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For the first time now 20 years after his sisters murder. And what he thinks about what her killer has never been found. Dr. Phil joins us live. The fire storm grows. More nfl players join Colin Kaepernicks Controversial National anthem protest by kneeling, joining arms or raising fists. What the nfls commissioner thinks about all of it in our exclusive interview today, monday, september 12th, 2016. D morning, everybody, welcome to today. It is a mondaymorning. We have willie in format this morning. On the 15th anniversary of september 11th. The focus became on Hillary Clinton and her health when the sttling piece of video cam out. Lets talk about the state of the race today. The election 57 days today. As we mentioned, hillary 9 11 ceremony is forcing her to take a break from the campaign trail. Tim kaine heads to ohio today. Donald trump will be meeting with National Guard leaders in maryland and has a rally planned later in north carolina. Our latest polling shows that candidates in a dead heat in four more Battle Ground states in arizona, trump has a 1 point lead among likely voters and a three point advantage in clinton is up by one point. 4544 in nevada and check out new hampshire, 4241. A very close race there. We have all of this covered. Lets start with Andrea Mitchell on the story this morning. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning savannah. Hillary clinton has cancelled that california trip scheduled for today and tomorrow after her doctor ordered her to rest. As questions are being raised of pneumonia secret for 48 hours. Hillary clinton recovering at home this morning after sundays health scare. Clintons doctor announcing eight hours after she left the 9 11 ceremony that clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. News held back from reporters at the time after a prolonged cough in cleveland. Every time i think about trump i get allergic. Departing the ceremony early with video surfacing on showing the candidate nearly collapsing. Her feet seen her dragging along the ground. Reporters covering clinton were left hanging. No details about where she was going or what had happened until a short statement later announcing clinton felt over heated during the event and traveled to her daughter, chelseas apartment a few miles away. She announced she was on the mend. Are you feeling better . Yes, thank you very much. Greeting a young girl before home. Clintons doctor says she was put on antibiotics and advised to rest moderate faechl her schedule. She became over heated and dehydrated. 15 months ago, a two page medical report detailing her most Serious Health issue. Her doctor writing in december of 2012, she suffered a stomach virus after traveling, became hospitalized. She required a blood thinning medication that she still takes. She had to take special glasses when testifying about benghazi. In 1998, clinton had a clot, a deep van thrombosis in her leg, prompting this question. You had at least two clots. How does that factor into the decision about whether to run for president and all of the flying that that entails. It doesnt factor in at all. Reporter there is never a good time for a candidate to get of course, but the way that clinton has handled this has made it a lot worse, especially since donald trump has been trying to make such a big issue out of her health. Thank you. Dr. Natalie azar is a contributor. You wont diagnosis somebody watching on tv but i will ask you now that the fact that we know secretary clinton has pneumonia. What were your concerns looking at the video. When s pneumonia, which is an infection of the lung tissue, they can get dehydrated and weakened. Theyre more susceptible to feeling the effects of standing for an hour and a half and having a rigorous schedule. From what we know, the information objectively that we received is that she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. On the heels of a very prolonged cough as we all have heard about. And that she started antibiotics. We dont know what kind of pneumonia she has. She was given antibiotics. We can presume it was a bacterial pneumonia. Certain kinds can present with coughing fits and spasms and low grade fever can result in what we call lingering fatigue and tiredness and muscle weakness. Is there anything about her age that makes a pneumonia diagnosis more problematic or concerning . Typically as we say with many diseases, the very elderly, frail, and compromisr young are usually could potentially suffer you would not put Hillary Clinton in that category. I wouldnt, no. Everybody involved in this case would anticipate a complete recovery if she takes care of herself. The thing is, again, we do advise, as well as antibiotics. We prescribe rest that that actually means resting and taking care of yourself and sleeping. The press was kept at bay for about 90 minutes afterwards, after this incident happened at the 9 11 memorial, the ceremony. She says, the Campaign Says she apartment. Are you surprised they didnt go to the hospital based on what she had . I think, it is a fair question and i think that had there been a documented fainting episode where she actually lost consciousness, that is an indication to be evaluated by a medical professional immediately. If she was feeling unwell and light headed and dizzy but didnt lose consciousness and sort of regained her footing, i dont think it was inappropriate that she went, you know, immediately just to rest and everything like that and as we know, she was evaluated by her doctor a couple oou thank you so much. Another question this morning, of course, is what the political fall out of all of this will be, how it will play with voters. We turn to Nicole Wallace and mark halpurn. There is the health issue and the political issue. Do you think that this is something voters see that piece of video, there obviously has been something of a Whisper Campaign out there in some circles about is she healthy . Does she have issues. And factor . In. Barring extra ordinary circumstances, donald trump and Hillary Clinton will be president. Theyre older, have been unforth coming about the medical lords and dont believe in a system where the press has access to them around the clock to have the accountability that a president normally subjects them to. All of the issues will be front and center the rest of the way and they will look at both candidates and say do we kno the job. Not just Hillary Clinton but also donald trump . Let me ask you about the way that the Clinton Campaign handled this from start to finish. Do you believe, beginning, they should have disclosed that she had pneumonia when they learned she had it on friday . Of course they should have. Nobody holds it against you if you get sick but this furthers the idea that the clintons dont come clean about anything, not donald trump hasnt tweeted about it. Donald trump hasnt raged against her. Donald trump hasnt called her a name. We are seeing, to me, the most dramatic 24 hour transformation of her opponent since he began running for president. I cant wait to see what his first commence are and if he is able to show restraint. That will mark the most Dramatic Development in his campaign so far. Ive been told he did at an appearance this morning at another network and she gets well soon and looks forward to seeing her at the debate. So, mark, stunning. This is a new donald trump. He had some advisors that said dont comment. Be gracious about her health. Let that take care of herself. This comment that she made criticizing half of his supporters, that is where the Trump Campaign is going to focus, where i think trump is going to focus. They think they will do damage to her on the issue of voters trust. Does the Health Question linger for Hillary Clinton . Campaign that will sway voters one way or the other . Im not sure. What lingers for her is now four bad things and the Campaign Never turns on a single gas. It never turns on one news cycle. She has come out of the Labor Day Holiday with a series of unfortunate mistakes and events. She had the fbi dump of data. She now has this sort of convoluted way of saying she was sick. Trouble comes in threes and she is facing a little bit of trouble in terms of managing her own narrative. If you were advising the Clinton Campaign, would you tell them you should be more up front, release a lot of health records, just get it out there. Well, you know, she should release everything. I mean, she should start her day now talking to her press core. They know the ins and outs of her Health History. Talking to her about her health for over a decade. She needs to start, starting today, a much more robust dialogue with the press that follow her about everything, including and starting with her health. Is that going to happen, mark . Nicole, dont hold your breath. They dont believe in playing by the normal rules. Press is here for fun. Were there to ask tough questions and there to be with them in case something occurs. Neither of trump nor Hillary Clinton wants to submit to the normal rules. The question is, will voters care that they dont submit or more troubled if they do disclose things. We dont know what is in the health records, in the tax returns, i dont get the sense of either of them as anxious to try to win the battle to be the one with the most disclosure. Thank you so much. Well have a lot more on all of this in the next half hour. We have breaking news overnight. A fire erupts at the florida mosque where the gunman in the to attend. Officials in fort pierce say the fire was set intentionally. An arson investigator was called to the scene. Officials declined to speculate on whether the fire may be related to the 15th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. It was attended by omar mateen who opened up at pulse nightclub in june. Now to a School Bus Crash that left the driver dead and 18 others injured. This happened near the Denver International airport on sunday. A bus carryingla coaches of a High School Football team veered off the roadway and crashed head on into a concrete pillar. 15 students were taken to the hospital. They have nonlife threatening injuries. Most were treated and released. The cause of the crash is still under investigation. Meantime, that National Anthem protest started by nfl star Colin Kaepernick picked up steam with more players joining in solidarity. They addressed the issue in an good to see you. As the nation marked the 15th anniversary of 9 11. The nfl kicked off its first sunday of the season, a day filled with patriotism and protest. Two new England Patriots joined the protest. Martelis bennett raising their fists after the National Anthem. The move comes hours after the members of the Kansas City Chiefs stood arm and arm show of solidarity. Marcus peters raising his right fist during the National Anthem. Players showing support for Colin Kaepernick, the San Francisco quarterback who refused to stand during the anthem in the preseason to protest Police Brutality and racial inequality in america. Matt spoke with Roger Goodell about the growing movement around the league. I support our players speaking out on issues they society. We dont live in a perfect society, matt. The speaking out, however, is still largely silent at the start of their game against seattle, several members of the Miami Dolphins took a knee while Holding Hands over their hearts during the star spangled banner. It was the seahawks that were widely expected to protest. They stood arm and arm in unity. Coach pete carroll proud of their players. Theve to do the right thing. There have been financial fall out for players that protest, the latest, Denver Broncos line Brandon Marshall losing a key endorsement after taking a knee during thursdays Opening Night game. The nfl protest now having a trickle down effect in south new jersey, a group of High School Players on the woodrow tigers retweeted an image of all of the players that took part in the protest. 49ers play tonight and kaepernick is expected to kneel during the National Anthem. It is worth noting, the 49ers made a donation to organizations in the area who focused in on social justice causes. So the team not obviously getting behind some of the kneel down efforts but acknowledging some of what Colin Kaepernick and the other players have been talking about. Kaepernick started something. Well have much more of matts exclusive interview with commissioner wednesday on tuesday. We go to georgia where the high profile trial of Justin Ross Harris resumes. He is a father accused of intentionally killing hills 22 month old son by leaving the boy in his sweltering hot suv. Were in brunswick georgia. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Because of the pretrial publicity, the judge moved the case from suburban atlanta 300 miles to brunswick. Selection in a case that has riveted the nation for more than two years. From the beginning, Justin Ross Harris has maintained that the death of his son, cooper, was every parents worst nightmare. Coopers death was a horrible, gut wrenching accident. Reporter prosecutors say it was no accident. They claim 22 month old cooper was murdered by a man who wanted to escape the responsibilities of being a parent. Evidence is showing us this whole second life he is living with alternate personalities and alternate personas. In dramatic testimony shortly after harris was arrested, police claim as his son lay dying in the swelter suv. He was exchanging sexually explicit Text Messages with six women. One of them 16 years old. He had researched child deaths in hot cars and life without children. In one online chat, he allegedly posted i love my son and all, it proves motive. He was unhappy in his marriage. He planned to show that he wanted to live a child free life. Harris pleaded not guilty to 16 counts including murder and child cruelty. A key witness in this case could be harris former wife, leanna taylor. She remains convinced that her sons death was an accident. The defense is going to argue the prosecution zg to prove far more than whether this defendant was an imperfect or even terrible husband. They have to prove that he murderer. The defendant is expected to arrive here in just a short time and the trial is expected to last up to six weeks. Savannah . Gabe gutierrez. Thank you. Dylan is here with the first check of the weather. Were talking snow. Snow . Not around here. Basically above 8,000 feet out towards montana but still it is snow and it is a little earlier than what you would expect. It normally happens late september into october and it is 10 inches of snow. Temperatures are certainly cooling off. We have this cold front sliding through, temperatures will be about 15 to up to 30 degrees below average across the rockies and northern plains. Were looking for the snow to continue and pockets of heavier rain along the frontal boundary. Ahead of the front, that is where it is warm and humid. The moisture is increasing and we could see stronger storms today, especially through wisconsin and stretching back into iowa, the biggest threats sized hail and brief, damaging wind gusts. That is a look at the weather across your country. Your forecast is coming up in just 30 seconds. Here you go. Here you go. And here you go. Buy any five mccaf . Beverages and you get one for free when you use the mcdonalds app. Here you go. Enjoy a mccaf . Moment. . . And that is your latest forecast. All right, thank you. Coming up, a closer look at clintons Health History in light of the incident on sunday. Dr. Phil talks with burke oh, here comes nancy. Wow, shes sure making a splash in that designer dress and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, shes not splashing. You can wear anything and pour bleach. And her whiter whites, just dazzling. Clorox splashless bleach. Also try crystals and packs. Russ feingold im Russ Feingold and i approve this message. Narrator listen to ron johnson on Social Security johnson Social Security is a legal ponzi scheme. Narrator as senator, johnsons been working to turn it into one. He wants to privatize Social Security putting benefits at risk. And he attacks medicare would turn it into a voucher program, costing seniors thousands outofpocket. Dont let ron johnson turn Social Security into a johnson . Legal ponzi scheme. Narrator senator johnson. Not for seniors. Coming up, did it take amtrak seven months to check on somebody trapped in an elevator. Dr. Dreamy stops by our studios. Sometimes i call the house, just to hear her voice. phone ringing answering machine hi, leave a message after the beep. beep hey mom, this is larry. I just want to let you know that uh, i fulfilled the promise that you held me to. beep a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] . On the road again . [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] . On the road again . . Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway . [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. What it cant do. Your calculus homework. What it can do. 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Strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. People always say lets just get a sandwich or something. You dont just learn how to drive. Or solve the worlds problems. Be a dad. Or something and we dont just make sandwiches or something we handslice avocado, and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom. Theres nothing or something about it. Check of the weather. Dry slow downs on 894 northbound near zippermerg on national and 94 eastbound near zippermerge on sunnyslope road, use those alternate great fall day. We have a great crowd kicking off the morning in rockefeller plaza. Nice to have Beautiful Day here in new york city. Lets begin this halfhour. Todays headlines. An overnight fire destroyed a florida mosque that was attended by the orlando nightclub shooter. Investigators say evidence, including video from the scene, reveals the fire was set intentionally. Officials say they will mott speculate about a possible motive. President obama meets today with paul ryan, mitch mcconnell, and their democratic counterparts. For the fight against zika and efforts to prevent a government shutdown. Hillary clinton has canceled a Campaign Trip to the west coast today following an incident at a 9 11 ceremony in new york. Video shows her nearly collapsing as staffers help her into a van. The clinton Campaign Says she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on friday and became overheated and dehydrated during sundays event. Now do Todays Campaign moment. The controversial comment Hillary Clinton made before all all of these questions about h about trump supporters. To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Islamphobic. You name it. Donald trump called it insulting and some compared it to mitt romneys notorious 47 remark. The following day clinton issued a partial apology saying i was grossly generalistic and thats never a good idea. I regret saying half. That was wrong. The other issue, renewed questions about Hillary Clintons health after that incident on sunday. Nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander has more on that for us. Peter, good morning. Reporter hey, wi were just blocks away from ground zero where that dramatic video of Hillary Clinton was shot on the 9 11 anniversary. It is a day when the political focus was largely on remembrance and the war on terror, but it quickly turned to a conversation about transparency and how little, frankly, we know about both of these candidates health, one of whom will be president in just four months. Donald trump speaking out just moments ago on fox news about Hillary Clintons latest health episode. Im, like you. I see what i see. The coughing fit was a week ago. Somethings going on but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail and well be seeing her at the debate. Reporter the republican nominee has repeatedly suggested she may be hiding something serious. She gets off the stage, she goes back home, she goes to sleep. To win trade in our country, you need tremendous physical and mental strength and she doesnt have the strength or the stamina to make America Great again. Reporter clinton, fighting back. His latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. And all i can say is, donald, dream on. Reporter even joking about her health with jimmy kimmel. Back in october, the National Enquirer said i would be dead in six months. Oh, wow. You have a new lease on life. A new lease on life. Reporter the late night oeft host even asking if she could open a jar of pickles. Trump supporters, like former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, keep floating what many view as conspiracy theories. So go online and put down Hillary Clinton illness. Take a look at videos for yourself. Reporter a conservative website publishing unfounded speculation that clinton could be medically unfit to serve. Trumps health, a mystery except for a brief statement from his gastroenterologist praising his health as astonishingly excellent. The letter addressed to whom my concern. In a rush i think some of those words didnt come out exactly the way they were meant. Reporter last week trump said he would make his medical records public if clinton did the same. I would love to give specifics as far as im concerned. If she does it, i might. I might do that. Now that you ask, i might do that. Reporter to be clear, if elected, donald trump o would be the oldest firstterm president ever. Hillary clinton the secondold s and 70 and 69 respectively. Donald trump said as soonals as he gets results of a physical last week he will release the reports. Peter alexander, thank you. Weve got the weather. Dylan is in for al. I see florida on i feel like weve been talking about florida so much. They have been getting so much rain. We have more in the forecast, especially for tomorrow. Right now, just spotty showers and storms but well get a little push of moisture from a tropical wave thats going to move in fromhe t bahama it is never going to develop into anything but since it is moving to the northwest, then gets blocked by the stalled front, that means all the rain is going to fall along the gulf coast and especially down through florida where in naples we could end up to 1 1 2 to 2 some areas could get closer to 3 or 4 inches of rain. The ground is already really, really saturated so that could lead to some minor flooding concerns. We also have a chance of some stronger stamps today through the midwest. We could see some of those severe with damaging winds and larger hail. Out west it is very comfortable. Temperatures in the 70s. But it is very dry and we are being looking at very gusty winds. We do and thats your latest forecast. Coming up, the one thing katy perry wants from taylor swift for the music superstars to work together. And dr. Phil shares more of his exclusive interview with gary, gary, gary. I am proud of you, my man. Making simple, smart cash back choices. With quicksilver from capital one. Youre earning unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Like on that new laptop. And smart, like you and i like that. I guess i am pretty smart. Dont let that go to your head, gary. Whats in your wallet . Wish you could nourish your hair without it falling flat . Dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture. For the nourishment you need. With 95 more volume. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. 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We brought you some of this exclusive interview with dr. Phil mcgraw. A lot of people are asking why he chose to speak out now. For a long time media basically made our lives crazy. It is hard to miss the cameras and news trucks in your front yard and wed go to the supermarket sometimes and there would be a tabloid with my picture, jonbenets picture blastered on the front. Kind of chaotic nightmare. So i was pretty skeptical of like any sort of media. Like it just made me a very private person. As to why im doing it now . It is the 20th anniversary. Apparently there is still a lot of attention around it. Dr. Phil mcgraw, good morning. Good morning. How extraordinary to hear him speak after all of these years. And just on the little bits that weve shown on this show, we are hearing from a lot of people saying it is a strange affect that he seems to have. Places in the interview where he is talking about rather serious matters. It is. There would be dark content and he is smiling. People are going to see this throughout the entire interview, really unusual affect, either smiling or laughing. This is a very socially awkward young man. But understand, from the time this happened, his parents, either protected him or hid him. However you want to look at that. When youve got reporters at the end of your driveway, he couldnt go to school. Even now he works as a computer analyst, in computer security. But he works remotely. He doesnt go in to work every day. He is not around people. So hes not real comfortable in a social situation. So speaking out for him was a very difficult, unusual thing. s one assumes he could have remained somewhat anonymous. Did he think that suddenly he was going to be outed . He knew this was the 20year anniversary. And because he was starting to get bombarded, people were finding him, he knew his anonymity was gone. He said he wanted to control the narrative. The story was going to get told. He wanted to tell it. This is a comprehensive interview that you do. Another clip he talks about what he remembers from the morning that jonbenet was killed. That morning . Yep. The first thing i remember is my mom bursting in my room really frantic saying oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, running around my room looking for jonbenet. At that point i was awake. Next thing i remember is a Police Officer coming to my room and shining a flashlight. It was still dark whether this happened. Yeah. I was just laying there. What time did she come in . Early. I dont know. It was still dark so had to yeah. Did she turn on the light when she came in . I dont remember if she did or not. I do remember the cops coming in and shining a flashlight around so the light must have been off. You asked him pointblank did you kill Jonbenet Ramsey . I did. I asked him, pointblank, did you kill your sister, jonbenet. I asked him, pointblank, do you believe one of your parents killed her. Because there are these factions on the internet. Listen, this is the missing link. Is burke. No one has ever spoken. There are these three tapes, tape with the psychologist, two tapes with the police. One interrogation tapes. Interrogation tapes. One the parents say was illegally gotten. And we have all three of those tapes and im going to show those with him watching them for the first time. So its interesting to see him watch himself. Whats his reaction . Because here he is. There is a little boy in talking to investigators. Right. Feeling at that time. And he remembers those interviews. Were going to hear him talk hes going to make a shocking admission about this mystery footprint that people speculated about so much. That was found at the scene. Right. At the scene. He is going to talk about the incidents of violence of hitting his sister in the head earlier with a golf club. He a going to talk very specifically about that. And hes going to talk and give a very significant answer about was found a bowl of pineapple was found on a table in the house that was not there when everyone went to bed, and pineapple was found during the autopsy in her stomach. Hes going to talk very specifically about how that pineapple came to be in his Little Sisters stomach the night that she was found dead. That was one of the forensic mysteries in the case that persists. He was the only one there that night that has not spoken. Only known person to be there that night that hasnt spoken. I know he also has opinion about her participation in beauty pageants. There is a lot to get to. You can see this threepart interview with burke ramsey. It starts today on the dr. Phil show. Check your local listings. Thank you. Just ahead, the epic surprise that beyonce helped pull off during a weekend concert. And next, carson has the app problem that had millions of fantasy Football Players in a . . 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Aleve pm for a better am. Hi, im here with some advice from the future dont buy makeup that settles into lines, it ages you. Get simply ageless makeup from covergirl and olay. With b vitamins, and spf. It floats over lines and you look beautiful and now theres simply ageless liquid makeup you look younger. Simply ageless from olay. And easy, breezy beautiful covergirl why are you singing the end . Tag, youre it. Tag youre it. Tag, youre it. Yes new gogurt writeon tubes. This back to school, say it with gogurt. Were back now, 7 50, with an app crash at the worst possible time for football fans. You could say that again. Football fans were ready to ring in the first sunday of the nfl season. Unfortunately, that was not the case for espn fantasy football app. For their app. Just as nine games around the country were about to kick off, the app went down. Hey, espn, fantasy you have one job. Joe posted here i am tallying points on graph paper over candlelight, just like my fathers father before him. Here is a live look at espn trying to fix their fantasy football app. Espn tweeting updates. We sincerely apologize. Anybody trying to make some money off of football s student named sam crowder. He showed up to espns College Game Day on saturday that said hi, mom, send beer money. Then below he listed his aaccount for a money transferring al. He confirmed this morning that over 3,000 people had paid sam, and counting. Come. On. Havent determined if a dollar came from mom yet for the beer, but there you go, guys. It is just a site where you send money . Yes. And everybodys just sending money . Correct. And he gets to keep it . Correct. Beers on me forever. Right . Carson, thanks. Coming up, we are so ready for this. We are observing National Chocolate milkshake today. As we should. Yes. And are you giving your children to . . With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. One jar; so many delicious possibilities. Nutella spread the happy how are you doing today . Thats how i am. With the blue cash everyday card you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. My only concern is that this is where we put food. An my mouth. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of american express. Its more than cash back. . . There are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. Wish you could nourish your hair without it falling flat . Dove oxygen moisture with oxygen fused moisture. For the nourishment you need. Dove oxygen moisture. To feel this special. You need to eat this special. . . . I love it . Start your day with crunchy wholegrain flakes. And real strawberries. Special k. Cindy and frida appreciate the arts. Frida is a work of art. They get inspired by new meow mix bistro recipes, made with real chicken for delicious bistro flavor. Music suspenseful . . If your heartburn medications not doing its job. The food you eat during the day. Music loud mariachi band can also haunt you at night. So try nexium 24hr. Just one pill each day. Shuts down your stomachs active. Acid pumps to stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . . . beep, camera shutter click did you just see that . That was awesome. We have to try it. Okay. Okay, mines not working. Maybe you have to bump it. Oh, yeah. Do the bump it thing. Right. Okay, yeah. muffled you can take money out using the bmo harris app you want to buy a hairless cat . Theres a pet store down the street. Cool. Bmo harris app. Yeah, that makes more sense. When your phone is your debit card. Thats the bmo effect. Russ feingold so, what do you girls want to be when your phone is your debit card. When you grow up . Girl 1 i want to be an astronomer. Girl 2 i want to be a doctor Russ Feingold do you think you should be paid the same as boys . Girl 1 definitely. Girl 2 yep Russ Feingold well, i raised my two girls right here, and they agree with you and so do i. Unfortunately, in wisconsin, a lot of women make less than men doing the same job. Ill work for equal pay for women, and for paid leave so parents can care flat out wrong. What you think of that . Girls good call feingold im Russ Feingold and i approve this message. Check of the weather. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, health scare. In the wake of her near collapse at an event on sunday, Hillary Clinton cancels a planned trip to the west coast. How her illness has jolted the race for the white house. An alarming new Study Reveals millions of parents arent being safe when giving kids medicine. Dr. Oz joins us with the remedy and what every parent needs to know. And mcdream come true. Its a boy. Oh, a boy. A boy. Bridget jones is back. Patrick dempsey stops by studio 1a to chat about the highly anticipated sequel today, good morning, virginia happy moms trip new york good morning, grandma. Im on the today show good morning, chicago. Its my birthday and i just got engaged good morning, illinois happy birthday to my st. Louis, missouri. Happy birthday to my beautiful mom. Happy birthday, monica woo its 8 00 on today. It is monday, september 12th. Im talking, posing for selfies. Multitasking. Oh, my gosh look at this. We have a gaggle of adorable hockey moms here. Look at this do these ladies just look like trouble, or what . Hockey moms take new york i dont know if new york is ready for the hockey moms. I know. Welcome to our plaza. It is so nice to have everybody on a beautiful fall day. Not quite fall yet but starting to feel like it. Its going to be like this all week. Really . Yes. Yay thank you for that, dylan. A guy whos charmed a few crowds in his day. Harry connick jr. His musical talents, acting, and now he is ready to take over daytime tv. Well talk to harry in a few minutes. But first lets get the news at 8 00. We begin with Hillary Clintons health scare. Im Kristen Welker in chappaqua where secretary clinton is recovering from pneumonia. Her campaign announcing it is canceling her west coast trip. But secretary clinton will appear Via Teleconference at a San Francisco fundraiser tonight. All of this after she became dehydrated and nearly collapsed at a september 11th Memorial Service. Reporter this morning, this moment captured on camera still looming over the clinton secretary clinton leaving the 9 11 Memorial Service at ground zero early and without explanation looking unsteady, appearing to lean on a post and clearly requiring support from staffers getting in to her van. Late sunday her physician, who examined clinton at her chappaqua home, announcing clinton has pneumonia, a diagnosis the doctor said she made on friday, during a followup evaluation of a prolonged to be from allergies. That cough was on display a week ago when clinton struggled to regain her voice during a cam parent event in ohio. Excuse me. Reporter the surprising diagnosis capped a whirl wind sunday, clinton arriving at the 9 11 ceremony appearing to feel fine. When i first came up to her, she was as happy to see me and asking about my family and perfectly normal. Reporter but after an hour and a half, clinton left abruptly. Her campaign leaving the press in the dark for more than 90 had gone to her daughter chelseas apartment in Lower Manhattan where she stayed for almost two hours. When clinton emerged, she was all smiles telling reporters she felt better. It is a Beautiful Day in new york. Reporter still the episode comes on the heels of recent republican attacks accusing clinton of hiding a Serious Health problem. Donald trump was silent about the incident sunday i dont know anything about it. Reporter but has her health. She also lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis. Reporter the Clinton Campaign dismissing the criticism as baseless conspiracy theories. His latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. And all i can say is, donald, dream on. Reporter this morning, donald trump spoke about clintons health scare for the first time. But i dont know whats going on. Im, like you, i see what i see. Somethings going on but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail and well be seeing her at the debate. Reporter Campaign Officials say they didnt disclose clintons pneumonia diagnosis on friday because they thought she could power through. They now realize that was a mistake. Secretary clinton is on antibiotics. No word on when shell return to the campaign trail. Willie . Kristen welker, thank you. Now to breaking news overnight, a fire that damaged a Florida Islamic Center is being investigated as arson. That mosque attended by the shooting. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is in ft. Pierce, florida for us. Kerry, good morning. Reporter well, good morning, willie. Authorities are now investigating what happened here at the Islamic Center in ft. Pierce. Indeed, this is the Islamic Center, the mosque, where omar mateen, the gunman in that ndo pulse nightclub shooting, attended. Authorities say while nobody was injured here, it appears to them to very clearly be a case of Security System that shows somebody coming here at around 12 30 in the morning and lighting the mosque on fire. The Authorities Say that they have the help not only of the local police here, but also they have the alcohol, tobacco and firearms from the federal government trying to figure out who it was who set this fire and whether it is related to 9 11. Of course, this is the 15th anniversary of 9 11. At this point they are also noting that this morning is ead, on the islamic calendar, the holiest day as the hajj comes to an end. Willie, savannah . Thanks, Kerry Sanders. In florida, thank you. In london, a frightening scene was caught on camera. A passenger boat with 150 people on board lost power on sunday and look at this, it slammed into a pier along the river thames. Officials say a small fire in the engine room had knocked out nobody was hurt and all the passengers were safely evacuated as firefighters and crew members were able to extinguish those flames. Coming up next, dr. Oz reveals dangerous mistakes you could be making with your kids medicine. Then on pop start is katy perry ready to bury the hatchet . She says she wants to collaborate with taylor swift. Did you know there was a hatchet out . Didnt know there was a feud. Patrick dempsey live in studio 1a. But first these messages. Meline. Ill nod in agreement so my wife thinks i understand what youre saying. I look forward to questioning your every move. Okay, well ill leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi . Double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back 1 when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. Keep it simple. Make every piece count. Let other people know what youre made of. Always be real. Dont be fake, dont be artificial, but always be sweet. Nature valley granola bars. People say, lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, ont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Anything meant to stand a body without proper foot support can mean pain. The dr. Scholls kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve lowerback, knee or foot pain from being on your feet. Find your nearest kiosk at drscholls. Com. From dr. Scholls heavy duty support for lower back pain, lightens the impact of every step. Hey there, hi. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all mimics a stomach grumble no more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, good, right . Mmm, yeah. I got your back. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. All right. We are back, it is 8 11. Weve got an alert for all parents. According to a new study, many are run intentionally giving their children incorrect doses of liquid medications. It is happening at an alarming rate. Show is here with what we need to know. Good morning. This is an important study and i want to talk about it. But donald trump just made news. He said on a Cable Network that hes going to release his medical records with you on thursday, on your show. Is that right . Well, hes coming on the show. And i know that fitness has become a big issue for the president ial candidates so ive invited both. Mr. Trump is coming on first. He will be on thursday. Im hoping that secretary talking a little bit about their health issues. But because it has come up in such a charged topic, i think it makes sense for both to have a conversation im not trying to pry or probe im just trying to hear whats really going on in their lives. Sounds like he says he will show you the results of his physical. Well definitely keep posted on that. Lets talk about this study that looked at doses of liquid medications. A shocking number at the top. 85 of parents did it wrong in some way. The remarkable thing is this has been a big issue for adults the thought that we have that many parents making a mistake is mind blowing. It gets even scarier than this. The reason they are making mistakes is because it is quite complicated to understand. If you look at how often, its a big mistake. 20 of the time being double dosed. Too much. Thats scary. Vast majority. But in 21 of cases it was twice the dose you are supposed to give. Imagine being given a pill by a doctor, taking two of the pills question becomes why is it kids are having such a big issue. Why are moms unable to keep up with whats happening . Do we have an answer . We do have an answer. Turns out, not surprisingly, for moms but for doctors just figuring it out, those one teaspoon, one tablespoon, the cups in particular are a problem. Because the cups four times more likely youll get it wrong versus having a syringe with markings on it. A baby, you use the syringe. I found that intimidating but thats the most accurate method in this study. By far the most accurate method. Most people dont think about it as part of what theyre doing. This study is really important. Major associations that help give guidelines to medical manufacturers. Dont use the cup. You have to lick the bottom to get the right dose, look at the cup. From now on i want there to be a emergency. Dont rely on a cup or other utensils in your home. Dont get confused by mill liters or all these different measurement tools. Should be clearly stated which i think manufacturers are going to get but get some of these syringes. I was going to get you some. I couldnt get into a store early enough today. Come back. Ill take them. I know you will back in the next halfhour with three things that keep women up at night when it comes to their health. Big survey by dr. Oz. Lets go to dyl w thanks, savannah. We are at the peak of hurricane season. Its been mostly quiet, but as we go through october and the rest of september we are still looking at the chance of several hurricanes, on average. This is going back the last 100 years. What is going on right now . We do have this invest right now. This is Tropical Storm ian continuing to develop. We expect it to become a Tropical Storm at some point today. 98 within the next 48 hours. And thats your latest forecast. All right, dylan. Thank you very much. We have added hoda to the mix because of her very specific expertise in chocolate milkshakes. All right. Im going to add something. It is one of the best days of the year. It is one that i try to observe with dignity. Its National Chocolate milk shake day, everybody. I see that. Since they are my absolute get three different types you thought it would be fun. Yes, right. Okay. These are shakes from mcdonalds, wendys and shake shack. So lets taste them and see if we can identify. All at the same time . No. Individual. See the answers are here. I should point out that im the one whos lactose intolerant so i got this thing. So sorry i cant get this one out. I think this is wendys. Almond milkshake day is next wednesday. Taste them all. Im going to ask you what you think. What do you think this one is . By the glass. This is mcdonalds. Savannah called this one mcdonalds. Whats the other one . Shake shack. Shake shack. Wendys. This is mcdonalds. Here we go. Mcdonalds. This is shake shack. These are bloody marys and three different types of vodka. This is shake shack and this is wendys. Is she right . Shake shack yes. And wendys. Ive done Extensive Research in this area. Which is your favorite . I like mcdonalds milk shakes. I just recently changed their formula. It didnt used to be quite so sweet. I dont know that they changed their formula but i suspect and theyve made it sweeter. I just want some french fries. Shes been talking about this since 4 00 a. M. I said it is the only reason i didnt press snooze on my alarm this morning. Thanks, everybody. We all have a minor panic attack, riding in an elevator thinking we might end up trapped. February a twitter user, amanda carpenter, did get stuck in an elevator in an amtrak station and tweeted for help. This was february. Well, amtrak responded on twitter seven months later thankfully amanda was out of the elevator well before. In all fairness amtrak responded to her tweet within 30 minutes in february making this latest tweet a little more confusing. Apparently someone at amtrak at social media saw it again and said, oh, my gosh, are you okay. It was seven months later. They are checking in. Are you in this elevator . But amanda is safe and sound. Ive been stuck in an elevator. It was absolutely terrifying. It was like 20 minutes of just not knowing whats going to happen next. Dont tweet amtrak. By the way, wendys making a real good run at it. Its really good. Youll love shake shack by the end of this day. Ill do that next. Highfashion and millennials have officially collided, everybody. Look at new york fashion week. The models they walked the cat walk. Look at them. Theyre rocking everybodys favorite, the utter fly hair, flower crown. Thats one of my favorites because it makes your soft look all soft and pretty. Well, it inspired hoda. I was born in the makeup room. Lets see. What else did you do . We did one more. That would rock the runway. I always do the ones where you look better. When they give me an old woman filter im like i wear that filter i am that filter. Yes, please. You do with the pop start. Starting with katy perry making fireworks with a recent tweet about onetime pal taylor swift. The singing superstars, if you didnt know, used to be Close Friends until taylor claimed perry tried to sabotage her tour by hiring some of her dancers away from her. That was the fuel that gave us taylor swifts hit bad blood. Katy putting a new spin on things when asked by a fan on twitter, if she would ever collaborate with taylor, perry sure. Have to keep an eye on this feud. Taylor, the ball is apparently in your court. Up next, gisela making sure her husband stays on his game while suspended. His super model wife posted this picture to instagram, showing her jumping to catch a throw from brady. Dont worry, guys, ill keep him ready, bradyscamp. Performing her mega hit Single Ladies which is a song she hasnt performed once on her tour. She was in st. Louis. Queen bee came to a stop, handed the mike over to one of the backup dancers, john silver. He got down on one knee, popped the question. Completely shocked everyone. They resumed dancing to single thats your pop start. Lets send it over to savannah. Okay, willie, thank you so much. Patrick dempsey stole the hearts of fans dr. Derrick shepherd, aka mcdreamy. On the medical drama grays anatomy. He will steal a few more hearts in Bridget Jones baby. Bridget jones is trying to figure out who the father of her baby is. Dempsey plays a dashing american hoping to win bridgets affections away from mark darcy. Take a look. Lovely. Youre our second samesex couple today. No, actually absolutely. We just need the gift of a baby to make us feel complete. You must be the surrogate . Exactly. Yes. Just helping this wonderful couple make their dream come true. Mark is very nervous about all this. Its all new to you, isnt it, Patrick Dempsey, good morning. I should have brought you a shake. We might have one or ten over there. How did you feel about entering this love triangle . Is youre like the new person coming between mark and bridget. I know. I was a little nervous at first. Enough time had gone by where everybody was nervous. I think that helped tremendously. They were very kind and supportive. And colin and renee were absolutely wonderful to work with. Emma thompson steals the movie in many ways. Just love bridget, read all the books, saw the movies. We, of course, love mark darcy. Right. So for there to be a new Love Interest to enter the picture, and to actually have us kind of root for you, is a big deal. And i liked you in this movie. Thank you. I was like, okay, i could be happy if bridget settled down with him. Oh. Thank you. It was a little daunting at first. She has two great choices. She has two guys that really love, adore and understand her. One has tremendous history, one we all remember Daniel Cleaver played by hugh grant. Wonderful actor. Pregnancy brain, frozen from the shake. He was a bad guy. This guys a good guy. Yeah. I mean the dynamic between the two of them is just i think theyre insecure about each other. One because of the history, and the new guy and all of that. Thats what the conflict is. Who can be a better provider and be there for her and nurture her along the way. Now this is just such a switch because you were mcdreamy for 11 seasons. Remarkable, yes. No. Was it fun to just do something so different . Absolutely. And it was fun to work in london. Being in london in the fall was amazing. I had a really good time. Actually, one of the most hilarious scenes is when you and colin firth, mark darcy, have to literally carry a ninemonth pregnant bridget into the waiting room. This sequence to me is my favorite part of the movie. And rene has a great ability not only does she hit the emotional moments but she knows slapstick and comedy. It was an absolute joy. Were on location in london. It was an absolute joy. You look very strong. Would you like to recreate it right now . Absolutely. No, i wouldnt subject you especially after all the milk shakes. You look great. You are having a good time. I am. Just eating a lot of milk shakes. Thats okay. So talk about your race car driving career. I actually didnt know that about you. Youre a pro. Well, i actually had an opportunity to race. Theres a race coming up in texas this weekend, wec. Weve got a car running in that series. Anybody down there, go check that out. I love racing and being on the podium at le mans last year, in a great team, great codrivers and great support through porsche and it was a dream come true. We ended up getting on the podium in fuji while i was shooting the movie. Everybody that allowed me to go and do that. It was nice. Youve really got it made. Your family is adorable. Thank you. You recently gave an interview to people and you talked about reconciling with your lovely wife. Thats just so wonderful. It was a great time. It was really nice to have them share that moment in london and my daughter when we went to the premier. To see such a Strong Female lead in the cinema and have her watch that and sort of the first time exposed to bridget was a good experience for me. It was nice having everybo so good to catch up with you. Maybe there will be a Bridget Jones 4 . Well see how this one does. Oh that wasnt a no. Bridget jones baby opens on friday. Coming up next, Anna Nicole Smiths daughter and her father remember anna nicole smith. Im. Vince vitrano brian gotter. Lets get a check of the the future of the estabrook consider a resolution to remove the dam. A county circuit judge declared the dam a nuisance back in 2012. And required the county to repair . . . Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. 8 0 8 30 now on this monday morning, september 12, 2016. Happy to have a great crowd out on our plaza. Good morning, everybody. Just ahead, ten years after daughter, dannielynn and dannielynns father. Dr. Oz is back with a new look at what women worry about the most when it comes to their health. And we talked to Patrick Dempsey in the last halfhour. Coming up, two more big stars to be here to talk about their new roles. Harry connick jr. Will talk about his new role on daytime in the middle of the country is where we are looking for the best chance of rain this week. Also a little stormy near florida where we have a stalled front all week long, we will see storms down through florida. By the end of the week we will see a big chance of heavier rain right from minneapolis, stretching right down into louisiana and texas, too. Temperatures are above normal, slightly in the northeast, though it is much more seasonable. Look at the cool air settling in temperatures will drop ten degrees below normal. Seattle and the rest of washington state, down into oregon, temperatures should run five to ten above normal. Then it is more seasonable down in the southeast and also down across most of texas and up into the upper midwest as well. Thats a look at the weather across the country. Now here is a peek at your window. We got married in june. On tunaday. Theres a subway . 3. 50 sub of the day to help you remember lifes important days. Every day a different sixinch sub for just 3. 50 at subway . Every day of the week. Her name is teri. She was born on sweet onion chicken teriyaki day. Thank you so much. As we mentioned earlier, the dr. Oz show returns for a new season today with a look at some of the Biggest Health issues dr. Oz is back. Good morning. Your show conducted a survey looking at all kinds of issues that imwith have with their health. Over 1,500. I wanted to know not just what you think youre doing but what you do based on it. We learned a couple things we didnt expect to guide where we go editorially. We learned there is a new loneliness. This is a shocking idea because we have so much social media right now. If you look whats going on in america, 60 of wom deal withlyiness 20 of the time. How is that possible . It is important because it can affect your immune systems, your risk of heart disease. Is that more loneliness that you would expect to have been reported by women . I would think women are the glue of society, always come together. The irony is there are important things you can do. Yes, use social media but dont do driveby friendships. Once in a while. Dont always text. Maybe meet for coffee. Use social media for purposes that allow us to actually connect. The next has to do with stress. We know everybody suffers stress. Why are we stressed . This blew my mind. Most people say they are stressed, 75 most worried by terror attacks. 67 by the elections. Today show i am bringing together mothers of the movement. Women who have lost their and women of Police Officers who were slain. Mothers of those Police Officers. These women come together. Their love for each other is so powerful they come together for the first time on one stage. That will be an interesting conversation for sure. How do you recommend people reduce stress . First of all, focus on stressors you can control. When you look at terror attacks, elections regimen. This week on the show, im going to give you a checklist of things you can do every single day, simple ideas that allow you to get the right amount of probiotic, do you think tea i think milk shakes personally. I saw that. But you need to have the checklist to organize yourself. Simple things i want you to do every single day or you wont control the stress. Final category has to do with cancer. It was surprising how many women assume they will get some f twothirds said i will get cancer. Real number is about 40 . Life saving information right here. The breakthroughs that are happening with cancer are not the same as every year. These are huge. Immunother immunotherapies. Imagine right now if everyone that could hear my voice is cancer but your immune system is able to kill it. There are new therapies that i life threatening problem that you dont want to ever have happen to a chronic illness. Sort of like hiv is now a chronic illness but you can live with it your whole life. But you have to ask your doctor. Be proactive. You have a lot to tackle in this season. Dr. Oz, thank you so much. Again the new season premiers today. Check your local listings for time. Coming up next, how Anna Nicole Smiths daughter is doing nearly ten years after her mothers death. But first, this is today on nbc. We asked u. S. Cellular customers to show us all the beautiful places they get coverage with our strong signal. You posted from the seashore. You shared from your hike. You posted from the farm. And you adventured way out there. A lot of amazing places. . . U. S. Cellular put towers where the other guys dont. So join our network, and start sharing your moments welcome back. 8 38. Anna nicole smith passed away in february of 2007, just five months after the birth of her only daughter, dannielynn. How is dannielynn doing today . Natalie is out in los angeles with that story. Natalie, good morning. Reporter hey, guys, good morning to you. We caught up with dannielynn and they were celebrating her 10th birthday at universal studiosn hollywood. As you will see, normalcy is still the goal as they deal with anna nicoles death. Reporter it was a 10th birthday made in hollywood. Rides, games, and entertainment for the only daughter of anna nicole smith. This l. A. Scene a rare excursion away from the small town life they live in kentucky. I made a conscious decision a long time kentucky. I did that on purpose because it takes away the chase. It takes away the curiosity. Takes away the false stories. Reporter dannielynn was born into a real life soap opera. Daughter of model and tabloid superstar anna nicole smith, no less than five men claimed to be her father at birth and her mothers controversial death when she was just 5 months old left to up to the courts to the paternity suit and all of that, does that seem like it was so long ago . It does. You look back on it, im so much of a better person and a stronger person because of all the stuff that i went through. Not doing anything but just taking care of my daughter. For me i look back ten years, i wouldnt have it any other way. Reporter still birkheads feelings for anna nicole remain strong. There are things left unanswered. Things i didnt get to say to her. Its tough when you go to school and youre filling you have to put deceased on her moms information. Theres days that if i stop and think about it and you ask me about it, youll see a tear but i just every other minute you see a smile. Reporter they do their best to live a normal life. But reminders of anna nicole are everywhere. It is hard. Because when you walk into a Grocery Store and youre in the youre there to buy cookies. Then someone else is trying to sell something else. It is just not whats going in the grocery bag. As a parent, it has to be something that youve got to be careful, how much do you expose her to that. People call me all the time and say, can she be in a movie . Can she model . She doesnt care about it. I say no, shes not interested. Shes just a regular kid. Into technology now and shes into games and these youtube videos. As they celebrate dannielynns 10th birthday in style at universal, you can see they are riding the roller coaster of life together. Im not the best dad. I have my faults. I do the best i can with what the situation is and we make the best of it. I think dannielynns best days are to come and shes got such a Bright Future in front of her. I look at this relationship and this bond that you have with your daughter. Other than i dont dress her in pink every day, i would think im doing a pretty good job. . Happy birthday to you . . Dannielynn is now in fifth grade. She is not beyond suggesting that her father should get back into the dating game. Larry says is he still working on his dance moves which apparently dannielynn does not approve of his dab. But ill have much more of my interviews tonight on access hollywood. Thank you very much. Beautiful little girl, too. Absolutely. Coming woodley is here. But first, this is today on nbc. We upped the ante at culvers to create the new crispy southwest chicken sandwich. Allnatural, whole white meat chicken breast. Topped with spicy pepper jack cheese and jalape . O ranch. On a lightly buttered, toasted ciabatta roll. The perfect cheese for pepper jack is going to be creamy and mild, and its really going to tone down the spiciness of the peppers. Youre going to taste the cheese first, peppers. Its really good. A bold new flavor and only here for a limited time. Mmmhmm. Welcome to delicious. Russ feingold im Russ Feingold and i approve this message. Narrator listen to ron johnson on Social Security johnson Social Security is a legal ponzi scheme. Narrator as senator, johnsons been working to turn it into one. He wants to privatize Social Security putting benefits at risk. And he attacks medicare would turn it into a voucher program, costing seniors thousands outofpocket. Turn Social Security into a johnson . Legal ponzi scheme. Narrator senator johnson. Not for seniors. Were back now at 8 44 with the very talented shailene woodley. Most far reaching Security Breach in u. S. Intelligence history. Take a look. What is this . Oh. Just leave that there. Thats russian hackers. Agency says they can activate web cams now. Thats creepy. Yes. Really bothering me. Whatever. Its not a big deal. You shouldnt let it bother you. Its not a big deal . No. What . Th me right now . Shailene, good morning. Good morning. This really gets into not just what he had ward snowden did but kind of explores why. Lindsey kind of sheds light on that. She is the girlfriend. As i understand it, theyre still together. What do you think she brought in terms of his motivation . Motivation in terls of what he did . Yeah. I cant speak to that because im not lindsey. Decade when ed released the documents that he released. I think any time obviously that you have a life partner or you really love someone on a very deep level it raises the stakes for all decisions you make, let alone the decision to do something that you know could potentially cost you your life. She never knew she didnt know this was coming. She didnt know any of it. Oliver stone directing the film. I understand you wrote him a letter telling him why you want to play this part. I di thank you. I was 23 when i read the screen play for the first time. When, again, ed disclosed the information a few years ago it really impacted my life knowing that rt so of your suspicions of like, oh, i bet something i bet somebody could go into this camera or record this conversation, where those were validated and confirmed. For me this script, this movie, isnt about whether you agree with ed snowden or whether you dont, you think he is a hero or a traitor. Being edward snowden, not the poster child that a lot of us like to comment on and the actions that poster child made. But it humanizes him and grounds him. I just thought it was courageous and brave and really neat that a big hollywood director like oliver stone he is the only person who could make a movie like this was willing to tell a story that was so relevant and happening in real time today. You actually got a chance to meet lindsey. Shes very, very private. But you were well in to shooting but you did have a chance to meet with her. Feel good about, okay, i think i had it right when i did this portrayal . I met her three months after we began. There were definitely physical mannerisms i was like, oh, man i wish i could have implemented that into the character. But in some regards it was nice to keep her a little bit private and to keep what makes her her a little sacred and not revealed divergent. You wont do the fourth movie . I said i didnt sign up for a tv show. You wont do the fourth movie . Well, if it is a movie. They havent finalized any decision so it is actually a moot point to talk about it now with all due respect to those involved. Im not sure where they stand. We are in a limbo waiting game. You are saying there is a chance. I would love to. I signed up to tell the whole story. I would love to do nothing would make me happier. Well catch up with your costar gordon levitt. Snowden hits theaters on friday. Harry connick jr. On top of the world of daytime television. Harry connick jr. Has already conquered music and acting. Starting today, he is with his new show called harry. Now how did you come up with that name . It was years of planning. We were supposed to go on the air ten years ago but couldnt think of a name. Youre a talk show host now. How do you like it . Its so fun. Were having a blast. Weve already done our first week of shooting. Just having a ball. How do you describe the show to people . Weve been lucky enough to get over there, feel the set. It is unlike any daytime show there. You might wander over and play a few numbers. It is a party in the middle of the day. When you go to a party you dont know what to expect. There is going to be a lot of fun people, music and spontaneity. Thats what this show is all about. Were going to have a good time. This is your real band, right . They sound so, so good. It is amazing. We just play whenever, whatever, sometimes ill sing, sometimes ill play. Sometimes every once in a while people sit in and stay tuned. Did she sing . I have to tell you, you are a pretty good piano player, man. Oh, well chopsticks. Those are things not a lot of people notice. The way your hands on the keys. We had fun. Sounds like it. I took piano lessons at age 6 and i became 6 again in harrys presence. Sandra bullock is your first guest. She is. You guys have that awesome connection, that new orleans connection. We have a great new orleans connection. Shes done unbelievable things we did hope floats together. When she came on the show as my first guest, you cant expect to actually say yes because they dont know what kind of show will be. But she came. You all came. You go over there, a lot of producers say thats how it is going to happen. Producer said, harry just wants to talk to you, man. I like to do that. You guys are the best at being on tv is very, very easy. Some people like to have a preinterview, i think thats great. If they want to talk about what they want to talk about, were all for that. But if they just want to drop by Terrance Howard came by. We didnt know what we were going to talk about. It was a crazy, fun interview. Its so much more spontaneous. This is a new skill you are acquiring and practicing. Whats been the hardest thing about being a talk show host so far . You know, i dont think of it as hard. Really happen . I guess for you guys, you are dealing with serious issues, politics and social issues and medical issues and things like that. Im an entertainer. This is just a party among many other shows throughout the day. Whats going to happen . My voice is going to crack or you know . Were just having a good time. So it hasnt been hard. When you dreamed up the show and you are coming up with guest list. Sandra bullock for the first show. Is there some dream guest whos out there . I tend to think about how thats a legend. Like a Dick Van Dyke or a Carol Burnett or tim conway or don rickles, people like that. Or all the great musicians that we could get, tina turner. That would be incredible. I think you just booked them on the today show. Youre still making music. Oh, yeah. Youll still do movies from time to time, i hope. For sure. Ill probably end up playing more music on this show than i will on the road. Theyll see there is a ton of music on the show. We will be watching. I can say from the inside, it is a total blast. People are going to love it. Harry premiers today. Check your local listings. Billy and tamron are vitrano brian gotter. Lets get a check of the weather. Police are investigating a shooting on interstate 43 near hampton avenue that left a two Sheriffs Office hasnt released any information about what happened we did speak with a man who claims he witnessed two drivers in a possible road rage incident. The guy in the black car i think it was a grand am put up his finger like this with the gun signits a horrible situation because thats dangerous so i was right when i said to my wife lets pull ahead of them before they good morning everybody. Today we are celebrating so excited. The Morning Blend is tenyearsold today. Thats right in honor of our anniversary we have invited some of our favorite guests. Yeah were raising the roof. [laughter] i had to one time. [laughter] were also gin of stuff, movies, botox, gift cards even tickets to a packers game. Glitz our way of saying thank you to you. Stay tuned for this very special edition of the Morning Blend

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