Transcripts For WRC Today 20110617

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golf tournament. the county says they need a vendor's license. the kids are vowing to stay in business today. the kids are vowing to stay in business today. june 17th, 2 011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on this friday morning. i'm ann curry. >> i'm lester holt in for matt this morning. a rougher day than anthony weiner could imagine. viscously heckled by the crowd. of course, he was by himself when he announced his resignation. his wife were not with him. the two were seen together last night after they left new york city in a domestic scene in a grocery store. >> you wonder why he just didn't issue a statement. just ahead, we'll talk to the democratic leader weiner first told about his decision to step down. plus, we'll hear from one of the women who said she had an internet relationship with weiner and she's speaking out for the first time. which member of the "today" family is going to be doing cook for prince william and princess catherine on their trip to california. and perhaps, what the meal will consist of. >> i can tell you one thing, it's not me cooking. check out our plaza, we've gone country this morning for a summer concert from kenny chesney who is going to take the stage and perform one of his 21 number one hits. >> now that the rain has finally stopped, rock 'n roll here this morning. >> that's right. let's begin with the resignation of congressman anthony weiner. luke russert has covered the scandal from the beginning. luke, good morning. >> good morning, lester. ten days after admitted having inappropriate relationships with six women over the last three years, anthony weiner announced he was leaving congress as he sought to no longer be a distraction for his party. as former representative anthony weiner and his wife huma abedin left their new york apartment democrats were breathing a sigh of relief, after a three-week ordeal finally ended with what many thought was inevitable from the beginning. >> today i announce my resignation from congress. >> reporter: his wife was not by his side when he apologized again. >> i make this apology to my neighbors and constituents but i make it particularly to my wife huma. >> reporter: for weeks he desperately sought to keep his job. at first he said something about a lewd photograph over twiter. >> is that you? >> let's keep in mind what happened here. i was pranked, i was hacked, i was punked, whatever it is. someone sent out a picture. i'm an easy name to make fun of, and i think that that's what happened again. >> reporter: when he apologized for misleading the public but continued to insist he would not resign. >> but i'm not resigning, and i'm going to try very hard to go back to work a better person and a better man. i'm going to try to be a better husband, too. >> reporter: for days weiner remained defiant. >> this is ultimately something for my constituents. >> reporter: as more women came forward with detailed of explicit online relationships with weiner the pressure mounted from party leaders for him to step down. >> i came to the conclusion that, with the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents, that congressman weiner should resign from the congress. >> reporter: even president obama told ann -- >> ultimately there's going to be a decision for him and his constituents. i can tell you that if it was me, i would resign. >> reporter: by wednesday, weiner made the decision it was time to go and informed nancy pelosi. on thursday before a chaotic crowd of journalists, constituents, and attention-seeking hecklers, he went public. >> i hoped to be able to continue to work that the citizens of my district elected me to do. unfortunately the distraction that i have created has made that impossible. >> reporter: in weiner's district, reaction was mixed. >> it's really, you know, not right what he did, but then again, he's worked hard and he's done a lot. and he shouldn't have had to resign. >> i think it's about time. i think that we need in this district someone to focus on the issues and it's not just what he did but it's that he lied about it. >> i'm happy that it's done with already and we can go on to the next -- hopefully find somebody else that can replace him that will be worthwhile. >> reporter: as to what will happen to anthony weiner's seat, anthony cuomo will call for a special election. no chance it will flip because it's a solidly democratic district so they should hang on to it, which republicans are willing to accept. ann? >> luke russert this morning. luke, thank you. new york representative steve israel is the chairman of the democratic congressional campaign committee. congressman israel, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you got the first call from congressman anthony weiner, how did he put it? did he explain his decision? >> well, i'm not going to publicly comment on the private details of a a phone conversation. i will say that the congressman was very remorseful. and one of the things we had talked about, he, in fact, articulated in his press conference yesterday, and that is this had become an enormous distraction. we talked about the fact that the week before the republicans had introduced a bill to privatize social security. the american people deserve an undistracted debate on that and that debate wasn't occurring because what was happening with congressman weiner. that was one of the reasons that brought him to his judgment to resign. >> you served in the new york delegation together. you attended his wedding. did you personally try to convince him to resign? >> look, i have had several conversations with congressman weiner. i called on him to resign very early on. one of the reasons i called on him to resign is i felt it was the right decision for him, for his family, for the congress, and for the country. you know, again, we have some serious issues confronting this country. we have a lot of work to do. and we need that undistracted debate. you know, yesterday when everybody was talking about congressman weiner's resignation the republicans passed a bill to slash funding for nutritional programs for women, infant, and children because they say we can't afford it while saying we can afford a $100,000 tax cut for people making a million dollars. those are the debates people want us to have. >> you can't get past this issue before you put it to bed. the question people still want an answer from is what was his final reasoning. he's a congressman. you know, representing -- so it's important to hear what he has to say about that. i know the party has put intense pressure on him. it appears he was wait for his wife to weigh in. the question is that also needs to be asked, did the party pressure huma, his wife? did the party talk to huma and tell her that they thought she should also tell her husband to resign? >> not at all. my conversations with congressman weiner were directed at the fact that we weren't able to debate those issues and that it would be best for him, for his family, for the congress, and for the country for him to leave the congress. and there were no conversation -- i had no conversations, there were no conversations with huma. she was in africa traveling with the secretary of state. >> okay. and now, what about the -- this idea of the news conference. did the party want the congressman to have a news conference? i mean, some might wonder why would he allow himself to be put again in that humiliating position? why not just issue a statement? >> well, look, that was fundamentally congressman weiner's decision. we didn't advise him on how to resign. we didn't advise him on where to resign. we didn't advise him on what kind of press conference to have. i had advised him to resign and left the rest up to him. >> i know you want this to be the end of it, so the question then becomes, now there's going to be a special election. is there worry about fall-out from the scandal causing the dems to lose the seat and possibly lose the house next year? >> the real scandal here is that republicans yesterday voted to slash programs for women, infant, and children, nutritional programs, while saying we could afford $100,000 tax cuts for people making over a million dollars. when the american people understand that, that's the scandal, then the politics will take care of itself. the important thing here is -- luke russert's piece, he had someone who spoke eloquently. one of congressman weiner's constituents. this is now behind us and we need to get on to important issues. >> thank you for joining us this morning. it is now 7:09. here's lester. >> there are other debates taking place. the war of words between congress and the white house heating up over the u.s. involvement in libya. did president obama need approval from congress to enter the conflict? nbc's kristen welker is at the white house with the latest on that. >> reporter: this week the white house issued a report justifying u.s. involvement in libya but house speaker john boehner says the report is not good enough and he's demanding a better explanation today. it has been nearly three months since the united states joined the nato-led air strikes in libya, but now the white house and congress are in a battle of their own. the sticking point, how each side interprets the war powers act which says a president needs congressional approval for military actions lasting longer than 90 days. in a 32-page report released this week the white house argued it does not need to comply with the act because the united states is now providing a support role in libya and does not legally at war. >> our current actions in libya or in this mission do not fall under the war powers resolution because they do not meet the threshold of hostilities. >> reporter: speaker boehner fired back. >> you know, the white house says there are no hostilities taking place, yet we've got drone attacks under way, we're spending $10 million a day. it doesn't pass the straight face test in my view that we're not in the midst of hostilities. >> reporter: but the top democrat in the house defended the president. >> i'm satisfied that the president has the authority he needs to go ahead. >> reporter: still, other members of mr. obama's party are questioning his actions. >> i believe that what we are engaged in in libya is a matter that should come under the war powers resolution. >> reporter: the white house might also be fighting against war fatigue. over the past decade the united states has spent more than a trillion dollars funding u.s. troops in iraq and afghanistan, conflict which have claimed countless lives. now, congressman dennis kucinich along with nine other lawmakers filed a lawsuit against the white to end u.s. involvement. other lawmakers may pursue a path of trying to defund the mission. in the meantime, president obama and speaker boehner play a friendly game of golf tomorrow. what they'll discuss is anyone's guess. lester? >> thanks. 7:12. again, here's ann. >> thanks. in greece, the political turmoil. we're interrupting the "today" show to bring you breaking news from the pentagon. we've been telling you all morning about washington boulevard around the pentagon and another roadway blocked because of a suspicious vehicle on washington boulevard in the bushes there. we understand someone has been taken into custody. >> let's get the latest from jim miklaszewski. what have you learned? >> reporter: officials here at the poll tell us that one person has reportedly been taken into custody. and the search is on for another or perhaps two more people who fled the scene. now, according to the officials i talked to, there was a search of a vehicle on washington boulevard and it was discovered there was a suspicious device, that's what they're calling it, a suspicious device found in the vehicle. that's when one person was taken into custody. of course all of the traffic now is that it's pretty much a standstill at many of the entrances to the pentagon and the quick traffic report here, you can get access to the pentagon parking lots on boundary channel drive off 395 or the two entrances to the pentagon south parking lot from army-navy drive. now, according to the officialize talked to who described this as a suspicious device, one of them said it appeared to be a bomb but that's not clear. i want to be very cautious here. one person reportedly in custody, and the search is on for one or two others who fled the scene and are believed to be on foot in the vicinity. >> have they said anything about the lookout for the individuals? anything more about the person in custody? >> reporter: no, all of the details i have are sketchy and the pentagon is scrambling to come up with more information. >> what are you hearing about the tens of thousands of people trying to get to work at the pentagon? you said there's one parking lot that's open but that will not handle all of the men and women who want to go to work at the pentagon? what's happening there? >> reporter: in terms of the traffic situation, all parking lots are open but the difficulty's getting there. many entrances are closed. again, boundary channel drive off 395 and off the gw parkway is open. but two entrances to the south parking lot are open off army-navy drive. once you're on the compound, there's freedom of movement throughout. >> what's going on inside the pentagon? have people been alerted about the situation? have there been any in thes? >> reporter: no, it's business as usual for the time being. >> how far away would the suspicious vehicle be from the pentagon billing it self-in case anything were to happenen. >> reporter: not clear about that. i was told it was in or around washington boulevard. >> how did you get? did you have i have any problems. >> reporter: i always take boundary exit so when i heard that, i went, i'm in. >> thanks so much, as always. >> an update on the traffic situation out there. melissa mollet near the pentagon and she's been telling us it's been tough going. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. really tough going trying to get over here from the other scene. we're along off of columbia pike. you can see traffic moving fine here. et cetera when you get closer to the pentagon or those veins around the pentagon that you're going to get into trouble, as jim was saying. all roads around the pentagon are shut down because of police activity unless you go in on boundary channel drive. again to reiterate, the suspicious vehicle found before 6:00 on washington boulevard in the swath between 395 and 110. it's in the bushes, we understand, kind of a wooded area there. now, the arlington bomb squad was called out, out on the scene. still been here an hour and a half. police telling us the investigation is connected to another arlington police investigation. just to say one more time, 110 is closed, the 66 ramps to 110 and the pentagon closed. that section of washington boulevard between 395 and 110. unclear how long this will last this morning. we are over here with arlington police. they are giving us any updates as they get them. of course we'll pass them along as soon as we get them. if you are heading out here to the area, but have not left the house, best thing to do would be to take metro. we are understanding from metro now that this is not affecting any stops near the pentagon. >> of course, the stop in the pentagon, so take metro if you're going to the pentagon. i wanted to ask you, the camera zoomed into a group of vehicles there what looked like they were on the grass. can you see the particular vehicle in question in that group of vehicles when the camera zooms in tight? >> reporter: good question. good question. if we can zoom back over there, we'll show you what we understand from here, again, we are a fair distance away because, of course, it is the pentagon. what we understand, joe, those are police officials there. there was a fire there. we saw a bomb squad vehicle go by. a police vehicle. the actual vehicle in question is more to the left of what you're looking at right now. so we cannot see the vehicle in question. we even asked arlington police a while ago, is it a car, is it a truck, an suv, and they said they did not know. that is not information they were passing along at this point. >> have they said, though, that vehicle is out there in the bushes and investigators are still searching it? >> reporter: yes. the vehicle is still out here, as far as we understand from our official here with arlington police. saying the vehicle is still out there the investigation is ongoing. if there is a suspicious device in there, this could be going on for the next several hours. >> just to ask you about that device, jim said they did find something that looked like a bomb in the vehicle. do you see any signs of bomb squads out there trying to do anything to diffuse or dismantle that device? >> reporter: well, we cannot physically see any people from the bomb squad. we know the arlington bomb squad is out here and is on the case, so to speak, handling the situation. physically we cannot see them from our vantage point here. >> melissa, thanks so much. >> traffic impact has been severe, certainly in that area, at least. let's find out the latest from danella sealock, she's looking at the traffic. >> i am. there are a lot of road closures. if you can take metro around the pentagon i suggest it. let me tell you what's closed. 66 eastbound, ramp to 110 closed. 395 north and southbound to washington boulevard, closed. jefferson davis highway from washington boulevard to 395 shut down as well. and if you're traveling on arlington boulevard, shut down between washington boulevard to the gw parkway. this will affect your morning commute. wanted to make you aware of the closures and suggest taking metro this morning. back to you. >> danella, thank you. >> just want to reiterate, a suspicious vehicle on washington boulevard near the pentagon, according to jim miklaszewski at the pentagon, with nbc news, he says that the police tell him that they did find some sort of suspicious device inside the vehicle. one person taken into custody. there was a lookout for two other people who apparently fled the scene on foot after police stopped the vehicle. so that's -- that situation is secure. you cannot get into that area at all. there is oentry to the pentagon po parking lot off boundary channel drive. once you that into the pentagon you can park going into work. >> he did say business is going on as usual inside the pentagon. there have been no notices. the vehicle in question is out there in the bush as long washington boulevard. investigators are on the scene, still searching that vehicle from what we understand. and as you can imagine, traffic around that area has been impacted. a number of road closures this morning. metro open and operating on schedule to the pentagon. and people have been able to get into the pentagon, according to jim miklaszewski at this point. >> we'll stay on top of the story throughout the morning with regular reports during the "today" show and special reports as needed. now back to the "today" show. >> in terms of exactly a description of the car, the device, the person that's frankly, there aren't many people here at the pentagon at this time of the morning who would know exactly what's going on. >> right. well, hopefully this will be like so many of these kinds of stories, it will work out that it was really actually nothing. but just in case, it's obviously a case of a lot of vigilance and very important place to keep an eye on. we'll have more detail on this stoi. >> reporter: this morning. jim miklaszewski, thank you for catching us up on this. coming up, the fight that broke out outside the casey anthony murder trial this morning following a tense day inside the courtroom. we're going to be live with the latest. but first, this is "today" on nbc. just ahead on "today," the cheerleading coach involved in an online relationship with congressman weiner breaks her silence. with arthritis pain... to london starts and a choice. take tylenol now, and maybe up to 8 in a day. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. enjoy the flight. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. the difference between my pale dry skin and glowing moisturized skin? 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>> i don't have any detail on the arrest. we're investigating a suspicious vehicle. >> reporter: the arlington bomb squau squad is out however. the suspicious vehicle, it is on washington boulevard, between 395 and 110. you can see police activity here in the distance over my shoulder. pentagon police telling us this investigation may be connected to another police investigation in the area. 110 is closed to reiterate. 66 ramps to 110, also to the pentagon closed. in that section of washington boulevard, between 395 and 110 shut down as well. unclear how long this is going to last. we understand from crystal, speaking with her a couple of minutes ago, lots of different agencies are involved. arlington police, pentagon police, park police as well as the fbi. back to you. >> did we know anything about the circumstances of the average stop of this vehicle? apparently police stopped this vehicle because it was suspicious, then they took somebody into custody, the other two people fled, and they found this device. do we have any reason why they stopped this particular vehicle? >> reporter: we don't at this point, joe. very, very few details. one of our photographers was coming into work that way and saw what was going on and called the newsdesk and said check this out. what he saw was a vehicle up an embankment, it's like a bush, a rooted sort of area, and there were two police cruiser there at that point, right before the large response around 5:50. >> and, melissa, at this point, can arlington police tell us anything more about the role of the bomb squad there and whether or not they're searching that vehicle? >> reporter: they say they are still searching the vehicle. it has not moved. we understand the bomb squad is over there. again it's out of our line of sight from where we are. they're keeping all media here at columbia pike, the of the way from what is going on over there. of course we can see a lot of activity there in the distance. at this point not a lot of details coming out. it may be because it is the pentagon, which is obviously what we would think but so many agencies are involved. crystal saying they're all trying to figure out what everybody is doing so they can get the right information out. >> thanks very much. >> we spoke to jim miklaszewski earlier and he's at the pentagon and he said that he wants to be cautious but that one official said the device that was found in the car appears to be a bomb-like device but at this point new york confirmation if that was a bomb. as melissa said the bomb squad from arlington county is out there helping with the information. >> no confirmation it was anything explosive. let's go to danella sealock looking at impact this is having on the morning commute around the entire area of the pentagon. danella? >> dig volume around the pentagon. i suggest taking metro. roads closed 66 east ramp at 110. north and southbound to washington boulevard closed. 395 south to 110 closed. jefferson davis highway, it's closed for you between washington boulevard and 395. also arlington boulevard shut down between washington boulevard and gw parkway. significant traffic this morning. again, please use metro. >> danella, thank you. we'll continue to follow the story throughout the morning and have breaking news as it breaks and more regular updates throughout the "today" show. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. outline of a heart-shaped sticker on that duct tape. but now -- >> i was unable to detect any -- any sticker or sticker fragment, sticker residue. >> reporter: the defense called another fbi agent who also examined the duct tape. she used the agency's most advanced equipment designed to see well beyond the naked eye. >> was there any evidence whatsoever of a sticker there on any of these pieces of duct tape? >> no. >> reporter: despite a case that relies heavily on forensic evidence, casey's defense team still has to live up to its promise in openings, that caylee was not murdered. rather, the toddler accidentally drowned in the backyard swimming pool, and there may be only one witness who can tell that story, casey anthony. >> if casey anthony takes the stand, this becomes a one-witness trial. and if the jury doesn't believe her, she's going to be convicted. and this is somebody who is a compulsive liar. >> reporter: now, with the violence outside the courthouse this morning, security here at the court is again going to review how they hand out tickets. they've had some pushing and shoving before. now it's come to fist to cuffs. >> savannah gaut think is with us once again, this time as her role as "today's" legal correspondent. defense starts off, goes right after dna scientific evidence which, again, does not prove who killed this child. >> exactly. this was classic defense strategy. no bombshell witness toes start with but rather picking apart at the prosecution evidence. i call it kind of the dog that didn't bark strategy. defense asking why was there no dna on this duct tape that we're to believe was over caylee anthony's mouth? it can't have caylee anthony's dna. it didn't have casey anthony's dna. on the other hand, it only gets them so far because there's no real dispute that the bones belonged to caylee anthony. they also talked about blood evidence saying why wasn't there blood, for example, on the pants that case say anthony was haear? it's also consistent with the prosecution's theory that she was smothered with duct tape. >> raising the issue of insist, frankly, that the fact that authorities had investigated whether casey's brother or father could have fathered caylee. where did that come from and what did that mean? >> it's interesting. we all remember opening statements when the defense attorney made this explosive allegation that casey anthony had been molested by her father and brother and that accounts for why she is a habitual liar. most legal analysts agree that the only way to really get this evidence into the trial now that george anthony, the father, has denied it is for casey anthony to take the stand. this is a defense team trying to get it in through a back door. they asked about the fact that the fbi did at some point conduct a paternity test to see if caylee anthony had been fathered by either her brother or her father. they didn't get to go too far with this, but you can't unring the bell. >> the jury heard it. >> they heard it. it was asked. maybe the defense is trying to get this evidence in through the back door without having to call casey to the stand. >> the whole issue of molestation was brought up in opening statements but also the notion that caylee drowned dentally in the pool. can they get to that without bringing her to the stand? >> it's hard to imagine. i would not be surprised if they called george anthony, the father, back to the stand and try to get them to admit it which he's already denied or perhaps asked a series of questions that would make him suspicious in denying it. the truth is, if they want to tell this tale of a drowning in any compelling way, there's really only one person who can tell this story, that's casey anthony. to put her on the stand is incredibly risky. with all the lies we know she told, whether the defense would do it. >> they put it out there, they're going to have to deal with it at some point. for more onntral, nbc. let's switch gears and get a check of the weather. al is in charleston, west virginia. al? >> reporter: lester, thank you so much. over this last four days, we've given out almost $9 million worth of goods, services and cash, start on monday, alaska pride, tuesday, the culinary academy of las vegas, wednesday we were in casa, houston, biggest one day total ever. we were in birmingham yesterday with the community kitchens. today we'll reveal our charity in charles tontoncharleton, wesa bit. what we're expecting today. as we look at the temperatures, afternoon highs, going to be on the cool side as you get into the pacific northwest. but otherwise, we are looking at 90s to 100s through the gulf coast, midsection, on into florida and mid-atlantic states. slight risk of strong storms in the upper mississippi river valley. clouds in the pacific northwest. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. partly cloudy. fog we had is going to dissipate. shows 100 miles southwest of washington, heading off to the east. a few sprinkles in frederick county, maryland. later today, partly cloudy, late afternoon, early evening thunder storms. near 90 saturday. saturday evening, thunderstorm. and then again on sunday afternoon and early evening a storm is possible. hot and humid sunday, monday, into next week. don't forget to check your weather any time of night, weather dol online. much still ahead, one of the women who says she engaged in a sexting relationship with congressman anthony weiner speaks out for the first time. but up next, the couple from mtv's "the real world" who rode their fame all of the way to capitol hill. amy, you're gonna love college. best seven years of my life. i know, dad. your comforter. okay. mr. cuddles... toilet paper? 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(narrator) from unforgettable adventures, to the wizarding world of harry potter, only at universal orlando resort. back now at 7:42, how do you go from being the star of a reality tv show to becoming a member of congress? today national correspondent has an exclusive interview for the young new congressman you may recognize from tv, mtv. jamie, good morning. >> good morning, ann. wisconsin republican congressman sean duffy and his wife rachel were actually cast members on the "real world." but don't be fooled, democrats are taking duffy very seriously. he's the number one target for defeat in 2012. but he knows how to use his celebrity armed with his signature plaid jacket and an ax for good measure. >> i come from a long line of lumber jack railroads long before he ever ran for congress, sean duffy liked the spotlight, from the age of 5 he competed in log rolling and became a champion speed climber. but the 39-year-old freshman republican admits, if he had ever imagined that some day he would be doing this -- >> if you don't like our proposal, give us your own. >> reporter: -- he would not have signed up for this. >> "the real world." >> reporter: the first reality tv show with more than you want to know. >> you say things and do things that you think are foolish. everyone does that, though. but ours are on tape. so little cringe on that. >> reporter: duffy says he has no regrets. thanks to mtv he met his wife rachel, star of "the real world, san francisco." >> rachel is really nice. i still have this physical attraction. >> sean flirts with me all the time. part of me thinks he likes me. >> reporter: he did. and still blushes about it. >> why didn't you just admit you went to l.a. to see me. it's ridiculous. >> congressman? >> i've lost control. listen, we had a -- we had a wonderful time together. >> reporter: 12 years and six children later, this is their new reality. >> whose idea was it for him to run, rachel? >> it was his. >> it was his idea? >> i said immediately i thought he would win. nobody else did. i was the only one. me and the kids. >> good to see you again. >> reporter: in fact, most people thought he was crazy. wisconsin's 7th district had been held by a democrat for 40 years. but with political ads like this one -- >> this time, dunk -- >> reporter: our t. former prosecutor took advantage of his record and celebrity and won. he calls himself a fiscal and social conservative. where are you on abortion and abortion rights? >> 100% pro life. father of six. >> gun control? >> pro gun. >> climate change, do you think it's real or do you think it's a hoax? >> you know, i think there's been a great scandal within that sector. i don't think we have good science right now. >> reporter: all of which has earned him the dubious distinction of being the democrats' number one target in 201. >> representative sean duffy wants to use social security and medicare as a piggy bank for the government. >> reporter: and when he makes mistakes like saying he's struggling on his $174,000 congressional salary, it ends up on youtube. >> i get one paycheck. >> salary comment. good question where i gave a clumsy answer. you know what? that's not going to stop me from going out and talking to people. >> steep learning curve? >> absolutely. >> reporter: it doesn't hurt that this conservative has a few surprises. >> your mom is a liberal democrat? >> liberal, yeah. >> does she ever try to influence you? >> listen, during some of these debates she's calling me, listen, mom, be my mom and not my constituent right now. >> reporter: but sometimes it appears the duffys are still doing a reality show. pose cute videos online. >> what do you guys say to dad? >> thank you, daddy! >> reporter: although they insist they would never let their children follow in their footsteps. >> would you let them go on a reality tv show the way you did? >> the answer is no because i don't think reality tv is what it was back when i was on it. it's just very different. it was practically "leave it to beaver." i've watched "jersey shore" and i just can't believe what i'm watching. >> reporter: however, just the way he once shared a house, these days the congressman is sharing this house by sleeping on the floor of his capitol hill office. >> i have a double-thick aerobed, air mattress. i have a hallway, put it in there. i work until 11:00 anyway. when i'm up at 6:00, i maximize my time where i'm at. >> the duffys say they've gotten offers, ann, but don't expect to see sean and rachel plus six anywhere. those are six of the best behaved children i've ever seen. but congressman duffy says that's nothing. he has five brothers and sisters. so they're used to it. >> that was a nice profile. thank you so much. coming up next, a member of the "today" family who will get to cook for prince william and princess catherine. that's coming up right after this. the network -- a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. ♪ we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's a network of connections and ideas... open and collaborative... extending far beyond the mobile phone. connecting you to a world of intelligent new devices and technologies. from today's best innovators... and tomorrow's. ♪ it's the at&t network... a network of possibilities... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪ but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? 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[ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. you had me at "probiotic." membership rewards points from american express. they're a social currency. with endless possibilities. prince william and princess catherine are getting set to visit california this month. this is kate's very first trip to the united states. >> now we've been learning that our contributor will be cooking for the royal couple. i guess you're going to be shop for fascinator hats. what was your reaction when you first heard this news? >> ann, at first i was crazy nervous. now i'm just purely excited. especially since now i know they're coming. >> this is a charity event. it's a foundation polo challenge in santa barbara. are you going to be cooking a california theme or something more suitable to london? what's the plan? >> yes, since this is the first time since princess catherine comes to california, i thought i would do a light and freshmen knew. a lot of -- using a lot of seasonal ingredients, very colorful. yes, california feel, of course. >> okay. but the flaw in the plan, there is always a flaw in the plan. >> ann. >> is that prince william is going to be playing polo when lunch is served. >> that's right. >> are you going to serve him leftovers? >> no, definitely not leftovers for the prince. i'm sure that princess catherine is going to somehow be able to save him a plate and i'll make sure it's nice and warm for him. >> you agreed to this gig, i understand, before you understood the prince and princess would be attending. >> yes. when i first got the gig about a month ago there were rumors sort of swirling around that maybe they were going to come, but there was obviously i did not know they would attend. but now i am just absolutely so incredibly thrilled. it's sort of a dream come true. >> it is a dream come true. beyond the recipes, what are you going to wear? >> well, that's -- you know, i've been thinking about that a lot, ann. i'm thinking maybe i go with something sort of a modern day pretty woman? >> i think you can pull that off. >> she's been thinking about it. >> we've got much more coming up straight ahead, including country music star kenny chesney. 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authorities are planning to debt tate that devicing a standard procedure authorities do with any suspicious device. melissa mollet live on the scene. what's the latest? >> reporter: kewe're cooping th shot static because we expect to hear some sort of boom, they say, in the next couple of minutes here when the bomb squad, the arlington bomb squad, will be doing something to the vehicle. they will not give us too much information at this point. that will render things safe. we do not know whether or not this device could explode. we do not have that information at this point. we no that we will get that information, additional information from investigators in a couple of minutes. we are expecting that press conference to start. right now, all of the roads around the pentagon are shut down because of police activity. the suspicious they've been looking at 5:30 is on washington boulevard in the same spot it was at 5:50. it's in a bush or wooded area. it is between 395 and 110. again, arlington bomb squad has been out here on the scene for the past couple of hours. they are expected to do something here in a couple of minutes. 110 closed. 66 ramps to 110, also to the pentagon closed. that section of washington boulevard, of course, between 395 and 110 shut down since this morning. unclear how long closures will last. expecting additional information from park police in a couple of minutes. >> has the scene changed since you've been out there this morning monitoring the situation? >> you know, really from a distance, it has not changed that much. additional police vehicles and other bomb squad vehicle pulled up a short time ago. that was probably about 15, 20 minutes ago. where we are, that columbia pike and joyce, we're at the media station, this area has grown quite a bit, of course, with news networks and things pulling up trying to figure out what's going on. we're at the staging area. >> when they do blow up the device it would have been rendered safe and there would nobody further danger, i assume. i wonder fuf . you've gotten indication from park police or officers on the scene with you whether they're ready to do that indicates they're confident that it is probably in the end not a particularly destructive device. >> reporter: yeah. you know we just don't know at this point. we've been trying to pester them with questions and continually ask them. everybody out here. and they're saying after you hear that noise we will comment on this, we will have a live press conference and kind of tell you what's been going on this morning and we just cannot say anything more about the situation. so a lot of mystery here that hopefully will be answered in the next couple of minutes. >> i have a question, what about park police's lead role in the investigation? why is that? can you describe what's going on, in terms of the leading of the investigation? >> reporter: yeah. we're not sure, again, at this point. it's been a mystery here this morning, i think because so many people have become involved in this. it's gotten quite a bit confusing. we've got the fbi involved. we have park police involved. i do not know honestly why they are taking the lead role here when so many organizations are involved right now. but we're hoping to learn more in a couple of minutes. as we're asking them benign questions, we're not getting any answers right now. i can tell you that it does seem kind of casual feel when talking about this press conference, things don't seem to be frenetic out here at this media center where we're standing on joyce. people seem to be fairly relaxed right now. >> again, we are having a special report covering the situation out there near the pentagon where a suspicious vehicle was stopped earlier today. police found what they call a suspicious device inside that vehicle. they took one person into custody, we understand. a couple of people still on the run, at least fled the vehicle, and last we heard they were still looking for the individuals. >> authorities are getting ready to blow up that suspicious device found in the vehicle in the bushes along washington boulevard. we're standing by live for a news conference by the u.s. park police who is taking the lead role in this investigation, traffic this morning has been a mess, as you can see out there. all of the road closures around the pentagon have created a lot of problems. let's go to danella sealock to get an update on the traffic. good morning. >> yes. there is significant traffic around the pentagon. i have to suggest taking metro, i've checked metro, all lines running on time and that is your way to go. let me show you this road now. 395 at crystal city. you can see we're jammed. even the hov lanes, everything jammed. here's a look at 495 at robinson terminal. this is ayou make your way towards 395, significant volume this morning. back to you. >> thank you, danella. a lot of roadways, entrances from 395 and other roadways to the pentagon parking lots are blocked off. we did talk with jim miklaszewski with nbc news who is the correspondent at pentagon, and he told us that it was his understanding boundary channel drive was open and could get you to the various parking lots at the pentagon. of course there are acres and acres of parking at the pentagon. once you can get on to grounds, all of the parking lots on the pentagon grounds are open. the problem, obviously, for folks trying to get there to work, it's going to be very difficult trying to find a way into the parking lots. we understand boundary channel drive is open. >> he did also mention that the pentagon is open, operating business as usual. no notifications inside the pentagon. and he did say that metro is open and operating on schedule for people who are trying to get to the pentagon using public transportation. again, it has been a very busy and active seen out it this morning. you can see officials, off in the distance. a number of emergency vehicles on the scene as well, as the u.s. park police taking the lead on this. arlington county police and arlington county bomb squads on the scene now as they try to get to the bottom of this. we know that the authorities are planning to blow up that suspicious device found in the vehicle off washington boulevard at any moment. if you hear a loud bomb, that's what that sound is going to be. that's going to render the device safe and hopefully by then they'll start wrapping up the investigation and freeing up the roads to clear up the traffic. >> you can see a lot of officers, several officers, walking around the scene. they were walking through the grassy area near the woods. let's sfee if melissa knows anything about the activity going on by those people. are they searching for anything? what is the situation? >> reporter: yeah, not exactly sure what exactly they are looking for at this point. we were talking about the u.s. park police taking the lead. only thing that we can perhaps glean from that or assume perhaps is that perhaps the vehicle is technically on arlington national cemetery property and therefore they would be the lead spokes people talking about a situation involving the cemetery. we do not know right now. do not know too much more about what's going on down there at tis point, waiting for this news conference or presser to start here in a couple of minutes. we can get some of the questions answered. some very benign questions, trying to determine what's going on over there right now. but i can tell you, it's a lot different from the way it was out here even just an hour ago. a lot more vehicles have pulled up in the way emergency or official vehicles, we've had helicopters come overhead, as far as u.s. park police helicopters. things have kind of upped in the way of presence quite a bit just in the past while here. but hopefully we get some additional information about what is going on over there in a little bit. >> thank you. melissa is a little bit aways from the vehicle found in washington boulevard. from her vantage point you can see the emergency vehicles and investigators but you can see the vehicle in question and what the bomb squads are planning to do at this moment. we understand they are planning to blow it up. if you hear a loud boom, that's what that is. that is standard procedure for all suspicious vehicles, they're trying to make that safe and clear up the scene and wrapping up the investigation at this point. >> what's interesting, it seems that i have just recently seen movement among the vehicles, whether people are leaving, whether it has reached a situation where things have improved. more people walking around that area than we first saw. whether that means things are reaching some sort of successful conclusion here, we don't know. we are, once again, expecting word from the u.s. park police at any moment about the situation and how serious it is now. once again, kind to recap for those of you who might be joining us, earlier this morning, just over two hours ago, at about 5:50 this morning, two hours and 15 minutes ago a suspicious vehicle stopped on washington boulevard. police found that there was a suspicious device inside the vehicle. one person was taken into custody, two others apparently fled the vehicle, and they're still being looked for at this hour. >> we spoke to jim miklaszewski, pentagon correspondent for nbc news, earlier this morning. he said one official told him the suspicious device found in the vehicle looks like a bomb but that the officials are being very caution. no confirmation it was a bomb and they're going to figure out what that was. we understand authorities are ready now to blow that device and then we should hear more word on what it was. melissa was saying that the u.s. park police leading this investigation getting ready to do a news conference to answer the questions we have about this investigation and the search is on. mik said, at this point, there's no description of the suspects that police are looking for and no further information about the person in custody. >> the problem for the thousands people who work at the pentagon, considered longtime considers the world's largest office building, people are trying to get into the pentagon to get to work. it's a major, major problem because all of the major thoroughfares around the pentagon are closed down. all of the exits from those highways and roadways into the pentagon parking lots are closed down, safe for one. we understand the boundary channel entrance into the parking lots of the pentagon is open but that's one way in and of course there are thousands of people trying to use that. we understand, once you get on to the pentagon property, the parking lots are open, no problems there. no closedowns, no lockdowns around the parking lots themselves. get in get a parking space, into the building. jim miklaszewski said no affect on business inside the pentagon. apparently this vehicle is some distance, really away from the pentagon. even if it were to detonate, it doesn't seem likely there would be any serious damage to the billing billing it itself. threat is to anyone in the area. >> that's what jim miklaszewski said there was no problems at the pentagon. if there was a serious threat, you would imagine there would be more notification or some evacuation going on there. business is normal. no announcements made at the pentagon, according to jim miklaszewski. back out to melissa mollet. >> reporter: word from park police the news conference is about a minute or two away. we still have not heard anything, of course, and we're not -- we don't know whether or not we're going to larry something or perhaps the distance we are, perhaps, buried the sound in some way. we just aren't sure because when they first announced we were going to hear something that was ten minutes ago. he said you should hear it, maybe not. perhaps that has happened and we have not heard that noise, that boom, as they described it. as of yet. but again all of the roads in the area are shut down. where we are, you can perhaps, if we pulled out a bit, see how much traffic is going around this area and that perhaps is because people are trying to find other ways to get to work this morning in this area since all of those veins, those arteries, looking at a map and the pentagon, all of those roadways around the pentagon still at this point shut down. of course if we get information this has been renders safe and it was not a large issue, then perhaps these roads will be opening up shortly. we're still waiting for park police. i have my eye on him out here right now watching, of course. we'll let you know as soon as he starts out walking towards the camera to get additional information. this is a situation where we don't have a lot of information and we're going some from some sources, some from other sources. because there are so many organizations, so many people involved in the investigation, whatever it is, it's hard to get any sort of consensus. that's why they're going to have this press conference here in a couple of minutes to give us more information about what's been happening since 53506789. >> i can hear the sound of a helicopter. >> reporter: that's the park police helicopter that's been going back and forth i would say six or seven times making loops and going over. i do not know if they are doing for some surveillance purpose or security reasons, we just don't know at this point but it has been making quite a few loops around the pentagon around us, just across the street, and then around arlington national cemetery. >> u.s. park police, arlington bomb squad there? >> reporter: u.s. park police presence and we have seen the arlington county bomb squad vehicle here as well. we understand typically with arlington county they have some folks that are on the bomb squad team but that the fire department handles things like this. so they may in fact be the team that is over there right now. we can see fire trucks going in there a little while ago. >> reporter: thank you. we are still waiting word from u.s. park police, sergeant schlasser to bring us up to date. authorities ready to render safe the suspicious device found in the vehicle. back to melissa mollet. >> reporter: we just got some information they have already rendered this device safe. i guess we did not hear it, as i menti mentioned, park police say you may or may not hear it. we understand whatever was done has been done, just about one minute ago. we were expecting that boom but did not hear anything. we'll hear from park police in a moment about exactly what did happen. >> all right. again, that suspicious device found in a vehicle near the pentagon off washington boulevard has been rendered safe. we did not hear the loud boom as we expects. we're waiting now for word from the u.s. park police to figure out exactly what that was and maybe more information about what they're looking for at this point. we understand one person is in police custody and officials are searching for one, possibly two, more people who fled on foot after police stopped the vehicle off of washington boulevard. they found a suspicious device inside that vehicle. at this point we know one official said it looked like a bomb, but we're going to get more information as we know from u.s. park police. standing by live from the news conference. the arlington county police and the arlington county bomb squad is also on the scene trying to help in the investigation. we also heard a helicopter, u.s. park police helicopter, also part of the investigation. and traffic has been a mess all morning long, as a lot of the main arteries into the pentagon have been closed. boundary channel was open into the parking lots. once you get on to the pentagon property, jim miklaszewski, who is at the pentagon, said parking areas are open. metro is open. quite a disruption for morning commuters trying to get to the pentagon because of the investigation. >> wonder why, if they have deemed this device to be safe at this point, why they've not opens up more entrances to the pentagon parking lots because a lot of people are being drastically inconvenienced this morning. we -- we have who on the phone? megan mcgrath near the scene now and she's on the phone with us now. megan what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, we are at a part located up high, not too far from pentagon city mall. we've got a terrific vantage point 395 southbound as a lot of folks take this road to get to the pentagon, as you can imagine, it is just a mess this morning. the ramps that lead down to the pentagon parking lot closed. i can also see from this vantage point the columbia pike exit closed. stranged to see the ramp with absolutely no traffic on it. but that's the situation. they're detouring people around and they won't let you down into the parking lot on that ramp. so a big, big traffic jam. big tie-up for the thousands of people that work at the pentagon. we're not quite sure how long this is going on. as reported, they rendered whatever device found inside that vehicle safe. hopefully it won't be too much longer but we just don't know at this point. for the people who are stuck in the traffic, it has not been a good morning. we talked to one motorist who bailed off on to a side street, made his way to our location. he had an 8:00 a.m. meeting at pentagon can can't get there. didn't know about the closures until right up upon it, and stuck in the traffic. he has been driving around looking for a parking place in a way he can perhaps walk down to the pentagon and that's what he did. he left his car and is on foot hoofing it toward the pentagon. we'll have to -- we're expecting to see a lot of people doing just that and others that are porking in the pentagon city parking lot and walking over. so just a huge inconvenience to the folks who work there. all of the roads around the pentagon, the ramps from the major highways down to the pentagon, 110, all major routes have been affected by the situation, this ongoing situation. of course this happening during the height of rush hour. never good when you have a fender bender during rush hour and of course this is much more. a much greater impact of road closures and the like. a tough go for a lot of people. a lot of frustrated people wondering what's going on and what they're going to do, where they're able to dump their cars to get to work. >> probably no other building in the area, perhaps even in the world whereas many people have to get to that one building to go to work. tens of thousands of people who go there to work every day and difficulty of trying to get there is going to be extraordinary today and causing traffic ramifications throughout the area. >> now that authorities have rendered that suspicious package -- not package, device, suspicious device safe, do you see from your vantage point any preparations to reopen any roads that have been closed. >> reporter: not from where i'm standing. we have a bird's-eye view from 395, we're far removed from the device was found. i can see one of the roadblocks here up on the highway, they've got a sign board across the roadway there, it's not allowing anyone to get off on the ramp. a couple of motorcycle police officers that are there manning that detour. so that kind of detour, not a major thing. as soon as they get the go-ahead, it should be in short order before they clear the area and allow traffic down. they don't have anything major down like jersey walls, they need fire up the vehicles and get out of the way. they've got a couple of cones they would need to pick up. as soon as they get the word everything is okay and safe for traffic to resume, you can bet they're going to get that done as quickly as possible to move some of these people out of here. at this point from my vantage point we're not see anything movement in terms of picking up the barricade yet. >> we're looking at right now, 395 at duke street, not seeing any movement at all on some of the those -- a couple of the lanes. traffic literally is as if it's in a parking lot. let's find out traffic ramifications throughout the entire area around the pentagon. danella sealock looking at roads. >> significant delays. look at this, 395, you're delays from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. 66 east, slow moving as well. and even here, on the beltway, right here, 495 in virginia as you make your way from 66 approaching 95, you are slow as well. i've checked metro, i keep checking metro. metro is running on our close to schedule. this 495, outer loop of the beltway in virginia, approaching gallows, and it is a parking lot. please exercise patience as you make your way through this mess this morning. >> let's go live to melissa mollet at the scene. waiting for a news conference from u.s. park police to bring us up to date on the situation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i just spoke again with park police. they say they're waiting for fbi officials to come over here and perhaps they would be ones taking the lead here at the news conference we've been waiting on for 20 minutes. keep telling us five minutes, five minutes. i said what is the delay? the delay is because they have so many different people involved and several different meetings happening outside the pentagon. they're trying to get all of the information together, waiting on those meetings to wrap to folks can give us additional information. we have sources telling us things about more than one suspicious device being found and i asked them specifically about that and i was told by park police and arlington county police that they do not know how many devices were involved here this morning. >> thank you. we do know that one suspicious device was found in a vehicle near the pentagon which was stopped near washington boulevard as a result. one person was take noon custody, one, perhaps two others, fled on foot according to police and those people are missing, they're searching for those people. at this point the authorities rendered that device safe at this point. waiting for word from officials from the u.s. park police, first apparently leading the information, now hearing that fbi might be leading the investigation. that's the problem. there are so many different agencies on the scene trying to help in the investigation, they're planning to gather all of the information to bring it to us. >> are you still there? >> reporter: i am. >> i wanted to ask you if -- it looks as if the fbi's going to be the lead spokesperson for this investigation but wonder if you can ask the sergeant with the park police or, or anybody else from the park police out there if the device has been rendered safe, why are the roads still closed around the pentagon, why can't they open up some of those ramps for folks to get into the pentagon and try to alleviate some of this horrendous traffic problem? >> reporter: great question. i asked the sergeant that a little while ago. he doesn't know what is going on. we're too far away physically from the pentagon for him to know exactly what's going on there. they've been in touch over the phone and over e-mails with folk there's on property. and he said as soon as he knows anything, they're going to send everybody here. but that's right. we know one device has been rendered safe. i guess if more devices as some sources are saying, perhaps that's a situation where it's going to take a bit longer. right now he say his does not know whied roads are shut down and we are expecting the fbi over here shortly. >> any update on the search for these additional people that they're looking for? >> reporter: where we are here this morning, they're not even telling us that there are additional people, though though we no from jim inside the pentagoning there were several people involved. one person arrested and a search for two others. when we ask about that, we are not getting any information. they say they do not know how many people were involved. we've asked about the type of car and do not know. i should say the type of vehicle. >> you mentioned that you heard word there might be more than one device. what are authorities telling you about that? >> reporter: when i asked about that they say they do not know. they said there was that one device that was rendered safe a little while ago and that i asked. there were reports about a couple of different devices, several different areas around washington, close to here but several different areas, and they said they did not have information about that and something we would have to talk to the fbi about. >> thank you. we are waiting for a live news conference from the fbi. u.s. park police and arlington police who have been on the scene this morning since 5:50 when this suspicious device found in a vehicle off washington boulevard near the pentagon. as a result, many roads surrounding the pentagon shut down during the height of the rush hour. it's created quite a mess, and confusion, too. one person is in custody. earlier we heard from jim miklaszewski that police are looking for one, possibly two people who fled the scene on foot. we know melissa can't see the vehicle but the vehicle is still there and this investigation continues even though the device was rendered safe a few minutes ago. >> part of the problem for us and for you, as for anybody trying to commute and get into the area, you mentioned the word confusion. i wouldn't want to say that the law enforcement agencies are operating in confusion. for us, there's confusion because it's hard to say who in fact is in charge here. there's a lot of din polifferen police and investigative agencies involved. the vehicle may be on park police property so it makes a u.s. park police district issue. you have the arlington police involved, they have a bomb squad. you have the fbi involved because it involves a possible federal offenses here. you have the pentagon police certainly involved. so it's complicated and complex, trying to figure out who will be the person who is going to say what has happened there or what is going on there is very complicated. but the problem is, this rolls downhill to the poor commuter trying to get into work today. even if you're not trying to go to work at pentagon, if you're using the roadways, i-395 northbound at duke street. it looks like just an absolute parking lot there. >> right. >> very difficult. >> jim miklaszewski, who happened to get into the pentagon this morning without any problems said that boundary channel is open and that's the one route into the pentagon at this point. the parking lots are open. metro is open to the pentagon now. business is go on and is operating as normal inside the pentagon this morning. we had been waiting for a news conference from the u.s. park police which was supposed to begin 20 minutes ago. but we hear from melissa the fbi wanted to take over the conference. we're trying to figure out when that will happen. we'll bring that to you live when we heard word to get an update on the investigation. >> word that the park police is going to say something in three minutes. we'll hold on here to see what they can tell us about the latest developments at pentagon. a lot of mixed signals about what is going on. initially were told one person was taken into custody they were looking for two other people after suspicious device that quote/unquote looked like some sort of bomb inside a vehicle that had been stopped at about 5:50 this morning. so that's 2 1/2 hours ago. then we were told there might be perhaps more than one suspicious device. then we were told that one of the -- that at least a device had been rendered safe somehow by the bomb squads at the situation. bottom line is for those folks, using roadways near the pentagon, they are really at a disadvantage and being inconvenienced by horrendous traffic because all of the entrances to the pentagon parking lots are closed down, say one, from what we hear. >> all of other commuters trying to get to work who aren't going to the pentagon, they're in nix nix as well. this happened at 5:50. just at the beginning of the rush hour. you can imagine as police and shorts started shutting down the roads the backups have began, and continued for the last 2 1/2 hours. we know that the one, at least one suspicious device found in a vehicle off washington boulevard near the pentagon has been rendered safe and that a standard proceed dur. this eded at 5:50. two people fled on foot. we haven't had a description, there's a lookout for the people. we know nothing about the person in custody. there was a device found in the vehicle that that person was driving and that person was stopped by police, and that's when the investigation began and when roads started shutting down as investigators from arlington county police and the park police came in to figure out what was going on and trying to bring us more information. still waiting for the news conference. >> 395 probably the roadway that has been most severely affected. this camera now is 395 at sh shrington. all of the entrances off of 395, off of 66, route 110, blocked trying to get into the pentagon. this is a live picture now of podium set up near the pentagon where melissa mollet has been. we understand that momentarily we'll be hearing from sergeant with the u.s. park police standing there to give us an update on what the situation is. he's walking to the podium now. let's listen in. >> you need his name and spelling? give your name. >> james -- microphone please. >> spell your name. >> james mcduncan. assistant director in charging washington field office, fbi. >> is everyone ready? good morning. okay? good morning. overnight hours the united states park police was investigating a suspicious person, the person was in arlington cemetery. arlington cemetery is closed after dark. this is why the person was being investigated. this person was taken into custody and in the course of interviewing the person the u.s. park police felt it and was appropriate to look for a vehicle the person was operating. located by the arlington county police, the vehicle located near the pentagon. because 0 the proximity of the vehicle towards the pentagon, it was felt it would be appropriate to handle this as a more suspicious type situation. because of that, the arlington county fire department has sent their bomb disposal people there, down to look at the vehicle. i'm not sure where they are in that investigation but right now, they are wrapping up that part and we'll have more details on that. so at this point, we have somebody considered suspicious by being in the arlington cemetery overnight. we have one person in custody who we're talking to about that. we have a vehicle that's being looked into. i'm joined with detective from the arlington county police department who can assist talking about the road closures. i'm also joined with a representative from the federal bureau of investigation whose can assist us with their end of the investigation. >> can you tell us how many devices were found? there was a report there were multiple found. >> i'm not sure if any device has been fount at this point. this is an unfolding situation. the bomb disposal unit from the county fire department is looking into this. so if there's any devices that have been found, that's something that's going to be part of the investigation. at this point i don't know if anything has been found. >> suspicious package that you're looking into? >> well, the -- there is no specific suspicious package at this point that i'm aware of. however, because of the proximity of the vehicle towards the pentagon and the activity of the person in the cemetery, we're handling it as such. >> the honda pilot -- >> what is the location, wanted to find a suspicious vehicle, did you vocally say anything? who is this person? >> i don't know the identity of the person. initially take noon custody, my understanding is that he was not very cooperative with his answers to what his activities were. and i think that's probably what caused this to go up a little bit. >> i'm not sure whether you or the fbi can respond to this, but i understand that there were at least -- he said there were devices located in places around the pentagon and this person is under arrest. can either of you confirm that? >> the question is, is there multiple devices and is there -- are these devices in various sites here? >> or the claim of multiple devices. >> absolutely. the claim of multiple devices. that's part of the investigation. this is unfolding. we're early in this now. so we're doing sweeps. this is a good example of the inner agency cooperation we do to keep our area safe. as you can can see we have units from the police department, park police, fbi, pentagon, of course protection agency and dhs. so we're coordinating efforts to make sure that the entire area is safe. and so it's early to get into specifics on that because we don't have the data now. as soon as we have that, we'll be able to push out more information. >> to be clear, no devices -- >> is there any concern there may be a connection here with some of the drive-by shooting at the pentagon and other military installations recently? >> i think that any connection to any other activity is something that would obviously be looked into. very early in the investigation now. situation you're referring to which was prior shootings at government facilities and military facilities, that's about a year, year and a half old. all of these things are looked into. right now there's no connection. >> anybody under arrest. >> he is in custody. i don't know if there are charges. >> who is in custody? >> united states park police. >> [ inaudible ]. is there any suspicion he has any connection to an outside terror organization? >> as i said, it's early in the investigation. and so any nextous 0 any parties around the world or domestically is something that will be looked into. right now it's too early to tell. >> any devices anywhere been found? >> i don't know if any devices have been found. obviously we're doing a full sweep of the area. we're going to keep the area safe. >> what is the situation at arlington and iwo jima, is that area being swept? >> which area? >> arlington national cemetery and iwo jima? >> we've closed all of the areas in the areas around arlington cemetery and pentagon that we feel need to be swept. so those areas have been closed. >> any time line on when roads might reopen? >> for rod cleead closures we g the arlington county police. the time line, when it's safe. >> can you tell us what the vehicle was? was it a honda pilot? >> i don't know what the vehicle is. we have traffic closures put ow well for everybody. >> tell us how old this man is? >> i don't know his name. i don't know anything about him. >> do we have a threat in the area? >> i think that we need to always be vigilant in the d.c. area and actually around the country. we ask if anybody any suspicions or concern to notify local law enforcement to address those. >> any lookout for additional suspects? >> right now, i don't believe so. >> [ inaudible ]. >> sorry? >> [ inaudible ]. >> i don flow who t't know who is. >> what was found signed that backpack, there was explosive materials. >> as far as any detonation, i don't he think there was any detonation. the fire department is working on examining a vehicle. we're going to have to do an update in a little bit. that's all of the information i have now. one we get more, we can revisit this. that will be all. >> what can we tell drivers. >> traffic in the pentagon area is pretty messes up. go to their local media outlets like the radio stations and internet, they'll be able to get the traffic closures, that's probably most effective. let's revisit this in a little bit. we'll get updates hopefully and we'll come back. >> that was a news conference conducted by sergeant david schlosser with the u.s. park place, james duncan with fbi and arlington police. we did not hear from those two, particularly from arlington police about when they might open some of the roadways. according to sergeant schlosser they said the time line for opening roadways would be, quote, when it's safe and it's hard to say when that will be. >> he did give interesting information. he said initially investigators were talking to this man found in the arlington cemetery overnight when the cemetery's closed. they put that man in custody and they said the investigation into that suspicious person led them to the vehicle which was found off washington boulevard in the bushes. he -- the sergeant did not make any mention of a suspicious device. all morning long we've been reporting about a suspicious device and one rendered safe. accord together u.s. park police, at this point he did not confirm, in any suspicious device was found. he did not say there was any detonation that took place this morning. help did say, as a result of the investigation, the roads around the pentagon, while the investigation continued had to be closed. the area around arlington cemetery closed this morning. and when we asked about the other two people who reportedly fled the scene from the car, he said he didn't know anything about that. at this point we have a suspicious person found at arlington cemetery in police custody and a suspicious vehicle found at the pentagon. >> the reason why that vehicle is suspicious is because it's close to the pentagon and because it is close to the pentagon, they're treating it as suspicious vehicle. that's why they called in the arlington county fire department. the fire department came and they are treating it -- brought in their bomb squad and they're treating, investigating it, as if there might be perhaps a suspicious device in the car. but the sergeant said not sure whether any device has been found. so we don't know for sure there is in fact any kind of suspicious device on the scene. the fire department is apparently investigate that. we have had no reports, he did not give any reports about what the fire department has found but they have been looking at it now for well over 2 1/2 hours. so it's hard to figure out what -- where that investigation is. he did not know where that investigation was right now. also apparently some concern about other areas around the pentagon in addition to just this particular area. they said that he said that they have secured arlington cemetery and other areas around the pentagon that need to be swept, that is, to make sure to have dogs or other squads come in to check for explosives. and those places have been closed as well. >> when asked by reporters, the sergeant said, when asked when will the roads be open, his answer, when it is safe. live to megan mcgrath to get more on the situation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, the answer, when it is safe, obviously, is the most important issue here. they want to make sure everything is okay before they allow traffic through the area. but of course this is having an enormous impact. take a look. up high in a park here overlooking 395. that's what you're seeing in the center here. you can just see how the traffic there headed forward is just at a crawl. we also have a number of ramps that lead to the pentagon closed. columbia pike, no traffic headed down on that ramp at all which is kind of a strange sight to see, that's because they've got to blocked further up the road. not allowing traffic down columbia pike to get toward the pentagon. we're not sure, as you imagine, a lot of very frustrated motorists out there. thousands of people who work at the pentagon that's a huge come flex and those folks have had real difficulty getting to work even though the pentagon itself is open, it's business as usual. it's getting there, that's the problem. with the ramps and major highways, 110 closed, it's very, very difficult to get there. folks are very, very frustrated. we talked to one guy who is late for a meeting, now sure how he's going to get there. a lot of people bailing off to neighborhood streets. expect more volume on the residential streets than you normally see. a lot of folks are trying to find a work around to get to the pentagon and begin work. all of this has residual impacts upon other drivers in the area. 395 carries not justify workers from the pentagon, but a lot of other traffic as well. folks headed into the district of columbia. instead of getting rid of their comrades here at the pentagon, those people are staying on the highway with them and everybody's heading over the bridge there into washington, d.c. we're seeing tremendous amount of volume headed into the district, as people don't have any alternatives. they can't take their normal ramps. the hope is that won't be the case for very long. off to the distance, we have cones in the area. road crew is there with one of the electronic sign boards. but we have not seen movement as of yet in terms of them moving any of the cones or taking that sign away. we'll keep a close eye on it. we are just in limbo, waiting for the all-clear to be given. we're just not there yet. >> you wonder what they're doing to -- what stage they're going to give the all-clear. are they going to wait until they finish sweeps at other locations? there's some mention of iwo jima and arlington cemetery. whether they wait to complete the sweeps looking for any possible suspicious items in those locations, it's hard to say. they could be hours and hours before they open these roadways out there. once again, enormous, enormous frustration for commuters around the region anywhere near the pentagon. >> u.s. park police sergeant david schloss gave us no time when when to see the roads open. danella sealock, good morning. >> we have major congestion in our area because of the closed roads. look at 395. we're in the red. that means that we're jammed. as you make your way from the beltway all the way to the 14th street bridge. 66 east, you see right here, jammed there. right here, on the beltway, from 66 here as you make your way around to 395 we're in the red. again, urging you all morning to use metro. i've checked metro now and metro's running, no delays. if you haven't left the house and you need to get around these areas, i think metro is your best bet for this morning. >> thanks. looking at that map is a story tell. the red dots, the traffic is almost stopped. >> completely. bumper-to-bumper. if it's yellow, we're very slow. maybe stop and go. when you see red, you're driving, braking, driving, braking, or at a standstill. >> red rhymes with dread. >> let's bring you up to date on the situation. according to u.s. park police at this point, one person in custody. that person located at the arlington national cemetery overnight and that person was found during offhours when the cemetery was closed. upon questioning that person, that led investigators to a vehicle that was found off of washington boulevard in the bushes near the pentagon. because of the proximity to the pentagon, investigators came in to search the vehicle, the area around arlington national cemetery, close off roads while they investigated. a sergeant said he could not confirm in any suspicious devices were found in that car or arlington national cemetery or surrounding areas. we know the fbi is part of the investigation. arlington county police including the bomb squad also on the scene. when reporters asked about the reports that the suspicious due vice rendered safe, he could not confirm that and does not believe any device was detonated. maybe different information from what we were reporting earlier. we asked about the two people who reportedly seen fleeing the scene on foot from the pentagon area. he also didn't know anything about that. this is a developing story, as we get new information. at this point, one person in custody. investigators are from what we understand, searching the area around the pentagon and the arlington cemetery. before they can open some of the roads and that's why we have this continued traffic mess out there. >> again, multiple police agencies involved. the fbi, u.s. park police, arlington police, pentagon police perhaps and some source told nbc's jim miklaszewski that a suspicious device was found and that device looked like a bomb. but according to the u.s. park police, they can't confirm that any device was found. all we know is that the arlington county fire department bomb squad is looking at the car to see whether there's device or anything to be concerned. >> melissa standing by on the scene all morning with new information. what's go on? >> reporter: we'll get new information at 9:30. of course we'll bring that to you live. we were told by police and park police they came over to us, they said we're going to go across the street, over to headquarters at the pentagon, we're going to talk with the other organizations and we're going to come back with a cohesive message. we know things have been confusing this morning. so we're going to come back here and let's you know what is going on. but we need to get over there and get additional information. as we've been talking about, it has been a bit of a back and forth here. here told on the scene that the device was rendered safe. whatever this was, be it a backpack, something else. we're told during the press conference we don't know there was a device. a bit confusing. we are going to iron all of that out coming up at 9:30. >> thank you. we apologize for the confusion. there has been confusion coming out of multiple, different sources in the situation. it's clearly, clearly a case of better to be safe than sorry. >> exactly. >> all police agencies trying to be as safe as possible on the offpossibility that anything terrible could happen and that's why roads continue to be blocked off, despite the enormous frustration causing for thousands and thousands of people. >> back to the "today" show. stay with news4 all day for the latest on the investigation. in mexico ♪ ♪ melt these blues away ♪ what do you say ♪ sun comes up and sun sinks down ♪ ♪ and i seen them both in this tourist town ♪ ♪ up for days in a rage just trying to search my soul ♪ ♪ from the answers and the reasons why ♪ ♪ i'm at these crossroads in my life ♪ ♪ and i really don't know which way to go ♪ ♪ so i sit right here and have another beer in mexico ♪ ♪ do my best to waste another day ♪ ♪ sit right here and have another beer in mexico ♪ ♪ let the warm air melt these blues away ♪ ♪ i i'll settle down ♪ get married or stay single and stay free ♪ ♪ which road i travel is still a mystery to me ♪ ♪ so i'll sit right here and have another beer in mexico ♪ ♪ do my best to waste another day ♪ ♪ sit right here and have another beer in mexico ♪ ♪ let the warm air melt these blues away ♪ everybody feeling good up there today? ♪ down here in mexico thank you! hello, new york. >> kenny chesney, thanks. there is more music straight ahead. kenny chesney is the artist in any genre to sell concert tickets for eight consecutive summers. right now he's in the middle of 2011 going coastal tour in support of his new album which is called "hemingway's whiskey." here is here along with grace potter who since a special duet on the album. congratulations. great to have you here. >> thanks for having us. >> i want to tell people and ask you about this special concert you were supposed to have in tuscaloosa right after the earth -- rather, after the tornadoes hit. and you were going to not perform. but the mayor said, come on, perform anyway. what was that like for you? >> it was really hard to know what the right thing to do is, because i didn't want to seem rude and going ahead with the concert but i didn't want to seem rude by not coming, either. so the mayor just told us that these people need something to look forward to. and i'm told that music is the biggest healer ever. >> yes. >> so i said, that's why we decided to go play. it was one of the best nights of our tour so far. >> it must have been so meaningful. >> yeah. >> and you donated the proceeds of that concert back to the town. >> i did. i felt it was important that those people were hurting, are hurting still. so i felt that any way that i can help, that was the best way to help. >> we're excited to hear you this morning. also, i great that you got grace to perform. can't wait to hear you. >> fun to be here. >> let's go, you guys. ladies and gentlemen, we're talking about kenny chesney! ♪ ♪ baby here i am again kicking dust in the wind ♪ ♪ wait for that sun to go down ♪ hell-bent on getting ohio above the lights of town ♪ ♪ you and tequila make me crazy run like poison in my blood one more night could kill me baby ♪ ♪ one is one too many ♪ one more is never enough ♪ 30 days and 30 nights ♪ been putting up a real good fight ♪ ♪ it's so easy to forget the bitter taste ♪ ♪ i swore i would never go there again ♪ ♪ you and tequila make me crazy run like poison in my blood ♪ ♪ one more night could kill me baby ♪ ♪ one is one too many ♪ one more is never enough ♪ when it comes to you ♪ oh the damage i could do ♪ it's always your favorite sins that do you in ♪ ♪ oh ooh ♪ you and tequila make me crazy ♪ ♪ run like poison in my blood ♪ one more night could kill me baby ♪ ♪ one is one too many ♪ one more is never enough ♪ never enough ♪ you and tequila ♪ you and tequila make me cra crazy ♪ >> grace potter, everybody.. 8:56 is yourtime. good morning, i'm eun yang. friday, june 17th, 2011. streets around the pentagon remain closed now as police investigate a suspicious vehicle near the pentagon. live to melissa mollet who has been live on the scene all morning long. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we expect additional information at 9:30. investigators will back here with a cohesive message, more about what happen. we know a man spotted in arlington national cemetery, an investigation led them to his vehicle, the suspicious vehicle, they've been talking about this morning. he was take noon custody. we do not know if he's been charged but they're saying this is suspicious because of the proximity to the pentagon. >> melissa mollet live near the pentagon. live now to tom kiernan who has the latest on the forecast. changes today? >> yeah. we have had clouds in and out this morning and we have on radar showers southwest of washington and few sprinkles northern montgomery county. today we have a chance for late afternoon thunderstorms, before then into the mid 80s. 90 tomorrow. storms saturday night. again sunday and monday afternoon. hot and humid sunday and monday. midst morning traffic? >> trouble in virginia. we have a lot of red here. i want to bring your attention to 395. jammed from right here all the way to the 14th street bridge. as you make your way in your commute. >> stay with news4. expecting a news conference at 9:30 for the latest in the investigation. ♪ >> thank you so much. back now with more on "today" on this friday morning. it is june 17th, 2011. we just had a little bit of country here in the big apple. kenny chesney just wrapped up a great concert here on the plaza. he will be back with one more number in just a little while. meantime, i'm ann curry along with lester holt and we're joined by tamron hall. al is still in charleston, west virginia. he's been hard at work giving away a lot of money, a million dollars worth of donations to a local charity there, part of his five-city, $9 million lend a hand tour. and he's not done yet. we will be checking in with him in just a moment. plus, father's day is coming up this sunday. we're all thinking about our dads. in honor of that special day, natalie, al, and savannah share the fonde esest memories of the fathers. >> i think father's day to you. >> thank you. >> we also have our weekly real estate reality check. just how much house can you get from coast to coast, for $300,000? we'll find out. also, though, before we get to any of that, get to the news of the morning. we have savannah in fortunately this morning. hey. >> good morning. in the news this morning a man whose behavior was described as suspicious was detained fortress passing in arlington national cemetery over the night. police said the man was uncooperative during questioning so they searched for his car and found it parked near the pentagon. a bomb disposal unit was called out to examine the car while police searched the area. former congressman anthony weiner says he will work on healing his marriage now that he's stepped down over a sexting scandal. nbc's luke russert has the story. >> reporter: as former representative anthony weiner and his wife left their apartment wednesday they were brooe breathing a sigh of relief. >> today i'm announcing my resignation from congress. >> reporter: his wife was not by his side when he apologized again. >> i make this apology to my neighbors and my constituents but i make it particularly to my wife huma. why don't you let me do the answers and you do the questions. >> reporter: at first he lied about sending a lewd photograph over twitter. then he apologized for misleading the public but continued to insist he would not resign. but as more women came forward with details about their explicit online relationships with weiner, the pressure mounted from party leaders for him to step down. even president obama told ann -- >> i can tell you that if it was me, i would resign. >> reporter: by wednesday, weiner made the decision it was time to go and informed nancy pelosi. on thursday before a chaotic crowd of journalists e constituents, and hecklers, he made public -- >> i hope to continue to work that the citizens of my district elected me to do. unfortunately the distraction that i have created have made that impossible. >> reporter: the majority wanted him to stay, but reaction was mixed. >> he shouldn't have had to resign. >> it's time. >> hopefully find somebody else to replace him. >> that was nbc's luke russert reporting. new challenges in the western part of the country as intense heat and high winds are whipping up a blaze along the new mexico border with colorado. meantime, in arizona, crews have contained 33% of the largest fire in state history. but forecasted high winds this weekend threaten to undo their progre progress. angelina jolie arrived at turkey's border this morning to meet with syrian refugees who have fled the ongoing violence in their country. she's visiting a camp where many syrians have taxictaken shelters left scores of civilians dead. finally, when two young photographers find themselves stranded in a dallas airport over the night, their flights canceled, they decided, well, to make their own entertainment. this video is just a brief summary of what they did to keep themselves occupied that night as they trolled the virtually abandoned terminal. it's now four minutes past the hour. back to al in charleston, west virginia, with the weather. good morning. >> good morning, savannah. we wanted to thank more friends of hour. brick street insurance, activate water, penske trucks, lentil. sara lee, john harris up there, breakfast, lunch and dinner products. paula deen furniture. ralston and company for warehouse freight. folks at glidden giving nice paint. johnson outdoors. old town canoe, ocean kayak. more surprises. linda fisher here from malta meal. >> good morning. we're so happy at malta mere to be part of the "lend a hand" program and throughout the week we have donated 500,000 servings of our better oats instant oatmeal that's 100,000 servings today. in honor of the special work that you do and the important work that you do in your community, we have an extra surprise for you today, melissa. >> uh-oh. >> a check for $25,000. >> wow! man, that is literally a big check. >> that's a big check. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, linda. >> wow. it's like winning the nonprofit lottery. i can thank you enough. >> thank you. >> we've got more. our buddy dennis pittman, smithfield director of communications joined by al davis. i keep saying this. al vincent. dennis and al, thank you guys. what do you have? >> we have been able to put together over 800,000 servings of protein. today here's your 100,000. >> outstanding. >> spiral hams for everybody that you need to give them to. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, thank you. >> give a hug to my man, al vincent. >> thank you. >> a great week. traveling across the country. >> al got me some peanuts. fantastic peanuts in birmingham. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your next of the woods. >> good morning. mostly cloudy around the region. i'm meteorologist tom kiernan. pringles northern montgomery county. showers to the south and west of washington, areas of blue and green heading to the east toward fredericksburg in another hour. during the day sunshine back. highs reaching mid 80s. we have a likelihood of scattered late afternoon, early evening thunderstorms. tomorrow, near 90. might get storms saturday night. and then storms likely sunday afternoon. that's your latest weather. joining us also, eric schwartz, vp at henkel. you have something fantastic for covenant house. >> we're thrilled to be donating, purex detergent, dial soap, combat, rite guard, fresh showers and clean laundry for a long, long time at the drop-in centers. >> eric, thank you so very, very much. now back to new york and the ladies. >> al, thank you very much. happy father's day today. there will be a lot of toasts and breakfast in bed if you're lucky for dad this weekend and some will be sharing memories with dad. >> natalie, al and i all sat down to talk about our dads and what their love means to us. ♪ >> my dad was career military. he served for, i thin 24 years. he was always every two or three years, we were relocated, moved around a lot. and my dad was away a lot. but whenever he came home, it was always, you knew dad was home. the king of the household, here's dad. we were always on our best behavior. as a military father he was strict. especially as a hispanic military father, very strict. but my father loves having a good time. still to this day, there's no one who loves a roller coaster more, and he loves the thrill of adventure and travel. i remember growing up as a kid we decided we were moving to panama from new jersey. and my dad is like, let's drive there. he really wanted us to open our eyes to, you know, to all that was out there and the possibilities. 14 years ago my father had a stroke at 51. he nearly died. and it was three months before my wedding. at that time they weren't sure he was going to be able to walk me down the aisle. he showed the strength. he kept saying every day. i'm going to be there. i'm going to walk you down the aisle. needless to say it made for a very emotional wedding. but i'm so lucky and blessed that god spared him on that day. you know, he's been able to see his grandkids. 14 years later he's in perfect health, and you would never know. that's whaexactly who my dad is he's is survivor and someone who says, i'm going to take that knock and i'm going to come back better and stronger. >> my dad was in the mining business. and one thing that i always remember and kind of laugh about is he would go away on business trips. i knew that other friends i had would have dads that would go on business trips and come back and bring some kind of toy from the toy store. my dad always brought us rocks and would explain the geology of, you know, this particular stone or whatever. and i remember at the time thinking, i would probably rather have a packaged toy. it was just an example of the way my dad was always trying to teach us. and he always pushed us to be our best. he believed in us, and he had high expectations for us. when i was 16 years old my dad had a heart attack and passed away. i was just ending my junior year of high school. and my whole world changed. i just kind of look at that as the key moment in my life. there was oh when we had my dadd then everything that happened afterwards. i think when you lose someone really young, it just kind of gives you a different view of the world. i really, you know, i still feel the pain. i still remember that pain. he put a lot of love into our family. ♪ he is still missed just as much as the day we lost him. i would love to tell my father happy father's day. i would want him to know that we're all okay and his kids still love him and still miss him. >> my father was a bus driver, and he would take me on the bus with him when i was off from school and i would go to the depositi depot and hang out. it was fun. i mean, he was a very sharp dresser. he had great speaking voice. he had a great smile. and he was a great dad in that he was very openly affectionate, big hugger, kisser. he loved everybody. everybody loved him. he was a younger dad, unlike me, as an older dad, you know, he, you know, when i was, you know, a teenager, he was in his 40s. i've got siblings who are adopted, siblings who are biological. i can say with all honesty that he and my mother both treated each one of us the same. there was no differentiation, and we were raised, this is your sister, this is your brother. i always kind of scratched my head when i hear people say, this is my stepdaughter or this is my adopted son. you know, this was my -- this is my son, this is my daughter, this is my grandson, this is my granddaughter. that was who he was. i guess my only regret, he really wanted a roker grandson, and he missed nicky's birth by a few months. i would say the thing that i would pass on to other dads that i think i inherently learned from my father was that you cannot hug and kiss your children enough. i just melt when my boy says, i love you, daddy, gives me this big kiss, you you know. you can't put a price on that. you know, for your child to know that they are loved and that it's both emotional and physical is, i think, a great gift. >> we don't have a dry eye here, al roker joins us again from charleston, west virginia. we should mention, too, tamron's dad was a military man himself. you just lost him. >> passed away about three years ago. he was in the army for 31 years. like al said, he was my stepfather but he's the only dad i've ever known. we never said step dad. i was his girl. he said of all the kids i was the one for right and the last time my father saw me on television i was filling in on the "today" show, he was in the hospital. so this show means a lot to me for many reasons but it was the last time my dad saw me. i wish him a happy father's day. they hear us and they're so proud of their girls. >> we hope so. >> we know. >> al, when you described your dad, somebody everybody loved. sounds like you, al. sounds like a chip off the old block. >> yes. >> well, you know what, he still reverberates in our lives so much. my sisters and my brother, we all talk about him like he's still here. he is still here. i look at my sonic i can a nick looks like him. we found out we were pregnant with nicky a few weeks after he passed away. my mother always felt he made a deal with god to bring us a son. who is to say he didn't. >> absolutely. savannah, i love you were saying that your dad would bring gifts to you guys. instead of toys you would get rocks. >> he always wanted to teach us something. i'm thankful to this show to get to tell my dad happy father's day and to get to talk about him. i know we all love to tell people about these people that we love so much. so we'll be back. e announcer ] some are quieter than others. being the squeaky wheel is just not their style. 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[ male announcer ] for the most slam-dunk whites, it only takes three-quarters cup of clorox bleach. in the game. [ cheers and applause ] britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. 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[ sponge ] so it's not a chore. this morning on "today's" real estate, how much house can your money buy? from utah to south carolina, we have homes currently on the market for under $300,000. barbara corcoran is our real estate contributocontributor. i bet your getting morehouse if your money these days. >> a lot more house for your money. >> let's start with boise. i love this way this house looks. it's cute. it's a cottage. >> it's like a fairy tale cottage. boise is the state capital. it's on the river. look at the front of the house. storybook cottage. i love that cht cherry front don the house. inside is a sunny dining area, living area that's light and contemporary with blond floors. i just think it's meticulous in every way. there's a dining area that opens straight out into the kitchen. it's totally updated by removing one wall between the kitchen and the dining area. i think it's such a big improvement on this house. great lesson for a lot of people wanting to sell. there is a giant three-car garage. how do you get a three-car garage looking like that for $215,000? not only does it hold a car but canoe and kayak. >> organized as well. >> meticulous. out back, lovely little covered porch. >> let's move on to one impartial to for obvious reasons. a house savannah, georgia. >> beautiful name. why not buy this house just for the name. it's a real southern belle home with beautiful railings and a big wrap around porch. look at that house. it's a sweet pie of a house. who wouldn't want to live there. you feel like you're going to be happy forevermore. it has a pristine entry hall. it has a dog there that doesn't come with the house, by the way. hardwood floors with inlays and leaded glass windows. what a meticulous entry foyer. i love it. living room has wood floors, tall ceiling and original fireplace. simple and almost catty cornered. perfect little room in my book. the kitchen has a lovely set of glass doors that you can't quite see on the back. dining room, pardon me. it's huge. almost seems like you could get a whole dining room set-up. i can't talk today. what is going on here? let me take a breath. there's the kitchen. what's wrong with that kitchen is it's tiny but what's particularly wrong with it is the cabinets should be painted white. >> let's do our last two. let's go to johns island, south carolina. 15 minutes from charleston. >> okey-dokey. this is famous for the angel oak tree, 14 00-year-old oak and draws lots of visitors to this island. when you have a look at this house, it looks like a mini old southern plantation. inside, hardwood floors, nine-foot ceilings. the living room is filled with light. that kitchen that you see off to the right, you're doing to get another shot of it here, is gray and white with lots of cabinet space. very simply done. outside in the backyard there's a double decker deck with a patio. and an eerie, eerie view of the marshlands. i don't know if you have a look at this view, unusual. come on. there it is. who would want to look at that? lots of people. you pay extra for that in this part of country. >> from eerie to lake erie. this is a big house. >> this is a big house. big old gray house with five bedrooms and 2700 square feet. >> all right. it looks like a good one. check our website for that. barbara corcoran, thank you. if you want to know more about the houses you can go to meanwhile, coming up, more music from kenny chesney. but first, this is "today" on nbc. 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[ female announcer ] ...personal doctors... and that's why we wear shoes. [ female announcer ] ...d our oldest, closest buds. ♪ father's day is for us to say, "i'm so glad you're mine." come here... oh. happy father's day, daddy. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid. she took mommy's temptations... ♪ she's polishing coal. ♪ new temptations, it's the first jell-o that's just for adults. ♪ parentheses have a place. but not on your face. juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. still to come on "today," al wraps up his record-breaking lend a hand tour, delivering more than $9 million in donations to five deserving charities. plus, great toys that will keep kids playing all summer long. and that is a feat in itself. rsery school teacher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia soft! hard! 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[ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. 9:26 is your time on friday, june 17th. good morning, i'm eun yang. >> i'm joe krebs. we've been following breaking news all morning long. a suspicious vehicle found near the pentagon. >> melissa mollet has been on the scene all morning long and joins us live from arlington with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we expect in just a couple of minutes 9:30 here, right here behind me, kind of a makeshift podium they set up a while ago. brenda heck, a special agent in charge of counterterrorism at the washington field office of the fbi, we expect her to speak and give us more information about what happened here early this morning. you can see behind me, still a scene out next to the pentagon. still lots of investigators are out there. things under way. as we learned during the last press conference, a man spotted in arlington national cemetery, their investigation, park police investigation, led them to his vehicle along washington boulevard between 395 and 110, kind of parked up on a median in some bushes. that is near the pentagon's north lot, if you're familiar with the pentagon parking lots. since then lots have happens. the bomb squad out here looking that the vehicle. the man wecustody. this is suspicious because he was in the sim tear cemetery an happening close to the pentagon. they've secures areas around the pentagon that need to be swept. investigators telling news4 the man was uncooperative during questioning and that is why the investigation led them to his vehicle. again, we expect additional information coming up at 9:30 this morning. >> did investigators originally who mentioned two additional people they might have been searching for, have they said anything more about potential of other people they're on the look outfor? >> reporter: they haven't. we heard this that from our correspondent inside the pentagon and jim was saying there is one person take noon custody, perhaps looking for a couple more. that's what his sources were telling him. we asked specifically about that, they did not have knowledge of additional people involved here. they even a little while ago would not confirm that any sort of suspicious device or package or bag was found here and we have, of course, some information that there were more than one things like that. so we're still trying to wait and get additional information here. it looks like they may be walking toward the podium now. this is brenda heck, special agent in charge of counter terrorism at washington field office of the fbi. we hope they will be taking the podium here in a minute. >> we'll get back to you when that happens. again, this has been a scene that's been overseen by several different law enforcement agents including the fbi, u.s. park police, arlington police dp and apparently now approaching the podium. let's listen in to what they have to say. >> turn it down a bit. we're shorter. >> they're going to have her stand on the box. >> they haven't begun speaking yet. on the right arlington county police and on the left sergeant david schlosser with the u.s. park police, in the middle brenda heck with the fbi, chief of the counter terrorism task force with the fbi. >> looking for something for her to stan up. >> stepping up to the microphone. >> everybody that knows me is going to know something was up. ready when you are. >> ready. >> good morning. my name is brenda heck, special agent, fbi counter terrorism division. you've receives additional information in front of the press release. i will refer to my notes as we go through this because i want to make sure i hit all of the issues that you're concerns with. in the early morning hours an individual acting alone at this point was found in arlington national cemetery by the ft. mayer police who approached him as he fled. individual was not forthcoming, subsequent to that, and as a result of that, the investigation continues. we have been able to locate a vehicle nearby, a red 2011 nissan. the vehicle has been connected to no suspicious activity identified related to the vehicle. the individual was detained and is in the possession of a backpack which we have searched. contained in the backpack were suspicious items and products. we're further looking at those. i don't have any more detail recording those items. i expect we'd be able to release additional information later on as a result of that. it has been take noon custody and is in that status as we speak. on his person he did have that backpack. contains nonexplosivnonexplosiv material which requires further information which is ongoing as we speak. i can tell you this was in the a device, and the products in the backpack are inert. the individual is not named at this time. and as i said, he's currently in the custody of the u.s. park police. we do believe at this time that this individual acted alone. and as a result, the investigation is still ongoing. we are certainly in the early stages but that's the most i can provide to you right now. we do not know when he'll appear in any court, we do not have any charges again him now. and again, this is still very much early stages of an investigation and unfolding. again, there is no reason to believe that any other individuals acted with him at this time. and i'll turn it over to any questions that you may have. >> you said no suspicious items in the vehicle new york feo fer >> the car has been searches by bomb teches and there was no additional, anything explosives-related items found in the vehicle. >> did the man claim to have ammonium nitrate? did the plan claim to have left devices elsewhere in the area? that is why a much larger area is shut down than -- >> i don't have any specific details on what he has said. i have gotten a preliminary result of that which indicate that we believe he did act alone. the items in the backpack are being further tested. i don't have confirming results of what that is. i can tell you, though, there was not a device. and that the products found are determined right now to have been inert. >> can you describe the material, the powder? is it plastic? any way you can give us some idea of what it could be. >> i don't have a better description. it was in bags as i'm told. we are, as we stepped away from here, the got teches are continuing to look at it. it will have further analysis done. >> solid or powder? >> i don't have that information. >> i'm not sure whether -- to close a large area, my guess is that there had to have been threats elsewhere than just where the car is, otherwise someone's got to answer for why so much of the area was shut down. >> i'd be happy to say, from the fbi's perspective, it was due diligence to protect the area as a public safety concern. we will open up those roads as fast as we can, as this threat disseminates -- is mitigated. >> why he had the backpack, any substance that appears to resemble ammonium nitrate, why he said he was there? >> i don't have further information. we'll get that as a result of the investigation. >> [ inaudible ]. perhaps al qaeda or the taliban. >> i don't have any information. that's why this is an unfolding and continuing investigation. >> why -- do we have an idea if he had contact with outside terror organizations? >> i have no further information. we will pursue every lead on this case. >> why would the counterterrorism branch of the washington field office called? normally you folks wouldn't have to be. >> this is a community response. the fbi is here, i'm here speaking with you because we are ensuring there is no federal violations here. i do happen to be from the counterterrorism division but here i'm representing fbi. >> dow you have the age of the suspect where he's from? >> i'm told he's in his 20s. that's an aapproximate age only. >> connection to possible suspicious activity this week or shooting in the installations. >> no further information. >> a time line [ inaudible ] -- >> the united states park police was notified overnight that the ft. myers disdepartmepolice dep up with this individual, he had fled from them, and as a result of the u.s. park police to assist. our normal procedure working closely with them. skees excuse me one second. the ft. meyers police department fell that after he fled we needed to look at the situation more in depth and the united states park police took this individual into custody and he was not very forth coming when we were interviewing him. based on the fact he had fled from the ft. meyers police dp but wasn't forth coming with the information as far as identifiers and what he was doing and he did have some products with him that were concerning initially, that's why we fell it was appropriate to close the roadways down and bigger areas. this is the way we handle these situations where we start with a big perimeter, because we want to make certain that as we develop more information we can always shut it down we want to keep the community safe. that's why we initially started out with a larger perimeter. as we were able to get this more figured out we were able to shut down the perimeters a bit. we were able to get the roadways reopened soon. this is the way best handling any time we have a suspicious vehicle, suspicious person what have you. >> did the suspect lead you to the vehicle? >> i'm not sure how that information was developed, to put the person that we were talking with to that vehicle, but as a result of interviews once he became more cooperative, more forth coming with information we were able to identify there may be a vehicle involved and our partners with the arlington county police department did locate that vehicle and that's why we did pursue that vehicle further. >> what time were you interviewing him? >> hole it one second. >> what time were you interviewing him? >> my understanding 1:30, 2:00 in the morning when this originally started opening up so interviews took place overnight. >> [ inaudible ]. >> in full disclosure, i'm not a bomb technician but you know, eod folks with the fire department handle this type of suspicious activities, devices, vehicles on an ongoing base swiss they have certain protocols that they follow. the end result is there was nothing suspicious in the vehicle. >> where were the backpacks found? they weren't in the vehicle? >> my understanding is that the products that this person was carrying he had them with him. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i think it was around 1:30 in the morning. >> first noticed it? >> i think that's when this first unfolded. >> is the cemetery closed overnight? >> that is the nexus for our contact with this individual, he was in the cemetery, it's closed after dark, and so that drew our attention to him and also drew the attention of the ft. myers police department. nobody else is involved. >> sweeping arlington cemetery, what is the status of the arlington cemetery area, what is the status of that involved? >> i'm not sure what the status is now. there's activities that take place in the sim cemetery on on an yoen goiongoing basis. it may have been reopened by now, i'm not certain, then that will take place. >> who was involved in the sweep? officers, bomb technicians? what is involved in the sweep? >> well, it depends on the nature of the sweep. you know it's going to require extensive search with officers on foot. we do have our explosive detecting canines and share that responsibility with local agencies. >> the ft. meyer police initially concerned. >> i'm not sure where their initial contact was so i don't know what it was that drew the ft. myers police to this individual but they did make contact with him in the cemetery. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i don't know. >> any information that might be related to this -- >> sorry? >> any specific threat information recently that might be connected? >> the united states park police and our partners in the law enforcement community do an ongoing assessment of threats and activities and so, you know, there's an ongoing interchange with information and that's why we have so many different law enforcement agencies. >> did he resist arrest? >> we're reaching a report where i don't have any further information. as more information comes available, we'll push that out to you all. >> the jttf sum up for us in a nice package what we have here? just a nice sound bite? >> well, in summing up i'm going to be redone dance. we believe we have an individual, he was nin a closed area which caught attention of local law enforcement and authorities here. he did have a backpack on his person. he was ultimately detained based upon suspicious activity in the closed area, because of that and the products in the backpack that initially were deemed concerning, we responded with the appropriate expertise, which is bomb technology community wide. it's an ongoing investigation. the person remains in custody of the park police as we continue to flush out details. >> did he make any threats? >> i don't have any information of the interview. >> in the backpack did you find any ammo? >> i can provide any more information. i just describes it's still very much preliminary stages. as the sergeant indicated we will provide you further updates. >> right now this is all of the information that we have available for you. as further information becomes available if it does, we'll update you all. >> we're getting roads reopen. >> you've been listening to brenda hack from the fbi and sergeant schlosser from the u.s. park police updating you on the investigation near the pentagon. the latest right now is that officials have a man in custody at this point. they say in he was acting alone and discovers in the arlington national cemetery offhours behaving suspiciously, not coop rating and that's why police wanted to investigate further. they found a backpack on his person. inside there was no device found, nothing explosive but they found product as inert in baggies and that product is being tested and this investigation they says ongoing. >> makes you wonder whether they might suspect it as drug material. they're having it further tested to find out what that material is. sounds like a powder and in bags, plastic bags. so that's the indication. the questions -- we understand some roads are being reopened in the area. according to officer crystal, some roadways are being reopens but the fbi agent said that they would open the roadways as quickly as possible as soon as the threat was mitigated. it's confusing because what threat is there right now that they're not telling us about if there is a continuing threat? they said the vehicle that they found was investigated. found to be nothing suspicious about the vehicle. the man has a backpack, whatever product he had in the backpack was inert, apparently nothing dangerous about the backpack. so what threat is it that she's referring to when she says it has to be mitigated? >> you heard pat collins ask, did he make any threats and she said, she had no information on what he said. she said, brenda heck from the fbi, said -- who happens to be with the washington field office for counter terrorism, by the way -- said he is still in custody and the investigation continues. probably continuing to question him at this point as to why he was in the arlington cemetery, why they he fled from authorities on the scene. forth meyers police initially found him in the arlington cemetery, fled the scene, was not cooperative and that's why they called in u.s. park police to help. upon investigation they discovers this other vehicle near the pentagon and that investigation is what caused the road closures and the sweep of arlington cemetery as well but still unclear ha this man said. we only know at this point there was something in hisexplosive, tested to figure out what that was and if he had any intention, what his intentions were with the material. >> you might be able to take from what brenda heck said in response to pat colins, did he have ammunitions and make any threats and she said i have no information on you for that which is typical cop speak for i know but i'm not going to tell you which lee you believe perhaps he did make some threats and maybe did have some ammunition in his bag, that's why they took this so seriously. we understand some of the roadways are being opens at this hour, 110 is open again. we're told right now. >> for clarification, police at this point and fbi investigators are saying this man acted alone. initially we heard reports that police could be searching for one, possibly two other people. at this point they believe the man was acting alone, no s suspicious device foenund. >> for most of us the big problem this morning has been the horrendous traffic because of the road closures around the pentagon, so many people trying to get to the pentagon or around that area in northern virginia. let's go to danella sealock who has been looking at roads now and see if things have improved at all. >> they've improves a bit. earlier, 395 backs up from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. jammed from route 236 as you approach the 14th street bridge. that's a bit of a break for you. again, i've checked metro and metro trains are running on time. i suggest that. i want to show you now, this is 395 at shirlington, you can see, it is crawling along. we've seen this all morning. if you haven't left the house and able to take metro, i suggest that until the roads around the pentagon are reopens. back to you. >> that picture is cleared up considerably. >> part is the time now, the bulk of the morning rush hour ending and as crystal mentioned, they're going to continue to try to open roadways as the investigation wears on but without any known threat, a lot of commuters and people in the area hope that it gets cleared up as soon as possible. >> in general, folks are breathing easier now. again, the person is in custody. he was take noon custody after being found wandering around arlington cemetery 1:30 in the morning. they found his vehicle. nothing suspicious about the vehicle, nothing explosive in the backpack he was carrying. so it seems like a lot of people are breathing a sigh of relief at this point at least. this has been a special report from news4. back to "today" show. thanks for joining us. that's why i love eating activia light every day. so delicious activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia ♪ >> narrator: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> we are kind of kicking up our heels this morning to kenny chesney's music as he took to the stage in our summer concert series. >> now here's one of the big hits from his latest album, it's called "hemingway's whiskey" called "somewhere with you." ♪ ♪ if you're going out with someone new ♪ ♪ i'm going out with someone too ♪ ♪ i won't feel sorry for me ♪ i'm getting drunk but i'd much rather be somewhere with you ♪ ♪ laughing loud on a carnival ride ♪ ♪ driving around on a saturday night ♪ ♪ you made fun of me singing my song ♪ ♪ got a hotel room just to turn you on ♪ ♪ you said pick me up a at 3:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ you're fighting me with your mom again ♪ ♪ and i'd go i'd go i'd go somewhere with you ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ i won't sit outside your house and wait for the lights to go out ♪ ♪ call up an ex to rescue me ♪ climb in their bed when i'd much rather sleep ♪ ♪ somewhere with you like we did on the beach last summer ♪ ♪ when the rain came down and we took cover ♪ ♪ down in your car out by the pier ♪ ♪ you laid me down whispered in my ear ♪ ♪ i hate my life ♪ hold on to me ♪ if you ever decide to leave then i'll go i'll go i'll go ♪ ♪ i can go out every night of the week ♪ ♪ can go home with anybody i meet ♪ ♪ but it's just a temporary high because when i close my eyes ♪ ♪ i'm somewhere with you ♪ somewhere with you ♪ if you see me out on the town ♪ ♪ and it looks like i'm burning it down ♪ ♪ you won't ask ♪ and i won't say ♪ but in my heart i'm always somewhere with you ♪ ♪ laughing loud on a carnival ride ♪ ♪ driving around on a saturday night ♪ ♪ you made fun of me for singing my song ♪ ♪ got a hotel room just to turn you on ♪ ♪ you said pick me up at 3:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ you're fighting with your mom again ♪ ♪ and i'd go i'll go i'll go ♪ i can go out every night of the week ♪ ♪ can go home with anybody i meet ♪ ♪ but it's just a temporary high ♪ ♪ because when i close my eyes i'm somewhere with you ♪ ♪ somewhere with you ♪ somewhere with you ♪ i'm somewhere with you ♪ somewhere with you ♪ i'm somewhere with you >> thank you so much for letting us be somewhere with you, everybody. we love you. >> we'll be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lay on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. then they start telling us, "well, yeah, i feel sore righ there in the morning." my lower back. that's right where i've be experiencing pain. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting an allow the bedcontour to your individu shape. oh yeah. it's really molding to my body. when you find someb perfect level of comfort, that may be the first time they've ever felt a bed that feels exactly like they're hoping it would. you can adjust it weer you want so you don't have to worry about buying the wrong mattress. your sleep 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[ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens williamsburg, where d.c. goes to get away. maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at good morning. 9:56 is the time. friday, june 17th, 2011. i'm barbara harrison. we've been following breaking news throughout the morning near the pentagon. just moments ago, the fbi told us they have arrested a man who they encounters overnight in arlington cemetery. they found his vehicle close to the pentagon and shut several roads down, as they searched it. they are in the process of reopening roads. 110 back open. as of now, police stress they found nothing that appears to be threatening in that car. stay with news4 for continuing coverage. we'll have a full hour of news coming up on news4 at midday. let's take a look at our weather. >> good morning. on radar, we have a few showers passing south of washington now, just coming out of culpepper county, into southern fauquier county. heading off to the east. and around the region, a bit of cloudiness. later today, sun breaking out. highs reaching mid 80s. into early evening storms. partly cloudy, hot tomorrow. saturday and sunday afternoon could get passing thunderstorms, hot and humid sunday. monday, chance of storms. danella? >> we had red earlier, especially 66 east. us that's yellow. that means you are moving which is a good thing. you're not jammed. as well as 395 looking better as you go over the 14th street bridge. back to you. >> thank you. we invite you to stay with news4 for coverage of the breaking story. we'll have a full hour of news from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. we made it, everybody. we actually made it to friday, june 17th, hope you're having a great start to your brand-new weekend. >> oh, yeah. what are you doing this weekend? >> you and i are going to be in aspen, colorado. >> that's right. >> we're going to be at the food and wine festival in aspen, colorado. >> it's going to be a lot of fun. i've never been to aspen, period. >> you are going to freak over aspen, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth. you throw in great wine and great food. >> we're excited. >> when you watch movies, sometimes you're watching the actors and stuff. but lots of times the location that you're watching has a pro found effect on you. >> you wish you could be there sort of thing. >> one of my favorite movies was "the way we were." remember the scene at the plaza hotel. >> fandango has done a list of the top u.s. resort places. number five on the list is the hotel del coronado in san diego, that's from the marilyn monroe movie, "some like it hot." >> it also had jack lemmon in it and tony curtis. >> the movie took place in florida, but they actually shot it in san diego. >> if you go to florida, you can go to the grand floridian. >> number four is the grand hotel on mackinac island. said to have the longest porch in the world. visited by many, many residents. that movie had one of the most glorious soundtracks by john barry. >> one of the greatest scores. number three, the exterior of the overlook hotel from "the shining." >> people want to go. >> it's really the timberline lodge on mount hood in oregon. people line up to go there. just so you know. >> apparently as the director, was asked, stanley kubrick was asked by the timberline to change the sin ter line of room 217. stephen king's novel, of the same so people would avoid the real room 217. this is from "dirty dancing." it is in the catskill mountains. cool place. >> the number one, which surprised both hoda and myself is the turtle bay resort on the north shore of oahu island. >> this is that movie, "forgetting sarah marshal." >> that was an hysterical movie. but that spot, people say -- you know, it's such a beautiful setting that i can see where you 0 would go crazy if you saw it. >> another place i thought of, let me see if i cn remember it. in the movie, "pt-109" about jfk and world war ii. they actually shot that, hoda, at an incredible little place called little palm island, about half an hour north of key west. little palm island, very expensive. but if you're getting married or you're celebrating a big anniversary, little palm island. >> amazing. >> there are so many ways, when you are pregnant and you want to find out if you're having a boy or a girl, there are a lot of different ways that people like to reveal that secret. >> the gender. >> now there's a new way to reveal the gender. and it's a way that the parents don't know what the gender is, and the only person who knows is the doctor. >> the doctor and -- your baker. >> your doctor writes down if it's a boy or a girl and seal it is in an envelope. you take the sealed envelope to your baker and your baker says, ah. and then your baker bakes a cake. it's either blue on the inside or pink and they ice it white so nobody knows. it's time for the big gender-revealing party. and all the family is around. get the knife out and cut it and everyone knows at the same time. >> i think it's a cute idea. >> i-village said this trend started to trickle in a few years ago and now the popularity has quadrupled. >> would you want to know the sex of a child before it was born? >> yeah. >> i did both times, i was so old by that time, i couldn't stand it, i wanted to get the nursery done. >> when you have kids, a lot of people are struggling to find the right baby sitter. and sometimes now, especially now, kids are busy texting and tweeting and they're distracted from what they were supposed to do. before this, the previous generation watched tv. had the phone. now they've come up with a great idea, it's called rent a grandma. they figure, who better than grandmas to watch your kids. >> who are not always tech-savvy. they're not going to be surfing the web. >> it seemed like a cool idea. >> you have to be 50 or older and i don't surf the web, so i'm perfect for rent-a-grandma. you know how depressing that is? i would be good at it. because i would care. i would take very good care of your children and your home and your pets, i'm a responsible adult. >> did you baby-sit when you were a kid? >> i did. yeah. i did. i did a loot of odd jobs. my daddy worked three jobs. my mom sold eggs door to door. we didn't have a whole lot. but we had everything that you really need. >> that's what matters. >> i'm not a fan of this guy we're about to tell you about. >> i like him. >> i know you do. >> i like this guy. >> this guy was, he was getting these notes from a doctor's office that said he owed $25, okay? >> a co-pay. he got tired of fighting it. they're like, where's the $25, where's the $25? why don't we describe what this guy did to pay back the $25 that he thought he already paid. but anyway -- >> he decided to ask if they accepted cash. i love this, when the receptionist, i know it's not her fault but she said yes. so he said what? >> well, he -- >> luck me for me, i happen to have it on me. >> he had 2500 pennies that he dumped on her desk. she's the receptionist. for god's sake. she's just sitting there, answering the phone, doing stuff. this guy dumps all those pennies on her desk. and he says -- i'm willing to wait if you want to count them. i mean, you know ha? i'm so over that. look at that. who has to clean up that mess, who? >> i agree it was probably not the best -- >> not nice! >> excuse me, what if he really had paid the $25, hoda? >> then just figure out the way to fight it. >> i agree, it's not her fault. it's not her fault. i want to see the manager, maybe go and dump it on his, in a nice way. just nicely -- >> nicely, make your point. here's the thing -- he was, fined for disorderly conduct. which means $140 fine. >> well, there, that's what you get for being obnoxious. >> if you're going to do the crime, do the time. he found guilty he says he will not pay in pennies, he has respect for the legal process. >> he's a stand-up comic. you know the guy's a joker and that's whey does. >> speaking of jokes this is try-day friday, funny. this was sent in by a friend in eugene, oregon. guy is walking down the street. as he passes by a senior living facility, he notices three female residents laying out on the grass in their birthday suits. >> oh. >> he thought this was odd, so he went inside and told the desk clerk, did you know that three of your female residents are laying out on the lawn completely naked? the desk clerk replied, yes, i do, they are retired hookers and they're having a yard sale. [ laughter ] >> that's a home run. it's time for -- "bobby's buzz." >> hello, bobbie. >> are you wearing that cute little thing you gave me before? >> i love this. >> it's a slip that i -- >> can you see it? >> if something a little too short. she's got these slips. >> happy father's day to my father. and my step-father alexi. i have an adorable duo to share with everyone. i found the cutest t-shirts on etsy. they have these matching father and baby, little tees with the built-in ties. >> what are the names? >> this is jason and evan, who is two months. and they're so cute. they're like $12. >> he looks like a little old man. it's so funny. >> they're just so cute. and then of course on our website, klg & i have a video spy pen. it can take an hour and a half of video with just a click. color video and -- >> why that for father's day? well, i last but not least. these working stiffs are great collar stays, magnetic and polo stays, to give your dad an alternative to the tie. >> don't you love that baby? bobbie has been hugging that baby. she snuggled him up to her bosoms. >> come here, we love you. >> who wouldn't be -- >> never mind. i'm going to say anything about anthony. thank you, bobbie. coming up next, guys, the little girl with the great big voice, 11-year-old singing sensation, jackie evancho. and the ambush makeovers! there♪ ♪ so from now on ♪ there'll be a change in me ♪ and my walk will be different ♪ ♪ my talk and my name [ male announcer ] rust-oleum ultra cover 2x gives you twice the coverage, twice as fast as any other brand. ♪ ...changes made for nearly 100 years, we've been giving people the power to change. ♪ ...changes made the best in nutrition... just got better. high in vitamins d, e, and b12. plus omega 3's. there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. better taste. yum! [ female announcer ] eggland's best. the better egg. ♪ bring home the hottest music like the deluxe edition of "dream with me" from jackie evancho, produced by david foster featuring 4 bonus tracks available now, only at target. meet beth, nursery school teacher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia light every day. so delicious activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia when soprano prodigy, jackie evancho took the stage at "america's got talent" u.s. television got its very own susan boyle moment. >> since then she's become the top-selling debut artist in 2010 and just released her first full-length album this week called "dream with me." >> we're so glad you came back to see us. i thought she was going to become all snooty. but you're not. you came back to see your old friends. she's says, my agent made me. >> this is kind of cool, this cd, right. because you team up with some big, big names. barbra streisand is one. how was that? >> susan boyle? >> well actually haen had was, we didn't sing together, what happened was david foster did his recording studio magic and he was, and we were in different studios and he put our voices together. and he did say that she said great things about my voice. >> she did. >> he told me this morning in my dressing room that barbra was so thrilled that she said, did you want me to come in and fix anything. you guys sang "together" from west side story. and you co-wrote the title song. tell me about that. >> the title song is called "dream with me." david foster composed a little tune, a little melody. and he asked me to write lyrics to it. and i couldn't write lyrics, so he asked me if i wanted to write down ideas that you thought were dreamy. so i wrote down several. he sent it to a lyricist and then came up with that song. >> she gets some credit on it. >> look at you, you cool thing. >> so the neat thing about your life is sometimes you're a big star singing on this great track and sometimes you're just an 11-year-old kid in pittsburgh going to school. >> like "hannah montana" in a way. >> how do the kids treat you? >> the kids at school treat me like i'm a normal kid, which i love very much. i'm really happy that they know i don't like being treated like a superster, you know. >> and you have a best friend since you were little. who your real friends are, jackie. that's so great. you'll always know. >> how much time do you spend the regular school year at school? or do you have a tutor who comes with you? how do you work it? >> what i do is i have a cybertutor. and when i'm on a trip or something or i'm traveling, i used computer and do all my stuff in school. but when i'm at home what happens actually similar to that. i take the computer with me to school and i do school on the computer, but still in school. >> but you still get to get the vibe of being in school with your friends. >> yeah. >> you're starting your first tour this summer? >> what? >> stop it. how cool is that. how many cities are you going to go to? >> i don't know. but i do know that it's in august. that's all i know. >> well you're going to have to take very good care of your voice, you know. >> do you like singing live in front of lots of people? or would you rather be in a studio? do you ever get nervous? >> i definitely get super-nervous. but you know what, i'd rather sing live, just because it's so much fun to have a huge crowd in front of you. it's just -- >> and you can feel them. >> yeah. >> do people stop you on the treat in new york when you're walking around? >> not in new york. but sometimes at home. sometimes everywhere, actually. >> what do they say to you? >> they're my gosh, you're jackie evancho. can i get a photograph with you, can i get your autograph? >> do you have other dreams, do you want to go into acting and do a disney movie or something? >> i would love to become a writer or an actor. i always say that that is going to be my plan b. >> you know, i wish i had a plan b when i was 11 or a c or d. jackie, you are one of our favorite peopleth and most of all, thank you for not changing, you're so sweet. you stay sweet, thank you, jackie. >> we'll be ready to answer the questions from the crowd, right after this. at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. it's quick and easy. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. yay! bundle your home and auto insurance at hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! you're hungry again? i just fed you a whole roll of quarters. saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. mmmm... oh my...what a dish. the potatoes aren't bad either. 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[ female announcer ] cascade complete pacs. love it or your money back. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ we're back with three, two, one, live, with sara haines. >> today she's at nintendo world with a crowd full of questions. >> we've got a lot of young ones today, so be ready for this. i'm with amanda from pennsylvania, she's got a question. >> what's the most embarrassing outfit you've worn on tv? >> you know what, for me that's easy. because i repeat clothes over and over and over? and people tell me about them. they're like, get rid of that red dress. we're over it. or that white thing. i wore this white dress i love and they were, eenough, in all caps. >> they like to tune in and see all the new stuff. >> i don't have all the new stuff. what about you? >> there have been too many to remember. honestly i can't think of one. the most embarrassing thing is when you have you're wearing something and all of a sudden you realize you've got huge armpit stains or something. >> or bra goo. or you break a zipper or something. but -- no, i can't remember one particular thing. there's been so many. >> okay, next up we've got carl from california. >> carl, how are you? >> what gaming system do you guys use? >> what? >> i mean back in the day i was an atarri girl. did did you guys have gaming systems? >> from your house? >> monopoly. that's what i played. >> video games. video games. >> angry birds, is that one? >> yeah. >> i'm over carl, okay? >> carl, some of us are adults that have jobs, we have children like you that cost a lot of money that we have to work for. >> you've been fired, carl. amanda from wisconsin? >> what's your favorite thing to do in new york city in the summer? >> mine is probably to go to the beach. >> in new york city? >> well the hamptons, that's close. >> yeah. i mean i like, that's probably something fun in the summertime if you want to get away and relax. >> i thought she meant the city. i like to have lunch or dinner outside. >> anywhere? >> i like -- yeah, just anywhere with that full sort of summer smell and the moisture of it and just wauch watch the people go by. >> i like to spend outside. i would spend my whole life outside, if i could. >> and central park is fun, too. but okay, i've got bev from iowa. >> iowa. >> we're a little fond of iowa. >> i was wondering besides, well i'm here from iowa like i said, but where do you like to vacation in the summertime, to get away from the city? >> i like the caribbe(jy i'm a real, i like a quick flight. i like puerto rico, because you can get on the plane in new york three hours later you're there you're on a beach in a couple of hours. i like anything that's convenient and easy. i don't like to spend a lot of time getting somewhere. >> where i live on the water in connecticut. that's my getaway. but when we just sold a pwonderful, our place in nantucket and i'm starting to have, you know, i'm starting to feel it like that's my favorite place along with rehoboth beach, delaware, to go. >> okay. we've got some more midwest pwe've got kelsey from minnesot. and she's got a question, a seasonal question. >> what is the best way to cool off in the summertime? >> skinny-dip. >> exactly. streak. >> not that i know, i just hear. >> hoda? >> yeah, that's it. you know, sleeveless, hot flashes, it's the way we roll here. >> perfect. >> one more, colleen fráz minnesota, a dating question, our favorite. >> well, since jay does come up every once in a while, i was wondering if you guys ever like double date, go out, socialize a little bit together? >> we do. we go on double dates. you no he what's very convenient for right now? we've got exactly five seconds -- >> we're going to double date to "war horse." tony win hen winning play. sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. [ female announcer ] one day it will hit you. by replacing one sugared beverage a day with a bottle of nestle pure life water, you can cut 50,000 calories a year from his diet. nestle pure life. embrace the pure life. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids. we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness. take prilosec otc for frequent heartburn. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great. [ male announcer ] use as directed for 14 days. continuing to follow breaking news near the pentagon. a man is in police custody, after police found him with suspicious items in arlington national cemetery. coming up on news4 midday, where the investigation stands are are roads being reopened? good morning, i'm barbara harrison. coming up, gift ideas for father's day. p at and we're back on this try-day friday, with ambush makeovers. >> here to show off our two newest makeovers is our crack makeover team, "today" contributor and stylist to the stars -- ♪ louis lacari >> and contributor and author, jill martin. >> how was it today? >> what's doing? >> we found two great makeovers. >> you guys never disappoint. let's hear about them. >> today i had a real eye-lock. she was excited to receive a pick apple makeover. let's listen to carol's story. >> we're about to turn your grandma into a bombshell, what do you think? >> i think it's great. she's so awesome and focuses all of her energy on everything else except for herself. so she totally deservq it is. >> aw, and terry, what do you think your dad's g%9 >> thrill with be an element of surprise, because mom and i were here to see my daughter stephanie. and surprise, dad. we're home. >> well are you ready to go? we'uz going to make you the hottest grandma in the country. >> i'm ready, i think. >> i'm so excited. >> okay. so carol, again, her daughter and granddaughter, terry and stephanie with blindfolds on. >> they look like sisters. >> here is carol's "before." . carol, let's see the new you! >> oh, my gosh. >> they're going 0 freak out. >> she knows she looks good. >> carol, put your glasses on, so you can see. now turn right here -- oh! [ laughter ] >> did you have any idea how hot you were, grandma? >> you're a hot ticket. >> t$at's not me. >> it is you. >> that's unbelievable. >> louis, the hair, the hair! >> this just goes to show -- hair color is a quick fix that works and less than, less than a half hour, we change her color from gray to, we erased ten years. we gave her this great haircut, added fullness and the hair color taes away the frizz of gray hair, which everybody with gray hair knows that happens. >> you look great! >> jill, that dress looks awesome.& >> jill going to be very happy. she put it on, she said, i don't wear anything like this. and i said, perfect. >> what i love about the dress and so many other dresses, it has pockets, which i love. and i think it adds. and the beige pumps from 9 west elongates her whole body. >> home run! [ applause ] >> our second lady is mandy clark, 36, from corvallis, or osh, she's been traveling as cross the u.s. eating pizza as part of your creative writing class, we wanted to give her a new look. pizza, already?uys full of >> no, we could never be too full of pizza, it's great. >> now it's time for a makeover. why does your girlfriend deserve it? >> she deserves it, she's a great girlfriend and she's been working hard for her creative writing masters, we've been on the road for two weeks and been eating pizza and writing and we'+e every state from oregon to new york. >> we're going make you the hottest pizza-eating writer in the country, are you ready to go? >> amanda is here with christie, her girlfriend. now we're going to bring out the new mandy clark. >> oh, wow! . wow, wow. >> all right. christie, go ahead and take it off. >> oh, my gosh. >> you almost saw yourself. turn around. tpgo ahead, take a look. >> you look awesome. >> louis -- >> you look gorgeous. >> you have to eat fillet minimumen now. >> and we give her this haircut shaped around her face, and we took off length that was doing nothing for her. the additional tip being a complete color story, giving her this subtle peach lip, transparent whichxis a perfect summer. r all complexions in the >> you're just busting. >> she looks great. >> jill, we love the outfit. >> she said to me, nothing tight, i've eaten so much pizza. so i hookt her up. these are great linen jeans from talbots and will grow and lessen with you as áhe weeks come and a great trench from white house, black market. >> excellent makeovers. up next, will you hit a home run or i can't see it. a strike out. get ready for our quiz on ballpark stuff. digiorno comes with tollhouse cookies now! how cool is that? bang boom! ha ha. let's do this! we got milk! awesomeeeee! [ male announcer ] new digiorno pizza and nestlé tollhouse cookies. it's not delivery, it's digiorno pizza and cookies. imagine what it can do to your skin. but dove isn't soap. it contains pure 1/4 moisturizing cream because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. and who knows moisture better than dove. thankfully, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. life opens up when you do. he hangs here. because you don't see this everyday. (child) because we read the books . (man) and watched the movies . and now we're living it. because i can fly with harry. follow me! because now i can turn my brother back into a human being. (narrator) from unforgettable adventures, to the wizarding world of harry potter, only at universal orlando resort. . you know the song, can you same the same about the food you're eating. today's diet nutrition editor erin is here to see how we average and i have a feeling it's not going to be pretty. >> this is going to be a lot of fun. thin of the song ♪ buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks ♪ >> that's the first hint. >> that's not the question. who doesn't love cracker jacks. here is number one. here's two handfuls, one cup of cracker jacks. does this have more or less than 150 calories. >> more. the answer is always more. >> it has more. this little container -- 240. >> that's a lot. >> i like to hear what the question is before i -- >> that's just me. >> okay, more. >> this is a typical seven-ounce bag of peanuás that we chow down. how far would you have to walk to burn off the calories? eight miles, ten miles or 12 miles. >> how many? >> eight miles, ten miles or 12 miles. >> if you go to the park and get a ballpark of peanuts. >> it's not ten miles. >> no, it's 12 miles. >> she got it wrong. >> that's called cheating. that is called cheating. all right -- so i can't believe those were the three choices. >> 12 miles -- 1200 calories, that's a lot of peanuts, s$are it with three or four people. that's not one serving. >> so let's move on who doesn't love a soft pretzel. please tell me, it's a low-fat choice, but what about the calories. does this pretzel. not with any dips have 250, 500 or 750 calories. >> 750. >> 500. >> kathie lee is right, 500. >> it's 1-1. this is great. >> so sometimes did i move on? >> hot dog. >> chili cheese and a personal-sized pizza. >> i can't even see it. >> let me hold this up for you. here's the chilli dog. which is the lower-calorie choice, the chili dog or the pizza? >> which one has fewer calories. >> pizza? >> no. the chili dog. >> the chili dog. >> okay. rq)e we have two beers. are you tu(sr'g the points? i have twgy it's 2-1. >> now try here. >> don't push it. were going to chug these two down during the game, would this be the calorie equivalent of 20 cups, 30 cups or 40 cups of popcorn. >> that's gross. >> what were you going to say, hoda, i was going to say 20 cups of popcorn, it's probably 40. >> 20, 30 rks or 40 cups of popcorn. >> i'm going to go with 40. it's 700 calories. it's this much popcorn for these two beers. unbelievable, right? >> unbelievable. >> what else. >> 'achos and cheese are always a favorite. >> does this have more or less than 600 calories? >> more, more, more. >> it has 700 calories. >> it's always more. pit doesn't matter what the question is. >> a differq't kind of question. check out these ballpark desserts. check them out. a helmet sundae. does this have more or less calories than sausage and peppers. >> more. >> no. the sundae has less. >> i say it has less. and i would say you're right. the sundae has 425. >> up next -- >> this is a good prize -- >> i'm sorry. i won. now you want the prize, don't we want it. >> yankees tickets. i's going to the a giants game. up next, quick ways to turn your home into a happy hour party. >> in the nose, please. havq fun, hoda. thanks, madelyn, i really, i mean it. mera, activia it's the best job in the world. mera, activia my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia there's another way litter box dust:e purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat being the squeaky wheel is just not their style. you'll find them with their heads down, working their butts off. ♪ occasionally, they look up from their work, look behind them, see the pack in the distance, then put their heads back down and begin working again. the new chrysler town & country. quietly, convincingly the best-selling minivan in america. [ where d.c. goes to get away.o busch gardens williamsburg, maybe it's because washington d.c. loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at are you ready to get your party on? and back here to help us with the decor is the executive editor of "redbook" we liked you so much yesterday we brought you back. >> now we know what we're going to eat and drink, we have to set the place setting for us, right? >> the main idea is to clear the clutter, you do a little bit of something, but you don't spend a lot of time. it's just your friends coming over for drinks, you don't need to fuss with it too much. >> the first thing to do is pick a theme, if you want to, totally we picked sort of a nautical theme. all of this stuff is from target. it's super-cute, melamine, it is unbreakable. you cz use it with your kids. >> this is for the sangria. >> it's totally unbreakable, so if one of your friends goes crazy and knocks it off the table. it will survive. >> unfortunately they don't know who they are. >> t$ese we made cute and simple, made out of construction paper. you can do them with your kids. >> we're not inviting our kids. >> you put your kids to work before the party. >> uh-huh. >> the word for that -- >> let's go on. >> this is another fun thing to do. if you(uz rev things up a little bit. you do sugar rim on the glass. you can run a lemon around them this and use the leftover sugar you have from the holidays. >> smart idea. >> and this is a cute idea that you have. >> these are these adorable little candles. the idea herexis that everybody has empty bottles. i have plenty of empty bottles around my house. >> it's embarrassing when the recycler comes to my house, i'm telling you. >> you dive into the recycling bin. you get out your old bottles and put these little candles in them. very festive. >> and then you can also use old jam jars or pickle jars as votive holder or to put flowers in. >> these look cute. >> it says summer, it says the same thing with paper cups. it's a fun way to do it. again it's super cute. >> excellent. >> that's wh(u we're going to be doing, happy houring tomorrow. we want everyone to join us. >> we know you will be. be all weea woman like you with small children. váu should be ashamed of yourself. >> up next, it's a father's day feature in today's kitchen, but first, this is "today" on nbc. what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lay on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. then they start telling us, "well, yeah, i feel sore righ there in the morning." my lower back. that's right where i've be experiencing pain. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting an allow the bedcontour to your individu shape. oh yeah. it's really molding to my body. when you find someb perfect level of comfort, that may be the first time they've ever felt a bed that feels exactly like they're hoping it would. you can adjust it weer you want so you don't have to worry about buying the wrong mattress. your sleep number's a 30. my number is 50. i'm a 45. once they get our bed, they're like, "why didn't i do this sooner?" fourteen-hundred sleep number experts and the number that can change your life. only at the number store. forstore, visit now. getting saucy one of our favorites, chef eric, when daddy is the chef at the famed lebernadar, he doesn't have to work on father's day. >> he'll be making his famous steak au plum. >> we're using fillet minion. >> that's a nice high stacked one. isn't it? >> yes, it has to be very hot. so you get a nice searing. >> what do you pour in there first? >> vegetable oil. salt and pepper and you let it & cook on both sides so you will have something like that. >> we like the charcoaly feeling on one side. >> exactly. when you have the nice crust like that you remove your steak the green peppercorn, you can -- >> smush them like that. and put them -- >> back? >> back in the awe djau jus. >> your french is aphrasing. >> and we carmelize a little bit like this. and then we have some brandy. watch out, we are going to p>> flambe it, to >> and that's very important. because -- >> you're going to cook it. you really are? >> of course. >> but we're out of gas. wow. whoa, you are burning down our house! seared our eyebrows. >> now, while it's flambeing, as you can see -- >> it died out like anthony weiner. >> ooh-&a-la, that's a hot one. >> i'm going to whisk. >> that's not a french word, how do you say it i' french? >> la vitesse. >> no, that's apples, pom d 'terre. >> this is we remove it from the fire. i have to place -- >> should i turn these babies over yet, eric? >> no, no, no. >> let them cook. >> a few potatoes like that. >> that looks delicious. >> and then of course, we're going to sauce the steak and see it's perfectly, maybe you want to season a little bit, a little bit of salt. >> and then you pour it over. like that. > wow, wow. >> and you have the steak a au poivre. >> you always end up in the kitchen on father's day. >> pour quoi? >> eric, we love you, dig in there, hoda. >> and we made dessert, too. >> a chocolate mousse. >> love you. >> coming up next week, we're going to have la toya jackson and kathie lee and i will be back from our trip to aspen and tell you all about it. >> and it's elimination round on today's "voice." 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