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make him the most decorated olympian of all time. our in-depth with the superstar olympian of all time. our in-depth with the superstar tuesday june 26th, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and ann curry, live from studio 1, a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome today on this tuesday morning. i'm ann curry. >> i'm matt lauer. you know the expression at a snail's pace when something is moving slowly. that is how tropical storm debby is moving as she wreaks havoc in northern florida. >> some areas have already been hit by a foot of rain. another foot expected over the next few days. florida's governor declared a state of emergency and al is going to have the latest in all of this coming up straight ahead this morning. >> also ahead the georgia woman fighting flesh eating bacteria has reached a major milestone in her recovery. this as we see the very first photo of her since this ordeal started. we'll have more on that story coming up. >> nice to see her smiling in that photograph as well. the 13-year-old girl who remained calm in the face of a frightening situation. she was watching her younger brother when a group of teenagers broke into their home. what she did next helped police catch them in the act. we'll share her bravery. her story coming up. we'll begin with tropical storm debby hovering off the panhandle. al roker upstairs tracking this storm. what can you tell us? >> this thing is going nowhere fast, 85 miles west of cedar key, florida. if you remember yesterday it looked like it was going to move north, not the case. moving east now. tropical storm warnings from mexico beach to englewood, florida will the track of the system brings it late tomorrow night into early thursday morning on shore, becomes a tropical depression, back out into the atlantic as a tropical storm and offshore. here is the problem, why it's moving so slowly and getting itself together. weak currents, upper level high. another high out over the caribbean. there's nothing really to kick this thing out. that's the big problem. the rain just keeps falling and falling and falling. we're going to be looking at another 15 inches of rain northern florida on into southeastern georgia, but anywhere from three to five inches all the way down to miami. that's why we have flash flood watches and warnings in effect from daytona beach up into jacksonville and southeastern georgia through tomorrow. this is going to be a slow mover. we'll be talking about this for at least another 48 hours. ann. >> all right, al. thank you so much for reporting on this story. now we want to turn to a "today" exclusive tied to the jerry sandusky case. nbc news has obtained an audio recording of a police interview with adopted son matt as he describes how he was alleged by abused by his father. we should warn you this conversation is graphic at times. nbc national correspondent michael isikoff has more on this story. michael, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. for years jerry sandusky's adopted son matt publicly stood by his father. but four days into his trial matt sandusky secretly met with police and told a disturbing story on tape. jerry sandusky's adopted son matt, in his own words, describes for the first time how he says he was molested with the father. >> the showering, hugging, rubbing, talking to me, the way he spoke. >> reporter: nbc news has exclusively obtained a 29 minute tape recorded by police detectives the week before jerry sandusky's conviction. at the time they were preparing sandusky's son to testify as the surprise prosecution witness at his adopted father's trial. matt sandusky told police he was repeatedly molested and would try to avoid being touched, sometimes hiding in a fetal position when his father entered his bedroom. >> if you were pretending you were asleep and you were touched or rubbed in some way you could just act like you were rolling over in your sleep so you could change positions. >> reporter: matt met jerry sandusky at second mile and told police he was off and on molested from 8 to 15. like many other second mile boys he began staying overnight at the sandusky household. jerry and dottie became his adopted parents and adopted him at age 18. >> and when you were staying at your house -- >> reporter: matt sandusky told police he would try to escape from the sandusky house, one night fleeing barefoot to hide in his grandfather's basement. he also said he tried to commit suicide. >> i know i really wanted to die at that point in time. >> reporter: sandusky told police he's been seeing the therapist and memories of the abuse are just now coming back. >> and you said at the beginning of our interview last night that things happened to you but there was no -- that you can recall, there was no penetration or oral sex. is that correct? >> yes. as of this time, i don't recall that. >> reporter: after years of denying that he had been abused, including to a grand jury, matt sandusky told police he was coming forward now so his family would know what really happened. >> so they can really have closure and see what the truth actually is. and just to right the wrong, honestly, of going to the grand jury and lying. >> reporter: sandusky's offer to testify was a crucial turning point in his father's trial. when jerry learned his son had turned on himmish he was crushed and it kept him off the witness stand according to his lawyer. >> when jerry heard that initially, he was very upset. i can tell you that the next day when we were preparing, that was the most despondent i had seen him. >> reporter: defense lawyers told nbc news they were prepared to attack matt sandusky's credibility. >> do we believe what matt sandusky had to say? absolutely not. >> reporter: he was the first to visit him in jail and described his client as defiant. >> he is not a beaten man. he's pacing his cell, held in solitary confinement, wanting to get out, get his story out and defend himself. i don't think jerry feels he has anything to feel sorry for. at this point he maintains his innocence adamantly. in a statement to nbc news, matt sandusky's lawyer said this tape indicates his tremendous courage and strength coming forward with police despite what they called extraordinary pressure to support his father. ann. >> michael is zoff with some important reporting this morning. thank you so much. it is 7:07. here is matt. >> both republicans and democrats are claiming victory this morning, the dispute over state crackdowns on illegal immigration, this after monday's split supreme court decision on a controversial law in arizona. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams has details. good morning. >> matt, good morning to you. the supreme court declared three parts of the arizona law unconstitutional and it upheld a fourth. in doing that, it put the state on notice that enforcing that provision could cross the line if police are too aggressive. it's a narrow victory for arizona, a state that touched off local crackdowns around the country on illegal immigration. the court unanimously upheld the most controversial part of the law, one that requires police making arrests or traffic stops to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being here illegally. >> arizona and every other state's inherent authority to protect and defend its people has been upheld. >> reporter: but in a 5-3 ruling the court struck down other major parts of the law. justice elena keagan who worked on the issue before coming to the court say this out. it made it illegal to look for work, would let police arrest anyone they suspected of being here illegally. the court had a warning for arizona about the part of the law it upheld, that if police detained people too long to check their immigration status or used the law as an excuse for rounding up suspected illegal immigrants, that might cross the line at what's constitutional. opponents of the law said even that limited ruling could encourage states to pick on people merely because of their race. >> this is not simply about undocumented immigrants. this is about every single person that looks foreign, it is about skin color, speaking with an accent, not speaking english. >> reporter: still to come the most widely anticipated issue of the term, the issue that set off intense protest. the court will say whether the obama administration's health care law is constitutional or goes too far by requiring that all americans get health insurance. >> this is probably going to be the most important supreme court case of the last 80 years. the constitutional issue is the very basic one of how much power does congress have to pass laws. >> reporter: there's no way to predict how the court will rule on the health care law. we can say one thing for certain, we'll get that ruling thursday morning. >> all right. pete williams, thank you very much. noah feldman, professor, and columnist. chuck todd political director at the white house. let me start with you, in the 20 hours since this ruling came down at the supreme court, both sides claimed some victory. a lot of political spin here. who won? you've been following the case from the very beginning. >> reporter: the obama administration won a victory in that most of the law was, in fact, struck down. but arizona won a victory, too, in that the supreme court said they can require police officers to check immigration status once you've already been arrested provided they don't hold you for any longer than they would hold you for arrest in the first place. it's a kind of compromised verdict for the court. >> it's confusing to a lot of people. because this idea that a police officer can actually ask someone for papers if they believe that person is here i will laically after they arrest them or stop them sounds like the victory. but then they said, wait a minute, this is something that could be unconstitutional if it's taken too far. >> the president-elect more or less gave a road map indirectly to the police. they said when you pick somebody up for jaywalking, you can't really hold them any longer than you ordinarily would on jaywalking charge just to check immigration status. on the other hand if they arrest you for drunk driving and hold you, then they can check your immigration status or could do it after released. then the court reached out further and said this does not mean if there's racial discrimination in the future they can't be -- a law can't be attacked on those grounds. they said the law hadn't been tried yet. they are going to take arizona's word for it, that they can do it without profiling. >> i asked to take politics out of it. you can place it back in. what affect will this ruling this in terms of the upcoming election. >> in short, look at the body language of the campaign. any day the romney campaign isn't talking about the economy, it's a lost day. under those circumstances, it was a lost day. a continuation of what's been a rough ten days of romney trying to walk the fine line on immigration. meanwhile look at the obama campaign. to be completely crass about this, in talking to some democrats they would argue politically, when it comes to fire up hispanics for the president, they couldn't have designed a better supreme court ruling, because they got to win the larger argument that states when it comes to immigration, the federal government, you can't have 50 different immigration laws being put together in some sort of patchwork. but the part that angers hispanics the most was left into place. now they get to use that as a way to fire up hispanics. if you can't get hispanics turnout on a positive on hope, maybe you get it up on anger. now they have anger to sort of fuel them getting the hispanic vote. >> professor in the 30 seconds i have left, is a la carte handling of this case by the supreme court, is that something you would expect to see when we get the decision on thursday on obama care or health care? >> it's possible. the court could very easily say that they are going to keep certain parts of the health care bill and strike down other parts of it at the same time. but there is a call for clarity in the most important and high-profile cases. i think the justices know that. i don't think we should rule out the possibility that the court will either clearly say they are striking down the mandatory coverage part of the bill, the individual mandate or alternative they will clearly uphold it. what i think we can be almost sure of, it's going to be a very close decision. i expect it to be 5-4. >> all right. professor feldman. chuck todd, thank you as well. >> a lot of other stories making news this morning. for that turn to natalie morales at the news desk. hey, good morning. >> good morning, matt and ann. good morning, everyone. out west a series of out of control wildfires have charred more than 100,000 acres now, decimated hundreds of home. nbc's miguel almaguer is in hard hit colorado springs. miguel, good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning. the waldo canyon fire here in colorado springs has charred 4500 acres. today is the nation's top priority fire as it threatens 1600 homes. more than 3,000 people still evacuated. there is some good news here. overnight crews made progress on the fire lines. this blaze is roughly 5 per contained. they hope that number goes up over the next 24 hours. it's been a mean and wicked fire season all across colorado, what one official describes as the worst fire season here in more than a decade. since march some 13 -- excuse me, 16 major wildfires have broken out across the state. today more than 70 aircraft are going to be crisscrossing the state trying to put out fires all across this region. as you know, there are major wildfires burning also in the state of new mexico, utah, and, of course, all up and down colorado. it's going to be a busy day for crews on the frontline. they are expecting to face gusty winds and triple digit heat. natalie, back to you. >> miguel in colorado springs, thank you. in ontario, canada, rescuers reviewing efforts at a partially collapsed mall roof. rescuers called off rescue after another collapse but they reversed the decision. one person found dead in the collapse. the city of stanford will face two new lawsuits in connection with the deadly christmas morning fire that killed the family of madonna badger, her three young daughters and elderly parents. the johnses estate meanwhile filed intent to sue for property damage, personal injury and civil rights violations. stanford has denied liability for the incident. an e-mail address switcheroo on facebook has users grumbling. without any notification the company changed how it displays contact information, replacing e-mail with address. you can change it. but the move led to outcry when bloggers first notice the change monday. check it out, he was playing with his lighter as he pumped gas. not a smart thing to do, sparking a fire. he panicked and ran off leaving the fire to burn. a fellow motorist saved the day heroically putting out the flames with a bucket of water. showing where his loyalties lie at least in baseball got the president an unexpected reaction at a boston fund-raiser at his re-election campaign last night. president obama's chicago roots showing when he mentioned a trade that sent boston red sox third baseman to white sox. >> finally i want to say thank you for euclid. i shouldn't have brought up baseball. my mistake. >> one woman yelled out we still love you. the crowd was willing to pay, tickets ranged from $250 to $2500. it is 7:17 right now. you're up to date. let's send it back over to matt, ann and al. >> were they booing? >> mr. roker here with the forecast. >> a lot of heat not helping our friends fight the wildfires. pushing the jet jet stream way up to the north of the midsection of the country and big high pressure. from texas all the way to the plains and canada, we've got temperatures that are anywhere from 7 to 22 degrees above normal. look at these highs today, 104 in denver and yesterday got to 105. new orleans 97 and 105 in miles city. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> feels like october and june here. we are auch to a very cool start. only in the 50s to around 60 degrees under a clear sky and low humidity in place. later today with that strong june sun, we'll warm into the low 80s by mid-afternoon and northerly breeze to around 15 to 20 miles per hour. the wind will sotal down tonight and tomorrow another gorgeous day with low humidity and getting hot and humid and that's your latest weather. ann. >> al, thank you. could you remain calm if you were home and someone broke into your home? that happened to a 13-year-old girl in florida who grabbed her younger brother, hid in the closet and dialed 911. mark potter in fort laud, florida with details on this story. good morning. >> reporter: it came into 911 where a dispatcher helped the 13-year-old girl who she would later call a hero. home alone in pompano beach, 13-year-old alexis and her 10-year-old darren saw some older boys trying to break into their house. >> i could see their shadows through this curtain but i couldn't picture their face. so i get freaked out and run towards my room with my brother. >> reporter: in the bedroom they locked the door and got in the closet. >> we got here and stood here and i immediately closed the door. >> reporter: from there alexis called 911. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> me and myrother are home alone an these two guys are in our backyard trying to get in. >> reporter: the dispatcher could hear the fear when alexis described the burglars were in the house. >> she did a great, great job, remained calm, when most people, kids and adults, would be hysterical. >> reporter: with sheriff's deputies racing to the scene alexis whispered how close they were. >> they are in my brother's room which is right next door. >> okay. >> please come right now. >> okay, alexis, trust me. the police are on the way. >> reporter: when the deputies arrived they arrested three teenager boys hiding in another closet. >> we were safe because when a cop comes around you're safe around them. >> you can hang up the phone, okay alexis? >> okay. >> okay, all right. good job. >> reporter: the sheriff gave alexis and darren excellence awards for their bravery. her mom was proud. >> it's hard listening to the tape, the 911 call. they really did a good job. >> reporter: their case is similar to another one in hollywood, florida where 11-year-old luis gutierrez, also home alone, hid in his room and told a 911 operator he heard burglars in his house. >> he says he hears him. that's what he said. i don't know if it's real or not. >> it's real! it's real! >> reporter: waiting for police luis became more afraid. >> are the cops here yet? >> be quite, okay? talk very softly, all right? >> okay. >> reporter: now, that story also had a good ending, the police arrived. they arrested three more teenager boys there. young luis was found to be safe and now he, too, is being called a 911 hero. ann. >> all right. mark potter, thank you so much for those stories. coming up just ahead, our first look at the young georgia woman fighting a flesh eating bacteria since her ordeal began and good news about her recovery but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ still to come, how much does kate middleton spend on her clothing and who foots the bill? you may be surprised. >> after local news. and stiffnes from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. good morning, 7:26 on this tuesday, june 26th. i'm aaron gilchrist. a little extra time to get to work this morning. danella has a look at the trouble spots. >> if you're traveling on 295 have a crash at 450 annapolis road. right lane there is blocked and jammed from the beltway and also the off ramp to 450 is also blocked due to emergency response. if you're thinking of jumping on 50, still slow here, as well. as you make your way past landover road delays continue to new york avenue here at a about 35 miles per hour. beats being jammed. >> this is true, thank you, ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] go from being on the road to being on vacation. hilton honors. the guest loyalty program with over thirty-eight hundred hotels worldwide. gnchlt morning. a welcome respite from our usual high heat. today and tomorrow low humidity. afternoon highs low to mid-80s and then the heat and humidity build friday into the weekend. highs into the 90s. back to you. >> thank you, tom. another update in 25 mi >> he's going to win, one, two, first olympians of 2012. >> that was the scene last night as michael phelps took on his rival ryan lochte at the u.s. olympic swimming trials. their one-two finish means both are headed to london and the summer olympic games. just ahead we'll talk to phelps, the 14-time gold medal winner about his goals for the upcoming games and some of the lows he said he experienced after that record haul of eight gold medals in beijing. tuesday morning, 26th day of june. i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry. >> also coming up she's an international fashion icon known for recycling her outfits. what does the duchess spend on her wardrobe and who fits the bill. the answer is something of a surprise. we'll go to buckingham palace for the answers. also dads are supposed to be fearless but one father didn't have a problem showing his daughter just how scared he was when she made him go on an amusement ride. we're going to keep talking because he wants to not watch this. she's having a great time. she isn't cared at all. >> eight minutes past there. >> the recording was the best thing. >> will a case in utah getting a lot of attention. a 13-year-old girl got in trouble for giving a 3-year-old a haircut. the judge said he would reduce her detention if the girl's mother cut off her daughter's pony tail right there in court. she did. now that mom filed a complaint. we'll talk about whether that was an appropriate decision from the judge with "today's" professionals and get to other topics as well. >> all right. let's begin this half hour with an important milestone for a young georgia woman battling a rare flesh eating bacteria, this as we see our first picture of her since the ordeal began. thanh truong, good morning. >> doctors have upgraded her condition from serious to good. for a patient with multiple amputations that decision is huge. it comes after she was finally able to get outside of her hospital room for the first time. this new picture gives us a window into her recovery. >> there's aimee copeland in a wheelchair, bandages on her arms owned a smile on her face. it's the first public picture of the 24-year-old georgia grad student after flesh eating bacteria dramatically changed her body and her life. >> the hospital photographer heard she was going outside. she came running out and said, let me get a picture. >> flanked by her mother and father, the photo captures a major milestone which her father described in his blog. >> for the first time in 49 days, aimee got up in a wheelchair and rolled out of her hospital room. >> i strolled her around the perimeter of the parking lot. the first thing i showed her was the helipad. i said, you know, this is the area where you came in first, the helicopter landed here. >> reporter: since falling off a zip line and cutting her leg in may, aimee has been confined to a room in the intensive care unit. she's endured amputations to her left leg, right foot and hands. she struggled with pain from those amputations and the skin grafts that followed. >> she was critical for a long time, then upgraded her to serious. >> reporter: aimee's father said last weekend she was able to temporarily put the pain aside and soak up sunshine. >> she enjoyed sunshine on her face and the breeze blowing through her hair. the smell of pine trees was really close by. she just sat there and took it all in. >> aimee's ordeal has captured the attention of so many. >> i don't believe she would be where she is today if it weren't for the prayer, love and support of millions of people across this country. >> reporter: countless people have wondered, how is she holding up. now they finally get a glimpse. >> we've seen a miracle performed right before our very eyes. >> reporter: a while back aimee's father told us her recovery is exceeding doctor's expectations. now he's telling us she could be out of the hospital early next week. ann, i'm sure there will be a lot of pictures when that day comes. >> great news for this family that's been through so much. thanh truong, thank you so much. now a check of the weather. >> spectacular day, sunny, cool, humidity. where are you guys from? >> california. >> california. the whole state or one city. >> san jose. >> san jose. a good city to be from. let's see what we've got for you today. starting off we've gotten a lot of rain in the pacific northwest, strong storms in the northern plains of again, debby causing problems. heavy rain, risk of some tornadoes down there in central florida and texas up to the rockies and that will continue tomorrow with some showers in the pacific northwest and showers in northern new england. that's what's going on around the country and here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning and welcome to june tober. right now only near 60 degrees throughout much of the region. it was down into the 30s and 40s out in the mountains last hour, but now climbing to near 50 there. all around the region, we will be cool for another hour or so and then quickly warm up. by noontime into the 70s and bit of a blustery, northwesterly wind and lots of sun with low humidity, another beautiful day >> got that "bucket list" of all these things to do and go to the "today" show. you can check that off now. ler. don't forget any time you need weather, go to weather channel on cable or online. ann. >> al, thank you. coming up next, matt goes one-on-one with michael phelps as he gears up for london and the chance to be the most decorated olympian ever right after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] food you eat [ sizzling ] is a blt. but food you love ♪ is a blt with hellmann's. nothing tastes like it. made with real ingredients like cage-free eggs and exceptional oils and vinegar ♪ for the unmistakable taste that can only be hellmann's. bring out the best. and hot! but we'll be pushing it to the extreme. so we use new 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mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. for a cookout with world champion grill master brett gallaway. he's serving his guests walmart choice premium steak. but they don't know it yet. they will. it's a steakover! the steak is excellent. very tender... melts in your mouth... so delicious... tonight you're eating walmart steak. what? it's good steak. two thumbs up. look, i ate all of mine. it matches any good steak house if not better. walmart choice premium steak in the black package... it's 100% money back guaranteed. try it for your fourth of july barbeque. we are back at 7:39 with today's countdown in london. michael phelps won his spot on team usa becoming first american male swimmer to qualify for the olympics. i recently caught up with the 16-time medal winner who has his sights set on even more in london. >> michael phelps, new world record! >> for michael phelps his journey to the london olympic, it's the beginning of the end of an epic career. >> he'll stand alone in olympic history. yes! >> at the age of 26, michael is preparing for his fourth and what he says will be his last olympic games. a culmination of over 15 years of competitive swimming. it all began here. what you've done didn't come without a lot of blood, sweat, tears. a lot of tears were spilled right in this pool. >> there's been a lot of yelling, a lot of screaming in this pool. there have been a lot of great moments to come out of here to help me do the things i've done in my career. >> a virtual unknown heading into the sidney games in 2000, michael was just getting his feet wet as an olympian. but by 2004, he was already a headliner and linked to another famous olympian, mark spitz whose 36-year record and seven gold medals in single games seemed impossible to beat. but it was in beijing where michael's career exploded as he won an unprecedented eight gold medals, shattering spitz's record. coming down from the biggest hive his career wasn't easy. michael admits the last four years have been the toughest for him, both personally and professionally. >> you see a lot of athletes go through ups and downs, a lot of olympic athletes do, post olympic depression. you're so up on this big competitive level. then after that you just fall off. you have four years to build up and you're at this peak. then you just kind of roll down the hill. >> you say you let yourself go, and you admit it. >> yeah. i literally didn't come for six months. i would come for a week or two straight and then take two weeks off. >> during the time you were going to practice, not going to practice, not taking it seriously, why didn't you quit. >> i had made the commitment to not quit. at that point i was more than halfway there. there was no turning back. >> it was about that time that that picture surfaced. that was a picture i would imagine shook your family up, shook you up. what was the immediate impact of that picture where you're sitting there with the bong. >> embarrassment. i think the worst thing is i hurt so many people around me. i'll be the first to admit i made a lot of mistakes in my life. it's a huge learning experience, i've made a lot in my career. they all lead up to be a better person. >> when you're done with london, which you say are going to be the last olympic games, are you worried here we go again. there's going to be this enormous crash and letdown and how are you going to handle that? >> i don't want to say there's no shot, but i don't think it's going to be anywhere on the level that i've gone through. being able to come to a closure in my career, i just don't see it happening. >> for now michael says he's more relaxed than he's ever been heading into olympic games. and physically much stronger. >> leading into 2000, '04 and '08 we were focused on a lot of volume. it's not about going out and swimming 15 events. it's about going out and capping off a career. i think if you him today, is he prepared to be as good a swimmer as he was in beijing, i would have to say no, because we haven't done the volume of swimming. you ask me has he prepared to be a person than in beijing? without question. he's at a better place in his life and more grown up. >> michael credits his other coach, his mother debby, to getting him where he is today. >> we have to talk about your mom, kind of a quiet hero in all this, but sometimes not so quiet. what has she meant? >> the world. you know, she has been there every step of the way. good times, bad times. she always puts in her two cents. she has the right to. she's my mother. i love her to death. she's the most important person in my life. >> i was talking to mike and said, tell me about mom. what does she mean to you? he used two words. he said the world. >> he's given me the world. in so many ways. not only his successes, but what he brings to people. he's a kind soul that has, i think, captured the world, that has made a mark in history. >> if michael wins three medals, that mark in history will be as the most decorated olympian of all time. have you been keeping a journal? >> i have. >> that's unusual for you, right? >> i don't really like to write that much. but you know, being able to look back at all the memories i've had, i think it's better if i write them down. >> what do you want the last entry in that journal to say. >> i've done everything i ever wanted to. i don't care what anyone else does. if i can say my career has been a success, that's all that matters. >> by the way, michael phelps and ryan lochte will be back in the pool in omaha, nebraska, tonight. you can catch the u.s. swimming trials 8:00, 7:00 central time right here on nbc with additional coverage throughout the week on nbc sports network. up next the duchess of cambridge's clothing costs revealed. that's right after this. what's more beautiful than a covergirl? two covergirls. get two miracles in one product. tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation. covers spots, lines, and wrinkles. and helps improve skin tone over time. tone rehab from easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl! covergirl! so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. abracadabra. ♪ hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. about how older people are becoming more and more antisocial, so i was really aggressive with my parents about joining facebook. my parents are up to 19 friends now? so sad. ♪ i have 687 friends. this is living. what!? that is not a real puppy. that's too small to be a real puppy. [ male announcer ] venza. from toyota. [ male announcer ] venza. but why doesn't it last? [ male announcer ] even after a cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. introducing crest pro-health clinical rinse. it actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque even at 2 months after a dental visit. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. the duchess of cambridge has become a fashion icon worldwide known for making frugal choices when it comes to her word robbery. now look at how much eye catching outfits cost. michelle kosinski is at buckingham palace with more. good morning. >> ahead of royal financial information released public, the british press released estimates of how much kate's gorgeous clothes have been costing. but more surprisingly, who has been paying for them. from day one, a delicate line between commoner and future queen shopping in regular stores, bargains, using discount cards. her dress cost $80. she got this secondhand even borrowed one for mom. studded with big events, this one, this one, this, too, each worth more than $1500. these shoes $800. pretty in pink came at a price of around $10,000. kate did interestingly wear it twice in less than two weeks. the top british fashion house, alexander mcqueen. who is paying for it? not kate or will but prince charles. nice of kate to teach him to iron earlier this year but he's funding her sartorial career. detailed expenses being made public this week made their own calculations that kate's clothes for this year alone came up to around $56,000. is it really possible? >> princess diana in her official duties in the first year of her official time as a princess would have spent even more money. i actually think kate has been quite frugal. though it sounds like an awful lot of money, in terms of what she's got to do, it's not. >> reporter: but kate is not exactly at the top of the royal pecking order. there she is courtesying to priscilla. the queen made changes to royal order. she outranks sophie but not so-called princesses of the blood, they of the creative hats. unless with william, kate would precede them, which would all change down the road, of course, when kate becomes queen. royal experts say kate refuses to take freebies from designers and insists on paying what everybody else has to pay and declined the palace's offer to provide her with a stylist or dresser. looks like she doesn't need much help. ann. >> thanks. just ahead "today's" professional tackle hot topics, should your city sell space on manhole covers. jimmy walker on his new book called ". >> dynamite. >> coming up after your local news and weather. good to have you back. not financially. so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] just one dose of tide original liquid helps remove food stains better than an entire 40 load bottle of the leading liquid bargain brand. that's my tide. what's yours? say hello to the p'zolo, in meat trio, italian steak or buffalo chicken. get one for three bucks or two for five. pizza hut. make it great. of single mile credit cards. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] for too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn double miles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come. [ alec ] so sign up today for a venture card at and start earning double. [ all ] double miles! [ brays ] what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. so it stays on in conditions like sand... sun... 100-degree heat, and ocean water. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's happening right now at your local walgreens. pharmacists are going above and beyond... armed with expertise and advice... ♪ ...with one goal in mind... to better serve you... ♪ nothing will get between you and the care you deserve. find your pharmacist at good morning, i'm angie. 7:55. noticeably colder start to the day. let's get a check on the forecast from tom kierein. >> we're rapidly warming up with that strong, june sun climbing to the 60s and seven-day outlook a big change coming our way. enjoy 80s and sunshine. then heating up on thursday, still not too humid, but getting humid on friday, saturday, sunday, monday with high heat, too. highs into the 90s each one of those days with morning lows in the 70s. angie? [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [ male announcer ] it started like this... i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] but it ended like this. one of the worst economic records in the country. when mitt romney was governor, massachusetts lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs. a rate twice the national average. and fell to forty-seventh in job creation. fourth from the bottom. instead of hiring workers from his own state, romney outsourced call center jobs to india. he cut taxes for millionaires like himself... while raising them on the middle class... and left the state two point six billion deeper in debt. so now, when mitt romney talks about what he'd do as president... i know what it takes to create jobs. [ male announcer ] remember, we've heard it all before. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] romney economics. it didn't work then, and it won't work now. good morning, if you're traveling southbound route 355 at shady grove road, two right lanes are blocked by a downed tree in that area. let's head over, actually, my camera for i-270 and it looks like they're zooming in to an accident here. i'll be back shortly to give you more details. looks like it's blocking the right shoulder lane in this area. back to you. >> another news update in 25 minutes. but for now back to 8:00 on tuesday morning, 25th, 2012. we say hello to a lot of really nice people. even though it's 74 degrees, balmy outside this morning. we have a lot of warm smiles. i'm here with matt lauer and al roker, i'm ann curry. >> you don't often see a coat on june 26th. >> a little nip. we've got to hug people as we go. meantime, it is also a tuesday, which means we have "today's" special. >> one of the topics we discuss with star dr. nancy and donny this morning, the school bus monitor so brutally abused by boys on her bus. supporters have now donated over $650,000 to her. talked about that with her yesterday on the program. so what should she do with that money? well, they are going to weigh in, see what you think. >> also coming up, we have the luminous emma stone in the next half hour. she's the star in the new movie of the amazing adventures of spider-man. the thing about this movie, spider-man is a story we know really well. this movie is revelatory, in part because of the relationship between peter parker and gwenn stacy. she's played by emma stone. >> luminous and revelatory. >> that's how much you liked the movie. >> i did like the movie. >> we've got a star of the '70s, jimmy "j.j." walker, dynamite guy. >> that cap, i wear that today. >> i think you have that hat. believe it or not he's never seen an episode of "good times." >> why? >> he'll explain it. >> natalie at the news desk what a check of the headlines. >> good morning matt and al. good morning, everyone. debby is barely a tropical storm this morning but it threatens to dump another 15 inches of rain in central and northern florida over the next few days. that's on top of the more than one foot of rain that's already fallen flooding homes and highways. the governor has declared a state of emergency there. nbc news has exclusively obtained an audiotape in this the adopted son of convicted child molester jerry sandusky speaks to police. matt sandusky describes in graphic detail how he says he was sexually abused by the former penn state assistant football coach. >> withlike the showering, the you hugging, the rubbing, talking to me, the way he spoke. >> after years of denying abuse matt sandusky said he was coming forward now so his family would know what really happened. once considered a cold case, a reopened police investigation in connecticut determined actor dylan mcdermott's mother was killed in 1967 by her then boyfriend, a gangster, now dead. the case was reopened after mcdermott recently raised questions about her death to officials. police say they have enough evidence to prove he killed her. here is what's coming up tonight on "nbc nightly news." brian. >> hey, natalie, good morning. coming up tonight we'll update you on a story we brought awe few weeks ago. a mother's fight for her daughter. she took on the government to save her dying daughter and she won. a big breakthrough especially where bone marrow transports are concerned. we'll have the story tonight. for now, natalie, back to you. >> thank you, brian. now for a look at what's trending today. a quick roundup of what has you talking online. another video by barak, makes the president sing and rap. in this spoof, a spoof of justin bieber's "boyfriend." ♪ >> the clippard racked up more than 100,000 hits on youtube. just call them the real life wedding crasher. they were posing with their wedding party on a small dock in michigan when, you guessed it, the dock collapsed. everyone fell into the lake. no one was hurt. it was nice of the whole wedding party to take the plunge with the bride and groom. some memorable photos. hot on youtube, this terrified dad can't go along for the ride as his daughter drags him onto a roller coaster in dollywood, tennessee. >> oh, my god! >> you heard the dad vow, never again, grace elizabeth. you know it's bad when he uses the full name. he may be brave. when she wants to go again, he gamely agrees. anything for his little girl. maybe not that ride at dollywood. it's 8:05. let's go back out to matt and al. >> not everybody wants to go on a ride like that. i give him credit for being willing to go back again. >> what a great father. >> what he's better, he's actually showing his daughter how to scream like a little girl. that's the best part. >> we should take him to all the big roller coasters in the country and film him on every one. >> our roller coaster correspondent. >> all right, great. natalie, thank you very much. mr. rourke, it's turning into a nice day. >> i can't take it. >> here in the city. >> that's love. anyway, let's show you what we've got as far as today is concerned. again, tracking tropical storm debby 85 miles west of cedar key, crawling. 45-mile-an-hour wind. the big problem is slow track, doesn't make landfall late wednesday into early thursday. rainfall amounts locally in northern florida, we could be looking at 15 inches more on top of what they have already gotten in rain. thatmore on top of what they've already got and the rain. that's going to cause massive flooding problems. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> the air is fresh and cool on this tuesday morning. good morning, tom kierein storm center 4. right now in the 60s and 50s out in the mountains where a couple hour uz go only in the 30s and 40s but that strong, june sun warming us up. low humidity and a blustery northwest wind which will diminish tonight. down into the 50s again tomorrow morning. highs >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right. coming up next, we've got "today" professionals. the booming business of cosmetics for men. >> i'm wearing some right now. [ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water from the first ever hands-free dispenser, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill™ technology, the new ge french door refrigerator is engineered to push the limits of fresh. so to prove it, we're taking one from the factory in kentucky and delivering it full of fresh food to a place fresh can't be found. ♪ easy. [ male announcer ] watch the adventure at [ boy ] i used to hate eating healthy stuff. but badger likes it, so i do too. i used to have bad dreams, but not anymore. [ barks ] i used to be scared of the basement. but when badger's with me, it's not so bad. [ barking ] [ announcer ] we know how important your dog is to your whole family. so help keep him strong and healthy with purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family. dude you don't understand, this is my dad's car. look at the car! my dad's gonna kill me dude... [ male announcer ] the security of a 2012 iihs top safety pick. the volkswagen passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $209 a month. used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. the cleaner way to clean. bounty extra soft. ♪ my guy ♪ no handsome face could ever take the place of my guy ♪ ♪ my guy, my guy, my guy ♪ he may not be a movie star ♪ but when it comes to being happy, we are ♪ ♪ there's not a man today who could take me away from my guy ♪ ♪ we're back now at 8:10 with "today's" professional. star jones, dr. nancy snyder, donny deutsch. they are here to tackle the topics of the day. good morning. let's start with the subject a lot of people talking about, karen klein, the 68-year-old bus monitor who was brutally verbally abused by middle school students on the bus. she was on the program yesterday. there has been an outpouring of support to the tune of $650,000 raised on her behalf. so what should she do with this money? star? >> i say pay off whatever she owes on her house, take care of her grandchildren and retire. she's earned it. give a little bit back to charity. >> a little bit? how much is a little bit. >> tithe something to the church. i think she says she wants to do that. give something back to charity for older women. i think it's a good idea. >> you're handling the brand that is now karen klein. what do you suggest she do? >> here is my question, what was the intention of the money. were most people sending it to her because she needs a vacation? to me, she should do at the end of the day what she wants. i would hope she would take care of herself and give the majority of it to an anti-bullying charity. i think that was the intention. >> maybe $15,000 a year, pay off bills, become financially solvent. then wouldn't it be wonderful to turn some over to the school to start an enduring program. frankly i'd like for her to call for a private conversation with those young people so they can talk. >> is there more to these donations? is this all about feeling sorry for her, sympathy for her, or is there some guilt attached to it. haven't we all done things we wish we hadn't done to other people? might some people be donating money to assuage guilt? >> i think there is guilt. i think people felt like they saw themselves in the eyes and mouth -- >> i think more pity and outrage. >> i think people -- i have a new word instead of bullying, it's crueling. >> no matter how many times i see that tape, it is so unbearingly painful. those boys should be trotted forward for a press conference. >> don't you sit down and say to yourself, have you ever said or done something that made somebody feel that way. >> let's move on here. a lot of cities across the country are strapped for cash. we all know that. some cities are proposing they actually accept advertising and put it on things like the sides of a firetruck, a police car, a manhole cover to avoid having to raise taxes on people in their city. how do we feel about it? >> it's a very simple answer. if it keeps one more policeman, firemen, teacher in their job, let's do it. that simple. >> i'm absolutely with them. >> agreed. >> a firetruck goes down the street on the geico on the side, viagra. >> i don't think it will be on the side, butcher stickers. the reality is baltimore had to close two or three fire stations last year. this is putting people in harm's way. if there's no help from the feds and city and state governments can't do and you have to turn to the private sect or, so be it. >> even with a viagra sign, i'd rather have an extra truck with a viagra sign. >> you think cities will sign up. >> if you're helping fellow citizens, that's great. >> we don't have to debate. let's move on. this takes a while to set up. 13-year-old girl in utah. she sees a 3-year-old, total stranger with really long hair. i think the girl had never gotten a haircut. the 13-year-old for some reason doesn't like this concept and she decides she is going to cut off the hair of this 3-year-old. as a prank or out of anger, whatever. she did it, by the way. what should her punishment be. >> she's already serving some kind of detention. this is a child who seems to have a trouble past. i think the concern now is that the judge said to the mom, if you will cut off her hair, is that right? >> you're getting ahead of me. i was going to ask you what the punishment should be. here is what happened. she goes to court. the judge says to the mother of this 13-year-old, if you'll take this pair of scissors right here and cut your daughter's hair off right here in court, i'll lessen her detention by 150 hours. did the judge do the right thing, an eye for an eye type punishment? >> it's referred to as the shame punishment. in our country it's happening across states a lot right now. what you're trying to do is you're exercising the guidance and control of the court to impact on the kids in the future. in theory. in reality i'm not sure he had the authority to instruct the mother to do it. >> the mother felt powerless. >> she felt intimidated. >> in the moment the mother did it, cut the girl's hair off to lower the detention, now angry about it in hindsight and filing a complaint. >> she had time to think about it. >> first of all, put the kid in 150 hours of work. another example of this crueling. you can't give into this eye for an eye because where does it stop. does that mean if somebody is murdered under the circumstances to murder the other person. cutting that kid's hair wasn't enough punishment. >> it wasn't just that. let's be clear. this young girl had been part of harassment. she was actually being sentenced for multiple things. >> let me tell you how far she went also. she asked an employee of mcdonald's to give her a pair of scissors. the employee refused. she went across the street to the floor, bought a pair of scissors. >> totally premeditated. >> did she learn anything by having her haircut off, i think not. >> let's stop holding parents accountable. >> sign of the times, in 2016 or by 2016, the male cosmetics industry will reach $3.2 billion, men being things, not shaving cream and deodorant, talking about tinted moisturizers, anti-aging creams, concealers, powders. how do we feel like this. >> the metrosexual. >> first of all, matt is 5% of that market. i beat you to the punch. >> i want to call it -- metrosexual is a bad term. it's acceptable to groom. >> would you buy these things. >> i don't need much help. >> would you ladies date someone or be attracted. >> no, i would not. >> in terms of creams, fine. >> creams and concealers. >> a turnoff for me. >> creams and moisturizers. >> it depends, a tint line? >> made me nervous there, didn't know where you were going. >> i didn't realize i was putting it on. >> that's your story, didn't realize you were putting it on. >> you were putting on brown face, baby. >> emma stone is across the studio. would you date someone -- would you date someone who used tinted moisturizer and face cream. >> resounding yes. 100%. >> does that mean spider-man has tinted moisturizer. >> you have to wear tinted moisturizer on camera for men. >> we're talking off camera, weekends here. >> weekend wear, i don't know. i'll think about it. >> thank you. up next, that young lady right there. emma stone, we'll talk about her new movie. always good to have her here. right after this. pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. ♪ but why doesn't it last? [ male announcer ] even after a cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. introducing crest pro-health clinical rinse. it actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque even at 2 months after a dental visit. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. there's been this commitment to low prices. ♪ we might have had new ways to say it. but the commitment has never wavered. i should know. my name is valeda and i've worked for walmart for 50 years. ♪ ♪ right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. back now at 8:20. emma stone has earned a spot on hollywood's a list with "the help" and ""crazy, stupid love"" now she stars as gwenn stacy in "the amazing spider-man." she first gets his attention after standing up to a bully at school. >> you should go to the nurse. you could have a concussion. >> what's your name? >> i know your name. i just want to know if you know your name. >> peter parker. >> okay. good. >> emma stone, good morning. >> good morning. >> it's sweet to watch that. the relationship between peter parker and gwen stacy is really what helps set this movie, this spider-man movie apart. how would you describe it? >> well, gwen was peter's first love in the comic books. her whole story arc is really wonderful and ultimately kind of tragic. there's a really deep story to work with, from comic book history. they are first confidantes, wonderful. it was wonderful to get to go back to your first love again. >> also the interesting thing in watching this movie is that as much as we already know about peter parker and about spider-man, we've seen these movies for years, this movie is revelatory. we see something else. how would you describe what we're seeing? >> i think the goal of everybody behind this movie was to really get into the humanity of peter parker and his origins and how being orphaned affects a boy growing up into a teenager and what qualities come out in him. in peter she obviously sees a heroic quality in him before he even becomes spider-man. so there's all these different complicated parts to him that are affected by what happened in his childhood. that's kind of our way of getting into this. >> peter played by andrew garfield, aka spider-man, proofs again in this movie he has some serious chops as an actor. he says about you, working with emma was like diving into a thrilling twisting river and never holding onto the sides from the start to the end, spontaneous, in the moment, terrifying, violation. the only way acting with someone should be. what was it like acting with him. >> ditto. i can't quite put it as eloquently as he did. it's incredibly kind of him to say. he is someone i have learned so, so much from. as an actor, he's so incredibly present and fluid. yeah, it was an honor to act with him. >> you both were under tremendous pressure for this movie. you sometimes to deal with the pressure, panic attacks that can sometimes come, you've turned to baking. >> yes. >> i wonder if this is frozen cookie dough baking or kneading the dough, letting it rise. >> i haven't worked with yeast yet. that kind of scares me. no, i actually haven't been baking that much this year. while we were shooting spider-man i was baking a lot. the control factors was very therapeutic, the scientific element to baking. >> things people don't know about you. real name is emily. >> it was taken at the screen actor's guild. i love the name emily. >> if you had not become an actress, you would have been emily and maybe a journalist. >> i realize as i get older, i would love to be an editor. i think i would be better at editing than writing the stories. yeah, that's really fascinating. >> that's a controlling job like the baking. >> controlling. but acting is so different than that. i guess i kind of like both sides of it. >> one of the things i haven't figured out about you is whether you choose strong women roles, or whether they become strong women because you're doing them as an actress. >> really? >> i don't know. in either case, it's a pleasure. i'm really glad you chose acting. >> thank you. >> if you ever give it up, come on over. >> thank you. >> i want to tell everybody "the amazing spider-man" hits theaters next tuesday july 3rd. just ahead this morning, jimmy walker opens up about his iconic role as j.j. evans on "good times." that's coming up after your local news. good morning, 8:26 on this tuesday, june 26th. i'm erinaaron gilcrist. >> a perfect june morning. good morning right now. we're in the 60s throughout most of the region and blue sky and later today with that strong june sun, we'll climb into the low 80s and winds pick up mid-day and maybe gusting 20 to 25 miles per hour out of the northwest. tomorrow, less wind, another day with low humidity and cool in the afternoon and afternoon high mid-80s. then the heeat is on thursday into the weekend along with increasing humidity. highs into the 90s each day with morn crash inner loop of the beltway at 295 blocks the right side of the roadway and you're absolutely jammed in college park. delays really start in montgomery county, but, as you see, very slow on the inner loop and also traveling 270 southbound. this time at clarksburg road. blocking the right lanes in this area and 270 southbound you're area [ male announcer ] you're this was how my day began. got my bearings. ♪ a little bird told me about a band. ♪ an old man shared some fish stories. ♪ ooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but i still got to see her. we talked for hours. ♪ everyone else buzzed about the band. music, stories, adventures, memories. ♪ ...all at my fingertips. ♪ there's a wireless mind inside all of us. ♪ so, where to next? ♪ 26th day of june, 2012. a pedestrian. >> i didn't see that. >> wow. >> that was reminiscent of the revolving door incident. >> i broke my nose. >> there we go. boom. >> i actually broke my nose. >> i'm matt lauer with natalie morales, al roker and old flat nose ann curry. coming up we have a lot to get to. >> that's right. we have jimmy walker. he, of course, was the breakout star of the hit 'n' good times." now he's opening up a new memoir about his iconic role as j.j. evans and his rise as a standup comic. the crowd outside of stay away from the cameramen. they are dangerous drivers. >> also ahead famed chef is here. he'll be showing us recipes from his new book, a collection of his life journey. >> he has had some journey, too. >> he does. an amazing story. >> speaking of an amazing journey, young man who has been in a wheelchair since he was 2 years old. nobody thought he would walk again. he recently walked across the stage at his high school graduation. it is such an inspirational story and we're going to bring that to you. >> we have a lot to get to. a funny lady, lisa kudrow. coming back for a second season, correct? >> yes. >> just for people who don't know. you are an online psychotherapist. >> well, yes. >> and you give people therapy in three minute sessions. >> she's too board to sit there for 50 minutes and care about other people. >> would she at all qualify for this? >> no. i think she did an online something but she doesn't think you need to be qualified. she's on the web, so who is checking. >> you've got some amazing names who are participating in this. meryl streep. you analyze meryl streep's character. >> she plays a gay conversion therapist. >> every show needs one. >> we do. >> husband running for office and hs gay but not officially. so he needs to get straightened out. >> plot development. >> turns. >> my mind is spinning. >> ross geller and friends, david schwimmer. you came back to work together. what was that like? >> it was so fun. i had ten seconds before we start up, i don't know what phoebe sees to ross here. >> that's because you do a lot of ad-libbing. >> you don't write. >> we write the outline so we know where the story is supposed to go. everything meryl streep said, she made up. >> wow. >> same for me, everything i say is made up. >> fun just talking about it. we want to remind people they can catch "web therapy" on showtime and it is the second season. >> come by more often. >> thank you. >> mr. roker. >> let's see what we've got for you weather wise. starting off with today, we're looking at, of course, debby down in the gulf, storms through florida, rain midwest, record highs in the plains. mississippi river, warms up with plenty of sunshine, showers northern new england. more heavy rain through central florida and southeastern georgia. sizzling texas into the southwest, central rockies. more record setting heat. a beautiful day a beautiful day tomorrow into the pacific northwest with plenty of sunshine and mild weather. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. time out for heat and humidity. thankfully for today, tonight and again tomorrow. but the heat is on for the end of the week into the weekend. right now around the region, temperatures are in the comfortable 60s with low humidity and fresh breeze out of the northwest. bright sun and a blue sky. that will warm us up into the mid-80s later today. wind will diminish and another cool start tomorrow morning and don't forget you can get that weather any time you need it. head to the weather channel on cable, online. want to run over again? >> coming up we'll be talking about jimmy j.j. walker and is iconic roll on "good times" and why he never watched a single episode of the show. this is "today" on nbc. back at 8:37 with the star of one of the most beloved sitcoms of the 1970s. jimmy walker earned two golden globe nominations for his portrayal of jj. first we'll look back first at the show. in 1974, television audiences across the country were introduced to the evans family on the ground breaking show "good times." james and florida were the hardworking parents, always trying to keep their heads above water in a chicago housing project. there was daughter thelma, son michael and we can't forget their firstborn and his enthusiastic catchphrase. >> dynamite. >> dynamite. >> dynamite! >> pure dynamite! >> dynamite! >> jl j. played by up and coming comedian jimmy walker was the sitcom's breakout star. >> j.j., you're a genius. >> goofy, loveable, self-described van gogh of the ghetto. j.j. was a high school student always trying to do the right thing. >> they are so sexy, they almost turn me on. >> while the show forced viewers to witness some harsh realities of urban life, j.j. always kept a healthy dose of human or. out with dnn-o-mite. >> good to be on the big show. >> great to have you on the big show. you never sat down and watched an episode of "good times." >> i was always doing something else. aid writing staff as many may know, jay len okay, david letterman, louis anderson. what we did was met all the time. during the time the show was on -- >> what about now? you still haven't? >> never watched it. the people in the street, they will tell you what you're doing. they will tell you very much. >> most people think of the show, they think of the laughs. the fact of the matter is when it was on in the '70s, there was controversy around this show. some people felt it sent the wrong message. how do you feel about that, even though you never watched it. >> i always felt norman leer, who was our producer did such a good job with it. he wrote, did the thing and was funny. my thing was to be as funny as possible during my time out there. >> your take on j.j., what kind of guy was he? >> funny guy. >> other funny. >> strange to say but that was my only thing. norman would say, don't you see a wider -- no, i come out to do damage. >> you write, someone has to a the pie in the face, on "good times" j.j. took the pie. for some, i was taking too much of the pie. >> that happens sometimes. what happens, nobody wants to take the pie. when somebody takes the pie, things get bigger, why did he get a chance to take the pie when we could have done it another way. >> with so much attention focused on the show and people looking for some kind of message, did you get caught up in the controversy that the show was, perhaps, portraying this character in particular in the wrong light. >> not at all. i was not involved in that. being a hard core standup working clubs, i never even thought about that. never thought about controversy. i worked with controversial people at the comedy places like richard pryor robin williams. >> there was issues, hypertension and its prevalence in african-american men was tackled. there was another where the lack of education commitment for kids in the ghetto was tackled. in make ways that particular subject was your own personal story. >> i was never a highly educated person. i went to school right here at clinton. what happened was they did it in a bad way. they passed you through until you get to your senior year. then you went to the guidance counselor to find out how many credits you really had. i went in my senior year and the guidance counselor says, you are way behind. i decided to relieve myself out of duty. >> did the show come for you out of luck? were you in the right place at the right time? >> i always thought i was very good. what i thought happened was i was in the right place at the right time and i took advantage of that. all my guys i started with from david brenner to bette midler, all those guys had gone ahead of me. klein, woody allen, all those people. i figured why not me. so finally it happened. >> has the show always been a blessing for you, or the 487,000th time someone on the street comes up and says, say. yn-o-mite. >> not a burden. so many people dislike you. when somebody likes anything you do, you go, yes, finally. i have that on my app. a new app, 99 cent, jimmy walker, the original app. get that app, 99 cents, you can't miss it. >> that way futures the app you don't have to ask jimmy on the street. >> this weekend at the mohican sun. thank you for having me. appreciate it. >> the book is called "dyn-o-mite." >> i'm ready, my wayne tasting, ready to go. >> the chef shares some of his favorite recipes. but first this i back at 8:45, what's for dinner. one chef's journey. he writes about his life and passion for cooking in his new book called "yes, chef, a memoir." good morning to you. >> i'm excited to be here. today is a big day for me. the book is coming out and i get to cook for you. >> one of the things about the book, it talks about your life. it starts in the book with you walking 75 miles with your mom and sister, all three of you with tuberculosis. you lose her. you become an orphan, become adopted. you move to sweden by a swedish couple. now you became a world famous chef. >> yes. >> how did you in all of this discover your love for cooking? >> well, you know, that walk, my mother taking me and my sister to the hospital. we got lucky enough to be adopted in sweden. it was in sweden my grandmother taught me how to cook. my mother, wonderful mother, but she did not like to cook. but when she did cook, one of her favorite recipes, cabbage rolls. do you like cabbage rolls? >> i've never had them the way you're doing them. >> lamb, veal, pork mixed up. could be rice. use a thickener. >> you want to soften them. >> how long do you keep them in the water. >> cook them two or three minutes, then put the mixture in the middle, add a little bit of spice. we talk about spices. >> garlic. >> garlic and cumin, marjoram and mint. >> that's interesting. >> just nice and refreshing. >> once you've mixed that up. you put that inside of the cabbage roll pieces and roll them up. >> roll them up. >> and use toothpicks to keep them together. >> look like this. >> this is the way your adopted mom used to make them. >> she had a fas version as well. it's funny when you say my adopted mom. we just said mom. me and my sister just said mom. our family was so mixed. i have cousins that were korean, my parents were white. me and my sister were black. we're just a mixed family. >> how did that inform your cooking, do you think? >> i think i'm lucky enough to have three things, africa, ethiopia, sweden, canadian, new york and harlem. i just feel like add red rooster right now, the scene is really an image of all of those three countries, you know. >> informed you food as well. >> yes. >> your use of spices which i envy because you really know what you're doing with spices. now you put these on the -- you're going to cook them in here. >> put them on a tray, bake them in oven, put syrup on top. they come out wonderful, beautiful like this. then drizzle sauce on top of this. you know what, we have some already lined up we can take here in the back. back here we've got my grandma helga's meatballs. >> helga was the one that got you into cooking. >> she definitely is the one that got me into cooking. in the book i talk about my first rituals of cooking in helga's kitchen. could be simple dishes like making meatballs or ginger snap cookies, things like that. that's what helped me to go to kitchens in france, all over europe, switzerland. "yes, chef" talks about the journey. a kitchen can be highly emotional workplaces. for nonchefs it sounds crazy what's going on in the kitchen. for us chefs, all you say back is yes, chef. >> the name of your memoir. a fascinating look at a life well lived that brought you to such greatness. thank you so much for being with us this morning. i can't wait to attack your food. coming up next, a high schooler who defies the odds by walking across the stage at his graduation. but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] go from being on the road to being on vacation. hilton honors. the guest loyalty program with over thirty-eight hundred hotels worldwide. we are back at 8:51. a teen against tough okay stack else accomplished a goal. jenna has the story. how are you? >> good morning, matt. a high schooler who became a celebrated surfer. when we first met him three and a half years ago he was 14 at the time. patrick, who has been in a wheelchair since he was two, said his dream was to walk across the stage at a high school graduation. it's been one remarkable journey every since. catching a wave with patrick on top of the world. >> feels like i'm flying. >> a sensation especially meaningful for a 17-year-old who struggles to move at all. >> the board, my friends and the water. >> what is your exact injury. >> i'm technically a quadriplegic but just means basically i have impairment in all four limbs. >> it's a miracle he's even alive says his mom jennifer. >> i think back to when the accident happened and how close i came to losing him. >> a parent's worst nightmare. in 1995 when patrick was just a toddler, a car backing out of a parking space didn't see the young boy. >> i saw the car back directly over patrick. >> patrick, critically injured, was airlifted to the closest trauma center. >> i just remember sitting in the emergency room and praying that i would be able to see him alive again. >> incredibly patrick survived, but his spinal cord was crushed, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. but patrick refused to give up. soccer, tennis, skateboarding, kayaking, patrick tried it. and to top it all, this california kid had one dream that surpassed every other, to ride the perfect wave. >> i went and saw a movie, a surf documentary. >> he was inspired by a star surfer with a similar injury. >> i was like, if he can do it, i can do it. >> by age nine little patrick was in the water thanks to life rolls on, an organization that helps those with spinal cord injuries participate in action sports. >> can you explain to me how you surf? >> i have a specially adapted board. a team of people, we all go out in the water. >> and with his wheelchair far off on the shore, from the water his team pitches him. for a few incredible seconds, patrick is free. sister sam and mom jennifer help make it all possible. >> he's given 100% every day of his life. >> when we first met patrick in 2009, he was a fearless high school freshman. >> is there anything that scares you? >> nothing really full out scares me. >> and here on "today," patrick told us of his future goal. >> i would like to walk across the stage at graduation. >> no easy feat. combine unyielding determination with intensive rehab and three and a half years later -- >> you made a promise to us a couple years ago you were going to walk across stage on graduation. how do you feel about that now? >> i feel good. >> an arena filled. >> patrick. >> as patrick stood, so did the audience. a standing ovation of support. >> i'm so grateful wet to this point and we got to reach this huge milestone. >> patrick proving to his family, friends, teachers, and perhaps most importantly to himself with guts and dreams almost anything is possible. [ applause ] >> as you might imagine, this is not where patrick's story ends, it's actually just the beginning. he's just been accepted to the university of southern california's film program. you guessed it, matt, that was his dream school since he was a toddler. >> he keeps checking the dreams off. i think what's nicest about thi off. what's nicest about this, we continue to follow people like this. good morning, it's 8:56 on this tuesday, i'm angie geoff. let's go to tom kierein. he has a look at this morning's forecast. >> perfect june morning right now with the low humidity and bright sun. temperatures in the mid and upper 60s. 68 at reagan national and a wibd coming in out of the north and west around 38 miles per hour. low humidity and bright sun and more of the same tomorrow, but lighter winds and then thursday into the weekend, it is going to be getting hot and humid. highs into the 90s each day with morning lows in the 7 os. good morning, traveling the inner loop of the beltway at 295. the earlier crash there has been moved to your shoulder lane, but you're still seeing big delays on the inner loop of the beltway. i'll give you a live look right now as you make your way past cos cosv cosville road. you're at about 23 miles per hour as you make your way to i-270. ♪ with the hundreds i saved at progressive, i'm out here, giving a little refill relief. are you on empty here, tyler? yes, actually, i honestly am. well, we're going to fill 'er up with savings. with the hundreds i saved at progressive, this tank is on me. if i ever find the bird that did this to your car... i am tickled! i don't know what to say! thank you! a hundred, a hundred and one ways to save. this really happens, huh, guys? more of "today" tuesday morning june 26th, 2012. it's kind of a cool morning in the northeast after a bit of a heat wave last week. we've got audiences out here on the plaza enjoying temperatures that are only going to get up into the 70s today. you know what, it feels really, really nice. kind of cool and bracing. i'm matt lauer with ann curry and al roker. coming up we're going to talk about a bitter child custody dispute playing out in the united states and middle east. at the center of it author all an 18-month-old girl. her father, a decorated veteran working in dubai. her mother fled the country and left her behind when she, her mother, was accused of adultery, a crime in the middle east. now the mother is fighting to get her daughter back here in the u.s. we're going to hear from both sides in this dispute coming up in just a few minutes. >> on a lighter note, we're going to keep you ahead of all the hottest headlines and videos. for example, new york mayor cory booker at it again, showing the big red s under his shirt. right place, right time, helping a pedestrian hit by a car. have you seen this one yet, a wedding party falling into a lake in michigan. there they go. do you know what the first lady and the president did on their first date? we're going to clue you in on all the trendyest topics. also coming up this morning, we're going to talk about pizza. did you know american people eat pizza on average four times a month. according to zagat, by the way. four different kinds of pizza for my kids. it's really just a beloved food in america. going to show you some terrific toppings this morning. >> the best pizzas. >> the best. >> standard or thick crust you made last night. >> a lot of flavor. >> i just want to mention today is jack lauer's 11th birthday. sweetheart, i love you. happy birthday. >> happy birthday, jack. >> my brother's chris's birthday. he's 11, too. no, he's 43. >> let's go inside. natalie at the news desk with a check of the headlines. natalie. >> good morning, everyone. tropical storm debby turning up more wet weather for florida as the super soaker stays parked in the gulf of mexico with no landfall in sight. though debby is barely maintaining tropical storm status, it has dumped more than a foot of rain already. it is expected to dump 12 inches to central and northern florida over the coming days. nbc news has exclusively obtained an audiotape in which the adopted son of convicted child molester jerry sandusky speaks to police. matt sandusky describes in graphic detail how he says he was sexually abused by the former assistant penn state football coach. >> if you were pretending you were asleep and you were touched or rubbed in some way, you could just act like you were rolling over in your sleep so you could change positions. >> after years of denying police matt sandusky told police he was coming forward now so his family would know what really happened. out west in colorado, an out of control wildfire has charred more than 100,000 acres and decimated hundreds of homes. the waldo canyon fire in colorado springs is the nation's top priority fire right now but 12 other wildfires burning statewide with other massive blazes in utah, new mexico and arizona. a michigan man, who is a person of interest in the murder of his wife under arrest. he was arrested monday allegedly caught on tape trying to hire someone to kill handyman. he claims to kill the businessman's wife at his request. he's scheduled to be arraigned on solicitation to murder a witness. supreme court decision on tough immigration law as the court upheld the controversial law that allows to check immigration status during arrest or traffic stop. the rest of the law ruled unconstitutional meaning the state must tread carefully when enforcing that decision. supreme court's decision on constitutionality of president obama's landmark health care reform law. spice girls reunited on a musical based on a catalog of their songs. it will open in london. it's from the same producer as ab, a musical "mamma mia!" >> every dog has it's day. uggie, the dog from the oscar winning "the artist," put its paws inside cement at grauman's chinese theater. he may be the best best man. he mixed the entire toast and made a video that might be hard to top ♪ i'm in a wedding look at me a groomsman in the wedding i'm in a wedding take a good look hard look at the groomman in the wedding pictures today i'm in a wedding drinking champagne ♪ ♪ i got my rented shoes >> the parody of "saturday night live" is racking up hits on youtube. still no word whether it was a hit there with grandma. i say they have some serious talent, though. right, al roker? what do you think? >> it's like the wedding singer all amped up. lots of happy people here all amped up as well, because the weather is spectacular. what is not spk, of course, down in florida we're dealing with debby west of cedar key, florida, winds 45 miles an hour. this is just crawling east 3 miles per hour. tropical storm warnings. right across late wednesday, early thursday, becomes a tropical depression, then a storm out there. the reason it's so stalled out, upper-level highs, no steering currents to push things along so it sits there. rainfall amounts -- sits and spins, dumps rain. another 15 inches of rain over the next three days. you can see we've got flood watches from daytona beach all the way up into southeastern georgia. that's what's going on around the country. >> it is the perfect june morning right now into the 60s with low humidity, bright sun and later today with the wind picking up a little bit, gusting to around 20, 25 miles per hour. temperatures should climb into the low 80s and lots of sunshine with low humidity. another cool start tomorrow morning and low humidity through the day on wednesday and much of thursday, although heating up thursday afternoon and low 90s. and then high heat and high tha. got some nice folks here. what's your name? >> mark. >> holly. >> amy. >> what's your name? >> tom. >> nice to be here. >> nice to see you. now let's take it to natalie. >> it's a custody fight being played out on opposite corners of the globe, all over an 18-month-old american girl. the father, a decorated war veteran working in dubai. the mother back home in the u.s. without her daughter. the accusations are flying on both sides. we'll talk to the little girl's mother in a moment. first nbc's janet shamlian has the latest. good morning. >> good morning to you. we traveled to dubai to meet this special little girl. we also spoke to her father. chuck peters, a west point graduate, three tours in iraq as a member of special forces. yet after 10 years in the military, he feels he could be arrested if he steps foot on u.s. soil. there was a lot of fun on a sunday afternoon as chuck peters and his daughter caroline beat the heat at their neighborhood pool in dubai. but behind the smile, chuck says he's in a fight tougher than any he faced during a decade in the military. a battle for his daughter. it started like a storybook. chuck and stacy met in high school and married while he served. a stellar military record, two bronze stars. the couple then moved to dubai for a contracting job soon after caroline was born. >> we were happier than we've ever been in our life. it's almost like we had start add vacation life. >> but not for long. the marriage fell apart after chuck accused stacy of having an affair, using prescription drugs and endangering caroline. >> can you imagine he would do this. i really believed in him. without a doubt, there is zero drug or alcohol abuse in my history. and if he could prove any of this, he would do it here. >> she accused chuck of physically abusing her, which chuck says is false. he filed for divorce in dubai stating adultery, a crime in the united arab emgrat could have time in prison. >> when i realized she was no longer rational, putting harm -- putting caroline in danger, i knew i had to act quickly in order to protect my daughter. >> stacy denies the adultery claim, calling it a cover-up. >> he had to accuse me of something, because filing for divorce makes him look bad. >> without a passport for caroline, stacy, who is more than five-months pregnant says she was forced to flee dubai without her daughter. she says she hasn't seen caroline since the end of march. stacy has gone to court in her home state of tennessee where a judge declared her husband's actions constituted constructive and actual child abduction and kidnapping. chuck feared this court order could lead to his arrest if he returns to the u.s. >> that's very disconcerting. as i said, somebody who served their country for so long, that's a dagger to the heart. it really hurts me. >> amidst it all, a joyful little girl who can't possibly know of the fight on two corners of the globe. >> she got the best of both stacy and i times 100. she's an incredible little girl. >> on the day we visited, friends came over for pizza. caroline's paternal grandfather was visiting from minnesota. this is not, as chuck said, a case of a dad snatching his daughter. >> i think that's ridiculous. it's preposterous to say i'm kidnapping her when i'm living in the same house. i have the same job. we have the same friends. i go to the same pool every day. it doesn't make any sense to me to call that kidnapping. >> and yet it's stacy peters who has not been able to see or even talk to her daughter since the end of march. it's heartbreaking for any mother but most difficult for this beautiful little girl seemingly because the in the middle. >> absolutely. janet shamlian, thank you. stacy peters here with us along with her lawyer. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> i know it's hard to see your little girl, you haven't seen her in months, to see her on video like that. you say you had no choice but to flee dubai. why would you leave her behind, leave dubai. >> he took everything from me. i wasn't -- i was in fear for my life. i had no other choice. i would have left with her a long time before that if i had any ability to. >> you claim your husband abused you, and he denies these charges. did you ever report this to anyone? did you report it to authorities in dubai? did you report it to the u.s. embassy or anyone at home in the u.s.? >> i reported it to an overseas domestic violence organization who explained to me that if i do for the police in dubai, they would take my passport and i wouldn't be able to leave then. i couldn't report it there. >> he meanwhile says you're the one who endangered his daughter. he said you have a problem with prescription drugs, that you also admitted to being unfaithful in the marriage during a therapy session. what do you say to those sessions? >> he left me in dubai with caroline for three months. he never made these allegations to me at any point until the last month. i never heard these from them. he's never been worried about caroline before. >> a tennessee court temporarily awa awarded to stacy and constitutes what he's doing as kidnapping. if he comes to the country, what will happen to him. >> at the moment he refused two separate court orders that require him to come to court to caroline and explain the rights and wrongs. let the american court decide what's best for the child. he's being held in contempt of court for still hiding in dubai. he should know he accused stacy of terrible immorality charges under the penal law of the united arab emirates. i spoke to the family before she left and spoke to lawyers there, the advice was she needs to leave on the next plane, otherwise she will be in jail. you do not want to be in jail in dubai. she was forced out. that's what the american court decided. so there's always two sides to the story. >> there are two sides to the story and we're going to have to leave it there. we hope, for your daughter's sake, somehow this gets worked out amicably between you two. thank you for being here. thanks. we're back with more of "today" right after this. nikki! rick! wow, you look terrific! 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[ male announcer ] parents who skim, have kids who skim. kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. a digital scanning system five times more precise. helping you see perfectly. that's precision. ♪ lenscrafters. ♪ what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. great! tyler here will show you everything. check out our new mobile app. now you can use your phone to scan your car's vin or take a picture of your license. it's an easy way to start a quote. watch this -- flo, can i see your license? no. well, all right. thanks. okay, here we go. whoa! no one said "cheese." progressive mobile -- insurance has never been easier. get a free quote today. almost daily we get forwarded links to websites, new viral videos because we want to be in the know. >> hard to keep up. we brought in the host of msnbc "now with alex wagner." the allowdown on what's hot. >> good to see you. shepherds. >> we are sheep. we want to get started with youtube, this one wedding party that makes quite a splash. >> so to speak, a nautical nuptial. a wedding took place in michigan. the wedding party lines up on the dock to go take the photo and goes splash into the water. that is a photo of a prom party, a prom event that happened just weeks after, i believe, the michigan wedding fiasco. here is the moral of the story. if you and your friends -- if you and your friends are dressed in formal wear to the nines and someone invites you on a long, rickety porch to take a photo, do not go. do not go. >> i think that thing was set up. >> the good thing is it happens after the wedding. what's telling, natalie, bride falls in the water, the groom does not rescue her. >> he swims away, saves himself. >> it's the maid of honor saves her. >> hopefully it's not telling of their nuptials. >> hope she has a watertight prenup. new details about president obama and mrs. obama's first date. >> indeed it does. they set a high bar as far as their husband and wife interaction. >> girlfriend and boyfriend. >> the first lady and the president first went and had lunch at the art institute of chicago, took a walk down michigan avenue and then they ended the date screaming spike lee's "do the right thing." first lady said it showed he was consult really hip, sensitive, ended in bliss. nothing brings a couple together like that. >> mitt romney and britney spears have something in common? >> a little quiz for you, al. what do mitt romney and britney spears have in common. >> the number of followers. >> leadership of the salt lake city games in 2002, chart topping singles and a fierce love of dunce. >> no. >> envelope-pushing on-stage outfits. or perhaps the $55,000 phantom park car elevator. >> i'm going with d. >> you guys got it. they both have mitt romney installing the elevator in his vacation home, britney spears has one, too. >> phantom park car. what does it do, your car disappears. >> a owner who wants a hands on relationship with their automobile. >> you know you're really fancy if you've got a car escalator. twitter and news surrounding new york mayor cory booker, once again a superhero with a big s on his shirt. >> i'm not convinced there's not a bat signal somewhere in new york. this guy, cory booker last week was at the scene of an accident by happen stance, rescued a man hit by a car, bleeding from the nose and mouth, waited until ems arrived, brought the man ice and water. this, as you mentioned, in a long string of rescues, shoveling snowy during snowpocalypse, rescued a neighbor from fire. cory booker, superhero. nba champion lebron james back on twitter. >> king james after a two-month hiatus, which all of us were crying into our twitter views, where was he. he's back. one of his first tweets, omg, i'm a champion, i'm a champion, i'm a champion. that was retweeted 86,000 times, which gives you a sense of the power of king james who has 5.1 million followers. a few more than me. >> he used omg. >> yes, basically omg. >> basically. >> a twist, the family channel. >> a lot of buzz on twitter surrounding willow smith. we know jada pinkett-smith and will smith's daughter. something knew. >> willow tweeted an instagram photo of what appears to be a tongue stud. i don't know. it could be magnetic, could be real. >> she's got something on her lip. >> yes. jaden has a tongue stud, she has a lip piercing. but oral piercing for the smith kids, whether or not there is a hit, i pierce my lips, whether will and jada approve, we don't know. they have been supportive of their children so far though. >> maybe it's just a prank. >> we'll see. >> alex wagner, thanks so much. catch "now" with alex wagner at noon on msnbc. still to come, new york style or deep dish chicago style. >> i like the thin crust. >> me, too. very thin and flat. the results of a new survey. conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. wow, that feels really good! once you experience it, there's no going back. hurry in now for our lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $1000 on selected sleep number bed sets. sale ends july 8th. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! 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[ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. looking good never tasted so good. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios new venus & olay. olay moisture bars help lock in moisture... while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth and goddess skin begins. only from venus & olay. mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger good morning. it's 9:26 on this tuesday, june 26th. i'm aaron gilchrist. started off the day pretty cool. how are we doing now? >> it is a delightful june day with low humidity and great day for sailing on the bay, too. winds gusting to around 25 miles per hour and temperatures in the upper 60s to around 70 sxen the later into the low 80s and the low humidity throughout the day. winds will diminish tonight under a clear sky ask down into the 50s tomorrow morning. highs low to mid-80s tomorrow with low humidity and lots of sun, lighter wind. then on thursday, we start to heat up and then high heat and humidity friday into the weekend. aaron? >> we'll look at the roads for good morning. traveling the outer loop of the beltway in maryland. slow river road delays continue as you make your way into virginia. now, let's head over to virginia right mow. slow from van dorn and delays continue as you cross the wilson bridge. back over to the law says you cannot touch. but i think i see a lot of law breakers up in this house. >> well, he's no stranger to showing off his six-pack. that's matthew mcconaughey as the owner of a dallas male strip joint in director stevensonenberg's newest movie. the newly married mr. mcconaughey will be here to tell us how he and his come stars, including channing tatum learned those dances. are we really going to show this? i guess we're going to. meanwhile cut to us. i sigh girls night, right? come on, al. >> i can show off my kick and six-pack. >> people pay good money for that. >> no, they won't. >> we're talking pizza, do you eat your pizza flat or do you fold it? >> flat. i'm one of those weird, i like to cut it. >> yeah, you're from new york. apparently men and women eat their pizza differently. no arguing, though, everyone considers pizza the favorite food. out with favorite topics and where do find the best slices in the country. one of my favorite toppings is one of the least liked toppings. >> anchovies. i don't like them at all. but something for everyone. for dinner tonight, not pizza but lighter fare. how about fresh seafood. we'll show you how to make quick and easy seared tuna with ann burrell. >> hey, ann. >> first, though, al had a check of the weather. >> let's see what we've got. starting off with the heat. it is rough. especially from the dakotas all the way down to texas and the gulf coast. big bubble of high pressure pushed that jet stream up to the north. temperatures anywhere from 5 to 25 degrees above normal. look at high temperatures, amarillo 102. denver today going to get to 104, 105 yesterday. 97 in new orleans. cooler air banged up over the pacific northwest and northern new england where we've got showers in both of those areas. we do have to worry about, of have to worry about debby still dumping rain throughout central and northern florida. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> a fresh and pleasant morning under way. right now around the region, we are in the 60s most areas and still only in the 50s and bottomed out in the low 50s and upper 30s this morning around dawn and later today with that high june sun and a blue sky, we'll climb into the low 80s and a bit of a blustery, northwesterly wind and overnight the wind will diminish and then the heat is on, thursday into the weekend along >> that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up next, where do find the best flights. we' -- the best slice. the best places to find pizza in the country but first these messages. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. say hello to the p'zolo, in meat trio, italian steak or buffalo chicken. get one for three bucks or two for five. pizza hut. make it great. [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories. new lipton tea & honey. i'm home. [ kids ] hi mom. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your shiny surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. kills germs. dries clear. clorox disinfecting wipes. i just wish it wouldn't fade away so fast. [ male announcer ] when you leave the dental office... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but now there's a way to keep the clean longer. introducing new crest pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline, anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. whether you like a thin or thick crust, cheese or pepperoni, 83% of us consider pizza one of our favorite foods. if the first ever pizza survey, the guide zagat releasing results. here is the managing editor. >> thanks for having me, al. >> hard to believe the average american eats either a slice or whole pie 4.3 times a month. that's a lot of pizza. >> it is. it's a lot of pizza, right. >> how do you determine all this? >> the company is surveying restaurants. what we do is put together a list of the top pizza places in each market and then did a survey that dove into the trends and dining habits of our surveyors. >> top rated pizza places. first of all, atlanta, antico pizza, a favorite. how do you like that. baltimore, iggies. umberto in boston. you think of dallas i don't think pizza but cavalli took the honors. in los angeles pizzeria mozza, new orleans ciro's. seattle, serious pie. in new york city, which i think is the number one pizza place in the country, tttonno's pizzeria. >> good. >> first of all, why did pizza places make the list. >> our surveyors felt these were the ones with the best taste. you look across the country and so many pizza places. these are the ones they thought were the beth. >> tottono's sent pizzas over. what's your favorite? >> my favorite is pepperoni, also sausage. >> that's a classic. >> a classic. >> in fact, pepperoni is the number one topping choice. >> it is. followed by mushrooms and then sausage. >> onions, ham my favorite, anchovies is the least favorite topping. >> they didn't like yours so much. that's followed by pineapple. >> it loses to pineapple. >> i like broccoli and it's on the list, too. who knows. pizza is such a universal food. that's why everyone loves it. you put seasonings and toppings. that's why it has universal appeal. >> what about the full versus flat. >> 50% said they eat it flad. 50% of people in the northeast fold it. >> it's a movable feast. >> exactly it. >> then if you break it down by gender, who likes pizza better, men or women? >> i think men like it a little bit better. women tend not to eat the crust as much as men do. we have a ton of interesting things in this survey. >> you have a couple here. >> i'm going to try this here. >> what's that one? >> this is sausage and mushroom. i think you have anchovy over there. >> what about thick crust versus thin crust? >> the style that came out on top was new york style thin crust was the one everyone thought was the favorite followed by brick oven and neopolitan. i think you're a fan of brick oven pizza. >> yes. not easy to do. you raise an interesting point. tell people about -- actually the pizza police from naples for a certain number of pizzerias around the country, there are actually certified neopolitan people. >> it goes back to the fact people are really passionate about pizza. everyone has an opinion. that's why we did this survey. we wanted to allow surveyors to post opinions. it's a universal food. it's fun, too. pizza is a fun food. >> it's a fun food. next to pigs in a blanket, this is the most fun food. >> you're folding it. >> i do the fold. >> chris wallace, thank you so much. next, how women judge each other and don't judge by pizza. right after this. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. [ sound fades ] at a moment like this, i don't care if my tampons come in a little black box. tampax pearl protects better than u by kotex. [ cheers and applause ] [ angie ] outsmart mother nature only with tampax. had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. back now with a look at the secret way people are judging you. a new study by glamour magazine found not only do women chris size each other but can leave to stereotyp stereotypes. >> good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> this is something a lot of women fall victim to, you hear it all the time. why did you commission this? who did you talk to? >> we noticed when women are interacting, a lot of judging going on. a lot based on size. they pick apart women's bodies, how big, how small. there's a new study how this relates to all women, heavy women but thin women. >> stereotyping based on whatever body size. >> exactly. so we talked to about 1800 women of all different body types and ages themselves and found some pretty shocking findings. we saw they were asked to describe an anonymous heavy woman. the subjects were 11 times more likely to say she was lazy than they would say about a thin woch woman. nine times more often to say sloppy. thin women, vein, conceited, and even mean. there's positive stereotypes therein, too. they were more likely to say avy women were giving. in general there's a whole lot of judging going on. the fascinating thing, natalie, it doesn't matter who you are yourself, you hold these assumptions of heavy women. we're just as likely to say things about other heavy women and skinny women were just as likely to say it about other skinny women. extraordinary. >> seems surprising to me. ann, what are the dangers of holding these stereotypes and judging people based on appear answers in this d -- appearances. >> first of all stereotypes can be how they view themselves, can lead to eating disorders. the disturbing thing, when you're judging yourself and other women, you're going to be disconnected from them. one of things we know is what predicts happiness is not your weight but healthy relationships and feeling close to people. these stereotypes disconnect women from other women. >> the other thing i think we've all heard about this is the discrimination that can sometimes result by appearance, stereotypes. >> this is something that affects heavier women in particular, think about stereotypes, lazy, sloppy, unprofessional. they go to a woman's job performance. employers in the study found repeatedly are less likely to hire a heavy woman than they would a normal weight woman. when you look at salaries, heavier women are likely to learn about $6,000 less annually than their skinnier peers. everything else, education, job experience is controlled, it's strictly about weight. >> strictly a cultural thing but how can we keep ourselves from being judgmental like this? how can we get beyond this? >> i think when you start to be judgmental and go with the stereotypes, see a stop sign, tell yourself to stop and challenge yourself and ask yourself, you know, look at my friends who are heavier. are they sloppy? are they lazy? no. look at my friends that are thinner, are they superficial? no. so the important thing is to challenge these stereotypes and really work on trying to move from being judgmental to be more compassionate and to be more curious about each other, because nobody wins in this judgment game. it makes you feel bad about yourself and also other women feeling bad about themselves and disconnects us from each other. >> good words of advice remembering when the tables are turned people are judging you in the same way. >> ladies, thanks so much. coming up next in "today's" kitchen we're cooking up the best of summer in "today's" kitchen, assest as one, two, three, taking advantage of fresh fish in the supermarket. celebrity chef ann morrell is here to whip it up. good to see you. >> good to see you, al. >> you have a new food network show. >> a new show thursday night on the food network, chef wanted with an burrell. the ultimate job interview. it's real viable restaurants like big name restaurants that are looking for a new chef. so i find some candidates. we put them through some tests. and the winner of the show ultimately gets hired for the job. >> that's cool. >> in this economy, that's fantastic. >> it changes lives, good things happen. >> nice. good things happen when we get you in here. you're making a marinaded tuna. >> tuna. i'm a big fan of tuna. i don't go the asian route all that often. in the summertime when you can sear tuna, toss it in the marinade in the morning, come home. >> how long. >> this was done yesterday. but several hours. >> what goes in. >> ginger, garlic, scallion, soy sauce. my super secret weapon, a vietnamese spice super spicy. >> you sound like grover. >> that's how spicy it is, it makes me go grover. tuna is so fast. it's expensive but it's so fast to sear. you just turn it over, goes red to white. when it turns white it's ready. >> each side. like 15 seconds or something. >> yes. q and e, high-quality, quick and easy, high quality. when it's done, you slice it. look at this. it's amazing, some flavorful. >> is that the spice i'm smelling? >> it is. >> can you smell it? >> i can. it's burning my eyes a little bit. >> that's how we roll. >> to go along with my tuna, i have salad, i went shopping at the green market, arugula. i like a crunchy finish, pumpkin seed, finish with mint lemonade. if you would like to make this a big girl lemonade, as i like to do, throw a shot of bourbon in there. >> that will make it big. what kind of dressing. >> super simple, lemon, extra virgin olive oil, shaved parmes parmesano, red onion. >> you could put the tuna on the salad. >> this is a dinner really healthy and so quick and easy and a super crowd pleaser. >> what else do you like in the summertime this year? >> you know, i am all about vegetables in the green market, just finishing up the asparagus season, sugar snap peas on the way, peaches. this is when the market starts to go crazy and i can't get enough of it. >> show. >> chefs wanted. >> thursday food network, ann burrell. up next, get cozy with some of the stars from "magic mike." good morning, it's 9:57 on this tuesday, june 26th. i'm angie goff. let's go straight to storm 4 meteorologist tom kierein. >> since dawn it's been rather cool and now we're warming up and low humidity in place as we approach 10:00, temperatures already now climbing to the low 70s around the bay and else where. still generally in the 60s. later into the low 80s by mid-afternoon. bit of a blustery afternoon and tonight wind will diminish and temperatures down to the 50s and highs into the low 80s and sunshine as we get into thursday, friday and the weekend. increasing humidity and heat. danella, how is traffic? >> better on i-270. remember this morning completely jammed southbound all the way to the lane divide. right now now and clear. in fact, in both directions. let's head over to the 14th street bridge. nice and clear in this area, as well. in [ female announcer ] the son of a single mom. proud father of two daughters. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. me captions paid for by class nbc-universal television captions paid for by nbc-universal television hoda and i want to welcome to you a beautiful booze day tuesday, june 26th. it's gorgeous. >> it's in the 70s today, no humidity. >> great hair weather. by the way, yesterday, you know how it rained then it didn't, then it rained and didn't? i was buying some turkey meatballs. i walked out, it was pouring. i had no umbrella. the nicest guy helped me get a cab with an umbrella on the street. >> did he hop in with you to take a ride? >> no, he did not. >> no? chivalry is alive and well. apparently a little chicanery was going on last night on david letterman. >> every year paul and i get dressed up and go to the gay pride parade. this year we were with kathie lee and hoda, yeah, hoda! never seen hoda in my life. have you ever seen hoda? oh, you were on the show. >> no. i wasn't on their show, but i love hoda and kathie lee. >> you watch it. >> i watch it. >> it's true at some point they just start drinking? >> that was it. >> that's our cue, i suppose. >> cheers. >> he's seen you. dave, bad boy. i'd spank him but he'd enjoy it. >> speaking of giving a spanking. christie brinkley and her former husband peter cook. the new york "post" headline is giving a spanking. >> read the first line of the article, hoda. >> by the way, their divorce or settlement has been going on forever. >> they keep going back to court because of new issues arising regarding their children. >> here's the headlines. the first line in the article in "the post" written by -- >> salim. >> the hamptons most annoying crybabies are getting a nanny. what they decided to do is get some sort of, what would you call the person? >> it's called officially parenting coordinators. which is basically a babysitter. oh, there goes jill. jill rapport. we love our jill. they are two adults acting so like children. obviously they have issues with their kids going forward. they are now completely agreed up to the point that they will never, ever speak to each other ever again. >> all communication has to go through this coordinator. >> when i first heard that i said you've got to do what you've got to do. tell me tax dollars are not going to that. that would infuriate me. apparently, no. they have to pay for this. they'll go to court about that, too. why can't you settle something privately? >> i know. actually, his now-wife was giving interviews at the courthouse saying that christie brinkley came up to her and said, what was it? >> well, i'll be there for you when he cheats on you. >> she said something like get a new line. >> it's just ugly. it's just ugly. you're adults, do what you want to do, but the kids. one is 17 and one is 14. you just wonder if they will ever recover from this sort of thing. >> you look at this picture, you remember they must have been at some point madly and deeply in love. it's funny when you see a day like this. >> we've been married before. we thought it would be forever and it wasn't. i have nothing but the best wishes in the world for my ex-husband and you sort of do, too. >> anyway, there are some issues festering. just a few. >> like a fungus. >> let's talk about a wedding. there was a wedding in michigan. >> speaking of still in love. >> they did a typical wedding picture where they tried to be creative and went out on a dock in shelbyville, michigan. the entire wedding party was on a dock and take a look at what happened. >> everybody in the drink. look at the bride. oh, my gosh. >> she didn't even go to her husband. >> she didn't? >> no. she's this trouble already. >> look at this shot. this is very telling. >> this is after the ceremony. >> sometimes you take pictures prior. >> can i tell you something? you know someone's personality right away when something like that happens. if they turn into one of those bridezillas, you know who they are. >> it bodes well for them they can deal with that. we have a terrified dad on our hands in an amusement park. >> he was with one of his daughters. >> grace elizabeth. >> they had a video camera. this one rolled a videotape. >> it's at dollywood. >> a man and his daughter. take a peek. >> ahh! >> never again, grace elizabeth, oh, my god! >> we've got to do one more? >> okay. >> the daughter wanted to do one more. >> if you don't like the word "again," don't have children. again, again. >> how about him? >> i thought it was willard scott at first. don't do it. willard, your heart. if willard goes, i'm officially the oldest person here. >> he really is crying like a little girl. that is so true. god love him. that's love. and his daughter is having a blast, too. >> all righty. if you are looking for love and who isn't? you can now go to a sniff party. >> yeah. a lot of people do online dating. people say why do that when there is a pheromone party. you submit your slept-in t-shirt so it smells like you and pass it around to potential suitors and they sniff it. if they like what they smell, you're hooked up. they are in ziplock bags. >> jerry has a problem with that. i have a big problem with it, too. you know how awful it was when you were a little kid and they choose teams and one person is standing there? what if nobody wants to sniff you? that's cruel. >> why would they not want to sniff your bag. >> they don't like the way you smell. what if everybody teams up and you're alone. >> that would be terrible. >> in your underwear. that would be sad. >> i would like the smell of lever 2000 or fresh laundry. that's what i like. >> i know what you would like and i have it in my closet. hanging in my closet. >> what is it? >> remember when we went to see hugh jackman on broadway? that man sweats profusely. >> that was the best sweat. >> like you cannot believe. there was an auction for aids equity fights -- i forget the name of charity. broadway fights aids. we all started bidding. >> on the sweaty t-shirt. >> i bid so much money, it was ridiculous. >> frank was mad. >> how did that happen? >> how do you tell your husband you wanted another man's sweaty t-shirt? i ran into it yesterday in my closet. >> you did? >> yes. i didn't sniff it though. >> how vicious was it with you and that other lady bidding on it? >> who does she think she was? >> in the theater, you put your hand up and she did. you guys were looking at each other and it was a total takedown. >> you are going down. >> that's what she yelled. >> she didn't have anything to explain -- know what happened? both of them. he went upstairs and got a different t-shirt and she paid it, too. >> i hate when they do that. >> i was about to give up. >> i said it's hers. >> no. how about everybody? >> guess who is coming to broadway? >> no announcement. >> cher, the musical. she is one of the great performers of all time. this is what their plan would be for three actresses to play cher at different periods in her life. one from the sonny era. one from the divorced version through her "believe" tour. and now as cher today who is in her 60s and still looks amazing. >> we would like to cut to our producer joanne la marka. she is so excited. she's been waiting for this day. >> biggest fans in the world ever. >> here's the thing. it's a great idea. as i said, i saw her a couple of times live. she is unbelievable. you've got to get a very good book or otherwise it's just a look-alike contest. that's the hard part. you have to play three actresses to play one role. i know what that's like. when you produce. >> maybe it's just two and cher can play herself and not get paid. >> cher is going to do it for free, yeah. you don't know cher. >> anyway, we think it's awesome. >> we are here to say today we can predict the presidential election. >> right. >> we think. >> just with our taste buds. >> "family circle" magazine has done this thing every year. they call it a presidential cookie bake-off. since 1992 they asked the spouses to share their favorite cookie recipe. when you choose which one is the tastiest, they've been right four out of five. >> that means mrs. obama's won four years ago over mrs. mccain. >> first lady michelle obama. hers are called mama key's white and chocolate. >> mama kay. >> don't confuse me with your fancy talk. anne romney made her cookies. they are m&m cookies. she says her grandchildren cannot resist. we'll try them. >> good. >> get in there. >> let me try again. >> all right. i'm eating so much sweets lately. >> we'll talk friday, there is a new thing coming out, new study that says sugar makes you stupid. >> give me more. >> all right. what do you say? >> i have to say i kind of like both of them. i'm not trying to be nonpartisan. but i like the crunchiness of that one, but i love the chunky chocolatey bits of this one. >> it's going to be a close election? >> i think it's going to be very close. >> i am a practicing independent, but i'm going with mrs. romney. >> of course you are. >> you can find the recipes-owe. >> you're not committing? >> honestly, i like this sometimes, i like that. i do. honestly. delicious. by the way, for friday we are keeping a food diary. >> you don't end up putting things like this on or things like this. >> if you write down everything you put in your mouth, imagine what it looks like? okay? >> everything? >> yes. all right. you know what? >> just saying. i don't think i was that truthful with her last week. >> anyway. so we have one last cocktail to discuss, don't we? this is called tales of a cocktail. they are celebrating the 10th anniversary. it's another cocktail day in new orleans. it doesn't matter. >> every day is cocktail day in new orleans. this is going to be through july 25th through july 29th. it's very important. it's called a french 75. >> cognac, lemon juice, simple syrup. >> coming up next, joe man xwfrn aniello makes magic. >> oh, yes. >> wait till you see the cast he spells on all the women in our studio. he's a sweet guy. 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[ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? ♪ this olympian's mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. let the spills begin. p&g. proud sponsor of the olympic games. actor joe manganiello is best known as the wolf in "blue blood." he's known as big dick. >> richie. in the new movie "magic mike." ♪ >> since we couldn't get enough of those moves from the clip, we thought we would ask joe to do something. that was before. show us what he's got. cue the music, please. ♪ it's raining men ♪ hallelujah ♪ it's raining men >> that's it? there has to be more. we have our cast ready and everything. >> i was going to say, if you have dollar bills. >> show us, big boy. >> meal stripping is basic. there are only a few moves. there is the body roll, then the top body roll. >> your parents must be so proud of their little joe. >> it's going to be an awkward summer for mom and dad. >> he grew up to be big dick. >> richie. >> my mother is very proud. >> he's italian, of course he is. >> tell us what you liked about this. >> what is there not to like about this movie? it's such a great group of guys and it's really fun. aside from that, you're basically having 200 female extras scream, claw, grab, body cavity search. >> there are no rules for women. the men get a lap dance and stuff, they are supposed to not touch. >> at a female strip club you get an architectural guy in a trench coat that looks like a typical serial killer. at a male strip club, women go and attack. the idea is to make a girl blush in front of her girlfriends and embarrass her. there is a whole level of energy and fun. plus it's costumes. you can't take yourself seriously with your american flag thong and sparkler. >> oh, i don't know. >> did you have to take dance lessons? did you know this stuff before? >> i think only channing had experience in this area, right? >> i had ballet and jazz in drama school. male stripping is really grimy. we had a stripper boot camp for about a month. >> matthew mcconaughey. did you have to work out a lot because you wanted the best bod in the group? all you guys have terrific bodies. >> i don't know i was necessarily trying to compete with the other guys. i'm on the naked werewolf show. i had a bit of a head start. >> sit here for a second. it's not a whole lot -- >> make money and grind on women, then we talk. >> then they get their big break to move from tampa to miami. >> it's like "three sisters." instead of moscow it's miami. >> i read in the paper today that channing wants to make it into a broadway musical, cher, this? what is going -- rogers and hammerstein would not be thrilled. >> i don't know about that. i say cole porter would be thrilled. >> he would be delighted, delovely. >> did you all become friends on this show? >> yeah. nothing bonds you together like shaving your legs and putting on a thong. >> you must have been screaming laughing. >> the whole time, rolling on the ground crying laughing. >> was it you who said most of the time on these sets you go to your trailer? you guys hung out and supported one another? >> yeah. it was like a party, you didn't want to be in the bathroom when something crazy happens. >> i've never been to one of those clubs because i am -- have you? >> yeah, once. >> really? >> yeah. bachelorette party. >> friday nights. >> all right, "magic mike," it opens friday. >> i prefer you with less clothing on. >> i met you at the jonathan club on the beach out in l.a. >> you know what? you didn't have to bring that up. what happens at the jonathan's club is supposed to stay there it was fun and i want to thank you very much. >> this movie opens at a theater near you on friday. channing tatum will be with us thursday. he shot to fame as kid dyn-o-mite. comedian jimmy walker. you can never have too much of a good thing. the unlimitesoup, salad, and breadsticks lunch at olive garden just $6.95. fresh, crisp salad made when you order it, four soups made fresh daily, baked breadsticks right out of the oven! just $6.95 for a limited time. hey, becky. hey....uncle steve. for life's bleachable moments. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. still ahead, comedian jimmy walker. >> bobbie thomas shows how everything can look good on you this summer. >> world-renowned chef marcus samuelsson shares some recipes. all of this is coming up after your local news. [ male announcer ] pizza hut believes you deserve better than a boring sub. say hello to the p'zolo, in meat trio, italian steak or buffalo chicken. get one for three bucks or two for five. pizza hut. make it great. my skin loses moisture nearly twice as fast as yours does, mom. that's why you use johnson's baby lotion twice a day to keep my skin baby soft. you've really got this "mom thing" down. ♪ and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for a year with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $200 back and a two-year price guarantee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. and now, it's faster than ever. you get speed you can count on... even when everyone at home is online at the same time. plus, the best tv picture quality. tired of cable's inflated bills? get fios for just $99.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $200 back, plus a two-year price guarantee. call 1.866.685.fios. that's 1.866.685.3467. fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. with more of today. stand-up comedian jimmie walker, if you were around in the 1970s like some people we know, hoda was just born, you probably remember jimmie as a pop icon from "good times." >> he gave j.j. evans the catch phrase that resonates still 40 years later. take a look. ♪ good times >> in 1974, television audiences across the country were introduced to the evans family on the ground-breaking show "good times." james and florida were the hard-working parents always trying to keep their heads above water in the chicago housing projects. there was daughter thelma, son michael and their first-born and his enthusiastic catch phrase -- >> dyn-o-mite! >> kid, i'm dyn-o-mite. >> j.j. played by up-and-coming median jimmie walker was the sitcom's breakout star. >> j.j., you're a genius. >> i know. >> goofy, love and self-described van gogh of the ghetto, he was always trying to do the right thing. >> they so sexy, they almost turning me on. >> while the show forced viewers to witness some harsh realities of urban life, j.j. kept a dose of healthy humor present. >> jimmie walker gave himself a gift for his 65th birthday. >> memoir appropriately titled, "dyn-o-mite." >> did you come up with that? >> john rich our producer who did "the honeymooners" later on went to create mcgyver. i did a light version and he said, that's it, man. i said what? he said i want you to line up, stand there and wail it, man. he did it. it was the kind of thing i went, what does it mean, john? he says it means nothing. people will go for it. norman lear came in and he says, what does it mean, john? are we just going to have a guy standing there saying dyn-o-mite? >> yes, we'll see. >> we asked what took so long to write the book? >> i had the book for 30 years. written, bind it, go to kinko. >> don't use that kind of language. >> i could not sell it. the book was turned down 100 times. >> really? >> what did they tell you? >> there was no big call for jimmie "j.j." walker. trust me. after the fourth writer. this is the fourth writer who wrote it with me. after that, we finally sold it. he put in more chapters about the show. that helped, i think, a little bit. when i wrote it, i had maybe two pages. >> you had moved on. >> i moved on. when we were together as a cast, there wasn't much conversation. >> what's interesting, florida, your mom on the show was quoted, i think, saying they thought that you were sort of stealing the limelight away from everybody. you were a nice guy, a lazy guy, doesn't have a job in the show, but you get all the attention. >> i came in for the comedy. i'm coming in to come and do comedy. anybody who was an actor, that wasn't my thing. >> you are a stand-up comedian. >> and i wrote jokes, jokes, jokes. even woe it got to a point that they said no more jokes, we're in front of a live audience, i had eight jokes ready. >> that's what you are. >> rehearsal i would do the jokes and they would go no jokes. i said to the camera crew, line me up, get me a nice one-cut, baby. i'm going with it. >> they kept them in the show. >> then when they got applause, yeah. when they didn't work, my head got it. >> what is there bitterness about the whole experience? >> no. not at all. i always say this, in this business, as you guys know, if anybody likes anything you do, you are happy about it. >> and grateful. >> there's enough people that just go, jimmie walker, stinks. >> nobody i met ever said that. you do well in a pheromone party. >> this guy brian who produces shows i do. they said how about jimmie walker for this show. he said jimmie walker? he's yesterday's mash potatoes. i thought he made a suicide pact with flip wilson? >> oh, did you put that in the book? >> we've got to go. >> i want to mention my app 99 cents. jim ji walker original. goat to app. i'm out, good. love these ladies. >> to keep you cool this sirm after this. after this. u after this. m after this. mer after this. yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? 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[ male announcer ] now learn about a program committed to you and copay assistance that can reduce monthly orencia out-of-pocket drug cost to $5. if you're not satisfied after 6 months, you get that money back. call 1-800-orencia. we are back with bobbie's tuesday's trend. she is taking us undercover. bobbie thomas has new and inventive lingerie and shapewear to keep all your assets where they belong. >> how are you? >> i'm good. i'm really excited. this time of year clothing gets thin and we are frustrated with peek-a-boo straps. >> kids don't care. >> it's all out. >> when it comes to my girlfriends, they are strapped down. i'm not going to get embarrassed today. i'm excited about this new website. it's this is a bra company that created a quiz. they ask you the shape, are they round, falling on the bottom, where do your bra straps dig in? they can help analyze not just the size but the shape so you get that personalized fitting. they'll send five bras to your house. if you don't like them, you can send them back. >> love that. pretty. >> gorgeous. >> you can do this in the privacy of your own home. >> really great. >> this is the joey bra. if p you need a hands-free summer, this has a pocket right in the side. this is such a hot item. she just launched this. the girl was creative. she can barely keep them in stock. this next one, i love this. this is a statement bra. bare necessities is one of my favorite resources. this is a clever way to conceal your cleavage. it's really pretty. she has other innovative shapes that pop-up, metal that you can see there. around here in the morning we don't love to have the plunging necklines. >> well, the crew likes it -- >> well, to cover up, you might want to do that without just the tank every day. is a great cami site. they make sequins to a satin trim to lace so you can mix up the way you can feel underneath. they come in different lengths. >> being very nice. >> we love our spanx. this is really call. you see in the back here, in the front it's a slip. this is a hybrid. it's a skort. i'm going to turn this around. it's a short in the back. the reason for this, which is fantastic, when you wear maxi dresses or all those dresses that you can see through, this gives you the extra coverage so you don't have the see-through but the skort in the back gives shame to your p.m. buns. they make your undsys according to your body shape, whether you're an apple or diamond. or a pear. they have body shape according to the shape and panelling in the underwear. this is a great way. >> and they are like spanx. >> those are granny panties big time. >> this is one of my favorite sites. they have launched this called my skin. >> it matches your skin shade. >> i'm up here. >> everything is on klg& >> those are great. >> when you want to wear white you need to have skin tone. >> bobbie, thank you, sweetheart. the worst hospital mistakes. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream makes philadelphia and the moment a little richer. ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] introducing zzzquil sleep-aid. [ snoring ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing. [ birds chirping ] introducing zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. ♪ requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection spf 15 body lotion is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. daily protection body lotion only from eucerin. proud father of two daughters. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. what you're about to hear is depressing and very surprising. as many as 98,000 deaths a year are caused by all kinds of medical mistakes. according to one study, 1-7 hospital patients experienced unintended harm, wow. >> what can you do to make sure that doesn't happen to you? "prevention" editor in chief is here and dr. taz is here. how are you? >> good. happy we're not in the hospital. >> yeah. more and more we are hearing about these kinds of things. >> if you have choices, you say it's a good idea not to have surgery in july or on the weekends, if it's up to you. >> right. if you have a choice, right. not only does it mess up your summer vacation but there is a 10% spike at fatalities at teaching hospitals in july. experts think this is because when doctors in training begin their residencies, it's in july. weekends are a problem because you have life staffing, doctors on call at their home. you're never going to get a lab result. doctors are people, too. don't be the first surgery in the morning or the last in the day. >> i would want to be the first one. no? >> the problem is in the morning you still have lighter staffing. when there's lighter staffing, you've got people with a lot on their plate. there is more room for that human error piece of the surgery or procedure. >> often in the hospital, there is a shift change. doctors or a nurse come and go. >> i worked in a hospital for years. shift change can work for a patient because you get a fresh set of nurses and doctors to look at your care. the problem is in the hand-off where there is miscommunication when one nurse checks out to the next or one doctor checks out to the other doctor. key to the patient, introduce yourself. make sure you know who your new doctor and nurse is and review the care and plan. >> and know what medication you're taking. >> exactly. >> if they are bringing you something different, you can point it out to them. >> friends and family in the room weapon with that because sometimes you're out of it. >> it takes a prevention village. you're stressed, you're sick, you're not your usual calm and charming self. you want friends and family at the bedside not only to answer questions, but to be your eyes and ears. you can return the favor when you're needed to help your friend. >> what if you have a crazy mother? >> we can talk sidebar. >> i don't. some people family members can be a big distraction. >> they raise the temperature. >> offer one more suggestion to that. i've seen where this could save lives. have a spokesperson but maybe a written health plan. where you have somebody coming into the room and they can know your medication and he'll jis without having to guess. i've been where even the spokesperson is not clear about what's going on. it can result in a loss of life. >> a lot of rooms are germy. you say tell them to wash their hands. >> here is the thing. don't be afraid of looking like the crazy lady, howard hughes germaphobe. they are crawling dangerous bugs. have the alcohol wipe and say use this. >> they wouldn't come back to see you? >> you would rather look pushy and push up daisies. >> i didn't realize we are quite the germ magnets, but there are germs on things we carry room to room. most of us have good habits wiping them down. >> it's the tone you use. >> it's a relationship. it's establishing the relationship. >> not like a good staph infection. thank you, ladies. the remarkable journey of chef marcus samuelsson. now on "today's kitchen," what's cooking? owner of the rooster restaurant in harlem, marcus samuelsson tosses together a shrimp and endive salad. >> adopted by swedish parents and dedicating his life to his passion for food. we love you. >> thank you so much. i came with a yes chef drink. >> yes chef, i like that. >> what is it? >> ethiopian spices. honey, wine, a little bit of pineapple juice. >> very delicious. >> your memoir is a beautiful story. adopted at 3. >> by the age of 3. me and my sister had tuberculosis. i heard your brother was adopted from ethiopia? i was adopted to sweden. that's when the second part of my life really began. >> look at the beautiful pictures. >> so lucky to be raised in sweden. >> please tell me your folks are still here to see your great success. >> my mom is. me and my sister grew up there. absolutely fantastic. >> what are you whipping up for us. >> i love when siblings are not broken up. >> summer salad, summer cocktail. a little fried shrimp. >> these are not heavy. when you think about frying, shouldn't be that heavy. just light. i'm going to put in a little vinaigrette with this endive. >> what is that dressing? >> just lemon vinaigrette. >> i thought it was endive. >> the key is to blend up. >> put salt on it. >> this is the perfect dinner party. get a little bit of nuts. >> what kind of nuts? >> nice wonderful fried walnuts. >> thank you. looks delicious. >> this is what we serve at rooster. >> how is the rooster going, by the way? >> oh, wow. >> you have to come back up. >> this is delicious. you're going to love this. >> it's a little bit thinner, a little bit sweet, just like life. that's what i talk about in yes chef, the journey of my life. enjoy. >> marcus, that is so delicious. >> fantastic. >> so light. >> what about these nuts we just bypassed? those are delicious. >> this is just roasted nuts with a little bit of spice from our country ethiopia. dried cherries in there. >> do you ever go back to ethiopia? >> once a year to visit my biological family. eight sisters and brothers in ethiopia. it's all in "yes chef." >> we are so proud and happy for you. >> your place is called the red rooster restaurant up in harlem. too many the greece goddess of comedy and magic johnson. >> how to pack a romantic picnic for the park. >> we've got everything tomorrow. >> when to buy stuff or stop. have an awesome booze day tuesday. 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