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Dont hurt them. Dont hurt them. I dont condone violence. But some of the people are violent. Let me ask you a policy question, at the debate you talked hb 1 visas, you said something i frankly use, i shouldnt be allowed to use it. When you talked about bankruptcy laws, how you took advantage of them. You and i talk about your taxes, you pay as little as possible. If you are president why would anybody follow the laws you put in place if they know you were taking advantage of the laws in the private sector . Because i know the game better than anybody. I built one of the greatest companies. Did a filing, one of the great companies, great assets. Very little debt, tremendous cash flow. Some of the greatest assets in the world. Let me tell you, i use the bankruptcy laws just look other very successful people. I dont want to use their names. I could name ten people. The biggest peoplen all of business. Its the game we play. We use the laws of the land. We use it. And thats the way we play the game. As far as the visas are concerned. Im not doing anything wrong. I think the, those visas shouldnt be allowed. But they are allowed. Theyre part of the fabric of, of what you do. So, i will use it. Im a businessman. Now, that i have turned politician, i hate to say that, almost about myself. But now that i am running for office. I know the game better than anybody. Im the one that can fedex all of all can fix all of this stuff. I never went bankrupt. You understand i never went bankrupt. Take a look at business leaders. I have 500 companies. I have so many different companies. And a very few i will take advantage of frankly by using the laws of the land. As every other Major Business person does. Thats what i want to ask about the playing of the game. When you were with ben carson who endorsed you this week, you said he was pathologic and then that both of youve said that was just politics. So you are saying it is just the game. But if the most serious things you say about a person are just then why isnt everything you are saying just a game and just politics and open to revision . Well that is politics. I mean say, bad things about people. And they say bad thing as but me. And actually, ben wrote it in his book. I just read sections of his book. One thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. Because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. Used regularly, it removes up to 100 of flakes keeping you protected every week, every month, every year you ready ma . Always life is unpredictable, head and shoulders. Live flake free for life choose to move freely. Move free ultra has tripleaction support cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. And now try the first and only 2in1 joint and sleep supplement. The strength test. When its hydrated. Thats why dove men care bodywash has a unique hydrating healthier and stronger. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, Hillary Clinton will try to stretch her lead over Bernie Sanders as five states vote tomorrow. Our cbs news Battleground Tracker shows clinton up 30 points over sanders in florida. In ohio, clinton at 52 . Sanders, 33 . In illinois, sanders is up 2 points. 4846. Sanders discussed the race with john dickerson. Good morning, senator. Donald trump says he might start sending protesters to your rallies. Well, you know donald trump has been an incredibly die vie die day after day his rhetoric is in citing violence. Some of his supporters responding to the rhetoric by kicking people. By sucker punching them. You know, we have seen recently charges leveled against his own campaign manager. For assaulting a female reporter. So there is a lot of this feelings about violence coming from trumps campaign. I very much hope that he understands that in the democracy, people should be allowed to go to anybodys rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up. I hope he tones it down. This is not good for the country. Do you encourage some of your protesters, protesters, supporters i should say, are going to these rallies would you encourage them to keep doing that . No, not to disrupt rallies. Trump, look, i dont, i wont shock you john by telling you that donald trump lies a whole lot. He calls me a communist. Thats a lie. To suggest that our campaign is telling people to disrupt his campaign is a lie. We dont. We have millions of supporters and some of them will do what they do. But our campaign has never, not once, organized any effort to disrupt mr. Trumps rallies or anybody elses rallies. Not what we do. In the contest this week with Hillary Clinton she has said that she was way out in front on health care back in 1993. She wonders where you were on that issue back then . Whats your response . Well i think there is a video or photograph or something of me by here side. Look, i have always said that Hillary Clinton did a very, very good job as, first lady. She kind of broke the mold as to what a first lady should be doing. But to criticize me on health care is not quite fair because i have been a leader in congress from day one. Health care. To make certain that in the United States we join the rest of the industrialized world, guarantee health care to all people, terms of at fordable i work with congressmen jim cly burn on initiative to put 12 billion in Community Health centers so millions of people now have health care who previously would not have health care. I have led the effort to take on the greed and the unconscionable pricing of the Drug Companies who are ripping us off. Charging us the highest priefss in priefss charging us the highest prices. I dont have to defend myself off to anybody about the role i have played in health care. I do believe that we should move to a medicare for all Health Care System which finally says that health care is a right in our, to all people in our country, something which differentiates me from secretary clinton. Have to talk politics here. On these election day, you had a big surprise win in michigan. Real, momentum booster. At the end of the day, Hillary Clinton got more delegates on almost every election day we had. If that keeps happening she will get the nomination . Well, john, to everybodys surprise. When we began this campaign, we were 3 in the polls. We were 70 points behind Hillary Clinton. Since then, we have won nine states. Eight tough of them by large margins. One in michigan was very tight. Last week all of the pollsters predicted that we would lose michigan, by, by 15, 20, 25 points. Well, we ended up winning. I think we have a lot of momentum in illinois. In ohio, in missouri. I think we are going to do better than people think in North Carolina. And in florida. So we are looking forward to a very good tuesday. We are looking for ward forward to wing the democratic nomination. Ohio is make or break for john kasichs president ial campaign. The latest poll shows kasich tied with donald trump there. Kasich discusses his chances i want to start with thug you said a i want to start with something you said about donald trump. How exactly is he preying on fears . Look, he has done a lot of name calling. And created a very toxic atmosphere where he is, look, you want to start with immigration . Do you want to start with the things he has said, you know, about muslims . Where does it end . Its putting one group against another. And its created a toxic atmosphere. I am not going to till you in his rally, some of the people dont show up who want to create problems. That happens in all volatile situations. But you know, john. Look, americas greatest strength is its people. And our greatest strength in people is when we are unified. And there is no doubt that, that he has run this Divisive Campaign and it is concerning to me. At the end of the day. He is not going to be the nominee. We are going to learn from this. And i am going to win ohio tuesday. Well be competing all across the country. And a new day. Wait and see. One of the things he says and others say too. Voters are angry. He is not preying on fears. This is natural anger that is out there. Talk about that line a little bit. Difference between the voters who are angry and then the politicians who poke at that anger. Look, i think first there are people upset. Theyre worried about their jobs. Theyre worried about their wages which havent gone up. They put their money in the bank. They get no interest. Their kids are still living in their home after they get a college degree. These are conreal con real concerns. He was tapping into something out there t the reason i understand it. I grew up in that environment as a kid. The way you get the voters to tell them how you fix things. That tea why i talk about the strength of my record. In washington, helping the economy to take off or whether in ohio with creation of over 400,000 new jobs here. I also think you can walk into a you could put them in a really bad mood or you can walk into that same room and you can get them to be hopeful. I notice this everywhere i go. Because when i show up, i talk abut the way we can fix things. How people need to work together. And dont wait for somebody else to show up. Begin to change the world in which you live. The hopefulness of it works. Since i have been so positive. Must contagious was sweet, right. Everybody behaved themselves. At the last debate. Talking about trade. Seems in the republican party. Trade is now a bad word. You voted for nafta. Donald trump is trying to use that against you. What happened to the, who its the pro molter of free trade in the republican party. Sort of interesting, john. I have been a fair trader and free trader at the same time. In 2001. Ive helped the Steel Companies to get a 201 trade restraint. Time. Process. Products down. Doesnt take from the fact we have to be involved in the global marker. One of every five workers are connected to it. 38 million americans have jobs connected to trade. We do want to have free trade. And fair trade. And expedited process to say that when when you are cheating we will take action against you and include. Politics you said you will win ohio. Marco rubio said his voters should vote for him in ohio. Are you saying your voters should vote for him in florida. Really hard to tell your voters to go vote for somebody else. Look, not campaigning in florida. My focus has been in this state. In illinois. Look at the end this is not like sop somebody. This is my telling people the way the country ought to be run. And the experience that i have had. So i can give them the hope that we actually can pull the country together, remember we are americans before republicans and democrats. And solve our most vexing problems. Frank low using conservative principles. Mention americans before republicans. An argument people are using against donald trump. Saying, some of your rivals seem to be wobbly in terms of whether they will stick with the pledge and support him. Where are you on that . Well i would look to support the nominee. He is not going to be the nominee. Just not going to happen. I said at the last debate. He makes it difficult. Well see how this go. He has, got to be able to lift people. Stop dividing people. And the toxic environment must end. This is not making us proud. Think of the videos shown all over the world of people slugging it out at a campaign rally. I mean there are people around the world shaking their heads. Who are saying, what the heck happened to america . Well be fine. The people are smart. Theyre going to make the right decision. In my opinion. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Music introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Hey there, heard the good news . Spray n wash is back. And even better. Its powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. Which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. Spray n wash. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Two top executives at the largest Veterans Charity fired after a cbs news investigation found widespread waste at Wounded Warrior project. The charities collected hundreds of millions in donations but 40 to 50 is spent on overhead. Including lavish parties and conventions. Everhead costs as low as 10 . Chip reid broke this story and has the latest. Ill be damned if you are going to take hard working americans money and drink it and waste it. Reporter when we spoke with former Wounded Warrior project employee eric milette in january. He was furious about what he called the charitys lavish spending at the expense of veterans programs. But his anger has subsided now that the charitys top two officials, nardizzi and giordano have been fired. I didnt do it for me. I did it for veterans Wounded Warrior project claims to serve. He is guardedly optimist ache but the organizations future. He agrees with fred and diane cane who raised 325,000 for the charity with golf tournaments that the ouster is only the first step. Awe they ned to change in need to change the require significant changes to the team. The executive team. I think they can right the ship. But its going to take a lot of effort and its going to take a lot of effort to build up that goodwill again. Reporter also weighing in the melia family which founded Wounded Warrior project in 2003. In a statement they accused nardizzi going so far as to remove any mention of the melia family from the wwp website and said donors have every right to be angry about the lack of stewardship shown by the immediate past leadership. The charitys board of directors conceded in a statement that some policies procedures and controls at wwp have not kept pace with the organizations rapid growth in recent years. And are in need of strengthening. But the board also insisted that a substantial portion of the donations given to wwp go to programs and services for Wounded Warriors. The board announced that while it searches for a permanent ceo. The Board Chairman will temporarily lead a tomb of executives that will oversea what goes around comes around. Steve hartman found evidence of that on the road. A few month as go here at the hospital in milwaukee, nurse lynn bartos took a long hard look back on her career. After 44 years of sacrifice and dough voegs devotion she wondered was it worth it . I invest aid lot of myself into being a really good nurse. Difference . Reporter she got her answer when she became the patient. Lynn. Lynn has rheumatoid arthritis. Last summer during one of her doctors visits she was treated by a new nurse named nicole cran who seemed strangely familiar. Just something on her face who she was. Reporter do you get goose bumps . Now. Reporter lynn first met nicole 28 years earlier. Back when they beth shared the magazine. It was an article about lynn and the special relationship she had with nicole. Her patient at the time. She was a very lovable little girl. Reporter nicole with the whale spout of a ponytail had a life threatening intestinal problem. Lynn, sweet lynny as nicole called her spent years nursing her back to health. But, that was then. Nicole was this little girl that i took care of. Now she is taking such good care of me. Reporter nicole says she doesnt remember much from those days. But here is what is interesting. She also doesnt remember a time when she didnt want to be a nurse. And i dont remember if i really just liked nurses. I always knew i wanted to be one. Reporter for as long as she can remember, she always wanted to be one. Some might say that is a coincidence. But to lynn it is a good send. This is just what i needed. It is definitely a gift. Because now i know for 44 years i made a difference in peoples lives. Reporter 44 years and maybe generations to come. Steve hartman, on the road, in milwaukee, wisconsin. Thats the cbs overnight news for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new a wild weekend for the Trump Campaign before tuesdays critical primaries. A cbs news Battleground Tracker poll shows where cruz, kasich and sanders could upfront the frontrunners. Also, two terror attacks overseas. A horrific bombing in turkey, beach resorts ambushed in africa. The death toll rises from the historic flood in the south. Floodwaters top a levee in louisiana. New trend in eating, big meals give way to smaller snacks. And why these kids from the class of 2032 have a million reasons to be thankful. Announcer this is the cbs welcome to theover night news, im jeff glor. 1,000 delegates are at stake. On tuesday. Holding president ial primaries in five states ohio, illinois, missouri, North Carolina and florida. After several caucuses this weekend, here is where the races stand. Hillary clinton about halfway to the democratic nomination with more than 1,200 delegates. On the republican side. Donald trump is a third of the way to nomination. Ted cruz within striking distance. This weekend chaos around the Trump Campaign. And Dean Reynolds has it covered. We all want peace. This group is that true or what . We dont want trouble. Reporter Donald Trumps style himself as a unifying peacemaker in bloomington, illinois. When confronted with hecklers as he regularly is he took a familiar hard line. Get them out of here, please. Get them out. Reporter in kansas city last night he could barely got a word in without interruption. Were in no rush. Get them out. Reporter outside police used pepper spray on protesters. As the the number of these incidents rise, trump has come close to condoning a violence response from supporters. This is what he said in an interview today. Before i started my speech, i said, folks, you have two people with tomatoes. If you see them do. I think within my rights to say that. In another answer he appeared to double down on a notorious incident at one of his rallies last wednesday. When one of his supporters sucker punched a demonstrator. The 78yearold puncher was arrested. It is possible you could help will hit legal fees if this man needs it . I have instructed my people to look into it, yes. Reporter with rising drama, trumps Legal Defense fund could expand. Friday night in chicago, trump canceled a rally when protesters and supporters clashed. Trump has taken late low to blaming interruptions on Bernie Sanders as he did in dayton on saturday. These other people. By the way, some represented bernie, our communist friend. Sanders, on face the nation was not amused. He calls me a communist. That is a lie to suggest that our campaign is telling people to disrupt his campaign, is a lie. We dont. Reporter trump also exaggerates the size of his crowds and reviews of his debate performances. But his Loose Association with the truth has not slowed him down yet. Jeff if the polls are right he is in for another big win here in florida on tuesday. Dean reynolds. Thank you very much. Trumps lead in florida is confirmed by a cbs news Battleground Tracker poll showing home state senator marco rubio fallen into third place. In the other winner take all state of ohio the poll says trump is tide with the states governor, john kasich. In illinois, ted cruz is four on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders has a narrow lead in illinois. Hillary clinton ahead in florida and smaller lead in ohio. More from julianna goldman. If we can win ohio well run the table. Reporter ahead of five critical contests, donald trump hopscotched illinois, ohio and florida. Tied with kasich in ohio, trump took aim. Your governor as you know voted as congressman voted for nafta which is absolutely, you know, ohio has never, ever, come back from that. Kasich has the the fewest delegates of any republican president ial candidate. But his strategy rest on winning ohio next week betting he will be able to stay in until a handful of northeastern states vote in april. I believe after tuesday, we are going to continue to roll. Outlasting marco rubio singularly focused on winning florida, polls show him trailing. Witness day morning, pollsters are going to have to explain why theyre wrong about florida and other places. Ted cruz emerging as most appealing of nontrump candidates. Our campaign the only campaign now that has beaten him once, not twice, not three times but eight different times. All over the country. Thank you. Reporter the stakes for tuesday are also high on the democratic side. Clintons lead is shrinking in ohio where she campaigned today. After his surprise win last week in michigan, Bernie Sanders has a narrow lead in illinois. I think we have a lot of momentum in illinois, in ohio, in missouri. So we are looking for ward to a good tuesday. The poll shows the that in illinois, sanders leads clinton when it comes to being honest and trust worthy. Jeff, establishment efforts to stop trump dont seem to have had an impact in all three states more voters say the party should rally around him if he continues to win. Julianna goldman. A car bomb killed 34 people today. It is the second devastating attack in ankara in last three weeks. Jonathan vigliott has more. Reporter rescue crews worked by the light of the fiery remains of blown out vehicles. Ankaras main boulevard became a make shift Triage Center for first responders. Security video captured the very moment a car packed with explosives detonated near a busy bus stop in turkeys capital. The street, as survivors ran for this man was injured in the blast. [ speaking Foreign Language ] he said, the bus slowed down a bit. Then boom it exploded. Something red appeared in the bus. Fire. It killed two or three people. [ sirens sounding ] the car bomb targeted the heavily trafficked kizilay several government ministries. The third bombing in the city since last fall. Turkey has struggled with kurdish rebels, threats from the Islamic State and the growing migrant crisis. The motive for todays explosion is unclear, but comes just two days after the United States embassy warned its citizens of a following the attack, a ban on access to facebook, twitter and other sites in the country after jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, the cbs overnight news will there was also a terror attack in the west african nation of ivory coast in a popular resort town along the beach. An al qaeda affiliate claimed responsibility for a wave of shootings. At least 16 people were killed. Deborah patta has our report and we warn you some of the images are graphic. Reporter cell phone video captured tourists running from the beach as Hotel Security on radios tried to make sense of the chaos. The attack happened sunday afternoon on a stretch of beach lined by hotels popular ivory coast Officials Say six gunmen targeted beachgoers. I heard shots coming from over there, said one witness. Thats when i saw the criminals. We found this guy here, they had killed him. Another witness described how one of the gunmen approached two children, the one child knelt and prayed. The other shot dead. The gunmen were armed with ak 47, ammunition clips and grenades. Military trucks helped evacuate the injured. The attack the latest to target west african luxury hotels. In november, 20 people were killed at a hotel. Debora patta, johannesburg, south africa. In the u. S. Parts of the south remain under flood watches and warnings tonight. Nearly a week of rain has left six people dead. Most in louisiana. And David Begnaud is there. Reporter 78yearold Harold Worsham recovered items from the flooded mobile home when the boat he was in capsized. Worsham drowned, deacon at the nearby church. Kenneth is his son. They shouldnt have been out here. They were coming in when the water was too rough to handle. Reporter here in the pace community, crews are scrambling to stop floodwater from the black lake. North of here in bosher parish, theyre wink the fight against the red chute bayou. Bosher sheriff, julian wittington. The sandbags are holding the water back. Reporter 26 of louisianas river gauges are at some level of flooding. Initial reports show as many as 5,000 homes have received flood damage. Covington authorities are calling for a voluntary evacuation of communities near two major rivers that are cresting tonight. Mayor mike cooper. The rivers are rising. Theyre rising at historical proportions. For jerri and her family river water came close to the home. They spent the day cleaning out. We have a sump pump. Moved low stuff up. Moved the cars. All you can do. Absolutely frightening. One thing for it to be certainly high, but just to see the flow and the motion there. Its definitely scary. Back here in central, louisiana, theyre using this equipment and these sandbags to try and stop the water from celine bayou from pouring across. There is a culvert they tried to plug. It is not working. Water towards clarence. A mile from here our cameraman shot video of the water that appears to be right at the top of the levee. David begnaud, thank you very much. The Mens Basketball Team at yale qualified for ncaa tournament for the first time in theyll play baylor first round. Should be a time of celebration for yale, but there is also scandal. Here is jericka duncan. Your Ivy League Champions for 201516. Reporter when the yale bulldogs advanced to the tournament this year for the First Time Since 1962, the team danced into the ntional spotlight. But that light is now shining hard on the teams excaptain, jack monague who apparently was expelled a few weeks ago amid rumors of Sexual Misconduct accusations. James jones is the head coach. We just circled the wagons. In situations you got to come in closer together. Believe in each other and fight harder. Reporter what are you telling your team as you all prepare for the ncaa tournament . Just saying go out and have some fun here. Getting this far should have been especially rewarding. Because the bulldogs just missed losing to harvard by two points. Back then they were missing 66 forward Brandon Sherrard who took last season off to travel with yales acapella group, the whiffen poofs. This year he is back. All that he learned from interaction all over the world has come back to help with his leadership. Now they have lost their captain. And because the team supports him, they have also lost support from some of their classmates. After the team wore tshirts to the Ivy League Championship game, with montagues nickname, posters appeared warning the bulldogs to stop supporting a rapist. Helen price the director of uf night against Sexual Assault yale. To show support in the most public, nationally televised game, i think that is very, very irresponsible. The team later apologized. Is it frustrating at all as a coach when you have worked this hard and the headline isnt necessarily focused on the team and what you have accomplished . I cant tell you how happy i am in terms of what we accomplished with the group of young men knowing we completed what we set out to do. Players say they help to use their positions on and off the court in a way that can make everyone proud. And jeff, the new haven police said today, that there are currently no cases involving monta guchlt montague. Up next, the big business of im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, this is an important message. So please, write down the number on your screen. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. Its a rate lock for your Life Insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. Many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. Call this number to learn more. This plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable Life Insurance thats simple to get. Coverage options for just 9. 95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. Act now and your rate will be locked in for life. It will never increase. Your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. You cannot be turned down because of your health. Call for your information kit and gift. Both are free, with no obligation. Dont wait, call this number now. Because im a woman. Do you think im gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field . Defy expectations any day with always infinity. Made with flexfoam. Absorbs 10x its weight. Rewrite the rules. Economics of eating is changing. With so many schedules influx, americans are eating on the run and in new ways. Snacks are a 374 billion business globally. Cbs Business Analyst is here, what is driving the boom. Millenials are asking for healthier options, boomers partake. Biggest snackers, 5564. Broad based. Amazingly, 45 of americans are replacing one or two meals a day with a snack. One third are taking more snacks in than they did two years ago. Amazing how much the Food Industry is changing because of it . Absolutely. Look at kelloggs, big food brand. Look back to 2000. 20 of the business of kelloggs and year 2000, 15 years later, 50 . The biggest growth segment. Health and energy bars. Growing by 87 1 2 over the past five years. And you know this low carb diet has propelled sales of, get this, jerky. Okay. Not just slim jims. Tonight. Siracha honey, ginger orange. Jerky sales grew by 12. 5 to 2. 8 billion. Bison bacon cranberry, one people are leaving restaurants not going to restaurants . Well are going to restaurants. We want small plates and options. Really interesting. One big trend among all restaurants now is the small plates, snack mentions on restaurant menus. Up 97 over the last two years. The problem is, theyre fighting the big benefit of snacks. Portability. 60 say the reason why i take a snack is because i can get it on the go. We are going to have to see whether restaurants keep adapting. Maybe more to go, reality is, im worried about sunday dinners, jeff. Jill, thank you very much. Scientists china engaged in controversial research, genetically modifying beagles to be more muscular. For medical reasons. Theyve been accused of animal cruelty. Here is seth doan. Reporter of the 2,000 beagles at this laboratory in southern china, two are making headlines. These are the ones you are caring about most . Yeah, yeah. Reporter scientists led by this doctor at the institutes of biomedicine and health claim theyre the first to successfully alter the genetic makeup of dogs. This muscle is much stronger. Yeah, yeah. They doubled the muscle mass of beagles through the process of gene editing. We knocked out a again which would ordinarily stop muscles from growing. So these dogs became much more muscular. Scientists here tell us the idea but rather to mimic diseases like, parkinsons in the dogs and treat them in an effort to find a cure. Ultimately the idea is to create a safe, effective drug. Beagles are often used in research against the wishes of Animal Rights advocates. Scientists at a lab used Similar Technology to create micropigs. Selling them as pets for 1,600 each. Another lab has drawn worldwide condemnation for carrying out embryos. Some major scientific journals would not publish the work. Critics have called china the wild west of gene editing. Its that fair . What we do in our lab is for the betterment of human kind, he added. I dent think anyone should experiment on humans before ethical questions are answered. Dr. Lai, a dog lover, insists they need to improve accuracy. Gene edited two were successful. Seth doan, cbs news, china. We end with a powerful act of generosity. A dream retirement, only to redefine his dream. And invest in the futures of 26 kindergartners. Heres terry okita. Reporter five minus two is a far cry from advanced calculus. Rio Vista Elementary School puts an emphasis on college even in tessa ashtons kindergarten class. Not too young to start now. No. The cost of tuition makes it elusive. Each would be first to attend college. These volunteers have donated School Supplies and sweat recently marty had an announcement. I was thinking pizza party, pencils, and he offers a game changer for their life. It was a game changer for marty as well. A lifelong sailor who even got married at sea, he was planning to buy a 40foot dream boat to retire on. Until a sermon on charity made him think twice. Prior to the sermon you had every intention of sailing off into the sunset. Right. Then something bigger came along . Yes. He says to the kids i am going to pay for your College Tuition and everything you need to get through. We have come up with 1,182,000. Wow. Will you have to postpone your retirement then . Hopefully not. I am prepared to. The money goes into a trust. The only condition that these students have to send them a picture or essay every year. I want them to visualize visualizing what life is going to be like as a college graduate. You are going to be a teacher . For him to remove the road block it infuses them with a realistic hope. Like this isnt some pipe dream anymore. Reporter for parents like maria alvarez. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much. He just changed their familys future and their childs future. Literally. Reporter circle the date for the class of 2032. Well have a big party. Yeah. Throw a Graduation Party for all of them. A dentist. Reporter their future is secure even before first grade. Terry okita, cbs news, anaheim. Thats the cbs overnight news for this monday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the cbs overnight news, im jeff glor. Five states hold primaries tomorrow including winner take all contests in ohio and florida. Among republicans in florida the latest cbs news Battleground Tracker poll has marco rubio running third in his home tate at 21 . Donald trump on top, 44 . Ted cruz, 24 . Is kasichs home state he is tied with trump at 33 . Ted cruz, 27 . Marco rubio, 5 . Ted cruz, 34 . Kasich, 16 . Rubio, 11 . Trump held three rallies sunday. They were tame compared to what happened on previous days. John dickerson spoke with the gop frontrunner for face the nation. Mr. Trump you said that you dont incite any of this activity. But at several of your rallies, you have said that protesters, you said about one i would like to punch him in the face. Another you suggested it would be better if he was taken out on a stretcher, you suggested if one thought about throwing a tomato that, that your supporters should knock the crap out of them. So, how is that not encouraging the kind of behavior we are now seeing . Well let me tell you. First with all the rallies i have had. I get more people than any body, by as you know, by a lot. Thousands and thousands of people, 25,000 people is almost getting standard. You havent seen one person even injured at one of our rallies. And, the cases you are talking about. The one guy was a bad dude. He was swing. Hitting people. He was a very bad guy. And the police came in and they really were very effective. Frankly some of the audience members had no choice but to be effective. I didnt mind that at all. They would have been hurt, frankly. The other one with the tomatoes told by secret service that there are two people in the audience we have heard that have tomatoes theyre going to grow them at you. They have good arms that could do some damage. I said to the people before my speech started if you see anybody with tomatoes you got to take them folks, take them out. I think everybody understand that. You say no one was hurtd. There was a gentleman walking out. The video shows him being escorted out. Then a supporter cold cocked him. He was a, hurt. There was somebody hurt. He wasnt doing damage walking out. He was cold cocked. You suggest youd will pay for the legal fees will you pay for the legal fees for the gentleman. I am going to review it. I dont condone violence. I dont condone what happened to him what he did. Its very unfortunate. But this kid was walking out. I understand he had a certain finger up in the air as he was walking out. This man became very angry. The kid shouldnt have had the finger up in the air either. If thats what he did. I am going to take a look at the tape. I will let you know. So is that the threshold, is just the wrong gesture and its okay to clock him . I think that is a terrible gesture if you want to know the truth. We can say the doesnt matter. I think it is a terrible gesture. It is interesting, these people are disruptors, theyre not protesters, theyre disruptors, professional disruptors in some cases. All they do. Stand up and disrupt the if somebody did that at a bernie rally. Many of these people come from bernie. I have tremendous young people also. We have a whole level of young people. I cant believe it how young my audience is. But if they ever went to bernies rallies and did the same thing, i want to tell you you would be so angry with me. Nobody talks about it. You would be so against me. It is a whole different standard when it comes to a republican conservative versus a liberal. If people went to their rallies and disrupted their rallies, like my rallies are disrupted, the press would stick up for them and make all sorts of excuse as but how terrible it is. So, you know we mav two standards in this country. It any very unfortunate. The press is extremely dishonest. When you talk about the protesters, you said these are bad, bad people. We are going to take our country back from these people. These people do nothing. Who are the these people in that case . Well, i see people in the audience that, i dont think they have a great future. I think theyre disruptors, i think they are not in love with our country. I think they, they, protest and they disrupt. Thats what they do. I dont know if they do it for a living. I dont know if they get paid for doing it. But they are not good people. And theyre certainly not good for our country. And the people that come to my rallies, these are extraordinary people. These are great people. These are people that are really disenfranchised in many cases. Now with that being said. We are very successful we have very successful people, we have the smartest, we have the best educated. People that arent educated as well. If you look at the polls out of all the states i have won, which is most of them. If you look at the polls coming out i lead with hispanics, i lead with women, i lead with very well educated, i lead in all different categories. Very proudly, i lead with evangelicals, with veterans. I lead in every category. I have everybody there. We really do have a young crowd. Remember this, if they went to a hillary rally, although nobody cares too much about the hillary rallies because there is no fervor there. If they went to a bernie rally terrible thing. They disrupt me from talking. And i do the best i can with it. And by the way, you have heard me say it. Dont hurt them. Im constantly saying to the police. Dont hurt them. Dont hurt them. I dont condone violence. But some of the people are violent. Let me ask you a policy question, at the debate you talked hb 1 visas, you said something i frankly use, i shouldnt be allowed to use it. When you talked about bankruptcy laws, how you took advantage of them. You and i talk about your taxes, you pay as little as possible. If you are president why would anybody follow the laws you put in place if they know you were taking advantage of the laws in the private sector . Because i know the game better than anybody. I built one of the greatest companies. Did a filing, one of the great companies, great assets. Very little debt, tremendous cash flow. Some of the greatest assets in the world. Let me tell you, i use the bankruptcy laws just look other very successful people. I dont want to use their names. I could name ten people. The biggest peoplen all of business. Its the game we play. We use the laws of the land. We use it. And thats the way we play the game. Im not doing anything wrong. I think the, those visas shouldnt be allowed. But they are allowed. Theyre part of the fabric of, of what you do. So, i will use it. Im a businessman. Now, that i have turned politician, i hate to say that, almost about myself. But now that i am running for office. I know the game better than anybody. Im the one that can fedex all can fix all of this stuff. I never went bankrupt. You understand i never went bankrupt. Take a look at business leaders. I have 500 companies. I have so many different companies. And a very few i will take advantage of frankly by using the laws of the land. As every other Major Business person does. Thats what i want to ask about the playing of the game. When you were with ben carson who endorsed you this week, you said he was pathologic and then that both of youve said that was just politics. So you are saying it is just the game. But if the most serious things you say about a person are just politics it any just the game. Then why isnt everything you are saying just a game and just politics and open to revision . Well that is politics. I mean say, bad things about people. And they say bad thing as but me. And actually, ben wrote it in his book. I just read sections of his book. Ur car overheated. What are the chances . Can you send a tow truck please . Uh, the location . Youre not going to believe this but its um. Its in a tree. I wish i was joking, mate, but its literally stuck in a tree. car horn honking a chainsaw . No, no, all we really need is a tow truck. Day or night, geicos emergency Roadside Service is there for you. Our bacteria familys been on this cushion for generations. Alright kiddos everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. I like to watch them clean, but theyll never get me on the mattress finally theres a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. Introducing new lysol max cover. Its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Max cover is another great way to lysol that. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. Degree motionsense is the worlds first deodorant activated by movement. As you move, fragrance capsules burst to release extra freshness all day. Motionsense. Protection to keep you moving. Degree. It wont let you down. Enough pressure in here for ya . Im gonna take mucinex sinusmax. Too late, were about to take off. These dissolve fast. Theyre new liquid gels. And youre coming with me. You realize i have gold status . Mucinex sinusmax liquid gels. Dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. Lets end this. Hillary clinton will try to stretch her lead over Bernie Sanders as five states vote tomorrow. Our cbs news Battleground Tracker shows clinton up 30 points over sanders in florida. In ohio, clinton at 52 . Sanders, 33 . In illinois, sanders is up 2 points. 4846. Sanders discussed the race with john dickerson. Good morning, senator. Donald trump says he might start sending protesters to your rallies. Well, you know donald trump has been an incredibly die divisive figure. Day after day his rhetoric is in citing violence. Some of his supporters responding to the rhetoric by kicking people. By sucker punching them. You know, we have seen recently charges leveled against his own campaign manager. For assaulting a female reporter. So there is a lot of this feelings about violence coming from trumps campaign. I very much hope that he understands that in the democracy, people should be allowed to go to anybodys rally, peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up. I hope he tones it down. This is not good for the country. Do you encourage some of your protesters, protesters, supporters i should say, are going to these rallies would you encourage them to keep doing that . No, not to disrupt rallies. Trump, look, i dont, i wont shock you john by telling you that donald trump lies a whole lot. He calls me a communist. Thats a lie. To suggest that our campaign is telling people to disrupt his campaign is a lie. We dont. We have millions of supporters and some of them will do what they do. But our campaign has never, not once, organized any effort to disrupt mr. Trumps rallies or anybody elses rallies. Not what we do. In the contest this week with Hillary Clinton she has said that she was way out in front on health care back in 1993. She wonders where you were on that issue back then . Whats your response . Or photograph or something of me by here side. Look, i have always said that Hillary Clinton did a very, very good job as, first lady. She kind of broke the mold as to what a first lady should be doing. But to criticize me on health care is not quite fair because i have been a leader in congress from day one. In the fight for universal health care. To make certain that in the United States we join the rest of the industrialized world, people, terms of the Affordable Care act. I work with congressmen jim cly burn on initiative to put 12 billion in Community Health centers so millions of people now have health care who previously would not have health care. I have led the effort to take on the greed and the unconscionable pricing of the Drug Companies who are ripping us off. Charging us the highest prices. I dont have to defend myself off to anybody about the role i have played in health care. I do believe that we should move to a medicare for all Health Care System which finally says that health care is a right in our, to all people in our country, something which differentiates me from secretary clinton. Have to talk politics here. On these election day, you had a big surprise win in michigan. Real, momentum booster. At the end of the day, Hillary Clinton got more delegates on almost every election day we had. Get the nomination . Well, john, to everybodys surprise. When we began this campaign, we were 3 in the polls. We were 70 points behind Hillary Clinton. Since then, we have won nine states. Eight of them by large margins. One in michigan was very tight. Last week all of the pollsters predicted that we would lose michigan, by, by 15, 20, 25 points. Well, we ended up winning. I think we have a lot of momentum in illinois. In ohio, in missouri. I think we are going to do better than people think in North Carolina. And in florida. So we are looking forward to a very good tuesday. We are look forward to wing the democratic nomination. Ohio is make or break for john kasichs president ial campaign. The latest poll shows kasich tied with donald trump there. Kasich discusses his chances with john dickerson. I want to start with trump. You said there its no place for a National Leader to prey on the fears of people who live in our country. How exactly is he preying on fears . Look, he has done a lot of name calling. And created a very toxic atmosphere where he is, look, you want to start with immigration . Do you want to start with the things he has said, you know, about muslims . Where does it end . Its putting one group against another. And its created a toxic atmosphere. I am not going to till you in his rally, some of the people dont show up who want to create problems. That happens in all volatile situations. But you know, john. Look, americas greatest strength is its people. And our greatest strength in people is when we are unified. And there is no doubt that, that he has run this Divisive Campaign and it is concerning to me. At the end of the day. He is not going to be the nominee. We are going to learn from this. And i am going to win ohio tuesday. Well be competing all across the country. And a new day. Wait and see. One of the things he says and others say too. Voters are angry. He is not preying on fears. This is natural anger that is out there. Talk about that line a little bit. Difference between the voters who are angry and then the politicians who poke at that anger. Look, i think first there are people upset. Theyre worried about their jobs. Theyre worried about their wages which havent gone up. They put their money in the bank. They get no interest. Their kids are still living in their home after they get a college degree. These are real concerns. He was tapping into something out there t the reason i understand it. I grew up in that environment as a kid. The way you get the voters to tell them how you fix things. Thats why i always talk about the strength of my record. In washington, helping the economy to take off or whether in ohio with creation of over i also think you can walk into a room, john, of 100 people. You could put them in a really bad mood or you can walk into that same room and you can get them to be hopeful. I notice this everywhere i go. Because when i show up, i talk abut the way we can fix things. How people need to work together. And dont wait for somebody else to show up. Begin to change the world in which you live. The hopefulness of it works. Since i have been so positive. Must be contagious was sweet, right. Everybody behaved themselves. At the last debate. Talking about trade. Seems in the republican party. Trade is now a bad word. You voted for nafta. Donald trump is trying to use that against you. What happened to the, who its the promoter of free trade now in the republican party. Sort of interesting, john. I have been a fair trader and free trader at the same time. In 2001. Ive helped the Steel Companies to get a 201 trade restraint. So they could consolidate and be time. We need to have an expedited process. When people cheat we shut their products down. Doesnt take from the fact we have to be involved in the global marker. One of every five workers are connected to it. 38 million americans have jobs connected to trade. We do want to have free trade. And fair trade. And expedited process to say that when when you are cheating we will take action against you and include. Manipulation of currency. Politics you said you will win ohio. Marco rubio said his voters should vote for him in ohio. Are you saying your voters should vote for him in florida. Really hard to tell your voters to go vote for somebody look, not campaigning in florida. My focus has been in this state. In illinois. Look at the end this is not like stop somebody. This is my telling people the and the experience that i have had. Why i have had success. So i can give them the hope that we actually can pull the country together, remember we are americans before republicans and democrats. And solve our most vexing problems. Frankly using conservative mention americans before republicans. An argument people are using against donald trump. Saying, some of your rivals seem to be wobbly in terms of whether they will stick with the pledge and support him. Well i would look to support the nominee. He is not going to be the nominee. Just not going to happen. I said at the last debate. He makes it difficult. Well see how this go. He has, got to be able to lift people. Stop dividing people. And the toxic environment must end. This is not making us proud. Think of the videos shown all over the world of people slugging it out at a campaign rally. I mean there are people around the world shaking their heads. Who are saying, what the heck happened to america . Well be fine. The people are smart. Theyre going to make the right decision. In my opinion. The cbs overnight news will nothing will keep you from silky vanilla bean ice cream rich caramel sauce all covered in thick chocolate. Discover magnum, double dipped for Double Chocolate pleasure. sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Hey ladies, heard the good news . And even better. Its powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. Which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. Spray n wash. Back n better. Shoulders dont just carry pads. They carry your fans passions, and maybe, a chance at because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff theres moving. And theres moving with move free ultra. It has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike the big osteobi flex pills, its all in one tiny pill. Two top executives at the largest Veterans Charity fired after a cbs news investigation found widespread waste at Wounded Warrior project. The charities collected hundreds of millions in donations but 40 to 50 is spent on overhead. Including lavish parties and conventions. Other Veterans Charities have overhead costs as low as 10 . Chip reid broke this story and has the latest. Ill be damned if you are going to take hard working americans money and drink it and waste it. Reporter when we spoke with former Wounded Warrior project employee eric milette in january. He was furious about what he called the charitys lavish spending at the expense of veterans programs. But his anger has subsided now that the charitys top two officials, nardizzi and giordano have been fired. I didnt do it for me. I did it for veterans Wounded Warrior project claims to serve. He is guardedly optimist ache for the first time in years he is guardedly optimistic about the organizations future. He agrees with fred and diane cane who raised 325,000 for the charity with golf tournaments that the ouster is only the first step. They snead to change the culture which in my opinion will require significant changes to the team. The executive team. I think they can right the ship. But its going to take a lot of effort and its going to take a lot of effort to build up that goodwill again. Reporter also weighing in the melia family which founded Wounded Warrior project in 2003. In a statement they accused nardizzi going so far as to remove any mention of the melia family from the wwp website and said donors have every right to be angry about the lack of stewardship shown by the immediate past leadership. The charitys board of directors conceded in a statement that some policies procedures and controls at wwp have not kept pace with the organizations rapid growth in recent years. And are in need of strengthening. But the board also insisted that a substantial portion of the donations given to wwp go to programs and services for Wounded Warriors. The board announced that permanent ceo. The Board Chairman will what goes around comes around. Steve hartman found evidence of that on the road. Reporter a few months ago here at the hospital in milwaukee, nurse lynn bartos took a long hard look back on her career. After 44 years of sacrifice and devotion she wondered was it worth it . I invested a lot of my sef. Into being a really good nurse. And did it really make a difference . Reporter she got her answer when she became the patient. Lynn. Lynn has rheumatoid arthritis. Last summer during one of her who seemed strangely familiar. Just something on her face and her eyes, i thought, i knew who she was. Reporter do you get goose bumps . I do i have goose bumps right now. Reporter lynn first met nicole 28 years earlier. Back when they both shared the cover of childrens nurse magazine. It was an article about lynn and the special relationship she had with nicole. Her patient at the time. She was a very lovable little girl. Reporter nicole with the whale spout of a ponytail had a life threatening intestinal problem. Lynn, sweet lynny as nicole called her spent years nursing her back to health. But, that was then. Nicole was this little girl that i took care of. Now she is taking such good care of me. Reporter nicole says she doesnt remember much from those days. But here is what is interesting. She also doesnt remember a time when she didnt want to be a nurse. Oh, yeah, i always wanted to and i dont remember if i really just liked nurses. I always knew i wanted to be one. Reporter for as long as she can remember, she always wanted to be one. Some might say that is a coincidence. But to lynn it is a godsend. This is just what i needed. It is definitely a gift. Because now i know for 44 years i made a difference in peoples lives. Reporter 44 years and maybe captioning funded by cbs its monday, march 14th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Rally cries. The race for the white house heats up. Protesters clash with donald trump supporters. Now the frontrunner could be fronting the Legal Expenses for his violent supporters. Lights and sirens. A wild chase overnight in l. A. An armed suspect leading the police through the city streets

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