza. What a great story this is. Okay, so yesterday was read across americagreaso yes day, ra nonprofit literacy groupofit lty handed out free books toree booo hundreds of d. C. Public school l children. These students firste time book owners. Owners. Students from 12 d. C. Publicc schools packed the gym at th walker jones education center. Te each of them got to take home three books for free. Free. Volunteers handed out more than 12,000 donated books. Great. Thats beautiful, g thats bu beautiful. L, 7 24. I know you and tucker had aou a chance to readha yesterday getsa in with some of theth some youngsters. They probably taught you a fewgt things tucker. They sure d i was so o impressed with. With. Their knowledge of theheir environment. K we talked about a dr. Seuss sess book about the environment. Nv i was impressed with howress many Little People are littlepla actually watching the news innen the morning so good morning tooi all of you at woodridge atdridge friendship, yes. We got we got work to doko here. 35 in washington. And35 inorth andn north west that temperature is moremoe like 30, 3 and because of that, weve gote some freezing issues on someez of the in looks to me to primarily like its overpassesle that kind of thing where wevere had light snow accumulationsow s overnight. Still a few leftoverle snowflakes here on the southes h side of the beltway fadingeltwa pretty quickly down into ito southern prince georgeshern county Anne Arrundel county ann there and i wantarrund to mentie upstream weve got additionalad snow showers today. Snow it will be a cool and somewhatet blustery day with occasionalocca snow showers coming in from the north andhowers west. West. Not expecting any major accumulations but as weve w seen this morning, enough tornio coat the ground in a fewin a few spots. 45 today. Cold tonight. Tonght. There could be a slippery spotit or two tonight as well. Look at your overnight low. Lw. Thats in the city. Thats in e. 27. So get ready for a chilly weekend but a sunny and brightbt weekend. Speaking of sunny and bright ant erin is here and she has as roads. Roads. Tucker im walking into thein studio. We were updating everythingvertg because it is jam cam time and even though we have black icee i in maryland, we haventhavent forgotten about our virginiavir commuter coastal storm. Weather not causing a bigmmuters problem but looking a at 95 att prince w the onramp from princeonramp william parkway system at aem at crawl and all of the lanes areee just completely parked up. So 95 northbound throughthrough Prince William county, you winow jam cam award today. Toay. Sorry virginia commuters. 66 eastbound at sudley that was a close contender thiss morning. So take a look. Unfortunately those drivers irii hope they have some good tunesgd in their cars to get throughtoug that painful ride this friday fr morning. Mo allison and steve. D steve. You dont really want toeallo win this award right erin. Ard rr right. Ve the negative agativ a fun spin. Fun making the good of the bad. Fd when we come back wellmek track metro, the troubled, the b Transit Agency still on shakyn y ground. And the story as old asold as time has a new twist. Beauty and the the beast b premiered in los angeles last i night and disnen y has done dne something it has never done done before. Theres a place in america where you can almost see russia. Which means theres a place in russia where you can definitely hear america. Music we salute you. Music we salute you. Music we salute you. Music we salute you welcome back. Ack. Man a what a pretty picture very artsy of the capitol thishi morning. Morn its 7 29. 7 35 degrees out there. Chilly but flowers earlier earer depending on where you are. Right now really pretty. Clear kind of artsy. Asy were here to tell you abouto a harsh reality having aavin a devastating effect on our nation and in maryland. Anyl im larry hogan governor of maryland. Opioid and heroin addictiontion effects maryland errs of allrynd ages and demographics. Ogic maryland larry hogan teaming up with house of cards actor. Theyre discussing the opioid and heroin addiction with theirt children. The governor will join us to t talk about this. Why he chose to declare a state hell join us comingcy o up at. Here in d. C. Houses continuu to shake, rattle and roll and r vibrations are due to passing pi metro trains. Fox5 staying on top of thisp issue now looking into a thirdh neighborhood with shaking complaints. Comp bob barnard is now in northeasth with the story. Th good morning, bob. Reporter ali sop and sop and steve, good morning to you. Mo were in North Michigan Park in a home that is right above theha yellow and green lines between n fort totten and west hyattsville. Vick tee tyson is here and we have a couple other guests wel speak to in a minute. Vicky, youve been feeling trains and youve lived here fof 26 years. Ea. Just feeling the trains since sn last summer. Last sr. Tell me pow that it. W that started around mid august i noticed vibrations sounds like e small earthquake coming throught and i immediately starteded contacting metro as well as councilman mcduffies office. You figure its the trainshe underneath your home. You can feel it. I always knew the train was ys but never felt or heardrd anything. Yt all these years. Years suddenly out of the blue mid august it shakes my entires ir house. You said you felt one at 4 3t this morning as well . El 4 30 this morning. Ning yes. It starts before 6 00 in the int morning when i get up and goesoe until midnight. When the trains are heavier thet vibrations the shaking its is worse. Reporter you say youorte notice some issues with your steps and like structural issuei here. My floors are getting weak in the dining room as well as a upstairs my office. Office. Reporter vicky, thank you. Ou also here is wmau reporterter Martin Dicaro is a fox5ox5 contributor. A bulldog on met treatment. Tre martin, it sounds like weve heard stories about 7,000 series cars. Ca. Whats are they heavier . Could that the difference . Iffec could that be people what peopll in pet worth and southwest andwd here in Michigan Park are a feeling. Residents have been complaining three neigeshidborhs that e the 7,000 series rail carss starting coming on large numbere last summer theyve been feeline the vibrations through theirtion homes. S yes, those new trains areinre significantly heavier than the t current models and weve beenn following those trains coming cn down between fort totten, westes hyattsville on the d. C. Metro mo hero app and this is what folkst in the neighborhood have beenhan doing. So they can track each and evere train. Tr now, metro finally has hired ana engineer as promised californiai based firm named wilson irickck which specializes in vibrationsn and acoustics to go to theto t neighborhoods and startd sta investigating concerns aboutbo possible damage to foundations, et cetera, because this probs po maam may get worse. M may wors metro 250 or so these new traina online now. Ow. Another 500 are on order thater are come buying the end of thefe decade. Oh, my god. They cant seem to win, right . W they finallyin g, riet nghew tra this is tina ward who lives next door. Same issues you say you have y h cracks in your ceiling . Ling yes, i do. Esi do the cracks extend from end to end. As a matter of fact, i haveact,e several. Sevel. One runs from end to end and i positioned on the ceiling. And tina lived here ede ive been here for over 30r 0 years. Ar okay. Joining us also is kenyaya mcduffie the Ward Five Council c membr here in the city. Cit i hined at it. I hine it. My goodness finally metro getset good looking clean new cars andd the deal is maybe theyre tooy heavy and causing problems. Ems they cant seem to win. In. What are people supposed to do not only here in ward five butrv on the communities where theyr having similar squishes. Quis people are supposed to be able to enjoy the peace aare nda quiet of their homes and rightig now miss tyson, miss ward andnd other residents along thisng t street simply cant do that. Hat. In fixing these types ofes problems, fixing the noise, nse, fixing the vibration, preciselye the types of things that metroeo needs to do to be able to restore residents confidence inn the system and right now peoplee have lost confidence for afidenc variety of reasons. Ns but having to deal with thishi something these residents shoulo not have to do and metro needsrs to fix it. Ixt. Youre someone people look tt to get things done. Don are they listening to you . Wilw they try to make this right ifii ey c can. A to my attention we engage metro immediately and they have beena in communication. Not necessariin cly satisfied wt the First Response we got back k in november and so we pressede e em e even more. Now as martin mentioned theyve had contractor but they need tod get contractor to this home andm to all the other homes that area affected across the district ant fix this problem. X this problem all right. Thank you very much. Kenya mcduffieank ward five col member. Mb. Were on bali ton streetn stre northeast weve been here thisei morning and its interestingertg miss tyson says it seems to be o quieter this morning forr th whatever reason, but you can hear it. Easo you can feel it. Feel i its not guys the cars or truckk out on the street. T. Its down below and miss wardwad will even put glasses in her dining room next to each othernh when these heavier trains come through, they cling together and its pronounced and weve beenvn here this morning and have felte and heard it as well. Guys. Just another ongoing issue, another one for metro to dealo a with. No doubt, bob, thanks. Withas. 7 34 right now. Inspiration on this friday group of georgetown students helpingdi to make dreams come true for people they barely new. Theyre finding cam college e campus workers and showing theme appreciation through nonprofitr unsung heroesou. They are raising money to helpol achieve of dream of theirs, air, trip to disneyworld for one worw concern her grandson. N. A lot of these workersor include bus drivers,ve construction workers, facilitiee workers, janitors, et cetera. Er we do, we we share their tir stories on social media and to o really recognize them and tohemt show the rest of the communityni these are individual whos havev made these stories and no and no different from us. Unsung heroes set to accident happened to ten other college campuses. Way to go. To thats awesome. Ts awome. Way to go young people. Ple. Way to start when youreo st young. 7 35 right now. Ow check in with tuck. K all righty. Hey,l got snow showers moving v through overnight. Rougernight. Enough to coat the ground inn spots off the north and west. Wow, what change 80 degrees a few days ago and now werend w talking about light snow a croso the area. E its chilly out there. Sy out th. First and for most bring ar mosg jacket it will be a cool day today. Toda daytime highs only in the 40se 4 and brisk northwest wind isind i really going to lock in that tht cool early winter pattern hererh for us for a couple of days. Day look at binghamton this morningm shout out to binghamton, right, allison. Thats right, tuck. Harigh binghamton on 14 degrees. All right. There s your light snow shower activity fading off to the south and east. T. South of easttown getting intot Southern Maryland. Sout as we look up to the north andod west weve got additional snown showers were expecting tong t develop later today and slipnd p across the mountains here. Ere. You may encounter a quickmovinv snow shower it may be enough ini a few spots to coat the ground. But it wont last and anythingnn we get will be on the lightht side. Si were 80 degrees a few days ago. So in general the roadways areaa going to be in pretty goodoo shape. I know we had slick spots, cant say that, erin will tell youlou about. Abou weekend forecast, sunny, bright and cool. Erin . Roads cool . In frederick and montgomerytger county maryland were dealing dg with black ice. Ce. Improvements along clarksburgg road. Road we saw the entire stretch shutcs down right now some traffic isef getting by. Gettg b but you can still see crews outt there. Ther we had a crash involving several vehicles caused by black ice. Ie looks like the road has been ben. Reated. Traffic moving. You can see snow ontr the grassy areas. Area use caution especially bridges,i overalpasses, on and offramps f watch for black ice and slickndk spots. This is father hurley boulevarda eastbound where we do have traffic getting by right now. Htw as you make your way toward 2700 this morning. Ning but another crash involving anva overturned vehicle. Vehic you can see a big policeig pol presence still there slowing uss down just a bit. Jus again just before 270 black ice reported in that area as well. Sl as we move it over to our maps s not the only problem caused bysd black ice. 270 northbound crash involving i tractor trailer to a guardrailil at 85 blocking the right lane. So we have some really heavyeavy delays leading from urbana to 15 and frederick this morning. Ornig so allow for extra time there. Re southbound side has been bee relatively light but you want tt take it slow and reduce youreou speeds involving injuries at the icces its involving a tractor trailer. So that green will quickly turnr red this morning. Orni inbound river road 190 crash att wilson lane youre jammed allaml the way back to the beltway. George washington parkway inbound clara barton heavycla ba traffic and westbound side ofd t the freeway crash blocking the e center lane at the key bridge. D. Metro right now is on time. Safetrack surge 13 kicks inn tomorrow morning. Tomorr allison and steveow . Well, to text or not to t text. Following a break up. Owing a br. If you have the you were to text o your ex, you might want to wa. An expert weighs in. I if you like to buy those rotisserie chickens from yourm r grocery store. Theres something you need to look out so you dontme gthetin. Well talk about that still stil ahead, too. D, too its 7 38. Its 7 great price on this boneless chicken yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. This march score the perfect basket. Buy 8 participating products in one transaction and get a fandango movie ticket. Up to 10 total value. Only at my giant. We are back now at 7 41. Re t we have bad news for strugglingg retailer hh greg. G it is set to close all ten a stores in the d. C. Area. As well as its locations in thet mid atlantic region. Ion the stores departure from thist area comes just six years aftert it opened its first store here. Hh greg is also closing threesit Distribution Centers instribu brandywine maryland, nationwidee the company is clearly nearly 9y stores in hopes of making a better profit. Ttt. Marriott international theot official Hotel Partner of thet n ncaa in a multi year deal set tt bring even more business andes d high profile exposure to theto e Company Giving marriottvi marrit Marketing Media activation rights during all ncaa events. So bethesda based marriott doing well. Well, we have a health alerl about Popular Grocery store really a staple were talking ti about rotisserie chickens muchem experts say some of them could make you very sick. Ic and if you buy one, make sure s its hot when you buy it. B i the temperature shouldnt beturl less than 140 degrees. 40eg another tip make sure theure the chicken is the last thing yout y pick up before you check out. Heo and then go straight home with t that cooked chicken, and eat it all within two to three days. Okay. It is interesting because bau some of them already cooked and refrigerated space and, hmm,mm, okay. I do struggle with that. H tha now ill get the hot one. Ot thats right. Est ne. The hottest one. Still ahead this morning,ah kevin has the hot entertainmentn news for us. News u thats right, steve ands ri e allison im very excited to beme here to talk about beauty andean the beast. Im getting ready to fly out tot california to sit down with theh cast but first well talk about disneys first openly gay character in a disney filmy fil coming up next. Stay tuned. 7 45. Want to give you a look ahead whats coming up on good day d. C. A loft great guests on thegive o actor and singer tray cheneyrayh will be back with us dishing wis his role on saint and sinners. Comedian brad stops by the lostt and Live Performance by carla. Ar larry hogan will join us at 9 15. 7 45. Hey, tuck. Tk. Good morning. Ng snow overnight. Snow ornig i mean m but enough to coat the groundhen and actually feel little wintryr around here for couple of days. Y when i look out my windowy ww this morning and i saw the roofr of my house that i could see ane i thought covered with white i way to go, tucker. Ucker. Way to go. G thats sweet. S s die. We did it. Wit yeah, we did. E got a couple of flakes outkes e. Ere. Friday snow showers and wereerr not quite done yet although mucm of your day will be kind of in n and out of the clouds here. H occasionally well see some snon showers fire up. Ill show you the radar here in just a second. Ec 35 now in washington. Asto want to emphasize the coldol conditions. Cond erin will tell you about thebo roadways having problems off to the north and west because bau temperatures are below freezingn make sure you take a jacketke aj here. Gaithersburg 30. Herg 30. Frederick 30. 0 29 in martinsburg this morning. Both leonardtown and a fredericksburg last hour belowrw freezing cold for everybody here early today and later thiserhi afternoon not the big springpr warmup weve gotten used to onlo in the low 40s this afternoon with pretty brisk wind theres o working through. G thro quickly fading off to the southi and east. Ng o southern an run dell county andn Calvert County getting a burst r of snow there and that will pusp out to our south and east but looking to our north and west weve got a few additional snow showers which will develop anded kind of cross the mountains here and sneak down into our regionnr this afternoon. You might get a quick burst of f little snow out there. He it wont last. It wont las it will be just a couple ofupl f mi. Utes. But tucker fox5 tweet me pictures i promise well get wlt them out there and let peopleeo know where its snowing. Ts owi. Future cast picks up on that. 10 30 this morning additional snow showers. There we are at 2 00 oclock. Oc the best chance will be furtherr north and west but a few of these will slip to our south, and even for the evening rushnig hour and again there could be ab spot or two where it comes down quickly, and steady enough weh get just enough to kind of coatf the ground quickly. Quick all right. Rig this weekend High Pressure actually delivering some chillyc air around here and temps willpl be a few degrees below averageea plenty of sunshine overnightvern lows in the 20s and daytimetime highs only in the 40s around aun here. Chilly and dont worry. Worry look at monday and tuesday back near 60, near 70 by tuesday. Erin has got business seemine how are roads. E ro still dealing with icy conditions and in virginia,till really right now, ice not a a factor in this crash but 66 eastbound at 28 huge accidentcit scene right now. Rightow just the right lane is getting i by. This is causing some big delaysl from gainsville through thisroui point in centreville so allow al for at least 40 extra minutesuts for your commute as you head toh thltbeltway. Again several cars involved inod that accident. Cc we do have the Fire Department d and police on scene. Cene now icy conditions did causeidau this crash on clarksburg road ii had be beau been shut down between 2701355. 21 activity moved over to theoved e shoulder and traffic getting by. Please use caution this morningi watch for slick spots. S forward our cameras and show yoy isis. Things getting cleared on fathee hurley boulevard eastbound eastb before 270 overturned vehicle ic the distance you can seeyou s flashing lights. Ng l some of the right lane stilltill impacted but traffic getting byg east and westbound right now n just a little bit slower because of the potential for icycy as we take look at our maps ourp those arent the only issuesy is were dealing with. It outer loop construction rightopc now theres some pothole repairr at pennsylvania avenue and thata is causing delays as you make ym your way from branch avenue toeo pennsylvania avenue. Lvan youre hit slow downs. Slowow inner loop just typicalt t congestion as you pass 21021 making your way across theos t wilson bridge. 270 northbound in frederickderi crash involve tractor trailerra into the guardrail. Uardrail delays in both directions theret 95 southbound crash involvingoli injuries at the icc its i involving a tractor trailer. River road inbound crash atrasha wilson lane jammed back to the beltway. Metro is on time right now. Ow allison and steve. All right. Ight well this is intriguing. G. Are brad pitt and jenniferni aniston trying to work on theire relationship to repair theirr tr relationship . Their friendshipi at this point especially foriayo jenn, right. According to reports, thougho this could be the case. Is c be us weekly says the two are teching each other. Er. Apparently brad messaged jenn on tracking down her phone number. E that he had hidden in his inh drawer. [ laughter ] reports say the brad is or coul saydnt fighterred in jenn having a hard time with hisith h break up with angelina joelly. Oe so much for confiding. Now all this begs the question to text or not to textx after a break up. P. Theyre break up was 18 yeara ago. She moved on and he moved on. Lets look at the question. O got some answers fromm relationship expert in new york along with a few other whoser o weighed in. Reporter brad pitt and Angelina Jolie go through athh public divorce brad is b is reportedly texting his exx Jennifer A Aniston seeking hereh comfort during this difficult time which inspires the questioo is it good idea to text your ex. No. No. N never . Never. What if your ex texts you. Y press delete. Is it okay to text your ex. Without akay doubt. Doubt when you want to get backet b with her and say youre sorry s and clear some things. Mehing totally block. Otally block. [ laughter ] whether o to your former flame, could defend on timing. In once do you break up, howp, long do you have to wait beforee you text an ex . Never. Reporter never . Never. I would say a good month. Ld s reporter what happensorte after a month . . Hopefully you hook up with wh her again. In youre texting to get backo g bc together. Its a possibility. Poibility. Its always a possibility. You miss me now, great. You just want to be friends . . No. Never okay. Not okay. O no what if your ex texts you. Tsu thats even better. Better. That works for me. How long do they have tthohat wait . Will. A day. [ laughter ] laug reporter ultimately it may i just be important to be clear tr about why youre reaching out. U. Says sex and relationship expert dr. Meghan phlegming. An phlegmig its an opportunity to sayanr just because were not intimatet any more not in a relationshiphi doesnt mean were not really rl good friends. Rids. When is it a bad idea ton isi reach out to yout r jokes. A our. I think that we have some collar at are the on if youreee trying to get back to your ext o thats a bad idea. If youre attached to the out come having a that theyll reach out to you or respond or get back thats a bad idea. You dont know, i dont know, k you definitely want to be okayt with the fact you get no t fact response at allge. Reporter to text or not to text . That is the question. Baruch shemtov, fox news. All the guys were like, whyew not, the women were like dont t talk to me. Ta delete, block. Dlo i like that. See ya. I tell you right now, i dont you cant text your ext you just cant. You just cant. I dont know. I i say you can. Say you can . . Yeah. Eah. I had a text from my ex yesterday. You have a healthy relati youonship though. Ugh. Its different. Iffere it all depends on o im not trying to get backtog with my ex. Thats the key. Thats im still friend with my exes on facebook. Is that bad. T bad. We didnt end badly. Right. Kevin, you dont know, kevinv is a player. I got married at 32. 2. You better ask somebody. Seb any way whats going on . Im going to shut up now yeah. Be quiet. Quie moving on beauty and the the beast coming out march 17thut mh premier was last night in Los I Angeles at the he will capitan theater. This movie is obviously going tg be huge theyre saying over 100 million Opening Weekend foe the box office. E boxff we all know the disney classicss pedro one of the best movies moe ever made. Ev amazing film. Ing fil heres video of the red carpetar last night. Ig the cast all out there Emma Emma Watson as well as josh gad, luke evans, huge moment last night ot the hollywood boulevard and i ai think one of the cool things i saw the carpet itself had i believe it was 7,000 roses thatt were put up on the carpet too actually create the wall whereal they take the pictures. I saw feet owes of it online. My friend george work out in abc in la tweet add picture of thatt it looks really cool but thelut movie is coming out march 17th 1 im sitting down it with the the cast tomorrow. Row. Including josh gad and luke ande evans i saw the film yesterday. Y heres why were talking aboutut this. Disney, this is the first time a disney film has had an openlype gay character in the film. F this is the character name lefu play by josh gad. He played olaf in frozen. N. The director bill condon saidai attitude magazine theres anhes quote exclusive gayly exclusively gay moment in ay mon disney moment. Josh gad has been responding ong twitter someone tweeted him can you please confirm this. Firm th. He said im beyond proud ofond r this. So last night on the carpet pe people were asking him what hee thought about the response thatt he was getting about people ppl saying this is the first openlye gay character in a disney film. F watch this. Lends itself to discussion is and im very proud ofel that. You know, part of the reason im frustrated so much of this movie is about surprises and i want w the audience to discover forverf themselves because its one of many new additions to the storyh that i think is going tos goi t surprise the audience that theyt can discover that is d than the original. Nal so the big question is now, w think the beauty of this movieie is one bringing it to life livei Action Character emma watson isi playing bell. Bel dan stevens from downton abbyn a playing the beast. Aythe be but, you know, lefu the t character youll see right hereg dancing on the tables he is an n openly gay character in theer i film. Throughout the film Gaston Luke Evans character is trying to wi over bell but lefu trying to win over gaston. Gotcha. The movie very ill reviewevw the movie march 17th. Arch 1 i want to get your thoughts. What do you think about that. Did you see it yet. Th i saw it yesterday did. St i cant say anything about iter yet. Im under i can say anythingg yet. What are your thoughts . T are i think its awesome. Me, too. There are lover relationshipo all through these disney moviesy thats the big thing, you know, your prince and whatever. D wha and so why not . Explore all of it. Whose to say there werenter other gay characters in theers n disney films. Ilms we believe there have been. N the beauty of this and i i think the way it needs to bee we handled in hollywood, it needs n to be happen. Dont overly state it. I its a normal part of our lives. That might be gosh gadsosh point he wanted to come out inet the film and not now its become now its overshadowed. S over. Big story. Im doing a story about ito which is exactly what they dony want to do. Wao ou you have to. My job. Y j. Thanks, guys. Guy hanknks buddy. 7 00 vick. 7 0 hi, tuck. Kev, many people dont know o my last relationship was coinedi beauty and the beast. Bea [ laughter ] yes, it was. As 36 in washington. I told you not to call her that. Winds northwest at eight. Snow showers north and west. Some will sneak in here laterat today. So its also be a cool day. L day temperatures in the 40s and 40s breezes are back. B enough snow here to coat the che ground off to the north and wes this morning very beautifulan of there. Could be a slippery spot or twow weekend is cold. Is cd. Temps in the 40s overnight lowsw in the 20s. The 2 erin, tell us about roadways good we have a new crash, 270sh2 southbound at Montrose Road just looking through the cam troopers on location there sohe use caution. Us just an area were dealing withw slick spots and ice and thens a right now youre taking a livee look 66 ice not a problem here but weight 28 huge crash scene right now has all 28 lanes bloo except for just the one rightnet lane which is at a crawl. C so from 234 to 28 in centrevillv give yourself about 45 extra 4 minutes really big scene there. As we take look at our maps o m other slow downs you need to bee aware of this morning. Mning college park 95 to georgiaeo avenue we have a 15 minute delay. Outer loop construction pothole repair pennsylvania of a delaysn backstnsylva tnio a branch avene metro is on time but safetrack surge 13 starts tomorrow. S keep it to fox5. 8 00 oclock hour coming rightir up. vo love. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Ve is knowing. Hes the one. vo . It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. Were fine. vo love is why we built a car you can trust. Now and for a long time to come. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. Mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Muum dinosaurs only eat meat actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants and country crock is made with plants. Country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. It has real, simple ingredients. And the same Country Fresh taste you love. Welcome to crock country. This is fox5 news morning. Ng good morning everybody. Eveo im allison seymour. Im steve chenevey. Hene thanks for joining us. Anks 8 00 a. M. On friday morningi march 3rd. Heres whats on the fox5 newson morning menu. M first breaking right now riw massive fire still burning alona the jersey shore. Numerous very expensive beachsi houses up in flames. Another big story today. Toy the president standing by his bs attorney general calling the the attack against Jeff Sessions a n witch hunt. His comments coming just hours h after sessions recused himselfem from investigations involvingnvg russia. Well get dee taillights onio that just a minute. That drumming up support for our local doodle or google finalists the d. C. Third grader behindhi this piece of art is going too join us live. First though live lookugve outside. Some of us woke up to little snow out there this morning. Mng a few flurries and squalls passing through. G th yeah. Yeah. That was it, though. Wast, tho i think its all done now. Ow or could it be the casee the ce throughout the day . Good i tolt tucker i started my computey cpu seeing frost on cars by the tim i was done with it it was all w out snow. Out s arere we done. Were not done. D oh. H. Few other additional snow snw showers or quickmoving squall l moving through the area. Ng t good. O be major not going t deal but considering we talkede about snow exactly zero times i the month of february, we got wg something to talk about. Ab. Yeah. All right. Friday snow showers out there. Wr yes, enough to coat the ground o off to our north and we havee he this morning even enough toou cause slippery spot or two tor o our north and we have. We hav ill let erin tell you about roads. Ad 36 now at Reagan National. Gan n. Most of the region here is veryr close to the freezing mark. Ar so just be on the look out ifut the grass outside your house you may encounter a slippery spoters out there on the sidewalk ork o roadway there. He. 32 up in baltimore. Bwi marshall. I rshall looking at our radar. Weve got this first little litl batch of snow now pushing off to thst. Ast. Still snowing in parts of princn georges county, calvert, an run dell county. Nt Southern Maryland down into Saint Marys County getting a light snow shower and thissnow particular little band will fada away and then as we look to the north and west, weve got additional snow showers whichowh will redevelop and move across s the mountains later today. So i cant tell you exactly where the band log set up but bt there could be light squalls s snow showers for a couplepl minutes at a time and in one or two spots it could be enough ton quickly coat the ground later today. Da otherwise, chilly, 45. Ll 4 it will feel cool out there witt the winds out of the normal and west gusting to 30. Even with occasional sunshine bring a jacket. Want. Want it. Weekend forecast looks chilly ai well have details momentarily. All right. Thats g not paying attention to meteorological winter. Teoro that ended andlogi now we have o winter is not officially ovey for two more weeks. Our winter. R parx Punxsutawney Phil was right. He was way wrong. Was i saw beautiful bloomed trees and then today we have a bigve b mess with some flurries, someom icy conditions on the roads from bigger participation paon precipitation this is why i doo not do weather fell earlier thii morning. 28 right now in the eastboundoud side. 66 eastbound passing 28. Ng 28. Big crash just the right laneigl getting by. From 234 Prince William parkwayw up to 28 in centreville about 44 minute delay to get passed thata huge scene now in virginia wea w havent seen icy patches causing big problems just a lot ofotf crashes and typical delays goini on there. As we move over to our maps m scholl what else youre facing f for your friday morningac commue right now the outer looput L Construction cleared potholeot repair earlier at pennsylvaniayi residual delays back to branch n avenue. Now, this is the area in Montgomery County rick maryland weve been dealing with icy conditions. d we icy i 27on0 northbound still a crash c seen tractor trailer slammedla into guardrail delays there. Tre also theres a southbound crasha just before Montrose Roadose roa causing delays all the way backc past falls road be big problemss around that area clarksburg roar that overpass is cleared. Cle we had a crash involving several cars between 270 and 355 earlier and ice that had to shut down d that overpass they cleared itt out. Residual delays left over int o that area. Earlier crash involvingnvolng overturned vehicle father hurlee boulevard. That cleared out of the way right byleared 270. 2 slow zones for you this morningg 66 Prince William parkway to to Fairfax County parkway 34ay4 minutes and then the outeroute loop 395 from the beltway tot the 14th street bridge thatsdgs actually good news. Actually just a 12 minut gooe ride in thn nreen. 95 to georgia on the outer loopl 21 minute ride and then 95he northbound dale city to theound beltway at the going to take d u 25 minutes. Keep that in mine. Tha right now metro all rail linesal on time. E ill let when you know thatet changes w tomorrow safetrack 13k kicks in impacting the blue andb yellow lines. Ll l allison and steve . Te erin thanks much. Nks more on that massive fire ie new jersey. Smoldering along the jerseyringa shore. Lo its engulfed a number of houses condo buildings inn clueing thaa one right there. Right re. Its happening in ocean grovecee just south of asbury park. Burya. Now we dont know of any kof injuries at this point but thert you can see some of those homesh and condo buildings are still sl burning now at five minutes pass thhour. R. Here closer to home inre c Montgomery County, firelonty, fe investigators back on the scenes this morning of a devastating house fire as they continue to c search for the man who owned whn this home on willow lane in oc rockville. Ckvi home burned to the ground last night. D to there you can see intensity full intensity. Flames sparked brush fires nearr that home. Th neighbors and at least oneea relative of the homeowner say they do believe the man was homh at the time of the blaze butlaze they have not been able toe contact him. Al . Al . To the district now, steve,dt firive people recovering afterot being shot overnight in northeast washington. Police say there are two t separate scenes here. He one along rhode island avenue. U the other along brentwood road. R were told victims three men anm a woman and a young person a okay. No word right now on what led t the shootings or if the two t scenes are connected. There is growing supporte this morning for a transgendernd teen fighting to use the bathroom he identifies with. It more than 50 companies includini apple, microsoft and ebay arere urging the Supreme Court to rule that gavin grimm has right to rt use the boys bathroom at his Gloucester County school. Grimm who was born a girl is gii challenging the school boardsos policy that prohibits him fromro using the boys bathroom. Bathro the case is set to be arguedrgue later this month. And one month after a president donald trumpnaldrump controversial travel ban wasrsib struck down by federalan courtsu the white house has yet tos yett release a revised plan. Plan. Announcement for new plan has repeatedly been postponed. Tped white house officials now say a new plan will not be unveiledd until next week at the earliest. Steve . Attorney general Jeff Sessions never that had meetings with russian operatives during u the trump cam pin he himself from participating in investigation. President trump standing firmlyr behind his attorney general. G joining us now from our studiosi on capitol Hill Catherine cherie herridge chief intelligencege correspondents for the fox newsn channel. We continue to learn more about this much whats the latest . E tl steve, i was the News Conference yesterday at theth Justice Department when thee attorney general announced heden will recuse himself from any any investigations into the russiani meddling and did he so on thesoo basis that he had been part ofar the Trump Campaign and too muchc of a conflict he was to stay in the position. Pit whats significant here is thatt he did give us more details about two meetings he had withit the Russian Ambassador, one, i would describe assort of a large Group Situation where he hadree given a speech. It was at the convention and hea was mingling in the crowdling afterwards but more specificalli this meeting on capitol hill inn september which the russians had requested and based on thebasedt timing it does look like the lik Russian Ambassador was targeting then senator sessions because oa his role in the Trump Campaign. Its a question of semanticsi and digging into this, and hownw you analyze this. T there are democrats of course who are saying that recusingusig himself doesnt go far enough. E this should be a resignation. But again and some saying san this was a case of lying under r oath or perjury. Peury. But again it seems like thate comes down to that question of, did he intentionally try too mislead people during theseuring hearings or not . Ar or no youre totally on the right track with that. If you actuallyack look at thet transcript of the confirmationro hearing you can see that thehe question from democratic senator al franken is not direct. Irec its very convoluted and somewhat confusing, and thendhe attorney general said at theaid News Conference yesterday and hd seemed very genuine that he wasw somewhat taken a back by the question. He was not familiar with the wie media report which had to dodo with this dossier the russian rs has allegedly put together on candidate trump and he gave whaa he felt was an honest answer he the election. Ctn he said now in hindsight that hh should have clarified hisfied h response and he will do that now to the Senate Judiciary he didhave two meetings but he d feel he crossed any lines lin because during the course of thu meetings the election never came up. How does the perception ofion this make a difference down then road for a president hard on tht media but this didnt come outoo now until after the media med reports surfaced the white house said something did happen . Thats right. Just a couple of things here if i can. Of thi the attorneyca general saidd yesterday he was already aea considering recuse sal in manyna case prior to the report iort believe it was first by the Washington Post about theseut meetings. Second, if we look at the timinn here, it really does appear thaa theres more evidence now of this coordination and targeting of of Trump Campaign campa associates by the russians. He r all of this went down in thein t first week of september. Ste this meeting between sessions si in washington. Hito this was also when thenhe t candidate trump was giving an interview to rt russia today the propaganda arm of the russian rn government, and it was also as a you can recall at the height ofi the wikileaks when they wereey dumping all of these emailsm from Clinton Campaign manager john podesta. Esta that first week of september isi very important and i think theht way the data lines up now iss that there was a targeting of mr. Sessions at that time by th russians and as you point out,io even if nothing was said, this t is a great way and the russiansn are very good at this, of makink mischief simply bite appearancei of that meeting actually actuall happening. Ha i think thats a great way t put it with the mischief becausu we dont know which directionti this is going to go now but when you hear of other names Michael Flynn, jr. Read cosh they are t brought into the mix now. Ght more administratinion officialst may not be fire but its shouldering. This is something that isis s going to continue to linger. Lin the question is whether itsts going to cause more people in pn recuse themselves or takerak themselves out of policy decisions or to ultimately losel their position as was the case c with retired general michaelic flynn. As we look at this, i would say theres also a little balance bn thats necessary. Essary democrats are calling for thell attorney general to resign but b if we think back a year to the e situation with then attorneyorne general Loretta Lynch and shehe met with bill clinton on the tarmac one week before hillaryor clintons fbi interview, there were no calls really by they democrats for her to take t herself out of the case or to resign from that position. Ost so unfortunately we have kind oo a low bar now if you will. Right. In this case. Ing iner sing in per spec to tiff no doubt. Thats right. Catherine herridge, always good to talk to you. Youre welcome. 8 11. We take look at Hugh Jackmans final x man movie logan good ad spoiler alert kevin loved it. Li actor and singer tray chaneyh will be with us hes about his role on saints and sinners. Get ready to laugh when comediaa Brad Williams stops by the lostt and special Live Performance from Country Singer caramel cam helene. Le back after this. Back after new year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. Feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. Z29pgz z16fz y29pgy y16fy 8 14. Time to make us smile, talk. Cuteness, lets do it. Time for our friday edition of our first five photoke u of the. Yeah whats up handsome . Anom white the picture. White t this is patrick, hehe been. Hello, patrick. Ck patrick getting all gussied up u for big first birthday. Th six days away from turningning oneyearold. Yearld thats fantastic. What cutie pie. I love that picture. Patrick loves to tune into fox5 for fashion tips. Ips. Okay. Judging from this photo we we dont think he needs any. Eeds a. I think you should take a tis from phoatrick. Ri. Really. How cute are you. H i might try that same outfiti tonight. T i think you should. No, no new york city somebody give you a tip. T do it on the show. Dont do it tonight out in public. Do it late night, steve. Sve yeah. Patrick i love the look. Lo. Its like he knows hes a a hitting a homerun. Hes owning it. He when patrick looks back atloa life and cease this picture will he be like i was styling andyld profiling or kind of like of hell try to pretend herend e doesnt want his parents to shoo it to his girlfriends but he he will. Will. I lovove it. Secretly he will to send us your childsr chis picture go to fox5 d. C. And senn it on. It o we love it patrick. My suggestion a little more tham that when you head out thisu ot morning. Its cold. Te mperatures overnight falling fag below freezing. G. Only maryland about half anhalfn inch. I do not know where peck tonville maryland is. Nville m but if do you or you live theree let me know. Kw. And you guys got almost an inch of snow. Seven ren. 30 of an inch. N i mill gap, virginia about anbo a inch. Bottom line parts of the arearea particularly north and west ofos the city got enough to coat thet ground in a few spots, and thatt is causing an issue or two ontwo the roadways. Ill let erin share that with w you. U otherwise cold. C 36 here in town. 36e in look at binghamton 16 thiss morning. Rning were tapping into cold airold r today. Toda. Tonight right through your tough weekend temperatures will be aue few degrees below normal andmald well keep a few snow showers ie the forecast later today. Will not be major event but even minor events when we talk aboutt a february that was snow freewre could cause a few problems. Robl theres your weekend forecastect temps in the fours this weekendd ov cold around here. Er hopefully the Cherry Blossoms are like stop. Peck tonville is nearea hagerstown. Hage great. Stop when it gets warm, nowmw go. Get back to it. Bacto i got it. Erin, good morning. Ri goo 8 17 right now. Ghtow still big problems as you make k your way in centreville. Ev a crash scene blocking the leftl shoulder, left lane. , left lane. Right now the good news, two, right lanes getting bypassed 282 but delays are still very heavya back to 234 Prince William parkway. Wa from gainsville to centrevilleil anticipate slow downs from thatt crash scene. As we take a look at our mapst s right now. Righ not the only problem this morning. As tucker mentioned even thought it was a light coating of snowfs were seeing a lot of icy conditions especially along thee stretch of 270 from frederick fe through Montgomery County. Ntgorc outer loop delays 95 to georgiag avenue and we also have a crasha right now 295 southboundbound blocking the shoulder pennsylvania avenue jammed solia back to 50 in the already aea crowded stretch of 295. 2. And that jams straight down togh the 11th street bridge. E. As we take look at the northernr section of maryl southbound crash involving a inv tractor trailer by the icc. I. That cleared to the shoulder buu watch for that one. 270 northbound this is an areare where the light coating really caused icy and slick spots. Pots. Southbound 270 crash beforee Montrose Road backed up to falls road and then another crashtherc still blocking the rightig shoulder involving a tractorract trailer and 85. 8 right lane previously blocked. Lk metro is on time. Tim may deal with red line slow down any questions erin fox5 d. C. On twitter. Erin, thank you very much. An truly appreciate itk you. Attorney general jeffef sessions recuse sal from from investigations into allegedatiol russian involve many in the the Trump Campaign isnt the only big news coming from the whiteii house. President trump still coming off of a successfulp st speech befof congress so how long will this i momentum and overall praiseise last . Joining us with more noww Chris Wallace anchor of fox news sunday. Good morning, chris. Ngchr good morning to you, allisoni even though the harshest critics van jones comes to mindn and he said that President Trump actually became the president ree very president ial with hisis address t hes got to be riding a highig wave right now. Yeah, thats why what happened with Jeff Sessions wase so interesting because i think k the president was ride ago wavev of support, and obviously theree are a lot of people who stillo l oppose him, but it was a president ial speech. Sec he was reaching out to democrata and suddenly this controversytry yesterday took away the a tension from it. N from more importantly, the key is kes yes, it was a successful speechc but this is the point at whichti the president is going to shift from the easy stuff likee executive actions to the hardar stuff which is getting his legislation through congress,grs and youve got to have support. Not only in a few cases fromesro democrats but youve got to have united support from republicansa and there are big divisions on a lot of these key issues. Ssue like tax reform, like obama carey peel and replace and ind think the president was trying n to reassure republicans hescan going to be a steady presencesee and put out few markers for what he would like to see but at t obama care and tax reform are nn sure thing, and those are keysey to whether this is a successfuls first year for the president ort not. And the democrats of coursefs are watching senator chris val hold len joining us earlier thit week and saying, yes, the speece was great, but lip service because the president seemed too contradict his words with whathw he has done so far. So what does he really need to o do President Trump in making man good on some of the points hee made in that speech . Well, job one clear systemles obama care because thats thecae first thing that they are going toar tackle, and people in the House Speaker ryan theyre talking about repealing andbo ri replacing getting legislationisn through by the end of thisfhi month, by the end of march, but theres a real disagreementgrmet among republicans and they can c do this because of this budget reconciliation rule they donton need democratic votes in the v h senate. They can do it with just theirhr 52 republicans in the senate. Ent but theres some real whether there should be taxd bet credits or not to help peopleeol pay. Some conservative republicansub say thats a new entitlement. Lee what about all those people whoo in the expansion of medicaidmead about 11 million got extra got covered, Health Insurance ir coverage are they going to losel it . Lot of states got extraot money and even if youre a youea republican in those states you dont want to see those people l and those states lose tha money. So the president and he put out little bit of a marker. Seemed to be going with paulith ryans plan which is a more moderate plan than somen som conservatives in both the houseu and the senate want. But he doesnt have the majoritt at this point they needs. So this is where, you know, posturing, press conferences,s, speeches, tweets, its not n enough. En hes going to have to roll up ta his armsve t the way barack obaa did, the way george w. Bush didd and do some real legislating get people in there who hey not be b on board, people in his partyisr and get them to support this. S. He call it a witch hunt hunt against jeff do you expect hell stick by hib side through all of this . Ou all it depend on what we see. S if theres no more no moreo e revelations, yes, i think he he will. This point thishi russia thing whether its aboutu flynn, whether its aboutbout sessions, now we learned last ls night Jared Kushner had metadet witness rug ambassador theado te president s soninlaw. They it seems to me the key to t this you want to take a longon story and make eight quick shoro story. They need to find out everythinn thats out there and they need e to get it out quickly and, yes,s it may hurt for a few days, butb better that than to be at theate mercy at the next front page ofg the Washington Post or the nextx report on fox news, because thii way it just keeps coming oneinon after another and its death byb a thousand cuts. D cuts. We look forward to yourou reporting on sunday as the hosts and anchor of fox news sunday. Ea thank you so much, chris. Chris. Thanks allison. Thaalli okay. Changes coming to very tasty treats soon. Ea still ahead this hour whatour wa Dunkin Donuts and baskints bas robbins are doing to theirir products. 8 22. 22. Those clouds were delivering snow earlier this morning. If you were up super earlyuds wr lyactually in some places its still on the ground. Yes. Y but its fading fast i wouldw imagine. Agin [ laughter ] tucker says might be some might get l later on in the day. Theay all right. Rig i think i think we wanted too like a little thank you to the e school that hosted us yesterdayd wood ridge elementary publicy p Charter School under the frr iendshipsc school banner. Lne theres me and tucker reading was it the lorax. The lorax. Yes. What great day we had out theree great students. Great teachers. Everybody Community Minded and d they watch the news every eve morning. Mo just curious about the world. Wr was this st. Patricks dayckd party or did everybody wearbo green. Green was the color because e everybody did wear greenreen yesterday. Everybody looks great. Rybody thats a great picture. A grer we were visiting some of theo classrooms. Clas we read, we had a whole presentation from therom the kindergartner. Kindergartne throughout the school. In the gym. Theres the reading coach. Greg from binghamton new york nr shout out to you. O y dr. Seuss hats. It was a really great today. Tucker did you tell them tel youre also a teacher and professor of Weather School soo steve im not quiet at theire level yet. But class is in session for. S. Class is back in session sei [ laughter ] im doing a better and bettee job transforming this into exactly what i want. Tly at i not a whole lot of sunshineunin today. Were going to be giving that aa c today. Oday winds are back. Bac out of the north and west a c. Afternoon temperatures in thes t low to mid 40s thats a c. Allison and steve this may beaye your last chance this season tot kiss a snowflake when it calls from the sky. Aww. A plus. It will be the first timelurm ive ever done that as well. W you should give it a try. D g. Its pretty awesome. Tty awese. Overall grade a b for today. Weekend looks cool. Ks cool. Ill have the seven day forecast. Aside from your tie askew you you get an a plus, teach. Lus, teach. Friday we like teachers morel on fridayike. [ laughter ] do your thing, tucker barnes. We appreciate it. Ppreciate i speak of students thirddentsd grader from d. C. Needs your y votes. Te lying to win the nationwidene Google Doodle contest and hes s with us this morning showing ofg there he is. Hi. Aww. Well chat with him next. Theres a place in america where you can almost see russia. Which means theres a place in russia where you can definitely hear america. Music we salute you. Music we salute you. Music we salute you. Music we salute you welcome back everybody. It is 8 30. We have have been checking out the Capitol Building thiscome ve bto morning and thl eui picture hass change little bit as its gotten lighter out there. Ouere it is going to be a pretty nicec day. Might see some more snow today too. But dont worry not too much. Country competing in the doodleo for google contest. Onst three finalists from our area. Or one from virginia, one from maryland and one from d. C. Yes. And third grader lucy yen bell y joins us now along with his dad joshua. Jo but joshua is just here forere f moral support. Uprt we want lucy yen to do all the e talking. Good morning to both of you. T hi. First of all, how are you hre feeling this morning . Youth looking very handsome. I feel very good. Where did you get the t inspiration tour this amazing ag photograph . Well, i well i saw these videos on e waste and how wend w need to recycle more. Right. And so we had this old dvr sitting around and we had an idea and we then made google sign. So that what were looking aa actual doodle if we come out ono camera, we can see the motherot board thats behind it, right. T. This is what you actuallyis w used for it, right. Used f tell us about that. Tha the mother board is has tin on it. T it has copper right there and it has, um ing. Ing was it when saw this lucienn what was it that inspired you to turn this into that design . D you guys took this dvr apartt right . Dad, let me ask you. So at that point lucien a rangen it and it says google with somem of the materials that we wouldew just throw away. Wa i helped him open it upm it because he couldnt open it upt himself. Ms. And then helped him break some k of the parts off. Arts o. But then he put it together, ana then we took a photograph andgrn then submitted it to google. The future what is the vision of the future. Speaks to, you know, k this is going in to a landfillil somewhere, right . So as an adult, what was that was t conversation like with lucienn talking about the waist that wew just dont even think about halh the time . Yeah. So he, you know, we weree re thinking and you can do 3d design he wanted to do Something Different his teacher told him john eaton he needed to doto Something Different so we werefe thinking about what in the house we couldut d wo and this came u, and he has a strong interest int recycling and thinking about the environment so it was kind of ao natural fit. F then we just kind of went from w there. Ther all right. I think its great. What would the honoright m ieann if this is this is whats iti look you see your design on theh web page everybody see that is. E what would that mean f torha yo . Uh, i would be very happy that my design was on. O its so cool you get to go tt california and the whole thing. Are you ready to be a super star . St have you ever thought aboutuo . T . No. [ laughter ] [ la all right. Youre off to fantasticic start. St its a great design. Just to be clear you were going to get rid of this any way,ay right . You know im not sure. Ri i keep aou l kot onof stuff. Sff oh yeah. You know, i was probably pba going recycle it somehow. D. C. Does recycling program forr electronics. Ectronic which is great to bring to the attention the whole ideade behind this was to talk aboutk a recycling and recycling goals. Ls dad, how do you vote. Ou we all need to vote for lucien. Go to doodle for google you just doodle for the numberumbe google and google that and and theres a vote section and you u can vote on every device once aa day. All right. Until march 6th 5 00 r p. M. M all right. Deadline is coming up soon. P so. Yeah. Yea tell us about your school. Bo. What do you think about eaton elementary . El i like eaton elementary because it has very nice teachers and very good classes. Theyre clearly teaching howw to think out of the box. X we wish you all the best. Bes all the best. Lucien thanks so much for coming in. We wishing best, dad. D thanks for coming in. G thank you for having us. Ou fv wedge some other finalists wn want to honoral. Baby wilson is 11th greater at Culpeper High School who hadad great design thomas perkinserns representing maryland with and a out of this world thats the ono from virginia i believe. Bie the out of this world drawing is also from maryland. Arylan so vote for your localal representatives. Lucien you get your vote becausc you name to see us today. Me tse and you get the sharp pesthas dressed. Let me just say that. Sat. Sorry. The best of luck to you. Luk to come back on when you win, okay . Okay. All right. Awesome. E actually wish all of our of o local dmv representatives theats absolute best. Est. Okay. O tucker barnes, good morning. Good morning allison. Oo 36 now id n washington. Ngton. Hey, got snow showers overnightt enough to coat the ground in aui couple of spots. Having not talked about winterur the entire move february werebr this morning. Ni cool day tngoday. Od winds out of the north and westt likely tap into a few more snow showers or snow squalls little late today. Some of this will make it across ke it cros the mountains down into into our region you may encounter a quickmoving burst of snow out o on the roadways or if yourefoue taking the dog for walk thatk kind of thing little later thisi afternoon. Friday forecast blow normalormal temperature wise for change. 45 and notice your winds againgn gusting at times north and wests to about 30. To about it will be a breezy day. D that is a quick look at weathera well talk weekend coming up. In erin is back with happiness anda roadways. Ways maybe not together. He well you know what thingsow a improving on 60 out in 60 ou i centreville and 28. 28. Big crash still blocking theck left shoulder, left lane. Lane right lane reopen but i want tot forward the cameras along ands g show i was look at the delay day from 234 sudsedly road through t 28 in centreville this is what w youre up against. Up ains a loft slowmoving traffic sora give yourself extra time thishi morning to get around. Und well forward our cameras againa and show you 95. 9 95 on the northbound sideun s improving a bit by prince Princ William parkway it was bumper tt mindful from stafford on upord u youll hit stop and go traffic. C adding about 25 extra minutes tt your ride from courthouse roade he bhe beltway. Well switch it over once againa show you the top side of the t beltway in college park by New Hampshire avenue. Mpshe ave usual slow downs about 15 minutt delay from 95 over to georgia avenue. Lets go ahead and take look ata our maps right now and show what else youre facing this morningi gw parkway is slow keep in mindi the ramp that had been closed co for water main break blocking bk the ramp to National Airport that has cleared traffic getting by now. Southbound 295 crash blockingck the shoulder out by pennsylvania still jammed back to 50 and from maryland 95 southbound justund j north of the icc earlier crashra involving a tractor trailer. Trr still blocking the shoulder anda 270 has been a mess all morningg because of icy conditions and slick spots from the light snows we had earlier this morning. 270 northbound crash blockinglo part of the right lane the righr shoulder at 85 involving a invog tractor trailer. Southbound crash before montrosr road watch out for that one. Delays back to falls road and ra then another crash we wereer near 270 has cleared to thelear shoulder. Spots. Sts icy use caution especially bridges,b overpasses on and offramps. Ffm back to you steve and allison. Georgetown students paying is forward for a woman they see every day. University students steppingg up and stepping into surprise one special university employee. This. Is. Everything. Honey bunches of oats. Its crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. Its like adding up awesome, plus aweyeah. Its the sum of the best of the best in a cereal. Honey bunches of oats. 8 40. Welcome back to fox5 newso fox5w morning on a friday morning. Ni glad youre with us today. Georgetown students pay ittt forward for a woman they ss eepe every day. Happy birthday to you. Some students stepping in and stepping up to surprise one university employee. Mplo happy birthday to you the bigger story theyerry actually started a Foundation Sn they can help others and that is starting to spread all across as the country. Surprising not just happyt birthday gut gifts as well theyt want to reach out to people who are in the community who they feel they can help. I think its a great effort byfy some of the youngsters ate yogse georgetown. Example gofundme account set up one grandma and grandsonn going to the happiest place ontt because of the students ate georgeoftown. I think its awesome. They want to start chapters of this in other colinleges antr the country as well. El all starring here in d. C. D we love good day coming up fewew minutes. Hi ladies. Ls. How are you . We are well thanks for asking but well need someone to help h us out with the prompter here. Tr thank you. Than also at 9a only on good day dc, marylands governor larry hoganh joins us live. Sive. Yes, he joins us just afterfr days after declaring a state ofe emergency over the opioid crisii in the state. The have a question for him . Ion fom employees tweet us using the gooddaydc. Now i do it for dinner timesm do you . . What . Pick up rotisserie chicken at the supermarket. All the time. Question though. Is it save . New reports thatort may have you thinking twice whaw you need to know. Kw. Were all ears about thatout one. Also at 9a we have a tha qtuestt for you before this weekend. Ee is it ever okay to text an ex . Yeah. Ye well dig deeper into that topit its coming up at 9 40. H hmm. You didnt mean yeah nass yes. S she meant hmm. Ea hmm think about it. Well argue about it. And its not a look aheadk a without that famous good dayay guest list. Gues list. Lets put it up. Actor and singer tray chaneyh will be here. Wi hes dishing about his saints and sinners. Inne get ready to laugh when brada williams stops by the lost and s we have a special Live Performance from Country Singer carmel helene. Good day d. C. Just a few minutet away. Looking forward to it, to i ladies. Thank you very much. Still ahead Kevin Mccarthy takingthanah us to the moveaies. Kev . Thats right allison. Im coming backhat next with my second five out of five ratingig of017. 7. Youre not going to believe whal it is. T amazing. Amazi three Movie Reviews coming up c next right here on fox5 local l news. Ne its lunchtime. Stop what youre doing and head to subway. Because right now you can get the subway footlong sub of the day for just six dollars. A different featured footlong ery day of the week. Like the sweet onion chicken teriyaki on monday and the italian bmt on thursday. Discover a new favorite every day of the week for just six dollars. Its the six dollar footlong sub of the day a great value from a better subway. New year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. If youre looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. Z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy live look at the white house on a friday morning. Th a f 36 degrees out there. Here warming up but not dontt expect, you know, a big warmup. Especially in breeze. Reez look at the flag on the top of white house blowing out there. He after seeing snow showersseei earlier this morning even somen ground coverage inso some areass my goodness, wait for thehe forecast. Forest. Okay. Well get tucker in ten seconds. All right. Lets get down to business. Friday snow showers had some move through overnight, and were not dones get s witnoh tt possibility that there could be quickmoving squall or burst ofo snow out there for few of us few little later today. Today chilly, too. Illy, too 36 in washington. Ashi look at to the north and west. Ns most of the region is at or at below the freezing mark. G mar g frederick 32. 32. Martinsburg, hagerstown, all below freezing here and werendw not going to warm up a whole loe today. To lets start with wintry feel ouo there. Ther brisk northwest winds andds daytime highs only in the low tw mid 40s for starts and then the well add a few snow showers ins the forecast as well littleel later today. R to all right. We had predtty you can see ie a couple hours ago. Go good little snow band that bd worked through the city off tohh our east seeing a few the develd out on the west out in fauquierr county and as we look upstreamo here to our north and west, wes, well see additional snownal s showers develop later today. Toy little bit of instability in thn atmosphere and with that motiono out of north and west some of wo these will sneak across theshe mountains and get down into then immediate Washington Area thisen afternoon. Rnoo so again, i dont want to overoe play this pretend like this wili be major snow event, but if youi get caught underneath of one of those snow squalls there couldn be few minutes wheresq yourerey getting pretty good little bursb of snow, and then it willn quickly push off to the east ass well just kind of continue tot i have this pattern here for our afternoon. There we are at 1 00. S pather er so again i cant quite guarantea where this might set up for youu but certainly a possibility if y youre out bound later today yod encounter a few snow showers ana even through five, 6 00 oclock tonight a few of these snoww of showers around. Again, daytime highs in the 40s. Were not terribly concerned about it sticking to the the roadways this afternoon althouga we did have few problemsem overnight. Weekend forecast looks sunny ana bright but quite chilly. Havent done a lot of cold inf the past month. Paonth but well do it this weeknd with overnight lows in the 20s and ad daytime highs which dont getchd out of the 40s. Ouof t so a couple days of actuallyll early march weather around herer there you go. You temps in the fours, saturday, sa sunday overnight lows in the 20s. 20 big warm up next week. W near 70 by tuesday. Uesd Cherry Blossoms dont despair. Ea im talking directly to theecy Cherry Blossoms. You. To do it in special language. 8 48. 8 heres whats trending on thes h web on this friday morning. Orni first up katie perry switching i up her look after her split frof Orlando Bloom she posted thisd picture to instagram showing a new blond do. W blon looking like miley cyrus in it. See that cut before she how about a new way of thinkingg for 2017. Go for it. T Dunkin Donuts and allisons favorite Baskin Robbins launchec the whole seymour career. Ee latest to change promising to go all natural. The Companies Say they willy ll eliminate artificial colors froo their product by neck year it will change every product sold o by the two companies. Es if you think about how many abot colors are in the ice creams, right . Icy fillings, frozenroze beverages, ice cream however there will be a few exceptionsl such aa s products that are quoe unquote supplier branded. Lierrad finally if you are thinkingly about attending the i universitt of central florida, if youre an athlete, you can benefit fromrom this. This. Kind of for the athletestes village. Vi the school is sweetening thee pot. It is planning to build lazy l river, mini golf course and and cabana area in other resort r style amenities for 25 milliono the project is being fundedunde entirely by private donations. Oo some people giving them ae ph hard time saying that becauset u theyre in orlando its like aia disneyworld type attraction butt look youre in florida, yourer trying to recruit athlee tes tht would go to florida state, m too rolling out the lazy river. Nice looking. Looking it looks nice. S here with us with u for the fox beat. Eat. How you guys doing this doing morning. Good. Good three major films hittingit theater todays. One will be the biggest opening of be th 2017 so far i think get is still ll its still big deal. Rated r. Ated. Logan a huge wolver recent thet final wolverine film youll see hugh jackman starring in. Starr 17 years hes played thisplaye character which is incredible. Rs nine times hes played the role. This is the wolverine filmne fil everyone has been waiting for. Ag its the r rated. At its the character as you see him in the comics. He comic is it safe to say this isit o kind of a more personal wolverr recent. Nt. 100. This is a western. This ia we not a super who are row film. Its about him. Yes. Yes this takes place in 2029. 2 hes been wolverine for longg time. Extra violence you see thence claws out. Hes wolverine in the movi we dont see him the beginning n of wolverine. Verine if he turned into go eaead. Its one of the most violentn films youll see in your life. Or to me its a film that again ii not saying the violence is whatw make the movie good, im sayingy this is the most realistic realt depict of the character weve w seen so far on screen. Ee. And fans want that because itsi been a bit watered down in the pg13 realm and the xmen moviese this is the film directed boyire james man gold who directed wall the line and 310 to huma two ofo my favorite films of all time te not super hero film. O and this is not a kids movie if youre an xmen fan. This is for adults. Alt this is a western. W it has unforgiving elements itet to. Its totally a throw back to tht old School Western times. T re there it is. Its awesome. I mean it really is everythingle you want in wolver recent moviee sir Patrick Stewart is fantastic ago professor x. Daffy keen, spanish actress, 11 years old, she steals thealhe entire movie absolutely fantastic. Faasti its ive seen it twice now. N second five out of five of 20172 dead pool by the way was my w m Favorite Movie of last year yea obviously if all right fan of fn the xmen universe, youll get a major, major surprise at theet beginning of this movie. Movie okay. Good point. Od not in the film. In e film before the film starts. Rts. Right. Rig dead pool you loved. Ov yup. Y rated r. Logan you love rated r. Ated will we see more r rated super hero films. 100 . Dead pool said the standard 783 Million Worldwide at the box office. X ofce. The dark knight while it was it pg13 was a very rated movie. Mie very hard core film. Very dark. A crime drama. D it wasnt a super hero movie logan falls into the same exactx realm. Re again, not for kids. Or kid dont take your kids to see it. Trust me. What about something for theu younger gt eneration. N before i fall for teenage tee generation this is a movie starring Zoey Deutsche based ont poscpular book. Lar book. The idea behind this film a lotm of people have been saying its very much like groundhog day meets mean girls. Single morning and relives theet exact same day over and over ovr again. At the end of the day around 12 39, 12 39am in the morning ti something tragic happens anding shes trying to fix thattr tragy from a occurring at the end ofue the day. So the movie has some good som elements to it. Ts t i think Zoey Deutsche iseytsch fantastic in the role. Ntastic in i think the movie kind of overfe plays some of the characters arr little bit overstated die nottee like the ending of this movie m you havely. Ly i thought the ending leadinga up to everything i was hoping for a different ending. A difft. Im not going to gift it away ia you read the book you know whata im talking you about. I didnt particularly kale caret for the ending. Hree a c on my m scale of matinee. Your best bet logan or get outro this weekend next up the shack. K faith based movie a film f starring sam worming ton fromamt avatar films. Il this is essentially story about a father who loses whoses w daughter is murdered oh and camping trip. G he returns to the scene of the t crime after getting mysterious letter and spends up spendinging week mend a shack with god andod jesus forgiveness but also overcomingg tragedy and i think for me i mei think one of the Big Questions e people ask in this world whenlde terrible things happen is why . Why . Why, why would you take why is my daughter beingtebein murdered . You know what i meanm horrible thing to take on. En so when youre watching the film you understand his frustration t you can see him here thats kina of the message of the movie is, when something that terrible happens, how do you move on wite your life . I think that Octavia Spencer good a does greatoe playing god in the film. Tim mcgraw right there. Mcgraw r a film that will teach iig wasch lot. I was intrigued. Intrigu i was intrigued by sam worming i ton arc. I dont think hes a greatt thke actor. I thought he was really bad inta avatar hes great here. Gat he really, really nails the rolr here. Its emotional arc that yout y havent seen on screen from him before. Be does fantastic job. Ob i thought it was little too lono in the middle. Mid and the end hemoglobin some issues in my opinion but i gave 83. 5 out of five. Fe. Its beautifully sho Octavia Spencer is fantastic asc god in the movie. M they call her poppa in the film. Real quick before you gou g youre going on the mccarthycc express out to the west coast. T im getting ready tom getngr interview the cast of beauty and beast im very excited. Gosh gad, dan stevens, shirley mc lean tomorrow im very excited about her brothern d ou obviously Warren Beatty hadeay amazing thing that happened atth the oscars this pinastg weekene then also monday im sittingimg down with alec baldwin. Al ill be live from la monday m morning with that and coming upu at 9 40 well talk about disneys first openly gayay character in beauty and the best played by josh gad lefu theu t character gay in beauty andy beast. Beast. Talk about that coming up atat 9 40. Short break. Back with the forecast. E f thanks, kev. Thank you. Fox beat free friday contesti p boy do we have a good one fore you today. This is great for the whole family enter thes grea ultimatem globetrotters experience oneiee winner could win a vip prizeipre package including four tickets f to see the harlem globetrotterse march 18th the a verizon zen. The prize has approximate retaii value of 448 provided by harlel globetrotters international. Er go to our fox5 d. C. Facebook fab page and enter for your chance c to win one winner shrek besidees random drawing on march 6th. All entrants must be 18 and older. R. Complete rules are available at foxdc. Com contests. That has got to be the most successful jingle. Jingl swe as soon as you hear it harler globetrotter. I need you to read that sclaimer aeegaind. Read it fast this time. Fastm 39 in washington. Hing 35 dulles. 37bwi marshall. We are looking atshal someom additional snow showers north and west. Had some overnight enough tough t coat the ground in spots. Sts. May get another quick burst ofst few snow showers this afternoono otherwise, cool and breezy. Daytime highs in the 40s. 4 look at your weekend. Wke cold look at overnight lows in the 20s. Daytime highs with sunshine 40ss make sure you got your jacketr e ready to go. Y to go. Erin, roads. 8 57. Montgomery county frederickedrik maryland areas with a lot of icf this morning. Ng icy conditions and slick spotscs right now person hit by a car in bethesda wood montgomery avenuea at rugs bee avenue. Ve Pete Piringer letting us know u about that one. One. Watch for slick conditions. Or s. Well keep up it dad. Welkeep u any questions at eriitn d fox5. On twitter. Er safetrack starts tomorrow. Any questions i got you coveredd on social media as well. Wel this. Is. Everything. Honey bunches of oats. Its crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. Its like adding up awesome, plus aweyeah. Its the sum of the best of the best in a cereal. Honey bunches of oats. Straight ahead the nations topt cop off the case. Ase i have recused myself in the matter that deal with the trumpp campaign. Attorney general jeffy l j sessions recusing himself fromro any investigation into tieses between the white house and the kremlin. President trump calls thetrump backlash against sessions a witch hunt. Meanwhile more close aids to the pr cesidloent facing questions n about

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