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And savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. We just gave away our lead guest. Right there, donald trump, live in our studio. A man of his word. Yesterday, he said, if i win, ill join you in your studio. Guess what . Here he is. The big winner, wasnt even close on the republican side or democratic side. Huge shifts on the left and the right. Lets get to where things stand this morning. Fueled by recordsetting voting turnout, Bernie Sanders won over Hillary Clinton more than 20 points. Hillary clinton conceded moments after the poll closed. Things arent closer on the republican side, at least at the top. Donald trump doubling his closest competitor, the surprise of the night, john kasich. Cruz finished third after a win followed closely be jeb bush and marco rubio with Chris Christie in a disappointing sixth. Well talk to trump and kasich in a moment. First, lets start with the democrats. Kristen welker, good morning. What a night. The Clinton Campaign is waking up to the reality secretary clinton has a tough road ahead. Right now, senator Bernie Sanders has more momentum. The campaign has been bracing for a loss but didnt expect such an overwhelming defeat. Reporter riding a wave of antiestablishment enthuseiasmenthusiasm, Bernie Sanders trounced center clinton in New Hampshire, turning his underdog campaign into a real fight. It is just too late for the same old, same old establishment politics. [ applause ] that lasted nearly 30 minutes, sanders flexed his muscles, painting the win as a validation of his call to take on wall street and big business. Together, we have sent the message that well echo from wall street to washington, from maine to california. Reporter and while secretary Clintons Campaign may have been bruised, she tried not to show it. Striking a note of confidence tuesday night. Not whether you get knocked down that matters. Its whether you get back up. Reporter but sources close to the campaign tell nbc news top aids are taking stock of the strategy, including a sharper focus on wall street, a message thats rallied young voters around sanders. We also agree that wall street can never be allowed to once again threaten main street. I will fight to reign in wall street. You know what . I know how to do it. Clintons Campaign Manager tried to calm jittery supporters. Writing, the nomination will likely be won in march, not february, pointing to clintons strength in super tuesday states, which are larger and more diverse, playing to her appeal among minority communities. We also have to break through the barriers of bigotry. Africanamerican parents shouldnt have to worry that their children will be harassed, humiliated, even shot because of the color of their skin. Reporter while the campaign is trying to down play the loss, noting sanders is from neighboring vermont, the clintons have strong roots here, too. New hampshire is where president bill clinton famously called himself the comeback kid, and where secretary clinton beat barack obama in 2008. Thank you. Reporter but now, its the place that put Bernie Sanders on the map. Thank you, New Hampshire now, its on to nevada, South Carolina and beyond. [ applause ] say both hillary and bill clinton expressed concerns about the campaign. Now, theyre bringing on a new strategist, one of the top officials from president obamas reelection campaign. Expect more outreach to the young voters who overwhelmingly prefer sanders. The only demographic clinton won with voters, 65 and older. Senator sanders will work to improve his support among africanamericans. Today, meeting with reverend al sharpton. Back to you. Kristen welker, thank you very much. Lets bring in chuck todd. Nbcs political director, moderator of meet the press. Hillary clinton knew she was going to lose. I dont know they knew theyd lose this badly. Where do they go from here . They have to worry about a couple things. Number one, not to panic. The worse it can get the more they panic. They have a money problem. Bernie sanders outraised her in they dont have the ability to shoot out an email and raise a bunch of money. The next contest is not South Carolina. Its nevada. This is a race that suddenly is very tight there. Its very possible sanders beats her in nevada, too. Then that race takes the one in South Carolina to a point it wont be so easy for her. Now, she has to deal with outside forces she cant control. Rumors about michael bloomberg, the former new york city mayor getting in. Rumors about joe biden. This is going to be a very difficult three weeks. If the campaign panics at any point, maybe overcorrects, it could be in even worse shape in a month from now. Rest your voice for a second. We want you to comment on the republican side of things. Donald trump topped the latest polls last night. 75 polls heading into the New Hampshire primary. Voters turned out for him in nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander is already in the next battleground state, South Carolina. Good morning. South carolina, where the next primary is ten days away. Donald trump likes to boast hes a winner and he proved it in a huge way last night. More than doubling his closest competitor, john kasich. This is a candidate who has redefined republican politics and ran away with New Hampshire. Tell me its a revolution reporter donald trump, triumphant triumphant. We are going to make America Great again. Reporter the brash billionaire turned politician, racking up his first win. We want to thank the people of New Hampshire. Right . Do we love the people of New Hampshire reporter extending an olive branch of sorts to his republican rivals. I wanted to congratulate the other candidates, okay . Now that i got that out of the way democrat who carried New Hampshire. I heard parts of bernies speech. He wants to give away our country, folks. Were not going to let it happen. Reporter winning the war for second, Ohio Governor john kasich, whose optimistic tone resonated in an otherwise nasty primary. The light overcame the darkness of negative campaign. [ applause ] and you made it happen. Reporter earlier, he was reflective with nbc news. We plugged away and plugged away. The little engine that can. Reporter a week removed from an iowa celebration, marco rubio fell into fifth place, acknowledging in blunt terms that his poor debate performance cost him. Our disappointment tonight is not on you. Its on me. Its on me. I did not i did not do well on saturday night, so listen to this, that will never happen again. Reporter jeb bush, sandwiched in the middle of the pack. This campaign is not dead. Were going on to south reporter bush aids telling nbc news, theyre rising as rubio fades. Ted cruz is looking for the first in the south primary next week. We go to South Carolina, the palmetto state. Washington liberals may find South Carolina far less hospitable hospitable. Reporter cruz releasing a new ad, mocking the republican front runner. I got the trump action figure. No way, its huge. What does he do . He pretends to be a republican. Reporter trump firing back. Ted cruz, the worst kind of washington insider who just cant be trusted. Reporter meanwhile, Chris Christie lagging behind in single digits. Just not enough. Not enough tonight, thats okay. Reporter instead of a planned trip to South Carolina today, the new jersey governor will head home, where hell decide the future of his campaign. Christie and for Carly Fiorina and ben carson, as well. I flew down with john kasich from New Hampshire overnight. He was clearly elated, even a little bit stunned by last nights results. As he told me, i think were really on to something, with the positive nature of this campaign. Matt and savannah . Peter alexander, thank you very much. Donald trump joins us fresh off the win in New Hampshire. Good morning. Good to have you here. Good morning. Known you more than 30 years. Youve always said youre a winner. Last night, voters went into the polls and officially made you a winner. How does it feel . Its great. The people from New Hampshire are great. Ive had a bonding relationship with them a long time. Ive been up there long before the political thing. We did better than anticipated. We would have rallies where ten times the number of people would show up than we expected. We got to see it from an early point. I think South Carolina, frankly, is going to be similar to that. Youve said you are sure you can beat Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Are you the favorite to be the next president of the United States . That, i dont know. I dont want to talk about favorites. I think were doing very well. We have something special. Two days ago, i was in South Carolina and we filled up the stadium. It was packed with people. Its a movement. People want to see a smart country. They want to see us take the country back. They want great deals, not horrible deals. We lose money with trade. We cant win with the military. We cant beetat isis. Think of general George Patton not being able to beat isis. It doesnt work that way. This country doesnt win anymore. New hampshire reordered things. Who is your biggest competition now, is it kasich . Cruz in South Carolina . Great question. I think all of them. Theyre all accomplished people. Theyre governors and senators. Theyre all very good people. But i think, probably, i wouldnt want to pick one. Theyre close enough, and well see what happens. Theyre all accomplished people. Its serious now, mr. Trump. I mean, now people are going to take a good, hard look at you and say, can he be the leader of the free world . Can he be our president . Theyve been looking at me, matt, six months. Now this New Hampshire win says, this guy is on track. When it comes to parents in this country, they want their kids to be able to look up to the president. They want them to be able to admire the president. You were on with us last week and we talked about being more subdued. You said, im trying to become more statesmanlike, more subdued. This week, you continued using some words, repeating a word that a supporter said to you at an event that im not going to repeat here. Is that satstatesmanlike . We had 5,000 people in a snowstorm, in a blizzard, and everybody was having a good time. A woman, not a man, shouted out this word, and then shouted it out again. We had a good time and it wasnt the worst thing in the world. Youre a president ial candidate and we have to bleep it, is that what you want to show . We were having a tremendous time, got a standing ovation. Everybody was up and down, standing, screaming. Its one of the reasons i won. You have to be yourself. Now, as i get look, i was a good student at the best school and all that stuff. I know what to do and whatnot to do. I will say this, as you get closer, you act differently. We were having a good time. The people went out and voted for me and thats why we got the numbers we did. Look, this country, Political Correctness is killing us. Is it Political Correctness or good manners, temperament . It wasnt the worst thing in the world. It was a woman and it was a repeat. I said, you should never say that word. Then sarcastically repeated did i reprimand the person . You cant reprimand if youre going to say it yourself. When are you going to release your tax returns . Theyre being worked on now. Whats the hold up . I guarantee the biggest ever in the history of what were doing. Its complicated stuff. We will be releasing that. Will people be surprised at the rate you pay, lower or higher than expected . I fight like hell not to pay a lot of tax. Every politician probably does. I watched others where they say, i want to pay taxes. I fight like hell not to pay taxes. I hate the way the government spends my money. Big winner in New Hampshire, donald trump, thank you for being here. Thank you very much. Now to the surprise second place finisher on the republican side. Ohio governor john kasich. He made his way to South Carolina over night and will look to capitalize there on this momentum. Governor, good morning and were very happy. I saw you on your bus in New Hampshire, and you definitely were feeling this coming. What do you think made the difference in the final days . Was it something you said, or was it the faltering of other candidates . No, i dont think it was the faltering. We were on our way up anyway. We do have great grassroots people, which well be able to use throughout the country. Well be building teams everywhere we are. Secondly, i had a positive message. As you know, savannah, i was the only one with a really positive message. I always felt that will light could overcome the darkness in a Political Campaign where we could say what were for. Bringing families together, creating jobs, making sure no one gets left behind. That message was used consistently for the last well, ive been doing it most of my lifetime but a very strong message about all of that. I think, finally, it broke through, along with the fact that our tv commercials were positive. Dollars spent against me. We overcame it. Im glad you said the light can overcome the darkness and with voters. Youre behind a guy who is way ahead in the polls and has a habit of when somebody gets close to him, talking about donald trump, targeting that person with negativity. Can your positive message hold up under that withering attack candidates . Well, matt, heres the thing, somebody wants to mess with me, theyre messing with the wrong guy. Im not going to sit there and be a marshmallow and have somebody pound me. Look, i was a congressman, balanced the budget, i was the military reformer, ive been the governor of ohio. All those positions, weve seen jobs created and problems solved. Were not going to sit back and take a pounding from anybody, were going to tell people what were for. In my speech last night at the its gotten rave reviews, which im grateful for. Im talking about bringing people together and reviving the spirit of america. Governor kasich, you gave your resume. Its impressive. Youve been in government many, many years. Not to take anything away from your strong finish last night, donald trump still beat you by 20 something points. This is a year where it seems like voters dont want the establishment. They might feel you represent that. He had 65 that didnt vote for him. Its just that there are so many people that when you take the votes, you dont have them together, he gets that kind of a showing. Were going to see how it goes, savannah. Nobody thought id run for president. No one thought id raise the money when i decided to. No one thought id make the debates or get to New Hampshire. As some people have said, in fact, my two daughters said, daddy, we win you won because but well see what happens. Well see what happens. Its a long, long road, all the way to the nomination. At some point, were going to be going to the midwest. Were going to be going to pennsylvania and ohio and michigan and illinois. Just wait. All right. Ohio governor john kasich, appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Lets bring chuck todd back in. Chuck, on to the republicans now. We know who had the best night, donald trump. John kasich had a good night, as well. Who had the worst night . I think i guess you have to say Chris Christie. He went for the kill on marco rubio. It didnt help him. It certainly hurt rubio. Marco rubio arguably had equally as bad of a night. Christie did worse. I dont know hes not going to qualify for saturdays debate, as far as the criteria. He probably has to reassess his campaign. Thats why hes in new jersey this morning and not South Carolina. Marco rubio is also on the ropes. South carolina, matt, is going to be a blood bath. Jeb bush, trump, ted cruz, john kasich, marco rubio. It could be a circular firing squad. Who goes after who . When you asked donald trump who his chief rival is now, id say ted cruz. He won one. As things go south, he should have a natural constituency out there. I think youll see cruz and trump fight it out. Bush, kasich and rubio fight to see who can be the last republican. Chuck todd, thank you very much. We have ary ricola on the way to you. Lets get a check of the weather from mr. Roker. We have a lot of cold air coming in. Also, a Beautiful Day out west. They could use rain in Southern California today. 88 degrees. You look at whats happening in minneapolis today. 13 for a high. Wind chills near zero. Clipper bringing lakeeffect snow that will continue to pile up over the next 48 hours. All year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. So when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. From electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund. Thats your latest weather. Matt . Al, thanks very much. Coming up, will one of the biggest stars of the u. S. Womens soccer team skip the olympics . What hope solo is saying about her zika concerns. Nbc. Coming up, what is their relationship like now . John edwards, former mistress, hunter, speaks out for the first time in nearly five years. The problem we i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. Not yet pull the peach good morning. The time is. Youre looking live at roanoke from our skycam. Topping our news today. New details from a friend of the girl who was killed after climbing out of her bedroom window. Natasha bryant tells the Washington Post that Nicole Lovell talked of running away and started a family with david eisenhauer, the man now charged with her death. Bryant also says that nicole refered to eisenhauer as her boyfriend, who she described as funny and really nice. Bryant says the wo met online and she and other friends were concerned about nicoles social interactions. Later today nicole father shares his concerns regarding nicoles social media activity in an exclusive interview with talk show host dr. Phil mcgraw. N. You can see the full episode today at four. Right here on wsls 10. Lets check in with Storm Team Meterologist kristina montuori. For counties boarding west va. Our west va. Counties. Scatt ered flurries for most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 20s friday increasing clouds with highs in the middle 30s. Lateday overnight light snow showers possible saturday morning early afternoon light snow showers possible. Late day clearing with highs in the lower 30s sunday valentines day mostly sunny with highs in the upper 20s and lower 30s monday wintry mix possible with highs in the middle 30s good morning, im erin scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam 7 30 now. Wednesday morning, february 10th, 2016. We have some sprinkles outside, little bit of a dreary start outside. Spirits are high inside studio 1a. A look at some of the headlines of the morning. An alarming morning from the director of national intelligence, james clapper. He said isis will probably attempt direct attacks on the United States in the coming year. He also warned about the terror groups presence online. Isil used terror not only for recruitment and propaganda, but also to hack and release Sensitive Information about u. S. Military personnel. Five dozen isislinked arrests were made in the u. S. Last year. A flight from boston to san an intoxicated passenger became abusive and threatened crew members. The man was taken away to the delight of fellow passengers. [ applause ] airport Officials Say the man is not facing charges. In politics, the big story, donald trump and Bernie Sanders winning big in New Hampshire. Sanders topping Hillary Clinton by more than 20 points. Trump winning big over a crowded republican field. He joined us in our last half hour and we asked him if hes now the overall favorite in the president ial race. I think were doing very well. We have something very special. Two days ago, i was in South Carolina and we filled up the stadium. It was packed with people. Theres something going on. Its a movement. People want to see a smart country. Senator marco rubio ended up in fifth place in New Hampshire. Hes still in New Hampshire and joins us live. Good to see you. Thank you for getting up early. Im up early every day. Thank you. Up late and up early in this case. You said last night to your supporters that you were disappointed. Very straight forward about it. You said the loss is not on them, its on you. It strikes me that this was really the first time you owned up to saturday nights debate being not a great performance for you and having an effect. Do you think you should have said something sooner, been more authentic and maybe it would have salvaged the moment . Thats not the right analysis of it. A debate is a debate and i dont think the people at home analyze it like the media. The problem is 24 hours later, the media fixated on that and thats what people heard about. They heard that somebody bad happened saturday night with rubio. When you see the margins, very close, thats enough in a race like this. My supporters did everything they needed to do. We finished shorter than we wanted because of me. Its something that wont ever we have eight debates in this campaign so far. Ive done great in all of it except 90 seconds worth of it. I wont ever happen again. This election is too important. Its not just about winning the election but what is at stake here. You wont see anyone work harder or more passionately, not just to win an election but turn the country around. You say it will never happen again. You feel it was a bad performance. A lot of political analysts are saying it was something more serious. It was exposing a flaw in you as a candidate, and they translate it to a lack of depth. Its absurd. No one in this race, for example, has shown greater depth, knowledge, understanding or better judgment on the Foreign Policy issues than i have. The fact of the matter is, that debate was 2 hours and 15 minutes long. I got asked a host of questions on complex things and i answered every single question with as much or more depth than anyone else in the race. I think both our record on the issues are clear and, moving forward, well make it clear. There is not an issue before this country that i cannot discuss in depth with anyone in the race. When it comes to Foreign Policy and national security, i have more experience and have done more work than all the other republican candidate ress remaining combined. You are somebody to spouts off talking points, as someone said. Or youre a mile wide but an inch deep . Im on the air with you now and you can ask me any question you want on any policy issue youd like and we can discuss it in depth. I dont know what youre going to ask me. I do this every day. I dont think thats the narrative thats taking hold. I think the narrative was, he had a bad debate and people heard about it on the news. Where it really hurts is you cant get any other message out. All they want to ask you about is the debate that night. Its on me and it wont happen again. Fundamentals of what made us successful in the past. Were going to get there. You saw the results last night, the margin of victory for donald trump and john kasich had a good night. Do you think anyone can stop donald trump from getting the nomination right now . Sure. Donald trump is not going to be the republican nominee. New hampshire is a state that has been badly hurt by, for example, losing jobs to china, the closing of mills, loss of our manufacturing base. Donald has tapped into that and its an important topic that needs to be discussed, without a doubt. Ultimately, to be president , you cant tell people whats wrong. You have to tell people how youre going to fix it. We had a conversation about depth. I mean, where are the policy ideas about how were going to bring manufacturing back . Its not enough to say youre going to do it. Voters deserve to know how youre going to do it. I dont know how youre going to continue to run a campaign into South Carolina and beyond without specifically outlining policy ideas on these issues. Of depth that you just asked about comes into play. I can tell you we have a plan. I know how were going to bring manufacturing back. We need Energy Reform and tax reform. Our tax doedcode is among the most expenseive in the industrialized world. Were at a competitive disadvantage globally. Were in the part of the campaign where the race is narrower, less people in the race, and there is going to be a focus on policy. Well see how people hold up. Theyll have to step up and outline their solutions to these serious problems. Marco rubio, thank you for your time. Thank you. Lets get a check of the weather now from al. Announcer todays weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. Every kiss begins with kay. Guys, were looking at some lakeeffect snow showers around the great lakes, but also seeing snow from washington all the way up to boston. What were going to be really watching over the next 48 to 72 hours, the great lakes, theres that keeps the lakeeffect snow machine cranking. For today, were going to look at more snow showers, flurries extending all the way down into charleston, west virginia. Lakeeffect snow showers get going and will continue with heavy snow at times through tomorrow and on into your early friday. Look at the snowfall totals. From cleveland to buffalo, were talking about upwards of 14 inches of snow in erie, p. A. Michigan, up to 10 inches. That thats your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thanks. Just ahead, u. S. Soccer star speaking out on the zika virus. Hope solo, will she skip the olympics in rio . The new trailer for fuller house is here. Weve got male penguins show their love with. A pebble. Some males, however. Are smarter than others. Save up to 30 on select diamonds in rhythm. At kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. Every kiss begins with kay. Guys, valentines day is almost here. Right now, kay jewelers has the perfect valentines day gift at the perfect price. So dont wait come to kay. 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Were talking about soccer star hope solo, the goalie, twotime olympic gold medalist. She said zika might keep her from going after a third. Reporter its the Global Crisis that could derail another American Olympic celebration. The zika virus is a scary thing that is very unknown. Hopefully, some of those unknowns will become a little more known with the research that they do in the following months. Were sensitive to the fact that this has become a global issue. Reporter hope solo revealed her concerns over the zika epidemic in brazil ahead of the rio olympics. Saying, quote, if i had to make the choice today, i wouldnt go. Late tuesday, her coach revealed its part of the rest of the teams discussions, as well. Conversations behind the scenes. Reporter the u. S. Women take the field tonight in texas, in their first qualifying match for a spot in rio. The threetime defending gold medalists are some of the biggest athletes at these games. Hot off their world cup win last summer. Where solo earned the award for the tournaments top keeper. But the zika virus, predominantly spread by mosquitos, is a particular concern to soccer players. While the other olympics sports will be played in rio, in a lowerrisk climate, stadiums throughout brazil will host olympic soccer. It could drop into salvador and make all the soccer reevents take place closer to rio, which i think is a wise decision. Reporter the cdc released guidelines for women who are or plan to become pregnant, because with zika. At 34, solo is citing family concerns, saying female athletes should not be forced to make a decision that would sacrifice the health of a child. How do the athletes feel about it at this point . This is something thats clearly a huge concern to her and other players on the u. S. Womens National Soccer team. The u. S. Olympic Committee Said it is closely monitoring the situation. U. S. Soccer, quote, the safety of our athletes and staff is our highest priority and were taking the necessary prau precautions. The olympics happen in august. Its typically cooler, drier conditions when mosquitos dont breed. Its the uncertainty. Its a lot to think about. Coming up, well do pop start. Tell you about a new bio pick on the life of donald trump from wait until you see who is in the starring role. Sheinelle is in the orange room with youtubes biggest star, im phil mickelson, pro golfer. My Psoriatic Arthritis caused joint pain. Just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. 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Eat up, me hearties keep it down arrrr. You take my breath away. So i thought id return the favor. At jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry for valentines day. The one that puts your heart in her hands. And its waiting for you. At jared. Covergirl makes flawless as easy as. One. Tru. Three. With new trublend primer and trublend makeup blends flawlessly plus new trublend blush and bronzer from easy breezy beautiful covergirl. [loud engine revving] powerful. Mic checka by das efx by design. That feeling recaptured. By design. Hello my love the flame is out. Ugh. Today the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. Antonio. Antonio. Que . The stove. Its not working. Campbells microwaveable soups. Made for real, real life. Sfx cell phone vibrates. Yeah . sigh youre okay. Hes okay, he made it jason. What do you mean . We were very bad boys. Alexa whats in the news . Alexa heres the news, alecbaldwin and Jason Schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi. Baldwin threw his shoe at photographers before making arun for it. My poor cashmere socks. Alexa, will you order another pair of brescianis. Reordering bresciani socks. Okay listen. Can you send some lawyers or something . moaning . Alec . We have a celebrity over in the orange room. Not just sheinelle jones, but also the king of youtube. Good morning. Yes, i am joined by youtube known online as pew dee peadiepie. He has over 42 million subscribers. Can you wrap your mind around that . Not bad, is it . I said pewdiepie, but how do you say it . Pewdiepie. Its too early for that. I couldnt do it. All right. First of all, well talk about one of your biggest hits, the lets play series. You play a video game, you add, ill say, colorful commentary, and then people will sit there and watch you play. Why do you think people are captivated by this . I think theres many reasons that people feel a connection to me when they watch. Its kind of like hanging out. Were on the same couch playing a game together. So i read this morning, your videos have been viewed over 11 billion times, billion with a b. Is it that many . Are you surprised your hobby has turned into a success . Its a dream come true, to it started for fun and now im here. You have scare pewdiepie, launched on youtube today. Congratulations on that. Thank you. Hell be sticking around to play games in the orange room and well be streaming that live online this morning. Go to the today show Youtube Channel to catch all the action in a bit. Pewdiepie, did i do it right . Pewdiepie. Pewdiepie. I like it. Sheinelle and pewdiepie, thank you very much. Coming up, star power in stud to the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Not zany enough . Sometimes the best deals fortifying the gravitydefying. Friendconnecting. Dayseizing. Strong. You. New special k nourish. Multigrain flakes with quinoa, apples, new special k nourish. Fortify. All year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. So when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. From electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund. Walmart. With the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Ordinary objects often seemed. Intimidating. Doing something simple. Meant enduring a lot of pain. If ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. Orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. For many, orencia provides longterm relief its helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. Cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. Tell your doctor or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. Orencia may worsen your copd. If youre not getting the relief ask your doctor about orencia. Orencia. See your ra with Storm Team Meterologist kristina montuori. Wednesday snow showers for counties boarding west va. Our counties. Scatt ered flurries for most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 20s friday increasing clouds with highs in the middle 30s. Lateday overnight light snow showers possible saturday morning early afternoon light snow showers possible. Late day clearing with highs in the lower 30s sunday valentines day mostly sunny with highs in the upper 20s and lower 30s monday wintry mix possible with highs in the middle 30s boarding west va. Our west va. Counties. Scatt ered flurries for most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing its 8 00 on today. Coming up, the Granite State has spoken. Thank you, New Hampshire thank you, thank you, New Hampshire thank you. Decisive wins and surprising surges in the New Hampshire primaries. How the results will change the race as the candidates now move on to South Carolina. Then rielles revelations. This is not a frivolous relationship. I mean, we were together for nine years. Were not together, but we still love each other. John edwards former mistress, rielle hunter, speaks out about the scandal that brought down his white house bid, and reveals about what their relationship is like today. Talk to me baby it may be cold outside but the temperature is rising in stud studio 1a. Ryan reynolds is here with the story of an unlikely superhero. Superhero landing. And zoolander 2s leading lady, paenelope cruz, gives us her best blue steel. Shes hot. I trust her. Today, wednesday, february 10th, 2016. Hello im 46 today. Celebrating my birthday at the today show. Its my birthday. Were back at 8 00 on a wednesday morning. Its the 10th of february, 2016. And the inclement weather has arrived in new york city. Is this rain or snow . This is snow. Yeah . Yeah, a mix maybe. Misty. It is a little misty. From the awkward beginning to the all too comfortable stage. We have the ultimate gift guide for any stage of your relationship. That can come in handy. First, lets get the mornings top stories from natalie, who is inside where its nice and warm. Yes, it is. Come back in, guys. In the news, Republican Donald Trump and democrat Bernie Sanders are hoping to build momentum from their wins in New Hampshire on tuesday as the race moves to the south and west. Peter alexander is in South Carolina already for us this morning. Peter, good morning. Hey, natalie, good morning. Its a cold one in South Carolina, but things will heat up quickly. Heres a look at the numbers from overnight in New Hampshire. A record turnout fueling Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton by more than 20 points. On the republican side, donald trump more than doubling up his closest competitor, john kasich. A shot across the bow at both political parties. Both political establishments. Wow, wow, wow. Reporter New Hampshire throwing a wrench into the political machine yet again. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders, idealogical opposites, both leading populous campaigns that, right now, are riding high. Trump speaking out about his big win this morning on today. I said we were going to do anticipated. Its a movement. Country. Country back. Reporter on the democratic side what voters here in New Hampshire confirmed tonight is not short of the beginning of a political revolution. [ applause ] reporter sanders taking a victory lap. While Hillary Clinton seemed to acknowledge shes in more another long battle for the no, maam snags nomination. I have work to do, particularly with young people. I will repeat again [ applause ] supporting me now, i support them. Reporter while trump won New Hampshire by a wide margin, the republican race was also shaken up by the sudden rate of marco rubio who came in fifth, acknowledging his poor debate performance last weekend. Our disappointment tonight is not on you, its on me. Its on me. I did not i did not do well on saturday night. Listen to this, that will never happen again. Reporter stunning rise of Ohio Governor john kasich, coming in second. Maybe, just maybe, we are turning the page on a dark part of american politics. Reporter kasich hoping his strong showing in the Granite State will boost him as the mainstream alternative to trump. By doing as well as we have, i think itll have a lot of people wanting to take a seat at the table. Most of those people arent going for donald trump. Theyre not going there. For republicans, south now ten days away. This state is going to be a war. Donald trump and ted cruz, already battling it out. Not to mention rubio, bush and kasich, who will fight things out here, as well. I flew down to South Carolina with john kasich last night, who acknowledged the challenges he faces going ahead. But says, well just keep plugging. Natalie, back to you. That is the key. Peter alexander, thanks so much. Alaska Airlines Flight from boston to san diego was diverted tuesday night because of what the airline calls an intoxicated passenger who made threats. Other passengers applauded as police removed the man so the flight could continue. An airport spokesman said the incident was a Customer Service issue and no charges were filed. Downtown denver was a sea of orange and blue as an estimated 1 million fans cheered their super bowl champs at the parade. In a fire truck. The biggest supporter, miles the mascot, savoring the moment from his selfpropelled reclining chair. How do you get that job . He deserved it. We want the chair let him relax, recline. Love it. Natalie, thank you very much. For the first time in years, were hearing from a woman who played a major role in the 2008 president ial race. Rielle hunters affair with john edwards ended his white house bid. Now, shes opening up to steve harvey about the scandal and what their relationship is like today. Heres morgan radford. Were you really in love with him at the time . Oh, my god, madly in love. Reporter love, politics, a torrid affair. Rielle hunter, the former mitt tress of john edwards who had a child while his wife elizabeth battled cancer. Here, describing their affair. It was not a frivolous relationship. We were together for nine years. Really . Yes, very much so. Reporter hunter said the two broke up last february, but she and her 9yearold daughter quinceys Edwards Quinn sees edwards all the time. Hes a great dad. How did you go along with it . How was it presented to you, that this is how were going to present this . I thought it was insane. I thought the whole thing was insane. But why i went along with it was i was afraid that my daughter, who was unborn at that time, would not have a dad. I also didnt want to hurt anybody. It was in the middle of a campaign, and i didnt want to be the one to bring down an entire campaign. Reporter edwards didnt my precious quinn. Who i love more than any of you could ever imagine. Reporter edwards quietly accept bratseparated from his wife elizabeth, the mother of his four other children, who would lose her battle with cancer in december 2010. Lets talk about the truth. You took a lot of heat, you know, a lot of people, its hard to forgive. I am really sorry. I really, truly, did not mean to hurt anybody. I wasnt thinking of anybody but myself. I was absolutely wrong. Absolutely. Heres the [ applause ] i want the audience to hear this from a male perspective. She is not married to your man. You are. What a lot of woman do is quick to blame the other woman. The guy, john, has a role in this. Reporter hunter says she stops trying to change peoples opinions. We weathered the storm and we came out the other side with this beautiful child, who is amazing. Moved on. Forgiveness is key. Reporter for today, morgan radford, nbc news, los angeles. Tired of never being able to use your phone when you get a haircut . Heres a solution. On pop start, a new take on the life of donald trump. Wait till you see who is playing the lead role. And spreading the love. What happened when hoda and Jenna Bush Hager pulled off random acts of kindness. I decided to tell the story of our life together. Spoiler alert we live happily ever after. At jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry. The pandora bracelet you had created just for her. And its waiting for you. At jared. A heart attack doesnt care if you run everyday, or if youre young or old. No matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. If youve had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Erin dear freshpet, when i first got max, my main goal was to feed him a quality diet. I decided to give freshpet a try. Dexter theres real chunks of vegetables and chicken in it. Raul and, if the food is in the fridge, you know it has to be fresh. Patrick hes a happy guy when he has his freshpet. Ladies, we dont need all this to talk about lbl. I mean, who pees a little when they laugh . Get 3 in 1 protection for dryness, comfort, and odor control. And unlike period pads, poise thin shape pads have thin flex technology. Poise makes my life easier. Seize your poise moment at poise. Com. So i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated. So i get a better clean. Voted 2016 product of the year. If its got to be clean, its got to be tide. Look forward to your skins future. With lancomes visionnaire multicorrecting cream. With patented lr2412 and hyaluronic acid in a luxurious cream. See visible correction of wrinkles, pores and skin texture. Feel soft, supple skin. Visionnaire cream. Now discover a visibly nourishing gelinoil night treatment. Visionnaire nuit. By lancome. Receive a free gift. Only at macys. Your skincare destination. The citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. Earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back d\j vu. The citi double cash card. With 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Were back now. 8 13. Good time for whats trending today. First up, question, would you buy a ticket on this ship . Theres buzz this morning about a new ship set to sail in 2018. Its called, titanic 2. Oh. Yeah, as in that titanic. Here it is. It will be an exact replica of the doomed ocean liner that sunk its voyage will be from china to dubai. Itll be 13 feet wider than the original. Itll accommodate 2,400 passengers and have enough lifeboats for everybody on board. Yikes. Some people find the idea unsettling. When will it sail . Two years from now. Ill go. I volumenteer . Youd go on the s. S. Bad karma . I would. Stand on the bow of the ship. Queen of the world i hope that works out for you. China to dubai, are there glacial formations . I dont know. How do you celebrate valentines day in your house . Big deal, not a big deal . Not a big deal. Its never a big deal. What was that . Having fun. Im usually in bed by 9 00 is the reality. That is really weird. There is a myth that for single people, valentines day is hard and theyd rather stay home and be alone. Actually, not so, according to a new survey from open table. I have a feeling its a restaurant survey. Yeah. 42 of single people say they look forward to dining out in celebration of valentines day. Another 59 say they dont mind seeing couples engage in pda, or at natalies house, da, da, da. Bow chicka bow wow. They dont mind pda at tables in a restaurant. You prudes, youre just jealous. Do it one more time. Thats okay. Remember a few week ago, we were talking about, there are a lot of people who hate having to make small talk with their hair stylists at the salon . Allows you to text in peace. Its called the icape. We have one here. Lets demonstrate. Looks like the cape you wear at the salon, except it has this nice, handy window. See . You can put your phone and text and be antisocial while getting your haircut. You know what else you can do . That, that, nah, nah, nah. I gave you a good line. I dont get the point. You can protect your phone. Id go like this and the hair falls on it. Okay. And you can wear it backwards and take off like a superhero. Exactly. Little risque backwards, too. Now to the donald trump biopic. A new movie about the life of donald trump. It comes from the folks at funny or die. Youll never guess the alist star who plays the donald himself. Just a reminder, your meeting with the family about that shipment tomorrow at 9 00. Robert durst would put the thing in the thing and said youd know what he means. The actress in overdrive is martha. You have a meeting at noon and youre no longer a registered democrat. Is that it . Yes, sir. Did you guess who that is . No. Believe it or not, johnny depp. By the voice. Taking the lead in this spoof film to look like a 1980s tv movie of the week. This project was kept secret for months and released to coincide with mr. Trumps New Hampshire victory. Wow. Next, the real tv event fans have been waiting for. Fuller house. On tuesday, netflix finally before we eat, i have something very important to say, okay . We all still look good. La, la, la lets call michelle. Its 5 00 in the morning in new york. Voicemail. Youve got it, dude michelle, of course, a reference to the character played by the olsen twins. The question that keeps coming up, will they come back . On ellens show, the stars of fuller house said the door is always open for them to return. Finally, get ready, its back. Let it go, let it go i am one with the wind and sky just when we finally got let it go out of our heads, theres big news. A musical adaptation about the film is coming to broadway. You have some time to prepare. It wont happen until spring 2018. Keep going. Frozen is the highest grossing earning 1. 3 billion worldwide. You know the last part . The cold never bothered me anyway i came into work at 4 30 one morning and blasting out of his dressing room was let it go. In there by yourself, having a ball. Then i went, nah, nah, nah. Natalie was like, joe, is that you . Thank you very much. Mr. Roker, give us a check of the weather. Man, that was a good pop start and trending. Anyway, weve got cold air. Speaking of frozen, look at the temperatures. Feels like 2 in louisville. 27 in jacksonville. 12 in springfield. By saturday, these are high temperatures. 8 in cleveland and green bay. 21 in washington. And the cold air really sets in sunday morning. We could set records in boston, new york city and washington and roanoke. Out west, itll be hot. Temperatures in the 80s. Anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Thats your latest weather. Announcer show heart today is brought to you by quaker. Off you go. Nothing can bring us down now our special series, show heart today. Were spreading the love ahead of valentines day all across normally, we keep hoda and Jenna Bush Hager apart, but this morning, theyre together to have a good time. We are. We dont know how this happened. Its happened to a lot of us, and it means so much. Someone does something unexpected, kind and thoughtful, and it makes your day, doesnt it . It sure does. We decided to make all the moments happen all over new york city. Today is going to be an awesome day. I cant wait. We have a plan. What is it . Our plan is, were going to go up to random new yorkers and show them random acts of kindness. I cant wait. Anybody. Just walk up. Hug strangers. They may not like it, but were . Who cares reporter its dawn in new york city. New yorkers are heading to work. Its time to spread the love. New yorkers love their coffee and were going to provide as many as possible. Free cups. Reporter first stop, sixth avenue. What do you want . Large, no sugar. How much is it . 1. 50 . Awesome. What do you get . Today, its free. Are you wondering why were doing this . Im on a show. No, were just a random act. We put a smile on your face . Yes. Thats what we were hoping to do. Reporter after fascaffeinating midtown, we head east. Were going to comp peoples rides to work. Round trip ticket have a good day at work. Hey, baby do you want a free ride home from work . Awesome. Happy day. Highfive. I just moved here to new york. You did . By the way, this is what happens every day in new york. Im blown away. Youre nicer than san francisco. I dont know that but theres nice people everywhere. Hug . Yay, awesome. Everyone, dont you love a free ticket . Spread kindness. Happy day. Lean in. Bye, everybody reporter its time to head north to our lady queen of Angels School in harlem. Here we are. Our kindness tour brought us here. Next stop, cute kids. Come on. Were here hi. Hi. Hi, guys. Who likes to read . Raise your hand if you like to read. Who wants their own cool book . Who wants to be happy . Because im happy reporter happy to take home a book of their very own. Thank you, sweet girl. You made my day. What is happening . Group hug get over here. This is the biggest hug weve ever had. Say Cheddar Cheese reporter the biggest hug, the sweetest smiles from new friends. Finally, new york presbyterian hospital. This could be my favorite were going to go and give thanks to people who do some really great work. Cant wait. I cant either. Reporter lunch is set up in a secret location. Nurses in the pediatric unit gather for what they think is a staff meeting. Hi hi, guys. Oh, my gosh. Hi how are you . Jenna and i wanted to come and say thank you. Thank you, guys, so much. You work so hard all the time. Reporter for the nurses here today, there is such a thing as a free lunch. We wish it was you get a car, you get a car. But instead, you get a sandwich, you get a sandwich. Thank you, all, for everything you do. I cant believe how nice it is. Im going to do the biggest selfie youve ever seen. Reporter as if our day couldnt get better, as we were leaving. Do we have good news. Reporter in walks an im cancer free. [ applause ] the only person who is probably happier than him is you, mow. Im mow. Im happy for your family. He couldnt wait to share his surprise to the nurses who are like family. You didnt hear . Amazing reporter it is without a doubt the most precious gift of all. Two santa clauss. It is a gift to give. It looked aggressive. People are like, who are these girls and what do they want . Why are they running . The picture of you hold megaby themega by the neck set the tone. Tomorrow, were doing little romance and talking to couples who have been together more than 50 years. Well talk with them tomorrow. Adorable. Coming up, ryan good morning. The time is. Youre looking live at the roanoke blacksburg Regional Airport from our skycam. Topping our news today. Candidates for roanoke city council. And the mayoral race are preparing today. Ahead of a Candidate Forum tomorrow night. Its an opportunity to hear from all of the candidates at one time and get your questions answered ahead of the upcoming election. Right now. There are nine candidates vying for two open city council seats. And two candidates, are both running for mayor. Several candidates say they want to provide more Job Opportunities for people in the area. They want to throw their hats in the ring and bring their issues to the front and to the forum to make the city and region an even better place the Candidate Forum kicks off at six thirty with the city council. Lets check in with Storm Team Meterologist kristina montuori. Wednesday snow showers for counties boarding west va. Our west va. Counties. Scatt ered flurries for most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 20s friday increasing clouds with highs in the middle 30s. Lateday overnight 8 30 now on wednesday morning. 10th of february, 2016. We make our way out to the plaza this morning. Little bit wet. Little bit misty. Spitting on us a little bit. We say good morning to all the nice folks who have come out here. Hi, everybody. You know what weve got . A week of fabulous stars. Yeah. It rolls on today. Penelope cruz is here. Made a big splash at the premiere of zoolander 2 last night. Well talk to her about her role in the movie. Little something for the ladies, as well. Ryan reynolds, star of deadpool, is here to talk about the role, fatherhood, and a lot of him. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, a young man dominating the Country Music charts. Thomas rhett is here to perform the hit that launched him to fame. First, a check of the weather. Has it turned to snow . Well be looking at that throughout the great lakes and the northeast today. Light snow. No big deal. Though around the great laktes, itll be heavy. Showers, sunshine and warm for the west coast. Tomorrow, the lakeeffect snow gets windier and snowier. We could have a foot of snow in areas like upstate new york. Heavy rain in the pacific northwest. Southern tier states looking good, though chilly air is making its way to the great the country. Got a birthday greeting here. Whats your name . Bailey. From memphis. Yes, sir. Happy birthday. Thank you. Lets head back inside to matt. Al, thank you very much. From comedy to drama to action, Ryan Reynolds is one of hollywoods most versatile leading men. Hes proving it once again in his new movie, deadpool. Good to see you. Good morning, matt. Nice to be here. Its an rrated movie. Rrated, xmen, marvel thing. Earns every moment. It does and it should. Get maidde for 11 years. Way. It surprised me it took so long to get the movie made. I watched it yesterday, and i loved it. Is it the fact that its a superhero movie that kids cant see . Is that what took so long . I think so. I mean, look, im not running for parent of the year, but i mean, when i was a kid, my dad took me to rated r movies all the time and im fine, i think. But, look, yes, in order for deadpool to be done the right way, it had to be this way. It was a difficult decision for the studio and i understand the decision. But theyre thrilled with it. Based on a Marvel Comics character, describe deadpool. Hes a funny, odd character and goes into an Experimental Program where they torture him stupid. He comes out dispicture edkdisfigured. Really unhinged and breaks the fourth wall, dresses saddresses the audience directly in the film, makes fun of Ryan Reynolds. So since were talking about a superhero, one of the big debates we have in our studio all the time, is if you could have a superhero power, what would it be . Savannah wants to be able to eat as many calories without gaining weight. Boring. Mine is xray vision. What is yours . I would love to be able to, on demand, reenact any 80s music video in slow motion. These dreams thats all i got. Any other 80s movies you love . Theyre all awesome, right . Just call me angel, morning angel actually, thats in our movie, opening credits, because its one of my favorites. 90s for me. Snoop are you a thriller guy . Isnt it ironic, dont you think right . One of this ill end this. Thank, god. One of the superpowers you have is the ability to change diapers. Oh, yeah. How is life at home . Its great, man. I had one of those rare mornings where my daughter was just didnt want me to leave. It was only because my wife was asleep. But it was like, you dont want to go. It kills you. Shes a little over a year now. What would your wife, blake, say is your strongest suit as a i need to stop traveling around promoting deadpool. Ive been in 15 countries in three weeks. I get to go home tomorrow, where im excited about. Theyre with me in the city now. The strong suit, i would say, you know, i always do the dirty work. Im happy to do the dirty work. So does she, but i love getting up in the middle of the night. Im fine with that. On the scale of 1 to 10, how cool was it to be in a Super Bowl Ad . Everybody dreams of that. It was pretty nuts, man. It was like it was really weird. We were watching the super bowl and my daughter saw it and recognized it. There were 12 of me. To her, it was 24 useless boobs, not impressed. Hyundai, right . Yeah. I see you more as a go, daddy guy. We shot that in one day, did about 12 different mes. It was cool. Deadpool coming out in time perfect first date movie. Perfect. Youll never forget it. Ryan reynolds, thank you very much. Always a pleasure. In our next half hour, some of his deadpool costars. The movie opens friday. Next up, Penelope Cruz is in first, this is today on nbc. Were back at 8 39 with oscar winner Penelope Cruz. In zoolander 2 she plays a special agent trying to find out why stars are dropping like flies. Naturally, she turns to Derek Zoolander for help. Take a look. Derek zoolander . Yes. Valentina, interpol. Fashion police, were clean. Harass somebody else. Besides, im out of fashion. It has to do with the death of justin bieber. His death is not my problem. I can use the database of interpol to help you find your son. If you help me. Penelope cruz, good morning. Good morning. Was that as much fun as it looks like . A little more. It was incredible, to be with all of them. You know, owen and ben, they have a i have all the scenes with them and theyve known each other so long. Theyve made like seven movies together and never stop improvising. I had to be the serious one of the group. I heard you were a huge fan of the first movie. Yes, i was. I saw it more than five times. I knew all the dialogue. I was really happy to know they were going to do the sequel. Ben stiller says he wrote this part with one person in mind. It had to be you. Yeah. I mean, thats got to be exciting. So excited. I have done more comedy in my but not so much in america. Only the work with woody allen and a little more. I felt like he was giving me a great opportunity. Can you reenact the phone call, when ben called you and said, its zoozoolander . I was buying diapers in a supermarket in south africa. He gave me the news. I was so excited that he was going to do a sequel. Then he told me he was writing with me in mind. I love the character. She seems like the normal one, like the smart one of the group. Little by little, you discover that shes a freak like them. She has to have a little freak in her because she finds herself having feelings for derek. What do you think she sees in derek . Thats the thing, she has this connection with Derek Zoolander. Well, lets not say what happens later, but they do have a connection. Yes, they do. The premiere was last night. I have to show the video from it. You guys walk down the catwalk in character. You see it there. There you are. Theres derek. Was that fun . It was fun. It was hilarious. I got off the plane from europe and didnt know where i was. I got there, running, put on this outfit. There i was with derek, mugatu and hansel. And 20 top models. I said yes because i had the protection of my character and i was with the boys. It didnt matter if i fell on the floor, if i didnt do it right, it didnt matter. I had that protection. Otherwise, i wouldnt have said yes. I read something funny you said, that it was cool to get to dress up to the nines in valentina. In your movies, your character has been in crisis, down on the luck. I try to leave my ego at home and give the character whatever they need. The character will speak to you the right shoes, everything. In this case, she had to look really cool. Thats fun. Couple items i heard. Tell me if this is true. I read you like to cut hair and youre really good at it. Yeah, my mother is a hairdresser. I spent a couple hours a day in a hair salon, which was like being a spy in a psychiatrists office. Women were sharing their deepest secrets. Like being a bartender or something. It was the best acting school for me. I heard you were lonely when you first moved to l. A. , that youd get stray cats and bring them into your apartment, true . To other peoples apartments. I would get cats and dogs from everywhere and then give it to friends. Even if they dont want them. Lastly, i dont know how to feel about this. I think you said it, despite what you look like, youve said you have ugly feet. No, no, no. I havent said that. Im okay with my feet. Okay, good. You were a dancer . When youre a ballet dancer, you lose your toenails. You throw them away and dont feel it anymore. Thats what i meant. Okay. Im okay. Your feet are pretty, okay. I dont know if theyre pretty. Theyre normal. Well leave it at that. Penelope cruz, what a pleasure. Zoolander 2 opens nationwide on friday. Up next, the ultimate valentines day gift guide. Whether you just started dating or youve been married for first, this is today on nbc. Were back at 8 46. We have a special valentines day edition of stuff we love. This morning, gift ideas for every couple. We have the lifestyle editor of guilt. Com. Good morning to you. Good morning. Every stage of the relationship yes, something for everyone. First, if youre in like or it can be tricky. If its too new for the necklace or ring, try a broach. Wear them in groups together. These come in a set starting at 24. If youre taking it to the next level, these gorgeous necklaces are the perfect gift. From bluetureeny, which is a store in new york. Nice to get a piece of jewelry but not too serious. These are great charms to give your valentine the moon, stars or sun. Starting at 50. Whats the next step of the relationship . For the longdistance relationship. We have the longdistance love mug. Theyre from, t etsy. Theyll personal liezize the state and city of your longdistance love. Thats not a long distance, lets be honest. 22. Very cute. Next up, for the newlywed, how about a box of roses . Wow. These arent just any roses. Theyre really innovative from luxebloom. Com. They last 60 days, no water needed. No upkeep. Youll find them in the finest hotels all over the country. Theyre real . Theyre real. Its a great way, starting at 32, to give roses with staying power. Beautiful. For the newlywed or bacon lover, we have a fantastic grouping here. First, we have the 50 shades of bacon cookbook. Enough said. Get that for roker. Also, we have sir Francis Bacon peanut brittle. Chocolate, bacon and peanut brittle. This is true love. It really is. This is delicious. Peanut brittle. Com. 16. Cute one. Next up, for the gal in your life. Why not a little bit of sequence, savannah . These are sequence heart market totes. Made in morocco. They start at 56 for the little one. So fun. I mean, day wear. I love it. A lot of times you want to hang out with girlfriends on valentines day. And you want to sparkle. Next, if youre hitting double digits, for the longterm relationship, this is the, we first met here jigsaw puzzle. Theyll see the puzzle of the exact location where you met. I love that. How cute is that . This is my simply personalized. Com. 39. So cute. The piece is missing, of course. Saved the best for last. For a new mom valentine. New mom or dad. This is shareece and her little boy. Works here at the today show. How can we get cuter . They start at 19. Its at amazon. What a sight for sore eyes. So good to see you. Holding the head up so strong. If you are still on the hunt for the perfect present, head to todays style Facebook Page. Well help solve any Valentines Gift dilemma you have. Up next, a Live Performance first, this is today on nbc. The citi Concert Series on today is presented by citi. 2016 is off to an impressive start for thomas rhett. Were pretending hes not standing right next to us. Hes nominated for three acm awards and 21 two iheart awards. His single die a happy man, fifth consecutive number one. 13th week atop the billboard hot country song charts. Its on tangled up. Hes going to play it for us yeah, man. Baby, last night was hands down one of the best nights that ive had no doubt between the bottle of wine and the look in your eyes and the marvin gaye then we danced in the dark under september stars in the pouring rain and i know that i cant ever tell you enough that all i need in this life is your crazy love if i never get to see the Northern Lights or if i never get to see the eiffel tower at night oh, if all i got is your hand in my hand man baby that red dress brings me to my knees oh, but that black dress makes it hard to breathe youre a saint, youre a goddess, the cutest, the hottest, the masterpiece its too good to be true, Nothing Better than you in my wildest dreams i know that i cant ever tell you enough that all i need in this life is your crazy love if i never get to see the Northern Lights, or if i never get to see the eiffel tower at night happy man you know i could, yeah i dont need no vacation, no fancy destination baby, youre my great escape we could stay at home, listen to the radio or dance around the fireplace if i never get to build my mansion in georgia, or drive a sports car up the coast of california oh, if all i got is your hand in my hand baby, i could die a happy man oh, i could die a happy man you know i could i could die, i could diegood morning. The time is. Youre looking live at Roanoke County from our Poor Mountain topping our news today. Attorney general mark herring. Along with federal. State and local Law Enforcement agencies are cracking down on virginias heroin epidemic. Herring announced plans tuesday specifically for the tidewater region where hes assigned a prosecutor to work with the Us Attorneys Office to focus on high priority cases. He says the issue spans across the entire state noting 728 virginians died in 2014 from heroin and Prescription Drug overdoses. Lets check in with Storm Team Meterologist kristina wednesday snow showers for counties boarding west va. Our west va. Counties. Scatt ered flurries for most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 20s friday increasing clouds with highs in the middle 30s. Lateday overnight jennas morning jam, smooth sail sailin. I like it. Hell be performing here on march 9th. Want to go . Yes, i want to go. I think so. I would let you . Youve let me in before. This is going to be huge. How huge . So huge. Donald or bernie would say, okay . Huge because . We have Ryan Reynolds and the incredible cast of deadpool. Which is unbelievably funny. And so inappropriate. Its bad, right . Do not take your children. Its not your typical superhero marvel comic movie. And we have Forest Whitaker. And thomas rhett. This is so huge. Huge. You know who had a huge night last night . Well go to willie and tamron who are in manchester for us this morning. Hey, guys. Good morning. Were missing a big one. Ryan, Forest Whitaker. Well keep them company. Dont worry. We basically got queens versus brooklyn. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders. Is that a subway series . Could be. As youve heard, donald trump won on the republican side with 35 of the vote in New Hampshire. John kasich coming in an impressive second place at 16 . Ted cruz at 12 . It went down from there. Jeb bush on the list, marco rubio, as well. I think the fact that donald trump matched the polling is what a lot of people are looking at. He underperformed in the polls in iowa. He was leading by 20 points in most of the polls leading up and he delivered. He overperformed, and he had under performed in iowa. The official gop front runner spoke last night at his victory party. Heres what he said. We have to thank the candidates because they really read we have some talented people. To be victorious against some of these people, even if its for many weeks, okay . But they really are terrific. New hampshire, i want to thank you. We love you. Were going to be back a lot. Were not going to forget you. You started it. Remember, you started it. Donald trump wins. John kasich is interesting. A lot of people wonder, what happens to second place . Is it one of the four or five guys . John kasich emerged. Does he have the message, the power, resources to go and compete . Marco rubio is another guy people were looking at. He fell to fifth place. Obviously, the debate performance where Chris Christie tore him apart was devastating. He could not recover from that. Saying what Chris Christie referred to, 20second memorized speech. Going back to kasich, i was at his headquarters last night and willie and i were talking. The message john kasich is presenting is polar opposite to trump. The tell it like it is. Needs to in the trump arena. John kasich is saying, negative politics is old school. Its what he said last night. A lot of his supporters, they broke out into cheers on this second place. It means, of course, they live to fight another day in South Carolina. Of all the fights weve seen on the republican side, we havent really seen trump and kasich go at it. I interviewed trump this morning and asked him about john kasich. You started to see the early signs. He said, well, he got lucky. The state of ohio, theyve done well, struck oil there. Hes shaping, how do i go after this guy who came in second . Chris christie, governor of new jersey, finished a disappointing sixth. He invested so much in the state. Instead of heading to South Carolina, as he planned, hes back in new jersey this morning, assessing his campaign. He spent more than 70 days campaigning in New Hampshire. As i said, came in sixth place. After criticizing rubio so hard, many are saying, how is it he essentially took out rubio, but his own campaign at the same time. Well see if Chris Christie can lift to fight another day. Projected winner for the democratic race, Bernie Sanders. A little color here, Bernie Sanders before this was announced, playing basketball with his grandchildren. This is how he was shaking off the nerves. As you know, back in new york, he was always a favorite to win here. But this gap, i believe they said, is pretty historic. Its the largest gap between two candidates on the democratic side. After the polls, Bernie Sanders rallied his supporters. Heres a little of what he said. Together, we have sent the message that well echo from wall street to washington, from [ applause ] and that is that the government of our great country belongs to all of the people and not just a handful of wealthy Campaign Contributors and their super pacs. So Bernie Sanders winning by 22 points. I think a lot of people we talked to experts even yesterday yeah, hes up 20 points in the polls but theres no way itll be that way on election night. It was. It was 22 points. He won by 11 points among women. Part of Hillary Clintons campaign is she is a historic female candidate. She lost by women overall by double digits. Hillary clinton speaking last night. I know i have work to do, particularly with young people, have said this week [ applause ] even if they are not supporting me now, i support them. Because i know [ applause ] i know ive had a blessed life, but i also know what its like to stumble and fall. Well, thats her message to the young women out there. Well see if there is adjustments to that. Guys, back to new york, it is significant she lost women by 11 . Not just young women. In iowa, we saw her lose handily to young people. We saw the same thing. It is what some are referring to as hillary woman problems. Well see how her campaign adjusts to that moving on. Guys, good job out there. Next key date in politics, South Carolina republican primary and the democratic caucus, both on the 20th. Date we have coming up this weekend. Valentines day. February 14th. We know what natalie is going to do from earlier. Nah, nah, nah. What are you going to do valentines day . Im going to go to bed early. Ill see deadpool. Listen, theres a prediction about valentines day and ghost busters 2. Bill murrays character is talking to a psychic. You had another date in mind. According to my source, the end of the world will be on february 14th in the year 2016. Bummer. Wow. The end of the world . Ill hold my little babies, i guess. Do. How about the kids . Ew. I will have a nice family dinner. Big, big, big thank you for taking it there. Whats your last meal . Rib eye steak, cream spinach, steak fries, apple cobbler and ice cream on top. You had me at the rib eye steak. And bacon. Im hungry. A lot of people have been going to our Facebook Page because weve got todays take Facebook Page. Its day 11 of 25 days of prizes. This prize, especially with the Weather Forecast weve got coming up, is spectacular. Its a fourday, threenight trip to a salamander golf beach and resort. Go to facebook. Com todays take. Like us and register to win. Were going to hit the but topton on the other side of weather to see how much of how many of you like us. Reynolds coming up with his cast of deadpool. Theyre fantastic. Check that out, coming up on todays take. We have snow making its way across the great lakes, into the northeast. Today. Especially throughout the great lakes. Single digits, teens, 20s. 30s into the northeast. Gulf coast looking good. Nice and warm as you make your way into Southern California. 88 in los angeles. Showers and 59. 25 in cleveland. Light snow. 37 in boston. These temperatures are going to oh, ill hit the button now and see where we are. Yesterday, we were at 210,000. Facebook. Com t that is your latest weather. Were all excited about this. Up next, hes one of hollywoods sexiest stars. Well catch up with Ryan Reynolds and the catch of deadpool. Right after this. Yeah othes, ruining them forever. Sweaters stretch into muumuus. And pilled cardigans become pets. But its not you, its the laundry. Protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. With downy fabric conditioner. It not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner. Wash in the wow. Friendconnecting. Dayseizing. Strong. You. New special k nourish. Multigrain flakes with quinoa, apples, almonds and raspberries. New special k nourish. Fortify. Happening now . The perfect brow new brow drama pomade crayon from Maybelline New York. Our 1st creamy, pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. Maybellines new brow drama pomade make it happen Maybelline New York mmmm mmmm. Mmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait what about this guy . This guys. Been through a lot. Dogs bring out the good in us. Pedigree brings out the good in them. There has to be a way. Carry the centimeter, divide by 3. 14 something something something. [ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad and now the name your price tool shows people policy options to help fit their budget. Is that a true story . Yeah people really do save an average of over 500 when they switch. I mean about you inventing it. I invented the story, and isnt that what really matters . It was a big weekend at the box office. Deadpool hitting theaters on friday. Ryan reynolds stars in the former special forces operative, gets turned into a superhero. We have the Love Interest in the film and ed, who plays ajax. The villain who gave deadpool the awful makeover. Oh, yeah. Deadpool. This has been a passion project of yours for 11 years. 11, yes. This is not your typical superhero movie. No, its unorthodox from the opening credits to the very tip tiptop after the credits scene, it was as unusual as it gets. To have a character that lives universe, but also meta aware, there is an ultra violence cut yeah. Its hilarious. Its rated r, plus, plus. Yup. Rating. Not for kids. No, no, no. Although, my 1yearold daughter loved this film. Really . She liked it. Five diapers up. She was into it. Raising her well. We need that early in life. Morena, youre no stranger to the superhero genre, being in goth goth gotham. That was probably a little different though. It was nice to have a Strong Female lead. It was nice to embody her and play somebody who can give it exactly. And t. J. , you are hilarious as his friend, the weasel, bartender. You son of a gun. You did it again there is a scene, i understand, that when you first see him, when he comes back, after the whole whatever happened to his face happened to his face, you couldnt keep it together on set, i hear. I couldnt. He was fine. He was totally in character. I would break out at my own jokes, definitely. Hes a great improviser so we were able to go back and forth and riff the entire time. This is live television, you know, but it was a blast. It really was. You bleeped yourself. Yeah. This is whats real. It was great. Amazing. Youre making us very nervous. Its what i do on tv. We need a bleeping button attach attached. A lot of actors say its fun being the good guy but so much fun playing the bad guy. Its fun when its an interesting character. Whether youre good or bad, if its three dimensional, has arc, you have a director who pushes you to your limits and wants to work with you and make it interesting, then its great. This was a dream role in many ways. Your action sequences are incredible, between the two of you. What did you have to do to get into character . He was incredible. He was like he was incredible. He spent months and months and months training and fighting. He plays the villain. I mean, hes from milwaukee. He has a british accent thats just for the film. You cant have a villain that was, i think, a dedication ive daniel daylewis levels of dedication. Im still doing it. Absolutely. Still into it. Your fight scenes were amazing. I do a lot of my own action stuff. Some of the actions were this. Pour a drink. A bigger drink, take it away. Oh, yeah, yeah. I wasnt able to do this at all. I have a forearm issue. We talked about that. Tennis elbow. From pingpong, table tennis. I get the sense of what it must have been like on set with you guys. My face hurt. I bet. Roker, you son of a dog. I need this job well be back with the cast of deadpool in a game were calling stories from the set. Oh, boy. And our sensors will be ready after these messages. Beep, beep. I drive to the hoop. I drive a racecar. I have a driver. His name is carl. But thats not what we all have in common. We talked to our doctors about treatment xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. You know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. I couldnt have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. I found another way. Yeah, treatment with xarelto. Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. Well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. Make mine an arnold palmer. Same here. With xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto. Lips appear to age faster thanother skin. No worries. Now, theres new chapstick total hydration. Its 100 natural, age defyingformula is clinically proven to providehealthier, more youthful looking lips. Chapstick put your lips first one of the cool perks of this place is you can eat as much cereal as you want. Its like im going to work to get some. Alrighty. We just like cereal. We make it, eat it, love it, live it. laughing at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you come on in. What it cant do. Your calculus homework. What it can do. Make you Peanut Butter happy. Its a whole new kind of joy you get when you bite into a new jif bar made with real jif Peanut Butter. We are back with ryan baccarin and ed skrein. Well play a game called stories from the set. Ill ask a question and youll put up the appropriate picture. I like it. On set, who has the dirtiest mouth . Oh, wow. I thought i had the dirtiest mouth. All right. T. J. , your cast mates say you. Really . I say deadpool, the movie. Youre going for the whole cast. Who forgets to silence their cell phone . I dont know. I dont know if we did that. Nobody. Best ad libber . Ryan and t. J. On this one. Its hard to pick. I dont think i understand how this works. You point at the cameras and get out of the way of this guy. I didnt go in there and i guarantee you. I have deadpool on every panel. Were you ever in his trailer . I wasnt. Absolutely not congealed bacon fat in his dresser. All the furniture is made out of that. Lets stop. You carry on. I have better furniture. Who is best at karaoke . Oh, oh, oh ryan, actually. No, no, no. Careless whispers thing. Im never gonna dance again got no rhythm i only go high. If i go low, the broadcast network shuts you down. They bleep that out. Im the white berry. You meant white . Manalow or yeah. Who has the worst taste in music . Ed has the best. Im going with t. J. I have to go with someone. Ed is a musician. When in doubt, go with t. J. Who did most of their own stunts . Obviously, me. Actually, no, its true. You did every one of your own stunts. Its true. They werent spectacular. Poured several drinks. Roker, you son of a ah youve done it again. Like a bad 70s sitcom. Yeah. Guys, thank you so much. So sorry about this. Deadpool hits theaters on friday. Coming up, the incredible Forest Whitaker when we come back. This mom didnt have time to worry about a cracked windshield. And with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there. Hi, steve with safelite. Thanks for your text i replaced her windshield. And she didnt miss a single shot giving you more time for what matters most. Howd ya do . We won nice that another safelite advantage. Thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you cant beat zero heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Meet the matte with vivid impact. New vivid matte liquid lip color from Maybelline New York. Now lips go vivid with. Super saturated color new sensuous feel drench your lips in vivid matte. Maybellines vivid matte liquid make it happen good morning. The time is. Youre looking live at roanoke from our skycam. Topping our news today. A judge will decide the fate of ashley white the mother of 5 year old noah thomas. Charged with child abuse and neglect. The 5year old was found dead in a septic tank in march. After an hour and a half of consideration. The judge decided last night there was too much prejudice in Pulaski County to give white a fair trial. He said 60 percent of the potential jurors were disqualified. Both sides agreed a bench trial is needed. It starts tomorrow at nine am. The prosecution says holding a jury trial in a different location would likely cost millions of dollars. Lets check in with Storm Team Meterologist kristina montuori. Wednesday snow showers for counties boarding west va. Our west va. For most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 20s friday increasing clouds with highs in the middle 30s. Lateday overnight light snow showers possible saturday morning early possible. Late day clearing headlines. A couple of big auto recalls to tell you about. Ag is recalling more than 840,000 vehicles in the u. S. Because they could have defective driver side air bags made by takata. The recall affects mercedesbenz cars and surksvs from the 2005 to 2014 model years. General motor is recalling nearly 500,000 suvs and trucks because brake pedals could fail. 2016. The brake pedal may become loose, causing it to be loose or inoperative. No reports of injuries or crashes. Airplane seats are getting smaller, it seems, and youre not alone. One member of Congress Wants to do something about it. Steve cohen plans to introduce legislation that would require in recent years, some carriers introduced slimmer seat designs that have allowed them to squeeze more seats on planes. A shopping cart has been a blessing for parents with special needs parents. Target will be the largest chain to offer carolyns cart in most stores. It was designed by an alabama mother who found it hard to control a shopping cart and her daughters wheelchair at the same time. It has a builtin larger safety seat. Its been in use at smaller chains and in other countries from australia to norway. From the big screen to broadway, a musical adaptation of frozen coming to a new york city stage soon. Curtain goes up in spring of 2018. The highest grossing animated film in history, earning nearly 1. 3 billion worldwide. Youll get to hear that song, get that back in your head over and over again. Lets get a check of the weather from al. In summer anyway, were looking today at snow showers across the great lakes on into northern new york. In fact, lakeeffect snow may dump upwards of a foot in syracuse. Toasty in los angeles. High of 88 degrees. Stays warm in the southwest for tomorrow. Heavy rain in the pacific northwest. Light, scattered snow showers. Windy and colder northeast, great lakes to the midatlantic states. Sout facebook. Com todays take. How many people are liking us . 221,000. Dont forghetet, register for our prize today. Trip for two, four days, three nights, in beautiful palm coast, florida. Well have details coming up. Thats your latest weather. Look who youre sitting next to. This is oscar royalty. Forest whitaker, considered one of the finest actors of our time. Best known for his Academy Award winning performance in the last king of scotland. For the first time, forest is taking his talents to the broadway stage in hughie. He plays ss erie smith, a gambler gambler. Good morning. Is this a role youve always wanted to tackle . I wanted to work on stage. I read the play. I had never heard of the play. But i hadnt seen this play. I rarely find someone who has. It was exciting to find the material that was rich and gave me a great opportunity. This is your broadway debut. You are basically on this stage the entire time with just one other actor, for the most part. Frank wood, yeah. The entire time, is that intimidateing intimidating . You have to make sure you get the dialogue down and youre carrying the audience over that hour. Yes, its very frightening. Its new for me. Not to add to the pressure. Im trying to get used to it and understand it. Were in previews now. Its just a second preview, last night. You have to change your voice for this play. Can you give us a little preview, while its in previews, about how you get into character . You know, i guess hes a gambler. When you talk about gambling and stuff, something starts happening. I guess the voice of the character is a little higher a little more quick. His whit is faster than mine. Its an interesting thing to try to find. I was able to do that by doing a Little Research and talking to a couple gamblers. Interesting slang from the 20s. Oh, yes. You have the regular stuff, like the dames dolls, but then you have stuff like lousy with jack, which is like having lots of money. Its interesting. Youre famous for getting into character, the method acting style. I imagine very intimidating characters youve played over the years. What do you like to do to have fun and relax . Normal things. Spend time with family. Just go through the streets, normal things. Nothing special. Youre a texas guy. Yup. Fellow texan. Your daughter, you said, shes a musician. Yeah. Talk to us about watching her perform. South by southwest this year. It was overwhelming for me to see her as shes performing her own music. Her voice is beautiful. Her styling is amazing. I was so proud. You can tell youre a proud father. Yes. And then you have a completely different project coming up. Star wars rogue . I did that right before i came here. It was the scenes already shot . Yeah, its done. Comes out next christmas. The character, i cant talk about it, unfortunately. J. J. Abrams will silence you . Garrett directed this film. Thats right. Its a little edgier. Its a prequel in a way. Forest whitaker, cannot wait to see you on broadway coming up, in previews now. Congrats on your broadway debut. Well catch up with thomas rhett. Whats better than a kiss . How about a giant rice cereal rice. Snap, crackle and pop, baby, right after this. I really, really, really like you being a part of helping people in need is who i am. Working at brookdale for me is not just a job, its a life for me. I love it. I formed many connections with the residents. I feel like i am part of their family and theyre part of mine. 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To love this life is to live it. Naturally. Lots of marketing going on in this aisle. Fancy labels, slick designs; this ones got flowers on it, its pretty. After the stomach flu ravages my home, am i supposed to believe that an ocean breeze is gonna blow it away . No. Please. I know what clean smells like, bleach. The same bleach that knocks down dysentery. And cleans up crime scenes. You want to spend 3 bucks on liquid doubt, be my guest. You want clean, get a cleaner with bleach in it. I am never getting married. Never. Psssssh. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Thank you. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. Breathe. I love it here. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. Valentines day is this weekend. If you are scrambling to get cards and goodie bags for your kids classmates, check this out. We only have a few days so these are completely doable. For the slacker mothers. Theyre kidfriendly. So he is doing a really fun and easy suncatcher project. All you need are these sheet protecters. Cut out a heart. Right. Hes gluing this down with mod podge, which is awesome. Is mod podge the same as glue . You get these beautiful sun catchers. Easy for kids to make. Great project. You suggested go in with the hearts already cut. For this age group, absolutely, cut them out. All right. Good job, ryan. Next, we have bird feeders. This is something i did in my preschool classroom all the time. This is a mixture of birdseed, water, corn syrup. Shell press it hard into molds. You use cookie cutters. When they dry, you get bird feeders. The key is to put a hole in it while its still wet. You can give it to your teachers, friends, or birdie bffs in the backyard. Feed the pigeons in your backyard, natalie, or the squirrel. For older kids, i love these. These can be expensive. We found a pack at the dollar store. Trace our image. She is lacing back and forth. Great fine motor skills. You come up with these laced cards to give to friends. So cute and old school. Very cool. Another noncandy treat for your classroom. These are pencil arrows. Cupid arrows. They were at a store like 1 or 2 a piece. We made ours for 20 cents. Pencil. This is sienna, cutting out the template, the top and bottom, and you can give these to friends and they can use pencils at school. Fun. You having fun . Im interested in what hes making. I love this. Jake is making one of the most fun kid treats. The rice crispie treats. We turned it into a giant kiss by putting it into a funnel. Put as much as you can in there. Shove it down. Spray it well with cooking spray. Add a tag and youre ready to go. Best part, you can eat it sneak a bite. Go ahead, natalie. I wont tell. This is a fun thing to make. Now need strips of paper and a stapler. Two strips of paper together and put it with the side and staple it. Keep going and going and going. You get this great garland. Fantastic. Girls love decorating their rooms. So many to get through. Great ideas. Good job to all our kids. Thanks for helping. Meredith, thanks. Up next, we have the country crooner with a lot of heart who is sitting pretty on top of the charts right now. Thomas rhett is going to be joining us right after this. Baby, i could die a happy man ew in super smart mathematician, maria chudnovsky, to help her. I have a lot of student loan debt. Can i deduct my interest . beep in her case, yes. The amount goes right here. In your case, yes. The amount goes right here. Thanks. Intuit turbotax. Taxes done smarter. Skincare now becomes skinactive. New Garnier Skinactive clearly brighter. The active daily moisturizer with antioxidant vitamin c that smoothes, boosts radiance and protects. See brighter skin in just one week. New clearly brighter from Garnier Skinactive. Everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. Keep it simple. Always be real. Dont be artificial, but always be sweet. Nature valley granola bars. brian im brian. I was in the military for 18 years. But i smoked. And i got heart disease. My tip is, its hard to serve your country when youre too weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. And 500 calories or less. The clean pairings menu. At panera. Food as it should be. More sit per roll. Bounty is two times more absorbent. So one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. So you get more life per roll. Come on duck puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Iams. Helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. So you can always look forward to whats next. To the woman in the mid90s showstopper. Youre right. Its time to set this bird free. Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103. Feelin hungry . How bout a donut . Im hot blooded. Im hot blooded whether its 30years old or 30days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. And then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. Rad. I thought activia wasnt for me. Until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. Over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac cheese. So try the activia two week challenge enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. Try it it works in two weeks or its free. Dannon sfx cell phone vibrates. Yeah . sigh youre okay. Hes okay, he made it jason. What do you mean . We were very bad boys. Alexa whats in the news . Alexa heres the news, alecbaldwin and Jason Schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi. Baldwin threw his shoe at photographers before making arun for it. My poor cashmere socks. Alexa, will you order another pair of brescianis. Reordering bresciani socks. Okay listen. Can you send some lawyers or something . moaning . Alec . Thomas rhett is making Country Music history. His song die a happy man broke taylor swifts record for country air play chart. Well talk to thomas in a moment. First, lets see how it all began. Reporter Country Music is a Family Affair for thomas rhett. Who grew up with a musical influences of his singer songwriter father. To you dont stop, im gonna reporter following in his dads footsteps, he released his debut album it goes like this in 2012. Hey, girl, im far away reporter which led to three charttopping hits. Girl, i got to get me some of that reporter after his own success, thomas cowrote singles for fellow country greats. Including Jason Aldeans 1994 and florida georgia lines round here. Tangled up, climbed to number two and earned him three academy of Country Music award nominations. Falling down reporter thomas rhett is headed across the u. S. With jason aldean on the we were here tour. Taking the country by storm and proving that he is here to stay. Thomas rhett is with us this morning. How good is it to be you, as i rattle off numbers. Die a happy man, 13 weeks at number on on the billboard hot country singles charts. Nominated for 3 acm awards. 2 iheart awards. Im exhausted. Its crazy. Im blown away with what happened. Seems like an eternity but it has been a few short years. We love it, man. We love traveling and playing shows, making new fans and writing good music. I appreciate it. The neat thing is, its not just country, it sounds like theres soul and r b influences in there, as well. There are, man. I grew up with a dad, obviously, that sang Country Music. It was my first love. My first concert was the rolling stones. On the way to school, it was the beatles, aretha franklin, all kinds of music. To sit down and write one thing and put myself in a box like that never really has been my style. We like to make fun tunes. Speaking of love, i watched you perform with your wife, lauren, of nearly four years this morning. She was talking about your shoes. Oh, gosh. You write a lot of your music for her. I do. If the die a happy man. There she is. Hi, lauren. Are you mad at me for bringing you out like this . Ill get over it. Thank you, though. What are you doing for valentines day . Im usually never home, so but well make have dinner on the beach. You already wrote her a song. Its all you have to do. Exactly. Everybody thinks its a free hall pass, but it is not. Nope. You set a high bar for every other man in america. They cant come close. Its one of those things, im so glad a song that was so personal about her life and marriage, pretty much every line is a detail of our life. Im glad it had the success it did. Romantic. Hearts all across america, again, breaking. Thomas rhett, thanks so much. Dont miss his performance with kathie lee and hoda in the next hour. This is today on nbc. Hey, hit the button. How many people are wow all right. What a number. Thats thanks to Ryan Reynolds. Who . Fran drescher. And thomas rhett is going to sing a song. Crash and burn on your hour coming up. How appropriate. Theyve had every hour. Why not . Plus, we have a wine bottle and a glass. Its very impressive. Well explain. That is nothing thats happening. I want this. This is what natalie wants for valentines day. Weather. Good morning. The time is. Youre looking live at the roanoke blacksburg Regional Airport from our skycam. Topping our news today. The American Red Cross is helping a bassett family. After their home was destroyed by a fire. It happened yesterday morning on trenthill drive. Six people were inside at the time. But all got out safely. Several cats and dogs were also inside. One dog died in the fire but the other pets are okay. The fire chief says flamable items too close to the wood stove in the home caught fire. The family is now staying with other family members in the area. Lets check in with Storm Team Meterologist kristina montuori. Va. Our west va. Counties. Scatt ered flurries for most areas. Highs in the lower 30s thursday increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 20s friday increasing clouds with highs in the middle 30s. Lateday overnight light snow showers possible

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