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Gary mcgrady is coming uping later on to give us an update. Pd first thank you for waking upg with us. Good morning to you, im y wisdom martin alouongside holly morris and maureen umeh. Ume metro officially backy b opened after shutting down for 29 hours. Crews used that time to timet make emergency inspections and repairs. S lets get thrive melanies alnwick who is live with the latest. St good morning mel. Reporter good morning. Orte we just witnessed it a few minutes ago, literally secondsec ago when the station managertati came in, came down the escalator and opened up the gates there and the first customers since what wouldha that be, tuesday, are makingak their way into the station. So, it was an inconveniencenve but it looks like everythingve is back on track and what we w learned yesterday at thisrd press conference is really rea that ther they were given credee to why general manager paulaul wiedefeld did make the right call. Ll they found defects on theouec tracks in some cases soes s serious that shouldnt have been runningt ee over those tracks at all. S a all take a look at some of thesome o video that they showed at the press conference yesterday. Yese there were 600 jumper cablesumps that needed to be inspected. Ine these are the lines that covereh parts of the third rail. Hi r they connect the electricalri power there. Wer and inspectors found 26nd defects along 100 miles ofes o line. Three of which they said involved major issues with those cables, were talkingweri about that damaged insulation, l exposed wires. Ex a situation capable of sparking an electrical fire atri any minute. Now, the most stunning s admission was what could have been had mondays fire andire smoke incident at mcphersoncp square happened just a little bit later when the trains wereha packed with more riders. Ly. It would have been very similar i believe to the Lenfant Plaza again dependsgaip on where the train had been in that instance but clearly theare conditions were very similaril to what we experienced at Lenfant Plaza, meaning in terms of the smoke. Different strategy than then one we follow apparently. Ppar reporter so, we know repr that all those repairs were made, made on the spot and spo some of them continuing reallyna until just a little while ago. Go but it really still opens upll e another issue as far as what asa is leading to that problem, p why are the cables and why is wy the insulation degrading so quickly in those tunnels andne so theres more to do here but t fortunately we know the trainswk are safe to run today. Back to you guys. O guy well, that metro closure forced many of you to find creative ways to get around town. Town heres how a few people pulleded it off. O. Well, i will to take a bus. B we drove part of the wayf and walked the other part ofer p the way. Oh, i had to drive. Dr. And, yeah, it was a lot of traffic. Fic. I jogged. You jogged in to work . Work . Yes. All right, the big question t once metro reopens is willsil those disgruntled passengersse return. Developing overnight a manop was found dead with a gunshotunh wound inside a Mercedes Benz me along interstate 295 at benning flowed northeast. Ing this unfolded about 9 oclockouc last night. Last nht the homicide unit was called wae to the scene. Sce the investigation shut downhuton i295 near benning road but rd the road has since been reopened. Reop. Police say this is a murder mur investigation. Stig no word yet on any suspects. S. In Marlo Heights maryland an intense fire broke outse firk around dinnertime last nightight at an apartment complex onompl Saint Barnabas road. It was visible across the the Potomac River from virginia. Vii dozens of fire trucks and engines from Prince Georges County fairfax and alexandrialed came out to help deal with dea w this fire. Fir the cause of the fire is still l under investigation. Der new this morning a chiefef judge for the u. S. District court in d. C. Is retiring amid d a sex scandal. Cand a utah woman is suing districtnd she says he sexually assaulted u her when she was a teen. T lawyers for roberts say hes will challengefo the womans wom allegations in court. Cou he says hes stepping away from the bench for an unspecified medical issue. All right, as was mentioned today is Saint Patricks day and if you areda out celebrating silver rides is offering you rides if youu call this number 1800200taxi. 0taxi you can usual wraps, if youre an at t user you canr yo catch that. If youre out celebratingelebra Saint Patricks day and knocking back a few. Silver ride availableide already this morning . Imth just checking, wisdom and and garys coffee cups. What did i tell you . T dii te better with irish whiskey. Wk were just kidding. Kid were having a little fun here on looks like its not going toket be too bad of a day for people p to be out and about. Out anabo notot at all. Enjoying the holiday. Hiday right, exactly. Ect and i mean there could be areoue shower later on this afternoonft but theyre few and farnd between. Be some of it may never even makema it into the district, okay. E di right now its 50. S gaithersburg 46. 44 fredericksburg. Desburg. Yesterday was awesome. How goodwill today be . I think pretty good except for the little chance of a shower cc later on. Were starting off withng off w comfortable temperatures. E were going to end up in thet ed up are 60s, low 70s. 7 a few more clouds late this le h afternoon. Heres your bus stop forecaststc for you, pickup time its all drive. 40 to 50 degrees. De depends on where you are. S on more like 50 in town, moreore like 40, 45 or so out in the i e suburbs so thats why we have we a range. A r after school anywhere between b 66 and 70 degrees. 70 degr it will be a little bit gusty. Ty breezy with sustained winds and occasional gusts a little higher than 20 out there. Heres erin como for a look atat your thursday morning traffic. F ontime traffic brought to bt you by toyota. U by t special offers. O i think i need a sample of your coffee. Cfe i heard it might be extra be e special. Sp you saw me make my coffee. Fe gary, im just giving you a n hard time. Ha t its okay. Oka its not going to hurt hur anything. Ytng. Lies and shenanigans. 5o07. 5 07. 5 07. Metro on schedule. Edul well let you know if anything h changes for your thursday. Rs i get to say it, its saintts patricks day and friday evekyn commute. Lets take a live look outsideii at some of our cameras. Cam right now 270, you can see c that the volume is picking upicg on the southbound side as yououi make your way from clarksburgrk to germantown. But the good news is its not causing any major slowdownsanmal just yet. Y north of that point inpon frederick were also seeinglseen some congestion by the truckck scales as usual. S usual. If youre making the commutere from frederick down to theown to spur i would say get an earlyld start. Were starting to see thingsee t pick up. Up. Northbound side extremelyxtremey quiet right now. Quie well move over for a look look back at our maps. M work still lingering headingngdi past seminary road on the rd on southbound side of 395. 295 looking good and 66 east e problem free. Were great inside theid district. Dist gw parkway quiet. Et well let you know if thatt changes. Ch back to you. Coming up, a virginia vir school board gets an earfuls anu over its decision to rename aam school, a middle school. Esch plus, the music world music mourning the loss of Frank Sinatra jr. A j a look back at his successful se career including how heow carried on his fathers legac legacy. Want great whitening without the mess . Think outside the box. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen for 5 shades whiter teeth. Brush, whiten, go no mess, no waiting, no rinsing colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. New this morning, just release the documents in thehi trial of Army Sergeant bowdoe bergdahl and the documents dum bergdahl says he left a post pos in afghanistan back in 2009 ton9 draw attention to militarytten i leadership problems. Blem bergdahl says he saw his actions as self sacrifice. Sacri also included in the documents n an army sanity evaluation ofatn bergdahl concluded he sufferedef from a personality disorder when he left the post. He he faces a generalal courtmartial on charges of o deserttation and misbehavior before the enemy. He enemy a case of mistaken identity t led to the death of a prince ofp georges county policece officer. Officer jacai colson died inie the midst of a sloot outright oi in front of district threeict te station last Authorities Say an unnamed unn officer perceived him as ar peri threat. Threat police determined fourne officers were firing theirere rg weapons during the shootout with ford. In Prince William countye controversy ovary naming a school. Last night communi ty membersembe packed a school board meetingcho to oppose renaming godwinin middle school after a local Community Leader dr. George hampton. The board close to name itse newest Elementary School after fallen firefighter kyle wilsonig instead ofht hampton. Ampton Board Members later received ae note with a racial slur wrapped in that a confederate flag. So far there are no plans to nos stop the name change. Chang president obama facingsi oba backlash over his supreme ove court nominee. Not all conservatives agree with the president s pick. Re will this shape up to be an epic showdown . Details ahead. He and were on eagle watch w this morning. Mni the hole in one of the unhatched eggs has got 10 a little bit bigger so it couldr i be any moment now. A live look at thats what were looking athaw right now. Were keeping a close eye onlose this this morning. Ni were also watching garyga mcgrady do his thing. Hing. Gary. Hey, listen [laughter] i take full responsibilitypo for that. Fo t what are you talking about . Yt we know ervin pretty andnd shes a distraction. Di were talking about what it i looks like for the weekend. Weee it was ready to go. To g mostly rain. A little bit of snow. Tt i will explain this coming upin in just a second, okay, w then we come back with the forecast c and when we come back wellack e actually show you erin. Rin. Shes just right here stage left. [laughter] the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Again again again again again . Again again General Mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. Again happening now, metro h officially up and runninapg after grinding to a halt for emergency inspections andncinsp repairs. Pairs. Officials say they found more than two dozen damaged areas. Ede this is a live look at foggy bottom metro station. Sta alr Melanie Alnwick is there. E shes going to join us with an a update at 5 30. Hey, its great out thisea morning. Morn were all dry out there. T fair skies. Ski when the sun comes up a little t after 7 15, right around 7 15, well have plenty of sunshine. H some clouds later today, maybe a shower. A sho ill tell you talk aboutbo that here in just a second. A s Reagan National right now is a i delightful 50 degrees, dulleseee colder 44. Coer 44. Bwi marshall the same. He s look, heres the deal on this week. We ivory assisted as long as iassi could talk about this. Coastal storm comes up. Discrepancies between ouries modeling. One shows it a little farther al out to sea, another shows it awt little closer to sea and the variations in between. Betwe how much moisture are we going have . When does this raindo start . Is it going to mixt . With a little bit of snow andtl where could there be someeom accumulating snow . There are some of those questions of th beginning to come togetherg to just a little bit with some more specific answers. C look, this hasnt changedt much. Mu we actually had this made ath couple of days ago, maybe evenbe earlier than that. Ha i havent shown it personallyera but just to note so you knowyou it hasnt changed much at all. Rain likely off to southern t s maryland and towards thela and w shore. Saturday night, sunday we haveyv mostly rain up and down theth i95 corridor. Corri there could be a little bit of snow mixing in from time toom time. I still think here in d. C. Were just talking about aalng a cold rain. R farther north and west you getet a little mix of snow and then ae way out into western maryland, Higher Elevations of virginia, v West Virginia and then up intoui pennsylvania, and this snows s may bend a little bit more toitm the east into pennsylvania,ennsi en its all said and done. E. Again, everything not worked out here. It does look like for us its looks like the weekend goesoes downhill. Downhill. Mostly cloudy on saturday. Lo well have some showers. Ho and maybe even a mix of snow snw and rain late saturday night. N sunday looks like primarily a cold rain for us with raifor temperature only up into theto mid 40s. 4 most of you will stay in the st lower 40s. R 4 and some will stay only in thenn upper 30s. And theres a little bit of a of mix in there. T in terms of anything thating accumulates on the first days on of spring, i just dont thinkdot its a big deal. D this is this evening. This just a chance of a scattered act shower here or there. Show it doesnt it looks very isolated, very widely wid scattered later on am i wantm to take you into the weekend. W were beginning to see some of s this precipitation come up preci into our direction by latey l saturday night early sunday s morning. You can see most of thathat wintry precipitation is goingtii stay way out to the west and thw down to the southwest as well. Sw heres your sevenday y forecast. Looks great today. 68 d again, spotty showers lateow this afternoon. Afterno no big deal. Mostly sunny tomorrow. W. Then we get into the reallyy chilly wet unsettled weekend. Tle spring arrives on sunday. Friday eve. Id erin comos favorite day. D i put myself on timeoutn during your weather so ieather wouldnt be distracting. Istract. We had long day of reporting metro yesterday. Yeste we were a little chatty. Bottom side of the beltway dealing with a crash justwi a c north of the beltway on belay telegraph road. Ro. So, use caution there. Caion thee theyve shut down that portion o right now. Were working on details. Det lets go ahead and take a looka at our map. Map. Well show you exactly where yoe that is. Dont exit at telegraph road. Rar well get you moreor information. Rm i would plan on detouringn detor around that right now andhat ri again a big crash scene in alexandria. Alexan also ongoing construction 395cto south road work heading past pat seminary road. R caution at that location. At full service for metro this mrot morning. In well let you know if anyknowf single tracking or any changes c get all the track work fixedork and right now all lines, rail ls lines are running on fullng on f service. Thats your traffic. At back to you, holly. To yo hol thanks, erin. 5 eight stein ou18 is our t. Wisdom is in the news room n with more. Me. Developing this morningevel residents are evacuating theire homes in Southeast Texas asexas rivers continue to rise from days of heavy rain. Now authorities areys warning of record flooding not seen since 1884 along the sabine river which serves as a long borderg r between texas and louisiana. Ouis Texas Governor abbott hast h issued a disaster declaration. En the National Guard has been helping place sand bags andd bag deliver aid as well. D as w and after a break from theak rain the last few days, more da, storms are expected through the weekend. Ke the michigan man charged mac with murdering six people in kalamazoo is filing a 10 million lawsuit againstllio uber. T jason jdwritten letter prison because of uber claiming the company failed tod pay him overtime and forced for him to work. Him he says the uber app wasr a controlling him the night ofg mn the rampage forcing him tong t kill and then pick up passengers. Ssenrs. Uber said they had no reasonthen to believe that anything was wrong with dalton prior to thenr shootings. Shoo major automakers reachedachd new agreement to make automatic braking standard on most vehicles by 2022. 2 the agreement between 20etween automakers and the nationalnd tt traffic highway safetyaf administration will bead announced tomorrow. Mi the equipment helpsan pnorevente accidents by slowing orlowing o stopping vehicles if the vles driver does not reh react to rea objects in the way. Cts ie w the agreement will cover tractortrailer rigs and otherai lightle vehicles. Veh president obama has chosen c a can candidata candidate to ren scalia. He announced merrick garlandck g as his choice. Is cho the president said garland iss uniquely qualitied to serve ontd however Republican Leaders lea want to wait to fill that fill t vacancy until after a new president is elected. E senator Bernie Sanders isie calling on republicans to doon r their jobs and hold hearingsd hr on the nomination. Also developing overnightdevg Frank Sinatra jr. Has passedsed away at the age of 72. Of in a statement his family says sinatra died of cardiac arrestc on tour in florida. Sinatra was the son of frankf sinatra and his first wifest nancy. Nanc he followed his father intowed the music business serving asvia his musical director andirec conductor. Thats a look at some of a l the stories making headlineskinl this morning. This lets go back up to m the desk. Thanks, whiz. Wz. March madness in the game. D. The games set to begin today,ay even the president is in the spirit. Coming up were going to take t a look at his bracket and his pick to win it all. T a metro back up and running run this morning following a dayor long shut downni that sent commuters scrambling but thecrae repair work is far from over. M o were live with the latest. Glenn threateningicans gofederal workers;ns over 60 votes to repeal obamacare. Now theyre refusing to even consider president obamas nominee for the supreme court. It disrespects the president and all of us and we wont put up with it. In congress, ill protect president obamas legacy, defend obamacare, and stand up for Social Security and medicare. Im glenn ivey and i approve this message. Ill take on republicans for all of us. Were back at 5 24 withere your sports breakfastur s poheadlines. Ne the wizards torching the bullshb 117 to 96 keeping theirping t playoff hopes alive marked the teams eighth win in their last nine home games. John paul 29 points, 10 assists, 10 rebounds for hisndsr third tripledouble of thethe season. Wizards sit a game and a halfanf behind the bulls and pistons p for the eighth and finale ei and playoff spot in the east. Eas even presidenob resist getting in on march madness. Ma he released his brackets bracket yesterday and had kansas, kan texas a m North Carolina andaa Michigan State reaching the final four. His choice might be unpopular m in kansasig though. Tho the president has notas correctly predicted theicd the National Champion since hen sine picked North Carolina duringor r his first year in office back ob in 2009. In00 just like all the office poolice players trying to win big obama selected one upset in u the first round. R he has number 13 hawaii, hisi, h home state, beating number numr four seed cal. Fo you got to pick yourur home. You always got pick your home. I. Got to roll with the homero t team. Exactly. Holly, have you done your bracket yet. Not yet. I actually was doing somelyng research this morning. Okay. I was curious to see who youou thought you know who won the officeoo pool last year . Maureen. Exactly. Exa i did. I d how many cup cakes did you cd win for that . It was couple hundred dollars. A cup cakes. Cup c lets check the forecast fork you and see whats going on out there. Ou temperatures are real, real nice. Nice. Its 50 degrees. Its 50 degr 46 for gaithersburg. Aither and dulles right now in andnd around dulles its 44. 4 same temperature for baltimore b as well. Culpeper youve dropped down into the upper 30s thispper morning so its a little coola e out there in spots and othernd places are fairly mild. Hey, did you know today, Saint Patricks day, forecast itsk real, real nice. S re, re a few clouds during the day,ring breezy this afternoon. An isolated widely spottyelsp shower late today. Today temperatures upper 60s, low 70s. Heres erin como. C ill be changeing intongeingt green later. Ive been get somethingeen get m twitter feedback that people p are wondering where my green m g is. They dont understand. Y do i just cant do it or int d would be blending into theg in traffic maps. Right now this crash is north of the bottom of the beltway telegraph road partiallyally blocked by some flares. You can see some driverscasee se trying to exit at the ramp so please use caution. Well let you know if they fully shut down this area. His let now. Aside from that northbound crash activity after theac beltway, you can see thehe beltway itself inner loop and a outer loop looking really nicekr right now. Ow 395 south well let you know yok as soon as the road work by seminary clears. Semi northbound side quiet. Rtid full service for metro today. Ory well let you know if theyu ow need to single track or any any delays pick up for metro rail. Eo the inner loop out by 414 b problem free. M fre thats your traffic. Back to you. You coming up at 5 30 a d. C. 30 ac judge the focus of seriousf ser allegations this morning. Gati what hes accused of doings acco more than three decades ago. Go and hopefully a much easier s commute this morning for metro riders. Ride rail service is fully restored. But does that mean thet do problems are fixed . Weve gote the details coming up in a live report. 5 news morning. Ahead this morning, openngpe for business. Bines metro set to reopen followingolo a more than day long shut downtw for emergency repairs. We are live with the latest. La. Plus, dozens are without a home this morning after fire afr ripped through a maryland apartment building. Uiin a school name debate getseet heated as residents give Board Members an earful over itss an decision to rename a middle school. Scho and baby watch. D. C. s eaglets set to hatch atoa any moment and were keeping aea close watch. Fox5 news morning starts right now. No and a good thursday morning to march 17th. 1 its Saint Patricks day. Nt patk looking outside you can seeouan National Harbor just beyond bey the water there with thehe wheel. In the background shaping upapin to be a really nice day. Y niay. 50 degrees is your temperature u right now. Right n gary mcgradyow will have details on your forecast just ye ahead and erin will have ave a check of the roads. Thank you for waking up you with us. Im wisdom martin alongsidelo maureen umeh and holly morris. S. Metro back up and runningng after inspects and repairs. Rep. This comes after a day long a l shut down. Shut d our Melanie Alnwick is live v at foggy bottom metro stationros with the latest on the workatest crews, what they completed andoa how it just opened literallyeray about 30 minutes ago. Hey, mel. Reporter hey, goodepor morning, yeah, right on right on schedule. We saw the station manageran come on down and open the on t gates up. But i think the bigger headline here is that the, you know, there was a lot of a lot f questions from riderses yesterday aboutit well, gosh, g did this need to be done mild,ee could it have waited until the weekend and i think oncehink people saw what general manager Paul Wiedefeld was sod s concerned about certainly theyee felt like, yeah, that probably the right call. Ig c lets take you to the videohe v right now that we shot just a little while ago as they opened the gates at the foggyesa bottom station. Bott this is the station that took the longest to repair. Rep it had some of the most t m serious issues. Iue it was the possibility if they didnt get those repaired rai perhaps the blue orange and oran silver lines might have to doesm single tracking and delays d today but fortunatelyortuna everything got put back in b place as it needed to be and again, those lines are all running as scheduled today. Now, during that press conference yesterday, werd talked about 600 jumper cables that needed to be inspected. Inst shows jump are cables areables lines that connect parts of the third rail, connect the electrical power kind of liked l you might call like ane extension cord in a way. Now, a long hundred lines of inspector expected, inspectors found 26 defects in thosets inho involved major issues. Aledajor were talking about damagedutamd insulation which leads toeads t exposed and frayed wires. Rad w those are capable of sparkingf n an electrical fire at any minute and so you can see so yo thats one of those things tng that general manager paulerau wiedefeld when he saw that andnd he knew that that was veryasy similar to what happened at hape the Lenfant Plaza incident iid and the smoke and the fire apparently from mcpherson mhe square on monday was very was thick, very intense and heensend said that if it had been a bn different time of day where w trains had been stuck there on the platform he you once again a could have a situation wherehe passengers were in danger fromgo all of that toxic smoke. Moke and so really he felt likeel that was the need for the immediate shut down. We know they said they couldthey not in good conscience runun those lines knowing therewing te could potentially be more problems and they did find 26idn more problems. Probl certainly does bring up thedo question, though, what is, going on withth the insulation, what is going on with inspections . These linesse lin apparen before so were the inspections not good or is the insulationult breaking down even quicker qui than inspectors can go back goac and look at those lines. So, more followup for sure tour be done but good news is today d all the repairs have beenee made. Ma metro back up and running. Unni live at foggy bottom, imotto Melanie Alnwick, fox5 local news. That metro closure forcedreor many of you across the dmv to t find creative ways to geto g around town. Town. Heres how a few people pulledul it off. Well, actually high to take g a bus. B we drove part of the way and walked the other part ofhe the way. O oh, i had to drive and, and yeah, it was a lot of traffic. C i jogged. I reporter you jogged inorte to work . Yes. Es. Big question, once metro reopens, or now that metro hases reopened today, will those disgruntled passengers returnerr and we probably would . Metro m is a big system. A lot of people use it so it theyll probably be back. Developing overnight a manin was found dead with a gunshot an wound inside a mercedes be benning road in northeast. Road now, this unfolded around arod 9 oclock last night. Ig the homicide unit was calledle to the scene. The investigation shut downion t 295 near benning road but the road has since reopened. Rpe police say this is a murder investigation. No word yet on any suspects. Cts. New this morning, a chief c judge for the u. S. District court in d. C. Is retiring amidmd a sex scandal. Ca a utah woman is suing d. C. S sug. Federal judge richard w. Richar. Roberts. The woman says the judgen sa sexually assaulted her more herr than three decades ago when agon she was a teenager. Eenar lawyers for roberts say herobere will challenge the womans allegations in court. Ou judge roberts notified thebe white house of hisrt retirementt plans yesterday. Yestay he says hes stepping away a from the bench for an a unspecified medical issue. Ss in Prince William countyliamt controversy ovary naming a a school. Ho last Night Community membersem packed a school board meetingcho to oppose renaming godwindw middle school a Community Leader dr. George hampton. N. The board chose to name itsto ni newest Elementary School after fallen firefighter kyle wilson w instead of lam ton. Tead om ton. Board members later received alv note with a racial slurl wrapped in a confederate flag. Tf so far there are no plans too stop that name change. All right, time now to talkmt weather with gary mcgrady. Mcgra what is it going to be like l when people get out and startta celebrating today . Od depends on when you dep on celebrate. Cebrat okay. Give us the run down. Break it down like an ncaa nca bracket. You can celebrate as soonte o as you like. Okay. Im not even going to comment. Well let you draw your own yr conclusions. Wonderful coffee. W is that what it is. Absolutely. Go ahead. Leave my coffee alone. Bus stop forecast this morningor for the kid do, looks ge starting off with sunshine. Temperature out in the suburbs s theres some upper 30s buts mainly in the 40s and were w 50 or so right near big range. Ange it usually is about aly is t a 10degree range from town to tot out in the suburbs. Ubbs after school 66 to 70 degrees. 0r looks real nice. Lo well have more clouds in theudt afternoon and we could have aoud couple of little showers late today, early evening and right r now very widely scattered. Catter pretty isolated, okay. Ka its going to be windy today. Od the winds will be 10 to be 10 t 20 miles per hour, so lookoo back to the west here becauseeec you see some clouds and a few a light showers trying to form,yig but thats all staying to thetat west of us now. N but progressing in ourng in direction for the afternoonthe r hours. Again, were a little bit a breezy today. Oday. But its not too bad. Changes this weekends. Wkends. Well talk about that. ltalk heres erin como with a lookh at your traffic. 5 37 right now gary and g there are some accidents andid issues popping up around the dmv. Frederick 270 south a crash at0 85 on the Left Shoulder starting to see delays picking up towards that location. As you make your way out 95 northbound in stafford express lanes just north theres a ladder reported ind i roadway. Adwa you definitely dont want tonitt hit that this morning. Ng so, please use caution untilti crews are able to get that outou of the way. Of the that is causing someng congestion starting to pick upi leading towards 610 so pleaseoe be aware of that. Hat. Also in alexandria telegraphlegr road northbound crash activityb between the beltway and dukend k street. Lets go ahead and take a live look t you still have some haves flares up. Police had been out there. H b right now just one lane is blocked and traffic is gettingf by. Well certainly keep youceainl posted on if thats causings can any big delays. Any dela back to you. O y all right, coming up changepa is coming to instagram. The photo sharing appng app prioritizes pictures it thinks t youll be interested in. Ntted stay with us. Stay wh us. Were back in a moment. In todays health watch, the number of marijuanadanu of addicts has doubled in thects last decade. Now, that is according to a study byis experts and they say only 14 percent of those addicts received treatment forrt the disorder. The study found nearly nea 6 Million People in the u. S. N were treated for marijuanauana addiction last year. Y it says young people and those d at the lowest income levels lev are most likely to suffer fromrf the disorder. Th it also says mare ijuanauana addiction is twice as common asc among men than women. W when it can comes to good to health, two counties in our o area topped the list of their t respective states. According to a new ranking Montgomery County in marylandryc and Loudoun County i are the two healthiestwo healtht counties in their states. Ties the report found that seven of the 10 locales with theith the highest Health Rating in theg it commonwealth were in Northern Virginia while howard and carroll counties in maryland mal took second and third placeird a behind Montgomery County. Nd m all right, nike is thinkingnk into the future with itsut newest pair of shoes. Of sho the details just ahead. Il ahe plus, we are on baby eagle b watch. A hole in one of the unhatched h eggs getting bigger and itnd could be any moment now. Hey, gary. Gy. Hey, whats going on . Listen, special day today. N,y of course its Saint Patrickse day. It now, look, we do have a cshanca of a few showers late today, early evening but theyre but widely scattered, theyre veryy isolated so i dont think itsd going to be a problem at all. Temperatures today upper 60s, maybe some low 70s, too. Well have your weekendsl forecast plus erin is back p with a look at your traffic onfc this thursday morning. Stay with us. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Oday. America runs on dunkin. Happening now, metroap welcoming back hundreds of thousands of commuterspe after r an unprecedented 29 hour shutdown. Officials say crews found mores than two dozen damaged areas daa along the tracks. Alonthe coming up at 6 00 were goingreg to check back in with Melanie Alnwick live at foggy bottomtom metro with the latest. Great morning out there. At you see the wheel in the m distance across thee river, r visibility is good. Clear skies. Eakies well see sunshine when itine wn comes up and temperatures arerae generally in the 40s to rightht around 50. Arou 50. Heres our temperature here atut the big three airports. A dulles is 44 and bwi marshall ml 44. 44 that has not changed in theed in last hour or so. A couple of spots out in theut n suburbs are already in therbs upper 30s and i know culpeper l is down in the 30s. 3 look, heres the deal. Dea today were still good, okay,ooa because the jet stream iseteam fairly far to the north so itnoo keeps the coldest of the airf locked up to the north. Nor were talking 60s here and ithd looks like its going to bes li upper 60s today. Tod. Few spots should end up in thept low 70s, so again were still e on the warm side of the jet stream. Stream. But changes are coming and its g looks like just in time for spring. This colder air shifts to the south just a little bit. Ju a l High Pressure is going to seturg up to the north of us and of usa thats going to push the cold air in. So, it looks like weres like probably in the low to 50s on saturday. Maybe even in the upper 40s 4 cause i dont see a lot of don sunshine now and we could havelh showers arriving late saturdayat since were in the cooler siders of this jet stream. Tr you see where the jet is downs o here. Thats where the storm is going to form and were goingor to end up with a coastal coaal coming to the then up the coast on sundayn s and the position of that, the te track of that storm is reallym r going to lead to what we get g specifically on sunday. Y. So, saturday a couple ofe changes here. Her less sunshine, if any, now andod it does look like by late in b l the day into the early eveningng hours we could have somes cou showers. Saturday night maybe a little snow mixing in. Sunday cloudy chilly, coldy, rain with a little bit of snowto mixing in. No accumulation here along i95. Looks like any potential accumulation sunday into i sunday evening will be wayning w back out to the west. He Higher Elevations forfor virginia, West Virginia andirgia western maryland. Err heres what were watching watcn this morning. Is m clouds are trying to come across but not yet. Otet but as we get into the dayo t d today and into the afternoon,no expect more clouds later on. Sunny this morning. Orni temperatures starting off inesin town in the upper 40s. Breezy at lunchtime, 65. We should have still prettyuld good sunshine at noon and then more clouds. Cloud an isolated to widely thats how im phrasing it for i late today. T so, dont worry about your about umbrella. If you have it, thats good. It,g but if you dont dont lookot too long try and find it. Find 60 tomorrow, mostly sunny. Omor a few showers, kind of chilly, i 48, 50 degrees or so on saturday. Ay. Sunday 43. Thats when it looks likeoo spring gets here even thoughreng it wont feel like. Oneel l heres erin como with a lookh at your friday eve traffic. And Saint Patricks daynd traffic. S my names erin. Im part irish. I there you go. Even though i look all italian. It right now 270 south theres are crash at 85 on the left l shoulder. Traffic is backing up from 70 leading towards that point so please use caution there. U all lanes are opened butut again, there is an activenctiv scene. Scen aside from that 95 north inn stafford express lanes northre of 610 we have a ladder lad reported in the road. You definitely dont want to hit that this morning somoso please use caution and steernd clear of those express lanesan until crews are able to clears r that. Th volume picking up in stafford as well. This earlier crsh cleared just north of the beltway on telegraph roadwaeg between the beltway and duke street. Stre we had some flares out there the and some police activity. P well take a live look and lk show you how things are shaping up on 50 inbound. I as you can see another day of delays westbound from 202 to2 kenilworth as you head out in h new carrolton watch for that heavy flow of traffic. Ra things picking up top of the up waltway outer loop. Belt metro he i is on time. Back to you. Back 5 44 right now. 5ri federal charges have beenes have filed against the donald trumpai prnsotestor accused of rushing s at trump during an event in ohio. Oh Authorities Say thomas demassino tried toup on stage. S agents were able to tackle him m before any damage was done. Ny d he had posted a series of lifethreatening tweets about trump calling him dangerousllin fo he was charged with illegalll entry on restricted grounds. Gr and in North Carolina five deputies have been demoted andnd suspend for their actions at a t trump rally. Trump ra the deputies were escortingscor man from the event when he was allegedly punched by anothery ao man attending the rally. T ral all five deputies were put on probation for 12 months. Mon an investigation lunged aftertin video of the incident inc surfaced. Officials say the deputies had their eyes on the stairs when the man was hit. H South Carolina governorcarog nikki haley is praying ted ted cruz gets the gop nomination instead of donald trumpead of literally. Literally. Yesterday the governor saysor she will support the eventuall nominee but shes praying that t its cruz. Ru haley had previously endorsed er marco rubio but he suspendedru his cbiampaign after losing hisg home state of florida torida donald trump. Ltons emaiclintons emai scandal making headlines once again. Ag newly released emails showls that back in 2009 clinton wasas denied a request for a securee government smartphone. Ma months later she began usingegan hr to her blackberry to communicate with her aides. Hera Security Experts say the arrangement could have left the messages vulnerable to attacks by hackers. Hackers the fbi is currentlyntly investigating. In in the District Police arveee looking for thee people who attacked a teen as he enterednt a Columbia Heights apartmenthtsm building. It happened last wednesday at 15th and euclid streetstreet northwest. Northwes the suspect beat the man andspte took his backpack. We spoke with people in theh pe neighborhood to say it is aod good reminder to be alert whenle walking the streets. Tree its concerning for here f h and for anywhere in this citys c any part. An but i guess its like l wherever you are in the city try to use precautions aboutbout being alert to your surroundings. Oundings crime solvers is offeringme up to 1,000 i sf anyone comese forward to police who can help h them track down the suspects. Us the caps will unveil a hockey team waiting room. R a Ribbon Cutting ceremony will be held this afternoon. Thfter several players Nicklas Backstrom and braden holtby. The hockey themed room was funded using money from so kids can. C that was created by a former for caps fan. And how about this. Forget about slipping out ofou your shoes because of losing of laces or feeling pressure from f too tight tying when youre doing those sprints. Now, nike has unveiled its first power lacing sneaker. Snek it allows users to make the fit looser or snugger on the fly by pressing buttons on thett side of the shoe. The Worlds Largest sports s world brand says the potential n for shoes with adaptive laces is luge because it provides tailored to the custom. Your instagram feed isgram about to look a whole lot different. En the social media app will be implementing a new algorithmew a so instead of seeing your friends most recent posts onec your home page, youll instead see what instagram thinks younk want to see most. The new formula will take intoak account whether youll bet whhe interested in the content yourty relationship to the poster and e the timeliness of the post. Instagram says the change will be rolled out in the coming months. But once started asmo a a what once started as a religious celebration to honor the patron saint, shoppers are a hitting the stores for clothing and food of course. Ours irish or not about 82 percent 8c of people will wear green andnd raise a glass to irelandrela today. Even the white house joinshw in on the Saint Patricks day s festivities. One of the homes fountains was die did id green onid greenn tuesday for the holiday aholid tradition the first lady began y seven years ago during her husbands first year inand office. I wonder if the chicago river. Riv i would guess so. 70 Million People will celebrate Saint Patricks day. T bill couldnt sewers will beould attempting to pour that perfect glass of ale. The perfect pour takes about 119. 5 seconds and the beer the should be served aroundund 42 degrees fahrenheit. Egrees got it . Good. All right. For those of you planning on o drinking that beer that is perfectly served you have ad yo safe and freeway to get home. Washington regional alcoholnal o Program Offering free taxi t rides to adults until 4 00il a. M. Tomorrow. M. Tomw. Anyone wishing to use thee service can dial 180200 tracks t see to request a ride. R at t wireless customers can c dial wrap. All rides up to 30 are free. Re luck of the irish willrish w bring us a new eaglet today. Maybe two. One of the eagle eggs in a nest has a small hole in it. As i you can see it there at the the see the little tiny, tiny hole. Uhhuh. Experts say its called aayt pip and they say the baby birdab could hatch within the next 24 hours. Ho so, heres a live look right now at the nest. Well of course continue to keep a close eyeou on it. Exciting. Exting i hope it happens during this mornings newscast. Ew that would be fun. Yeah, weve got five more hours. All right, gary. Ll r whats up. Hey, hey, hey, well, itss an important day cause you d e guys are all wearing green. G ooh imnot. Pincgreen,gr im not. N pinch him maureen. Aure you cant pinch me. Ou can pim it runs through. Throu i hope you all find your potot of gold today temperatures will be nice. Upper 60s, low 70s. 70s. Look at that. Ha guys always dancing. Anci breezy late this afternoon. Ate a maybe, just maybe an isolated ia shower around late thisat afternoon. It shouldnt be a big deal, okay. 68 today. Today 60 tomorrow. Tomor tomorrow looks great. Tomo a little cooler but it does look great. Great. And then 48 degrees ongrees saturday, cloudy, late lat showers. Spring arrives on sunday with clouds. Cl cold rain. Maybe a little bit of a mix of x snowflake in there believe itin or not. Any accumulating snow way outut west and northwest and Higher Elevations. Next week well gradually warml things up again. Okay. Sounds good. G best i could do. Im sorry. What was appreciate it. Erin como what you got. 5 56 and we have a lot oflo traffic everywhere. Verywh so, slow conditions pickings up. I want to start you off way off live look. L this is telegraph road north of the beltway between theen t beltway and duke street as youta can see traffic is getting by. Flatbed at that location. Lat that vehicle struck a pole so s as you can see single vehiclee l crash. We dont have any reports ofortf injuries. Theyre getting that clearedtt ayt of the way and traffic as w you can see is going by justin. Id advise a little cautiontle o this side of the beltway on tele table get that cleared. E lets take a look atge our maps. In alexandria express lanes onrx 95 northpr in stafford justtaor north of 610 a ladder reported p in the roadway. Roa use caution until you can get through that area. And road work heading past seminary should be clearedbeared soon. So keep it to fox5 news morning. Toe we have the 6 owsclock hour coming right up. This is fox5 news morning. Straight ahead at systems go. Ems g metro trains reopened to t riders about an hour ago. Ourgo crews working up to the veryer last minute to make emergencyrgy repairs. Repair so, what did they find . Well w its alarming. Lain a live report coming up. Com u also a top d. C. Judge. C. Accused in a decades old rapeldr case. Ca the accuser just 16 at thet time. How the two were connected andea why that judge is not on the on bench this morning. Nch first, though, straight upgh 6 oclock giving you that live,u look outside. Outsi. Its thursday morning, marchar 17th. Hey, its Saint Patricks day. I weather ans d traffic coming upu on the 5s at 6 05. 0 good thursday morning, imng, allison seymour. And im steve chenevey. m s lets get you caught up firstca on the metro situation. Ugiton all the trains on all the o t lines up and running this hour. Our Melanie Alnwick joins ali us live from the foggy bottom bo stop where crews worked lateked into the night to makeo m necessary repairs. Mel, good morning. G reporter good morning, steve and allison. Anallis folks here definitely gettingetg back on track this morning. Orng and i think a lot of peoplepl finally realizing how seriousus this

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