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And mary mary, the grammy winning gospel sisters. Remember that song shackles, thats their song. A good one. We agree for once. If you have not seen any of the best picture nominees movies for the oscars, you are not alone. Yeah this is surprising. And yet people tune into the oscars and dont know whats being honored. They say most people havent even seen one. Most of them . Thats what i read. Havent seen one of the movies. The one thats been seen the most, because of the appeal, i think of tom hanks and we all fall in love with that story, is captain philips, right . They say just specific, twothirds of the people have yet to see one. I dont want to brag or anything, but i saw wolf of wall street and american hustle. So i have seen two. Wow. I am ahead of all those other people. Wow. Up until yesterday, the day before yesterday, i had seen three because i was just going to watch the oscars at home in my jammies. Then i was brought into service to work with al roker on the red carpet this sunday. So i have been doing a marathon watching movies. You have a couple left to go. I have a couple left to go. Ill be getting on a plane after this to go and hopefully a couple of them i can watch on the plane. Otherwise i have screeners from the academy. You have to im terrified of being able to pronounce everybodys name. Chiwetel ejiofor. Chiwetel. Im going to call him chewy. Thats his nickname. Thats what Anthony Mackie told us earlier. Were going to fill out our oscar ballots right now. So heres yours, heres mine. Thank you, hodi. Heres your pen. Okay. Were going to pick are we saying who were picking . No. Why not . Then it is a boring quiet moment. Im picking leonardo dicaprio. Im going with meryl streep. Im going with cate blanchett. Oscar best picture im of course going with philomena which i have not seen. And im going with 12 years a slave which i saw yesterday. Were going to put your three cards in. Three cards . Were going to put them in here and hand them off to alex. Heres the problem with that, i dont trust alex, all right . Not since the day i set my eyes on this guy. Would you trust this face . Look at him. No. Okay. Alex, take these. You going to sleep with that box . Not leaving the studio. See you when you return. See what im saying about him . Not going to end well. Monday while in l. A. And while were doing our live report back and forth, were going to reveal, well open the box and find out well, i have a real solid choice on everything because i havent seen all the movies. I follow the buzz buzz. When i saw and the people winning all the awards, the trend going on. When i saw blue jasmine when it originally came out, blown away by cate blanchett. Shes a great actress and lovely woman. But then two days ago i saw meryl streep and you said i cant remember everything. Its fresh. The last movie that comes out, know what i mean . Thats what i mean. I thought Matthew Mcconaughey was unbelievable, how could anybody be better. Then i saw leonardo dicaprio, and i went, oh, what a then i saw my best friend chewy in 12 years a slave. And that was apparently his official nickname. Ill try to get his name right. You will. This is the official oscar drink. It is a coconut martini. Okay. Ill let you taste test for me. Coconut water, pineapple juice, lime and vodka. You know what . That takes you down to the keys, doesnt it . Okay, you saw not often you see something on youtube you go crazy for. I know. My sister sent me this. She sent me this video and i think it is my favorite ever. Okay. My favorite ever. We have seen children who felt music before, like the babies who brought to tears when the mother sang. But this little girl was destined to be a conductor. Her name is larrea. Her dad sings in the choir. This is in a Baptist Church in kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan . Yeah. Oh, my god. Is that the sweetest that was awesome. Im in awe of that. How old . She looks 3 years old, 3 or 4 years old. That was awesome. Kyrgyzstan. You think you know a country. I think it is so cool we can get video from kyrgyzstan and play it on our show. Did you know women put more effort into looking good for their friends than their partners. Do you think thats true . I think if youve been with your partner for a long time, they stop complimenting you and your friends always go, oh, rl, i like that dress or those earrings, so you spend more time. Bad though in a way, dont you think . Well guys often dont notice. You get your haircut and you walk in and theyre like, hi, theyre, like, hey. I colored it, i did everything, i was in the salon for four hours and your friend goes, oh, my gosh, did you get a trim. It is lighter. Much more detail. The average woman spends 50 minutes getting ready for a girls night out but a lot less spend time getting ready for a date or with, you know. It is deductible for them. We asked our facebook friends to send pictures of what they look like on a girls night out. So brioni sent us a picture of her moms night out. And here is yolanda and patricia with some friends. They say women like to look good for their girlfriends, they get dressed and get their hair done and everything. Were not going to talk about how long men last in bed, huh . We ran out of time. So sad. Theyre not living in the right state. Maybe well bring that to you on monday. All right. We can do it. Okay. We can do it. All right, so heres the deal. If youre wondering sacrifice friday funny one more time. If youre wondering how long men last in bed, there was a survey not talking about sleeping. This is what scientists say, on average, it is between three and 13 minutes. They surveyed ten they surveyed 10,000 men in the app called spread sheets. I dont like the sound of that. Here are the results by state. The shortest endurance times are you know who you are. Vermont. South dakota and alaska. All under two minutes. Okay. You do the ones with the longest. Top three states with the longest endurance time, idaho. Oh, yeah. Potato pickers. They know what theyre doing. West virginia. Wild, wonderful, west virginia. And new mexico. I like that. New york, by the way, was ranked number 23, with three minutes and one second. Thats what kills me. The one second. How do they even who puts a clock on it for goodness sake. All right. You know what its time for . Friday funny. Youve been waiting for this. A man was walking through the supermarket a man was walking through the supermarket with his wife. He got distracted for just a second and his wife vanished. So he wandered a bit, searched up and down the aisles and saw a gorgeous woman shopping. He slowly approached her and said, excuse me, miss, you know, ive lost my wife somewhere here in the supermarket, would you mind talking to me . The woman was a little confused and asked him, why . He said, because every time i talk it a beautiful woman, my wife just appears out of thin air. That was pretty good. That was pretty good. Johnsons baby of the week time, hodi. That time where we announce and celebrate new moms and the adorable new additions to their families. First is davierre arie waresanner born on january 17th in minneapolis, minnesota. His mom says her son is bright and alert and gorgeous baby. The next babies are twins. Greer patterson and collier wood ragone. Born in atlanta, georgia, on january 8th. And their busy mom offered this advice to new parents, dont sweat the small stuff. Shes right. Our next johnsons baby born here in manhattan on january 6th, it is Anthony James sabat. His parents say their son loves to snuggle. And our final johnsons baby of the week is kenzie elaine eakins, born in harpersburg, west virginia, on february 9th. This little girl was so excited to come into the world that she came three weeks early. Her mom says she was the loudest one in the nursery. Congrats to all the babies. Submit your baby to be a johnsons baby of the week, go to klgandhoda. Com. Well show you how to throw an oscar winning party. And our friend and actor Anthony Mackie has something thrilling to tell us about. Save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. D Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. For Digestive Health . Yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways . It supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70 of your immune system lives. Try trubiotics today. Mikes being healthy and chewing like a man. With oneaday vitacraves for men its a gummy multivitamin. 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Feel the pulse of the tree. Good. What was that . It you see anything . No. It was mama. Oh, my god. Mama was there. If you were going to describe this movie, what would be the perfect way . I think it is two great movies in different genres. I think it is eves bayou meets misery and slam them together. A psychological thriller. A lot of different plot points and turns and differences between the two characters that combine. Forest whitaker you have almost every scene together but it gets brutal. Yeah. I saw the trailer. Yeah. The trailer. Forest whitaker isnt that all you need . You got to check it out. Go on a date. Take the hubby, go on the date. I have three movies to see for the oscars. Thats so 2008. This was shot in your home in new orleans, yes, yes. Shot on the north shore, right outside of slidell and coventon and had the opportunity for first time to go home every day after work. Im, like, man, that is huge. One we to get fat you go home every day after work. What did they cook for you . I had the opportunity to cook everything i wanted. Like, i have a big family. So i would go from house to house to house every night. And they fed you. Oh, man. Like what . You know, stuffed crabs or gumbo or just, you know, my family, we do games, so, you know. Game . Like fowl. In our community, rabbit, squirrels, stuff like that. You eat thumper. All day. And bambi. Some oil, some flour and some onion, ill saute anything. Youre not going to the oscars. You say youre going to be at grand isle fishing. I have a fishing camp outside of new orleans. Is that what you do most of the time . Is that the perfect way to come off a film yeah. Get real again. Go out in the swamp and chill out, catch some fish, walk inside and cook them. As an oscar veteran as you are, when you look at the films that are out there, what strikes you . What do you like . I have to say i thought cate blanchetts performance was dynamic because she took she took a character that none of us should like and endeared her to all of us. And i thought that was that is something as an actor that is really hard to do. What did you think of Matthew Mcconaughey in Dallas Buyers Club. What matthew did as an actor i felt is kind of underappreciated because of the amount of weight he lost. I think his performance is great. Hes reminding us of who he actually is and thats a great actor. He can leave his shirt on and make us want to see the movie. I think we got lost in that for a while. And Dallas Buyers Club is the beginning of the resurgence. Hes great in that one scene in wolf of wall street. You watch the tv show, great detectives, hes great on that too. You have a show coming out . American el capitano. Youre the falcon. I am a flying check this out. Thats not me. No. Wait, no. That was thats sam jackson. You might think thats me. Thats sam jackson. That was not me. But, yes. Were excited for you. We adore you. Thank you so much. Dont let them push you around on the carpet. Let them know whos boss. Who . Al roker . Take him down. You need one of those little light kiosk things, those big rooms. What are those called . The room thing. The kiosk thing. Yeah, the kiosk thing. Lights, actors are like moths, we go to lights. Whitney way thore and her no body Shame Campaign will make you want to get up and dance. And get ready to whip your hair back and forth. Bobbie has all the hair buzz after this. [ male announcer ] its 7am and steve is already thinking about tomorrow. Which is why hes investing in his heart health by eating kelloggs raisin bran®. Not only is kelloggs raisin bran® heart healthy its a delicious source of potassium. Mom make you eat that . I happen to like raisins. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health. Now thats what im talkin about. With kelloggs raisin bran®. 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