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We have a track unit derailmentm affects the orange line outsidet done loring because of that t single track on the orange linen between west falls whichever church and vienna. Urch a vie the blue line shuttle bus b service replacing real servicels between Franconia Springfieldind and van dorn street. Tr that is also causing lot ofot delays on the yellow linen thein because of congestion on theio blue line. A lot of folks trying to avoidod the roads i think on thishi terrible traffic tuesday and take the rails. Take t rai unfortunately getting stuck in that. Unately fox5s g betob barnard is out at Franconia Springfield with thege very latest how this is unfolding. Reporter hey there, are rin g morning. Ng well there are shuttle buseshera going from this the start shu oe blue line Franconia Springfieldd to van dorn street but a lot ofo these shuttle buses are actually going to the pentagon because as metro officials here say most ot these people are working at thee pentagon some of the buseshe bus theyre bringing in here areng r taking some of these people andh you see a line of peopleese p wi for the buses. R thuses theyve got a lot of buses herer but theyre shut link them ininh and a loft these people will beb taken direct straightly to theoe pentagon. On it is a track problem. Bl surge eight part of safetrack. R. So they had been single trackini for the last number of daysfay between Franconia Springfieldied and van dorn street. But now there is no rail service on the blue line from the start here to the next stop up whichpc is van dorn street and i wantedn to you see how you guys doing . Another rough morning here, terrible tuesday. Well, its not too badoo b because weve the shuttle lastht week, so so reporter getting used tose it. Yes. Reporter thank you. Ou theyve been having shuttleing e ice cae because of the singlerv tracking now theres nous the no tracking, guys. Trac, we dont know how long this ists going to continue becausetinue basically its a tra bck problem according to metro, and no raili service on the blue line right now between here franconiarancia spring feel the start of the t blue line and to the next stop o at van dorn street. T. Guys . Not what you want to deal talk do you terrible traffic tra tuesday on the roads. The roads you dont want to throw the rair equation in it as well. Its 7 02 right now. Now coming out maryland. Aryl search continues for one of two suspects in connection with onearly morning shooting in prii georges county. Security guard shot near localoc university. Un earlier this morning, policeninl arrested one every those men. Fox5 cameras were rolling rog when it all happened. Apne Melanie Alnwick joins us now usw with the latest. Wi l good morning. Reporter good morning,ng guys. The latest that we know is thatt university of maryland,maran University College employees ara told that they can report to t work as scheduled this morning. G now, that building is just up campus drive here. H just where you see those cars cr parked on the right where theret sidewalk is there. The that is the building where thisi initially happened. Ned it was just across the streether where the arrest went down. Dn. Little after 4 30 this morning. G lets take to you the video ofeo that and this is as we weres wee standing there on the scene. We heard some cloud shouting. We heard dogs barking and then this suspect dragged out of the wooded area on the other side of the street, and into thiso waiting police car. Now, very closely to the descriptionp that university of marylandyld police put out early this morning. Rn this suspect here they said it s was a dreadlocked and ponytail blew short sleeved shirt dark st pants and shoes. Ses now theres also another suspecs still at large. Lge that man said to be what they described as a skinnier build with khaki pants i believe is b what they gave us on that onet also wearing a ski mask, blackck hoodie an long sleeved shirtd that is the suspect they spent a long time looking for this morning. Rn but now police are telling usliu they do believe that the area is clear for this time. Youre looking now at video whee we arrived on the scene of a a where the police were doing ae a lot of their crime sceneme sne investigation where we believewr the shooting happened. Appene this Security Guard and were we told that it is commercial armea robbery. Thats how theyre classifyingsg it, that guard now in criticall condition. It this is sort of the Side Entrance of that Marriott Hotel and the door here says, it iss lost prevention unit. Nni sort of Security Guard the local Police Office there for thee the hotel and Conference Center. Entr this is the university of of maryland, University College ini and Conference Center. Ter so umuc has couple of buildingsn there. The administration building. It doesnt really have a campus. Its mostly an online universite connected with the university oo maryland system. Nd sysm. However, were just blocks away from the university of marylandr campus and thats why the alerte was put out to the university oo Maryland Community last night and into the early hours of this morning. Morng. Again the essential still goingi on for that second suspect. Uspe but at this point the all cleare is given people can move aboutau freely in the area. Re back to you guys. S thats good news. All right, mel, thank you. 7 05 right now. 72 degrees. Eg hi, tuck. Goodorning. G. Good morning. G some more good nooews . D mdew what you got. G. It will be dry today. It will that helps. Be dryt hel. Actually we probably need the rain. Maybe thats not good news for some interests. Some i good news or is it nnteroteso news . Ne little bit. It if its not awesome, let mele m know. All right. For foing to be beautiful. The skins home opener mondaymo night. Okay. Okay. A week from now well have wh good news . Good n lets go to the forecast. As. I mean ean im just happy the team ishat back together. Et yeah. Its good news this morning. R very comfortable. Veryfortable 71 at reagan. National. Na 66 dulles. And 68bwi marshall. Arshal i mean its really not bad newsw just hot news. Ns. Well be back in the low 90s lo9 this afternoon. Fteron. Theres your satellite picture nice and quite no rain today. Weve been very dry. A little unusual dry last week e and dry for most of this week,e, too. Quick look at your forecast. Eca. Its all about the heat and eventually the humidity. Idit not so much humidity today. Uc that willh midi build back in lt this week look whats back thetk 90s. laughter . lauter okay. Thats good news. It sure is. Umhmm. Thanks, tuck. Erin g morning. Good morning. G 70 00oo sick. S since we check in with the raili well move over at the roads. N breaking news about this crash 270 south right here 80 just passed 85. Passed 8 big delays lingering even thougt the crash scene did clear allar lanes open. 355 backing up as well. W state trooper was injured withuh minor injuries in this crash it was a Chain Reaction crash andsh he was rear ended the statete trooper only suffered minor mor injuries. Juri skyfox on that are way to this s scene dealing with huge delayshd coming out of frederick thisderk morning. Mo aside from that in the districtt southeast theres a crashra activity seen closing martinartn luther king, jr. Avenue betweent howard road and morris road thet crash was involving a motorcyc motorcycle. Suitland parkway inbound also very jammed up to souitlathnd p. Metro dealing with these bighe b problems. Proble shuttle busing in replace ofce f rail service on the blue linee franconia to van dorn singlegle tracking between west falls fls church and vienna. Delays on the yellow line. Line. Heres a tour of the area a because were just parked up ond a lot of our roads this morningg if we can a take look at r10 cameras were parked on 66 o66 eastbound out by 123 earlier ear trash crawling along. Alo youre not getting anywhere anyy time soon from manassas through youre jammed up like lk that extra time needed there. This is 95 same story fromry fro stafford all the way throughou dale city and were dealing witw a disable box truck flee 9595 southbound by washington boulevard. 395 northbound jams beltway to the 14th vet bridge. Back to you guys. Guys. Erin, thanks very much. M new this morning theorninghe president of the philippines php expressing, regret after lashini out at president obama. President duterte regrets his h crude comment caused so much m controversy. Coroversy. He made that remark before flying to laos yesterday he wase supposed to meet with president t obama. However president obama later canceled that meehotweveing. Duterte said the pair mutually agreed to do so. He expressed his deep regret, deep regard and affinity for president obama and for the Enduring Partnership between our nations. Naons. Meanwhile today in laos the t first day of asian summit thehe association of southeast nationt yesterday president obama waseso welcomed to balaos by itsts president the president of thefe United States the sitting up sps to set foot in laos. I lao hell be there until thursdayhus of you with me. M reporter after nip monthsips since holding a press conference clinton ventured to the back ofo her plane and finally took t questions. Some of which focused on her email controversy. Ovsy i take classification serio seriously. Seriou in fact i couldntememberemem certain meetings whether or nott they had occurred doesnt in any way affect the commitment that t had and still have to thehe treatment of classified materi material. Reporter after just a handful of r questions, thougi all came to an brunt end as clinton suffered a coughing fit. It follow add similar simil incident in ohio where she blama the attack on her opponent. Every time i think abouthink trump i get allergic. laughter . Reporter donald trump donalp meantime took another swipe atpe clinton over her stamina. He is behind in most polls but t hehas agreed to participate ince series of three debates with wh Hillary Clinton. Y clinton. But he also faced questionsuest about his shifting immigrationtn policy. Citizen youre going to have toe go out and come back in. Threw the process. Ss get online. This is isnt touch back. Reporter to add to the t post labor day rush, congressonr returns today following itsngts summer break. Summ break. So it will be real busy and a things are going to pick upre gg between now and the to actual election. If you can imagine but putting g all that together. Tog steve and allison. Allis until the epp. Epp crunch time. C t one of mother natures natural beauties destroyed. Oyed. Whole thing was caught on videov the search for those tse responsible. Sponsible. Erin will be back with another check of your roads and e trierriblen wi tllraffheica tuesday as its called. Ald. Beep beep. 7 14. Terrible traffic tuesday. 295 southbound from 50 down passed pennsylvania a loft trop stop and go traffic. Forward our cameras the beltway very backed up on the inner loop. Look at this in prince georges counsel too. 21p 0on athisourpass w m ac21ross the wilson bridge bigig delays. Ys top side of the beltway outerayr loop in college park jams 95 to georgia. Geor as we take look right now 666 eastbound earlier crash by the e vienna metro cleared. You are parked right sun glare on the westbound side slowing you down as well fromro mans in to the beltway. Eltway. You need 45 extra minutes. Ines big delays all over the area tha right here as you make your wayy out on 95 that was princes p william county. Iacou take look at our maps quicklys q things are getting back toetting normal on metro. Residual delays no longer single tracking on the orange line donn loring normal service no longerv icshuttlee busing on the blue ln earlier track problem by Franconia Springfield. Fox5s bob barnard has the latest. St are we still seeing big delaysbl out there . He . Reporter take look. Oo this bus is full of people who are on their way to the pentagon. Pent its one of the last shuttlet st buses that is making the directr road from here Franconia Springfield the end or ther t beginning of the blue line directly to the pentagon becausu an earlier track problem which had no service beau beingeau provided at all between here and van dorn street has been been resolved. So trains are now running againn because of safetrack, they had h several days and so people hadeh been taking these shuttle busess direct toll the pentagon for f several days now and so thatss what some of these these peopleo are doing. Areoing forget even taking the trainss that are now back in service svi this morning well take theehe shuttle bus directly to the pentagon. E others have been takingnt the t direct shuttle bus from here ate Franconia Springfield to vano n dorn street. But because now Train Service has resumed we are told theol t track problem that had no trains running at all this morning thee first two stops on the blue line has been resolved but the b the shuttle to the pentagon which i happening throughout safetrackaa here up until this weekend weekd continues this morning. Guys. 7 16 right now. 16ight the other thing that continueshi is the summer heat. Hea not just today but this week. Ee right back in the mid 90s m s around here. Not today. Arou tay. Low 90 todays. But by thursday, friday and saturday saturday cranking it up again. Crank the heat index overing it up1 i guess were used to it. O we had a little br will feel like it felt great. At smack down. Saturday and sunday feltd suf fantastic. Right back it to. Ntght bac k lets see. Itles s 71 this morning in washington. Ho the red arrows you see you see s the swirl there east and south h of new york city that is hermi hermine. Well take another look at it here in just a second. Wehere ius quick look at Storm Tracker radar. Ra very quiet. Beautiful sunrise. Sunrise as mentioned daytime low 90. Should be dry dry afternoon mucc thats hermine spinning to the south and east of new york city. Battering away at the beaches oo southern new england and longndn island. Nd definitely issues up there with winds gusting oveter 5ly0 mile n hour. Hermine will just kind ofjust ko continue to meander and spinmead there for the next couple of days. Bottom line in our forecast were looking at plenty of sunshine and plenty of heat over s. Suns dayeveral day no rain in in sight here. Her well be, again, 90 or betterrtr for the next five days and thent 95 or better for three or four r days by thursday, friday and saturday. Can i ask unrelated question. Absolutely. Olut you smell like burnt toast. I smell burnt bagels since ii arrived this morning. Thats it. Liksorry ingd e to apologize. Poloze is it in your jacket. Jket. Yeah it is. Its if anybody is listening get us s new toaster. That would be great. Th wou its that bad. At. Atme something to e all right. Allight. Erin como well go to top stories first. Rst ignore my smell, steve. Ve as we move on. Checking our other toper top stories manhunt underway inerway prince county for whomeveror wmr exposed himself to 11yearoldad girl. Police say this happened whileai the victim was walking alonglo jeff davis highway in in woodbridge. The man drove up and asked theet victim if she wanted ride. Rid she said no. Police say he then exposed himself. The girl ran home. Rl rane. Told her parents. Pents right now police only have vagua description of the suspect. Pect search continues in Fairfax County for the man who allegedly raped a lifeguard on duty at an alexandria pool. Pl. It happened saturday around 2 00 on south picket street. Ket. Police say the 24yearold womam was attacked by a stranger witht a gun right in the middle of thf day. They say the woman m forced the woman into the pool o House Building and raped her. Ngr police are work wig the victim m on getting a sketch of theng a f suspect. Susp d. C. Man under arrest this s morning accused of exposingsi himself and trying to get a perform to perform a sex act on them. Em this all happened on metro train. Tr Metro Transit Police say 27yearold anterior knee sinclair whom you see there isi now being held without bond much this happened yesterday as an a orange line train approached the sounderring merrifield stationdi in vienna. Nn if you thought it wouldnt getdt any creepier another state is now dealing with people dressed as clowns trying to lure kids into the woods. Nex. Have details nextids. Sounds similar to the lasto t time we talk about this. Exactly. Ectly. Virginia teenager injured in the central park i explosion inn new york city now gives us inspiring update on his recove recovery. 7 19 back now at 7 22. Overnight gunfirefire erupting overseas in kabul. Kul it comes just one day after twii bombings killed at least twoeast dozen people. Ppl Officials Say the gunfire may be connected to those to theto t search for those responsible fof the explosion. Sion. Also knew this morning newknw report finds the pilot this m of crashed emirates plane attemp attempting to take off again but slammed into tteheting runway id this crash happened last in intn due by. Y. Investigators say the crew c received a warning about abo a change in wind speed as itst approached the airport as it waw about to touchdown landing gearr did touch the ground but aund b Warning System on board said iti had not yet touch the ground. Un so the pilot tt again but crashed at nearly 150 miles an hour. S an hour. Mack us willy everybody on boara made it off safely. Search is on this morningori for these people scene in thisst video knocking over popular sand stone rock in oregon known aswna the duck bill. The rock once standing between e seven and 10 feet tall is now n left to rubble. This is so outrageous. Ous. The Oregon State Parks and rec r department is take the incidente very serious ily. As it should. Unsettling situation in wins ton, salem, north carolina. Aroln police say somebody in clown icl costume tried to lure childrenrn into the woods on sunday night. Sound familiar . According to t police two small children to children rather saw him and oneo add dull heard him trying to trt coax the kids with treats. H t fortunately the clown was notwnt successful. Succ the clown was spotted couple ofe time. Ti police tried to find the clownmo but did not. Find theid n if it does sound familiar aamr similar situation was report add few weeks ago in iosouth w caro. General motors has settledtl two cases related to itsts defective ignition switches. The cases are among several sev trials that are testing the legal boundaries of hundreds ofd claims against the automaker. Ak. The cases were settled for undisclosed amount. Mount. Gm recalled more than 2 millioni cars back in 2014 to replace the defective switches which weree responsible for 124 deaths. Fox5 follow up. Olow up. Virginia teenager who lost hisoh leg when he stepped on explosivi device in central park takingin his first steps now with his new prosthetic leg. Connor golden posted his picture to gofundme page set up to helpl pay this medical bills. He also says he returned tour olhool last week. Ho police in new york s lastillll investigating how that explosivi device wound up in central parkr last month. Mth good to see him back up and walking again. In yes, it is. Allhty. Righty. Coming up on 7 25 right now. 71 degrees. Going to heat up quiet d nicelyy yeah it will be in the lowhe 90s but, you know what, notot unpleasant out there this t morning. Look how beautiful it is. Eautuli thats live shot for you. That dry condion start your morning. Humidity 66 . 6 as long as you keep the winds t out of the north northwest and h think we will for much of todayd with hermine still in the t neighborhood we wont have a lot of humidity which is great butst well build those temperaturesru back in the low 90s later today. Very quiet. Et. Storm tracker radar not trackinn much of anything we look clearar here from at least the bay to by the west. W do have few clouds this morningi out along the beaches i think well be mostly sunny today. Toy either way well be dry but reaa quick just make sure you drinkek lots of water here the next couple of days particularly inan the afternoon. The aft i know everybody is back ins ban school. Got a lot of sports and thatan kind of thing here. D kindyoull need the water with t daytime highs well into the 90ss another heat wave. I think this is number eight foe the summer. R eighe our ave srage daytime highh 83 degrees. You can see were soaring wellu above that for there n sextoarv and heat index 100 plus here byb thursday, friday and saturday. A get ready for another round ofoo heat. Otherwise sunny and bright. Ny ab how are roads . Righw a not sunny and b rright but ii liked your forecast right now 7 25. From skyfox over 270 on the t southbound side. Earlier Chain Reaction crashsh involving several vehicles by 80 cleared. Cl all lanes open state trooper issue in that crash sustained sn minor injuries. Ur take look at this flow ofhis f o traffic basically parked as youy make your way from 70 passed 808 dealing with 30 minute delay anl once you pass that point lot off heavy traffic throughhrou gaithersburg down to the spur. N well switch it over for live lv look. Look. Well do tour of the area. Touoe and show you some of are our trc cameras because we have so manym slow downs and delays thishis morning. G 95 on the northbound sided sid through dale city jamming up asa you get to the beltway. South at that point in staffordr very heavy flow of traffic. 395 southbound disable box truck taking out the right lanes. Traffic delaying past that poinn northbound side very jammed from the beltway and then again aga across the 14th street bridge. G other delays right now on 666 eastbound earlier crash by the t vienna metro station heree cleared. Sun glare watch for visibilityfb problems and note that youre yr jammed from manassas to thes tot beltway. Ltwa. Key bridge heavy know of traffii coming from rosslyn toyno georgetown secondaries in georgetown veryer crowded as well. El were also dealing with a lot oo beltway congestion in additiondo to the bridge congestion on thet 14th street as well this isthis top side outer loop basicallyly parked from 95 over to georgia a with just heavy know ofwf congestion no crashes to reportp and taking a look at our mapsurs right now. Those arent the only ptro nbleo some issues on our secondaries. S reminder to slow down through t those school zones. E sool theres always crash inthers chalantilly gums spring road ond the northbound side suite watera lane you have to detour aroundtr that one. At one. Metro dealing with residualesida delays on the orange and blue. Nd a closer look at your railsr ral neck. Back to you. Back t theres been talking about all morning terrible traffic trc tuesday up packing metro this ts morning. Thats not the only bad news for riders. Delays are becoming moregor frequent. Youre hearing it first here on fox5. Yore hea detailsringst n hextern at 7 30. Although just 4 foot 8, simone thats why she trusts tide pods. She knows small can be powerful. Tide. Number one rated. 7 30. Breaking overnight one span in custody in the shooting of a Security Guard nearbrea thecuste university of maryland. D. Tharrest made two hours ago ando hours after the shooting shoin happened. Ha fox5 was on the scene as the arrests took place. Place it happened near the university of maryland University College l inn and Conference Center. En right now theres an activect search for a second suspect. Happening right now, terrible traffic tuesday geticut ea there as people head back tok work. Following labor day and all kidd in our area head back to schoolo lets check in with erin for the latest. Test sings are things are looking like parking lot around sin thea dealing with metro problems,bls, residual delays right now on thn blue line out by franconia to van dorn and orange line no n longer single tracking but by done loring delays. El want to show you live lookive outside. Outs were dealing with allisong witl mentioned big problems on the t with a lot of congestion. Geion live look at 95 right now. Ig moving better right now by now b Prince William parkway south at that point parked in stafford bb 610. 61 move our cameras and show whatha else youre up against. Gain 66 a lot of back up traffic byib fair tack county parkway turns into even bigger parking lightkl from vienna metro station to thh parkway. Wa slow in arlington as well. Secondaries jamming up 270 hopping for a look in maryland d crawling along lot of brake lotk lights passed that point down td the spur and were seeing realll big delays on the inner loopnn p across the wilson bridge this is out by father hurley on 270 wenw got y any questions at erin fox5 d. C. On twitter. Twitt it is definitely a terribleri traffic tuesday. Fic back to you, steve. Seven could 32ly metro2letro riders deal with terribleit ter traffic tuesday the bad news baw doesnt end there. Esnt t new report finds while there ara fewer break downs more trainse are running behind schedule. A report youll see first rightr here on fox5 this morning. Martin dicaro reporter and fox5 contributor. R. Break it down for us, martin. Ow, what did you find . Reporter well, for the f t better part of two years, metro has had trouble reaching rch performance targets for rail and bus and this new report that ish coming out this morning we obtained copy yesterday. Y yestry its the vital signs report. R its a quarterly report. R it will be for the month ofhe mf april, may and june. What it showed as you said, still too many trains runningung late. Late. And this wont be breaking news to riders and folks watching wch right now at least hard data ana it will establish a bench markcr for us going forward. So on this safetrackrack Reconstruction Program ends next measure off of, right . So lets start with just trains. Ra 82 of the trains are on time. Nm that means almost one out of o every five is running late. Ate. Metro also measuring on time performance with a different metric. Meic rail trips. Rider trips between any two points in the system. He sys 8,000 combinations when you loob atatio metros 91 stations and y 74 of rail trips are on time. M that means out of one out of every four trips riders take is late. La so its very frustrating for folks who are now dealing withh safetrack to have to go throughr this morning after morning. Mnig but the point of safetrack isafk that when we get passed all of a this those numbers will improveo now on the good side of things, rail cars which is metro bug a goo twothirds of delays areelae caused by broken down rail cars, rail cars showed markedd mark improvement in the second td quarter of this year. Y one reason why is that more ofmf the new trains are coming ongn board. Ard. The 7,000 rears slowly phasingha out. Out. The 1,000 er date all the way back to 1976 1 which is when metro opened. Marty with these delays kindw of help us understandit ah lit t bit now, because obviously welye have safetrack built into this. We know there have been delays that are there. So when you loosk at these hardse numbers you through a lot of a o statistic out there. He knowing that weve been dealingg with this safetrack, this is non regular year for metro. Acceptable or not acceptable . Reporter well i thinkhi commuters will only accept someo of this to point, right . That one of the benefits of safetrack is that the work is being phasea in across the whole system thata lines are being taken out of o f service for a week or two weekse at a time. A t but when you have track problemm that come up after the work isok done in any particular zone, z that is when folks just, youks know, throw up their arms and ua theyve had it. Forrm th instance, the track the circuitry problem that snarledse the blue line this morning wasng actually in a safetrack zone. Z. Weve also seen multiple track problems after work has beenas b done. Do metro hasee long tim now, its hard to quantify just how many folksks might be fleeing the system as a result of safetrack, we wontckn know that for some time. E but it certainly adds to the negative downward trend thatnd were seeing on metro rail theyh cant afford literally the lossl of revenues to lose more riders. So they got to make these trackk zone, this time work and were coming up and two huge ones. Starting september 15th on the t orange line theyll be 42 days of track work and then comes the big one on the red line, a 23 23day segment shut down which heduoing to be reschedulede sc probably for later in october. B so those two are really going to test folks patience as everyonee is right back to work now, now right, school is back, vacationt are over. So trains that may have been ana little bit lighter in thehe summertime going to be moreo ber crowded moving forward andving d theyre going to be running beui longer head ways, 18, 24 18, 2 minutes. Minute school is back. Vacation over. Ve congress back in session. Martin, thanks for joining uscog this morning as always. Lways marty mentioned orange and blued line this morning it was the blue and yellow line problems in the van dorn area. A well check in with err are ninn just a minute much heres tuckes with look at your forecast. Steve, actually very v comfortable overnight. Back in the 60s, 50s earl thist morning. Mo 71 in the city. Weve got 90s. 90s, 90s the next several dayss as the heat, the unrei leningeng heats of 2016 continues back inc the forecast. 71 today. Tay 66 dull lease. Bwi marshall 68 degrees. 8 de looking at our Storm Trackercker radar, it is nice and quiet outt there. Sunny and bright and beautiful. A should be a dry afternoon forer you the real story is the heat. H well start with it today. Od back in the 90s low 90s out there. There will be breeze out of thei north and west. Ll be breeze it wont be tnoer arindbly westd today. Saving that for later this weekw momentarily ill be back with bk the seven day. Th erin ise back with another lool at roads, rails, pedestrianesia walkways. Bikes. I take my big wheel to workor will i be globe you might get gt there faster than some of thehae people on the beltway. On start you off with metro updatee track problem and track unitt derailment have cleared servicer residual delays between van dorn and Franconia Springfield theret and also that is causings additional delays on the yellow line because ofadti conongestioo were no longer single trackingn on the orange line out by doneon loring again residual delaysel lingering there as well. Wel got you cover on the rails andhr roads. Lets take a live look outside. Fox5 bob barnard cruising alonga in northern virginia. Vnia. Beltway here not looking toooo terrible as he makes his way ouo on the inner loop. The inn lets see passing braddock road right now approaching gallowshi hitting some of that stop and gg traffic. Ive been telling you about. Lioo so for a second it looked a lota better than it is. Han it i well switch it over for look ak some of our cameras right now. We do have other delays aroundso the area root now 95 this is ouo by Prince William parkway, seems to be speeding a bit. It more delays towards franconiancn springfield at the beltwayeltw there. And right now you can seean s traffic really backing up as you make your way out on the inner i loop. Op this is out by 210 from prince georges from branch avenuencav across the wilson bridge you jam. Okok at the key bridge fromlo arosslyn intoth ge eorgetown, v jammed up as well. U adjust no these new post laborbr day traffic patterns. We got you covered. Fox5 news back in just a few. That you had to seek it out. Nope, even easier than that. More like taking a left on that street where you usually take a right that wasnt so hard. And if finding that paint made you and your walls beam with pride, is it still paint . Benjamin moore. Paint like no other. Find one of our 5,000 authorized retailers near you. 7 40 right now. President obama showing support for 49ers quarterback colinidenn kaepernick. The president sayingntg kaepernicks controversial decision not to stand during tke playing of the National Anthem e is his constitutional right. Rit although the president did sayiy the demonstration could alienatt some of the Law Enforcement andd military communities. More controversy for theovee bruce miller after he was he arrested for allegedlyed assaulting an elderly man and ma his son at a San Francisco hot hotel. Withr is now charged assault. Assault. Fox sports reporting ill millere tried to check into the hotel ht sunday night but was told theree were vacancies. He returned later knocked on tht elder mal upons door and told he had the wrong room. He apparently attack the 70yearold and his son beforeor leaving the hotel. Los angeles player max, under going emergency surgery afterft being hit 105 miles an hour fass ball sunday afternoon. He suffered a Skull Fracture and a cat scan found bleeding on his brain. Hes found to be in stable found condition this morning. Hard to to be in sco watch. From the football field toio the classroom johnny menzelnny e report thely returning to texass a and m university to finish his degree. Gr he left early to pursue a careee with the browns. Browns. However, nfl careerr derailed following a series off off field incidents inn clueingg Domestic Violence charge thatt still pending in court. Let me rephrase that. T. After he derailed it. T. Okay. I feel better now. Betterow. After their lunch date wentt viral heart warming update to ut the unlikely friendship betweene a College Football star and his number one fan. An. Florida State University uvey player Travis Rudolph give beauu passkey his very onagers z youou might remember flashback a week or so ago they shared lunch at beaus school after travis shows him eating lunch alone. We thought it was sorry renrn pip did the. Hes a big fan. Es big now they are friends. Thats awesome. And Florida State won lastast night. Nigh maybe it all paid off. Good vibes reverberate. You know it podcast causing quite the stir this morning over what some say the wrong messagea its sending about women. Omen our friend sarah fraser joins us next with her take. Back in a moment. 7 45. Terrible traffic tuesday. Fox5 bob barnard is cruising onb the inner loop. Ar the inner l hes hit something stop and goom traffic right now ithing looks k hes crossing the arlington linl and things are moving along. G ao we got you covered this morningg lets switch it over for a looko at our life cameras now. As n this is top side of the beltwayy where youre park on the outerhe loop out by new hampshire. 95 over to georgia youre just crawling along with congestion we dont have any crashes tolono report. Inner loop top side in betterr shape but the inner loop jamsnnm across the American Legion lio bridge. Cll forward our cameras andrwr show you what else youre up yr against this morning as you heau out around the area lets see is we can show you another viewth v this is a look at 95 wherehe youre jammed up past princet pc william parkway slowmovinglowi traffic in stafford as well w linger the in your opinion jammed from 210 across the wilson bridge and look right now on 66. On 66. A lot of slowmoving trafficffic earlier crash by vienna metroet station did clear. Did jammed up across the 14thshe 1 street bridge, key bridge thata that inner loop delay on theoopo bottom side of the beltway i waf telling you abouthe b. Eltwayg yo fix my hair got caught in my m eyes. Es sorry about that. So much traffic to talk asobouto today. To havent had a second to adjust my hair tucker. Tucke the crime you can see thecan eet beltway really jammed 395d northbound parked to the 14thart street bridge. Lets take look at our mapstresm right now. S a lot of jamups some crash as well. 270 back up to the spur. Metro even though service ser restored normally on the blue b line, we are dealing withh residual delays on the orange oe line by done loring. In then we off loaded train on then orange wine cheverly. Heverly. Additional problems there. Tucker, allison and i want to turn this terrible traffic t tuesday into a terrific day. Okay. Can you offr motivation . Vati i can offer you some sunshinn and warm temperatures. Rare how about hot temperatures . . Coming down on your post birthday glow. Still still glowing out there. Next couple of days. Temps 90 orps 9 o. Better, today, tomorrow, thursday, friday and saturday the worst of it. Sday, fr heat indexthworst i os going toe flirting with 100 by thursdayhua afternoon daytime highs back inb the mid 90s. Fingers crossed this may be them end of it. Ayend it. Average day hi time high 83 degrees. 83 degre well above normal. Ormal our record high upper 90s letsl see if we get close to that bitb end of the week. Of wee 71. 73 in annapolis. Annol little warmer by the bay. Bay 68 up in baltimore. Almo 69 in hagerstown. Stown 70 this morning in winchester. Is a couple of 50s out therere Manassas Culpepper 59 degrees to start your day. Start you its all about sunshine. We could actually use the rain. Wont get it today. Od nice and quiet with money tee sunshine. Sunshine. I was was doing this motion because the winds are out of the north and west and thatsth actually a nice sign th wont have whole lot of humiditm today. So it wont be terribly humidy h the see the clouds the motion there. Th of the cloud cover out of the co north and west. H an the reason why hermine continuei to spin right here just kind ofn meander fort next couple of das days. Very slowly up towards longdson island. Isla what its really doing isoing i spinning itself out. Most the trouble has been alongo that Southern Side of southern h new england parts of long islanl theyve had winds gusting to to 50 Miles Per Hour and someom damage and beaches erosion thati kind of thing. For us High Pressure off to ourr south. Pushes off the coast. Push thats what we o calffl bermudah and we dealt with this a lot july particularly in august. Ug and the bottom line is the 90s are back in big bad way around here for next couple of days. Od were really drying out. G out. We could actually use the rain. Didnt get any with hermine anda were not going to get any inn the next seven days i maybe m well get isolated stormted thursday night it will be widely scattered. Scat. 92 today. Look out thursday, friday, thu i saturday. Well have to make sure once onc agaiwe as theres going to be plenty oe heat around here for the end ofd the week. All right. All rig that is a weather update. Lets get it over to allison, an steve and sarah. Steve sar get the latest. T th lat our fan of the day tucker tr dont forget about that. Two. Tw very special honors today. Ty yvette and morgan both celebrating birthday number 30 this week. Eek. Big one. B happy birthday, ligadies. Yvette left her birthday is today. Special happy birthday to you. Pa she was nominated by hery to y r who says yvette tunes in everyne morning while getting ready fory work and then morgan is on theoe right and she celebrated herebra 30th on the weekend on saturday. Rday morgan says shes been she one up yvette shes beenhe watching since she was littleit one in the crib she says. E in tc we hope you both have fabulous l 30th birthdays for your chancera to be tomorrows fan leave aeava comment on our facebook page. Only nine more years, sarah. H we can celebrate your 30thour 3h birthday too. Birthday too i know, steve. Dont rush it. Its tuesday. Its tue that means time for tuesdayuesdy stories on social media. Ledia podcast titled how to talk to a woman who is wearing headphones. He. Its receiving a whole lot ofngt backlash. Our friend sarah fraser is heres with us on the couch in the loft with all of the details. Break down ow hi, phrase. H i feel like im going to geto backlash. Backsh i almost might agree with thishi guy dan bacon. He originally wrote a blog postg how to talk to women with w headphones n he gives men tips p what you should say to a woman m who is on metro or walking whoso got headphones in. N. Basically like tap her on then e shoulder, pointer to the ear t buds to take them out, and thisd is all to try and ask this woman out. Okay . Hes getting a ton of too backlash because women areomen a saying look if i if i have my headphones in i dont want to wo be right. Dont bother me. That is the. Sign dont botherher me. But hes being called sexist. Exs and hes being called kind of, you know, encouraging men to beo aggressive with women. With wom do you agree with that . I dont think its sexist bub i headphones in, leave them a thea loan. O im guilty of it sometimanes. Theres times were i get donered running and maybe im doing ang little shopping or something tht music might not be playing any i more because the headphones stas in. I want to go about my business,n get it over with and be done. Right. Right. Yeah f i see somebody with sy headphones i leave them a loan. L maybe smile at them orhemr something. I dont know. See if they respondsome to thatb i would i wouldnt touch somebody foc sureh. This would make me mad. Hey. Hey. Exactly. Creep, what are you doing . Rye. This guy is being ou rlutely when you read they article, theres a little bite t like the whole tapper her on tho shoulder if she doesnt initiali sal little much. Right. You can insinuate to someonen you want to talk to them toua tk their ear buds out. Eads out. But heres the part, its like in world now where people wantow more human action Human Interaction and a lot of peopleo complain out Online Dating andio not being asked out in person. O i feel like its scary when guyy get backlash because then no onn person. Pers you realize if we keep attac attacking attack you know whats worse than nn Human Interaction, creepy humanm interaction. Is it . Inte its creepy. Re fine im on island on this. T all right. The guy is i think the gug is trying to help people be like a little bit more, hey, get the confidence up to ask you out. K o i feel like hes giving theiv wrong advice. G i think steve is right f oy havv on headphones and steve is theri and i kind of see him but i have my headphones if he smiled orled waived or, you know d a funnyuny gesture i would be like okay. Lo what did you say . Because im m interested. But the second you tap me and te then do this, is the second son youre telling me what to do, d and you know so theres ahere different way to do it. O do ill say this. My opinion. On hes been attacked really rea really a tacked online and gonen back and edited parts of the blog post you can argue, you arg know, maybe that makes him looko more guilty. Lt fascinating debate because iecse dont think he meant it to be tb like being aggressive but b cheek type of thing . Thi he meant it to genuinely fryy and help men or women ask out other women. R w or men. I think its trying toor m get y to ask somebody out in person. Who really asks somebody outt in person . Do you do this . T to start the conversation ioe guess. S. Dont you just talk and, heyh want to grab a cup of coffee . C . Typically, yes. Hey, can we go out . laughter . Ter its that way by design. Y deg any way okay. O whats next. Whatext so University Chicago iss leading this trend as everyonery is going back to school of having safe zones where no safe zones. No safe zone you can actually be now and talk about aut controversial topics. Right . Righ yes. Isnt okta about race issues,sss feminist issues, womens issuess whatever you want. Do you think this is a good yout ideank t, because its actuallyy interesting. Interesting. The College Students are the tes that dont want this. They w donant more politicalal correctness on campus while thee more mature generation will say, its advoc to hear other peoples opinionsi i think the students need to listen to that, nothing getshi t done without a dialogue about t it. Like what georgetown universityo isrg downoing. Ng who wants to talk about slavery nobody. You know as a person with slavev in their history, i dont wanton to talk about it. T. Its unicom economy comfortableo but you have to be able to getbe through whats going on today and to see why, youh know, kw, members of one race feel a certain way over sometimes you need it. T University Setting is the best b way to expand your mind. Look, i dont think theyrei do saying you have to go to thet tt leo tcture, right . Ig correct. Orrect right. Theyre going to have people on campusy that might be uncomfortable. Tae but theyre also not going i thought this was interesting r over the past 10 years, i thinkk weve seen lot of college camp campuses not book certainkerta comics, right, because theyrehe not politically correct. Corct so university of chicago andca a places are saying we wont do d that. Th well give you the option youio can go or not. Well start booking people thatl might be controversial. Ontrov yes idea. I say so. I think it is. I s what do you think, steve . You went todo y college, right . E, i dont know about that. No, it wasnt . As sort of. I think the listening is verv important as well because i beci think people are so quick to talk but in a, um, how can i h c phrase this . Perhaps noneducational progressive way, you know what i men . Everybodyy wants to throw their opinionhein out. Ignorance, is that the word . T i guess a little strongerhatn than what i was looking for. Or ignorant isnt a bad word. Or. Just unfortunate means you dont know about something. Ut som if you are in an environmente people need to listen a lot mo more. If its something you feel on the surface yout msight not rel to or agree with how do youow dy learn . You learn by listening engaging in a very progressivese way. Way we agree . Gr yeah, we agree. All is good. Thats mazing. All its ming. Okay. Ok all is well then. Here we go. Hr all right, phrase. N. Ty time. See you soon. Tucker t just like, you know,. Tucker went to berkeley. Exactly. Think about it. With tucker all thell time about the weather. We dont agree with the sameithe things we like about the le abou weather. At the end of the day, get along splendidly. Endiy. We do. E even if im right. Ight even if were right. See, knots not right thing. Rg over to you. Over to you. Were makes you feel bettera about yourself even though tg lets go to the forecast. Its not what we feel. No what 75 now in washington. Well warm it up low 90s. Humidity is behaving. Ing. Winds out of the north northwesr at 13. At thats thanks in part toar t leftovers of hermine which continues to spin off the coasta of long island, and weree getting these winds out of theie north and north and west. No it will be hot today. Rtand nortl it wont be t berribl hyot tod m thats the good news. The gs. It will be sunny and bright butb the next couple of days we are right back into sweltering heata and then well build theuihe humidity around here byrod herey thursday, friday and saturday sr with heat index around 100. 100 so, you know, once again, heat,a wave number eight. Yay ay lets find out about traffic. Saddest yay ever. Eve right now 7 56. Terrible traffic tuesday foray f sure. Bob barnard is headed outlook at that sun glare. Unre pretty nasty out there. The. Make u hes on seven right now making n his way out through arlington. T well keep up updated school sco zones hes approaching thatsha why speeds are reduced. Ds areedc slow it down, reduce your speedd through the school zones. Z keep the kids save heading to hg school this morning. Morning lets switch it over for look at our maps. A lot of problems this morningsg on the rails and the roads. Oads Service Restored will he seven e wal delays on the blue line then between Franconia Springfieldied and van dorn no longer single trafficking on the orange line. E new delay on the red line to t shady grove. Grov malfunction at union station. At keep it to fniox fox5 fox fox5. We got you covered this terrible traffic tuesday. This is fox5 news morning. Right now 8 00 oclock, live look outside on this tuesday morning. Well have weather and traffic for you on the 5s at 8 00 sorr fiveri. Lo on welyou the ve every morning everybody. s im allison seymour. Eymour im steve chenevey. Hene welcome to fox5 news morning. Ori breaking news coming out of outf princeeoeorges county this morning. Police arrested suspect jrgustct hours after shooting near a shon local university and fox5 on tht scene when it happened. Fox5s Melanie Alnwick is onn top of this story. T sto shes with us and live with thet latest now. Now. Mel . Reporter steve and allison l were standing by waiting for an update should happen momentarily from university of maryland mard cleve david mitchell. Id mitel hopefully wheat get moret get went dxaown lctast night. N now it all happened at thist hotel you see here. This is part of a university of maryland University College iti call the inn and conferencerence center. Center so you have the Marriott Hotel,l then you also have Administration Buildings for umuc and Conference Centerente buildings as well. Ell but were literally just fewus w blocks away from the main edgeae of the parking lot lower edge of Campus University of maryland ad well. So this is all university of maryland property. Ropert first word we got of this lastt night was about 11 30 and then, yes, as we were on the scene,ne sometime between 4 30, 5 00 oclock this morning thatna is when the first arrest was was made. He veoshow you the video of th oat. Th thats when we heard some shou shouts. We heard dogs barking and thenhe we saw police dragging a suspecs out of the woods and toward the waiting Police Vehicle that man was then processed and then put into the police car and taken away. His desi matching one of the suspectsf es descriptions that was put out by university of maryland police. Ic that description looking for a black male in all dark clothingg with blue short sleeved tshir tshirts, dreadlocks and armed m with handgun. Thandg there is stale second suspect at Large University of maryland mar police saying this one off unknown race. They described him as having a a skinny build wearing a blue lono sleeved shirt, a black ski mask. Interestingly, yellow or light t colored gloves thats something we dont see too often tha in te descriptions. Scptions. Also wearing a blacked when dee and also armed with a handgun. That is why they had lot of this area block off early thiss morning. Morn also, seeing a lot of attentiona being paid to sort of the sideid door area of what would be this inn, university of maryland inn and Conference Center and itnd i look like on the door it said Loss Prevention unit a lot off these place dos have their own security offices, Security Guard we know shot. Ho we they are calling a commerciall armed robbery, and then we werew updateupdated a hill while ago s that that officer, that Security Guard, is in critical conditioni but again guys we still donte n have lot of information in terms of what exactly happened withd t this robbery, when exactly didcd it all start. Srt so hoping to get details there t from the university of marylandr police chief and again, if if anyone has any information, they noticed anything in thesen tse suspects descriptions theyre te asked to please reach out tout t university of maryland police. Back to you guys. Big story this morningor terrible traffic tuesday. Ay. Well we can expect heavy hea congestion this morning erin ern will try to break it all down id for us. Us. Hi, erin. En. Good morning you can see the roads are backing up all goodr inbound routes super heavy. Supr we have metro problems. Roblem earlier unit derailment outsidei done loring. Ing. Residual delays on the lore a lr line no longer single tracking n had a stopped train out by cheverly so more orange linein problems. Pr delays to shady grove on the rer line malfuncti station. Stat no alerts on the yellow linew ln they were dealing with delaysel because of blue line problems. Bs blue line no longer dealing witw Shuttle Service betweence betwen Franconia Springfield and vanldd dorn. Just residual delays on the bluu line and also dealing withngit single tracking for safetrackafa surge eight. Crash on the eastbound side of the freeway out by thecr third t street tunnel. Streetunne heavy delays 295 inbound fromouf the bottom of beltway on up. 295 southbound bw parkway parkw southbound you can see a lot ofo red on the map. Map particular area of concern 66 on the eastbound side earlier crashes by 234 and vienna metrot youre basically at a crawl as a you make your way out take looko at these cameras right now. Ight as you make your way from 234 to 123. 12 you need about 35 extra minutess average speeds under 15 miles 1i per hour. Pe we do have Team Coverage on this terrible traffic tuesday fox5sx bob barnard has moved from the rails to the road and it doesnn look youre moving in fallsn church right now. Reporter well thats because were hand turn and a its long linege of traffic right behind a bind Fairfax County schoolbus. Chus it is back to school here inl hn Fairfax County. Fax cy the city of alexandria also inn Arlington County you see thisee lady here is trying to cut in ct thats causing a little bit of f backup behind her. H but this is this terribleble tuesday. The day after labor day but basically the officials here sar its really a september shock because september trafficbe trac compared to august traffic cantt be anywhere from 15 to 45 worsr month to month, and so yeah it going to be bad today but itsut going to be bad all month and ad just well let this lady go he here, just be cautious. Ctious. Because there are kids, wevear seen kids getting out of cars ii front of Marshall High School. Ch took a bump shot from us a u a little bit ago that was in fronr of Marshall High School insidecs the beltway this is route 7 heading in eastbound, and cars r were just stopping along theingt curb and letting kids out and ot slowing traffic behind them. Th. So its an adjustment again, ana just be cef there are going to be schoolech buses, more parents, more peopll back to work. Work. Congress back in session. Es so a lot of traffic just be be patient and be aware, guys, it, going to be this way for a few f more weeks still. Terrible traffic tuesday. Tuy living up to its name today. Yeah. Ah. Bob mentioned everybody backo to school today especial untildt northern virginia, fairfaxodia county, et cetera. So looks like the first coupleiu of days, first week of school so back to shorts, short sleeves. Yeah. Eah. Whatever you can handle, whadle, i guess if you have one off n those dress codes you got to be wearing the full outfit not soo much. Yeah. Right. You can still wear shorts. Ea sht can you . Ou they have to be a certain cer length to your fingertips. Gertip eye all right. When you hold your arms downd yes. At least in our school. Less is more. Or more is less. Les i dont know what im sayingdo right now. Let me do the weather. Nt kn woa its okay. Ther. Its not making any sense. Se. laughter . laughter . Trying to say dress as a lightly as possible because it will be hot. I at reagan national. Iol. 71 dulles. Bwi marshall 71. 1. Comfortable with overnight lowss back in the 50s outside the bell way early this morning. Orng waking up with sunshine. Sh lots of it. Gob to be beautiful dry day. With combination of highf h pressure and the leftovers withh hermine will give us nicesic northwest wind today. Northw wind although it will be hot it wont be terribly humid with breeze there and into your daytimer dti high. Hi it will get humid and it will w get even hotter in, over thever next couple of days. E ofs. Ill have the seven day in justi a minute a. One more heat wave. One more hea i think this is going to be ittt for the year. Year i feel like youve said thatd a couple of times. Le o i have. Ill keep saying it. Number eight is a lot. Um its a lotber. Ei lot. Well balance out that sevene day forecast though with someh m cuteness coming up 8 15. P 1 stick around for that. Ha in the meantime a pair of po vandals destroyed iconicoyed icc landmark and it was all caught on camera. On cera plus the Fairfax Countynt teenager who lost part of hisf s leg in a fourth of julyul explosion in central park isar i back on his feet today. Tod stay with us. H us. Well show you after the break. Yo. Dont let sinus symptomsnd bring you down now. Get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. Sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head. Medicine. This morning major Computer System failure causing major ritt dish aways. Ays passengers at airports aroundpon the world being affected. Ngecte British Airways used twitter too address customer complaintstomem early this morning the airlineoe said checking passengers atses london airports was takingas longer than usual. Ual problems also been reported frof at land tax chicago, mexico, bahamas. Ha this nearly a month after Delta Airlines also experienced aed global computer outage. Iconic sand stone along the by vandals. It was caught on camera. Es video shown here shows upsettini incident several people tom linl the legendary formation themaon collapse initially believed toly be natural until the video wasio posted by a man who filmed thei incident. Still looking for those people l involved. Oregon state park posting on its facebook quote the rubble server as a sobering reminder of ther ever present dangers of ouranges fragile coastal rocks and a cliffs. Fs. Oregon authorities investigatina the incident. A Fairfax Virginia teenagere is taking his first steps aftert his foot was nearly blown off by a homemade bomb in new yorkwor central park. Ntra you might remember that storyhay from back in july. 19yearold connor golden needed a prosthetic leg after his foot was severely mutiliated in that explosion. Explosion. It took three surgeries and a battle with an infection butn golden is finally walking onceic again he posted this picture tot his gofundme page. So far hes raised 71,000,0 towards his 75,000 goal sorry about that. Abo t wells fargo apologizing for an f ad that upset one group. Why some big names wereames offended want they had to say to about it on social medial wellw have that story from wisdom wis martin. Its 8 11 now. Your forecast next, too. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. Always keep laundry pacs away from children. Keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. To help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. Align, press and unzip. Coming up 8 14 right now. Theres the white house. One more week, at l east one moree week week until. Hot activity. Okay. Here in the nations capitoll two more months of activity oniv but literally one more week at least of hotness here in thehe nations capitol. Clever, steve, clever. I dont even understand what just happened. I don im really tryingn sto phil time to get to tucker. Ucker in cuteness. Ens. Cuteness. Lets do this. Maybe coolness because welnse need coolness over the nextoolnt couple of days. He n of ds. Aww. Ww i have to smile myself. Time now for fox5 first fivet photo of the day. T day we got 11 in old timothy. Happy as can be. Py as can b my goodness. I like to call him dimples. Impls cute smile. 11 in old timothy who as you can see smile lights up a room. R read on. Ead on. Read on. Okay. Get this. He loves allisons colorful and coordinated outfits. Ts. Oh, thank you so much. M i like the hat that youret youe wearing today. Ing were not done yet. Don yet okay. Pay special attention when we shes on. What . Hat because he has his own style. Okay. But thats not all as you can seeight he loves s daddys hat. H as you can see from the picture. Timothy, you are a love. Ov you know what i would love toovo do, make me feel so much bettere whats that. Spend the afternoon w withahm ill take him everywhere hiss parents take him. Zoo. The gets some fro yo. F y he can talk and ill just list listen. Okay umhmm. We can a range that. Thats right. Okay. You really just want to weart i jy jusust wtan wtant tous wan to get on that cheek is whats w really want to do. To have a good day, timothy. Timothy is not the only onenl who loves your fashion sense. Name one more person. Person. Im sure we can name thousands, millions. All i need is timothy. To send us your childs picture go to our facebook page, fox5 send it and in. Nd i we love the smile. Smi he is so cute. His s lets get right to theet rige weather. Hes got the right outfit. He rig yohtu out know, diaper maybe nof all of us. Okay. All right. To each his own. To each his own. If you feel like thats your thing, go for it a spin out there that is theshe leftovers with her mean and the good news is the arrows you sees our winds or out of the northute and north and west. West. It will be hot today it wont be terribly humid well be lookingi at daytime highs in the low 90ss Storm Tracker radar nice andnd quiet. Clear skies, quiet conditionsdi not expecting rain or storms sts today. Today in fact well keep it dry for f the neck seven. Sev we can use rain. An no ut on the horizon we missed e or hermines rain well miss ouo the next couple of days here. Er 92 today. Here we go. He we go. Another heat wave. Eat w 95 thursday, friday, saturday. Aa heat index near 100. 00. Once again ill be inside watching sports on television. laughter . laugh i think its probably too prt late but i want to wish key eraa happy birthday today, 17th and d then also beginning of herer senior year mom wrote in. Ill bet shes gone. G im just seeing the request tost all the kids going back to clasc today. Awesome. Good luck. Goo all right. Lets right now check intsi with erin como speakinghgt no og luck we need to wish that everyone trying to commute thist morning. Thats right, city. Thats why allison and i decided it will be tisk tuesday. Tuesd thats right. Instead of terrible tuesday. R tell us something on twitter wet want to hear from you making man your tuesday terrific. Rific. Because traffic not so great. At. Crash cleared in chantilly gumum spring road reopened. Pene good news. Ews. Crash activity cleared earlierai motorcycle crash martin king luther, jr. , southeast reopen re between howard and morris. S. Big delays 295 northth n southbound suitland parkwayar jammed on the inbound sidend s alabama to south capitol a lot t of heavy traffic. Raffic a crash on the freeway eastbounu side out by the third street s tunnel. You can see through alexandriaxi red and yellow 395 inbound tondt the 14th street bridge. E key bridge jammed up as well. L outer loop 95 over to georgiarga jams. We also have crash by middlemile brook 270 southbound blockinglok the shoulder. The sho lets take live look oulutside. And show you how some of that red translates that is 270 what7 i just told you about because oo the crash by middle brook roador were dealing with huge delays. Earlier crash by 80 in frederick still residual delays from 70 down past 80. 8 were seeing really big slow slo downs here as well on 270 closee to that crash. Rash lets switch our cameras overas and see if we can drop thathat super and show i was tour of tht area were dealing with lot of slow downs. Ow d 66 eastbound has been marked ouo by vienna metro slowmovingmovi traffic out by Fairfax Countyaxt parkway as well from manassas to the beltway youre dealing with a lot of traffic falls church ah well where bob be arnardbe s trh showed you through the school sl zones. Youre definitely dealing withzi delays inner loop jams right noo you can see from 210 to the wilson bridge coming in from inm Prince Georges County toeorget alexandria. Alex and then as you make your way inbound knew am share these aree the secondaries as you makeover way out in montgomery county. Really slowmoving traffic. Again school zones, school buses and adjusted morning rush time e has this looking like this allts over the dmv. Any questions on your commuteome erin fox5 d. C. On twitter. Residual delays from metro onroo the blue line by Franconia Springfield. Rifiel red line dealing with residualea delays by shady grove. Dy grove. So its a day to leave early have some patience. Ie at least its sunny. It sun steve and allison. Ison Wells Fargo Bank apologizini for an ad that infuriated the Arts Community after suggesting they should take up more serious careers. Caer wisdom joins us now with thet bang blunder. Heres the deal. Theeal. Wells fargo released an ad Campaign Last week that some big named actors and artists found f quite offensive. Si. Take look at it. Ad states that the ballerinas and actors of yesterday could be the botanists and engineers ofrs today. You fine it offense at all . All right. Glossy full page seems to implyy working as and actor and orr artist doesnt take much work aa other careers. Her social media lit up withit reaction to the controversialoni ad. Ad cynthia, who won a tony awardwa this year for her role in thee i color purple attacked the the campaign on twitter. Tter. Saying wells fargo doesnt thini that an actor or ballerinaallera require any work at all. Shame. E josh groban who stars in musical wrote brb going to ta wells fargo loan to write botany the musical. laughter . laugh thats good one. Thats g that is very goodood o one. One jeff who appeared in les mis one of tucker barns favorites, wrote on twitter. Love it. As you can imagine, this caught the financial institutee attention causing them to do thd some damage control on twitter. They issued this apology. Gy it reads wells if a are go is s deeply committed to the arts and we offer our sincere apology foy the initial ads promoting ourur september 17th teen financialal education day. Day. They were intent to do celebrate all the aspirations ofel youngog people and fell short of that ta goal. We are making changes to thehe campaigns creative that betterr reflect our companys core valul of embracing diversity and inclusion, and our support ofpot the arts. Last year, wells fargos supporp of the arts culture and echoicaa. Blah, blah, blah blacks. H b save it. You know, i just dont understand. Isnt there a board room meeting before commercial goss out,ut before things go out . Ut no thats a complete plete print goes out. So many employees. Ny do you really think the ceo will okay every single ad that goess out. Thats why you have managers inn place. What it shows is hos it did not. Did i guarantee it did not because c there are so many differentiffe levels but theres oneres o department thats in charge of that markingin cha effort. Fft they failed. Fle what it shows how important it is in marking that 93 million that you used to ust promote the arts gone like that. Because of one overlookedd campaign. Caai right. Or statement or whatever it is. Thats all gone because thats completely been glossed over now. No now theyre the bad guy. Right. Rig made one bad ill advised advis decision. Decision now the other branch the t marketing or media departmentt has to fix what the other department messed up. Even that apology, it was apw like a bonehead apology, because youre saying you honor the arts ask Misty Copeland about it toa be a ballerina is something youu used to be. Used to b now youll be more serious. Trust me i guarantee theuarat apology did not come from them e same department that put out the ad. You got that right. Tha right damage control. D we see this all the time witamht people who come up with failedhd ads that are offensive. Oh, my bad. We didnt know. W. Right. They have to come back and make good. They marationnow how corporationshave are. Yeah. If i said something thenaid i wisdom gets in trouble for it because you know what i mean so many different layers innt l there. Make sure everybody is on theker same team. Dysame tm. Big man if thats you thatha comes and says i made a mistake. Theyre trying. T clearly they drop the ball. B they know they drop the balll because of the backlash. Ac thats pretty funny. Damage control in business. What new research is showing about men being harassed online. As kids head back to class cs many parents are opting to skip vaccinations. Atio hear how the parental innnn compliance is becoming a public heal new poll showing a dramaticra change in the race to the whitee house. Well talk about that comin comp a well. A lot of folks just want to drive. Shut up and drive butof fust the stuck in traffic because itsecu terrible traffic tuesday. Ue bob barnard doing research onh route seven in falls church hes not moving right now. No. Hes not. All right. Ll rht and a lot of possession arent moving. Theyre not. Well check in with erin in jng. Jt second. Seco. Try if you havent left yet at 8 26. 2 well get where you you need toe go. Challenges on the rails earlierr this morning. The r the r little bit everything. In they are tribble traffic they ares important we show people exactly what itsnte liks be sitting in traffic. Tffic who came up with that term. Mt a lot of people dont knowpln what that feelst like. Ik we show them at home. Yeah. Terrible. Rible lets go to the forecast. Oras at least the weather iseather i cooperating this morning. Ni it is beautiful. Utiful i mean thats live look outsidee right now. Nice blue sky. Ky im seeing leaves fall outeev there. Yeah. Well, a lot of trees, you know, theyre more sensitive to thesit change in light youll continue to see the leaves even thoughhoh its 95 degrees out which willhl be kind of interesting. Intes yesti. Es this year im determined toed rake up as the leaves fall. Me, too. M good as opposed to waiting. Ng im getting on top of it mee too. High five sound. Fiveound. Got to finish up with the i leaves from last year theyrenin big pile. Bi the snow was on top of it. G t all four seasons. Ll four sea no, steve, you get snow onw o top of it thats like miracle then it hides it. I this is greatly. Rely until it melts. You get a surprise in the uin spring. Surprise in the spring, thats right. Hey, got tom lin es today is going is going to be hot, sunny and bright andh we got another heat wave to deal with. Wi 95 plus thursday, friday,y, saturday. And we remain dry next couple of days. Lots of water. Lo. Again outdoors later today, working, playing sports,pos, whatever, youll need water. At thank you. Thank you you need water every day. We need water every day. Ay. Erin, youve been the star on the show today. So much going on out there th. E steve, thank you. Steve yes, unfortunately, its notitn because of me its because ofec what is behind me. M they are tribble traffic tuesdae take look at this 66 out t by 23 is a parking lot. Ngot its been a problem area alla morning long as you make youre y way from Prince William into fair fark. Delays continue to 234 tofairnu4 centreville inside the beltwayey heavy through falls church. Roug. Speaking of falls it bob barnard has been cruising cs along if we can take live shotle from his car in falls church. Cu hes been stuck through some school zones, very slow speeds,s and as you can see right now ono 70, hes cruising. Ising weve been seeing a lot of stopf gone traffic. Ne t right now hes at a red light. You can see hes parkd l. K hes building dealing with extre delays. Friendly reminder slow it down d through school zones, teague your time. Sch use , indicationte asag those kiddosse k walk to and from the bus stops. O back to our maps right now. Righw heavy congestion all over ther t place. You can see 95 no exception onpn the northbound side he ise specially from dale city to 1231 inner loop jams from 210 acrossr the wilson bridge, and just aus lot of slow traffic 27070 southbound crash boy middle midl brook road. Broo okay. Okay. Deep breath. Ep bath. Tck to you guys. Ck im feeling zen right now. Ht no. Good. Send some over here. Health headlines are coming up next and were learninghein g weight loss surgery really wor works. Plus sex in your later years good for your health . A medicad doctor explains the impacts that sex has on older men versuss older women. Wen time right now 10 28. 0 . Real sal great start to this day on t hisreal sa tuesday mog it is 8 31. 8 3 i mistakenly said 10 cotwal aswa we went to the commercial break i was looking at a study of 10 years of surgeries because its time for our health newsur rgeit now. Question number one is sex in sx your later years good for your u health. Health. Weight loss surgery does itig really work . Ht ls a surgery toa parents of School Age Kids can relate to vaccines. S dr. Joe joins us with start why parents are refusingee to get their kids vaccinated. Ed. Whats the story here, dr. Joe. E good morning. American academy of pediatricsde put a list out and basicallyasiy they said some of the reasons rs are because theres pain. Pai theyre worried about there aree too many vaccines. O ma they think theyre unnecessary. S they think that perhaps it may m cause autism. Theres a multitude of reasonsso why parents are asking moreg questions of their pediatriciann and in fact when they look back 2006, about 75 of pediatricians said they got the question, now its over 87 . What to do about this . Thi and what do you tell a tl patient as a doctor if that pan comes in and says, you know, kno i co i concerns over this vaccine. Maybe i dont want to do it maybe its one of thoseho mandatory, you know, like a a School Vaccine or something. Hi. What do you tell them . How do o you have this talk with thealk h patients . Yeah, thats great question. Q thats what theyve done. Hahey they put out something so anyo Health Care Provider across thee country can just go in for freef and take a tutorial. Oria that will help them to addressoe it gives you its almost alm bin bib gravy online. Get you all the et data, all the information, all the resourcesou to help to talk toes to theress parents. Theres big concern now some ofc the doctorsoncern are n diss mit facials. Theyre very concerned about theyre putting their otherer patients at risk. At r theyre putting an unvaccinatedi child in the same waiting roomag perhaps a newborn baby who can really die if something asngs simple as whooping cough. G c really these need to bee addressed. Adessed. I think this is a great stepreap because its going to helpits g educngate t parents, its educag pediatricians and hopefully it going to help them come togethem a little bit better. E bi bet lets try to get these 222 topics as quickly as we can awec because theyre very len thiefei worthy discussion. Rthy weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery has beenb very successful. Ssful. The question has always been iss it sustaining . . And it is. Is it seems to be in this t particular study. Dy this was a da study thishis contained mostly men it was an unusual study and went o years. And when they looked at how manm have greater than 20 weightgh loss at 10 years, it was almostt 72 in those who had the gas gas tick bypass surgery. Surgery when you look at other oth procedures like gas trek gas t tomorrow when they take chunk t off the stomach, it wasnt thatt bad. Bad. I mean when they look overall, they did better than the bandini on i think the biggest surprises to me how poorly the bandingandi individuals did. D and in fact, about 30 regainede up to 5 of their weight, and 30 didnt lose more than 5 ofo their weight. It. So definitely theres ay thers a discrepancy but, again, thesese are serious surgeries when youou look as gastric bypassas rerouteing your intestine. Ntne youre going to be on vitamin vm therapy the rest your life. R li. Theres lots of things to lookoo at and of course they also saidi in this study that they did nott include individuals who died whd within the first year of surge surgery. So i dont know how many that was. But you always have to look atso the risks and look benefits. It. But certainly t bypass out performed both of those procedures. Osproc finally dr. Joe, and this, ai teeth will have lot of ears pere up when you talk about sex in ax the late years. Years whether its good for you. According at least one study ite depends if youre a man or wom woman. Thats right. This particula r study they were theyer over 2,000 people. Eopl they followed them for about abo five years and they found thatra ele women did really well. Ndy fl in fact when they said they were satisfied with sex, they seemede to have lower blood pressureod e five years later. They didnt have anyfi increased cardiovascular events and theyy think that may be the emotionall support. Maybe the decreased stress. Strs all of those things and theyhey even mention there are hormones released during orgasm that maym also have a cardiovascular ben b fidget the men on the other hand did not do as well. Now again were talking 50 57 to 85yearold men. En. If they had sex more than once per week they almost doubleddo their risk of having a hearteart attack or stroke. Troke they also said if they found itd satisfying or extremelyreme pleasurable that increased theat risk even more. Now, again we cant assume cause and everybody relationship. There is speculation could theye be taking testosterone. Eron could they be taking sexual enhancement medications ors supplements or perhaps its just the shear exertion that maybenhm causing these men to have these events. Events. With that said, you know, y kno, theres also that recommendatioo that if you are sexually activee f you are getting older, old definitely get your heart checkt outou. R ou we know men more than women but women also have cardiovascularaa events during that age time orio that period in their lives and a so getting in shape, exercising, eating right, doing all the allt right things you got to think of it like i guess like youre you running a sprint, you know, benb in shape, make sure that youhatu really are at the best that yout are and then also obviously talk your doctor. R all right. Ht. Good advice there, dr. Joe. 8 36. Sor. Y. Its all good advice. E. Depending on studies showing sho Different Things al. Th a i know. I have an mazing comment. Which is what . Sha which is so more older womenn should h or husbands. Husband thats the way it looks. Loos isnt it funny how in society men older men usual val the valt younger women . . laughter . Right . Tucker is staying in shape. 57 tuck. Tuck. It was your birthday. It wy. Youre still good. You got to start now. Reo staw tuck, keep it going. I feel for the women outom there. Lets be honest. Umhmm. Wasnt it great . laughter . Steve, no hope for us, man. A. Game over. Ver. Reagan national 75 degrees. 71 at national and bwi marshalll theres no hope for you guysy theres no hope for women. Women if thats how you go out img okay with it if youre in youror 70s or 80s. Steve eyes said speak forpe yourselves tucker barnes. Lets go to the forecast. For all right. Ig yes. Sunny and bright. Nny a hot today. Nd low 90st this afternoon. Humidity wont be terrible. Ri thats good news. S what will be terrible the heatt over the neck couple of days. N minute. Minute. Breezy and dry, lots of water. Im going to go some curl up. L u erin how is it looking. Ng you work it out tucker. 8 38. Traffic is just as depressing as that study lets move over toe o our roads. Bob barnardour hes out stop lit on seven at Baileys Crossroads. Traffic lightening a up bit here a lot of school zones in thes he neighborhoods. Hos. Like out here in falls churchalc give yourself extra time to gett around those secondaries. Da slow it down for the kids. Well show you some more stoppee traffic on our cameras. Eras. Were seeing a crash reportedred some minor delays right now thin is actually very parked trafficf out by 414. Give yourself extra time from f cince georges county on theors inner loopount making your wayry across the wilson bridge. Dge. Outer loop looking good. Thats silver lining. Ou lg. Lets switch our camera forward and show what else youre up fou against this morning. As you make your way out on the Roosevelt Biffle 6060 eastbound0 backed up. Crash reported in that area. Re you can see traffic basicallyasl parked beautiful sunshine notshe great conditions for driving asg far as sun glare and visibilityi is concerned. Isce so g maybe some good music and and prepare for longer ride. Rid well take look at our maps ours right now and show you how elsee roads are shaping up. Ng u slow traffic on 95 northbound no dale city to 123 as you cross ys the occoquan and then howard hd county take look at this headede to or from bwi or baltimore,time were seeing big delays bw bw parkway southbound 95 southbouno he is specially from the icc tot the beltway. Tw outer loop jams 95 over tor georgia. 270 slow a crash by middle brooo arc crash blocking the shoulder third street tunnel on thel on thstbound side of the freeway. D 395 jams up. 295 both directions jammed. S jme 50 very slow, and 66 just forget about 66. Out 6 its been parked all morningor long. Basically from manassas passed 234 through centreville. Get an early start if you can c and if not i hope you have aave great attitude today as adjust to new traffic patterns. Allison and steve. Ste snap chat is not the only Company Facebook drawsk draw information from. Ro taking functional will the fromo twitter. Itter. Football her who joined a little boy for autism for lunchn returns with a surprise. 8 39. 8 39. Although just 4 foot 8, simone thats why she trusts tide pods. She knows small can be powerful. Tide. Number one rated. 8 42. 75 mild degrees out there. Tucker says it will warm up quiet nicely. Might want to peel the layers off later. Ilave layers on forl warmmiers 75. Ave maybe do you. Lars on for this morning facebook is yacebook i lookinglooking forward the socia tight tan twitter like feature. Heres how it would work. Wk. The feature aimed at boosting oh and line conversations to getone you and your friends moreore engaged. Ge. It works by collecting a few f recent posts from your friendsri and putting them in a dedicatedt section at the top of your newsw feed. Feed that way you can see how manyan comments each entry has gotten. Thats the thing on twitter i never knew it was before, rightt now its coming to facebook. You didnt know what it was . No. O. Umhmm. But now i also dont know itw on facebook. Well, quite twice as lucky. Okay. Oka moving on, after their lunchh date went viral, a heart warming update to an up likelyy friendship perhaps betweenps bet College Football star andnd anybody one fan. Dy onean. Great follow up to a great story. Sty Florida State Travis Rudolph giving beau pasky his jersey. They shared lunch. Lun he saw young beau eating byg himself and he sat with him andm beau became more popular atar a school. Yes. Travis following up now. He gave young beau one of hisf football jerseys even got his gt name on it which is i was m wels done. Ahead in the fox beat sinnee Britney Spears sending out a stern warning to the media. Remember this gym shaminghami photo taken and posted online by former playboy model . Well nown police have tracked down the woman shamed in the viral post. R find out how this saga iss continuing ahead. 8 46 right now. Problems on the roadways although the beltway not looking so bad way out in the distancetu there. Er its been a tough its been e tough tuesday. Sd its been a terrible traffic tuesday. Tu sounds like a slogan. N. Perhaps we can brighten thingsis up with your forecast which comes up in just 10 seconds. All right. Yes, i guess thats pretty much. Ays it all s, i guys gu iess whats back . The heat. Not so much the humidity todayod but we got heat wave numberave r eight, yes, still summertimeummm officially and it will feel like it next couple of days. D low 90s back today. Od and then look what we have tohav look forward to here by by thursday, friday and even ourur weekend starts with a hot one he daytime highs on saturday sur 96 degrees and the heat index ah the humidity will progressivelyr kind of start picking up herenge and by the end of the week thatk heat index will be pushing 100. 0 so, yeah, bottom line more heath on the way. He way. Not so much the early thishe elt early. 75 in washington. Ashington. Eonan leonardtown. 72 in l off to the west this morning wew had 50s to start the day. Day things are looking good. Ings a o frederick now 63 degrees and 70d in culpeper. Per ive been tracking just aboutt a nothing out there early thishery morning little bit of cloudinesn along the beaches continues with left overs of hermine and i do d want to mention the winds thisii morning out of the north and west atmot about 10 to 15 that good news we wont have a lot oo humidity today. So although it will be hot b afternoon at least it wont beoe terribly humid with those windsn at least another day out of thef north and north and we have. H theres hermine still spinning at 65 Miles Per Hour winds last look. Southern part of new england and long island has actually beenlle dealing with the brunt of thisft system and theyve had problems up there with beach erosionro boats taking on water that kind of thing over the last 24 hours. For us, were sort of getting gi fringe effects with the stormheo system those winds out of the of north will help keep the air kee little drier than it wouldt wou otherwise be today with highs in the low 90s. Th all right looking down the road weather in the summertime youmey know that area of High Pressuree likes to set up right there we t call that bermuda high ones onco that gets set up it does not n like to budge a whole lot. Le l that means days and days here of more heat and humidity buildingd back in. Not just d. C. I tbahink it will sneak up towards new york city i lilt later this week. Later ts e near record highs. Dighs record highs fort end of theig week upper 99s. Hs forweekpper well be in the mid 90s getting close. 92 today. 92 92 tomorrow. 95 at this point we need some ne rain and its not on that sevene day. I think next week well have a a couple of stronger cold frontsrt that will bring us a better a br chance of showers. Chan yes, traffic, no . No . We do have traffic. Thank you steve and allison a entertained me and made me smi smile. We did . They said tucker is like is l thanks, erin. So did your weather forecast. Ort right now we have big problems p on the roads. On t well get back to terrible to tl traffic tuesday. C tsday its been a rough one this morning. Ing 70 east shut down approachingroi frederick bout i exit 49 we have an overturned vehicle and lookoo at 270 south from e by 80. By 8 all lanes are block delays that is an area where youre dealingr with a lot of extra traffic. Raff aside from that no alerts on the red, yellow or green line rightg now normal Service Resumed onvir the orange line by dunn loring. Residual delays there and safetrack surge eight singlesurn tracking Franconia Springfieldpe out to van dorn. T to v lets take live look from bobm b barnards camera. C hes hitting some better traffic on seven right now by Baileys Crossroads. No problems there. He and then actually no problems to report there. Report t well keep it to our maps. S moving our morning commutemute forward. We are still seeing some delayss improving a bit 95 northbound across the occoquan. Things in clinton typicalical slowmoving traffic through ourh neighborhoods. A crash on the freeway cleared by the third sa treet crastuh nl the eastbound side. The un 295 remains heavy. Eavy north capitol out by p street p theres a crash in the district and look at gw parkway. North and southbound head heavyh traffic cabin john, clara barton river road jamming u inner loopp jams from 66 up through tysonsys this morning. Orni and then through vienna 66 395 jammed as well. W lots of bad traffic still lingering. Back to you guys. Back lets check in with wisdomis find out whats coming up ong up eight minutes on good day d. C. Hi, wis. Is good morning to you both allison and steve. This is the only place to allison t fox5 is tohe only place to be aa we continue to lead the way wity live Team Coverage on this terrible traffic tuesday and its actually living up to itsos name. Also, fox5 first on the scene ts after Security Guard was shot wo near a local university. It were live with the developingop details. Tails also ahead this morning, its, i the countdown to kick off. Redskins regular season starts a in just a few days. Day we have news about last minuteue roster moves, well talk a lotal about football. Tb then fresh at 10a we sit down d with the stars of the new movie sully that centers around theun hero pilot who handed a flight land add flight in thi middle of the hudson river. The r how did theyiver film those heat pounding scenes . Thats the big question. Es. Plus guys get ready to bringo b sexy back for the fall. Fall. If it ever left. L live in the loft, need to be rocking this season. O good day d. C. Just a few minutes away. Ay. Allison and steve. Wis, thank you so much. All right. Ht lets head out to the topsy t Turvy Campaign trail. Hillary clintons once healthyea lead over donald trump all aboua van waited. Vanaite new cnn poll shows shes neck ss and neck with the donald. Dal trump is edging clinton by twoy points among likely voters. 45 to 43 while it might not seem like much of a lead lea remember clinton led trump by au much as 15 just a month ago. A all right. Back and forth it goes. Bill cosby due in philadelphiahe courtroom today. Courtroom t the 79yearold expected to learn the date of his felonyy Sexual Assault trial. Tal hes accused of drug and moles molesting a woman he mentored at Temple University inored a 2004. The charges come after cosbysbs deposition to in her lawsuit was unsealed last year. Ear. During that deposition, the the actor testified about givingbouv women alcohol or pills beforeor sexual encounters. Singer Britney Spears has a tmz obtaining letter written byy britneys lawyers to in touchouh magazine warning them not to to public a story about britneytney allegedly acting erraticallyrral that the mtv awards. Allegedly britney was laughing and talking to herself and usinu a british accent we heard herheh use the british accent in songsn lately. Britt britt and her team say tm they are sick of these made up u stories, though, they say if thf story runs, theyll sue theue t magazine and other Media Outlets if they continue to spread these lies. Li. So, you know, sometimes wew laugh at each other and usend u british accents. Itish accen is that a big deal . Big d i dont know what youre io talking about but sure. W wh. Okay. All right. Rig i dont know either. Kw e a playboy model who postedms photo of a naked woman now might face prosecution for postingos this pick according to tmz investigators tracked down thect victim willing to testifyoes against her. Ns the victim reported al woman ini her 70s now this playboy modelel posted the photo of the naked woman in july to our snap chat c with the caption if i canti c unsee this, the either. Former nfl Quarterback Johnny Manziel heading back to school. H he reenrolled at texas a and m university. Univ hes majoring in recreationalata parks and tourism sciences. Okay. Was he doing that before . Thf i dont know. W okay. Y. Menzel are you disgusted disd by like he had a promisingmig career. I remember his commercials andre everything. Hiseryt im very happy that hes thas going back to school. Chl yeah, thats always a win. W i dont know what he was majoring inon before. Efor left school to play in thela mfl he got into trouble. Tuble he says going back to school isi his way on gettin getting back h track and you say good luck. Duc good for him. Orim lets look at our facebook fb fans of the day. Ay two very special honors. Yvette and morgan bothnot celebrating their 30thh birthdays this week. Yvette on the left her birthday is today. Oday happy birthday yvette. She was nom it 98 booed it herd many mom who says she tunes in s every morning while getting ready for work. Morgan on the right celebrates c her birthday on saturday. Atda morgan says she has been watching since she was a baby ib the crib. Th we hope you both have fabulous u 30th birthdays. Irda for your chance tomorrowomorro tomorrow passes fan leaving aeag comment below their photos onhoo our facebook page. 8 00 right now. 0 t no hi, tuck. Hi. H hi. Whats up, tuck . P, tk . Hi, guys. Guy here we are. Lets get to it he. Real quick. Qui 78 in washington. Hiton. Dulles 76. 76. Baltimore 71 degrees. Or its all about heat today. Oday not so much humidity but they te heat is Building Back in. Back i low 90 force daytime highs. Me h. We should be rain free latere re this afternoon. Lis aftnoon and just generally sunny and hoh out there for your day today. Od i keep doing this motion becausc winds are out of the north andsr west and that actualle ty willp out a little bit today. Od well have bit of a breeze thist afternoon and it will be a dry a breeze with that northwest windn so thats good news. S 92. Can promise the same for theame thursday, friday and saturdaynds mid 90s are back with plenty off humidity. Mi get ready one more round of heah before i think maybe well break it for the fall here. H all right. Ig. Erin is has been busy all busy a morng. How is it looking. Is itooki tucker, still looks terrible. I like your sunshine but use caution sun glare causing g problems. Inner loop jammed up. We have a crash within the delays haverash at five branch u two lanes blocked. Lock now thats just after this poino you can see were not going anywhere any time soon trying to get to the wilson bridge. Ilson g slow from the springfield interchange through annandale as well. Outer loop theres good newsherd thats looking nice towardse t largo. Larg lets switch it over shown i was look at another camera right r now. Were dealing with a lot of delays around the area. Were ta outer loop remainsre heavy from5 over to georgia and were alsora seeing very slowmoving traffic 395 towards the 14th street bridge. Ge. 66 still parking lot in l centreville right now. Ht from manassas throughou centreville youre at a crawl. Ra bob barnard has been out andn oa about in falls church thingshhi improving on seven out by Baileys Crossroads but wereute still seeing a lot of slow downs on our majors right now. N this is bob. This hes cruising but hes had to ht reduce his speed through schoolo zones. So be prepared to slight down t for the kiddos juso t want tot remind to you take it slow andus keep those kids salowfe as you y patterns. Pa switch it back to our maps muchm things get back to normal on nml metro right now. Metro right now we have safetrack singl. E tracking blue line between beten springfield franconiaia springfield and van dorn a tonna of rode on the maps. Of re leave early. Onleav get ane early start. Sorry if you were running lateei today. We tried our best to keep you iu the know. N thats our final look atth loo a traffic. Back to you guys. C. Ea tell head to break rightll h now. O good day is coming up next. T. You took the words right out of the my mouth, steve . . I did . Stay with us. Warning. This commercial contains brief moments of product nudity. Stripped of chocolate. Its peanuts exposed around a soft caramel center. A payday bar will get you through your day. Expose yourself to payday. Straight ahead e terrible traffic tuesday living up to iti name. Despite all the warnings, the morning rush came to crawl onwl the roads and the rails. Rails well have is a live report. Breaking overnight arnht a Security Guard shot during a dua robbery 94 the university of maryland. Land one suspect in custody. Ustody another still on the run. Un every time i think abouti tho trump i got allergic. laughter . Te Hillary Clinton cutting shoro her first q and a in nearly ninn months after a coughing fit. Fit but not before accusing her her rival of choking during hisin meeting in members coach weree two months away from election e day. Well have the latest from thete campaign trail. Mpaignil and later, making it o official rumors swirling oprahog is ready to tie the knot. Kno the former talk show host iss setting the record straight. Good day at 9a starts now. You say impossible,

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